#Fro A. Dubois
bloodlineoffical · 3 years
It is currently 12 AM and I just reread the demo. Of course I fell in love with Adelina all over again😌but then again she's perfect so what am I supposed to do? Not fall in love? No never couldn't be me. Anyway besides me being a whole SIMP for Adelina I have an actual ask and I'm definitely not just ranting about my love🤡
How would the ROs react if them and MC were mistaken as a couple?
P.s I absolutely love the demo, good work😌👌
Glad you’re enjoying the story!! As for the questions...
Fergie: - Would be super flustered about it!  - Fergie is very nervous and stutters out that they and MC are not dating. - Afterwards, Fergie would actually wonder if they did look like a couple... Larry: - VERY flustered and nervous. - LOUDLY says him and MC aren’t dating. Most likely talks fast too. - Very awkward for a little bit afterwards.  Fro: - SUPER flustered. They definitely can’t speak.  - Has a frog ever looked smug? Or if it’s smiling? Maybe even laughing??? You don’t know, but Fro’s frog is somehow doing that. - They don’t want to talk about it. Adelina: - Very suave about it. Not the first time. - She’s so calm like “Nah, we’re not a couple.” - Does joke about it though. Rosalind: - You can’t tell if she’s upset, or unamused...? - STRAIGHT to the point. “We’re not dating”. Try to tease her about it and that’s when she looks a little upset.
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covrtofnightmares · 3 years
( GABRIEL &&. OLIVIER ) + @gvldntrbl
Much to the displeasure of Sophia and Kael, Gabriel had decided he was rather done with this whole healing process. While his wife and his Second were more than welcome to fret over him behind closed doors, Gabriel Beaumont was nothing if not a stubborn survivor. And showing signs of pain or weakness were simply unacceptable to him. The bite of iron that had nearly penetrated his heart had caused a great more trouble than it was worth, so after some bandaging and a potion for what lingered of his pain, the High Lord of the Night Court prowled through the high castle, making his way to the throne room. He paused, lingering in the doorway, staring up at the glittering obsidian throne poised on a polished dais that he had ruled from for over a century. A twin throne now sat to its right, a place for Sophia to rule beside him, though equally vacant.
“On second thought,” Gabriel managed to say at last, his voice low and silky as he turned towards the guard that had escorted him to this wing of the palace (no doubt a security measure insisted on by either Kael or the Dubois family). “I’ll be having tea in the parlor. See to it that any guests are received there.” Before he could receive any further questions, Gabriel made his way towards one of the more spacious dining parlors, perfect for guests, as he took a seat at the head of the table and watched the staff bustle to and fro to prepare the table with an array of drinks and food for him.
And whoever else came to call today.
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queenofbaws · 4 years
Day 27: Work
Fandom: Man of Medan/Until Dawn (Ghost hunting au style ;P) Characters: Fliss DuBois, Dr. Hill, The Curator Rating: T (Language) Words: 1,990 Author’s note: Man, that’s a weird collection of characters, huh? Hehehe. Trying to get into a groove with some of my lesser-mentioned ghost hunting au characters, because...well. There’s some stuff on the horizon, and suffice it to say I wanted to get some practice in before the main event. (Feat. a sneak peek into said “stuff” on the horizon... ;) ) ---
Was Fliss glad that the fairground wasn’t closing down yet? Sure. It staying open meant she still got a paycheck (at least for another week or two), and that was just fine by her. Tuition had to get paid somehow, and by and large, working at the little touristy stop was easy as pie. That wasn’t what got her. What got her was that there were actually people still wandering around the fairground. That was a miracle. And by ‘a miracle,’ what she actually meant was ‘a nightmare.’
This was an absolute nightmare.
To be fair, the maze wasn’t exactly her problem. No, her haunt was usually the outcropping of food stalls, where she’d flit to and fro, doing whatever needed to be done. It was a lot of busywork, and usually hot enough to border on uncomfortable, but there was something to be said for being allowed to sneak as many free churros as she wanted when business was slow. But just by the nature of the job, anything she stumbled upon immediately became her problem, so…that day, the maze was, in fact, her goddamn problem.
Halloween had come and gone…and gone…and gone. Most of the leftover pumpkins had literally rotted down into nothing but mush in the patch. Who in their right mind was still thinking to themselves ‘Hey, know what would be a fun afternoon activity? Wandering through a spooky corn maze!’ like that was just a thing people did?
Well, she got that answer quickly enough. She was ten minutes from clocking out for the day—ten—and had made the exceptionally poor decision of wandering the side lot to pick up any litter the morning crew might’ve missed. That was when she saw her.
