#Filippo Perini
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Italdesign Zerouno Duerta, 2018. The roadster version of the Italdesign supercar designed by Filippo Perini that was powered by the same mid-mounted V10 engine as the Audi R8 and  Lamborghini Huracán. Production was limited to 5 units
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diabolus1exmachina · 11 months
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Lamborghini Asterion LPI 910-4 (Concorso d'Eleganza Villa d'Este) 
In Greek mythology, Asterion is a second name for the Minotaur, a hybrid creature with the body of a man and the head of a bull. The name chosen was especially successful.
The Asterion defines a solution to significantly reducing CO2 emissions through innovative technologies. It features a high performance hybrid system with a V10 5.2 litre longitudinally-placed, naturally aspirated mid-engine which, in combination with three electro motors, provides a maximum power output of 669 kW (910 hp). Asterion accelerates from 0-100 km/h in 3.0 seconds, with a top speed of 320 km/h. The Asterion LPI 910-4 guarantees unique Lamborghini driving feel with a smooth and reactive driveability and superior power. The vehicle doesn't allow only an exceptionally low CO2 emission of only 98g/km, but more importantly for city driving, the Asterion has a pure electric range of 50 km.
Conceived and developed entirely in-house by Lamborghini, the Asterion LPI 910-4 takes the design and cutting-edge engineering expertise found in the current Lamborghini product range, adding innovative hybrid technology, and thus creating a Lamborghini that is clearly different – with a new, unexpected and sensual design, in line with the technical characteristics of the car – but yet still unmistakably a Lamborghini. 
In the aesthetic section, there was no doubt that it was a Lamborghini prototype, although the designer Filippo Perini, creator of the Aventador, the Urus and the Veneno, resorted to a 'neo-retro' style, quite original and attractive, under my opinion Unfortunately, this project did not spawn a production model. Also in 2014 the Urus concept car was presented and it is unnecessary to explain which vehicle focused all the efforts on the part of the Bolognese company...
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filorunsultra · 2 years
URMA Invitational 50k 2022 Classifica
Inutile dire che immaginavo di vivere questo fine settimana diversamente, e avere un pensiero fisso appeso sopra la testa mi ha un po’ inibito le altre emozioni. Comunque è stato bellissimo, e sono grato a chi ha organizzato URMA e a chi è venuto. Non voglio pensare a cosa sarà URMA nel futuro, ma so cosa è riuscito ad essere un’altra volta: un fuoco in mezzo al bosco in cui le persone si ritrovano.
Cose che ricorderò: 1) Vedere correre Davide Grazielli è sempre emozionante. 2) Arriva qualcuno dicendomi: “abbiamo visto uno disteso a stella in mezzo alla strada. Pensavamo fosse morto. Ma ci ha detto che stava provando a scoreggiare.” Poco dopo arriva il Loren e i tipi mi fanno: “è quello lì!”. Il Trento Running Club non delude mai. 3) Noah ha corso il Passatore due settimane fa, poi non ha più corso, poi è venuto in Oregon a prendersi il sacro adesivo. Rispetto. 4) I Bongo Core sono la scoperta musicale dell’anno. I Riviera sono bravi ma potevano anche suonare un po’ di più. Il soundcheck dei Cayman ha rotto il cazzo: a nessuno interessava sentire bene. 5) Andare a URMA senza poter prendere il sole, bere e correre è strano. Le prime due sono sopportabili, la terza no. Comunque l’alcol è sopravvalutato. 6) Se correte in sandali qualunque cosa vi accada daranno la colpa ai sandali. Esempio: “Quello di Officine Running è svenuto”. “Vedi cosa succede a correre coi sandali?”. “Vabè, è svenuto, mica gli è venuto il mal di piedi”. 7) Il Liba corre sempre bene. Anche il il Grisa. Appena io e Ale lo abbiamo notato si è ritirato. 8) URMA è quel luogo in cui chi non c’entra nulla si trova più a suo agio: Fil e Spina appena arrivati a Colferraio.
