#GOP hates veterans
shadow27 · 2 years
Senate Republicans blocked a bill that would provide benefits for veterans exposed to burn pits, killing a procedural vote to end debate 55-42.
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About 75% of veterans and active military vote blue. The armed forces are primarily staffed by people of color, urbanites, recent immigrants, Catholics, and various white & non-white ethnic “minorities”.
In other words only about 1 in 4 are white evangelical crackers. Don’t be fooled, southerners and other rural types are, and always have been, the numerical minority in the military.
The Dems need to change the false perception that RepubliKKKans have created of being more pro-military. We also need to change the false perception that RepubliKKKlans are more patriotic. We need to also take back the iconic symbolism that goes with that.
We are the ones that defend true democracy and the American way. We are the ones helping our neighbors and trying to make America a better place for everyone. These are the true American ideals. Republikkkans are the traitor trash that tried to overthrow the government to install a dictator for life, trampling the Constitution along the way.
Some of you may recall “Tricky Dick” Nixon, the demon who spawned the modern RepubliKKKlan party was a villain in both the Marvel and D.C. comics.
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izooks · 7 days
When McCain died, in August 2018, Trump told his senior staff, according to three sources with direct knowledge of this event, “We’re not going to support that loser’s funeral,” and he became furious, according to witnesses, when he saw flags lowered to half-staff. “What the fuck are we doing that for? Guy was a fucking loser,” the president told aides. Trump was not invited to McCain’s funeral.
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mudwerks · 1 year
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(via One Republican Senator Is Holding Military Promotions Hostage Over Abortion)
"Your talent pool goes down because one, frankly, mediocre football coach lucked into a position where he’s able to do that,” a veterans' advocate told Jezebel.
and no qualms about fucking over the people he is “representing”
today’s GOP motto: Fuck you I hate you - VOTE FOR ME
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sagebunendec · 7 months
chip chilla review (god help me)
copied from twitter with a bit of added stuff and formatted a bit better i hope: taking one for the team by watching through the entirety of chip chilla and by god this show is so far, and i hate to say it, Fine
im saying this now but then im gonna load up the next episode and they're going to just straight up call for the death of a minority group or something. but in all seriousness it had a few moments that made me chuckle and it's not written so unnaturally like a lot of ripoffs are. it's SO MUCH more boring and sterile compared to bluey and the artstyle is obv copying it especially in the backgrounds. but it's not completely devoid of substance...
which isn't too unexpected. they DID get some crew members with actual veteran experience in the industry. one of the exec producers of the show (and is doing more at the dw) was the showrunner for that tangled series on disney channel that people really seemed to like. which is wild to see next to ben shapiro in the credits
the way they ripped off the little "games" that bluey does are pretty hit or miss, like a frankenstein play seemed like ??? weird choice but then the next episode is like oh parents and children switch roles and like ok yea that makes more sense to just think of off the bat. morals are whatever. i don't know. it's not like ben shapiro came in on a greenscreen like "remember kids donate to the gop or you'll go to hell" they're just normal kid show morals, and like the games they're pretty hit or miss but nothing like egregiously bad
i like the intro. obvious rip off bluey music but the visual design is nice. why is it sO CUTE SCREW YOU SCREW YOU SCREW YOU
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i also should point out the dad is voiced by rob schneider. do with that information what you will.
still want to point out however that this show is still awful on principle, if you have any sort of support for any sort of minority group please do not support this show in any way it's really not worth your time in the slightest! im extra mad bc their daily wire kids platform has paid for distrib rights for some actually good international shows like tish tash and billy the cowboy hamster and augh im going to kill someone
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simonalkenmayer · 2 years
Good news?
Kansas turned out so well, that almost half the state voted. Of that turnout, far more than half voted no and upheld abortion rights in the state. There’s nothing the GOP can do.
A federal judge blocked an oath keeper's delay and told him to show up for trial in Sept.
The Government is suing Idaho, saying its ban on abortion interferes with federal laws protecting the life of the mother.
The PACT act passed. Rand Paul and Mitt Romney are livid that veterans might get their asthma treated with their free benefits! *gasp*
Alex Jones is about to be bankrupted. Infowars has already filed.
The Republicans are good at cheating and dirty fighting, but the problem is, they can only do so much. They can only get people hateful and angry so much before they lose folks. And hiding their double talk gets more and more difficult when they begin depriving their voters of things. This isn’t a joke. Right now the GOP is the most corrupt political organization I’ve seen ever in this country, and one of the most I’ve ever seen. It’s a machine for stirring up bigotry to defend the indefensible.
Please register to vote and do the least you can do for others this coming November. It will get bad if we don’t
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An eventful coming week.
November 13, 2023
          Current funding for the government will expire on Friday, November 17 at midnight. Speaker Mike Johnson proposed a “laddered continuing resolution” on Saturday that was met by deafening silence. Well, almost. The White House called it “unserious.” But there was little evidence of legislative activity over the weekend with only five days before shutdown.
          A “laddered continuing resolution” has rightly been called “gimmicky.” It has never been used before. It probably won’t be used now. But since we will hear the phrase “laddered CR” for the next 72 hours straight, let’s take a look at the context and meaning of the proposed “laddered CR.”