“Um, what do you think you’re doing?” Fliss raised a hand to shield her face from the sun as she craned her head back, looking up at the head that had popped itself over the very top of the maze’s hay bale walls. “You can’t climb that!”
“Oh, hi, uh…” The young woman in question grimaced, glancing behind herself for a moment before turning to Fliss again, “My friend’s hurt in here?” It probably hadn’t been meant as a question, but something about her voice, an upward inflection, maybe, filled it with uncertainty. “He’s bleeding. Uh,” she looked over her shoulder for a second time, “Like…a lot.”
Of course. Of course this would happen on her shift.
“Oh for the love of…” she muttered under her breath, momentarily pressing the pads of her gloved fingers to her temple. “Where are you? In the maze, I mean? Is there anything you’re close to?” She knew her way through it like the back of her hand—had been required to learn it, just in case anything like this clusterfuck reared its ugly head—but she still needed an idea of where to go, if she was going to be able to drag them out to the first aid tent or, God help her, direct an ambulance to them.
The woman grimaced more intensely that time. “Yeah, uh…there’s this really, really creepy, just…upsetting sca—”
“Okay, hang on, I know where you are.” Fliss groaned to herself and hustled for the nearest maze entrance.
The maze was supposed to be family friendly, the scarecrows marking the way in cutesy little kid costumes, so the moment the blonde had said ‘creepy,’ Fliss knew where she was going. Her coworkers had taken to calling it the ‘Psycrow,’ some crappy portmanteau of ‘psycho’ and ‘scarecrow’ that she was sure took them hours and hours of deep thought and contemplation. No one had owned up to being the one to vandalize it, to make it look like…that, but management had tried to fix it three times only to find it even more gruesome than before, so there it stayed.
It took her all of three minutes to reach them, and holy shit she hadn’t been kidding when she’d said her friend was bleeding a lot.
“Are you—oh my God.” In a second, she felt all of her frustration drain out of her, immediately replaced by a wave of mingled terror and sympathy. “What happened?”
The young man she was with had pressed a piece of cloth or something to the cut on his head, but even so, it had already soaked through to dampen his gloves. He didn’t seem to be dazed, though, and that was good—head wounds were always tricky beasts. He flashed her what she figured had probably been meant as a charming grin except for all the blood. “Funny story. Not funny ‘ha-ha,’ but still funny, if you get me.”
That was when the blonde stepped forward, cutting him off. “Someone threw a rock at him, we think,” she said, her eyes occasionally flitting just over Fliss’s shoulder towards the only way out of the dead end. “You didn’t…I dunno, pass any kids or anything on you way in here, did you?”
“Kids?” And just like that, the frustration was back. “Hoo boy, are you sure it was a kid?”
“Whoever it was,” the guy piped in, “They have a hell of a pitching arm.”
She tried not to groan aloud, unhooking her flimsy walkie-talkie from her belt to radio in to management. The bleeding she could handle, but if there was a kid lost in the maze? A kid? Well that was a fucking Code 3, that’s what that was, and she wasn’t gonna be going home any time soon.
Ugh. They didn’t pay her enough for any of this.
In all of his years of counseling, Alan had heard some stories. Most sad, some bordering on bizarre, a few downright impossible, but never in that time had he heard the same story. And yet there he was, sitting across from a very distraught young woman, his hands folded in front of him and his head tipped to the side in a carefully crafted expression of listening that he’d perfected long, long ago, so wrapped up in the bizarre and all-consuming sensation of déjà vu that for a moment he couldn’t place where he’d heard it before.
Ah, but he’d have to do something about that. It wasn’t professional, and it certainly wasn’t helpful, if he was so absorbed in his own thoughts that he missed something she said. Of course…he thought he likely knew the gist of this particular tale well enough that he could’ve blustered his way through it if need be. Again, not the most helpful of options, and there was something to be said about therapists who only made the requisite nods and hums when there was a gap in the conversation, but—
The realization very nearly bowled him over, though he did his best not to show it. And while there weren’t any mirrors in the office (that was one of the first lessons about therapy—no mirrors—as there was something of a shared human experience of feeling uncomfortable around the things), he had a fairly solid idea that he’d managed to keep his surprise from changing his expression.
Of course that was where he’d heard it before: Josh. The car wreck, the loss of the twins, the overwhelming guilt that something could’ve, should’ve, would’ve been done, had only they known a moment sooner…yes, this was a story he knew, all right. He knew all the players and their lines, knew their very blocking on life’s stage. Which meant, by corollary, that he also knew precisely how he was going to set about walking Samantha—Sam, she preferred Sam—through her grief.