Ecco la classifica:
1 Borgialli Riccardo RikiBorg 05:26:00 2 Zuccollo Federica 06:08:00 3 Andreani Simone 06:12:00 4 Perini Franz 06:19:00 5 Forti Luca Luchino 06:19:00 6 Colombi Fabio Fabione 06:41:00 7 Zamboni Matteo 06:47:00 8 Grazielli Davide Coach D 06:49:00 9 De Zan Davide 06:58:00 10 Rigodanza Francesco Rigo 07:03:00 11 Ambrosini Davide Ambro 07:03:00 13 Sansone Ugo Maria 07:03:00 14 Bozzoli Jacopo 07:03:00 15 Zampieri Damiano Dabbo 07:04:00 16 Gabrielli Francesco 07:11:00 17 Piani Alessandro 07:16:00 18 Farinoni Fabrizio 07:19:00 19 Paganini Luca Winner 07:19:00 20 Crapelli Manuel Manu 07:19:00 21 Troiano Jacopo 07:22:00 22 Giacomoni Enrico 07:24:00 23 Repetto Giulio 07:34:00 24 Libardi Alessandro Liba 07:36:00 25 Biaselli Samantha 07:37:00 26 Sgarlata Francesco Ciccio 07:44:00 27 Vanzo Elia 07:47:00 28 Dinosio Davide 08:05:00 29 Grynberg Noah 08:05:00 30 Paoletto Matteo 08:05:00 31 Podetti Luca Lupo 08:09:00 32 Supino Gianluca 08:11:00 33 Zuani Alberto AbaZu 08:18:00 34 Maroccia Angelo 08:23:00 35 Fornelli Giacomo 08:23:00 36 Luzzi Stefano 08:23:00 37 Casiraghi Nicola Nic 08:28:00 38 Bolognani Andrea Batu 08:28:00 39 Filippi Silvia 08:35:00 40 Passerelli Andrea Amilcare 08:36:00 41 Rizzo Oscar 08:40:00 42 Zottele Lorenzo Loren 08:44:00 43 Serena Enrico 08:56:00 44 Vendramel Marco 08:56:00 45 Della Puppa Francesco FDP 08:56:00 46 Domeneghetti Matteo 09:45:00 47 Gresteri Nicola Niki 09:50:00 48 Piloni Francesco 09:50:00 49 Bonomo Daniele 10:12:00 50 Gentilucci Giorgia 10:19:00 51 Canetta Filippo Filo 10:19:00 52 Petrazzuolo Manfredo Dino 11:05:00 53 Colla Giulio 11:46:00 54 Albrisi Luca 11:46:00 55 Bondi Nicolò 11:46:00
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In fede, Filo, Fil & Spina
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lamilanomagazine · 3 months
Pistoia: giorno della Memoria, le iniziative per commemorare le vittime della Shoah
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Pistoia: giorno della Memoria, le iniziative per commemorare le vittime della Shoah. Per commemorare le vittime della Shoah in occasione del Giorno della Memoria, che ricorre ogni anno il 27 gennaio, sono in programma iniziative dal 23 gennaio al 7 febbraio organizzate da Comune di Pistoia, Cudir, Anpi e altre associazioni. Martedì 23 gennaio alle 16.30 nella Biblioteca San Giorgio, dal progetto di Uniser Pistoia, si terrà Le parole di Hurbinek. Giornate della memoria ideato da Massimo Bucciantini, la restituzione pubblica del laboratorio scolastico condotto nel corso della prima edizione, con presentazione dei testi radiofonici di Walter Benjamin e Janusz Korczak realizzati dagli studenti dell'Istituto Marchi-Forti di Pescia e del De Franceschi-Pacinotti di Pistoia: Illuminismo per ragazze e ragazzi, un podcast a cura di Giovanni Guerrieri de I Sacchi di Sabbia e Rodolfo Sacchettini. Info: [email protected]. Venerdì 26 gennaio alle 15.30 nell'Officina delle Opportunità (ex Melos, in via dei Macelli 11) si terrà Parole della Memoria, laboratorio di Cavardiage e scrittura poetica per ragazze e ragazzi dai 14 ai 25 anni sul tema della memoria e della commemorazione delle vittime della Shoah. L'appuntamento è curato dal progetto Officina delle Opportunità e dalla Cooperativa Intrecci. L'iniziativa è gratuita e su prenotazione. Per informazioni: 340 417 3071. Sempre venerdì 26 gennaio alle 17 a Palazzo de' Rossi (via de' Rossi, 26) si terrà la Cerimonia di consegna da parte del Prefetto di Pistoia delle "Medaglie d'Onore" conferite ai sensi della legge 27 dicembre 2006 n. 296. L'iniziativa è a cura della Prefettura di Pistoia. Info: tel. 0573-350461, 350459. Sabato 27 gennaio alle ore 10 nell'aiuola di viale Arcadia (piazza della Resistenza) è previsto l'Omaggio al cippo che ricorda i bambini ebrei vittime di esperimenti medici nel campo di sterminio nazista di Auschwitz-Birkenau. Saranno deposti fiori bianchi. L'iniziativa è di Cudir e Associazione Scarpette Rosse n°24. Per informazioni contattare il Cudir allo 0573 371234. Sempre sabato 27 gennaio alle 11 in piazza della Resistenza si terrà la Cerimonia itinerante con deposizione di fiori alle targhe dedicate a Renato Moscato, ebreo pistoiese ucciso ad Auschwitz, ai Rom e Sinti vittime del Porajmos, e al cippo dedicato ai bambini ebrei cavie degli esperimenti medici di Josef Mengele nel campo di Auschwitz-Birkenau. Interverranno il sindaco Alessandro Tomasi, il presidente della sezione Anpi "Pietro Gherardini" Renzo Corsini. In questo percorso della memoria alcuni elementi del "Coro Città di Pistoia" eseguiranno tre canti yddish