#Feels weird writing canon!verse SS
scribe-of-elysium · 2 years
Medicine - Part IV
Nothing too explicit but 18+ and NSFW anyway.
Sasuke tenses.
It isn’t the right time, he thinks to himself. It certainly isn’t the right place. They are on a classified mission that contains a high level of risk, with far too much at stake should they blow their own cover. And a grave mistake has already been made in disclosing his relationship with Sakura to his reckless inmate. 
But his wife is close enough for him to feel the warmth radiating from her body. Close enough for him to be overcome by the sweetness of her familiar perfume, an enticing fragrance that sings to and sirens his senses. 
This is perilous, he knows. For they have been too far apart, for far too long, and the itching desire to touch her, to return the affection she has always offered him so freely, is maddening. It is unbearable. 
He opens his mouth in another attempt to warn her - only to hesitate. The way he often has over the years, when confronted by her presence. She presses closer, and his resistance wavers, for the touch of her rosy, soft, plump lips is an ignition that sends a dangerous hum vibrating through Sasuke’s body. Like tinder to a flame, heat rushes through his veins, setting him alight.
He burns. How he burns and yearns for this woman. She makes him burn in ways she does not even perceive, in ways that have restored meaning and purpose to his life. It was Sakura’s love that thawed the numbing, jagged ice that had once encased his bruised and tattered heart. It was her love that had gently coaxed him into trusting her, into relying on her, into daring to dream of a better future for himself - a future in which there was light and warmth. A future away from the bleak, cold darkness and loneliness he had once believed was his only possible destination. 
It had been her kindness and patience, and her forgiveness, which had allowed him to begin healing. Allowed him to believe, for the first time since the night of his clan’s massacre, that he was truly worthy of love. Worthy of family. Worthy of redemption and happiness. That he was far more than the last survivor of a cursed and damaged bloodline.
She and Sarada are his redemption. They are the family he had once believed to be forever lost to him. His wife has no idea just how much she has given to him, no idea of the immeasurable gift of her unconditional love, and just how much it means to Sasuke. 
He has never been able to tell her with words. He has never been the sort to pen romantic poems, or articulate declarations of feelings. But what is not explicitly expressed out loud, is shared like a secret kiss in every exchanged glance. In the fire and passion and desperation and reverent worship of their touches. 
Touches that are too far apart, because duty calls him away from her side too often.
Touches of which he is starved. 
When her fingers rake gently through his hair, his fragile hesitation splinters. One minute, he tells himself. Just one minute, and he will end this. He closes his eyes and parts his lips, ravenous to taste her, drawing her tongue into a sensual, frenzied dance that causes their mingling breaths to quicken.
He knows it is a mistake the moment he does it. She is reeling him in, and he can feel himself falling into her honey trap. His heart slams against his chest, and an approving mewl escapes her lips when he deepens the kiss, and brings his hand up to cup the back of her head as she pushes the front of her body against his. 
The sound is like a delirium-inducing drug, one that robs him of his senses. Images fill his mind, images his Sharingan has imprinted there, of his tempting wife sprawled beneath him, cheeks flushed, rose hair tousled like a halo around her head, of Sakura writhing and moaning and sobbing and gasping his name in need. Of the bewitching way she looks when she comes undone and abandons herself to sheer bliss, of the pure devotion that shines in her eyes when she strokes his face and whispers that she loves him.
Love that she gives so readily. Love that he consumes so selfishly, so gluttonously.
The last time they had made love before he had departed, it had been slow and trembling and gentle. But there is nothing gentle about their hunger for one another now. It is predatory. It is carnal. It is devastating. A ravenous, feral beast that claws at them, that demands to be let loose. 
She grabs at the belt of his trousers, tugging and fumbling to unclasp it. He fists his hand through her hair, and tugs in response, breaking the kiss and eliciting a sharp gasp from his wife. Dipping his head, he lays claim to her delectable throat, sucking and kissing and biting at the spots he knows her hair will conceal, and is rewarded with an approving moan. 
