#Haunted Aquato Circus AU
anonymouspuzzler · 9 months
While I know it isn't fully your AU, how did poor Cali fair the events of Psychonauts 2 in your take on the Uncle Cally AU?
i saved this ask for Ages because I wanted to draw something big and bold for it! i didn't do that but i DID draw this that got the energy across and will say a lot of words in an order under the cut!!
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[Image ID: A black-and-white digital ink drawing of Caligosto from Frankie and Puzz's "Uncle Cally" AU. He is wearing large round glasses like his childhood self, has shoulder-length shaggy hair with a kerchief tied in it, an Aquato Circus unitard with baggy shorts over it, knee-high laced boots, a high-collared shawl, fingerless gloves, and an elbow-to-wrist sleeve on his right arm only. He is drawn in a sketchy, inky style, staring directly at the viewer ominously, standing with his arms held at his sides, hands splayed out menacingly. There are numerous telekinetic hands around him. End ID.]
so my interpretation of Uncle Cally changed a lot post-Psychonauts 2, understandably, and as always whenever I talk Uncle Cally I have to give enormous credit to Friend of Frankie for 1) coming up with and selling me on the idea in the first place, and 2) always being so game to bounce ideas off each other in ways that allowed me to cook on pretty much everything I'm about to say. but more or less, I took what was already in this version of Cal (taking on work that was morally ambiguous at best and using his psychic powers in an effort to protect his family from the many unseen-yet-implied Enemies Of The Aquatos) and reinterpreted that with what Psychonauts 2 then elaborated on with regards to the Aquatos' history and particularly Nona, and where I landed was this:
Cal, post-Psychonauts 2, realizes he was being put down a path to become a successor to Maligula.
Not intentionally, mind. It couldn't be - Nona didn't remember that part of her life, not consciously. but Cal always did get flashes of a different Nona when it was just the two of them - a Nona that insisted he had to use his powers to keep Augustus safe, that he had a responsibility to protect the family no matter the cost. a more haunted Nona. and Cal took it all to heart, doing things he knew were wrong for the sake of protecting his family. even by the point of Psychonauts 1 and RoR, when the things he was doing started backfiring and getting his own family involved and endangered, I think he thought it was a terrible fluke, that he still believed he was doing the wrong things for the right reasons.
and then, you know. he finds out about Maligula. how Lucrecia became Maligula in the name of using her powers to protect her country and her family; how what little fragments were left of her had been feeding Cal that same logic and leading him down the same path. I think it made him horrified and angry, at Nona and even moreso at himself, and left him grappling with how he could deal with that hurt and betrayal without just... continuing to worsen the harm that had already been done to everyone involved. much like Augustus, he has to kinda retreat and spend a lot of time mulling things over, and in some ways I think he does take it even harder. (it definitely makes him finally turn his back on any further work as "Dr. Loboto", and I think maybe between that + Raz's involvement + his little kinda sorta crush on Oleander he starts considering work with the Psychonauts in the aftermath of Everything.)
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carrie-tate · 1 year
Top 22 of 2022 End of the Year Game Tag
Well, as I understand it, I, too, have been drawn into this tag game. At least I was to mention @otomiya-tickles and @happyandticklish, thanks for that, in any case, I'm glad to join)
Part 1: Fandom Faves
1. Favorite new fandoms of the year You know, there are no exclusively new fandoms this year. Rather, my love for a couple of old fandoms caught fire in a new way. Like Mob Psycho 100 or Psychonauts. Oh! Milo Murphy's Law, Kaitou Joker, Inside Job, Super 4 (this two actually new…) and Percy Jackson too btw! Balan Wonderworld is deserves a mention too Okay, okay, that's all, otherwise I'll just go into the enumeration of ALL fandoms in general, because I don't know how to choose my favorite
2. Favorite new ships since this year If I lower my impudent ships with s/i, then I will say: Milo/Amanda (Milo Murphy's Law), Annabeth/Percy (Percy Jackson) Well, obviously Terumob and Shoritsu (Mob Psycho 100), haha
3. Favorite anime/TV show of the year Oh I also started watching Supernatural this year and I should keep watching (while I'm stuck on the first episodes of season 4), I definitely like this show Speaking of anime - Mob Psycho 100 and Kaitou Joker, I haven't really watched anything else huh
4. Favorite movie of the year Complicated question, yet I watch a lot of things, but at the same time I remember a little… Only Klaus (2019) and Rise of the Guardians come to mind, which I'm going to review closer to the holidays
5. Favorite character of the year Shigeo Kageyama (Mob Psycho 100), Rasputin Aquato (Psychonauts), Mini-Mini-King (Kaitou Joker), Stoll Brothers (Percy Jackson), Brett Hand (Insider Job)… *mumbles in enumeration*
6. Favorite soundtrack of the year The Meat Circus from Psychonauts (this tune haunted my mind for a month while I was playing the second part and actively sat in the fandom, haha) Crazy Necross from Vangers GO GO REIGEN! from Mob Psycho 100 which I just found but I love it and want to set it as my ringtone lol The whole Gris ost (the ending of the game makes me cry when I need to…), the whole Beetlejuice east… I guess that's it, heh.
