#Give Wonder Woman a Rumblehorn
puppetmaster13u · 9 months
Randomly started thinkin' about httyd & dc crossover
Where the batfam are like a cross between Valka was and night fury
Y'know, all mysterious cryptid 'children of lightning and death' etc Maybe a bit feral and living with dragons while freeing them from trappers & becoming myths in themselves lol
Clark probably still raised by farmers/traders (maybe found the baby on the remnants of a small fishing boat wrapped in silk and dragon scales/his cape)
Diana/wonder woman is probably something similar to that one island from race to the edge (I think called the Valkyries but I don't remember lol) that consists of warrior women who look like they have wings but it's small (or young I also don't remember lol) dragons that cling to their backs
Aquaman, I mean, underwater caves and hidden islands and sea dragons and all that (We've seen water dragons that carry people on their backs via ships or in their mouths before)
Pretty much justice league but they are or become dragon riders lol
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