e rom tratti dal "Concerto per la Memoria" e una ninna nanna palestinese. Seguirà il trasferimento alla stazione ferroviaria di Pistoia per la deposizione di una corona alla targa commemorativa dei deportati e internati che non fecero ritorno dai campi di deportazione e di internamento nazifascisti. Interverranno Filippo Mazzoni, vicepresidente dell'Istituto Storico della Resistenza di Pistoia. Alla cerimonia sarà presente il sindaco Alessandro Tomasi. L'iniziativa è a cura di Cudir e Anpi. Info: Cudir 0573 371234. Domenica 28 gennaio alle 17 nel Santuario di Valdibrana a Pistoia sarà celebrata la Santa Messa in suffragio delle vittime della Shoah. Seguirà alle 18 nell'aula liturgica del Santuario di Valdibrana il Concerto per il Giorno della Memoria, a cura del Coro Città di Pistoia. Info: [email protected]. Mercoledì 7 febbraio alle 17 nell'auditorium Terzani della Biblioteca San Giorgio è in programma La resistenza degli IMI nei campi di detenzione del Terzo Reich, convegno sugli Internati Militari italiani nei campi di detenzione del Terzo Reic. Si terrà la presentazione del libro La volontà delle parole di Valentina Peselli (Ciesse editore). Oltre all'autrice interverranno Mauro Perini, presidente Anei di Firenze e Filippo Mazzoni, vicepresidente dell'Istituto Storico della Resistenza. A coordinare l'iniziativa sarà Rosalba Bonacchi, presidente Provinciale Anpi. L'evento è a cura di Anpi, Istituto Storico della Resistenza e dell'Età contemporanea e Coordinamento per la Democrazia Costituzionale Pistoia. Info: [email protected]. Fino alla fine di gennaio nella galleria centrale della Biblioteca San Giorgio sarà possibile visitare la mostra La memoria disegnata. I fumetti da leggere per non dimenticare. Percorsi tematici di lettura, ascolto e visione. Numerosi sono i percorsi bibliografici che la Biblioteca di via Pertini ha redatto in occasione del 27 Gennaio, Giorno della Memoria, in cui si celebra la liberazione del campo di concentramento di Auschwitz. Questa storia è raccontata utilizzando il genere del fumetto, un linguaggio che, grazie alla sua peculiarità espressiva, si presta in modo efficace alla narrazione di questa realtà storica. L'iniziativa è a cura della Biblioteca San Giorgio. Tutti gli eventi sono a ingresso libero e gratuito. Il programma è visibile su: www.comune.pistoia.it oppure www.cultura.comune.pistoia.it.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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whitesocks010 · 11 months
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jamslow · 1 year
Nissan GT-R (R35)
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• Produsen : Nissan • Masa produksi : Desember 2007 – sekarang • Perakitan : (Jepang,tochigi) • Perancang : Hiroshi Hasegawa dan Shiro Nakamura
Penyalur daya
•Mesin : 3.8 L VR38DETT twin-turbo V6 •Transmisi : Kopling ganda 6-kecepatan
Dengan Harga : 3,5 miliar
Lamborghini Aventador
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•Produsen : Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A •Masa produksi : 2011-sekarang •Perakitan : Sant'Agata Bolognese, Italia •Perancang : Filippo Perini
• Sunting0–97 km/j (0–60 mpj): 2,9 detik • 400 m (1⁄4 mi): 10,6 detik @ 220 km/j (137 mpj) • Kecepatan tertinggi: Resmi: 350 km/j (217 mpj),diukur oleh Sport Auto magazine: 370 km/j (230 mpj) •97–0 km/j (60–0 mpj): 30 m (100 kaki)
Dengan Harga : Rp 6,4 - 8,7 Milyar
BMW i8
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• Produsen : BMW • Disebut juga : BMW Concept Vision Efficient Dynamics • Produksi : 2014-2020 • Perakitan : Leipzig, Jerman • KelasMobil : sport Grand tourer • Model : bodi2-door coupé
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Dengan Harga Rp3,619 miliar
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autodevot · 1 year
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cdigitalss · 2 years
Italy’s all-new car manufacturer: Aehra
Italy’s all-new car manufacturer: Aehra
Image Credit – Aehra Aehra is coming to the market with luxury plans for an all-electric brand. Although the Italian car manufacturer isn’t giving too much away right now, they have some impressive characters on their team, ready to make the modern brand a success. Filippo Perini, previous Chief Designer for Lamborghini, is now head of design at Aehra. Perini had a hand in every Lamborghini from…
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alfaromeole · 7 years
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If you press the sport button, some loud and violent things could happen.