7. Favorite book/manga/comic of the year Percy Jackson book series (honestly, I promise myself to still find time and read the Mark of Athena from the second cycle TwT)
8. Favorite game of the year Psychonauts 2, this game literally became the first platformer (well, in general, a game where you need to run, jump and beat enemies) that I went through completely And Little Inferno too
9. Highlight of this year to remember Entrance exams and college admissions, god it was this summer but it feels like it's been YEARS
Part 2: Community Review
10. Favorite Tumblr moments of 2022 To be honest, I haven't been as active on tumblr this year, so I have no idea what happened here in a year. That is, perhaps I know, but most likely I do not attach any importance to this.
11. Favorite fan art of the year Oh, there were two memorable fanarts that come to mind here and here
12. Favorite fic of the year Can I just say that ALL of Kanene's MP100 fics are my favorites at the moment? Like, so much so that I can't remember anything else lol
13. Favorite ask game of the year It's not like I'm involved in a lot of that, is it..? Maybe that recent fandom thing? This was fun
14. My top achievements as a writer/artist/creator/blogger The fact that I was able to get out of the shell and start interacting with really cool people from tk community, and the fact that I literally carring the mp100 fandom with my sketches, lmao
15. My own best fic/post of the year If we talk about the post that I am proud of, then this is one of the last posts with the Kageyama bros. I think I did a really good job on the poses this time
16. My most underappreciated fic/post of the year My posts are related to mp100 Beetlejuice!AU, because I want to develop this idea, but I think that people are not very interested in it
17. A post of mine that got more popularity than expected I'm still surprised by the popularity of that art with Shoritsu, which was one of my first posts on mp100 here, and probably one of my most popular posts in general…
18. Something I changed on my blog since this year Well, my blog is only a year old, so I can't say anything definitive…
Part 3: Next Year
I have such a spontaneous lifestyle that I don't have anything planned for next year huh, so I can't seem to answer the questions below…
19. Something I didn’t post this year but would like to do next year 20. Goals for next year 21. 2023 releases I look forward to the most
Part 4: Spreading Love
22. Shoutouts to people who made my 2022 a better year Well, then I'll throw everything under keep reading
@candyheartedchy, thank you for the fact that formally it was with you that my acquaintance with the existence of such a thing as s/i and f/o began! Your art is amazing and inspiring! @kanene-yaaay, I am sincerely grateful for every reblog of yours, like, this is one of the main incentives why I draw now. You are so emotional and bright, it's just amazing! @misaki-just-doodles and @we-dont-talk-about-potato-nonono, yes, we haven't talked in a while, but I'm really grateful to you two for supporting my work this summer. It was a great time and I hope you are doing well! @otomiya-tickles @ssnicker-doodless @vqler @thecomfortable even if it's still a little embarrassing for me to tag you, I want to say that I admire your creativity and you are like those cool older comrades that you look at and think "I want to be like this when I grow up", thanks for that!
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maskyartist · 2 years
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god im so funny
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britishsass · 2 years
You the good thing about Broken Link? We get to see the other architects of Raz. We have Small-Fry representing Raz's innocence, Eggbeater representing Raz's love of being a psychonaut, Romeo representing Raz's love for Lili, and Zvevda representing Raz's fear.
Very true! I love a good archetype, and those ones are pretty dang good.
I just get really anxious with that au-- might be because it kinda makes me worry about if my mistakes will come back to haunt me, I suppose? Part of it is just that anything involving Raz's mind, putting Raz into grave danger, or Raz being harmed always gives me anxiety. Like, I want to give him a blanket and a cookie.