“Oh… Sasuke-kun…”
His parched, famished tongue licks up her flesh, as if lapping up an elixir of nectar. He has never much liked the taste of sweet, sugary things. Sakura is his only. His only exception.
Winding an arm around her waist, he lifts Sakura easily off the ground, and sets his wife on the metal work-top. Medical supplies clatter to the ground, but in that moment, she succeeds at last in unbuckling his belt, and Sasuke does not care about the noise they are making. All he can hear is the rushing of blood in his ears, the thundering of his heartbeat. His lips devour hers once more, his mind and body singularly focused on one task. He knows what they both crave and need from one another, and he will honour the sacred vows he made to take care of her in every single way.
The kiss is bruising, punishing, claiming and consuming. A fiery brand that is raw and ruinous and fuelled with mind-fogging lust. A rushed midnight tryst is not how Sasuke prefers to worship his spouse’s sensual body. He much prefers to take his time, in a sanctuary that is private and wholly their own.  
But the words Jiji spoke to him about married couples remaining close together haunt him. They have sparked fresh guilt within Sasuke over the many months each year that he is forced to spend away from Sakura and their daughter. 
How much of their lives has he missed? And how much will he continue to miss protecting Konoha from the shadows? What if it is not enough security for Sakura and their child? What if this wasn’t the marriage she had always dreamed of and expected with him? 
What if another man attempted to approach Sakura? With Sasuke gone so often from the village, it is perhaps not so far-fetched for ordinary civilians to assume that she might be single, and raising their child alone. Sakura is beautiful, clever, successful and talented. Any man in his right mind would try his luck.
The very idea gives way to a twisting, unpleasant throb deep within the confines of Sasuke’s chest, and he kisses Sakura harder, with a desperation that borders on frustration. He loves her. It does not matter how far apart they are. To him, they are always connected. No time or distance will ever change his feelings. He cannot understand why Jiji said those damned words, sparking uncertainties that had never before even occurred to Sasuke. Equally as much, he cannot bear the thought of another man trying to move in on Sakura, daring to touch Sakura-
His thoughts fracture, and his chest heaves as she slips a hand inside his pants, eliciting a pained hiss from his lips. He aches for her. The ache is unbearable, and demands immediate remedy and relief. A remedy and relief only her touch and body can give to him. 
He pushes her skirt up over her hips with his hand, then pulls aside her underwear. And when he finally slips inside her velvet warmth and joins them together as one, he is overcome with sensation. With indescribable feeling.
And he knows.
He knows from her sigh as he sinks his teeth into the supple, soft flesh of her lower lip. He knows from the way she trembles against him, from the way she eagerly hooks her legs around his waist and holds him tightly to her as he begins to thrust, hard and fast, against her. He knows as she gasps his name and he groans hers against her neck. That she is his. And he is hers. 
And he knows that nothing, and no-one, can ever break their bond, and the sincerity and strength of the love they share.
End of oneshot. Sorry it took a while to post the last bit. If you enjoyed my writing, please consider reblogging and reading my other work.
Thanks for reading.
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tv-sinner · 1 year
4, 18, 26, 31 and 43!
4. A character you rarely talk about?
Hmmm.. I guess it would have to be some of my more brand new ocs (aka ones that aren’t even developed enough to have a tag on here yet!). A lot the ocs I had on my previous oc aesthetic blog are either in oc purgatory or in the process of getting revamped entirely. Some are so new that i have yet to draw them, much less talk about them. But for now, I’ll focus on one who I haven’t drawn yet from VITW verse: Adira, a butch dandelion rogue who has a love-hate/lovers AND enemies relationship with the strawberry monster huntress, St. Wickam.
