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"Ange & Gabrielle" d'Anne Giafferi (2015) - sur un scénario co-écrit avec Anne Le Ny d'après la pièce de théâtre "L’Éveil du Chameau" de Murielle Magellan - avec Isabelle Carré, Patrick Bruel, Alice de Lencquesaing, Thomas Solivérès, Laurent Stocker et Carole Franck, septembre 2022.
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fashionbooksmilano · 2 years
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Histoire du Costume Féminin Français
de l’an 1037 à l’an 1870
Paul-Louis de Giafferi
Bibliothèque des Introuvables, Paris 2010, 275 pages, 120 planches couleur, plus de 1800 illustrations, 24,5 x 33,4 cm, ISBN  978-2845753389
euro 110,00
email if you want to buy :[email protected]
Des premiers Capétiens à l'Impératrice Eugénie, l'élégance incontestée de la femme française. Si Paul-Louis de Giafferri fait triompher la mode parisienne révolutionnaire des Années Folles outre-Atlantique, c'est à la silhouette féminine apparemment très traditionnelle du Moyen Age à la fin du Second Empire qu'il consacre son étude. Huit siècles de costumes féminins, pour paraître, séduire, innover, grâce au détail d'une coupe, à la beauté d'une matière, à la profondeur d'un décolleté ou, au contraire, d'un col si haut qu'il force à deviner tout ce que la femme fait semblant de dérober au regard... Découvrons ce spécialiste qui, en suivant le fil des couturières, étudie aussi le fil de l'Histoire.
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achronalart · 6 months
FWIW, "mauve" was one of the coal-tar dyes developed in the mid-19th century that made eye-wateringly bright clothing fashionable for a few decades.
It was an eye-popping magenta purple
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HOWEVER, like most aniline dyes, it faded badly, to a washed-out blue-grey ...
...which was the color ignorant youngsters in the 1920s associated with “mauve”.
(This dress is labeled "mauve" as it is the color the above becomes after fading).
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They colored their vision of the past with washed-out pastels that were NOTHING like the eye-popping electric shades the mid-Victorians loved. This 1926 fashion history book by Paul di Giafferi paints a hugely distorted, I would say dishonest picture of the past.
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Ever since then this faded bluish lavender and not the original electric eye-watering hot pink-purple is the color associated with the word “mauve”.
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jupiterdomain · 2 months
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Pedro Giafferis
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GIAFFERI Anne. Ange Et Gabrielle. 2015.
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remixinc · 1 year
Tempête from Brock Newman on Vimeo.
Written & Directed by: Brock Newman Producer: Inga Avedyan Cinematographer: Devin Karringten Creative Producer: Elena Pavlova Talent: Sammy Humphries, Pedro Giafferis Translation & Voiceover: Maud Pugliese Stylist: Ania Matwijczuk Hair and Makeup: Carla Sahagun 1st AD: Noah Asanias Underwater Op / 1st AC: Evan West Aerial Cinematographer: David Karuhije Drone Pilot: Pedro Giafferis Carpenter: Mark Newman Production Company: The Herd Films Editor: slackjaw Colourist: David Tomiak Sound Design/Mix: Mount Audio Production Support: Outpost Production Services, The Lockup, Lorne Lapha
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dailylepicbouley · 3 years
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Fais pas ci, fais pas ça : Y’aura-t-il Noël à Noël ? 
Family reunion *hearteyes*
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uwmspeccoll · 2 years
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Fashion Friday Hat Mania!
We’re back to our regular Fashion Friday programming after this semester’s takeover by UWM MFA Graduate Student in Intermedia Arts, Christine Westrich. It has been a treat to see her perspective on our collection these last few months. 
This week, we present plates from Millinery in the Fashion History of the World, by Paul Louis de Giafferri, originally published in segments from September of 1927 - December of 1928 in The Illustrated Milliner, a monthly magazine published in New York in the early 20th century by a publishing company of the same name. The monthly entries were later brought together into a set. Based on the cover (the first image above), it appears the plates were first published loosely in portfolio by The Illustrated Milliner and later bound, perhaps by The Central State Teacher’s College (now UW Steven’s Point), whose ownership stamp faintly marks each upper right corner. I borrowed this work from UW Steven’s Point Library after becoming intrigued by Giafferi’s work.
