hsslilly-blog · 3 months
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my manic pixelberry dream girls.
ive never properly introduced them. so here i am three years later: ms. claire swanson from hollywood u (movie star, she/her, 24) and ms. blair stewart from high school story (nerd, she/they, 16). they’ve been my mcs since the dawn of time. whatever you liked at age thirteen stays with you forever etc etc
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storyofmychoices · 10 days
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SpreadJoy #881 spreading positivity with quotes and @playchoices characters.
Quote by Unknown
For @moominofthevalley's AAPI Heritage Month (@choicescommunityevents)
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😭😭😭😭 I miss him so much! I can't believe it's been almost a year!!!
@pixelberryupdates please return him to us!
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moodyvalentinestories · 11 months
Direction – Thirty-Two | Hunt x HWU MC (Danielle)
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Summary: After finding out that footage of their kiss is all over the internet, Danielle and Thomas see for themselves what damage has been done. Separately.
Words: 1100+
❥ Previous Chapter: Thirty-One ❥ Moodyvalentine’s Masterlist
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It was not a blurry photo shot with a phone from far away like Danielle would have suspected. In fact, what was attached to the article Chris was showing her on his phone was not a photo at all but an entire video that revealed much more than a simple photograph would have. Danielle watched it a second time and then a third. She’d felt, in the moment, that the kiss had been much too short but, according to what she saw on the screen now, it had lasted a lot longer than she’d thought. After her fourth watch, Danielle finally scrolled past the video to read the article.
EXCLUSIVE FOOTAGE! Actress Danielle Allen and director Thomas Hunt seen kissing passionately on the set of their new movie! Could this be the reason Hunt is back in the director’s chair after so many years?
She scrolled further down and, oh yes, it was bad. Below the first lines of text, there was the photograph of her and Hunt at Sundance, which certainly looked a lot worse now. He had only put his hand on her shoulder when he’d given her some advice about the situation with Anders Stone, and everyone had simply thought it was just a professor who was proud of his student’s achievements, but now…
Danielle knew the next few lines would be speculation about whether something had happened when she’d still been his student, and she was right. The next words were very much not kind towards Hunt, and she really wished she could talk to him right now. But he said he needed time, and considering his life may have just been ruined, Danielle was going to respect that.
“Look, this sucks right now, but we both know what they’re saying there isn’t true. And since there’s no evidence, this might just blow over,” Chris tried to console her.
Danielle cringed. “I’m not so sure about that.”
“What do you mean? We were together when you were at HWU, you wouldn’t have—”
“Oh, no, God, no!” she interrupted him. He was still watching her skeptically, and she sighed. “I never cheated on you, Chris, and certainly not with Hunt.”
Chris visibly relaxed at that. “So what is there to worry about?”
She really had no choice but to come clean about the entire thing now, did she? “Montmartre. We have worry Montmartre to worry about.” He gave her a puzzled look, and Danielle continued, “He’s been blackmailing me, and Hunt, too. There are some… pictures that look like we were closer than we really were, and… especially with this now…”
“Yes. Shit.”
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As if the TMZ article hadn’t been bad enough, Thomas decided to subject himself to something infinitely worse – he opened Twitter for the first time in a few months to see just how much damage this had already done. He was, unfortunately, not at all surprised to see that both of their names were trending. It did not escape his notice that Danielle’s name was higher on the list of trends than his own, but his dwindling prominence was an issue for another day. Thomas sighed, then closed the app before looking at any of the tweets. He did not need to do that to himself today.
As soon as he was ready to put his phone aside for the time being, another call came through. This time, it was his publicist. Thomas was almost scared to answer the call – now, he would have to come clean about the images that were still out there and could turn this entire thing into even more of a PR nightmare than it already was.
“Hello Lena, I’m—”
She immediately interrupted him. “Is it true?”
“What do you think?”
Lena sighed on the other end of the line. “Did you or did you not have a sexual relationship with one of your students?”
“Of course not!” he exclaimed, feeling rather offended that she would even consider that a possibility. “This is... not what it looks like.”