Adira was disgraced knight who now wanders the wilderness as a thief and mercenary. She often finds herself crossing paths with the high-strung strawberry and she’s made it her personal mission to play with her and to steal her heart (literally or metaphorically? Whatever happens first). Wickam was initially charmed by her but she soon realized that Adira stole her money and they’ve been getting into homoerotic fights about it (and many other instances of them messing with each other) ever since. Their relationship is.. complicated. And neither are ready to admit to themselves or each other that they have romantic feelings for each other. And that’s all I have for now. 🫡
18. Any OC crackships?
Two words: Archdemon Polycule… Or more accurately, separate polycules that have overlap with some members but not all of them are involved with each other. Here’s a visual aid I drew for this weird ass poly ship:
Tumblr media
All Roads Lead to Asmodeus. Would this polycule be an absolute disaster of a relationship? Yes. Do I think it would actually work out? No, I doubt it would last for very long, especially when infernal politics come into the mix… Not to mention that they tend to bicker with each other a lot. Would it at least be entertaining to watch this particular polycule crash and burn? Yes. This will never happen in canon but it would be funny if it did.
26. Have you ever had to change your OC’s design or something else about them against your will?
Not exactly? The only thing that kinda made me change things about my ocs against my Will was probably the existence of H*zbin H*tel/H*lluva B*ss. For a while, I stepped away from my Hell/Heaven story partly because of its popularity/fandom and me wanting to distance myself from it, which included my own story about Hell. I would elaborate further, but there’s a time and place for being a hater and it isn’t here lol. The other, more major reason was that I had a crisis of faith in my artistic and writing ability was also having at the same time I was vocally beefing with these series on tumblr.
31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really)
I can think of a few ocs who would actually have a tumblr blog.. I think the most interesting of which would be Archdemon Belphegor’s tumblr blog(s). I’d imagine she’d have several blogs: her main (memes, occasionally posts about her inventive work, plushies, science posts), a blog dedicated to programming and maybe game dev, an aesthetic blog based on 90s computers and video games, and a separate NSFW blog not connected to her main. I’d imagine she’d take the time to make her own custom layout and across the board, they’d all have old computer desktop/old video game vibes. She posts pretty frequently and she sometimes slacks off on her work to check her socials, including tumblr.
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess
Oh definitely. For one, I typically give my ocs curly/wavy hair, usually dark hair (brown or black). I rarely give them blonde or ginger hair. And even my ocs who have gray hair now were brunettes in their youth. I tend to give my ocs non-straight hair because I find drawing hair with a lot of volume/defined shapes to be more fun than just straight hair.
Aside from that, I tend to make my ocs fat, mostly because I’m fat myself! And a vast majority of my ocs end up with long lashes since I tend to just. Give them obvious lashes, regardless of gender. What can I say? Lashes look great.
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babblingfishes · 6 years
Another FroodPad Update
(I’m sending an email instead of tagging people about this one because the majority of you guys have changed urls.)
For anyone who used the original FroodPad (PiratenPad) teamsite for fic writing, the host is taking down the site next month.
As before with the Mozilla alternative, I have backups of most of the text.
Here’s what I do not have:
Backups of locked pads
Chat logs
Authors / authorship colors
Time slider histories
If you want any of those, you’ll need to grab them yourself asap! If you’ve forgotten a password, the quickest way to grab my attention is to let me know via the tumblr messager (or my Discord, if you have it) and I can help you.
As for the actual text of the pads, I have these saved! I can send them to you whenever you like. Under the cut is a VERY lengthy list of the pad titles I have backups of. I can also do a text search if you need.
