kronkk · 6 months
Apparently my mom told my aunt "yeah, [kronkk]s gained weight recently. Not that she doesn't look good and not that she didn't need it!! But she has gained some." a few years back. Like yeah, I was in my early 20s. I'm a grown woman. I'm going to start carrying a bit more weight. I was also severely anorexic and was in recovery UNLIKE YOU who is actively pushing your ED onto both of your daughters.
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jeyee · 3 months
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candy rose roxy genes vs dirk genes
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researchgate · 7 months
wow that m*na user is a mess. someone asked her if she would make a r*dblr zionist list for blocking and her response was basically that there were too many to round up. a list to identify jews...... 🤔 now there's an idea i think i've heard of somewhere before lol
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Not to mention that anon saying what others try to hide: that even the babies, children, and anti-government women and men deserved to be murdered lmao.
So no solidarity for Shani Louk, no solidarity for the dozens of female hostages. And she keeps calling Jews white, as she always does. It's honestly so disgusting. Next thing you know and she says "umm akshually the holocaust was a lie made up by the Zionist pigs to genocide Palestinians, no I am not gonna take a look and see how their population is on constant rise since 1948."
She's antisemitic and she tries to hide it but honestly she can't. The moment she didn't even say "children aren't complicit and didn't deserve to die" to that anon is all you need to know what she really thinks.
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hirmienworld · 5 months
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I loved Mhok for making the point, without having to say it too blatantly.
Because Day's mother could have very well dropped everything and gone with them, without making everything so stupidly complicated, no one would have dared to tell her anything knowing that her son was going completely blind and instead she didn't want to do it and not for who knows what serious reason , but for a VERY STUPID, SELFISH reason:
the wedding was in the town where she lived while she was married to her ex-husband and since they divorced not only has she never wanted to go back but she has never mentioned it, she even refused to cook the typical dishes of that area and kept the father away from his two children for years and years. Not even something like her son's blindness put any sense back into that stupid head of hers.
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jlalt · 10 months
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this is another one of those cases where i draw the full body but it looks better cropped to hell and back. anyways, heres an erika!!!
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schumigrace · 5 months
what has danica done now?😩
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just some gross trumpie shit idk why I'd ever expect anything else from her
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cynningly · 6 months
i’ve had this video idea in my head so long i had to draw it out eventually
tw: suicide mention, cartoony sh scars and blood but only for like a split second
i love Milo Asher to death btw
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thelesbiansuperjesus · 4 months
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anchored-nyctophilia · 5 months
carol last was the og sad beige mom
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ennard-is-near · 19 days
*Jigsaw voice* Hello Scott. You make games for people to play, impossible games. Games requiring hours of rewatching cutscenes and listening to the same music. So now you’re going to play a game of mine.
In front of you is a Nintendo switch, set to an open copy of the Circus Baby 8-bit mini game, a game you made. If you’ll look down, you can also see that your balls are in a minutare springlock suit, another one of your creations. Your job is to keep all the springlocks on the suit wound up, while beating the 8-bit mini game. If you succeed, you will have learned the value of life, making games playable on all consoles, and how it’s not right to force people to torture themselves. If you fail, your balls will explode. You have 5 minutes. Good luck.
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buckttommy · 5 months
Eddie your mom is a BITCH
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techhasmjolnir · 4 months
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I lied. I'm going to keep ripping on her. 🤣
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goldenshephard · 5 months
Penny is literally a bully victim who acts like a total bitch and she literally doxs you
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nintendont2502 · 5 months
Do you ever create something so so horrible and terrible that you suddenly know what God felt like
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After watching several episodes with Amy featuring on The West Wing... I absolutely hate her.
She's mans interpretation of a feminist. Specifically the newer louder Spice Girl empowerment women felt at the end of the 90s.
Whilst her snark and energy fit in with the show, her bad talking points are often so bad of you actually are knowledge about the stuff she's talking about.
The worst I've seen so far was the debut episode where she ranted about absolutely no prostitution should ever be legal... But even back in the 2000s women's adocoates knew that decrimination is the only way forward?
Not only as a beginning to combat human trafficking but as a way to put money, safety and rights in the pockets of those doing it because people will always do it. My boy Josh agrees! They deserve unions.
But boohoo the show mades Donna, a resident female to come out to voice the anti prostitutation idea. You know, they didn't bother to bring back the ACTUAL SEX WORKER from season one to voice her opinion.
'They don't want people to know their sex workers so we shouldn't legalize it' Donna said. GIRL? LOGIC? Side note- in America do unions MAKE you publish your name to say your in the union? Cuz that's s not legal here.
To demand that prostitution stay illegal is actually such a bad stance for a 'feminist'. She should be advocating for decrimination and how to allocate those tax dollars from the industry to combat human trafficking.
Anyway lots of other reasons to not like her, like her voice. Her.... annoying voice. But I care less about that and more about her shitty shitty politics.
Major Terf Energy
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bearsgrove · 3 months
rushing to get blackwall as soon as possible so i dont have to listen to fucking cassandra or vivienne
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