#Geno penguin patch
freebooter4ever · 7 months
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I've had more questions about my parody "Penguin" hat featuring my art of Evgeni Malkin's beautiful championship face so here's the official post! Patches (only patches! no hat included!) can be ordered here by selecting 'already existing design' and specifying that you want the “Geno Penguin Patch”. Disclaimer: I'm not making any money off of this and I'm not affiliated with the embroidery artists. I bought my own patch and I'm happy! I'm only doing this post because I'm very extremely flattered that people also want patches with my design ^_^. Also if we get enough people wearing these at games we could confuse the fuck out of geno who may or may not have gotten the patch i sent in september there was no response and it could be funny. For more details about the patch see the tag on my blog. The hat itself is a simple blank hat I found at a shop with the patch ironed on (for help with that don't come to me, I suck at it). Screenshot of the patch order process below the cut. Bonus terrible photo of me wearing it at the anaheim game last week. Thank you!
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idontlikeem · 2 years
i think geno has at least 3 goorin bros "geno" caps. he had a ton of caps with the white "happy" penguin patch. with the yellow "geno" penguin patch he has 1) the black cap with yellow sides from sign-on-sports, 2) the grey cap he's been training in the bommaritos vids, and 3) his black cap from today.
ah you're right! i didn't even notice that the original 'thanks for the custom hat' has different sides than the one in the picture with nikita! geno, did you ask for MORE custom hats??????? he's unreal <3
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rinkrats · 3 years
🥺 that mike lange story. But also those tags #sid loooves christmas #he loves giving presents #looks good in red #piles on the pounds fast #post hockey career as santa 😂😂👌🏽👌🏽
he loves his mementos and presents and is COMMITTED to them. scrapbooking. matching jackets. little pills with hidden motivational messages~*~ his love language is gifts and neck smooches and stalking geno. relevant right now are some anecdotes i sent a friend earlier this year for dorky sid gifts fic fodder:
1. Crosby's constant thoughtfulness would be impressive from anyone, much less someone of his stature.
"Sid always texts me happy birthday, he's always asking me like, how's Russia?" Evgeni Malkin said. "We talk and message all summer. He asks me how my skates are. He knows, like, everything. He follows my Instagram, I think (laughs)."
In addition to having a handle on those little details, Crosby is constantly providing those around him with memories and mementos. If the team is on the road and goes, say, sightseeing or to a sporting event and takes a group photo, Crosby will later send a framed copy to everyone.
When Ron Hextall and Brian Burke watched their first Penguins game in person, Crosby is the one who approached head equipment manager Dana Heinze and asked for two used game pucks to give to the new GM and president of hockey ops. 
After the Penguins won in 2009, Crosby had jackets made for the three players on the team who had scored a Cup-clinching goal in Game 7: Talbot (Pittsburgh), Ruslan Fedotenko (Tampa Bay) and Mike Rupp (New Jersey).
"They were blue jackets with gold buttons, and each one had a patch on it that said 'GWG Game 7,'" Talbot said. "At one of our first team meals the next season, he presented us with the jackets and did a big ceremony with the music and stuff. We had a private room in the restaurant. I still have the jacket."
-The Consummate Teammate, Captain and Ambassador, Feb 2021
2. Merz: My first interaction with Sid was when we were on the bench, guys were talking about a teammate, and the first thing this 15-year-old says is, “Hey, guys. Let’s keep everything positive. Don’t talk about your teammates that way.”
Salcido: When we were getting ready for nationals, he found these little pills that you could put a hidden message inside. They unscrewed, and inside was a tiny scroll. He gave one to every teammate. … He had everyone fill one out. He didn’t tell anyone what to write, but he made it known that we all knew what the goal was: winning nationals. So we wrote on our scrolls, rolled them up and put them in the pill thing. We kept them with us everywhere we went.
-‘Is this real?’: Stories of Sidney Crosby’s year at a Minnesota prep school, May 2020
3. On “Butterfly Boy” Jonathan Pitre:
Though the Senators are his team, Sidney Crosby has always been Jonny’s favourite player. After the TSN documentary airs, Tina gets a call from the Penguins. Sid needs Jonny’s measurements. He wants to have a suit made for him by his personal tailor, Domenico Vacca.
“It’s the kindest, sweetest gesture,” Tina says. “Sid heard that Jonny went to a lot of games, so he wants him to look like he’s one of the guys.”
