#Gosh I love this so much asjkaskj
xenoshadow13 · 1 month
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Don't mind me here, just smile and giggle at these two dorks for a bit.
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shslpunkartist99 · 1 year
ok sorry this is off-topic but please I must know, what would happen if we were to introduce shadow pupper, or Poof as I shall call 'em, to main Summer? It's for important research purposes.
ALSO THOSE SKETCHES OF THE PUNKS LOOK AMAZING! Seriously it's almost hard to believe those are just sketches cuz they look so nice~!
I don't know if it's just me, but Oreo gives me sassy vibes. I dunno. I blame all of the times I've drawn all of my sassy OCs in that similar position there. I love how his hat is give the v-sign there! It's really cute! But as for Oreo himself, he looks really sassy to me and very cute and I would like to smooch him. Also wanna give his hat companion a high-five too if that's alright.
Pachinko I'd like to sit on his lap asjkaskj no wait I mean he looks so nice and kissable and punchable, and I just wanna kiss him and smack him and also sit on his lap I mean what
Also it took me too long to realize that his foot was NOT on a mini stool despite it clearly looking VERY much not like a stool sajksajkasjk
His lil companion buddy looks very cute too but omg Pachinko why you have your foot on them like that?? I hope he's at least a little nice to it. I know it'll likely be okay but it looks very cute and huggable and I'm weak to things like that so can't help but worry a little lol
Cherri honestly looks very precious to me and the same thing goes for her cat blob companion there. I just wanna give them a big hug as well as give Cherri a smooch
Keno- first thing I noticed with him immediately his expression and I had to stop for a moment to laugh. I don't know if it's just me here but you always seem to draw him with that sort of expression and it's just so funny.
But anyway, Keno also looks very nice too and ngl it's kinda setting off my simping side a lot here. I've always been a simp for the Punks (with a bit of bias toward Pachinko) but gosh you're making me simp even more for Keno there. At this rate, he and Pachinko will end up tied on that bias of mine lol. Like seriously, he just looks so nice and handsome and I wanna sit on his lap I MEAN give him a kiss and hug him
THEN THERE'S HIS LIL PUPPER COMPANION. I KNEW IT WOULD BE CUTE BUT GOSH NOW THAT I'VE SEEN IT IT'S MUCH MORE PRECIOUS THAN I EXPECTED. Honestly I love all of the companions here but I have to say I might be a little bias toward this lil guy. I just wanna pick it up and give it a gentle squeeze as well as lots of kisses then introduce it to my dogs and watch them all run around playing.
OH YEAH ALMOST FORGOT TO MENTION BUT THE PUNKS' OUTFITS ALL LOOK REALLY NICE SO FAR. If any suggestions come to mind than I'll be sure to share them but overall I say their outfits are looking good so far! Tbh it's almost hard to believe you're even winging them cuz they look that good to me!
You'd have two overly energetic pups zooming all over the place. Summer can hide in Poof to ride around, then they can do the same in reverse. Summer will get tired out first tho, as Poof is constantly vibrating (I seriously wanna make a gif of it)
Also yeyyyeyeye I'm super happy you like em! I haven't drawn in a hot minute, so I was worried if my slacking would show. Good to know I still got the power to make yall simp lol
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