          When Congress fails to pass a budget, it frequently passes a “continuing resolution” that keeps the government operating at existing funding levels until Congress can do its job. But Mike Johnson couldn’t pass a regular “continuing resolution” if his job depended on it. So, he has proposed a hybrid resolution that amounts to “kicking two cans down the road” at the same time. Let’s take a look at the possible options to see where Mike Johnson’s hybrid solution fits in:
Congress passes a budget on time (which requires twelve appropriations bills to pass). That is a good outcome but nothing to write home about. Passing a budget on time is, after all, one of the primary duties assigned to Congress in the Constitution. Republicans gave up on this option about six months ago.
Congress passes some appropriation bills but not all twelve. A partial shutdown results. This happened in 2018-19. Republicans gave up on this option about three months ago.
Congress passes no appropriations bills but agrees to a “clean” continuing resolution that funds the government at current levels for a set period. Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy agreed to such a continuing resolution in September and lost his job as a result. Mike Johnson floated this idea last week in a Republican conference meeting, but it was shot down before ever making it out of the GOP conference closed-door meeting.
Congress proposes a “laddered” continuing resolution that funds parts of the government for different time periods (here, through January 19 and February 2, 2024) at current levels.  This is what Johnson has proposed. The “laddered” continuing resolution does not include funding for Israel or Ukraine. Nor does it include cuts from current spending levels—a demand made by the most radical members of the House Freedom Caucus. See below.
Congress can’t pass a regular continuing resolution or a laddered CR, so it proposes a continuing resolution that cuts spending from current levels. This proposal was championed by the Freedom Caucus under McCarthy (but ultimately rejected). The proposal for “continuing resolution with cuts” may make a return under Johnson if he can’t get support for his “laddered CR.”
          The relative calm (and silence) over the weekend is disquieting. Either the chaos is so bad that no one knows what to do or everyone is confident that Congress will pass a “clean” continuing resolution. After all, what politician wants to be responsible for US troops not being paid during the Thanksgiving holiday?
          This story will dominate the news next week. Apart from the drama of “Will there be shut down or not,” the real story is that Republicans are simply incapable of governing. We need to get that story out to friends, family, neighbors, acquaintances, and complete strangers.
Trump's statements on Veteran’s Day weekend echo Hitler and Mussolini.
          This next story may be upsetting for some readers, so let’s start with a shortened version, followed by a more detailed version. In short, Trump's unhinged statements over Veteran’s Day weekend became even more unhinged as he began to use epithets reminiscent of the hate speech of Hitler and Mussolini. Bottom line: Defeating Trump is a matter of national urgency and human decency. Do not relent in your efforts.
          The longer story is this: In statements at a campaign rally and on his vanity social media platform, Trump used words and phrases favored by Hitler and Mussolini as they attacked their enemies in the run-up to World War II. He said, in part,
We pledge to you that we will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country that lie and steal and cheat on elections. They’ll do anything, whether legally or illegally, to destroy America and to destroy the American Dream. [T] he threat from outside forces is far less sinister, dangerous and grave than the threat from within. Our threat is from within.
          See Washington Post, Trump calls political enemies ‘vermin,’ echoing dictators Hitler, Mussolini. (This article is accessible to all.) The headline writers at The New York Times did not see the need to raise alarm about the historical antecedent to Trump's speech, writing blandly, “In Veterans Day Speech, Trump Promises to ‘Root Out’ the Left | New York Times.
          As usual, the rest of the Republican Party pretended not to notice that Trump had descended into Hitlerisms in his speech. Republican National Chair Ronna McDaniel dodged questions about Trump's speech by saying (a) she hadn’t read the speech and (b) wouldn’t comment on a Republican candidate involved in a presidential primary for the GOP nomination. See The Hill, RNC chairwoman dodges questions over Trump’s Veterans Day post. Coward!
          Comparisons to Hitler and Mussolini should not be made lightly, but they are appropriate here. For a superb (and unsettling) historical comparison, read Lucian Truscott’s Newsletter, This is how it begins - by Lucian K. Truscott.
          For those whose parents, grandparents, and family members suffered and died under Hitler and Mussolini, Trump's deliberate effort to model his language on theirs is unsettling, even traumatizing. Every American should be alarmed and concerned by this dark turn in the hate speech of a man known for his hate speech.
          Trump must not be normalized. He is not merely a candidate for the GOP presidential nomination—as he is frequently portrayed by major media. His plans are anti-democratic, unconstitutional, and despotic. Despite that fact, in a series of polls over the last three weeks, he has been presented as merely “another horse in the race” to become president—a characterization that is morally and intellectually dishonest. For Jennifer Rubin’s take on the normalization of Trump through polling, read on!
The threat to democracy posed by “normalization of Trump through polling.”
          Jennifer Rubin hits the nail on the head as she takes down the NYTimes poll last week that dominated three days of front-page coverage by the Times. See Jennifer Rubin in WaPo, Opinion  A wasteland: Political coverage ignores the threat to democracy. (Accessible to all.)
          Although Rubin covers themes I addressed last week, she brings her own style and clarity to the problem of normalizing Trump by reducing everything to the “lowest common denominator” in polling.
