#Gaelic Sports
gitzette · 3 months
Embrace the spirit of Ireland this St. Patrick's Day! 🍀 Dive into 'Quintessentially Irish', a documentary that unveils Ireland's captivating heritage, its global influence in arts and sports, and personal anecdotes from famed personalities like Pierce Brosnan. Ready for a heartwarming celebration? Join us in discovering the essence of being truly Irish. #StPatricksDay #IrishHeritage #QuintessentiallyIrish
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laegolas · 9 months
Being an AFL fan on the internet is wild.
It’s the most supported sports league in my country. A third of the country is apathetic if not outright hostile towards it. Its governing body is an evil tax-free corporation that has more power over state governments than our actual federal government does. It’s the second toughest sport to master, second only to water polo. There are 50 players listed per club and 18 per team on the ground during a match at all times. They’re all celebrities but only in one specific city. There are 6 umpires on the ground at all times which is entirely necessary. There’s a public holiday for the grand final in one of our states. The women’s league winning prize pays the same rates as the men’s. Players run 8 miles of distance average per match. Most of the people reading this probably assume I’m talking about Rugby. They all wear tiny tiny shorts in the middle of winter. It’s one of the oldest codified sports in the world.
And literally no one talks about it on the internet outside of the dedicated subreddit and the meta family hellscape platforms. It’s just. So bizarre.
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stairnaheireann · 2 months
#OTD in 1971 – The GAA lifted its ban on members playing or attending ‘foreign’ sports such as soccer or rugby.
The GAA (Gaelic Athletic Association) finally revokes its infamous Rule 27, commonly known as “The Ban.” The rule banned all GAA members from playing or watching in non-Gaelic games. Non-Gaelic included rugby, soccer, hockey and cricket. GAA members who broke Rule 27 were expelled from the GAA. This famously included Irish President and GAA-Patron Dr. Douglas Hyde who attended an international…
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mapsifound · 1 year
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Map of countries favorite sport. Original Post:
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girls4etho · 1 year
i find it very funny when like. people who didnt grow up in ireland or connected to the culture call irish "gaelic" like i see what youre trying to get at i GUESS but also. you are wrong. because gaelic is a sport
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milflewis · 1 year
A) you ain’t wrong that is the true football (and where American football actually draws it roots lol that and rugby)
B) soccer is the old Brit slag term for it and every single one of them that calls it “football” n complains abt those who call it soccer are little bitches who need to Shut
C) luv u <3
pls is the name soccer actually british. the irony. they really can’t help themselves huh
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Sportsball time! Now with added discussion of pyrite , interparish (or possibly intraparish) rivalry, and Robin being Robin.
Also CW: Tractor Discourse
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st-jimmysidiot · 2 years
hate sky for making me have to pay to watch the ireland new zeland match
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streetsofdublin · 5 months
Many towns in Ireland have a public Handball Alley/Court this one is located at Michael Street Gardens in Kilkenny
MICHAEL STREET GARDENS IN KILKENNY Pair of freestanding mass-concrete handball alleys built in the 1920s. Unpainted mass-concrete walls incorporating section of random rubble stone wall to north-east forming part of boundary wall, and rendered rounded coping having iron posts with iron mesh panels. Set perpendicular to road. Many towns in Ireland have a public Handball Alley/Court this one is…
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bestkeychain · 10 months
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dandonedidit · 11 months
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I find it very hard to believe that Ireland is the only country where a local niche sport is the most popular in the country.
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stairnaheireann · 2 months
#OTD in 1366 – The parliament, alarmed at the apparent undermining by native influences of the settler population’s Englishness, passed the ‘Statutes of Kilkenny’.