“I want him to feel like a pro,” Crosby says. “Here’s a guy who is going through something so painful, and his first thought is always, ‘How can I help others?’ When I was young, I’d watch on TV the players coming to the rink in their suits. That was a cool part of being an NHL player. I want him to feel that, to make it as real as possible for him.”
Tina tries to discreetly measure Jonny while she’s changing his dressings. But he’s way too smart for that.
“Um, Mom, why are you measuring me? Am I going for surgery again?” he asks.
“No, no!” Tina replies, trying to reassure him and come up with a good lie, all in the same breath. “The doctor needs them just to make sure they have proper dressings next time you are in.”
A few weeks later, the sharp navy blue suit shows up at their front door, along with a couple of ties, an autographed stick and a handwritten letter from Sid. 
“His eyes just light up,” Tina says. “Jonny always liked to be well-dressed, and he just loves having his own suit. It fits perfectly. He looks so good in it.”
-Beauties by James Duthie (2020)
4. Pascal Dupuis inspired his Pittsburgh Penguins teammates on their run to the Stanley Cup, and Sidney Crosby found a special way of driving that message home.
Dupuis retired in December with lingering health concerns because of blood clots. Despite his NHL playing days coming to an end, the veteran forward remained an integral part of the Penguins and was in uniform to hoist the Cup after Pittsburgh's six-game win against the San Jose Sharks in the Stanley Cup Final.
On Sunday, Dupuis brought the Cup home one last time as a player to share a special day with his family, friends and hometown fans.
"Yes, it does feel bittersweet a little bit," Dupuis said. "You get the Cup, you want to celebrate. But at the same time I got a gift by the mail [Saturday]. Basically, it's a book of all the pictures of all the good stuff we went through. It came from Nova Scotia, so you guys can figure out who it came from (Crosby), but he couldn't give it to me during the season, he saw me skating a little bit.
"And he sent it [Saturday], before my day with the Cup, so he knew what he was doing to get me right here," Dupuis said, putting his fist over his heart.
-Pascal Dupuis shares Stanley Cup with family, friends, Aug 2016
5. In 2011, Crosby was out of the lineup with a concussion, and the Penguins made their annual visit to Children’s Hospital.
Crosby got along so well with one boy there and was so touched that he later asked Bullano to go back... just the two of them, no cameras, no attention.
When Bullano and Crosby met for the follow-up visit, Crosby appeared clutching a pair of Toys “R” Us bags, filled with a Transformer toy the two had discussed.
“He literally bought every type of this toy they make,” Bullano said. “[Crosby] had never seen it before and thought it was so cool.
“There are no pictures of this. There’s no video. He was laying in the bed with the kid. They were just playing. We were there for over two hours. I got to know the mom really well because we were just sitting there.
“The kid had no idea. Didn’t expect it. They had no idea he was coming. We got there and he said, ‘Hey buddy. hope you don’t mind that I came back.’ The kid couldn’t believe it.
“[Crosby’s] crazy cool about stuff like that.”
What’s crazy is trying to recount the many times stuff like this has happened with Crosby:
• The Little Penguins Learn to Play program has been around for nine seasons, outfitting now 1,200 kids with free head-to-toe hockey equipment. Not only does Crosby serve as the face of the program — which the NHL has now adopted — but he helps fund it, too.
“There’s an awareness of what a person in his position can bring,” Penguins vice president of communications Tom McMillan said. “I think he activates that as much as anybody I’ve seen during his playing career.”
• After a recent practice, Crosby noticed a local family in the Penguins dressing room, approached them, introduced himself, learned their story and wound up giving them a signed stick.
Nobody asked Crosby to do that, and he wanted zero credit when discussing it a couple days later.
“For people who have the opportunity to come in here, people dealing with certain things, if you can brighten their day a bit or spend some time with them, it’s something that’s special for all of us,” Crosby said.
• A few years ago, through a team charity event, Crosby befriended a 4-year-old Amish boy with cancer. Crosby remarked to Bullano how much he loved talking to the boy because of how engaging the boy was and how he wasn’t consumed with technology. Crosby even tried to visit the boy but learned he had passed away.
• He learns the first and last names of the kids who attend his hockey school in Cole Harbour, Nova Scotia.
