knightfeared · 9 months
Are there any AU’s you’d like to explore but haven’t had the chance to yet?
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Hoo boy . . . hmm . . . alright so off the top of my head, for muses? What comes to mind are the AUs I developed for BALLISTER, SQUALL, CHRIS & JAYCE. A lot of these I have built with others, & for future reference, I will jump usually on any chance to build a verse / au with someone and grow invested if it’s offered my way. I thrive off creating things & when I have someone to bounce ideas off & know they’re just as invested I go extra feral. Either way, buckle in, I’m going to try gushing a bit more on these below. The only reason I haven’t dug into them more as of late is fatigue on my end irl & other hyperfixations luring my attention, but they will always hold my entire heart with what’s been made for them so far.
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I. BALLISTER BOLDHEART ( … ) In an AU developed lovingly with @ambrosius-goldenlion, we call it the Nemesis AU, yes that link leads to the tag if you’d like to look through it! Basically! It’s an AU where Ambrosius leans into the lies the Director feeds him & his & Bal’s dynamic overall starts to mirror their comic counterparts a lot more closely. It is a darker verse, one where Ballister lashes out, leans into his perceived Villain role a lot more readily if only out of spite, but also tries his best to clear his name without Goldenloin’s aid.
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Think messy break up, but way worse because your ex is trying to quite literally kill you & wholeheartedly believes you’re a monster in human skin. Its description is . . . Butchered in how I’m describing it, but honestly, I highly urge people interested in it to poke Mako cause they pour so much love & care into it, & how they’ve put time into exploring, theorizing & building their HCS for Amb in that verse hurt my soul but inspire me & blow me away.
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II. SQUALL LEONHART ( … ) For Squall, I actually have a handful of AU’s I’d love to do more with! One on Discord rn, I am building up with @wayfaringnobody & @myristicisms for a zombie apocalypse au with Zack & Roxas with Squall where it’s a lot of found family mixed in with angst through trying to survive in a harsh world.
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For another with him, I have a few lovely AU’s made again with Mako over at @defiant-ex-soldiers for a werewolf AU with Squall & Cloud, & another one where they’re both forced to marry & are the respective leaders of their nations needing to band together in the face of war coming both their ways.
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Another is our beloved Ghost AU that has Squall acting as a wandering spirit tethered to his griever pendant. Unable to move on, he relies on Cloud’s help in unraveling the mystery behind his death so he can move on & stop haunting his home.
Another is one I’m building up with @reveromantique’s Seifer, more for their verse with Seifer holding Sorceress abilities & Squall steps up to try helping him anchor & control those flaring abilities. It leads to Knighting & a bunch of other fun angsty goodness but so far those two have been stabbing me right in the heart with each reply.
Either way, I’d love to poke more at these. There’s even a few KH ones like Leon’s Nobody verse too, I just have trouble trying to poke people to get things started for it or how to flesh it out more then what I have so far 😔
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III. CHRIS REDFIELD ( … ) I just talked to friends on Disco about this—- LEGIT— but I do have a Rogue Agent verse for Chris I’d absolutely love to explore more of. Basically he decides to go rogue from the BSAA & slips into More mercenary work, striking vigilante Justice in his own way in taking down cropping up bio-research facilities that tackle things similar to Umbrella/Tricell/Neo-Umbrella research.
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He’s realized post RE5/RE6 that nothing will change if left as they are now, things will continue in a long cycle unless he takes initiative to take out the threats before they have a chance to strike out. He also realizes that the government seems to be peddling a lot of incidents or brushing them under the rug, hence his more vicious, angry nature in this verse. Also a very early awakening to realizing the BSAA is no better than those companies they try to stop, building their own collection of bioweapons. He basically just takes his fight against Bioterrorism & turns it into a one man war.
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*♡ Munday Meme ♡. 📨
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losttothedarkness · 2 months
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Injuries were a common occurrence when battling heartless. Miscalculations, the occasional misfire spells, and oversteps were just part of the job. Unfortunately for her, that meant being stuck in daybreak town nursing her injuries.