Lamborghini Huracán LP 610-4
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5 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Lamborghini
April 28, 2021 On April 28, 1916, Ferruccio Lamborghini, the founder of the company that bears his name was born in Italy. Here are 5 surprising facts you didn’t know about one of the most exclusive car brands in the world...
Lamborghini Originally Made Tractors
Many car experts know that Lamborghini was not initially a car company. Yes, in fact, Lamborghini first started out building tractors which can still be purchased to this day. Ferruccio Lamborghini was a very skilled mechanic who originally worked for the Italian military during the Second World War. When the war ended and Ferruccio went home, he started building and maintaining tractors using all of the military surplus sitting around. Ferruccio's first company was called "Lamborghini Trattori '' after realizing the success of this tractor.  Blessed with mechanical know-how and a growing fortune, Lamborghini eventually made the move into the automotive market in the early 1960s.
The Lamborghini Is A Result Of An Insult
The existence of the Lamborghini is a direct result of the competition that Enzo Ferrari brought to the field of luxury automobiles. While the Lamborghini company was busy making tractors and other agricultural vehicles, Ferrari had become a top car brand in the luxury car industry. Ferruccio himself owned a Ferrari 250 GT and was a big fan of sports cars, but he didn't like the clutch that Ferrari was using at the time. So, Ferruccio approached Enzo Ferrari about the issue. Enzo, who had a fiery temper,  didn't appreciate Ferruccio's complaint and told him he should focus on his tractors instead of giving his opinion about sports cars. As legend has it, Lamborghini took this as a personal challenge and decided to create his own sports car. Four months later the Lamborghini 350GTV was unveiled. This ended up being a move that brought Lamborghini world fame.
Models Are Named After Bulls
Each car manufacturer has its own way of finding the perfect name for every model of its cars. In the case of Lamborghini, the recurring theme is bulls. Ferruccio Lamborghini was a big fan of Spanish bullfighting and compared the powerful animal to the power of his vehicles. For this reason, he decided that he would use the names of famous Spanish fighting bulls for his cars. The first model to take the name of a bull was the Lamborghini Miura. This became a theme and many more models of cars were produced that took on the name of a famous bullfighting bull.
The Design Is Inspired By Fighter Planes
Designers get their ideas from everywhere and the inspiration for some of the Lamborghini models is no different. In fact, the design of many Lamborghinis is inspired by fighter planes. The steel-cut body style designed by Filippo Perini has become the signature look of Lamborghini. Perini has admitted that he was inspired by fighter planes, especially the American F-22 and B-2 aircrafts.
Lamborghinis Have Some Useful Purposes
Lamborghinis are known as luxury vehicles and sports cars, but they're used for more than just status and racing. The ability for the car to reach high speeds has proven useful in other areas when time is of the essence. For instance, Lamborghinis are sometimes used in Italy for high-speed organ transport. These cars are also used as police cars, both in Italy and in the United Arab Emirates. In both of these cases, speed comes in handy, and the Lamborghini certainly fits the bill.