!!HEY GUYS -- WRITER PROFILES *Goat scream* 2SPOOKY 2c Stories 365 days of Rabbit No! A Very Frood Pad Christmas An attempt to organize chaos And the Band Plays On Annie got her gun Ask Walter Kids BADLY SINNING BRAINTHUNDERING Best Ship Around Broken little pieces CC 4 editing Care Cat!Steve. Don't ask. Cat's sehr whichtig grad portfolio stuff Catori's Little Pad ^^ Cheeroko: ES Drabbles And Possible Story Cheeroko: Elder Scrolls Brainstorming Cheeroko: Fanficing Fanfics since ... Today? Cheeroko: Has Started Yet Another AU Cheeroko: Rabbit Appreciation Pad (Aka, SPG Pad) Cheeroko: Walter Manor Cheeroko: What Should I call this? [{Original Fic}] Cheeroko: You Know What? I'm Just Going To Use This Pad For My Gender Stuff Christmas List Come keep French Company! Please? Configuration (new-new CC and biocore planning) Counter Nonsense Crazy Community Fanfiction Crazy Community Fanfiction II Crazy SPG Collab Thing 2.0 DANGER 5 SOLVE THE GREATEST CRIME OF ALL Derelict (spoilers yo) Derelict 23 and other stuff Derelict Chapter 20 Derelict Chapter 24 Derelict Chapter 25 Derelict Chapter 25 for real this time Derelict Dragon Dreads Derelict Take 73 Derpy-Nuns Don't come here unless Fish is whining at you Don't look Dr. Babblefish's Quest to Only Become Moderately More Insane Dragon Lurve Elephants and Nachos Everyone Writing Everything FRANKENPAPPY Fantastic Mister Vox Fish Does Terrible Things Fish Fanfictions Salgexicon Now Fish and Serif attempt a role play thing. Fish and its monospaced text Fish has an F in evil Fish is Sailing a Ship Fish is a terrible person. Fish is just rambling Fish writes things about other fandoms Fish's Awkward Nonfandom Headcanons Fish's Lupin Drabbles Fish's Magical Tragical Guide to Not Writing Mary Sues Fish's OC Boat Fish's Originalish Pad Fish's Plots and Characters French Rambles French Writes Stony French is a Poet Froodpad Rules and Instructions Further proof we're all insane Futureverse G-Mans and Watering Cans GW2 Cav stuff Ghost! Ghostfacers! Hangout pad Happy Little Family Happy Little Family Notes Here ye go, Redacted Heyo, Achgfd Homestead-Ch.1 How to be nice in RP I blame everyone but me I figure at this rate I should just make a Weird SPG Dreams pad I have no idea what im working on I never tire, I serve I- I- I- LOVE ROBBIE DARREN IT IS A SMUT POWERED BLANKET MY GOOT SAR Ice Cream and Knit Bow Ties Imma figure this thing out by posting prompt responses Improb In Which Pappy Dies In Which Reed Becomes a Robot In Which Steve Drops Bass In Which There is an Abandoned Lab In which robots become metaphors for Autism Spectrum stuff Laying Down The Law Here MATURE REPLY MBG Tumblr Planning   MERRY HOLIDAYMAS YOU WEIRDOS! MWFGOH Notes MY FRIEND MATT WHERE YOU AT May B. we Feta get outta here May B. we Feta get outta here pt2 Muppet Baby Giraffe Fics Myth fanfiction maybe??? NOBODY PANIC (MICHAEL GOT THE D) Neoma's Writes Not Actually a Funeral Not!Derelict Nuns could use help writing a comedy piece for English Nuns does a research paper on GAY GODS Nuns fools around with a hero's journey Nuns hunts for the Holy Grail (and a good essay grade) OC ADVENTURE!! OFF Musingses OOPS Oedipus Script Old Money On the wings of steam One of the Fanmily Original stuff is harder than we anticipated PSILENCE WILL FALL Pappy Pad 2 Pappy Rabbit Old (Still needed though!) Pen & Kari's Pad of Fairytale Badassery Philosophy Notes Pokemanz SPG Post-Derelict Headcanons Princey and Leeland's Walter People Pad Princey definitely isn't using this pad for homework anymore Princey is the best right Leilani right Princey tries Original Stuff Princey wanted to write OC stuff too Princey's self-indulgent stuff Princeyfic (An Accident of the Smallest Kind final chapter) Princeyfic: An Accident of the Smallest Kind Princeyfic: Basically nothing but a mermaid