All he could do was simply hope that she was more receptive to what he had to say than Josh, that perhaps as the twins’ friend and not their blood, she’d be just far enough removed from the tragedy to process it in a healthier way than Josh’s abject denial and anger. She seemed prepared for that, he thought, if the way she was crying was anything to go by (and it usually was). Maybe she’d sit and listen to his advice as she clutched the tissue to her running eyes, her lips still quivering but the worst of her sobbing having tapered off. Maybe this was an Sisyphean battle he’d continue to wage against Josh’s psyche for months and months, but if he could make some progress with Sam, maybe that acceptance would trickle down to him in time, and—
“But the worst part,” she said, jarring him from his internal monologue, “Is that I think they’re haunting me because I kissed their brother.”
Alan opened his mouth to respond. Closed it. Blinked.
This was going to be Josh all over again, wasn’t it?
Oh, the university didn’t pay him nearly enough to deal with this.
He didn’t even bother looking up from the pile of forms on his desk as he heard the elevator ding. There was no point.
No one ever came up to that floor of the library—his floor of the library, really—so whoever they were, he knew what they wanted, and it was absolutely not assistance finding a reference book.
So he kept his head down, kept filling out the paperwork that he jovially swore would be the death of him one day, the deep blue ink of his pen filling each box with the neat whirls and loops of his handwriting.
And all the while, he listened to the footsteps grow nearer and nearer.
Hmm. Interesting.
Whoever this interloper was, they were decidedly not one of his…well, he’d come to think of them as his usuals, in a way that was nearing the edge of fondness at a dangerous speed. No, this was someone he was less than familiar with, to be sure.
Ah, but all in due time. All in due time.
One of the benefits of the floor’s layout was that his desk, his entire workspace, truly, was in a bit of an alcove. One might even go so far as to describe it as a ‘shadowed’ alcove. Now, of course that wasn’t exactly correct—he could hardly do his work in the dark, after all—but neither was it incorrect. You had to expect his desk to see it at first blush.
But oh, so very few people ever did.
The footsteps grew closer still, rubber soles squeaking on the linoleum, but he waited until the full silhouette of the newcomer flit into his periphery to speak up.
“And would you be on the guest list?” Edgar wasn’t the sort to mute his facial expressions unless absolutely necessary, so there was no pang of guilt when the young man’s startled gasp curled his lip into a smirk. Still, he didn’t look up—not right away, at least—continuing to fill out his form. “I was made to believe that attendance at tonight’s gathering was strictly invitation-only. So…” Then he did raise his eyes, meeting the wide-eyed gaze of a young man wearing an obnoxiously bright flower-print shirt. “What name should I be searching for on the guest list?”
“I—uh—Jesus man, you scared the shi—I mean, u-uh, Conrad? I didn’t—”
Edgar chuckled once to himself, a sound that he kept low in his chest. He lowered his eyes to his work once more, his pen already scratching away. “Only joking, Conrad, only joking…” He made him wait for another second, perhaps a little closer to three or four, and then held his pen out, pointing the tip directly towards the door to the conference room. “I believe who you’re looking for will be behind that door. I do suggest you knock first.” The smirk was back with a vengeance (if ever it had even left). “Never know what you might be…interrupting.”
He allowed himself a slightly throatier laugh only once Conrad had scrambled away, shaking his head to himself.
He loved this job so goddamn much.
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This is the incredible preliminary of the electronic cigarette: the United States as of now records 6 dead and in excess of 400 individuals with genuine aspiratory pathologies credited to the electronic cigarette , Donald Trump needs to suspend the offer of enhanced electronic cigarettes which are extremely popular in American secondary schools, the city of San Francisco has just restricted the offer of e-cigarettes on its region . Such a lot of adding to the WHO , passing judgment on last July the electronic cigarette "without a doubt destructive" .
In France , it is the MEP Michèle Rivasi ( Europe Ecology-The Greens) who has been bringing the tone up as of late, talking about "the most all out clean dubiousness". She calls to apply the preparatory standard on vaping and solicitations the modification of the tobacco mandate of the European Union ... This preliminary of the electronic cigarette lately is it advocated? Is it so hazardous? The general wellbeing teacher Gérard Dubois, individual from the Academy of Medicine and co-creator of the 2015 report on electronic cigarettes for the last mentioned, addressed inquiries from Le Point .
Le Point : Should we be careful about electronic cigarettes?