The Statutes of Kilkenny were a series of thirty-five acts passed at Kilkenny in 1366, aiming to curb the decline of the Hiberno-Norman Lordship of Ireland. This aims to halt the widespread adoption by the Norman-Irish, especially in frontier areas, of Gaelic Irish culture, customs and language. It bans the use of the Irish language (insisting ‘that every Englishman use the English language’,…
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thesunsethour · 10 months
little bits of irish history for curious hozier fans: street signs edition
Do you love the song Butchered Tongue? Pay attention to these lines here:
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So, may I draw your attention to the The Official Languages Act 2003 (Section 9) Regulations 2008 (S.I. No. 391 of 2008).
ok stay with me
In 2008, the Irish government passed legislation that made it mandatory for road signs in Ireland to have both Irish (Gaeilge) AND English names on them (or, in Gaeltacht areas where Gaeilge is still the first language, only in Irish). Here’s an example:
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The Irish, or Gaeilge, is always above the English and italicised. This is because that while Gaeilge and English are both official languages of Ireland, Gaeilge is the ‘first’ official language
However, while it was technically only legislated in 2008, bilingual road sings in Ireland had been extremely common for decades prior to it officially being made law. In fact, the first bilingual signs date back to the early 20th century - before our independence from Britain!
In Tom Spalding’s book Layers: The Design, History and Meaning of Public Street Signage in Cork and Other Irish Cities, he found that the first recorded bilingual street sign was in Blackrock, Dublin (An Charraig Dhubh, Baile Átha Cliath). Their local council in 1901 rolled out yellow and black bilingual road sings as part of the Gaelic Revival.
The Gaeilc Revical was a period of time in Irish history that saw a huge resurgence of Gaelic art, sport, and language. Literature was written by Irish people about Irish history, current affairs, and folklore. Traditional Irish music was learned and played again. Gaelic games (Gaelic football and Hurling) spread across the country. And Gaeilge, our language, was to experience an incredible revival.
Despite Ireland’s long colonial history, Gaeilge actually remained the majority tongue until the early 19th century. However, a combination of teachers beating children for speaking it at school, the genocide of the famine wiping out mainly poorer communities more likely to speak Gaeilge, and the knowledge that speaking English unfortunately provided more opportunities than Gaeilge, the language was almost killed off. (This is shown most clearly after the 1800 Act of Union that meant Ireland was ruled directly from London, with no parliament in Dublin).
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Although these maps make for grim viewing, Irish is so very far from dead. Our children learn it from the ages of 4-18 in school (though I believe it can and should be taught better, but I digress). Gaeltacht communities are still going strong particularly in the west of the country. There are more Irish-language schools (gaelscoileanna) than ever before.
And every day as we pass by road signs that display Gaeilge proudly, it is as a result of decades, centuries of people refusing to stop speaking our mother tongue despite incredible violence.
I am far from a fluent Irish speaker, despite my 14 years of learning the language in school. But what Gaeilge I have, I have proudly.
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(The work isn’t over, however. I do not feel knowledgeable enough to speak on Northern Irish efforts to implement more widespread bilingual signage but anyone who wishes to share some info please do!!)