          Rubin writes,
Last week demonstrated the sorry state of political coverage in this country. The fixation on early, non-predictive polling and endless speculation that President Biden might step away from the 2024 race (contrary to all evidence) created an endless cycle of frenzied coverage, none of it informative about democracy, the issues or the threat of an authoritarian regime in a second Trump presidency.
          After discussing the yawning deficiencies in the Times’ poll (which are substantial) and reviewing the true state of the race, she indicts her colleagues in the news media for ignoring the threat to democracy and focusing on the horse race:
Many media outlets after Jan. 6, 2021, vowed to focus more on threats to democracy. (Occasionally, they do; but it doesn’t dominate coverage, as polling does). However, most are stuck in overhyped horse-race coverage and endless chatter over meaningless Republican debates. Americans deserve better. Our democracy needs better.
Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
A Texas blogger paid by Democratic Rep. Vicente Gonzalez's campaign is attacking Republican opponent Rep. Mayra Flores as “Miss Frijoles” and a "cotton-pickin' liar," prompting a wave of denunciations by fellow Democrats.
The language first surfaced three days after Gonzalez’s campaign wrote a $1,200 check to The McHale Report blog June 24 for “advertising services,” according to the Democrat’s Federal Election Commission finance report.
But the blog, which has called Flores "Miss Frijoles" 21 times since then, has not published any Gonzalez ads.
Flores, in a Twitter post Monday, accused the Gonzalez campaign of paying “a local blogger to run hateful & racist ads against me,” a charge that the Gonzalez campaign and blogger Jerry McHale deny. They both told NBC News that the timing of the attacks were coincidental, that the congressman didn’t pay for any of the inflammatory posts, know about them or have any control over them.
“Of course, the congressman is against referring to Rep. Flores as ‘Miss Frijoles’ or a ‘cotton-picking liar’,” Gonzalez’s campaign manager, Collin Steele, wrote in a text message to NBC News, echoing the state Democratic Party chair and other Texas Democrats who denounced the language as well.
But McHale would not back down.
“I am a liberal Democrat. And it’s war against the Republican ... I’m going to be merciless with her,” he told NBC News.
The controversy, which illustrates the blurred lines between paying political bloggers for advertising and advocacy, is the latest flashpoint in the wild and rugged politics of Texas 34th Congressional District, a majority-Hispanic seat that runs along the state’s southeast border with Mexico and has become a national proving ground for GOP outreach to Hispanic voters.
Flores is the first congresswoman born in Mexico. Two years before her victory, then-President Donald Trump improved his margins there — along with most majority-Hispanic districts and counties nationwide — when compared to his 2016 numbers.
But Democrats note that Trump still lost within the boundaries of the 34th Congressional District, and they say Flores only won because the party didn’t spend much to contest her special election after then-Rep. Filemon Vela, a Democrat, unexpectedly left the seat to join a law firm that lobbies in Washington. Gonzalez decided to challenge Flores once the seat he currently holds, the 15th Congressional District, became more Republican-leaning after it was redrawn by the GOP-led Legislature during redistricting.
A week after Flores won, Gonzalez told Newsweek, “I wasn’t born in Mexico …  I didn’t come here through chain migration, I didn’t come through asylum or amnesty or whatever.” In his remarks, often associated with Republicans, Gonzalez also described Flores as “unqualified,” a criticism often considered sexist.
“Politics in South Texas and the Rio Grande Valley is blood sport. It’s very personal. And they play to win,” said Colin Strother, a veteran Texas Democratic consultant.
Still, he said, the language in McHale’s blog and Gonzalez’s decision to advertise with him were surprising — Gonzalez last year paid McHale $1,000 for advertising, and the blog is full of posts with racist, crude and bigoted language, like the use of the N-word and derogatory references to women's private parts, including Flores’ body.
“The attitude doesn’t surprise me. The mindset doesn’t surprise me. A Democratic member spending money with someone using that kind of language? Yeah, that surprises me,” Strother said. “It’s a little outside the bounds. There are other places to spend your money.” _______________________
“I am a liberal Democrat. And it’s war against the Republican ... I’m going to be merciless with her,” he told NBC News.
Translation: I can be as racist as I want because I'm the good guy
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When Kevin McCarthy was just a handful of votes from becoming House Speaker, he promised a lot of wacky stuff to right-wing holdouts, from investigatory rabbit holes to rules changes to votes on legislation so bad or unpopular it would normally never see the light of day. In that last category, McCarthy promised Georgia congressman Earl “Buddy” Carter that he would hold a floor vote on a version of the “Fair Tax” proposal that has been kicking around the conservative fever swamps since the early aughts, when Atlanta talk-show host Neal Boortz popularized the concept and talked some politicians into promoting it. Carter loyally backed McCarthy, and all of the Speaker-vote holdouts joined in his call for a floor vote on his bill, reflecting its popularity in the House Freedom Caucus.
The basic idea is to replace today’s federal taxes — income taxes, estate taxes, Social Security payroll taxes, corporate taxes, even gift taxes — with a single federal sales tax. It would obviously have to be set at very high rates, at least 30%, by most estimates, to offset the revenue lost from ending the other taxes. Carter’s proposal would include “prebates,” i.e. federal payments to low-income households, to reduce the impact of a high tax on living essentials. But there’s no way to make this sort of tax system anything other than a large boon to people with income and wealth far beyond what they need to live on, which if saved or invested would remain tax free. That’s why the Fair Tax has a perpetual fan base among consumers of right-wing talk and grassroots conservative activists. Because of Boortz’s role in promoting the scheme, it has become something of a Pet Rock for Georgia Republicans in the House, where Carter has picked up the torch originally carried by veteran conservative lawmaker John Linder.