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burde · 3 years
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La cucina di solidarietà di Italian Chef Charity Night 🍲🍖🦪 • • • • • Gaetano Trovato (Arnolfo) @arnolforistorante riso Carnaroli riserva San Massimo con pomodoro selvatico e gambero rosso. • Marco Cahssai (Atman ) @ristoranteatman Cardoncelli, brodo di radici di porcini, erbe di campo e pan di spezie Kin Cheung (Element Firenze) @element_firenze Maialino da latte a lenta cottura con salsa di soia fermentata. Giovanni Luca Di Pirro (COMO Castello del Nero) Cappuccino di baccalà e crema di cipolle • Paolo Gori (Da Burde) @trattoriadaburde Black & White trippa bianca e tartufo nero • Salvo Pellegriti (La Vetreria) @lavetreria Risotto con ostriche, cozze, mela e dragoncello • Andrea Perini (Al 588 – Borgo I Vicelli) @ristoranteal588 Cappelletti ripieni di cinghiale olio e formaggio, sedano rapa e bottarga di fegato • Francesco Preite (Moi, Prato) @moiomakase_prato cialda di riso a forma di capasanta farcita con sgombro marinato, zenzero e salsa di soia • Lorenzo Romano (Insolita Trattoria da Tre Soldi ) Insolito Orto, un mix finger food @insolitatrattoriatresoldi • Stelios Sakalis (Il Pievano di Spaltenna ) @castellodispaltenna Lo Stufato alla Sangiovannese crudo • Filippo Saporito (La Leggenda dei Frati) @laleggendadeifratiofficial Focaccia nera con guancia e cipolle rosse. • Antonello Sardi (@tenutaletrevirtu Tenuta Le Tre Virtù) Taco croccante di farina di semola, tartare di ricciola e rafano • Marco Stabile (Ora d’Aria) @oradaria_ristorante Pan de’ Pazzi con chutney di albicocca e peperone affumicato. • Edoardo Tilli (Podere Belvedere, Pontassieve) “Lime muffato” @poderebelvederetuscany.it (presso Forte Belvedere) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTiWz63NMPA/?utm_medium=tumblr
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carsthatnevermadeitetc · 11 months
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Aehra Sedan Concept, 2026. The Italian-American startup has revealed their second prototype, an electric saloon designed by former Lamborghini design head Filippo Perini. It is scheduled to begin deliveries, along with its SUV sibling, in 2026
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perfectirishgifts · 3 years
Mountain Drive: Lamborghini Huracán EVO Spyder Embodies Exotic Car Fundamentals
New Post has been published on https://perfectirishgifts.com/mountain-drive-lamborghini-huracan-evo-spyder-embodies-exotic-car-fundamentals-2/
Mountain Drive: Lamborghini Huracán EVO Spyder Embodies Exotic Car Fundamentals
Lamborghini Huracán has stood the test of time, proving just as entertaining and surprisingly easy … [] to live with as it did nearly seven years ago.
After seven years, Lamborghini Huracán, especially in Spyder bodywork, still delivers on all the fantasies first-time exotic car buyers often express. The elevator story begins with the dual-clutch 7-speed that shifts so quickly and smoothly it turns the 610-horsepower 10-cylinder engine into a musical instrument, revs shrieking on the way up to 8000 rpm, then burbling and crackling off-throttle. Any car that hits 60 mph in 3.5 seconds or less will leave the uninitiated gasping for breath, and Huracán Spyder in rear-wheel drive configuration can perform that trick over and over—anytime, anywhere.
Brilliant orange (Arancio Borealis) is a pricy option, but worth it if one intends to keep the car … [] long-term. Psychedelic.From A-pillar to the rear deck, the doortop has a sweep just like the signature breast pocket of a Cesare Attolini sport coat from Naples.
Filippo Perini’s chiseled little bull has stood the test of time, the original design benefiting from Lamborghini design director Mitja Borkert’s EVO updates. Huracán is about a foot longer than a stubby VW GTI, stands considerably lower and seems diminutive in the flesh. A very tidy little package.
Lamborghini has added a touchscreen to the center console with the EVO model. Layers of menus. But … [] Design chief Mitja Borkert integrated it so well you’d assume it’s been there since 2014.
Just like big brother Aventador, Huracán’s interior could serve as cockpit of a short-range fighter in the soon to be established Italian Space Force: deep dashtop under a radically swept windshield, simple aerospace-inspired switchgear, splashes of brightly colored and downright kinky leather, and that starter button under the bright red flip-up cover. In EVO form, the slim shell bucket seats allow just enough room for taller people, though people over six foot two will be viewing the world through the upper third of the windscreen. Huracán best suits people of median height.