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lurkingdoll · 3 months
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He wouldn't become a father until after he was done with the military. He's well aware of how demanding his job is and of the fact he wouldn't be able to juggle such a demanding job and a child
But, once he did have a kid, he would be such a wholesome dad
He was once a captain of an elite task force, so he knows how to handle any potential rebellious phase
Though, he wouldn't be as strict as military captains are with soldiers
Before considering any sort of punishment for misbehavior, he would likely try to sit down with the kid and try to figure out the underlying issue that caused the behavior in the first place
He would also often spoil his kid, making sure to spend plenty of time with the kid and showing them how much he cherishes them via gifts, quality time, and affection in general
Very supportive of hobbies and extracurricular activities, if his kid needs supplies for a hobby or actives (whether it be reading, drawing, sports, music, acting, ect...) he's quick to get them exactly what they need
Similar to Price, He also wouldn't become a father until he was done with the military. He was abused as a kid and he'd be damned if he continued the cycle. He would refuse to have a child until he was done with the military and had already made enough progress in therapy to be confident he wouldn't be like his father
He already loved making shitty jokes before becoming a dad, so after becoming a father, he took the phrase "dad jokes" and fucking RAN with it
Makes at least one awful dad joke a day, and uses them to attempt to cheer up his kid when they're upset
He is also good with enforcing rules, though all of his rules are for the sake of protecting his kid, not controlling them
He out of everyone would know that kids aren't to be treated however the parent wishes without considering the child's feelings
He was a lieutenant once, he knows when people are lying to him and he knows to how handle any sort of rebellious phase
Very big on family dinners since due to growing up in an abusive household, he didn't get many family dinners in his childhood and he wants to make sure he and his kid are a "real" and healthy family (especially since his kid would be the only family he has left) and that includes family dinners
He wouldn't be one of those weird parents that get way too obsessive over their teen's dating life, but if his kid ever brought home a date during their teens, he would probably take out his old skull mask and military uniform just because their date's reaction would be funny to him
Unlike Ghost or Price, Soap didn't really think about having kids. He was rather indifferent to the idea and it happened by accident, but he stepped up and did his best
He wouldn't be as strict as Ghost or Price, instead he would be the "fun parent" while still maintaining rules and boundaries like any good parent would
He's already quite a playful person, so he would be pretty good at keeping a young child entertained
He'd indulge in dad jokes, but nowhere near as bad as Ghost does
Would definitely be the type of parent to teach "we don't start fights, but we DO finish them" to his child, while also teaching them the best areas to target
While he does still maintain rules, he would definitely be more lenient about them being broken and his punishments would be less strict
Would 100% teach his kid how to swear in Gaelic
While he is the more playful parent, he's still there if his kid ever needs anyone to talk to
He didn't really think about the idea of having kids, mostly due to him being like 26 and still rather young. But shit happens and he ended up with one anyways
He would be a mix of Soap and Price when it came to his parenting style
He is more of a playful "fun parent" like Soap, but he's also very wholesome and sweet while still having more rules like Price
He doesn't make dad jokes like Soap and Ghost do, but he does still make playful remarks towards his kid and goofs off with them every once in awhile
He would try to find out more about his kid's interests and hobbies, so he can support them and try to find common interests they can bond over
Would probably go to Price for parenting advice, since Price acts rather fatherly towards others and has more knowledge on the topic than he does
He would be a very loving and supportive parent, being there for his kid and being someone his kid could trust and rely on
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wiliowisp · 10 months
Sebastian Sallow Headcanons | Pt.1
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Part one | Part two | Part three
Random headcanons:
➻ he's actually a decent cook. if the recipe is in a book he's able to follow it to a 'T' and the result is always good. however, he has no natural sense in the kitchen, so if he tries to freestyle it ends up almost inedible.
➻ his patronus is a mourning dove. it makes him sad, at first, that the symbol of his greatest happiness is also a reminder of his loss. until he realises that mourning doves also symbolise a visit from lost loved ones, and now he sees his patronus as his parents protecting him.
➻ sebastian loves muggle technology. born on the advent of the industrial revolution, manufacturing and design were at their peak. when the first film cameras were invented, sebastian was quick to get his hands on one and fiddle with it, enamoured by the way muggles had now managed to emulate enchanted portraits.
➻ he also comes to love muggle literature. being such a voracious reader he chewed through wizarding fiction quickly (which there isn't much of) and migrated to reading muggle fiction. he quickly read all of dicken's books and even dabbled in some of the poets of the time - though poetry mostly went over his head.
➻ he finds quidditch, and sports in general, pretty boring. sebastian was never the sporty type and finds that quidditch matches are the perfect time to go to the library as most people are outside, in the cold, watching people hit things.
➻ he's bilingual. latin is his second language in as much latin can be, he will often write things he doesn't want others to know in latin so that they can't be deciphered. for this reason, spellwork and incantations come quite intuitively to him.
➻ he also loves learning other languages and is conversational in a few: french, german, and scottish gaelic.
