#Gail Kobe
countesspetofi · 2 months
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Today in the Department of Before They Were Star Trek Stars, DeForest Kelley guest stars in "Gun Duel," episode 12 of the fourth season of Laramie (original air date December 25, 1962). Kelley plays one of a trio of bank robbers who split up after their last job. The bagman is captured and sent to the Laramie jail after hiding the loot, and Kelley and the third man meet there to spring him or get the location of the stolen money from his girlfriend.
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thebarroomortheboy · 5 months
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 In a way, it can be said that Walter Ryder succeeded in his life's ambition, even though the man he created was, after all, himself. There may be easier ways to self-improvement, but sometimes it happens that the shortest distance between to points is a crooked line - through the Twilight Zone.
The Twilight Zone | 4.01 In His Image
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perfettamentechic · 10 months
1 agosto … ricordiamo
1 agosto … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2022: Reni Santoni, attore e doppiatore statunitense. Reni è l’abbreviazione di Renaldo. Di origini córse e spagnole, Santoni iniziò la carriera artistica nei teatri Off Broadway e debuttò sul grande schermo nel 1964. Santoni apparve anche in numerose serie televisive fin dagli anni settanta, oltre i film. Reni era sposato con Lisa James. Ha poi avuto una relazione a lungo termine con l’attrice e…
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kwebtv · 11 months
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The Legend of Lizzie Borden - ABC - February 10, 1975
Historical Drama
Running Time: 96 minutes
Elizabeth Montgomery as Lizzie Borden
Fionnula Flanagan as Bridget Sullivan
Ed Flanders as Hosea M. Knowlton
Katherine Helmond as Emma Borden
Don Porter as George D. Robinson
Fritz Weaver as Andrew Borden
Bonnie Bartlett as Sylvia Knowlton
John Beal as Dr. Bowen
Helen Craig as Abby Borden
Alan Hewitt as Mayor Coughlin
Gail Kobe as Alice Russell
Hayden Rorke as Julien Ralph
Amzie Strickland as Adelaide Churchill
Robert Symonds as Andrew Jennings
Elizabeth Montgomery and Lizzie Borden were sixth cousins once removed, both descending from 17th-century Massachusetts resident, John Luther. Rhonda McClure, the genealogist who documented the Montgomery-Borden Connection, said, "I wonder How Elizabeth would have felt if she knew she was playing her own cousin." (Wikipedia)
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The Twilight Zone Season 5 Episode 16: The Self-Improvement of Salvadore Ross
Gail Kobe and Don Gordon
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saquedepsitocod60 · 1 month
¿Cuál es el récord de puntos más alto anotado por los Lakers en la historia de la NBA según las estadísticas?
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¿Cuál es el récord de puntos más alto anotado por los Lakers en la historia de la NBA según las estadísticas?
Récord de puntos de los Lakers en la historia de la NBA
Los Lakers de Los Ángeles son uno de los equipos más icónicos de la NBA, con una rica historia llena de logros y récords. Uno de estos récords históricos es el récord de puntos anotados en un juego por los Lakers. Este hito lo alcanzaron el 6 de marzo de 1972, cuando derrotaron a los Golden State Warriors con un marcador final de 162-99.
En ese juego, los Lakers lograron anotar un total de 162 puntos, estableciendo así un récord que aún permanece imbatible en la historia de la franquicia. Este logro fue posible gracias al talento y la determinación de jugadores legendarios como Wilt Chamberlain, Jerry West y Gail Goodrich, quienes destacaron en ese enfrentamiento con sus impresionantes actuaciones en la cancha.
El récord de puntos de los Lakers en la historia de la NBA es un testimonio del legado de excelencia y dominio que el equipo ha mantenido a lo largo de los años. Este hito sigue siendo recordado por los fanáticos y seguidores de los Lakers como un momento inolvidable en la historia del baloncesto.
A lo largo de sus más de 70 años de historia, los Lakers han acumulado numerosos récords y logros que los han convertido en una de las franquicias más reconocidas y exitosas de la NBA. Sin duda, el récord de puntos anotados en un juego es un claro ejemplo del talento y la grandeza que ha caracterizado a los Lakers a lo largo de los años.