Slender shell seats help taller people fit. Huracán is not the roomiest supercar around, not the … [] most accommodating of tall folks. When spec’ing interior, explore seating options carefully if you’re much over six foot.
Passengers ride in the carbon-fiber central tub. Alloy spars front and rear extend to carry suspension and powertrain. Toss in monstrous disc brakes, psychedelic paint colors, and of course that magical name with all those vowels and Huracán scratches the exotic car itch just as well as it did in 2014. Missing are Lamborghini scissor doors, but those would take away from Huracán’s practicality, and diminish the aspirational nature of the V12 Aventador. If you want the scissor doors, you pay for the V12.
Huracán performs like a 4-wheeled superbike, able to exploit moments in time, blitzing away from … [] stoplights, leaving lines of cars in its wake, or transforming an onramp into a drag strip for four or five seconds.
Just as I noted years ago after driving a Huracán for the first time, assembly quality is impeccable. Inspect how body panels are joined, the clinically clean installation of door and hood hinges, tight, accurate stitching and panel gaps throughout the interior and the total lack of any squeaks or rattles even on press cars that have been hammered by people with a wide range of driving skill and sometimes dubious measures of respect for beautiful artifacts loaned to them. Huracán is a tough little beast.
Low profile view shows the extremely fast windshield, steeply raked. The buttresses at the rear make … [] wonderful “streamers” off the backs of the headrests. Minimal rear overhang. The retractable top is as good as any. It’s a simple, short stretch of canvas. Up it makes the car feel like your childhood pup tent, a cozy secret hiding place.
Knock-on effect of proper German-grade assembly is Huracán’s long-proven reliability, the car completely sussed, completely sorted out. Huracán demands little sacrifice and generates virtually no angst in return for so much pleasure. Powertrain and related stability control fundamentals are so robust that aftermarket tuners bolt on pressure-charging systems and dial up significant jumps in absolute horsepower, yet engine and gearbox hold together. As engineers love to say, it’s robust.
Strada is relatively plush, perfect around town. Sport livens up performance, sharpens shift points … [] and engine sounds much livelier. Control is at bottom spoke of steering wheel.
No matter the 610 horsepower and 8000 rpm redline, Huracán can be docile and easy to manage, and downright comfortable in the “Strada” calibration setting when covering unavoidably dull highway miles in mixed traffic.
Front-end lift can be pressed without taking eyes from the road, index finger on the second … [] rectangular box switch from the left. The same can be done to cancel start-stop (second from right) and to engage all the parking sensors and cameras (third from right).
To prove the point, Huracán served two mornings with runs to the dry cleaner, bank, post office with loads of Christmas cards, a milk-and-croissant expedition to our nearby luxe bodega, all achieved without the least hassle in parking structures, on narrow streets, or reversing onto a heavily traveled boulevard. My God, it’s a real car, a fact that never fails to impress an old timer like me, who remembers just how finicky supercars of the 1960s, ‘70s and ‘80s could be. As a young editor I dreamed of everyday supercars, and now they truly exist. Pick up dry cleaning in a Lamborghini and one becomes a highly prized return customer. Yet in the middle of all that I found opportunity to press calibration into “Sport” and blow out the cobwebs.
Thanks to a full array of cameras and sensors, Huracán should never bump into solid objects in a … [] parking garage.
Sensors and cameras from the VW Group’s luxury brand parts bin help when negotiating tight spots. These are systems with millions of real-world miles to their credit. Huracán’s front-end lift is both generous with height and remains deployed till speeds climb beyond those of quirky narrow two-lanes or when given the command to drop. Its control switch at the top of the center stack can be pressed without taking eyes from the road, index finger on the second rectangular box switch from the left, making short work of a too-deep rain gutter where highway offramp meets boulevard.
Test car did not have the aero deflector winglets installed that can be added near the rear … [] buttresses. They prevent back-spill of cold air onto the shoulders and neck. On the other hand, I found the back-spill refreshing on a top-down run down the mountain after sunset.
The same can be done to cancel start-stop (second from right) and to engage all the parking sensors and cameras (third from right). Huracán’s turning circle is surprisingly tight, though the rear-drive models do not have or need the rear-steer system. Huracán thrives in urban settings and quirky beach neighborhoods with oddball parking arrangements, something that more radical exotics, like track specials, cannot do. From Santa Barbara to Malibu and Naples Island, to Mission Bay, Huracán will do the job.