That might be why I only have 10 fics on AO3 including Raz-- Four are for Maligustus au (Inner Storm, Rainclouds Come To Play, Drowned Circus, Big Top), four are just shenanigans (Thorney Towers Timeline Troubles, Visitors for Agent Aquato, Snow Day, Blooper Reel), and two are assorted other mind fics that require the son boy to be there (Manuscript Museum, You Set Sail Alone)
I just feel bad putting him in danger because to me, he's still just a child. Maybe that's just me.
Sorry to ramble so much-- I just wanted to try to give more explanation for why I avoid that au so much.
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maskyartist · 2 years
Please continue with the Haunted AU. You’re not the only one who wants to see Augustus being ominous without him actually being a total jerk.
okay okay okay so super quick warning, this is a ghost AU :D so there’s gonna be talk of death. lots of it. this is for me n me alone. this also basically has NO relation to actual Psychonauts plot so m just takin what I like n ditchin what I don’t.
- currently the plot is that Delugionists ended up finding out about the whole “Nona is Maligula” thing n end up ambushing the Aquato family when they’re set up for participating in a local carnival by the town they were visiting at the time. the rest of the family’s lives are essentially used as bargaining chips until Nona agrees to go with the Delugionists for whatever they want her for, even if she doesn’t remember why they want her. of course the family doesn’t just let her go without a fight but by the time Nona is taken away and out of sight the rest of the Aquato’s are just witnesses. and the Delugionists can’t have that. which is how the carnival ended up becoming haunted.
- the reason the Aquato’s are still around is because they want Nona back, they want their family together. they wanna know what happened to their Nona. only then will they be able to pass on. but overtime the more they linger the more…bitter they become. as all ghosts do.
- but like u said, Augustus isn’t a jerk. he’s sinister, a mean ol ghost who just wants his mother and family back, but he’s still Augustus. he loves his kids. he loves his wife. he loves his family. the only thing he wants to do is bring his family back together, and he will do ANYTHING to reach that goal. even if it’s a bit…tasteless.
- and by “tasteless” I mean the Aquato’s want to find new bodies to be in so they can leave the carnival and finally start searching for Nona. their souls are, unfortunately, tied to the carnival so they can’t leave it. anyone who enters the carnival is immediately targeted as a potential body, and if Augustus and Donatella decide their body is just what they need? they won’t let you leave without a fight. a serious fight. one that might kill you. which sucks cause they can’t use dead bodies but whatever happens happens.
- everyone’s a bit…unhinged you could say. Augustus is just a smiley villain at this point who adores his family and focuses entirely on completing his goal and keeping his family together, Donatella is more aggressive towards strangers and is always eager to off any trespassers but Augustus manages to cool her fury, Dion is stubborn and easily angered, Frazie is just havin the time of her fuckin life scaring and harming trespassers, Raz enjoys playing “games” with people that aren’t really the SAFEST things, Mirtala is like a creepy giggling doll who is never afraid to yell for her parents and start a fun game of cat and mouse, while Queepie is just a silent freak staring you down with them big ol eyes just to make you paranoid. One thing keeps them together and that’s family, so if you fuck with that family? they won’t hold back for anything.
- many MANY years later after the whole Delugionists event the Psychonauts end up finally answering the many MANY reports they’ve gotten over the years about “ghosts in the forest”. m not sure how many people go but it’s basically just a slow build of the Psychonauts learning what happened while trying to be careful and play along with the Aquato’s, their games, and their painful reminders of how badly they want to make their goals a reality.
and rn that’s basically all I got. this was just an excuse to have creepy spooky ghosts n spooky carnival aesthetic yknow? but m glad ur interested in what I got goin :D idk if this’ll be anything but eh we’ll see
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maskyartist · 2 years
Combining Siren Sing with other AUs? Obviously, there’s the mermaid one, but what if Augustus Mux used it for riskier business deals? What if Haunted Augustus used it to lure in potential bodies?
theres something so appealing specifically about that Haunted-Siren idea of just one night if you stray a little too close to the deep forest you'll hear the most beautiful song, or the most alluring voice tempting you just a bit deeper, just a bit more, you're so very close...
and with the Mux Family, its very much something Augustus not only hones but teaches his children as well. manipulation is a useful skill to have as is, but sometimes its good to give yourself a little bit of an extra edge ;3c
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maskyartist · 2 years
What if the "teens" were the interns that heard rumors of a haunted circus from older agents and wanted to check it out?
oooh that works well. they overheard the agents talking about annoying persistent calls about "ghostly activity" so of course they go check it out. lili tags along cause shes a lil shit n wants to be involved in a mission shes WILDLY unprepared for
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maskyartist · 2 years
The day the Psychonauts come to the haunted carnival is the happiest day of Raz’s afterlife. He finally gets to see who would in win a life or death battle between a great white shark and a blindfolded Sasha Nein. He even got a shark tank just for the occasion!
