#GOD their dynamic is so fucking funny i cant BREATHEEE
ithinkdogshouldvote2 · 7 months
Scary, Normal, and Taylor: *arguing*
Taylor: "no! I cant be sexist!"
Scary, eyeing the choices on the "top ten anime must watch!" List in Taylor's room: "really."
Taylor: "my mom is a woman!"
Normal: "???...Yeah???"
Taylor: "Yeah, so that makes me like half girl."
Scary: "..."
Normal: "..."
Scary: "what the actual fuck are you talking about?"
Normal: "Taylor that... that's not how that works. By that logic, linc is the only one here who can be sexist."
Taylor: "yeah! Linc agrees, right linc?"
Lincoln, who had been watching FIFA matches on his phone and not listening: "what?"
Taylor: "You're sexist."
Lincoln (distressed): "what???"
Normal: "so you just think that anyone who has a mom can't be sexist???"
Taylor: "I mean, OBVIOUSLY there are exceptions."
Scary: "oh, PLEASE enlighten us."
Taylor: "uhhhh... I mean that one guy who wanted to fuck his mom. Definitely him."
Scary: "you mean SIGMUND FREUD?"
Taylor: "yeah. Him for sure."
Lincoln: "you guys I'm not sexist."
Normal: "Lincoln, it's OK, we were jus-"
Scary: "I dunno. Taylor says you are."
Normal: "oh for fucks sake-"
Scary: "Frankly, I'm not sure who to believe."
Lincoln: "Taylor what the FUCK???"
Taylor: "all I'm saying is, you're not half mom like I am."
Normal: "Ok, Taylor, that's- that's kinda-"
Lincoln: "-cause I have TWO DADS."
Normal: "yup! So Taylor jus-"
Taylor: "Well, who's fault is that?"
Scary: "You guys, my stomach hurts from the sexism."
Lincoln: "... :0!!!"
Taylor: "... :0!!!"
Scary: "... :\"
Taylor: "NORMAL. Did you just try to SILENCE a WOMAN?"
Normal: "I... I d- I jus-"
Taylor: "What would your MOTHER SAY? and your sister? GOD DAMNIT NORMAL I THOUGHT I KNEW YOU!!!"
Normal: "I- you- she- but-"
Lincoln, putting a hand on normals shoulder: "Normal. I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed. You obviously have a lot of growing to do, buddy... I really, from you of all people, I'd expected better."
Normal: *stunned silence*
Lincoln: "come on guys. I think normal needs some time to reflect."
Taylor, walking out: "You DISGUST me."
Lincoln, Taylor, and Scary: *leave*
Normal: "..."
Normal: "..."
Normal: "what the fuck?!?!"
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