Wheel design echoes the signature Y shape that repeats throughout the car, from the headlights back. … [] They are 19 inches tall, so not too huge, and the suspension can ably and easily keep the big wheel/tire package under control, so ride quality is very high. 8-piston calipers up front. 14,37-in. discs up front. And 14.0-in at the rear with a 4-piston caliper.
Most important for an exotic car, Huracán performs on demand with jolts of acceleration from standstill or highway roll-on. Huracán performs like a 4-wheeled superbike, able to exploit moments in time, blitzing away from stoplights, leaving lines of cars in its wake, or transforming an onramp into a drag strip for four or five seconds. Isn’t that always satisfying? And Huracán makes it simple, bringing this type of performance to a much wider audience than such car had in past decades.
Huracán has 610 horsepower at a heady 8000 rpm, and 413 lb. ft. of torque at 6500. The engine is … [] totally alive in the middle Sport setting, revs freely and rapidly, and truly shrieks from about 5000 rpm up. If you’re on the hunt, keep the revs above 5000 and enjoy the opera.
The big V10 may be a mix of German and Italian engineering, but as calibrated, as the exhaust note is tuned, Huracán’s V10 is fluently Italian. The shriek from 6000 to 8000 is straight out of a video game, yet the experience is real, adding excitement in what might otherwise be a less interesting day. I confess my preference is for the 4-wheel drive Huracán because it is a few tenths quicker in stoplight drag racing, and I hope to drive the new track special STO next spring, but the rear-drive Spyder I drove adds dimension, lighting up the tires for a moment, slipping and sliding. Sure, you give up a few tenths of a second, but you gain that thrilling old sensation we forget as mature adults, of the heart seeming to rise in our chests. How much is that worth? It’s addictive.
Lamborghini can pluck systems from the VW Group’s luxury divisions. They use the best NVIDIA chip … [] for graphics, adding to the sense of excitement and special nature of the car. And the steering column has an incredible range of adjustment, which helps significantly.
Huracán’s life cycle has reached that perfect stage for the buyer who intends to keep a reward car long-term, not the guy who wants the latest to show off. Huracán Spyder will bring years of pleasure with about as little headache as one can expect with an exotic car. After seven years, it still looks stunning and will look just as good in another 10 or 20 years. When I meet folks who want a first exotic, a first supercar, I always put Huracán on the shopping list.
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lamilanomagazine · 9 months
Macerata: a Collevario prenderà il via la XVII edizione della rassegna teatrale “Dialetto che piacere”
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Macerata: a Collevario prenderà il via la XVII edizione della rassegna teatrale “Dialetto che piacere”. Sei serate all’insegna del divertimento e della spensieratezza nel quartiere di Collevario dove, dal 23 agosto, prenderà il via la XVII edizione della rassegna teatrale “Dialetto che piacere”. L’iniziativa, promossa dall’associazione Palcoscenico, dal Centro sociale anziani e patrocinata dal Comune di Macerata, si svolgerà nel campo polivalente, nei pressi della parrocchia Buon Pastore, fino al 28 agosto. Il primo appuntamento, il 23 agosto, sarà con “Atti unici” a cura dell’associazione Palcoscenico con testi di Pirandello, De Filippo e Cipriani. Il giorno seguente, 24 agosto, in scena la compagnia La Rama di Monte San Vito con “Villa gioiosa” di Tatiana Bronzini per la regia di Walter Salvadori. Il 25 agosto toccherà alla compagnia La Nuova di Belmonte Piceno che si esibirà in “Lu vaulle” di Gabriele Mancini mentre il 26 la compagnia I Gira…Soli di Castelfidardo proporrà la commedia “E chi se la pija” di Roberto Perini e Stefano Pesaresi, quest’ultimo cura anche la regia dello spettacolo. Domenica 27 agosto sarà la volta della Compagnia della Luna di Ancona in “La soffitta di via Orsi” di Mario Cacciani che veste anche i panni del regista. La rassegna si concluderà lunedì 28 agosto con la compagnia Madonna del Monte di Macerata con “Lu paccu” di David Monachesi da un’idea di Cristiano Cacchiarelli. L’inizio di tutti gli spettacoli è alle 21.30 mentre il costo del biglietto è di 5 euro.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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gogle-news · 4 years
Top 10 Most Expensive Cars in World
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Most expansive cars in the world are more than transportation. They are no doubt that they are rolling art piece and considered as a mark for swaggers. If you are dreaming for them your related information is below:
Rolls Royce Sweptail
This luxury car is made in the United Kingdom and its price is $ 13 million. It is manufactured by Rolls-Royce Motor Cars and produced in 2017. It is designed by Thomas Rossini. It belongs to a Full-size luxury grand tourer (F) Class. Its body style is a 2-door coupé.Its layout is FR layout. In its powertrain consist of 0.75LV engine, power output is 338 KW and transmission is ZF 8-speed automatic.