“Two kids came from Japan its first year,” Bullano recalled. “He was so blown away by that. He couldn’t wait to meet them.”
• Earlier this season, the Penguins welcomed Grant Chupinka, 24-year-old cancer patient, into the dressing room. Crosby chatted up Grant and his parents, Steve and Kim.
He spent his usual time — about two or three times the requirement. Gave the tour. Then found out the Chupinkas didn’t have tickets for that night’s game and decided he would pay for them to go.
“I’m sure he could just give them an autographed puck or something, but he takes his time to go out and see them and talk to them and get to know them,” Brian Dumoulin said. “It speaks volumes for him and who he is as a person.”
Spend any length of time with Crosby during his visits with those less fortunate, and a few things become obvious.
One, Crosby is really good at these. Smooth but not in a slimy way. Sweet. You know how when you’re around someone talking and they go out of their way to make eye contact with everyone around? That’s Crosby.
He’s also humble, always introducing himself like those he’s meeting don’t already know. Holding a hand is no issue. And Crosby is the rare 20-something pro athlete without kids who acts every bit like he does.
“It is not an easy situation to talk to someone with terminal cancer,” McMillan said. “A lot of people couldn’t do that. He has an amazing ability to do that and make that person feel good.”
Crosby has welcomed several Make-a-Wish kids and tries, if at all possible, to schedule such events for practice days — to maximize the time he’s able to spend.
He’s developed a special friendship with Patrick McIlvain, a soldier who nearly died when he took a bullet to the head in Afghanistan. McIlvain actually does physical therapy with one of Crosby’s sticks.
A former club hockey player at Cal U, McIlvain comes by every year, and the Penguins don’t even bother to tell Crosby. Either he already knows or immediately stops what he’s doing to come say hello.
“He’s not doing it to leave a legacy,” said Terry Kalna, Penguins vice president of sales and broadcasting. “His numbers leave the legacy. He’s just a down-to-Earth, good guy.”
Before a visit, Crosby has Bullano email him what is essentially a scouting report on who he’s going to meet. He likes to learn about them, their situation and what they’ve been through. As much information as he can ingest. Crosby never just swoops in, shake a hand and leave.
“As much as anyone has ever seen, he accepts the responsibilities of being not just a professional athlete but a star professional athlete,” McMillan said. “He views it as part of the job. Like coming to the morning skate. That’s just what you do.”
Put another way, “he owns those moments,” says Kalna.
Said Bullano, “He’s just a good human being.”
-When it comes to giving, Sidney Crosby does as much as he can, Feb 2017
6. When Crosby received a generous signing bonus on his Reebok deal, he wanted to share it with everyone.
“He gave everyone on the bus gifts,”  says Oceanic radio commentator Michel Germain. “Him sharing his bonus with all the people he’d been travelling with for two years, that impresses me greatly. I think the most important thing about Sidney Crosby is his personality and the kind of human being he is. What he exuded. The inner richness he’d already developed.” 
-Superstitious and generous, Dec 2006
7. also this simply because it makes me ;w;
Even in defeat — no, especially in defeat — Sidney Crosby proved why he wears the "C" for the Penguins.
After the game, with his heart sinking and his season over, the Penguins’ captain bent over, sank to the ice to pick up the puck, took it to linesman Tony Sericolo and then skated to his team’s handshake line.
I immediately thought of a View from Ice Level I’d written on Crosby making sure a retiring official was sent away from PPG Paints Arena properly. I knew picking up the puck wasn’t for the same reason that was, but I also knew, in some way, it was connected to Crosby’s awareness and respect of the game.
“It was for the Islanders,” Crosby told me after the game, his eyes swollen from a first round exit – by way of a sweep to make it worse. He told me how the winning team always wanted the puck, and it was his way of providing it for the Islanders.
Crosby looked me right in the eye as he told me this, just as he did with every other member of the media to come to him after the loss.
I could tell from those swollen eyes and the way he sat at his stall, by himself with his hands folded as he stared blankly, that Sidney Crosby is much more used to being on the receiving end of a puck when a series ends than he is at retrieving it for the winning team.
That scene. His swollen eyes. Staying in the locker room until most had left – talking to anyone who needed him. Most of all, though, picking up the puck that prompted my question in the first place and making sure the right people got their piece of their own history.
It all adds up to one thing: In victory and in defeat, Crosby respects the game above all else – just as he’s always done.