➻ he hates swimming and the cold. he appreciates lakes and beaches of course, but in his opinion, they're best enjoyed from a distance.
➻ sebastian is well known in his year, he won't hesitate to start a conversation with anyone and his quick wit charms most people. however, as much as he loves being around others, books will always be his solace.
(that's all for now, i could probably go on forever with this boy lol)
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icarustypicalfall · 9 months
johnny soap mactavish x f!reader
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summary: soft gazes, small talk, secrets spilled under breaths between stations, is this his idea of fun?
note: sorry for the inaccuracy, i don't speak the Scottish Gaelic, neither been to Scotland. love soap though <3
warnings: sfw, fluff, no yn just you, kinda funny, kinda awkward, litterly my mind is empty for renting.
"but i think i am falling so what can i do?"
23:30 pm
Your thoughts were abruptly interrupted as the final train arrived at the station. Your feet throbbed from standing, though you could have sat down. Glancing back at the plastic seating which didn't appear any less unclean or discomforting.
Swiftly, you secured a seat near the front of the train, close to the conductor's cabin.
You didn't own a car, you struggled to secure employment and housing in this foreign city. Lately, your life seemed dull, and this realization hit you with great force—were these the overhyped twenties?
Escaping a toxic household was a good thing, you left your hometown, starting a new life somewhere in Scotland. Relying solely on yourself, you faced myriad challenges, working tirelessly day and night, sacrificing sleep for brief naps during college breaks. Amidst this sea of responsibilities, your social life withered away. Night shifts at the mall, traversing college hallways by day—you embraced this life fearlessly. Despite the exhaustion, you cherished every moment.
The train resumed its motion, the slow yet rapid movement causing you to stumble slightly as you made your way towards the front. This was your sole means of transportation, and you had memorized which spots were worth fighting for and which ones to avoid like the plague.
23:35 pm
As you entered the cabin, a sense of relief washed over you; it was nearly empty. Although this did not always bode well, you refrained from complaining, grateful for the chance to sit during the 45-minute journey back home.
At this ungodly hour, the train car was considered vacant. A woman, a typical "Karen" in her mid-thirties, appeared disgusted by everything, casting a disdainful glare your way. Two mumbling teenagers, an elderly homeless individual, and... a man.
This man was unlike the usual commuters you encountered on your journey home. He seemed out of place yet strangely familiar amidst the others. Wearing a military uniform and sporting a unique mohawk haircut, its ends loosely falling onto his forehead.
The man's head snapped up as you stepped onto the platform. His eyes locked with yours for a moment, his lips curling into a tired yet awkward smile. Sensing your arrival, he moved his large gym bag from the seat beside him, as if he knew you would choose him as your travel companion on the way back home.
Whispering a quiet thank you, you collapsed onto the seat while checking your bag. You were well aware of the cunningness of thieves, having once had your ice cream snatched from your very hands.
Discreetly, the man stole a glance at you, that awkward smile still lingering on his chapped lips. Neither of you knew what to say or do, and the silence hung heavily in the air. Engaging in conversation seemed tempting, yet the weight of the silence prevailed. You preferred it that way, not wanting to embarrass yourself with ill-chosen words, especially in the presence of a military man—one who happened to be rather attractive.
23:42 pm
You checked your phone, scowling slightly. Only seven minutes had elapsed? It felt as though a decade had passed while both you and the stranger coughed and fidgeted in your seats, unable to shake off the peculiar sensation in your chests.
It was warm, almost tempting. And, for the very first time, you got courageous, opting for the somewhat risky choice; you decided to sleep.
Your head felt slightly dizzy, lost in a whirlwind of thoughts as you observed the flickering light bulb in one of the train cars.
00:09 pm
"Hey... Bonnie? Wake up! We're almost there," a soft voice laced with a Scottish accent murmured into your ear, jolting your eyes open.
