#G’enta tuues
queerleaflet · 9 months
"You're safe here, I promise."
"Will you hold my hand?"
(Why not both?)
It was odd to see there be light in the otherwise still inn room, yet the full moon flooded between unnaturally parted curtains in spite of that fact. They waved to and fro lazily with the summer evening air, a tide of their own choosing. Someone was here.
Someone was here, surely, as the door opened and caused the windowsill to creak in surprise. For any other, it would be an empty room, someone who had forgotten to close the windows before leaving it vacant. But G’enta knew more, heard more….and would never leave such a thing unattended.
Her satchel was set with a silent ‘sniff.’ Green eyes glinted against the lunar lighting, staring at the window with alertness….then a tired concern.
“…Eteion, I know you’re there.” Concern turned to kindness, the cat stepped over to the window. The creaking resumed uncomfortably, curtains revealing the once invisible entelechy shaking at the edge. Striking blue eyes stared into the miqo’te’s as she trembled. It looked as if the little bird had been crying for quite some time. “…oh.”
“I’m…s-sorry..” Meteion gripped at the curtains with tiny hands. The fabric provided an effective-albeit scratchy- stim for the moment. “I…I didn’t….mean, to…s-scare…you…u…”
“You think you could scare me, huh?” Her signature smirk, reassuring to the last.
“…b-but you’re…s…scared. I’m…scared….too.” Her words brought G’enta to pause….and she understood. She WAS scared. Having witnessed what she had, the crimson moon of the 13th, the miserable fate of her friend’s sister, watching a loved one hurl themselves into the unknown and nearly perishing before their eyes AGAIN…not even knowing what would happen to them, should Zeromus emerge in the source?
G’enta hoisted herself up on the windowsill next to her, taking a moment to rearrange her tail so it sat comfortably. “…Yer right about that. We’re in another pile of shite reaching apocalyptic proportions. That’s enough to scare anyone….especially you.”
“I….I feel…them.” The bird looked down to her hands, held together, curtain between them. “Even those who don’t…feel Vrtra’s….unease. The dragons….they hurt. And the other….if we don’t…w-we can’t…” Her wings drooped, eyes moving about as if she was seeing something else, somewhere else. Of course, the dragons….her appointed star, ostrakon deal okto, the dragonstar. The thoughts were stopped abruptly, paused as a warm hand fell gently on her head.
“Eteion.” Soft words in a strong voice, soothing and settling. “You aren’t alone this time. And we aren’t about to let our star, our home get taken over by something like this. Before you came back I’m sure you saw it from Stinien and I…this is by far not the biggest threat we have handled. Not by a long shot.” The hand would move to pet her, adding to the grounding. “You’re safe here, I promise.”
“…” another tear fell down the girl’s cheek, but it was soon wiped away by the woman beside her. She leaned into her companion’s shoulder, weighing nothing against the denser aether. “I…want to believe…you…but….it’ll take…time…”
“That’s perfectly fine. We have all the time in the world.” G’enta hummed, glancing up at the moon’s reflection in the mirror of her room. “Fear takes us all…it’s a part of being alive. It’s what we do with it that makes the difference.”
“…will you…hold my hand?”
There was no audible response, just warm, clawed hands gently taking the entelechy’s. As she leaned into her shoulder, so did the other in kind, setting her head to rest against her feather’d friend. She knew of all people what it took to learn the hard way life after a sheltered upbringing…and she would take this entelechy under her wing until she had the courage to learn about the world herself…with her own courage.
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spiritedsketch · 7 days
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Madame Tuues of the Seventh Dawn
Aka Aymeric finally got G’enta to sit still long enough for a painter to make a portrait.
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queerleaflet · 11 months
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I love this cat G’enta Tuues belongs to me~
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queerleaflet · 2 years
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Meet the Crew!  Falla Milan (Left): 
A wayward white mage travelling the world in search of purpose after being liberated from a voidsent’s cult. He/Him.
Kore Hagne (Mid): 
Azem in the flesh, a lighthearted and aloof gunbreaker who seems to always have time to help others, rather than letting anyone help himself. They/He.
G’enta Tuues(Right): 
A fiesty Dark Knight with memories of eld, only saved from becoming an ascian by her love for the shards and the lack of ascians alive and willing to recruit her. She/Her.
Feel free to ask anything about these three! I’ll be posting more about them including art of them here.
Leaf (me!):
A quirky fae who’s current hyperfixation is FFXIV. I really want to interact with other people’s WOLs/OCs with my own! If you got a follow/note/message from @spiritedbirb , that’s my main! 
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