Estadísticas de puntos de los Lakers en la NBA
Los Lakers de Los Ángeles son uno de los equipos más emblemáticos en la historia de la NBA. Con una larga trayectoria llena de éxitos y grandes figuras del baloncesto, los Lakers han acumulado impresionantes estadísticas de puntos a lo largo de los años.
En la historia de la NBA, los Lakers han logrado importantes logros en cuanto a puntos anotados. Jugadores legendarios como Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Magic Johnson, Kobe Bryant y más recientemente LeBron James han dejado su huella en la tabla de puntos del equipo.
Kobe Bryant, conocido como "Black Mamba", es el máximo anotador en la historia de los Lakers. Durante sus 20 temporadas con el equipo, Bryant anotó un total de más de 33,600 puntos, dejando una marca imborrable en la franquicia.
Otro jugador icónico de los Lakers, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, también ostenta un impresionante récord de puntos. Abdul-Jabbar anotó más de 24,000 puntos con los Lakers, consolidándose como uno de los mejores anotadores en la historia de la NBA.
En la temporada actual, LeBron James continúa añadiendo puntos a su cuenta personal y escalando en la tabla de máximos anotadores de los Lakers. Con su habilidad única para anotar desde cualquier posición en la cancha, James sigue sumando puntos y dejando su marca en la historia de la franquicia.
En resumen, las estadísticas de puntos de los Lakers en la NBA son un reflejo del talento y la dedicación de sus icónicos jugadores a lo largo de los años, consolidando al equipo como una potencia en el mundo del baloncesto.
Puntos más altos anotados por los Lakers en un partido
Los Lakers de Los Ángeles han sido una franquicia emblemática en la historia de la NBA, con numerosos logros destacados a lo largo de los años. Entre ellos se encuentran los récords de puntos más altos anotados en un solo partido.
Uno de los hitos más destacados en la historia de los Lakers ocurrió el 9 de marzo de 2014, cuando el legendario jugador Kobe Bryant anotó 81 puntos contra los Toronto Raptors. Este récord no solo es el más alto en la historia de los Lakers, sino que también es el segundo puntaje más alto en un solo partido en la historia de la NBA.
Otro momento memorable tuvo lugar el 28 de enero de 1962, cuando Elgin Baylor anotó 71 puntos contra los New York Knicks. Este logro sigue siendo un récord para los Lakers en cuanto a puntos anotados en un solo partido.
Además, cabe destacar la actuación de David Thompson el 9 de abril de 1978, cuando anotó 73 puntos jugando para los Denver Nuggets contra los Lakers. Aunque este récord no pertenece a un jugador de los Lakers, sigue siendo un hito significativo en la historia de la franquicia.
En resumen, los Lakers de Los Ángeles han sido testigos de actuaciones extraordinarias en cuanto a puntos anotados en un partido, con jugadores como Kobe Bryant, Elgin Baylor y David Thompson dejando una marca imborrable en la historia de la NBA.
Máxima puntuación de los Lakers en la historia de la NBA
Los Ángeles Lakers son uno de los equipos más icónicos en la historia de la NBA, y han logrado grandes hazañas a lo largo de los años. La máxima puntuación alcanzada por los Lakers en un partido de la NBA es de 162 puntos, lograda en un partido contra los Denver Nuggets en 1982. Este récord es un testimonio del talento y la capacidad ofensiva de este legendario equipo.
Los Lakers han sido el hogar de algunas de las mayores leyendas del baloncesto, como Magic Johnson, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Shaquille O'Neal y Kobe Bryant. Estos jugadores han contribuido significativamente a la historia de los Lakers y han ayudado a forjar su legado como uno de los equipos más exitosos de la NBA.
Además de su éxito en la cancha, los Lakers también han sido pioneros en la comunidad y han inspirado a millones de fanáticos en todo el mundo. Con su distintivo uniforme púrpura y dorado, los Lakers son reconocidos en todas partes y continúan siendo una fuerza a tener en cuenta en la NBA.
En resumen, la máxima puntuación de los Lakers en la historia de la NBA es solo un ejemplo del legado y la grandeza de este equipo. Con su enfoque en la excelencia y su dedicación al deporte, los Lakers seguirán siendo una fuerza dominante en la NBA durante muchos años más.