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Mercedes Benz Maybach Exelero
Mercedes Benz Maybach Exelero is one of the most expensive and swaggy cars. It is manufactured by Stola Daimler Chrysler. And produced in 2004. Its body style is 2 door coupe.  Its layout is FR layout. Its power train consists of a 5.9 L 5,908 cc engine. Its length 229.7 mm in width 83.5 mm, and the height is 54.2 mm.
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Bugatti Divo
Its price is $5.8 million. It is manufactured by Bugatti Automobiles S.A.S. Its production starts from 2018 and still in production almost 40 parts are planned. Its layout is Mid-engine, all-wheel-drive. Specification of the car is 0.8 l engine, power output is 1103 kW and transition is 7-speed dual-clutch. Its length 4641 mm is width 2018 mm, and height is 1212 mm.
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Koenigsegg CCXR Trevita
Its price is $ 4.8 million. It is manufactured by Koenigsegg Automotive AB. And produced from 2006 to 2010. It is designed by in collaboration with Christian von Koenigsegg, David Crafoord, Sven-Harry Åkesson. It also belongs to the sports car class. Its body style is a 2-door top. Its layout is drive. Its power train consist of the engine used in this car is 4.7–4.8 L Koenigsegg twin-supercharged V8 and transmission is 6-speed manual 6 speed sequential. Its length 4293 mm in width 1996 mm, and the height is 1120 mm.
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Lamborghini Veneno Roadster
Its price is $4.5 Million. It is manufactured by Lamborghini and produced from 2013 to 2014. The designer of Lamborghini Veneno roadster is Filippo Perini. Its layout is drive. Its specifications are 6.5 L L539 V12 engine and transmission is 7-speed ISR automated manual. Its length 5020 mm in width 2070 mm, and the height is 1165 mm. Its speed is the speed of 356 km/h.
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McLaren p1 LM
Its price is $3.6 million.it is manufactured by McLaren Automotive and produce from October 2013 to December 2015.it belongs to the sport class. Specification of the car is consists of 3.8 L twin-turbocharged M838TQ V8 engine,  McLaren E-Motor, 903 hp power output, the transmission is 7-speed dual-clutch, the battery is 4.7 kwh and electric range is 11 km.
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Lykan Hypersport
The price of another expensive one is USD $3.4 million.it is manufactured by W motors. It is produced from 2013 to 2017.it belongs to the sports car class. The layout of this car is the rear-mind engine, rear-wheel drive. Its length 4480 mm in width 1944 mm, and height is 1170 mm.
Bugatti Veyron by Mansory Vivere
Its price $3.3 million. It is manufactured by Bugatti Automobiles S.A.S and produced in 2005–2015. It is designed by Jozef Kabaň. Its body style is a 2-door coupé. The layout consists of Mid-engine, all-wheel drive. Specification of the car engine is 8.0 L, power output is Standard (Coupé), Grand Sport Roadster: 736 kW and transmission are 7-speed direct-shift automatic.
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Aston Martin Valkyrie
Its price is $ 3.2 million.it is the first car that manufactures in collaboration. It is expected that it is produced in 2020. It is designed by Adrian Newey, Marek Reichmann, Miles Nurnberger. It belongs to the sports car class. The layout model or this car is mid-engine. Power output is 1,160 hp and transmission is 7-speed Ricardo transmission single-clutch automated manual.
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Ferrari Pininfarina Sergio
Ferrari Pininfarina Sergio is also in the list of most expensive vihivals. The concept of this car is first introduced in 2013. Its price is $3 million. The manufacturer of these cars is Pininfarina. And it produced in 2013. Its length 4450mm is width 1940 mm, and height is 1140 mm. The layout of this car is the rear-mind engine, rear-wheel drive.
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carsnewsco · 5 years
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Ex-Lamborghini Chief Designer Filippo Perini Moves To Genesis - CAR247.CO #design #genesis #hyundai #italdesign #lamborghini #reports #cars #carsofinstagram #carporn #carlifestyle #carnewsnetwork #carswithoutlimits #carspotting #car247
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