The plates themselves are reprinted from Giafferri’s L’histoire du Costume Féminin Mondial, (which we do hold here in Special Collections) with text condensed and translated from the original French, originally published in a series of portfolios by Éditions Nilsson of Paris, most likely from 1926-1927. The headings are additions for the American printing. It was also interesting to see some of the liberties the unidentified translator took with the descriptions on the plates. For example, #10 from the “New World Modes” plate reads:
The Illustrated Milliner: The prototype of Uncle Sam’s hat, made of beaver or silk plush and trimmed with a torsade of ribbon in two contrasting colors or tones.
L’histoire du Costume Féminin Mondial: Calotte haute, bords relevés d’un côté et abaissés de l’autre, avec torsade de deux tons de rubans au bas de la calotte. (A high cap, brim raised on one side and lowered on the other, with a twist of two-toned ribbons at the base of the cap)
To find out more about Giafferri and Éditions Nilsson, check out our previous posts on Giafferri’s works here.
View more Fashion Friday posts here.
And finally, you can find Christine’s creative take on our collection here. 
-Olivia, Special Collections Graduate Intern
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armelle-2003 · 2 years
-Pascale:« Si Dolto t’entendait ! »
-Michèle : « Je m’en fous de Dolto. Je faisais au mieux. »
-Pascale:« Je sais.»
-Michèle:« Alors détache-moi. »
Qui l’aurait cru? Qui aurai cru que Mme Gélinas🥰 aurai à peu près le même style de réplique dans la pièce de théâtre « Les Sœurs Bienaimé » de Mme Buc accompagnée de sa bien aimée Sister’act ( @valerielemercier 🥰) 15 ans après sa parution dans la série « Fais pas ci fais pas ca » d’Anne Giafferi et Thierry Bizot.
Une semaine… et oui déjà ! Cela fait déjà une semaine que les « Sœurs Bienaimé » nous ont quittées… ♥️ que de souvenirs inoubliables. Encore merciiiii🥰
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“Les Petits Meurtres d'Agatha Christie : La Plume Empoisonnée” d'Anne Giafferi et Murielle Magellan (2009-2012) - inspiré du roman éponyme d'Agatha Christie (1942) - avec Antoine Duléry, Marius Colucci et Anaïs Demoustier, septembre 2017.
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chornykot · 5 years
Wolfgang Diewerge: [pointing at Herschl Grynszpan] אתה מנהיג פה מרד!!
Vincent de Moro-Giafferi: …איך הגעת למקסנה הזאת?!… לא!!… לא נכון!! יש לך דעה מוקדמנית!!
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silvioselva · 4 years
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#tbt a pedidos. Minha última peça como protagonista. “Restos Imortais”. Direção de meu querido Marcos Giafferi. Na Casa Celina Neves. Ao ar livre, quase um mês de temporada. Foi um divisor. Depois de uma terrível depressão, falta de grana, gente me passando rasteira. E hoje, dá pra dizer que na vida, tudo são fases... (em Porteira Do Mundão) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9ptdBQhQPr/?igshid=iplbiwkjzyag
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remixinc · 1 year
Tempête from Brock Newman on Vimeo.
Written & Directed by: Brock Newman Producer: Inga Avedyan Cinematographer: Devin Karringten Creative Producer: Elena Pavlova Talent: Sammy Humphries, Pedro Giafferis Translation & Voiceover: Maud Pugliese Stylist: Ania Matwijczuk Hair and Makeup: Carla Sahagun 1st AD: Noah Asanias Underwater Op / 1st AC: Evan West Aerial Cinematographer: David Karuhije Drone Pilot: Pedro Giafferis Carpenter: Mark Newman Production Company: The Herd Films Editor: slackjaw Colourist: David Tomiak Sound Design/Mix: Mount Audio Production Support: Outpost Production Services, The Lockup, Lorne Lapha
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bsamir · 4 years
Les médias numériques, harnais de la diaspora.
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Nous allons aujourd’hui parler d’un peuple qui comporte plus d’individus hors de son territoire qu’en son sein : le peuple corse. En effet, on comptabilise 340 000 habitants en Corse mais on estime la diaspora à environ 1 millions !