Logros históricos de los Lakers en anotaciones
Los Lakers de Los Ángeles han sido uno de los equipos más icónicos de la NBA, y a lo largo de su historia han acumulado una impresionante cantidad de logros en cuanto a anotaciones se refiere. Desde los legendarios tiros de Jerry West hasta las clavadas de Shaquille O'Neal, los Lakers han sido el escenario de momentos inolvidables en la historia del baloncesto.
Uno de los logros más destacados en cuanto a anotaciones de los Lakers es el récord de mayor cantidad de puntos anotados en un solo partido, establecido por Kobe Bryant en 2006. El legendario escolta anotó 81 puntos contra los Toronto Raptors, un hito que aún hoy es recordado como una de las actuaciones más impresionantes en la historia de la NBA.
Además, los Lakers han sido el hogar de algunos de los jugadores más prolíficos en cuanto a anotaciones se refiere. Figuras como Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Magic Johnson, Elgin Baylor y Kobe Bryant han dejado una marca imborrable en la historia del equipo gracias a su habilidad para anotar puntos de manera consistente y espectacular.
En resumen, los Lakers de Los Ángeles han alcanzado logros históricos en el ámbito de las anotaciones, tanto a nivel individual como colectivo. Su legado en el mundo del baloncesto está marcado por momentos inolvidables y récords impresionantes que seguirán siendo recordados por generaciones venideras.
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dan6085 · 2 months
TOP 20 greatest Lakers of all time:
1. **Magic Johnson** - Led the Lakers to five championships in the 1980s, known for his exceptional passing and leadership.
2. **Kobe Bryant** - Won five championships with the Lakers, becoming one of the greatest scorers in NBA history.
3. **Kareem Abdul-Jabbar** - NBA's all-time leading scorer, won multiple championships with the Lakers.
4. **Shaquille O'Neal** - Dominant center who led the Lakers to three consecutive championships.
5. **LeBron James** - A key player in recent Lakers success, contributing to the 2020 NBA championship.
6. **Jerry West** - 14-time All-Star and key player in Lakers' success during the 1960s.
7. **Elgin Baylor** - Dynamic scorer and rebounder who played a significant role in Lakers' success.
8. **Wilt Chamberlain** - Dominant center who had historic seasons with the Lakers.
9. **James Worthy** - Known as "Big Game James," contributed to multiple championships.
10. **George Mikan** - Pioneer in basketball who led the Lakers to multiple championships.
11. **Pau Gasol** - Skilled big man who contributed to Lakers' championships in 2009 and 2010.
12. **Wilt Chamberlain** - Dominant center who had historic seasons with the Lakers.
13. **Byron Scott** - Key player in Lakers' "Showtime" era and multiple championships.
14. **Derek Fisher** - Reliable point guard and leader, won multiple championships.
15. **Gail Goodrich** - Skilled scorer and playmaker who contributed to Lakers' success.
16. **Michael Cooper** - Defensive stalwart and key contributor to Lakers' championships.
17. **Robert Horry** - Clutch performer who made key plays in multiple championships.
18. **Jamaal Wilkes** - Versatile forward who contributed to Lakers' success.
19. **Rick Fox** - Versatile forward known for his defensive intensity.
20. **Anthony Davis** - All-Star forward who contributed to Lakers' 2020 NBA championship.
These players have left a lasting impact on the Lakers' franchise with their contributions to championships, individual achievements, and memorable moments on the court.