After a few hours of being stuck at home, She decided a walk wouldn’t do any harm. So she did just that, by visiting her favorite shops or waving hello to passersby who noticed her. This routine stopped when she noticed someone she’d never seen before standing in the area.
Or maybe she had? As something familiar stirred inside of her. She shook the feeling off, and approached with a warm smile.
“Do you need help?”
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secxndchance · 1 month
@gravitasfatum liked for a starter
The search for Sora wasn't going as well as any of them had hoped. They were all searching, but even their combined efforts had been in vain so far. Not that they would give up. Sora was special. He was the person who had brought them all together. All of them owed him, but Ventus in particular felt like he needed to repay him.
Sora had saved him more than once. He'd helped to mend his broken heart. He'd kept him safe all of these years. He'd given him a second chance.
He didn't expect to find Sora in the Keyblade Graveyard – they'd searched the place entirely after Kairi had returned without him – but he'd been drawn there all the same. He hated the place, but at the same time, it almost felt like he was bound to it. It was where he had trained. It was where Vanitas had been created. Even before that there was...something. His past was a mystery even to him, but he knew this place was important.
Ventus was suddenly drawn from his thought when a lone figure came into view. A cloaked, hooded figure. But that was impossible, right? The Organization was done. Xehanort was gone and most of their members had returned to their human forms.
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"Hey! What're you doing out here?!"
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voidedgear · 7 months
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"I don't get it."
This is the first thing Vanitas has said without prompting after the entire week that he's been staying with Braig in Radiant Garden. Really, it was almost like the youth was in some sort of dissociative fugue state since his failed merge with Ven. He'd just accepted whatever Braig had told him to do without complaint.
Which brings us to here. He's sitting across from him at an outdoor restaurant, looking down at the pizza between them. Apparently, Braid had been craving it.
"We have food at home."
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mxncub · 8 months
A Different Kind Of Animal
"Mowgli! Mowgli! Wait! Stop!"
The boy could still faintly hear Baloo's now distant calls for him as he ran through the thick jungle foliage not daring to look back or acknowledge anything else until he'd gotten as far away as possible from both him and Bagheera. The two had betrayed him and now the child was on his own.
Not that it mattered much since he could survive rather well on his own in his personal opinion. He knew the language of the jungle and most of its inhabitants in the region where he grew up which gave him an advantage. Except this time he was racing into the unknown and in the opposite direction.
Pushing back leaves and being careful not to trip on any more roots, for he had a few times during his run which skinned his shins and kneecaps. With the exception of animals chattering in the trees, his surroundings were quieter now which made Mowgli calm down some.
Taking a moment to catch his breath, the boy slumped against a large rock letting his body slow down. Everything surrounding him was peaceful with the exception of hearing a twig snap that was quickly brought to his attention. Suddenly, he was alert grabbing a nearby stick to use as a weapon.
Fingers gripped around the bark tightly. "I'm not going!" Mowgli called getting ready to lunge at whatever was nearby by situating himself on all fours while continuing to hold onto the stick. If his wolf instincts needed to come into play then so be it. The boy just needed to figure out who or what was behind the source of the noise first.
He could tell whatever it was was getting closer, brush moved aside, Mowgli’s body tensed as he dug his toes into the dirt, gearing up to attack if needed, only to stop himself as something strange entered from the other side.
What was it that he'd run into now?
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akashicmuses · 6 months
It'd been a somewhat routine trip out into the outer lands, slaying the Heartless where he found them and collecting their Lux for this Union. Really, Lauriam was just trying to get it over with as fast as he could. Of all the tasks Keybladers had, this was the one he liked the least.
But...it had to be done. People were depending on him.
This trip, however, had led to Lauriam spotting someone very odd. Someone donning an odd black coat, who'd been looking around and acting generally kind of off.
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"Who are you?" he asked, moving fully out from behind the tree he'd been watching him from. "Why are you hiding your face like that?"
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dutifulsilence · 5 months
INTIMIDATING MEME ; 🐹 for “You? Intimidating? Hell no.”
This doesn't count! You haven't been intimidated by me from the day you were born!