Gérard Dubois: Everyone concurs on the rule that the best cigarette is the one we don't smoke, electronic or not so far as that is concerned. Be that as it may, concerning the tobacco smoker, the inquiry isn't talked about! It is smarter to vape than to smoke cigarettes. When asked, is electronic cigarette less perilous than tobacco? The appropriate response is officially yes. Does the electronic cigarette help to stop smoking? We have an ever increasing number of genuine examinations that affirm it, and even, just like the case for one of them, randomized, distributed in the intense New England Journal of Medicine , demonstrating that the electronic cigarette further advances
In the United States, vaping is by all accounts in a tight spot…
We are in complete disarray today. You need to comprehend the unique situation and not blend everything. There is this abrupt pandemic of pneumonic pathologies influencing in excess of 400 individuals with two passings in two months, which happens over the Atlantic and which is ascribed to electronic cigarettes. A plague which goes ahead top of a subsequent occasion dating from last July: when the WHO utilizes grievous wording while portraying the electronic cigarette as
 "incontestably unsafe", in the determinations of a report on tobacco, made by Americans for the WHO and expected to investigate questions about the electronic cigarette. Starting at July, it was the whole calling, over 80% of tobacco authorities, who were facing these assertions by the WHO.
It was before the pandemic…
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Furthermore, the pandemic doesn't transform anything. Today, nobody comprehends this situation of WHO more. Be that as it may, right now, it seems as though this pandemic has fortified this bogus thought of ​​"undoubtedly unsafe". Furthermore, to pose the inquiry if at last we need a world without tobacco to stay away from the dead or on the off chance that we truly need a world without nicotine? Add to this the colossal media inclusion of the passings wrongly credited to the electronic cigarette, the unseemly places of the FDA (Food and Drug Administration, Editor's note), and even President Trump and his significant other are getting into it.
Peruse additionally Electronic cigarettes and puritans
Isn't electronic cigarettes truly to no end?
The electronic cigarette has been available since 2010, so we despite everything have a couple of long stretches of decrease. Abruptly, appearing to appear suddenly, seemed a scourge of 400 instances of genuine pneumonic inclusion with 6 passings. The pandemic was severe and confined. I am a piece of a worldwide tobacco control collusion. When the plague broke out in the United States, an alarm was given to rapidly distinguish comparative cases somewhere else on the planet. For the occasion, there is still none. No big surprise, since the primary examinations immediately indicated that, in over 80% of cases, debilitated individuals in the United States occupied the utilization of their electronic cigarette to place in slick items containing THC (the dynamic cannabis atom). Electronic cigarettes are not planned for the burning of sleek substances which will slaughter the lungs. It must be clear: no lawful item is engaged with this American pandemic, none.
The electronic cigarette along these lines stays a smart thought to quit smoking?
From the main claimed passing from the electronic cigarette, he was at that point in the features. In any case, that equivalent day, 1,500 different smokers kicked the bucket from tobacco in the United States, 22,000 around the world! Not a line. Thus, truly, the electronic cigarette stays a smart thought. In the event that you take a gander at its history, it was not made by specialists or the pharmaceutical business. It was made by a Chinese resident after the passing of his dad from lung malignancy. The electronic cigarette is the product of a virtuoso hack beginning from a basic perception: what executes in tobacco? Consuming tobacco produces carbon monoxide (respiratory failure) and tar (malignancy). What makes you dependent? Nicotine. So the thought was to make an item that smokes like tobacco, however without the risky substances. To lay it out plainly, in an electronic cigarette, there is nicotine, blended in with a non-poisonous fluid. When the fluid is warmed, its fumes transport nicotine by inward breath.
Are these fluids hazardous?
The two principle fluids utilized are glycerin and propylene glycol. It is an across the board item, since it is a similar one which is utilized to make mist in the displays or to smoke the move floors in the dance club. On the off chance that it was a profoundly perilous item, we would have thought about it for quite a while.
On paper, does the electronic cigarette have everything to be a powerful nicotine substitution?
To be powerful by and large and get individuals out of smoking, a nicotine substitution must win smokers' kindness. The fix is powerful yet on the off chance that couple of individuals use it, it is of little use all in all. The electronic cigarette was made by smokers for smokers and that is the reason it is progressively appealing to them.
So truly, it is a viable substitute, much the same as the stamps that we stick on the skin or the gums that we bite. The enormous contrast is that gums and fixes are tried pharmaceutical items that can even be suggested for pregnant ladies, which isn't the situation with the electronic cigarette which isn't a medication. It is a purchaser item, which doesn't imply that it ought not be managed.
As of its promoting, in any case, effectively incredible inquiries regarding its perils ...
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At the point when the electronic cigarette showed up available, the underlying feelings of dread identified with its specialized security. It is an item that is warmed with opposition. It was significant not to detonate in the face or in the hand of the customer. On this side, in France, there is never again any dread to be had, the items are controlled. Along these lines, this security issue aside, we end up with an electronic gadget and a fluid base to fill it, without threat. Then again, actually at that point, we began to include smells, sweet tastes to satisfy the taste buds…
The unavoidable issue with an item so natural to get to: isn't the electronic cigarette going to be a passage to smoking, particularly among youngsters as stressed by the Americans?