“Well, Thomas, unfortunately it is my job to be concerned with what things look like, so we’ve got a bit of a problem here.”
“I can see that.” He swallowed hard. “And you’re not going to like what I’m about to tell you.”
“Save your breath, I already know about your little problem with Viktor Montmartre.”
“I’ve contacted Danielle Allen’s team before calling you and, clearly, she’s got a lot more sense than you do and actually talks to the people trying to protect her image.”
So much for Danielle not talking to anyone about this. But, he supposed, the people she surrounded herself with professionally had always been trustworthy – Montmartre notwithstanding. “I was handling it.”
“Oh, I’m sure you were,” Lena said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. “You better be thankful the girl seems to have a soft spot for you.”
Thomas furrowed his brow. “What do you mean?”
“She went against the wishes of her team when she went along with the blackmail. Obviously, she was advised to release what she had because, and I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that, she’s got a lot less to lose than you do. And from what I’ve heard, there’s no reason she shouldn’t have done that.”
So much for her team being trustworthy. He couldn’t fault them, though. To an outsider, the way he’d treated her up until a few days ago would certainly warrant not being all too considerate towards him. In fact, had their roles been reversed, he wasn’t sure he wouldn’t have taken the easy way out.
Thomas should probably go speak to her. For what felt like the millionth time by now, he told himself it was not solely her fault this was happening, even if it might be less damaging to her career than to his.
“Look, I’m going to keep working with her team and try to figure out how to handle this situation,” Lena said when Thomas didn’t react to her last statement. “Stay off of social media for now, and don’t talk to anyone. If you deny now, and the other material comes out, it’s going to look so much worse for you. I’ll be in touch.”
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Just when Danielle got off the call with Ethan, who had informed her of the PR strategy her team had come up with so far – which consisted of her and Hunt keeping their fucking mouths shut – there was a knock on the door. Chris went to open it, and Danielle was surprised to see Hunt standing there. Even bigger was her surprise when he spoke.
“I believe we still have some important matters to discuss.”
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 Tags: @trappedinfanfiction​​​ @oneemofungirl​​ @alleksa16​​ @hopelessromantic1352​​​ @silversparrow1112​​  @alj4890​​  @lilyoffandoms​
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49 Random Facts About Alaska in My AU
No one knows his actual birthday but he celebrates it on January 3rd.
He’s actually older than most states but do to his age being stunted by Russia due to not developing him in the slightest when he was his colony, he hasn’t been able to grow at all.
He’s autistic.
His only real friend is Hawaii.
He was raised by wolves for 20 years until her was brought into civilization by a group of huntsmen that killed his pack.
He fluently speaks many Yup’ik, Russian, and English.
When he first met America, he couldn’t speak a word of English so a Russian to English translator had to be brought in.
He has a bit of a rivalry with Texas since Texas hates the fact Alaska is bigger than him and will be taller when he’s in adult while Alaska just finds him annoying.
He drinks a lot of alcohol when he’s depressed.
He loves dogs and has 15.
He does not get along with his neighbor Yukon.
Alaska thinks Chris McCandless was a moron.
Alaska is somewhere between Libertarian and Republican but mainly stays out of politics.
He’s very loyal to America but not very close to him.
He’s adopted.
Alaska hates the fact he looks so much like his biological father, Russia.
His hair is actually fairly long under his cap.
He doesn’t enjoy flashy clothes and bases his outfits purely on practicality.
He’s very good at mountain climbing and hunting.
He lives nearly completely off the grid except for a landline phone and that’s only because America insisted.
He can drive a plane.
He owns many guns like most Republican states.
He could easily survive a zombie apocalypse.
He trained his dogs in Yup’ik so that they will only understand him.
Some people believe he’s raising a dog army to invade either Russia or Canada. They might be right.
America is very concerned for Alaska and has tried to get him to seek proper therapy many times but Alaska always refuses.
He hates being in large crowds as they overstimulate him in minutes.
He’s a huge bookworm.
He’s a fan of Jack London’s Call of the Wild.
He was a abandoned as a baby by his mother’s tribe since they saw him as a curse for the fact he couldn’t grow up.
