#Fuck womens magazines for dragging us down and then pointing at laughing when we're on the floor
kthulhu42 · 2 months
Media (to women): Fat means lazy. Fat means you've given up. Fat means you've let yourself go. Fat is the worst thing you could possibly be. You could be the nicest person in the world and it will never be enough to overcome being Fat. Look at this celebrity. Look how small she is, she's half your size, you can see her ribs, SHE'S STILL FAT.. And what does that make you??
Tiktok Girls who have grown up with this constant rhetoric: "Ew. She's fat."
Media: "Do women not care about each other?? Do women not have a class consciousness?? Or solidarity?? Can women not be kind? Can women not judge each other based on looks??? Can women move past their shallow beliefs??
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