Unmistakably, in the United States, they are completely option to think about the subject. Juul has become the pioneer, with 70% of the piece of the pie, with adorable, decent electronic cigarettes, which resemble USB keys, which produce little smoke, yet particularly with fluids thinking exceptionally high portions of nicotine, as there is none in France. All things considered, indeed, with this sort of item, youngsters start to be caught in the US and by nicotine, at that point by tobacco.
Also, in France ?
The worry is situated in the United States, yet not here, in light of the fact that we have directed from the beginning, we have foreseen. Recall that the deal to minors of this sort of item is disallowed, which cutoff points get to. Moreover, on the off chance that one youngster in two who attempts a tobacco cigarette turns into a smoker, it is just a single youngster in six with the electronic cigarette. This is the motivation behind why an investigation by Professor Dautzenberg shows that the general utilization of nicotine among youngsters, all confounded - electronic cigarettes and tobacco - is diminishing. Along these lines, most importantly, don't relinquish bogus thoughts in the present media setting. What's more, Public Health France shows that at any rate 700,000 smokers have stopped utilizing the electronic cigarette. The pestilence, which doesn't has nothing to do with the electronic cigarette yet for a redirected use, reminds the Americans that they have pretty much nothing or not managed its utilization and everybody awakens mercilessly: it is important to direct here, it is important to deny there… which doesn't neglect to remorselessly review the present American narcotic emergency. They are casualties of their administrative laxity, a limited approach not at all like that did here, in England and in Canada.
What would it be a good idea for us to state to the individuals who need to boycott it?
Restricting the electronic cigarette would be all out babble! It seems as though we needed to boycott the assembling of glasses, since somebody kicked the bucket while drinking white soul from a glass. Or on the other hand once more, profit to the boycott for the offer of syringes to forestall medicate infusions, an approach relinquished for a long time! It's something very similar ! In France, there is a gadget method check, a rundown of substances approved in top off items, and nicotine fixation limits, which don't exist in the United States.
Everything appears to drive you crazy…
What is sensational, flighty and unsafe in this disarray is that between the WHO proclamations, the FDA positions, the Trump explanations and this mislabeled pandemic, individuals who were going to go to e-cigarettes rather than tobacco will dither. More terrible, some will stop the electronic cigarette and come back to tobacco which will slaughter them! We will have a large number of passings on account of this scene. Tobacco executes half of its unwavering shoppers, tobacco is the most exceedingly awful item, the most perilous over-the-counter item! You should not make
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sueboohscorner · 7 years
#Empire S4 Ep4: Bleeding War ~Recap & Review~
Episode Rating Scale: (7) Enjoyable
We are four episodes in, and I still have gotten my excitement moment of Empire yet. And where is Nessa? Why haven't we seen her yet? And why must Anika always betray the Lyons clan? Like really? Boo Boo Kitty be tripping if you ask me. And when is Lucious getting his memory back? I need Empire to turn up some heat. Let's talk about this episode.  
The episode opens with Cookie telling Lucious about her prison time. It's nice to see what went on with Cookie in jail. I am pretty sure she has some stories to tell. Lucious remembered being at the jail with Jamaal but not visiting her. Lucious doesn't like how he treated Cookie in the past. He tells Cookie how he should not have abandoned her if he loved her. He is talking in the third person about his self. He promised to make up for how he treated her.  Lucious wants to be a better man, but somehow I don't feel he will once he gets his full memories back. Their conversation is cut short because Cookie has to go to work. To support her, Lucious decides to go with her to Empire. Cookie didn't think it was a good idea at first, but she changed her mind. Before they could get out the door, Claudia returned asking where we are going. I was hoping she wasn't coming back. Lol.
Lucious arrived at Empire, and everyone is happy to see him. Unfortunately, no one knows Lucious doesn't have his memory. Cookie asked Jamaal and Lucious to help keep the family secret. Andre receives flowers. Who are they from? Porsha tries to him nosey, but he shuts her down. The Dubois is learning more of the Lyons secret. Warren to Ms. Dubois and Angelo about Lucious headaches, outbursts and lack of memory. She is enjoying every minute of the news she is hearing. I was hoping Warren fell for Jamaal, but I guess not. Angelo takes a shot at Warren about sleeping with Jamaal. He needs to get his self together and take responsibility in his downfall. Unbelievable how he suppose to had loved Cookie but allowing his mother to blindside her with all these secret weapons. I guess the hurt is more profound than the love.