Proponents of the Fair Tax boast that it would lead to the abolition of most of the federal tax code and of the Internal Revenue Service, making April 15 just another day (albeit another day of very high taxes on sales). But there’s another wrinkle that makes the Fair Tax not just wildly regressive but extremely risky in the unlikely event it were ever enacted, as The Bulwark’s Jim Swift explains:
“To ensure that the legislation actually replaces rather than adds to existing taxes, [Carter’s] bill includes a provision that the new tax would expire in seven years if the Sixteenth Amendment, which allows for federal income taxes, is not repealed. (Keen-eyed readers will notice that this creates the bizarre possibility of federal tax revenue going down to zero after seven years, if income taxes are not collected but the Sixteenth Amendment remains on the books.)”
Anyone familiar with how hard it is to enact constitutional amendments will be alarmed at this provision. Then again, for all its popularity among regular folks who think of themselves as virtuous tightwads, the Fair Tax has never been taken very seriously in Washington, even among conservatives. Yes, 2008 presidential candidate Mike Huckabee campaigned on it, and it has always hung around the margins of public policy like a recurring nightmare. But the more moderate Republicans hate it as a seductive but unworkable scheme that would brand the GOP as the party of high sales taxes rather than the party that wants to keep all taxes as low as possible.
Democrats, of course, are eager to hear a lot more about Republican support for the Fair Tax, as Joseph Zeballos-Roig of Semafor observes:
“Outside the deepest trenches of conservatism, a 30% sales tax is mostly seen as an obvious political loser. Democrats, for their part, can hardly seem to believe their luck that their opponents might attach themselves to it.
‘Great idea,’ Biden deadpanned during a speech Monday. ‘It would raise taxes on the middle class by taxing thousands of everyday items from groceries to gas, while cutting taxes for the wealthiest Americans.’”
You’d normally figure the Fair Tax chestnut would get buried in the Ways and Means Committee with a lot of other tax-policy proposals that won’t see the light of day in the Senate. But McCarthy promised Carter and his friends a floor vote. The question is how long he can delay the fulfillment of that promise and whether putting it on the back burner risks a grassroots rebellion from the kind of people who consider progressive taxation deeply immoral. It’s one of many calculations McCarthy will have to make to get through the next two years without losing his gavel to a motion to vacate the chair and without creating too much campaign fodder for Democrats.
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You said the GOP lacks a vision for America. What would your vision of America be?
need to shift the republican party away from their current reaganism to an updated form of the republicans' traditional american system; modernization and re-industrialization, being pro-labor, bringing back jobs through protective tariffs and government regulation, subsidies and internal improvements, encourage automation, universal basic income, ai and robots, acknowledge climate change, embrace nuclear energy, do some actual conservation (of our natural environment), space exploration, public transportation, build new housing and more walkable communities, keep roe v wade status quo, actual family planning, post-christianity/paganism, cutting foreign aid and instead redirecting it to give our veterans better benefits, reinforcing southern border and stabilizing mexico and central america (and south america too tbh monroe doctrine 2.0), probably strengthen ties with india, start squinting at africa probably (maybe renew ties with liberia?), patriotic and civic-oriented education, youth organizations, fraternities, national bank, land value tax, etc.
a lot of these probably seem like a hard sell to the republican base but i think there's a way. just a few examples:
pro-labor? this can't be hard. republicans are all ready the party that projects an image of manliness and working hard and giving americans a square deal and so on. the republican party used to be the party of free soil, free labor, and free men! start acting like it!
reindustrialization? tariffs? subsidies? automation? not hard. a lot of americans today were alive when america was still an industrial powerhouse and they watched as the midwest was gutted. bringing back manufacturing would be popular. especially we should focus on building a semiconductor industry (and other associated high-tech industries). i want semi-automated manufacturing gigafactories dotting the country. a household-sized manufactory for every family!
ai? you often hear conservatives complain about how big the american government is because of bloated bureaucracy. well, let's streamline it with artificial intelligence picking up some of the slack.
nuclear energy? come on. nuclear power is as american as apple pie. i can imagine a campaign that harks back to the atomic age. working class americans maintaining a nuclear power plant bringing energy to families across america. we could make it a point of national security too.
space exploration? again, as american as apple pie. the space race is arguably one of america's greatest achievements. on top of that, exploration and expansion and conquest are also american traditions. manifest destiny 2.0: the stars are ours. america leading humanity into the great unknown. it should be a point of pride.
public transport? yuck! americans love their cars. of course. but more than just loving their cars, they love /driving/ them. you know what americans hate? sitting in traffic. how do we get rid of traffic? more, better, safer public transportation. now remove speed limits on freeways and let americans drive the cars they love so much unimpeded.
walkable communities? sounds like liberal bullshit, right? but wait. i thought you liked wholesome family values and stronger communities? well this is the way to do it. bring communities together, get kids out more, more opportunities for family fun, safer neighborhoods, more environmentally friendly, healthier, good for business, etc.
national bank? you hate these private bankers with little regulation or oversight swindling americans and ruining lives while they get fat off of our blood? it's time for us to create a /national/ (*cue patriotic hymns*) bank that works for americans and helps us build up productive industry and fosters entrepreneurship.
you get the picture.