Sorry this took so long to answer! I wanted a writing thing to go with it but couldn’t figure out what the vibe was but i think I got it!!! Enjoy a lil father-son bonding :D
Razputin smiled with childish glee as he sat on the floor of the Big Top, scrawling across the dirt with a stick in these wide circles and small triangles, detailing a thought only he could have. It made Augustus smile as he pulled the flaps to the tent open and took in the sight. How adorable. His son always was a bit of an artist.
“There you are, little mouse. I was looking for you everywhere.” He says, getting Razputin to poke his head away from his work to smile at his father. Augustus approaches the boy and kneels down, looking curiously at the display before him. A cylinder, with these fish-like doodles inside, along with plenty of stick figures, both in and out of the fishy area.
“What is this all about?” His voice is light and gentle, prompting his middle son to hop to his feet excitedly.
“It’s my new game!” Razputin says, joy clear on his face. “See? These are our guests-“ He circles the stick figures inside the cylinder. “-and this is a shark tank!” He then circles the whole area. “We knock em out, blindfold em, and throw em in the tank! Man versus shark!! It’ll be so fun!” He says, throwing his arms up and practically shaking with excitement. His arms drop in front of him as he rocks back and forth on his heels, the smile never leaving his face. “Whatcha think? Fun, right?”
Augustus hums in amusement. His son is quite the creative one, he won’t lie. And he looks oh so proud of this idea. It’d be cruel to tell him no. But, unfortunately… “Son, we don’t have a shark tank. Or sharks of any kind.” He says lightly, making Raz pout in annoyance.
Augustus chuckles at the expression. “Now, now, this doesn’t mean your idea is bad.” If money mattered to them, he’d pay to see that battle. “It just means we need to get a bit creative.”
Standing back up, he uses his cane to draw out (to the best of his abilities) a quick doodle of some jagged triangles in the dirt, with stick figures falling over them. “We may not have sharks, but the mirrors in the Funhouse have been cracking lately. Perhaps we could gather up a bunch of shards and lay them in a pile? Let our guests fall on them?” His son has quite the twisted sense of fun nowadays, but Augustus can’t exactly see a problem with it. Mortality is overrated, anyways.
Raz seems to ponder this, little hand to his chin as he thinks with a furrow in his brow and a pout on his lips. Before finally, he smiles once more and rushes over. “Oh! Oh! And what if we make em all dizzy, too? So it’s harder to get around the glass!!” He cheers, adding tiny swirls to the picture. “We could get em on one of the rides! The spiny ones! It’ll be so fun!”
Augustus smiles fondly as his son continues to ramble and rant about how this new game of his could work, drawing out details and writing little things down in the dirt with his stick. He knows Razputin cares about the hunt of this goal of theirs, and it warms his non-beating heart to see him having so much fun after so long of being sad. Living caused his family so much strife…if only Nona were here to experience the joy of death. Maybe then they’d find proper peace in their restlessness.
For now, however, Augustus simply nods along to his sons wild ideas, smiling softly at his baby with pride written across his face. He loves his family. So very, very much.
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maskyartist · 2 years
Duude the Haunted Circus AU is amazing!! I have a few questions for you regarding it!
Is Lucy/Nona alive? If not what happens when/if they all find out? What will happen if everyone finds host bodies to leave? What might happen if the Psychonauts find out about what’s happened? Do animals ever find their way into the circus? And if so how does everyone react?
Sorry I have a lot of questions, my brain has lots of thoughts,,,
bro i got no issue with lots of questions!! i fuckin love answering au questions!! it helps me think through plot n stuff so never worry about if u got too many questions :D
- Lucy IS alive! with help from some kinder souls (who are currently nameless) she managed to escape the Dilugionist's clutches. she was so far from her family, though, that she didn't remember where they were last or if they had left for a new show. she settled down in a small town a bit off the map to stay hidden in case anyone tried to find her again.
- if she WAS dead, all hell would break loose. its an angry, saddened rage for the family. they'd be stuck on earth, unable to fulfil their final wish, and become more restless and ruthless with obtaining bodies. no more games.