Quel lien réel existe-il vraiment entre eux ? La diaspora peut-il conserver son identité grâce aux réseaux sociaux ?
Depuis le XVIème siècle, les Corses ont commencé à s’exiler dans le but d’échapper aux ravages des différentes invasions mais aussi de la pauvreté. Où immigraient-ils ? Sur tous les continents ! De la France aux Etats-Unis, en passant par le Sénégal ou encore le Venezuela ! Mais, la plupart ont gardés des liens forts avec leur île et y sont même revenu. Comme le disait Vincent de Moro-Giafferi (qui était avocat, politicien et membre de la diaspora en France) "lorsqu'il quitte son île, un Corse ne s'en va pas, il s'absente".
En plus des petits « groupes » présents sur les réseaux sociaux pour réunir des Corse habitants dans le même pays ou la même ville, il existe aujourd’hui de nombreux supports numériques importants pour regrouper ces communautés de Corses. Par exemple, l’association Corsica Diaspora a créé un réseau social qui recense des Corses dans près de 100 pays et 830 villes. Elle a pour utilité notamment de créer et de mettre en avant des évènements pouvant regrouper sa communauté. Ou encore Communiti qui est un réseau social créé sur le modèle de LinkedIn mais uniquement destiné aux Corses. L’objectif étant de permettre à ceux présents sur l’île de faire leurs études ou travailler à l’étranger, et à la diaspora de revenir en Corse.
On peut donc dire que les médias numériques ont su créer un nouveau territoire où des Corses séparés par des kilomètres peuvent se réunir.
https://www.corsicadiaspora.com/ https://www.communiti.corsica/
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x-fi-blog1 · 5 years
'El papel de sus vidas': Tú al salón de belleza y yo al set de rodaje
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CRÍTICA Crítica de 'El papel de sus vidas', dirigida y escrita por Anne Giafferi. Protagonizada por Mathilde Segnier, que interpreta a dos hermanas gemelas que se reencuentran 45 años después de ser separadas. 'El papel de sus vidas': Tú al salón de belleza y yo al set de rodaje from eCartelera https://ift.tt/2mgBDmM via IFTTT
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krakowergroup · 7 years
PR: Jean-Michel Bernard Plays Lalo Schifrin
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VARÈSE SARABANDE RECORDS TO RELEASE JEAN-MICHEL BERNARD PLAYS LALO SCHIFRIN Featuring Performances Of New Arrangements of Schifrin’s Beloved Themes, Played by Acclaimed Pianist/Composer Jean-Michel Bernard (September 18, 2017 – Los Angeles, CA) – The result of a concert performed by Jean-Michel Bernard celebrating the music of legendary composer Lalo Schifrin at the 2016 La Baule Film Music Festival in France, Varèse Sarabande will release a new studio recording of JEAN-MICHEL BERNARD PLAYS LALO SCHIFRIN digitally and on CD October 6, 2017.  The album features three piano duets performed by Bernard with Schifrin himself! In addition to this wonderful release, Varèse Sarabande, together with Musicians at Play and Music Fund Los Angeles, will be celebrating the 85th birthday of Schifrin with a special concert on October 7th in Los Angeles, at the historic Alex Theatre in Glendale (concert details: http://bit.ly/2h8cyXO). Lalo Schifrin calls Jean-Michel Bernard his ‘soul brother.’  The two first met over 25 years ago, but it wasn’t until they were reacquainted in 2016 that they would strike up a musical friendship.  Schifrin was the guest of honor at the 2016 La Baule Film Music Festival.  Bernard was asked to give a tribute concert to celebrate the Maestro, and re-orchestrated Lalo’s themes for the performance.  Though not originally scheduled to – Bernard invited Lalo to join him on stage and the two played 35 minutes of amazing improvisations, culminating in Schifrin’s beloved “Mission: Impossible”.