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djwaglmuffin · 2 years
As many of you know...
I am an Iraq war veteran. I served from 2002-2006 with 7 months in Kuwait/Iraq at the beginning of the war.
Over the years, I’ve made a number of observations about my fellow Americans that are enraging: especially when it comes to the GOP. 
With this recent shooting, I am reminded of long and forceful conversations from people about how “monstrous Muslims are” and how they should be reviled and hated. How the Taliban will bomb schools and hospitals and treat women like shit.
When I was listening to all that at the time, the entire country was anti-Muslim. Even Democrats were calling for vengeance and blood. So...when shootings happen in the USA...when people are gunned down but trash human beings, unqualified, untrained, will never see combat- with military-style weapons. How am I supposed to feel? As a war vet...watching my own people do the exact shit they claim Muslims were doing. 
I’m enraged and frustrated and regretful...anxious and want to isolate. At this juncture I would love nothing more then to get the fuck out of this shitty country. The country that I love. The country that I went to fucking war for. 
What’s even more enraging is the people of this country are exhausted and have given in to doom. I’ve seen this general “blech” kind of energy from the majority of people I talk to. I’ve seen more people complaining about the drama unfolding with Johnny Depp and Amber Heard then I’ve heard from people about HOW we can keep our children safe IN SCHOOL. Nobody wants to talk about it. Nobody wants to hear it. They just want all the bad-bad to go away-way.
The problems we face are laid bare and there are solutions but how in the hell do you rally 100million people to do something together? As a group? Against crooked and lazy cops? Politicians getting rich off of the deaths of our children? 
I’m fucking tired and disgusted. 
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izooks · 6 days
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Let them all know what that POS hat stands for…HATE!
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zooterchet · 7 days
Treatise on the CIA (Chet's RL)
CIA Systems:
The OSS, in the 1920s, was created by Governor Huey Long, out of bayous and cranberry bog towns, bayous the liberal South, and cranberries the union GOP North, with St. Paul, Minnesota, as the bay station, the experimental command unit, "Chicago", the Commody Polymercantile exchange for national contracts of good; "wampum".
By taking Albert Fish, an orphan from the Kennedy family born from a mother with a sinus tap, post-partum depression (a condition to retain memory after a child's birth, strengthening the woman into a bow shot composite Turkish archer's bow, to raise a Jannissary; as opposed to the womb chemicals sloughing off, preventing dementia in the mother and making the father, hate the child), and placing the orphan, within a check and relay system (preschool), so they would have a method of retaining orders (track Rabbinicals, track Iranian Persel diamond merchants, and track children reading comic books, for a relay system in memory recall), you would have your ideal soldier.
By now, anything police, military, or corporate executive, is this model, in the United States, called "the calling".
The CIA, is an enhanced class, formed in 1953, with linkage of Israel, into the American Mossad.
With the agencies of the MTI (police rights), the NSA (records privacy), the National Guard (military phalanx), Air National (rogue hunter), and ATF (grocer's union), the CIA has four divisions, and methods of raising them.
Fire Union: Marked by the swastika, on the left breast, so the child will be Hitler, if dying (the famous case of Adolf Hitler killing an American agent, duplicated), this is the diplomat, the attache.  These are your embassy personnel, that run numbers to deployed combat forces, in a theater.  Never known to the public, unless Boston Esplanade, has been routed around and back into New York Manhattan, the harbor; the political corruption system of Boston's criminal families, the 19th century Union Army, into New York's SWAT division, the called forces incase of stolen labor, a non-tangible producing a digit on a bank invoice but workers not paid a digit, allegedly for liability or lawful pay; actually, to prevent foreign espionage.
Military Police: Marked by a movie resemblance, "spic", these are soldiers that practice a martial arts form from a movie, and are trained in remedial courses; normally, remedial courses makes one a homosexual, the mark of the sex offense, however the sex offender posture and stance, can be transferred to combat, a lock or hold non-duplicated, with a special designed film, a "firefly", employing a Druid Rom, a "Pikey"; with the split between hero and traitor villain, the same person.  This way, an unhealthy habit of offense, the desire to make the world please the self for convenience of goal, becomes the healthy method of protecting your country's women, and on deployment, the world.
Narcotics Officer: A journalist undercover on domestic soil, this is a felon class of perpetrated lured entrapment, with a deputies handler moving the individual through a State Police missions system while on US Army intelligence, a local soil system to eliminate foreign espionage.  The subject "narc", a DC Comics or Capcom writer, the previous an FBI (federal police penmanship) and the latter a US Navy (formed combat implement) investment, will be placed through famous military veterans failures into "The Mob", an Israeli service, to move quietly, as an American, listed and labeled as a Mossad, however performing hits for a fake "intel"; US Army Intel, a teacher that has been reformed out of pedophilia (the necessary status to become a teacher, a drug dealer seduced into a statuatory rape suit by an underage vice lure), by "April Fool's" and then paired with the partner "narc squad" as the forward range mission intel (a lead actor Juliard's Class, the mirrored hand grip triple set, making Strausser Method impossible).