-Even in defeat, Crosby shines, April 2019
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sevenfists · 5 years
Hi Sevenfists. As a chronicler of the fashion choices of Evgeni Malkin, I come to you with an observation. Geno has a lion hat, a shark hat, a penguin hat and a tiger hat that are all essentially the same hat. I love him and I even kind of love the hats, but I have questions. WHY SO MANY? That's the main question, but also are they secretly fashionable and I am just Out of Touch? Where did he find so many hats with animal patches? ARE THERE MORE?
There’s apparently a whole line of these hats so tbh the only truly surprising thing is that he doesn’t own more. I want him to buy the rooster hat that says COCK, or better yet the owl hat that says BIG HOOTERS.
Or this one:
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nomorelonelydays · 7 years
After a few days of staying with Geno de-aged Sid starts to question Geno and his older selfs relationship. "So if we're roommates why aren't any of my clothes in the room I'm staying in? And you have a wedding ring on but I haven't seen your wife? Also why would your wife not live with you but I do?" And Genos just standing there in a cold sweat and barks out "Shouldn't know too much about future, Sid! Go to your room" and Sid just retorts "you mean the guest room"
okay but imagined de-aged sidney sneaking out to the living room after he knows geno has fallen asleep because he wants to watch tv, and he’s rummaging in the drawers looking for the Finding Nemo DVD that Geno showed him when he sees a DVD labeled - “Sid and G, proposal vid”
so he pops that in, the way geno showed him how to, and the screen fizzes to life. A man, with dark curls and wide, hazel eyes is biting his lips and looking at…something. It’s like one of those new phones Geno showed him, but with a wider screen. And with a start, Sidney realizes that the man in the video is a grown up him.
Then Geno appears on the TV, flashing a post-it note at the camera that said, “Marry me, Sidney?”
“What are you doing?” in-video Sidney says, smiling as he looks up. “Is this a prank? Because you know you’re supposed to set up the camera beforehand, right?”In-video Geno crumples the post it note and stuffs it in his pocket. “Not prank,” he promises, before bounding back to Sidney’s side and kissing him. “You see later.”
The video cuts to black, music starts playing, and it turns out the whole thing is Geno indirectly proposing in a bunch of different ways to an unsuspecting Sidney. They’re at the zoo and Sidney is pointing at some penguins, and Geno is whispering to the camera, “Sidney, you make me so happy. Will you marry me?” as Sidney shouts from afar, “Geno, come over here! Look at them!” In another instance, the camera pans down from where Sidney is practicing slapshots down to where Geno is sitting in the bleachers, a notebook in his lap that once again asks Sidney to marry him in messy handwriting. Then it’s yet another scene, where Sidney is passed out in bed and surrounded by a bunch of fluffy pillows, and Geno has stuck a post-it note on his forehead asking Sidney to marry him. (Another scene is Sidney in the locker room, next to some guy with a soul patch, who says something unintelligible. The subtitles says, “Hey Sid. You should marry Geno. He’s been asking you for three months.”In-video Sidney is pulling on his shirt when he asks, “What does that mean?”
The guy responds, “Geno says it’s Russian for ‘You have a big ass.’”
In-video Sidney rolls his eyes. “Okay, Flower.”)And de-aged sidney gets to see how much geno loves him and how much his teammates love him, and how happy older-Sidney is with his new family anyways im emo for this and i would love to read a teeny drabble based on this pass it on  
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hockeyisforthegays · 7 years
playing “guess what team this hockey player is on” w/ my brother
he knows nothing about hockey and here are the highlights
sidney crosby
ironically, seconds after establishing that the only 2 teams he knew of were the canucks and the penguins, he guessed that sid played for the canucks
“didn’t he score some important goal for vancouver in some big hockey championship thing??”
spoiler: he was thinking of the van 2010 olympics
he does not accept this though, continues to insist sid is captain of the canucks
stop him
max paciorrety 
him, immediately upon hearing the name: “MAXIMUM PATCH”
“he probably plays for a very patchwork team. what’s a patchwork place? florida. he plays for the florida.... panthers.”
me: “that... actually is the name of a team. not pacioretty’s team but, a team. did you know that?”