Cookie, Lucious, Andre, Becky, and Claudia. Yes, I said Claudia. She went to Empire as well. As they prepare to listen to Hakeem new song, Claudia asked Lucious if he wanted ear plugs. He turned her down. I can't wait for Claudia to go bye bye. She is truly irritating me. Hakeem performs his new song for the 20/20 project. Hakeem asked Lucious does his new song reminds him of Jay-Z Blueprint. Lmao, Lucious come back with, I don't know much about the architect. Lol. Now that was funny. However, no one in the room likes his new song. Hakeem doesn't feel Hakeem is the Alpha to head the 20/20 project. Becky tried to bring up a past situation, but Andre cut her off. Andre came up with the idea of letting the Empire artist compete for the Alpha spot on the 20/20 project. He made it seem like it was  Lucious's idea. Becky tells Lucious he saved the day again. She can't seem to tell Lucious is not himself. Is that a good or bad thing? 
Everyone is gathered around to fight for the Alpha spot. Claudia approach Cookie about this being too much for Lucious. Cookie shuts her down and sends her home. The competition starts. Tiana performs, and Tori was up next. Cookie shuts her down. Cookie is very aggressive, and calmer Lucious say this is so wrong. Jamaal is being forced to compete. Tori talks Jamaal into doing a debut. But, Jamaal picked up that Cookie isn't allowing her to compete. Anika is shopping for Bella's birthday party. Angelo approaches Anika about contacting him to her. He tells her the Lyons will betray her again. A gentleman competes who had the voice to be the alpha. However, Lucious picked up that he was dealing with a more in-depth pain. He was in pain fro. His brother being shot. Lucious sent him home to be with his family and told him to come back once that was better. The gentleman seemed to appreciate that however Cookie didn't. Lucious doesn't like the cruelty that Cookie is giving the contestants. Cookie told Lucious "I am you," and then Cookie sends him home. Lmao, whoever thought you would feel sorry for Lucious. Lol. I did at that moment. 
Jamaal opens up to Tori about Warren being his one. Sadly, Warren isn't the one. Lucious ends up in Andre's office. He sees the flowers on Andre desk and connects it with pain. Andre sees that his father is different. Lucious see that Andre is in pain. Andre brush it off and escorts his father out to get him home.
 Anika and Hakeem is in Cookie's office planning Bella's and Prince birthday party. They are going back and forth about what is needed for Bella's party. Andre walks in with Lucious. Bad move. Anika doesn't know Lucious doesn't remember anything. Lucious was so lovely to her. Cookie tried to get Lucious out there before Anika started running her mouth. Too late!! She told him that she was in jail and it was his fault. Anika began to bring up all the rough stuff Lucious did to her. Why she do that? That sent Andre over the edge, and he tried to attack Anika. Cookie, Lucious, and Hakeem tried to calm him down. It's the anniversary of Rhonda's death. Nobody remembers because they are planning Bella's birthday party. Andre tells Lucious how his wife died. The flowers Andre received didn't come from no one in his family. He admits that protecting the family secrets was more important than Anika going to jail. He then walks out. 
Cookie apologize to Claudia. Cookie admitted that she was right. Going to Empire was too much. Claudia gave Cookie a book to read. Cookie wanted to take Lucious to his old house but Claudia tells her no. She tells her it's too soon. She then ask her where is the place. She up to something.
Jamaal isn't happy with his new song. He changed the song. It's his turn to do this song for the competition. Tori thinks she is performing with Jamaal but Jamaal walk in with a change a plan. He decides to sing the song with Warren. They slam dunk the performance. Cookie liked it. Jamaal will be the Alpha. 
Bella party has been planned. The Princess and the Prince theme. Her party was a celebration of Prince birthday as well. Everyone is dressed like Prince or like a princess. Hakeem and Jamaal's sing Let's Go Crazy. It looks like everyone is having a good time.
 Lucious is having images of his past. Claudia walks in. Lucious says he doesn't like his self. He doesn't like the man he uses to be. Claudia tells him he is at a crossroads. She asked to take him somewhere. Andre shows up for Bella's party. Cookie apologizes for all them forgetting Rhonda. They make peace. Andre leaves and finds the Detective outside. She is the one that sent him the flowers. They almost kiss, but it was interrupted. 
Back at the party, Angelo shows up with papers for Hakeem. Anika is taking him to court for sole custody. Amazing. She has just as many bad decisions as the Lyons. Cookie not happy with Anika new move especially after getting her out of jail. Mama Leah knew what she was doing when she got rid of Anika. She never just let things be. You can't blame the Lyons for pushing a pregnant woman down the steps and then over a balcony. Andre is going to get his revenge on Anika some way and somehow. 