Field Agent: The highest rank for any executive mission operative, not in authority but in lethality of kill therefore danger to handle, they are impossible to de-escalate out of military utility, hence the Congressional Budget Office, a non-elected Congress panel out  side of the President or Governor's influence must be called and send a future "frog", the Marine NCO, to kill one; with a Luger handgun, in the "State Forest", the tradition for a failed agent.  The field agent, is given a mother's doctor, the famous "Jewish Doctor", to establish transference through the battered women's shelter, "Falun Gong", the international program for field agents.  Codenamed "Glen" or "Gwen", the doctor is actually a hunter of INTERPOL agents; private detectives on hire.  Therefore, the field agents will hunt police mercenaries involved in the wine, heroin, and petty literature market, as the counter-narc, a "saboteur".  This is called, "domestic sabotage", hunting the "saboteur".
Please note, these field functions and ranks and sets can interchange, stack variably, and change in actual ranks of arbitrage, the private or public sector business firm term for a named set of a corporate housing; the corporation's rights, as a "person", for IRS financial purposes.  Namely, default and bankruptcy, to recruit police from the firm producing a track veteran athlete, from a manager, the firm shut down and scuttled for having an abusive culture outside of ATF regulations.  The default, is the cop draft to a housing community, such as Village Green out of Chestnut Realty, and the bankruptcy, is the sales to a bank, the IPO failing being the Chapter 11, the firm is saved and becomes bank traded and the town changes regulations; however, with an IRA raid, the Irish Republican Army, the psychiatric union flips Irish, out of German, since a foreign medical personnel unit has become involved.  That's where your "narc" comes in, as a "field agent", a "borne".
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ramrodd · 2 months
How did the veterans of the Korean War and Vietnam War feel about Richard Nixon's visit to China in February 1972?
I got back from Vietnam in May 1971 and started a job with a DC bank in September. Through a Roommate Referral, a service that put individuals and group houses together, I ended up living with a artist/painter and his dancer wife, a Navy Beach Jumper and a Army captain who loved Janis Joplin and Hated Nixon with a PhD in Mathematics who was working with computers at the Navy Ship Yard.
The Navy Beach Jumper had worked for EDS when he got back to the World and was working for The Alliance For Businessmen engaged in veteran employment issues. He was an informal Nixon activist and did volunteer work around veterans issues with CREEP, Nixon’s re-election apparatus. He got me involved in several veterans events with the campaign, including a bill signing at the White House where I shook hands with Nixon along with several hundred other vets. Charley ended up being a level or so beneath the point where the Watergate convictions ended but I really had no desire to be around the CREEP political activists and didn’t pursue any further involvement after the White House bill signing.
I voted for Nixon before I went to Vietnam and I voted for him after I got back. I’ve had absolutely no regrets for my vote and am satisfied that Nixon kept his promise to depart Vietnam with honor and that he kept the faith with veterans in that regards.
I also think Watergate was an unnecessary self-inflicted wound, on the one hand, and that the Plumbers was the cancer growing around the Nixon Presidency that fucked up Nixon’s legacy and that it was a good thing they all went to jail. Subsequent events tends to suggest that they learned the wrong lessons from their political failures and convictions, that is, instead of never doing anything like that again, they focused on avoiding getting caught the next time and helped guide the political agenda of the GOP into the January 6 Conspiracy with Donald T. Regan during the Reagan administration.
All that being said, I went to Vietnam to give whomsoever was POTUS the space and time to advance the national agenda along the critical path surveyed and initiated by George Washington and, in particular, Nixon accomplished that.
As I say, at the time, Nixon’s reprochement with the Soviets and Mao was above my pay grade. I knew that, by 1965, the Pentagon’s strategy in Vietnam was a battle of attrition against the Soviet economy by proxy and that it had been successful after I attended a lecture on the Soviet banking system at the ExIm Bank at about the same time. I have heard several times since this Russian incursion in Ukraine began that the Russian economy is the size of Finland’s economy and that’s exactly the way it looked to me from that lecture.
In retrospect, It has come to be my opinion that Vietnam convinced both Brezhnev, as a proxy for the Kremlin, and Mao that Marxism was untenable as a sustainable social agenda and that they were reconsidering Stalin’s rejection of the Marshall Plan as a rational program for economic recovery from WWII and the Cold War leading to the economic reconfiguration of Sino-Soviet Marxism.
This reconfiguration is why they agreed to Nixon-Brezhnev Detente and Mao-Nixon “Leaky Umbrella: summit, the premise of which was the transformation of the global Military-Industrial Complex to the Aerospace-Entrepreneurial Matrix required to sustain a Trump hotel at the NASA-Soyuz lunar base for the next 100 years that the combination of Eisenhower’s 1956 Presidential Platform and Apollo 11 made possible in 1972. The legislative package known as Affirmative Action that Nixon and Daniel Patrick Moynihan passed into law set this transformation into motion and, if Carter had been re-elected, there would have been a Trump hotel on the moon by 2001, just like the movie.
Reaganomics brought that transformation to a dead stop and the Conservative libertarian activists that came to town with Reagan in 1981 have dedicated the last 4o years to dismantling Affirmative Action, the Eisenhower 1956 Presidential Platform and the New Deal while doubling down on the Military Industrial Complex.