“no i guessed”
i gave him a point for it anyway
henrik sedin
he somehow started thinking he was related to the colour brown somehow (don’t ask how) 
“what’s brown? ...the water in kentucky”
“the shitty teams are brown. he plays for the... oh! the boston bruins”
@ bruins fans i apologized but i laughed, i did
“give me a hint” “how about i give you his brother’s name. plays for the same team, it’s daniel”
“daniel... henrik... handle... dendrik” (continues for 30 seconds) 
me: “maybe... maybe focus on the team instead of just how to combine their names?”
“are they on a canadian team?” “yes” “the... toronto maple leafs” “no”
my brother lives in vancouver and really should know this one
he does not
literally there was a canucks jersey (mine) hanging up behind him while we were doing this and i,
i had to tell him henrik sedin was captain of the vancouver canucks and he said
“i thought that was sidney crosby”
jamie benn
“could you have possibly given me a more generic name??”
gave his brother’s name for a hint again
this was before the montreal trade. do svidanya jobenn (((
he managed to narrow it down to the state of texas
“there’s a team in texas?? where???”
“i’m gonna guess houston. jamie... jordie... a lot of j sounds... i’m gonna say they play for the houston giraffes”
brent burns
“burns, burns, what burns.... california is experiencing draughts..” “you’re getting close actually” “really? wow”
“sacramento.. san jose... i know san jose has a team! the san jose... uhh...”
(our dad) “here’s a hint, we had a chance to swim with them on our last vacation but you slept in”
“oh! i think that was a called a... a takihiti fish.” (our dad, quietly: no.) “yes. the san jose takihiti fish”
pk subban
“pk?? does that stand for something??” “yes, parnell karl” (our dad, whose name is karl: “nice”)
tbh i don’t remember what he guessed but he sat there repeating “pk subban... pk... suuuu... bannnn.. subban... Suuub’n. P... K... Subban” to himself for like 2 minutes and that was hilarious to me for some reason
geno malkin
“geno... sounds italian” 
me: *tries to tell him geno’s actual name w/ my best attempt at pronounciation* him: “...yebbie veggie?” 
“idk man give me a hint” 
“ok so... his captain played in the 2010 vancouver olympics”
“...his captain is sidney crosby”
“so he plays for the vancouver canucks!!”
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nananihilia · 7 years
Wow I'm lucky
Just came across the "tag the hockey shirt and jerseys" post and I've realized...as a collector I've been very fortunate to be able to afford my collection... The bulk of my collection are just the Reebok Premiers but I've also been fortunate enough to have the ability to purchase Edge (team issued-type jerseys like the ones they wear on-ice) jerseys. It basically started to explode when I joined /r/hockeyjerseys on reddit... Currently I have: Sidney Crosby Home with Stanley Cup Champs patch (premier) Sidney Crosby Home pre-2016 season (that Vegas gold color...also a premier) Sidney Crosby Home 2016-2017 season with the 50th anniversary and 100th NHL patch (Edge 2.0) Sidney Crosby 2017 Stadium Series (Edge 2.0) Evgeni Malkin Home from the pre-2016 season (Vegas gold Edge 2.0) Phil Kessel home with the Stanley Cup Champions patch (premier) Tyler Seguin home (premier) Martin Jones home (premier) Morgan Rielly (this season with the "A" patch, premier) Auston Matthews Centennial Classic (premier) Jakob Silfverberg 3rd jersey (the orange one with the old wild wing logo, premier) Jonathan Toews home (gifted, premier) Teemu Selanne home (retro jersey with the old ducks logo in that classic eggplant and green) Blank Dallas Stars "Mooterus" (authentic) Blank Pittsburgh Penguins (from the Sid and Geno rookie era, authentic) Blank San Jose Sharks alternate (pre-black jersey alternate, premier) Long story short...i have a closet in a spare room just for jerseys.