“After a Dirty Harry Blues duo with Pierre Boussaguet, he launched into a wild piano duel with Jean-Michel on Happy Birthday—it really was Boussaguet's birthday—before ending on a white-hot reprise of Mission: Impossible… thirty-five minutes later!” described the French journalist Stéphane Lerouge. “The audience, fully aware that they had witnessed a historic happening, gave them a standing ovation that stopped the clock.” Inspired by the music of Schifrin and determined to recreate the historic moment by recording his arrangements for this album, Jean-Michel began recording this album – featuring Lalo’s beloved music from Mannix, Cool Hand Luke, Bullitt, The Cincinnati Kid, The Cat, the Dirty Harry Suite (featuring composer – and Clint’s son – Kyle Eastwood on electric bass), plus a melodic trip to Lalo’s roots with pieces like Lalo’s Bossa Nova and Tango Del Atardecer. After an initial recording session in France, Lalo invited Jean-Michel to Los Angeles to record a series of duets at the legendary Capitol Studios where Lalo would join him for three pieces.   “Jean-Michel reserved two pieces for him [Lalo], each for two pianos: Chano (originally written for Gillespie), and a lengthy introduction to The Plot, like some fantasy joust nourished on jubilant quotes,” wrote Lerouge. “He also built up an original suite combining Recuerdos from Che! (with a baguala rhythm) and the love theme from The Four Musketeers in Renaissance style, forming a made-to-measure piece for Sara Andon, a stunning New World classical flautist. These three piano duets, performed by Lalo and Jean-Michel, can be heard on this album: Introduction to The Plot, Chano, and The Cheketeers Suite.” Take a musical adventure with this delightful new recording JEAN-MICHEL BERNARD PLAYS LALO SCHIFRIN.  Perhaps Schifrin himself summed it up best, "In La Baule, it was a magnificent child. From now on, it's an adult." Track Listing 1. Mannix 2. Bullitt 3. Cool Hand Luke 4. Dirty Harry Suite 5. Lalo's Bossa Nova 6. Mission: Impossible 7. That Night 8. Tango Del Atardecer 9. The Cat 10. Les Felins 11. The Cincinnati Kid 12. Introduction To The Plot 13. The Plot 14. Cheketeers Suite 15. Manteca 16. Chano 17. Mannix Ballad ### www.varesesarabande.com For more information contact KrakowerGroup[at]gmail.com, or @KrakowerGroup on Twitter ABOUT JEAN-MICHEL BERNARD Jean-Michel Bernard began playing the piano at the age of two. When he was 14, he was awarded first place at the Bordeaux Conservatory and later graduated from the Paris ‘Ecole Normale de Musique’. At 19, he recorded with the London Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, whilst pursuing a career as a jazz musician and performing with prominent jazz artists including Wild Bill Davis, Jimmy Woode (Duke Ellington’s bassist) and Eddie Davis. From 1987 to 1991 he worked as musical director and conductor of the successful radio show “L’Oreille en Coin” on National Pubic Radio France Inter. Between 2000 and 2003, he performed with the Ray Charles Quartet on the European and Australian tours as organist and conductor, “this guy is a genius, he is extraordinary” Ray used to say concerning Jean-Michel Bernard. He also scored many documentaries and commercials during the 90’s.  His career as a composer began with animated films, followed by collaborations with masters such as Lalo Schifrin and Ennio Morricone. He frequently works with director Michel Gondry and has composed songs and scores for films including Human Nature and The Science of Sleep, which screened at the Sundance and Berlin Film Festivals. He was nominated for the World Soundtrack Awards in 2007 as Discovery of the Year and won the France Musique/UCMF award at the Cannes Film Festival the same year. In 2008 he scored the music for Michel Gondry’s Be Kind Rewind, Cash by Eric Besnard, and A Pain in the Ass by Francis Veber. The same day Be Kind Rewind was shown at the Sundance Festival, Jean-Michel Bernard performed alongside rapper/singer Mos Def and Gondry, an avid drummer. The following year, the Cannes Film Festival invited him to represent France in the film music concert program. He also received an award for his achievement outside of his native country from the European Union of Film Music Composers (UCMF) and was appointed as sound designer for both HBO’s channel and website. He has collaborated with French actress and director Fanny Ardant on two of her films Chimères Absentes and Cadences Obstinées starring Gerard Depardieu and worked on Academy Award winning Hugo by Martin Scorsese. He scored the music of Love Punch by Joel Hopkins starring Pierce Brosnan and Emma Thompson, Love at First Child by Anne Giafferi and Money by Georgian director Gela