Ukraine is the only one of his biological family he cares for and he’s deeply worried about her.
 During WW2, he fought off the Japanese on his own. He even gained the title of the ‘Shiori Akuma’ which literally means ‘White Demon’ because of his white camouflage uniform. 
Alaska is so self-sufficient, the nanny America hired just takes cares of his dogs when he’s at the 50 State Estate.
His nanny/dog caretaker is a Canadian-American woman named Alexis.
He also has PTSD from everything he’s experienced in his life.
No one knows he’s secretly rich because of how simply he lives.
His cabin is one room with a loft where Alaska sleeps. It’s also deep in the wood.
When he’s angry no one will ever know until it’s too late.
As much as he loves Hawaii, he is jealous of the fact she had everything he didn’t growing up.
He has a restraining order against his aunt Belarus after the 4th time she tried to to kidnap him.
He hates TV and technology since they always give him a headache.
He once had a crush on someone but she’s dead.
Alaska doesn’t like talking about his life before 1867 even with Hawaii.
He hated being called Seward’s Folly.
He will either do the world’s weirdest things when drunk or just pass out.
Alaska loves cute puppies.
He’s bisexual but has been scarred against anything romantic.
His nicknames are either ‘Laska or Nicky. Never Pete, Petey, or Nick. 
Sealand accused him of stealing his human name of ‘Peter’.
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gutsfics · 2 years
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what if. he had grey hairs.
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peonyblossom · 2 years
so confused about why HSS is still playable but not HWU ???
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2 likes and I'll post my like quarter finished but 130 page Hollywood u fanfiction in honor of PB shutting it down
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eisunoh · 2 years
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承蒙厚爱,再次受邀为 #新加坡 #南洋 #胡氏 #总会 #名誉顾问
Honored to be reappointed as honorary #adviser to #Nanyang #Hwu #Clan General #Association of #Singapore
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can’t believe Pixelberry is shutting HWU down :( I downloaded the app again a couple of months ago and used it daily to collect cash to improve my campus even though there was no more quests to play. It was nice to open the app every few hours as a break from studying, I’m gonna miss that routine.
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hsslilly-blog · 4 months
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this is my best friend addison hollywood u
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storyofmychoices · 13 days
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SpreadJoy #878 spreading positivity with quotes and @playchoices characters.
Quote by Brian Tracy
For @moominofthevalley's AAPI Heritage Month (@choicescommunityevents)
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Do you think you'll host an event to remember/honor HWU/HSS since it's been almost a year of them being gone? 🥲
I would happily do so if any one wanted to participate. I hosted a celebration week for them last year when the games were still live and it wasn't super popular.
But if even one or two people wanted to participate I'd do it! But maybe a weekend or a couple days instead of a week?
Thoughts??? (Y/N?) When? How long? Anything specific? I'm open to anything!
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moodyvalentinestories · 11 months
Direction – Thirty-One | Hunt x HWU MC (Danielle)
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Summary: Danielle and Hunt continue their conversation.
Words: 700+
Notes: He he he, I’m back! Hello hello hello! Not dead! Still here, still writing. ‘Sup? P.S. Working on the next part already, so hopefully you won’t have to wait nine months until the story continues. Oopsie.
❥ Previous Chapter: Thirty ❥ Moodyvalentine’s Masterlist
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There was a knock on the door, and Danielle immediately assumed it was Chris, who was checking in on them to see whether they were both still alive. When he opened the door, however, Chris had a rather grim expression on his face. “We’ve got a problem. And by we, I mean you guys.”
Just then, Hunt’s phone rang. He took it out of his pocket and Danielle could catch a glimpse of his screen just long enough to see the caller ID – Priya Singh. Uh-oh. That could not be good news.
Hunt told her to stay quiet and picked up. Danielle couldn’t hear exactly what was said, but she was pretty sure she could make out the words disgusting and bastard.
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Priya hadn’t called his personal number in several years, and the fact that she was calling now could only mean one thing: something horrible had happened, and Thomas was certain he knew what. Very reluctantly, he picked up the phone, and was immediately greeted by a slew of insults.