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freebooter4ever · 10 months
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Hi friends, here's some close ups of the Geno patch! Patches can be ordered here by selecting an already existing design and specifying that you want the "Geno Penguin Patch"! The embroidery was designed by Phil from Gulo Gulo Geeks who spent a lot of time going back and forth with me getting the art and color right. The final patch turned out absolutely wild, I never thought I'd see my art in thread form. The colors are as true to the original art as we could get, and the only part not identical to the og Geno patch is the fake 'merrowed edge' around the border instead of a real one. Also keep in mind, I'm not making any money off of this myself, I know we're toeing the line here between 'parody' and 'copying' the og Goo*rin bros design. These are just for fun! And you have to iron or sew them onto the hat (or anything!)(you could even iron one onto a jersey! scandalous!) yourself. I'm including an example of how to order and some process photos under the cut
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And here's some of the work in progress moments:
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For full disclosure, I have three copies of the patch myself. One for practice, one for me, and then one I'm gonna fanmail to the arena in pittsburgh. And I fully plan on using alcohol based markers to add in some subtle colors to make it look closer to the original art. And I might try to glue/cut the 'penguin' words so they're actually separate (hence the 'practice' one lol!). So eventually if you see my patch sewed onto the hat and it looks a little different than these ones straight from the machine, that's why :)
Tagging friends who liked/reblogged the preview post here: @robindrake13 @warmupbrawl @imjustemo4genoyall @shotgunshipping @pathophage @gordiemeow @randomnoteforfuturereference @artemistlbreadco @stardew-allie @good-night-space-kid @itsmusomuse Sorry if I missed anyone!
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freebooter4ever · 8 months
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Stopped on the way home to make a subtle but necssary change to my hat ^_^
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freebooter4ever · 10 months
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color, color, color ^_^ CHAMPS!geno needs his red plush kissable lips. But what i learned from my practice patch is that less is more with color accents, i think i found a good balance.
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freebooter4ever · 6 months
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after dinner we may have stopped somewhere just for a photo
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freebooter4ever · 9 months
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lol this also made it back to la with me... i guess if he is in the burgh now i could still send it to the rink even if i got too embarrassed to do it while there? and theoretically it could get to him?
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freebooter4ever · 10 months
@yabagofmalk: #I hope we see Geno with your custom hat
ok so, ive been debating with myself over this actually. See i was just gonna stick a patch in an envelope, cause i dont know his preferred hat size and it seemed presumptious to send a hat - like 'wear this!', how obnoxious. But after giving up on the sewing (too much blood and finger pricks), and going through the ironing process for my own hat, let me tell ya its no easy task trying to iron onto a curved surface lol. My poor friend watched me for like five minutes, said 'this looks dangerous im leaving i claim zero responsibility', and i was in their backroom alone with the ironing board and iron for at least an hour. So now im like well its also annoying putting that work on him, so if i think he'd like it on a hat i should probably prestick it on a damn hat. And then im like im spending way too much thought on this that will probably get a good chuckle and then get forgotten about.
I do realize if the hat option wins this poll the next question is going to be where the fuck do i get a hat
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freebooter4ever · 9 months
Out of curiousity i googled the original geno hats and am seeing them going for ridiculous amounts. Just. Truly stupid prices. Then there's also the 'trying to make a buck quick' people selling imitations of the hat but pushing HARD and asking about marketing (and surprise surprise i looked at the sellers redit history and they are also a fan of ai...that 'only care about money and not the art/work' personality is a TYPE) clearly wanting to sell more hats than the original run but cheaper, and obviously cutting geno out. Its all such nonsense :(
I hate limited edition shit. The entire concept. I remember realizing this back in the day when i was like six and dad would take me to all his mag*c card conventions, and he'd let me look through his collection and pick my favorites and sometimes he would be highly amused if i picked one with like a princess elf in a gauzy dress and it turned out to be worth hundreds of dollars. I never understood it - why something could be valued only because it was 'rare' rather than the artistry of it or sentimentality (or in my case because it was a pretty girl in a poofy dress).
I guess what im threatening here is that if i ever see anyone reselling a hat with my stupid knockoff penguin patch on it for ANY amount of money, i may not be able to do anything about it, but i will hate you till the ends of the earth for taking a fun silly cheap thing and making it a cash grab.
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freebooter4ever · 9 months
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where the hat lives when not on my head - see can you imagine a stark white or black plain hat there? no, the soft cream fuzzy corduroy makes so much more sense.
i actually... i did consider buying the white geno penguin one just to draw/color portraits of him all over it. but then i thought it might be kinda weird and didnt know what i would do with it when i finished and im no good at managing to be quick enough to buy that limited edition stuff anyway. always sells out so fast.
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freebooter4ever · 11 months
lmao called up the artist house and was like: "do you know if susie has a merrowed edge machine?" (the next door neighbor is a craft addict)
my friends immediate response: "if i know anyone who does it'd be her. youve got me curious i will call her RIGHT NOW and ask."
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