pumpalumpuski · 10 months
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I made a slob, but one of the creepypastas haha
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tapakah0 · 8 months
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mister-random · 11 months
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Was trying to get his face better, the first time I drew him was in december of last year
and after looking at the old drawing for a while it looked so deformed to me, and Brian is too pretty to be depicted that horrendous
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blankinspace · 1 month
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I did the thing y a y:D
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okay hear me out, what abt a kasha!reader ( https://yokai.com/kasha/ ) w/ the proxies? (separate)
maybe they're just, an absolute little shit and likes to steal fresh corpses of their kills. i saw the one ask featuring a youkai so i HAD to jump in w/ one
Yes! I love mythology and reading stories about different cryptids is a guilty pleasure of mine. Loved the ask, feel free to send in more!
ฅ⁠^⁠•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠^⁠ฅ <- kasha
Masky Hoodie Toby and Eyeless jack x kasha Reader
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★ Kasha's are said to carry the bodies of the dead to hell for punishment. That checks out with what he does as a job. You can do yours with less effort if you just follow him from behind and steal the bodies of people when he turns his back.
★ He thought you where a regular cat for awhile, even started feeding you bits of ham from his lunch sandwich. Felt like a idiot too when he realized you where a demon. Still feeds you bits of ham though.
★ You are basically his body clean up. Usually it would take him about two hours to get rid of a bodie. With you it's done in about a minute. This helps you get on his good side.
★ He once tugged your tail when it was in his face and you freaked out. The tail is not to be touched.
★ Like with Masky, you follow him from behind to take away the carcasses he leaves behind. However unlike Masky he is a complete ass about it and tries to get you to stop because he thinks it's annoying.
★ And he has a point, a cat demon that can catch on fire isn't really good when you are supposed to be focused on watching someone. Even if he gets a quick clean up out of it.
★ You where once a house cat and like a cat you get the zoomies at 3 AM. He sleeps through it most nights but he will never forget the time you woke him up by tackling him. He sleeps with a spray bottle on his nightstand now.
★ Kasha's are pretty interesting yokai, the stories he reads about them lead to him to ask plenty of questions. He's a little pyromaniac so the fact you make fire is amazing to him. He could watch those golden flames for hours...
★ Do not teach him the "Don't be eaten by a baku, don't be eaten by a kasha" chant because he will use it against you for fun. Wanna go to the living room? Think again. His bedroom? Don't even think about it.
★ When you steal body's to animate he will not be going near them. Few things genuinely freak him out nowadays, this is definitely one of them. It's even worse if you use someone he killed, poor guy probably wouldn't sleep for awhile after.
★ He's much happier if you just carry the bodies to hell, like you're supposed to. While we're on the subject, I have a feeling that the way you get to hell from earth is similar to the way he travels from the manner to literally anywhere else in the world. Weird demon magic.
(Bonus) Eyeless jack
★ Kasha's are known to live in populated areas and descuise themselves as regular housecats. When he first met you, you where disguised as a regular cat. He was breaking into someone's house through a window and the whole time a random cat (you) was staring at him.
★ When he finished with the bodie, he left it behind for the police to find. When he started walking back to the manner you used the carcass as a puppet to follow him. He was starting to freak out at this point. Yes, it was kinda funny.
★ Unlike Toby, he would want to get up close with the bodies you animate. Fortunately you have a habit of stealing bodies from him when he's gotten what he needs from it. What are even doing with all the carcasses?
★ When you mention that you used to be a regular housecat he stops for a moment to think. Then he asks if you can remember your past life before becoming a kasha. He can't remember his life as a human, so he's curious if that's a trait shared with all demons.
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cherrytreegrove · 8 days
My Creepypasta Headcanons
These might get me some hare but idc, y’all have your own opinions and these are mine. Luv y’all <3
I also headcanon that it hurts when Jeff smiles because of his cut smile, so he doesn’t smile often. (And laughing hurts like hell)
Slender is a father figure (fight me). He cares enough to feed them and makes sure their hygiene is good, and gives them their own rooms. When it comes to conflict between pastas, he kinda couldn’t give two shits, as long as no one is killing each other and shit is getting done
Lazari, Sally, and lifeless Lucy get along. They have little tea parties together, they also talk shit, and play dress up together.
Slender has a file system, with color, and no one knows what the colors mean.
Sully is kinda just a demon that lives in Liu’s body.
EJ isn’t allowed to cook (he once tried to feed everyone organs) not that some of them don’t eat organs, just that some of them would like actual food.
BEN can control whether he’s a transparent ghost or a physical being
The Mansion is an actual mansion, it isn’t in perfect condition but enough to live in (they do live in the underworld) it’s clean enough.
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The mansion has a movie marathon every Friday. Weather it’s horror movies, comedies, etc
Everyone’s rooms are kinda just doors to a pocket dimension.