Ms. Dubois put Lucious condition in the newspaper. Warren didn't seem happy about that. He started the wheels in motion. You can't turn back the hands of time now. Lucious remembers sleeping under the Lyon of his childhood home. Claudia wants Lucious. What she going to do when Cookie finds out, she was betrayed? Stay tuned in.  
We missed Empire last week but it will be back this week. What's about to go down? 
Catch up with Empire on Comcast On Demand. Please be the first to like, share and comment. 
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Editor:Lattice Johnson
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wand3ringstardust · 6 years
Hair Things
So I just took out a style and I made an appointment to get it done again tomorrow, but I’ve been very conflicted with my hair lately. 
I like wearing weave sometimes because it allows me to try different styles, I can wear it straight without heat damage to my natural hair and I don’t have to worry about it getting poofy on humid days and also my natural hair grows a lot when it’s in a protective style. 
I also don’t have much time in the mornings to spend styling my natural hair so I appreciate the fairly easy upkeep and styling.
Where I’m interning is super conservative both the way people dress and politically and there’s virtually no one there that looks like me.
And I don’t like the idea that if I were to wear my natural hair it would raise some eyes and maybe even get comments.
And it makes me think of how I’m about about to enter a career where the hair that grows out of my scalp is still largely seen as unprofessional.
I’ve noticed that more guys look at or talk to me when I wear a weave. It’s not necessarily a good thing because it’s not who I am, it’s just an added piece. I’m really not trying to date or talk to anyone for at least this next month anyway, but when I do, I want someone who’s gonna like me for the real ME (weave, other protective style, straightened or fro) not how I choose to style my hair.
So yeah to wrap it up...
I like wearing weave sometimes, but I also l o v e my, big or shrunken up, frizzy, natural hair.
Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to live in a society where my hair texture is seen as the default choice. And I kinda hate that whatever I do with it is somehow political in that I will be perceived, treated, and thought of differently depending on how I wear it.
 DEFINITELY feeling that double consciousness heavy rn. (DuBois knew what was up back in 1930.)
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bloodlineoffical · 3 years
The RO's reaction of being face to face in an awkward positions after a sloppy mistake while walking.
Fergie would be very apologetic and flustered! You've never heard somebody say "sorry" ten times fast before and coherently...
Larry would also be very flustered and apologetic! But more flustered than anything, and just squeak out an apology.
Fro wouldn't be so affected by such a thing, only get out of the position while brushing themselves off, and they apologize for such a thing. But they also expect an apology from you too.
Adelina would laugh and be friendly about it, like "Whoa! Sorry!!" and help you out as she gives you a pat on the back.
Rosalind would be flustered and furious. She'd push you off while brushing herself off, trying to hide her flustered face while grumbling that you should look where you're going. But it doesn't go too well since she's so flustered, her words fumble.
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bloodlineoffical · 3 years
how would ROs react to an MC who's been in a bad mood all day, and when asked he replies "it's spoiler"?
Unsure what the second part means with the spoiler, but essentially each RO would try to comfort the MC in their own ways!
Fergie would try to be sweet and cook them stuff.
Larry would hang out with MC and do whatever they would like. Whether it'd be watching TV or just hanging out in quiet.
Fro would give them a drink and tries to talk it out with them, help them out.
Rosalind would just hang quietly with MC. Sometimes it's nice to just have a shoulder to lean on!
Adelina would try to cheer MC up, with big hugs or getting their favorite food.
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bloodlineoffical · 3 years
How do the ro's deal with an mc that's incredibly touch starved (can be in a platonic or romantic implication)
*claps hand together* ooo lemme start typing hopefully y’all alright with my style of writing ( this is racooby btw ) Also it can go either way for platonic or romantic because poggers.
Fergie Saundsters ~
- Fergie loves giving affection - So finding out mc is touch-starve, they go right for all the cuddles and affection to ‘em - from giant warm hugs that could fill your soul right up to even smol kisses on your cheek (if you allow it of course.) - They may be also a teeny bit touch-starve as well- - Fergie is just- pure fluff and affection - if you could get an affection radar and point it at them, that thing is gonna break so fast, you could see the smoke coming off of it. - fergie is great at cuddling as well. getting a nice blanket for mc and just, cuddle, while reading books, chatting, watching a movie, etc.  - it’s nicer when they’re in seal form. - hugging ‘em feels nice. - very warm.