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xxsimschallengesxx · 1 year
100 Not So Berry Baby Challenge Masterlist - Pt. 2
Pink Generation
Baby 1: Sarah
Babies 2 - 6: Sean, Ken, Mark, Leah, and Alexander
Baby 7: Jeremy
Baby 8: Dorothy
Babies 9 & 10: Keenan and Taylor
Babies 11-13: Howard, Kendall, and Rose
Babies 14 - 17: Rylie, Bryanna, Ryan, and Mandy
Baby 18: Abigail
Baby 19: Cleo
Babies 20 & 21: Eden
Babies 22 & 23: Oliver and Amina
Babies 24 & 25: Shaelynn and Doug
Babies 26 & 27: Roger and Emerson
Babies 28 & 29: Gem and Theo
Baby 30: Charley
Baby 31: Misael
Baby 32: Ross
Babies 33 - 36: Neal and Marlene
Baby 37: Chasity
Babies 38 & 39: Jimena and Sienna
Baby 40: Chelsie
Babies 41 & 42: Murphy and Karter
Babies 43 & 44: Janelle and Charlee
Babies 45 & 46: Minkz and Judy
Babies 47 & 48: Patrice and Maliyah
Babies 49 & 50: Halle and Hassan
Babies 51 & 52: Tianna and Haeju
Babies 53 & 54: Kasandra and Adelaide
Babies 55 - 59: Genesis, Cherish, and Mila
Babies 60 & 61: Mae and Floyd
Babies 62 & 63: Yusun and Zara
Babies 64 - 66: Cohen, Lucia, and Cale
Babies 67 & 68: Jairo and Estevan
Babies 69 & 70: Poppy and Sonja
Babies 71 & 72: Aleah and Kinsley
Babies 73 & 74: Noe and Terri
Babies 75 & 76: Bradford and Santos
Babies 77 - 79: Frances and Anahi
Babies 80 & 81: Neal and Adrien
Babies 82 - 84: Rowan, Esther, Gabrielle
Babies 85 & 86: Russell and Iris
Babies 87 - 90: Mariela and Rosemary
Babies 91 & 92: Caiphus and Kolby
Babies 93 - 96: Rita, Blaine, Thaddeus, and Chester
Baby 97: Mayra
Babies 98 - 100: Robin, Wanda, and McKenna
Peach Generation
Babies 1 & 2: Beaux and Clarissa
Babies 3 - 7: Kingston, Leroy, and Mabel
Baby 8: Mason
Babies 9 & 10: Emily and Fernanda
Babies 11 - 14: Dustin, Ellie, Franklin, and Graham
Baby 15: Thiago
Babies 16 - 19: Jane, Kyrie, Lailah, and Max
Babies 20 - 22: Keira, Louis, and Mavise
Babies 23 - 28: Dillon, Efrain, and Frank
Babies 29 - 31: Allen, Brynlee, and Chandler
Babies 32 - 34: Giovanni, Hayden, and Isaiah
Babies 35 & 36: Cierra and Duane
Baby 37: Jamie
Baby 38: Myles
Babies 39 & 40: Kai and Laura
Baby 41: Tate
Babies 42 - 44: Latoya, Mack, and Natalie
Babies 45 & 46: Tariq and Ursule
Baby 47: Julian
Babies 48 & 49: Andre and Bentley
Babies 50 & 51: Niall and Onyx
Babies 52 & 53: Ansel and Bryce
Babies 54 & 55: Daniel and Eli
Babies 56 & 57: Iker and Jameson
Babies 58 & 59: Taffy and Ulysses
Babies 60 - 65: Jaxon, Kobe, and Liam
Babies 66 & 67: Victoria and Winnie
Babies 68 & 69: Eldis and Freya
Babies 70 - 72: Bethany, Cecelia, and Dahlia
Babies 73 & 74: Presley and Quade
Babies 75 - 77: Kylo, Louise, and Mindy
Babies 78 - 80: Florence, Grace, and Harry
Babies 81 - 85: Venus, Winnee, Ximena, Yuna, and Zain
Babies 86 & 87: Chauncey and Diego
Babies 88 - 90: Lincoln, Maxwell, and Natalia
Babies 91 & 92: Cooper and Danielle
Babies 93 & 94: Radley and Sasha
Babies 95 & 96: Amelia and Alexa
Babies 97 - 100: Kat, Melody, Cheyenne, and Gail
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docrotten · 2 years
THE LEGEND OF LIZZIE BORDEN (1975) – Episode 177 – Decades Of Horror 1970s
“You’re a strange girl, Lizzie, one minute as hard and cold as a grave so, next as loving as any father could wish. Wonder what goes on in that mind of yours, I guess I’ll never know.” Actually, he’s about to find out right quick. Join your faithful Grue Crew – Doc Rotten, Chad Hunt, Bill Mulligan, and Jeff Mohr – as they check out the representation of the most infamous crime involving the numbers 40 and 41 as depicted in The Legend of Lizzie Borden (1975).
Decades of Horror 1970s Episode 177 – The Legend of Lizzie Borden (1975)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! And click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
Synopsis: In 1893 Massachusetts, Lizzie Andrew Borden is put on trial for murdering her father and stepmother with an axe.