But, in 1972, that was all in the future. In 1972, I think I connected Detente and the China opening as connected to Nixon’s promise to get out of Vietnam. I had arrived in Vietnam in July 1970, just after Nixon’s Cambodian Incursion had deflated and just before the wholesale withdrawal from Vietnam really began. When I got there, there were 500,000+ troops in Vietnam and, when I left, there were less than 165,000. The Cambodian Incursion was a brilliant coup de main that had the effect of a battlefield angioplasty that robbed Hanoi of the capacity to conduct sustained combat operations until 1973 or so and allowed the US military to withdraw, with honor, on its own schedule without a reprise of either Dien Bien Phu nor Dunkirk.
And that was about as far as my thinking went in 1972.
It is also my opinion from living through it in DC that what happened to Nixon with Watergate is what would have happened to LBJ if he had stayed in the race. Until the January 6 Conspiracy, America came as close to blowing up in 1968 as we needed to get and LBJ’s withdrawal from the race let enough air out of the SDS anti-war balloon that Nixon was able to capture the initial global synergies wave from Apollo 11 and the celebration of Woodstock to launch his Peaceful Structures diplomacy and Affirmative Action domestic program successfully, in spite of Kent State.
As I say, Watergate was a self-inflicted wound amplified by the collective stupidity and anti-constitutional expedience of the Plumbers which was the cancer growing around the Nixon Presidency that has become the dominant coalition in the GOP and the core cadre of the January 6 Conspiracy obstructing BBB and the launch of the Green New Deal.
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Dear Gavin
If some liberal-leaning wannabe progressive state (cough, cough California) or rogue governor were to charge the banksters and Aristocrats with collusion to create false scarcity & price gouging the people of California, and then civil asset forfeiture all those empty houses (maybe apartments too), they could quickly house the majority of unhoused people and you'd be on your path to POTUS for life. You could be a beloved POTUS for life in 8 years.
Just follow the logic here, Gavin.
You give a homeless family in a house or put a homeless person in an apartment and they immediately have an address, a place to bathe, a place to store their shit, a kitchen so they can buy and cook lower-priced and healthier unprepared food, AND a place to live & sleep out of the public eye. No more "dirty" homeless people in our cities and streets. Sure, maybe some just continue their street life but now they have housing and are at least far less of a concern, less trouble, and/or less of the ugly aesthetic of homelessness in our communities.
Most of them will probably take a shower and go get a job. (Yeah, they will apply for benefits too, but at least they will also be working and not working's the official reason we give for hating the unhoused.) With a house to live in, they will have the actual ability to get a job. With basic housing needs fulfilled, they will have the ability to participate in general society and to do so more fully, they will probably start working to get spending money because they like Starbucks and buying new snazzy clothes just like the rest of us and they don't take SNAP there.
Yeah, Faux News will make a big deal about some people wrecking up their houses, "welfare queens," neighbor disputes, and whatever.
Fuck that noise. You will have solved the housing crisis and stuck a stick in the eye of those seemingly infinitely wealthy ultra-rich Aristocratic bastards. You can even point out they are the main clients of the Epsteins of this world and are the true drivers of child trafficking. And if the POTUS thing doesn't work out, you can still be Mr. Governor for life.
BuT wHAt aBouT OUr VetErAns!? Point out so many homeless are our most traumatized and uncared for veterans. Plus it's not like the veteran "lovers" have ever truely loved the veterans with real actions thus far. They can shove that shallow disingenuous "love" up their asses. You can say you are the one truly loving our nation's most hurting veterans and the poorest of your people with actions.
People will complain that they have been working hard, paying their bills, paying their mortgage/rent all this time. Say they are right. They are being conspired against too. Civil asset forfeiture their mortgages and cancel them too. Threaten the rental companies/individuals with seizure of their buildings unless they drastically lower rent to a reasonable rate and tie rental increases to state median income fluctuations. They will complain a whole lot less (there will always be some of that "not fair" bullshit from people who still think like they are 7 years old with a super simplistic and regressive concept of "fair.").
You will get GOP resistance and the whole propaganda machine against you. But this is left-leaning California and the majority of the people will support it even if the Republicans won't. Actually, it might get a lot of initial pushback from propoganda machines that will sway even moderates to be against it at first. But once they start seeing clean streets and the economic bump, they will mostly come around.
You will get national resistance. Definitely from Congress. Possibly from POTUS himself. Play the states rights and "we're the Republic of California" card to buy time.
You will definitely get legal trouble. Keep things tied up in courts for as long as you can. You know for sure SCOTUS or some federal judge who is bought off/worships capitalism will overturn it.
You will get local official and police trouble resisting, refusing to implement, confounding, and trying to criminalize people taking advantage of the program. You will need a real strategy for that. Especially for the police/sheriffs.
Eventually the program will get overturned in the courts. I'd bet my house on it. So start getting butts in housing day one. Have that program well designed and implemented like a well-oiled German-engineered machine. Because here's the thing, once you got millions of new bodies in houses, good luck to the Banksters and Aristocrats getting the vast majority of them back out. Especially without police/sheriff help. Squatters rights. Legal obfuscation. People will get to keep those houses.