When BEN gets pissy, he turns off/ glitches all electronics in the mansion.
Jane has attempted to kill Jeff multiple times, but they’re immortal, so now she just does it to annoy him.
Slender has a chore chart, it consists of cleaning the living room, kitchen, picking up smiles poop, cleaning grinny’s litter box, doing laundry, etc (they all take turns)
Toby isn’t the ‘MASKY!! WAFFLES!!’ of the fandom, he’s (again like Jeff) tired. He’s kinda annoyed by the hyperactive pastas; LJ
The slender brothers visit for holidays (Offender doesn’t exist to me)
Everyone has a human disguise, to find their victims.
Yes, there is a war between Zalgo’s minions and the Slender-Alliance
Angel cuts everyone hair (except Jeff, no one touches his hair)
Riku wakes everyone up, picks up their clothes, and clean after everyone (even though Slender has told her she doesn’t have to)
Angel and Hope are everyone’s sugar mamas.
Hope has the biggest closet.
No one can keep secrets from Zuri, she’s too smart.
Kyoka’s Aromatic & Acesexual
Luna, Jane, Masky, and Hoodie are everyone’s bodyguards.
Everyone has a curtain partner for group missions.
The Angel gang don’t live in the slender mansion, they live in the old Russian castle
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Kyoka doesn’t belong to Angel, she’s slender’s proxy.
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iswearimfunny09 · 3 months
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Random collection of Marble Hornets doodles
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bdsmsub67 · 6 months
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Stephan Boya Cashmere Knitwear
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naughtyredfarmgirl · 16 days
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gentleman-velvet · 7 months
An unknown side effect of slender/operator sickness is cosplay and dress up
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thegrimdog13 · 24 days
Country Gays
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Yes I did use texture online for some parts and didn’t shade it because I’m lazy lol
Anyways this is for the Marble Hornets x Creepypasta Star au . And these are the gay country boys. I already did a post just talking about them but now you get to see their glory. Anyway If you want some headcannons or more drawings of them let me know in my inbox or in the comments.
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burnmyhouseonf1re · 11 months
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Happy family 💥💥
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rubyafton · 1 year
And as promised!! -
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Tadaaaa Toby!!
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miharuki · 6 months
Let me post Tumblr!
Prolongo of Creepypasta x reader puppet/Doll as lies of p
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My english is not perfect! Sorry
𝕾𝖜𝖊𝖊𝖙 𝕮𝖔𝖗𝖗𝖚𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖉-𝔓𝔯𝔬𝔩𝔬𝔫𝔤𝔬
"---[...]...don't [...] regret ....[...]
You don't remember exactly what happened.
You were sitting in a chair when you opened your eyes, realizing everything seemed dark and dusty, with a light above you.
Your fingers start to move; you raised your hand—it was a strange sensation. Your hand wasn't complete; it seemed robotic, but your other hand wasn't. What was this? You heard gears in your arm.
Looking ahead into that darkness, you stood up, glancing at the ground, which was farther away than before. It was a strange sensation to stand, yet it felt oddly normal."
"One step, another step, you moved away from that small illuminated area and toward the darkness. Your steps could be heard by you, along with a tinkling bell sound.
Walking in that darkness, you heard another tinkling bell noise.
After a bit more walking, you stumbled upon an illuminated counter. It seemed old, and on it, there was a mask of some animal. You picked it up and observed it; it seemed normal until then.
But when you put it on, you noticed the colors changed, they looked different, not to mention it seemed to reveal some kind of X-ray vision.
Taking off the mask, you left it on the counter and continued to look around. There were screws and tools."
"― Oh, you're awake! That's great! ― Looking back, you didn't see anyone, so... who had spoken? ― I'm here! ― looking at the counter, you notice a sort of old miniature lantern, shining brightly. Taking it in your hand, you raised it to your eyes. ― Hello (name), I'm Ren! I'm here to help you! ― (Name)? Was that your name? You didn't seem to mind and continued to look at the lantern, confused.― I know you're probably confused, but we have to act; someone is waiting for you! ― You continued to look confused at the lantern, which seemed to emit a sort of sigh, but you simply began to walk."
"― Ah, before we go, I think it's best for you to grab something to defend yourself, just to be safe! ― You looked around and saw a wall decoration with two swords behind it. Walking over, you pulled out the blade.Putting the lantern behind you on your back belt, you examined the blade, which was sharp, albeit old. And with that, you stepped out of that dingy room."
"― If we hurry, you still have time to find the others! ― Not caring much about what that meant, you simply head out, walking through the old and antique house, using the lantern, Ren, to light the way through the darkness."
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金髪 by はる雪
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kraghyn · 7 months
Happy Halloween 🎃
Ticci Toby, Hoddie, Masky and Slenderman - Creepypastas
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