- if the family find host bodies, they'd leave the carnival and finally experience living again, while searching for their Nona. even if the bodies were strangers, they'd still act as family. they could also leave the bodies they inhabit and come back, or find new ones, kinda like hermit crabs. if the bodies had friends, family, anything like that, they'd be utterly ignored and forgotten. a whole life, ruined in an instant.
- animals are animals, and as such they find their way in ANYWHERE. so yes, theres plenty of animals in the carnival! raccoons, possums, bears, stray dogs and cats, they all just kinda co-exist with the Aquatos. the family doesnt mind. theyre circus folk! workin with animals is kinda in the title. i think they CAN interact with the animals, since within the circus the ghosts are visible, so the kids essentially get a bunch of free pets its pretty great.
hopefully this answers ur questions! :D
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maskyartist · 2 years
So the haunted AU why do the Aqoutos umm hurt people like do they need too? Or is it a curse related thing that makes they?
they dont need to hurt people at all. realistically, in a better universe, they could be just normal ghosts wishing for freedom rather then who they are now.
now idk about you, but i think seeing your whole family get killed before your eyes, some dying super young, and having someone be taken from you as well on the very same day? you're not gonna come back as a peaceful ghost
the aquatos died confused, sad, and most of all, angry. this, at least how i think ghosts work, makes em come back pretty messed up as is. now keep in mind, a 10 year timeskip happens after they die. theyre left in that circus, alone, with only their family, for 10. years.
thats not gonna help with your already deteriorating mental state, i'd say.
its an unfortunate combination of general trauma, jealousy towards the living, and an anger thats slumbered for years until now.
they dont HAVE to kill people. they dont HAVE to hurt anyone. they COULD live peaceful afterlives in their circus, entertaining folks who come by and asking older people if theres any way for them to be freed from this unfortunate situation theyve found themselves in while trying their best to not be seen as 'scary' ala Casper the Friendly Ghost
...but they want to. and thats the outlier here. theyve been stuck for so long that they just wanna make the world feel how they feel. robbed and hurt.
so no, they dont have to hurt people. theyre not cursed to do so.
but they want to. :)
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maskyartist · 2 years
“The Phantom of the Opera did nothing wrong!” Haunted Dion Aquato, probably
"i've done nothing wrong my entire life OR afterlife!" - Dion, who's done literally everything wrong since he died
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maskyartist · 2 years
So what’s the end game for haunted AU?? They pass on, the interns vanish forever trapped in the circus? Or will they probably through psychic shenanigans be returned to life (I’m thinking time bubble it can stop time! Can I reverse it?)
its better explained here at the end, but basically the "end game" is the family gets nona back thanks to ford, nona joins em in the circus, essentially dies, n the circus remains with the ghost family trapped inside but finally soothed and content
maybe the psychonauts pop their weird lil bubble or somethin n let em rest for good idk but thats all i got now
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maskyartist · 2 years
On the one hand, the Haunted Aquatos are a supernatural force that thinks nothing of breaking the bodies and minds of anyone who wanders into their domain. On the other hand, Sam is there.
and she is there to make that everyones problem :D
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maskyartist · 2 years
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Haunted AU Idea: Mirtala and Queepie do this.
i mean ur not WRONG. Mirtala n Queepie are very much attached at the hip in this AU. the two youngest stick together yknow? hell Mirtala even talks for Queepie, the littlest speakin into her ear so she knows what to say. sometimes he doesnt even have to, Mirtala just knows. at first it was a bit worrying, but as the whole “ghostly immortality” set in for the whole family it became the new normal.
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maskyartist · 2 years
Does Lili play a role in your Haunted Circus AU?
i want her to? but currently this is all very much in the planning stage for like any sorta actual "story" or plot. so Lili IS involved, im just not sure in what way yet.
but i do know i want her to befriend Raz, like in canon. or at the very least, get involved in his games n such, thinking they're innocent fun till the wool is pulled outta her eyes. i want the Aquato's really fuck with the Psychonauts here
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maskyartist · 2 years
Who would win in a fight between the Haunted Aquatos and the Mux Family Miscreants?
if i HAD to choose? Mux family. only because i think psychic powers effect ghosts, and while the Haunted Aquatos have chaotic unpredictable fighting, the Mux family have trained their powers for YEARS. all the kids know how to use their psychic powers to the extreme so they'd win.
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