OC Princeyfic: Canoe Catastrophe Pronz Psi does homework and other stuff Psi does homework occasionally Psi gets his shit together Psi is in pain. Also class. Psi jacks Cat's characters Psi plans the Derelict!Verse RP blog early because he's bored Psi reads Marsupial Psi takes out dysphoria on The Spine Psi tries for "canon" SPG Psi writes Cabin Pressure stuff Psi writes a thing about an author Psi's Headcanon Psi's Kazooland OCs??? Psi's class notes Psi's class notes and HatchWorth stuff Psilent's Hatchworth Feels Psilent's Pscribblings Psilent's Pstuff Psunny's Muppet Babby Stuff Public pad 2: 2 public 2 pad Pun and Psi Make a Porno Punny: Ask Index Punny: Broken little pieces Punny: Crack Fic ideas Punny: Ficlets Punny: HLF Th teen years Punny: Happy Little Family Punny: Justice Giraffes Punny: Major fics Punny: Rainbow! The Spine Punny: Trying to figure out how the hell Super spg works RABBIT NO RABBIT NO 2: electric boogaloo Rabbit writes fanfic Relish's Ramblings Reverse Pre Mid Life Crisis 3000 Rex and Captain. Rover! SICK ROBOTS. (Princey and Leeland) SIMNANIGANS SO I may have discovered aquabats and it may have given me some muse SPG/Avengers cross over collab-fic SS kills a lot of young women SS: Aftertheendverse SS: Aggressively writes happy fanfiction SS: Amnesia Home Pad SS: Amnesia Revisions SS: Amnesia!Spine Headcanoning SS: Ancient Mariner SS: Angsty Poetry xP SS: Annie/V SS: Dragon!Steve SS: Genderbends because of reasons SS: Just our positronic electronic harmonic SS: Michael wants the D(erelict!Steve's dick) SS: Michael wants the D(erelict!Steve) #2 SS: More Spine/OC junk SS: Okay actually writing Amnesia now SS: Poems by Peter VI SS: Possible Natalia 'Verse SS: Private Party SS: Ratchet and pumpkin SS: Spine/OC SS: Spine/OC #2 SS: Spine/OC #3 SS: The Only Constant SS: The Way Home SS: hoamwork Satyr Adventure script Secret Santa (Sign-ups closed, Santas have been assigned!) Serif needs to kill something apparently Serif's Dump Pad Serif's Dump Pad 2 Seth only starts things and never finishes them Sewing Stitches SisterofaFish's Pad So much craft poisoning Something Wicked This Way Comes Space-Opera Spoons' Stuff Goes Here Stalking Information Steve has Joined Your Party! THIS IS WHERE THE PARTIES AT TIME TO SCARE THE BABIES Tango's Reason Why The Case of the Quest of the Missing Coffee The Mythos Mythos The Rake This is a public pad because Fish is bored This is utter crap Thunder Charge Title! Too Many Thoughts Untitled 180 Untitled 217 Untitled 314 Untitled 322 Untitled 323 Untitled 324 Verse Fable...or something like that WE GON WRITE FLUFF WE LAV U HRUP WRITER PROFILES We write Mirrormask fics now. Mirrormask is cool. Well look what the cat dragged back in World Building You know what, ignore Nuns a surprise in every pad and no one was ever happy the end awkward monsters/spg campfire song song cat used to write hannafic class notes copper conduction 3: REVELATIONS copper conduction p. 4 death lullaby ye everybody look down fear and loathing in san diego half-baked hatchworth stuff hesitantly works on new chapter how rabbit got his groove back 2 i leik ur silileh lteile hat incdrop - frisk incwrites it's sort of like hellraiser except not lemarchand's fic oh heck there's a plot one time ruffy wrote angst original sexy awesomeness possibly part of Two Birds One Stone possibly not psi is the batman psi's original story (caution may contain robots) ((totally contains robots)) psi's presentation that's due in six hours ruffy's writing a thing schoolwork and such (go away) shit so many fics so little time so much writers block sometimes i doubt your commitment to sparkle motion the end. the fucking crying game the future doesn't love you the wit and wisdom of spg woo lets write pirates woo
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