  Director: Paul Wendkos
Writer: William Bast
Selected cast:
Elizabeth Montgomery as Lizzie Borden
Fionnula Flanagan as Bridget Sullivan
Ed Flanders as Hosea Knowlton
Katherine Helmond as Emma Borden
Don Porter as George Robinson
Fritz Weaver as Andrew Borden
Bonnie Bartlett as Sylvia Knowlton
John Beal as Dr. Bowen
Helen Craig as Abby Borden
Alan Hewitt as Mayor Coughlin
Gail Kobe as Alice Russell
Hayden Rorke as Julien Ralph
Amzie Strickland as Adelaide Churchill
Robert Symonds as Andrew Jennings
Gloria Stuart as Store Customer
The Legend of Lizzie Borden, an ABC Monday night movie of the week, is Bill’s pick. He’s always loved Elizabeth Montgomery and this film blew him away. He describes it as far creepier than most TV fare of the time and though the blood now seems understated, it was plenty enough for the time.
Learning it was a true story after hearing his mom recite the rhyme, Chad then watched The Legend of Lizzie Borden with his mom. It gave him nightmares as a youngster and though not as creepy now, it’s still a compelling thriller. Jeff points out the emphasis on women’s plight – their position in society of the time – given in The Legend of Lizzie Borden. He also loves the well-known character actors in the cast – Katherine Helmond, Fionnula Flanagan, Bonnie Bartlett, Ed Flanders, and Don Porter – and the first reappearance of Gloria Stuart after a 29-year absence from film.
The 70s Grue Crew gives unanimous praise to Elizabeth Montgomery for her Emmy-nominated performance and gives the movie a strong recommendation. As of this writing, The Legend of Lizzie Borden is available to stream from Amazon Prime.
Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror 1970s is part of the Decades of Horror two-week rotation with The Classic Era and the 1980s. In two weeks, the next episode in their very flexible schedule, in a departure from what was originally announced, will be Creature from Black Lake (1976) starring Jack Elam and Dub Taylor and featuring the cinematography of Dean Cundey.
We want to hear from you – the coolest, grooviest fans: comment on the site or email the Decades of Horror 1970s podcast hosts at [email protected]
Check out this episode!
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twilightzonecloseup · 2 years
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5.16 The Self-Improvement of Salvadore Ross
Director: Don Siegel
Director of Photography: George T. Clemens
“The Salvadore Ross program for self-improvement. The all-in-one, surefire success course that lets you lick the bully, learn the language, dance the tango, and anything else you want to do - or think you want to do.“
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Gail Kobe 
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I think that Paul Junior suddenly materialized in Paul Senior’s life when he was about six or seven and Margo, Perry, and Della all met Paul Junior a few days before Paul Senior did.
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thebarroomortheboy · 4 months
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kwebtv · 2 years
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Character Actress
Gail Kobe (born Gabriella Kieliszewski, March 19, 1932 – August 1, 2013) Film and television actress and television producer.
Kobe portrayed Penny Adams on the TV series Trackdown. She appeared on the Alcoa Theatre in a 1958 episode titled "Disappearance" starring Jack Lemmon and Joan Blackman. In 1965 she portrayed Doris Schuster on TV's Peyton Place. She also appeared on daytime television in the NBC serial Bright Promise as Ann Boyd Jones (1970–1972).
During the 1950s and 1960s, Kobe made guest appearances on Highway Patrol ("The Search"), The Californians, The Rebel, Mackenzie's Raiders, Blue Light, Felony Squad, Ironside, The Outer Limits, Richard Diamond, Private Detective, The Fugitive, Bourbon Street Beat, Maverick, M Squad (four episodes), Whirlybirds, Perry Mason, Hogan's Heroes, The Twilight Zone ("In His Image", "The Self-Improvement of Salvadore Ross", "A World of Difference"), Dr. Kildare (for which she was nominated for an Emmy), Empire, Gunsmoke, Cheyenne, Daniel Boone, Mission: Impossible, The Untouchables, Have Gun – Will Travel, The Mod Squad, The Alfred Hitchcock Hour, and Mannix. In 1962, she portrayed Dr. Louise Amadon in the episode "A Woman's Place" on Rawhide, about a woman doctor's struggles against stereotypes in the Old West.
On February 17, 1959, Kobe was cast in the episode "Disaster Town" of the series Rescue 8 in the role of Ellen Mason, a mother looking for her son in a western ghost town.