Babluani. Bernard has conducted master classes at the Cannes Film Festival as well as in Montreal, Angers, La Rochelle, Krakow, Cologne and in Aubagne, where he performed a live version of “Jazz For Dogs”, an album co-created with Kimiko Ono and featuring a number of prestigious guests including Fanny Ardant, Francis Lai and Laurent Korcia. In 2014, Jean-Michel Bernard began teaching film music classes at the Paris Conservatory and was guest of honor with Michael Giacchino at the Audi Talent Awards in Paris with the Paris Symphonic Orchestra, at Braunschweig Festival and at Soundtrack Cologne Festival. He scored “Terra”, a contemporary dance project which premiered at the Coronet in London in March 2016 and participated as composer, arranger and performer on The Avalanches long-awaited second album Wildflower. His most recent project is an album celebrating the legendary Lalo Schifrin entitled Jean-Michel Bernard plays Lalo Schifrin which includes 3 piano duets with the master himself. The album will be released in 2017 with concerts in Los Angeles, Paris, and Japan, at the Tokyo Blue Note Jazz Festival. "To me it is amazing that I found a real 'soul brother' in the sum of his expressions (composing, conducting, performing, etc.). I cannot find words to reflect my admiration for his genius, a real miracle because he is my double." (Lalo Schifrin). ABOUT LALO SCHIFRIN Lalo Schifrin is a true Renaissance man. As a pianist, composer and conductor, he is equally at home conducting a symphony orchestra, performing at an international jazz festival, scoring a film or television show, or creating works for the Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra, the London Philharmonic and even The Sultan of Oman. As a young man in his native Argentina, Lalo Schifrin received classical training in music, and also studied law. He came from a musical family, and his father, Luis Schifrin, was the concertmaster of the Philharmonic Orchestra of Buenos Aires at the Teatro Colon. Lalo Schifrin continued his formal music education at the Paris Conservatory during the early 1950’s. Simultaneously, he became a professional jazz pianist, composer and arranger, playing and recording in Europe. When Schifrin returned to Buenos Aires in the mid 1950’s, he formed his own big concert band. It was during a performance of this band that Dizzy Gillespie heard Schifrin play and asked him to become his pianist and arranger. In 1958, Schifrin moved to the United States and thus began a remarkable career. His music is a synthesis of traditional and twentieth-century techniques, and his early love for jazz and rhythm are strong attributes of his style. “Invocations,” “Concerto for Double Bass,” “Piano Concertos No. 1 and No. 2,” “Pulsations,” “Tropicos,” “La Nouvelle Orleans,” and “Resonances” are examples of this tendency to juxtapose universal thoughts with a kind of elaborated primitivism. In the classical composition field, Schifrin has more than 60 works. To date, Lalo Schifrin has written over 100 film and television scores including Mission Impossible, Mannix, Cool Hand Luke, Bullitt, The Cincinnati Kid, Amityville Horror, four of the Dirty Harry films, and more recently Abominable and the Rush Hour trilogy.  Lalo Schifrin has now won five Grammys® (twenty-two nominations), one Cable ACE Award, and six Academy Award® nominations (for Cool Hand Luke, The Fox, Voyage of the Damned, The Amityville Horror, The Competition, and The Sting II).  His longtime involvement in both the jazz and symphonic worlds came together in 1993 as pianist and conductor for his on-going series of “Jazz Meets the Symphony” recordings. ABOUT VARÈSE SARABANDE RECORDS Founded in 1978, Varèse Sarabande is the most prolific producer of film music in the world, releasing the highest quality soundtracks from the world’s greatest composers. From current box office hits and top television series to the classics of Hollywood’s Golden Age, Varèse Sarabande’s catalog includes albums from practically every composer in every era, covering all of film history; from Bernard Herrmann, Alex North and Jerry Goldsmith to Alexandre Desplat, Michael Giacchino, and Brian Tyler. Varèse Sarabande releases deluxe and expanded editions of special soundtracks for the film music aficionado. The Varèse Vintage imprint specializes in releasing new and re-issued albums by classic pop, jazz and country artists. Varèse Sarabande Records is distributed by Universal Music Group. Follow:  twitter.com/varesesarabande Watch:  youtube.com/varesesarabande Listen:  open.spotify.com/user/varesesarabanderecords Like:  facebook.com/varesesarabanderecords Buy:  varesesarabande.com
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