The man with the mohawk cut smiled at you, whispering something in Scottish Gaelic that eluded your comprehension. Still groggy from your impromptued nap, you found yourself captivated by his bright eyes, paying little attention to his words.
The man seemed to invade your personal space as he continued to babble, yet you felt no offense. It was then that you realized you had slept through the entire ride, your head carelessly resting on his shoulder.
You quickly recoiled, straightening your posture and murmuring a wave of apologies while avoiding his gaze, your cheeks flushed with embarrassment.
The man stared at you as though you had sprouted a second head. Expecting the worst—insults or annoyed glares, as most people would respond—you were taken aback when he burst into laughter.
"No need to apologize, lass. Ya look like you've been through the wringer. Hope my shoulder was comfortable, eh?"
You nodded, slightly perplexed. Despite living in this Scottish town for two years, you had never quite grasped the local accent.
"My name is Johnny, but they call me Soap," he introduced himself.
"Soap? Like the dove bar?" you mumbled, raising an eyebrow.
He chuckled and patted your head, underestimating his own strength in an endearing gesture that almost squeezed your skull. It seemed as though he was used to roughhousing with his military comrades rather than interacting with civilians.
"Quite funny, lassie. Truly... What might be your name? I haven't seen this face around before," he asked with a nod of curiosity.
The man, Soap, appeared to be either having an unmedicated ADHD case, under the influence, or simply a huge ray of grins and laughter. He acknowledged your name with a wide smile before whispering.
"Would you be interested in joining a military task, lassie?"
Your horrified expression seemed to amuse him greatly, as he continued to laugh heartily and slap his knee until the train reached its final destination.
"Just kidding, don't worry, lassie."
You nodded, rising from your seat as the doors swung open. Soap swiftly stood up, effortlessly hoisting his hefty gym bag onto his shoulder while grinning at you. He casually rested an arm on your shoulder, displaying an unexpected amount of affection and energy.
00:23 pm
Stepping out of the station, Soap let out a loud yawn, pushing his mohawk back before beaming at you. Were his cheeks blushing, or were you now hallucinating?
"Well, lassie, it's unsafe to walk alone at this hour. Mind if I accompany you home?" he asked, his shyness suddenly evident.
You smiled and nodded, appreciating the sense of security he provided. It was remarkable how at ease he made you feel, as if the two of you shared an unspoken understanding. Feeling emboldened, you intertwine your arms and began the walk home together.
Soap seemed thrilled, almost bouncing with excitement as he walked beside you, rambling on in his cheerful manner. He patted stray dogs, laughed boisterously, shared tidbits about his Captain, and even vented about a certain Phillip Graves.
You struggled to follow the intricacies of military life, but decided not to mention your confusion, content with observing how passionately he spoke about his hometown, his upcoming vacation and his family.
01:00 am
You arrived at your home, settling on the doorstep to catch your breath. Soap gazed in awe at you before plopping down beside you, accidentally jostling your feet with his bag which he tossed carelessly on the floor. He sighed, looking up at the dark sky with a contented smile.
"You know, Bonnie, this has been quite an fun night for me. It's been a while since I've met a charming lassie like you," he confessed.
A blush crept onto your cheeks as you returned his smile.
"I'd love to see you again. Perhaps I can show you around... if you'd like?" he added, restraining himself from sharing that he had developed a small crush on you, finally finding someone with whom he could share countless stories and laughter on their doorsteps.
You, too, wrestled with the fluttering feeling in your stomach gently nodded in agreement.
Soap beamed with relief, looking at you intently, his eyes sparkling.
"Can I sleep over? My mom prolly waiting for me with a flip flop at home. I forgot to tell her about breaking grandma's vase before my deployment..."
note: if there is any timeline faults or granmar, ignore it or tell me in the comments, im 2 tired to reread 🫶🏻
(this was pretty longer than the usual, kinda hate it cuz i made the reader a stone with no actions.. sorry for my soap fans next time will be better, m quite exhausted from the week 😭 gonna try to write for rudy tmr morning 💗)
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