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chosenbythecrystal · 1 year
@gravitasfatum continued from here.
The further away they got from their designated meeting place, the more the reality of the situation began to sink in. It was too late to back out now, though, even if he wanted to. Not only would his people suffer the consequences, but the Fae now had power over him. He'd be able to call him back even if he tried to run so there was really no point.
Noctis wasn't sure exactly what would happen when he crossed the boundary, but he would be in Xigbar's domain. He wasn't sure whether he'd be able to return home, even to visit. Not that it made much different. He didn't have a choice either way. He wanted to ask, but he was worried that any answer he was given would cause his determination to waver.
"Then I don't want to be around when you're not behaving yourself," he mumbled, eyeing the ring of mushrooms with distaste. It was funny. It looked so...inconsequential, so trivial, yet stepping into the circle was going to change everything for Noctis.
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"You don't want another Fae to grab me, but you're taking me to the Faerie realm? That makes a lot of sense..." He drawled before he started to move, taking slow and deliberate steps towards the ring in an attempt to delay the inevitable. Even at his slow pace it only took a couple of steps for him to cross over the boundary and into the realm of the Fairies. "Now what?"
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cryptidsncurios · 4 months
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optimisticrobin · 1 year
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@gravitasfatum liked for a starter.
Dick had never faced a enemy quite like this. He didn't even know what to call them. They looked like shadows, but they had some level of physical form. According to the others, they were all over the city. They didn't seem to be having any better luck than he was. For every one he knocked down, two or three more popped up.
Were they reforming?
"I normally have something witty to say, but frankly I'm stumped..." He mumbled as they began to surround him. They didn't seem all that strong, but they were relentless. More and more of them were appearing and he didn't have an endless amount of energy.
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"What even are you guys?"
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sylleblosscm · 1 year
@gravitasfatum x
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The manor is eerily quiet today. Nobody halts Lunafreya in her path: not to speak to her, not to straighten her braids, not to point her back to her chambers. It is a welcome if offputting change.
She peers over the edge of the railing, down the stairwell. Strangers come and go from this place, especially on days like these when the sky is gloomy. She calls down to him, but her voice doesn't carry over the sound of thunder. With a sigh she takes the stairs downward and tries again. ❝I haven't seen you here before. Are you looking for somebody?❞
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streetwisetemptress · 9 months
"Why don't eggs tell jokes?"
"They'd crack each other up."
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“….” Esmeralda was unamused. “I might’ve enjoyed this after a few drinks.”
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mxncub · 6 months
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He can't read a word but a small smile still forms as he spots all the frogs on the card. Other than than everything else is foreign to him, even the very item itself.
"Thanks, Xigbar! For...whatever this is."
Now he's going to go bury it somewhere for safe-keeping.
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madeimpact · 9 months
🎁 what platform i started roleplaying on
Munday.....on a TUESDAY? || @gravitasfatum
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ossacruenta · 9 months
@gravitasfatum commented ❝  careful there,  someone might think you’re actually starting to care.  ❞ @ Xemnas ✧ PROMPTS FOR FRENEMIES,  ENEMIES TO LOVERS  AND  REFORMED VILLAINS ✦
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     Care? Well, it would take an idiot to mistake the shell as somebody who would be capable of caring, "I question if you are referring to yourself when announcing this statement." Either as the one questioning Xemnas' growth to care or the one that such thing is directed towards. Xigbar is one of the only ones that share a fragment of old memories within the Nobody's mind -- old memories from the past that have clinging feelings. No matter, those feelings are mere imitations, playing off the memories of what it was like to have such things as them.
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     "It would be foolish to assume an instance of such has occurred. . ."
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chosenbythecrystal · 7 months
Starting the rumor that Noctis squeaks like a dog toy when hugged
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Start a rumor about my muse in my inbox
"That was one time, and only because a certain someone snuck up on me and caught me off guard. He's lucky he didn't get a bloody nose."
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It wasn't his proudest moment – Xigbar had teased him relentlessly for it – but it wasn't the most embarrassing thing he'd ever done.
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