Larry Linguini ~
- “what’s touch-starved?” - larry, oh larry, would need to explain to the himbo what it means. - so when he gets the explanation, he understands real quickly prompting larry to do things that’ll feed the touch-starve mc - at first he’s a wee bit clumsy, almost crushing mc with hugs, tripping up whenever he shows affection, awkward forehead kisses with him almost biting mc’s forehead by accident. (or some spit of his getting all over) - When he gets it, Larry would usually wrap his tail around them (wrist, or ankle) in some way, small forehead kisses, and some sweet ole’ hand holding (in private, out of private, whichever mc prefers)  - Larry really loves giving affection. - as well giving back rubs, just a lovable himbo lizardman that loves giving affection to mc. - Larry would also get Silk and Lemon in too! make a giant fort of pillows and blankets, everyone cuddled right up and being affectionate. like one giant family.
Adelina Rivera ~
- before mc would say it, adelina is already putting a jacket right around them with that pretty smile on her lips.  - “thought you would like it~” - adelina would holds hands, carry you around with those stronk arms of her’s. - mc is apart of the pack, no pack members goes without any piece of affection and she’ll show it all for mc.  - handholding is a must for her as well.  - adelina loves holding mc’s hand. - she would sometimes put an arm around mc’s shoulder while talking to someone and slightly leaning them. - adelina is the best at noticing mc touch-starved.  - may i add in that her werewolf form’s fur is soft and hugging her is hugging a teddy bear but ginormous that’s packed with muscles with extra soft fur while having a quiet snuggle time is amazing. - gentle forehead touches? definitely. 
Rosalind Barnes ~
- in the start, it’ll be difficult.  - rosalind isn’t the most touchy person at all.  - it’s a rough start but she’ll does her best.  - let’s MC sit close to her while she holds their hand (hiding it) and letting MC be close towards her while she does her own work. - as time passes, rosalind will let MC hug her and she returns it back.  - this also gives time for rosalind to realize, she’s actually really touch-starved as the mc so - the hugs last longer and she’s more okay with the hand-holding in public places - in private, rosalind would just want to sit on the bed and pull mc in a blanket to hug them for long periods of time. - she misses this.
Fro A. Dubois ~
- “are you... okay?” - they notice rather quickly with mc, seeing the longing in their eyes and how they get rather close with them. - so when mc explain that their touch-starved, it clicks. - fro will take time out of their schedule to chill with mc, giving them what they want.  - hugging, cuddling, small kisses (if preferred)  - they also know how to do massages. so have fun with this piece of knowledge. - fro knows the feeling of being touch-starved as they, themselves are also touch-starved but it’s always drowned out from being tired and constant studying. - well till they made time with mc and getting some short time to rest (a slight refresher for them), it just double-fold that feeling onto them.(is that how the saying goes?)  - fro really enjoys holding hands while taking a nap next to mc or leaning against mc while studying.  - they love playing around with mc’s hair or give scalp massages.  - if mc doesn’t have hair, then shoulder massages while wanting back is fro having their hand held. 
ye, hopefully you like this anon <3
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bloodlineoffical · 4 years
Hey fellas!! Bird here to announce and show off the official designs Racooby and I have created for the ROs!!
If you wish not to be spoiled and want to be surprised, do not fear! It will be hidden and only way to see is to click the “Keep Reading” button.
So if you wish to see them, go on!!
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He/Him, She/Her, or They/Them.
Drawn by Bird.
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Drawn by Racooby.
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Drawn by Bird.
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Drawn by Bird.
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Drawn by Racooby.
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bloodlineoffical · 3 years
I gotta ask a VERY important question. What are the ro's favorite way to cuddle with mc (can be romantic or platonic implications, if that helps!) :D. PS: I love Larry and Fro so much.
That is INDEED a VERY important question! And we shall give out the ANSWER to the IMPORTANT QUESTION!!! All these cuddles are both for platonic and romantic!
Fergie LOVES cuddles. Would name every single cuddle style there is. But personally, they enjoy the blanket/burrito one. Where they would wrap MC up in a blanket, burrito style, and hold them while laying on the bed or the couch. 
Larry loves to be held. Like, sure, he’s a huge guy, but to be the small spoon... he enjoys. Also he likes to be a giant sloth and wrap both his arms and legs around MC, his tail probably barely touching, just... big sloth. Probably best not to have him sit on your lap though.
Adelina may look like a big spoon, and she does enjoy holding people, but she also secretly enjoys being the one being held. She’s also sucker for gentle nuzzling, especially from MC. Her friends can even back her up, she enjoys the soft nuzzles.
You guys haven’t officially met Rosalind yet (You will in CH 3), but she enjoys being the holder. Doesn’t matter if you guys are sitting or laying down, she’s got one or both arms around you and holding you close. You would just be casually sitting on the couch and she comes over and throws her arm around your shoulders.
Fro enjoys being held, a receiver than a giver. They like being held specifically while sitting up, because then they could drink their coffee without the risk of spilling it. No, they will not share their coffee with you, it doesn’t matter how close the two of you are. Their coffee.
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