In the series, Laramie, Kobe played a saloon girl in the episode "Gun Duel" (aired December 25, 1962).
Kobe began to work behind the camera as supervising producer and associate producer on such daytime programs as CBS's The Edge of Night and NBC's Return to Peyton Place. From 1981–82, its final year on the air, Kobe became executive producer of the NBC soap opera, Texas. From 1983 to May 1986, she was the executive producer of CBS's Guiding Light (for which she was nominated for a Daytime Emmy Award) and then served as a producer on CBS's The Bold and the Beautiful from its debut in 1987 through the early 1990s.  (Wikipedia)
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hoopstalk · 6 years
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Staples Center rafters.
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dan6085 · 1 year
The NBA has seen many great teams throughout its history, but here are 20 of the greatest teams:
1. 1995-1996 Chicago Bulls: This team, led by Michael Jordan, won a record-breaking 72 games in the regular season and went on to win the NBA championship.
2. 2016-2017 Golden State Warriors: This team, featuring Stephen Curry, Kevin Durant, and Klay Thompson, won 67 games in the regular season and went on to win the NBA championship.
3. 1986-1987 Los Angeles Lakers: This team, led by Magic Johnson and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, won 65 games in the regular season and went on to win the NBA championship.
4. 1966-1967 Philadelphia 76ers: This team, featuring Wilt Chamberlain, won 68 games in the regular season and went on to win the NBA championship.
5. 1985-1986 Boston Celtics: This team, featuring Larry Bird, Kevin McHale, and Robert Parish, won 67 games in the regular season and went on to win the NBA championship.
6. 1991-1992 Chicago Bulls: This team, led by Michael Jordan, won 67 games in the regular season and went on to win the NBA championship.
7. 2000-2001 Los Angeles Lakers: This team, featuring Kobe Bryant and Shaquille O'Neal, won 56 games in the regular season and went on to win the NBA championship.
8. 1971-1972 Los Angeles Lakers: This team, featuring Wilt Chamberlain, Jerry West, and Gail Goodrich, won a then-record 69 games in the regular season and went on to win the NBA championship.
9. 1964-1965 Boston Celtics: This team, featuring Bill Russell and John Havlicek, won 62 games in the regular season and went on to win the NBA championship.
10. 1996-1997 Chicago Bulls: This team, led by Michael Jordan, won 69 games in the regular season and went on to win the NBA championship.
11. 1988-1989 Detroit Pistons: This team, featuring Isiah Thomas and Joe Dumars, won 63 games in the regular season and went on to win the NBA championship.
12. 2007-2008 Boston Celtics: This team, featuring Kevin Garnett, Paul Pierce, and Ray Allen, won 66 games in the regular season and went on to win the NBA championship.
13. 1970-1971 Milwaukee Bucks: This team, featuring Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (then known as Lew Alcindor) and Oscar Robertson, won 66 games in the regular season and went on to win the NBA championship.
14. 2012-2013 Miami Heat: This team, featuring LeBron James, Dwyane Wade, and Chris Bosh, won 66 games in the regular season and went on to win the NBA championship.
15. 1982-1983 Philadelphia 76ers: This team, featuring Moses Malone, Julius Erving, and Maurice Cheeks, won 65 games in the regular season and went on to win the NBA championship.
16. 2008-2009 Los Angeles Lakers: This team, featuring Kobe Bryant, Pau Gasol, and Lamar Odom, won 65 games in the regular season and went on to win the NBA championship.
17. 1979-1980 Los Angeles Lakers: This team, featuring Magic Johnson and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, won 60 games in the regular season and went on to win the NBA championship.
18. 1959-1960 Boston Celtics: This team, featuring Bill Russell and Bob Cousy, won 59 games in the regular season and went on to win the NBA championship.
19. 1998-1999 San Antonio Spurs: This team, featuring Tim Duncan, David Robinson, and Sean Elliott, won 37 games in a shortened regular season and went on to win the NBA championship.
20. 1968-1969 Boston Celtics: This team, featuring Bill Russell and John Havlicek, won 48 games in the regular season and went on to win the NBA championship.
All of these teams had great players and achieved great things, but what made them truly special was their ability to come together as a team and work toward a common goal. They were able to overcome adversity and rise to the occasion when it mattered most, cementing their place in NBA history as some of the greatest teams of all time.
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