People might get dinged on their national credit reports for a few years for refusing to pay their mortgage, but we mostly care about our credit report for housing anyway. And if we have housing, temporarily having a more expensive car loan or reduced credit card limits will be an acceptable tradeoff to most.
This will jumpstart the economy. A whole state full of people with extra cash to spend! We spend half our paychecks on housing. In cash. That cash will all be freed up. You will see businesses bloom. Corporations will make a shitton of money and might even be happy about it. For sure a whole new crop of mom and pops open up and more of them will flourish. The economic success will be self-evident and it will be very hard for the propaganda machines to keep making it look bad.
You will probably have a lot more people getting medical/dental care as well with their extra cash. Healthier people do more stuff, work more, and spend more money on things, and keep our ERs available for true emergencies. Plus better teeth. Prettier people for our beautiful state.
You are planning a run for POTUS. It promises to be very nasty. I hope you win and can stave off GOP fascism. But to be POTUS, you are going to have to be a good boy and competently run the world's largest military industrial complex. That will be the last big progressive thing you will have the ability to do for quite a while. I have my doubts about your idealism, but even if you were, with constant GOP resistance, sold out Dems, and the constraints of not wanting to end up JFKed, you are going to have a hard time of it as POTUS.
You could win a lot more easily if progressives and dems like you. I don't really know much about you, but I know people don't really like you. You just are younger than Biden and better than Trump/Desantis. But pull this stunt in California and even if it all goes sideways, you will get nationwide massive voter turnout for yourself.
And even if you settle down and go back to being a career politician and are POTUS as just an HRC or watered down Obama clone, you'll have the satisfaction of at least once standing up to the Aristocrats and putting a stick in the eye of the banksters before going back to working for them like a good boy.
Here's the thing though. California will flourish. You will have done that one good thing in your life that will be your legacy. And your "Bill of Jubilee" (google "jubilee") or executive orders will be used as blueprints by other blue states. Then by purple states. Maybe even by a few red states. By the time your 4-8 years is up, no matter how bad the first 4-8 years were, you are going to be very popular with the American public.
You'll have the wind at your back in almost everything you want to do to tame this MIC run amok. Wouldn't it be nice to be a popular and beloved POTUS rather than an at best tolerated but resented POTUS who has to slog and fight for every little thing?
Chances are there will be grassroots support to overturn the FDR Amendment. You could be POTUS for life if you had the inclination.
You'd have the support to reign in the Aristocrats if you had the guts to fight them. You'd have the support to get to work with China, India, and the rest of the world on climate change before it's too late for massive disruptions.
You could be a legend.
However you will probably just be a popular but generic POTUS. I'd bet you will probably just go back to playing it safe. Disappointing, but if you did that housing thing, even though I'd be disappointed, I wouldn't be surprised and just out of gratitude I'd keep voting for you as long as you didn't go lefty fascist or ignore climate change. I'm sure most others would do the same.
So how about it, Gavin? Don't you want to do at least one courageous and truly loving thing in your life?
Of course, I doubt you'll ever do any of this.
A. The chances of anyone reading this, let alone anyone connected to you, let alone you, are effectively 0. lol.
B. This thing is so fucking long, nobody will read it.
C. I truly doubt you have the heart for it. I think you are probably just a normal rich asshole who lacks empathy for the poor and hates the poor and especially despises the unhoused. I think you probably like our current economic situation because it benefits rich assholes like you. And nothing I've seen of you indicates that you are a good rich asshole. You're probably just some guy born lucky with too much money and power for our good.
D. I doubt you have the ganas.
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karen-anti-r-cml · 1 year
What's Not To Love About This LOL...
The confederate maga loyalist aka Alt-Right republicans... You know the ones... The insurrectionist Traitors...
Well, their "freedom caucus" Revealed Their Budget Plans...
And it Includes...
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Endangering Public Safety; Raising Costs For Families; Shipping Manufacturing Jobs Overseas, Undermining American Workers and Weakening National Security
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After all of their Feigned Indignation when President Biden didn't Mince Words and said out loud the CMLs Plans to end Social Services.
And wouldn't know...
Their plan is to Cut Social Services Hurting Families, Seniors, Veterans and Disabled
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Their Budget Proposal would eliminate funding for more than 2,000 Border Agents, meaning 2000 Lost Jobs
It is surprising because Fewer Border Agents... Means a lot more People of Color, who CMLs hate and fear so much, will just walk on over the Border.
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Firing Border Agents would also allow “an additional 150,000lbs of cocaine, nearly 900lbs of fentanyl, nearly 2,000lbs of heroin, and more than 17,000lbs of methamphetamine into our country.” 
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CMLs would Eliminate 400 Law Enforcement Positions making Communities Less Safe.
It could mean a hiring freeze at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
However, ATF is one of Our Law Enforcement Agencies CMLs want to completely shut down.
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After spending much of February blaming President Biden and his Administration for Train Derailments and whining about President Biden not visiting the site of the Ohio Derailment...
Even though No President would be allowed to go where toxic, deadly chemicals are leaking and fumes are spreading.
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The CMLs would scale back Rail Safety Inspections, leading to 11,000 fewer Rail Safety Inspection Days Next Year alone and 30,000 Fewer Miles of Track Inspected Annually... And fewer Inspections means fewer Inspectors are needed.
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