“Thomas, you disgusting bastard. Have you lost your bloody mind? You can’t be that stupid, you—”
“Priya,” he interrupted her, not willing to subject himself to this much longer. “Could you perhaps tell me why you are insulting me this time?”
As if he didn’t already know. It must have leaked. Chris coming in, telling them they had a problem, and now this? The photos that he was sure must have been taken of their kiss earlier that day were out there now. He knew they were.
And, still, when Priya confirmed just that, he was shocked. “You have to ask? You’re fucking a student, Thomas.”
“Former student, first of all,” Thomas said, then quickly added, “And I’m not fucking anyone.”
“Oh, sure you aren’t. How long has this been going on? Centaurus Lost? Earlier, even? The photo from Sundance? She’s a child, Thomas!”
Danielle must have heard that last sentence, which wasn’t surprising since Priya had practically shouted it, and chimed in. “I’m twenty-six, thank you very much. Most definitely not a child.” Thomas glared at her, which had the desired effect of her shutting her mouth. She was not helping the situation.
“She’s with you right now?! Are you-- oh, God, I hope you’re wearing clothes. Please tell me you’re not--”
This time, it wasn’t Danielle who said something, but Chris, who very unhelpfully said, “Nope, I’m here, too. Nothing shady going on.”
Thomas sighed and put the phone on speaker. If everyone was going to join the conversation, either way, he might as well.
“Oh, great, the other boyfriend’s here, too,” Priya groaned.
“Hey!” Danielle exclaimed. “Neither of them is my boyfriend, okay? Now, can someone please tell us what exactly we’re dealing with here?”
“Does nobody here have Google alerts for their name set up? Check TMZ, or any other gossip site for that matter,” Priya said exasperatedly. “Thomas, I’ve called a board meeting to see what we’re going to do about this. Expect an invitation to an official hearing soon.”
Thomas gasped. He knew she was far from a friend these days, but he would not have expected her to be so quick to judge. “Priya, nothing happened when she was a student. This is none of your—”
“I’ll be in touch,” she interrupted him, then promptly hung up.
Thomas buried his head in his hands and let out a long sigh. His life, his career, everything was over. And it was all because he couldn’t keep his feelings in check. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
He knew, logically, it wasn’t Danielle’s fault. He knew he shouldn’t be mad at her – and he wasn’t, he was mad at everything right now – but despite all the talking, and the mutual understanding that they would handle this together, the reality of it was a different beast entirely.
“Thomas?” she ventured, lightly touching his arm. He flinched, and she immediately pulled her hand away.
He took a deep breath, then told her, as calmly as he could, “I’m sorry, I need-- I need some time. Please, I--”
Danielle looked quite unhappy with that answer, but she nodded. “I understand. It’s okay, I’ll… I’ll be just across the hall in case you need to find me.”
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Tags (let me know if you wish to be removed from this list because it’s also 9 months old lol):
@trappedinfanfiction​​ @oneemofungirl​ @alleksa16​ @hopelessromantic1352​​ @silversparrow1112​  @alj4890​  @lilyoffandoms​
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How was America as a dad first starting out?
In my story, America only resembled a 10-year-old when he came across Delaware so he wasn't exactly prepared to take on the job of raising a colony and England wasn't really around at this time so he was basically on his own. Fortunately, he wasn't completely alone since he had the nannies England would hire for him to help but he still dealt with a lot of stress and anxiety especially when the next 12 came and he would often worry (and still does) that he wasn't a good enough father to them since he never had a father himself.
Over time though, he started to get a hang of the whole 'having kids' thing and can more or less get by and the thirteen are now resembling 18-year-olds so that helps a lot.
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gutsfics · 6 months
so. i just watched most of the new quintonreviews Sam & Cat video and for Reasons i looked up both Goomer and Frankini on ao3 and theres only One Single Fic thats tagged with Goomer/Frankini. fucking criminal.
double criminal for it being tagged as "past Frankini/Goomer" bc the actual relationship focused in the fic is fuCKING GOOMER/DICE. BITING AND KILLING.
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