#Familie Straud
simblr-diary · 7 months
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theeflowerofcarnage · 2 years
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So many townies so little time.... inspo
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john-ts-sh-ai · 7 months
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♫ ♫ ♫
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tricoufamily · 4 months
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if you're wondering why bob is here it's bc in the original villareal story there was a very minor background detail that diego lobo and bob pancakes dated in college and broke up tragically and that's where the story peaked. so i included him it's still canon
thank you for these it was so fun!!!!!!!!!!!!
i did these in my this is the fall sim style so i'm thinking. if they exist in this universe what's all their opinions on the 'did jacques do it' situation. let's take a look
don: saw a photo of jacques's wife on the news during the investigation. said "whoa mama that's a hot babe!" like johnny bravo and did not read the headline. does not know anything about it still.
vlad: well he's psychic he could figure out the truth if he actually cared. and he has!
olive: obviously respects it. except for the getting investigated part, would never happen to her.
diego: does not think jacques did it but enjoys the tabloids. knows other rich people personally who he thinks have killed their spouses
morgyn: will post things like "friendly reminder that j*cques v*llareal literally killed his wife and is a billionaire so maybe don't go to one of their hotels" on tumblr and will then do a call out post about like a fanfic writer who wrote an unhealthy relationship with more severity
pascal: knows conspiracy theories and this one is bullshit. or maybe it just doesn't interest him as much as aliens and that's why he thinks that
jeb: has a very "well of course he did. them rich folk can do whatever they want. there ain't no hope for the rest of us" while kicking a can down the road approach
bob: thinks he did it. is very alarmed that it was brushed off. eliza's like bob book the hotel and he's like am i going crazy. does anyone hear me.
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moneycheats · 4 months
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silas straud / alice lockwood
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sandsstorms · 1 year
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Straud, the oldest registered family name on the Forgotten Hollow Valley; the pale skins, the peculiarly perennial looking siblings, the cold-eyed and over-dominant older brother, the never confirmed stories about his responsibility on the first war against Transylvania, the so many rumors surrounding the second sister's marriage, the runaway son and his bride, the ever silent daughter, the creepy doll looking baby
and who was Lady Ecaterina? ...well, that's a story for another day.
previous looks after the cut and some fun facts
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the Strauds have been a work over the years of my sister and I. and we have so much lore about them. we created the family in different moments and with different stories and then ended up joining them together making something so much better and then enriched the story we already had, and made some touch-ups along the way to some of them... that's why originally they all look so different from one another (there's a big mix of mm makeovers with original vanillas and ancient 2017 us sim styles. lol) it's been a ride, it's still a ride, it's just so fun to keep adding things to their lore. we're still creating their history books (⁠◡⁠ ⁠ω⁠ ⁠◡⁠)
fun fact is I think we've never actually played with them. lol. and we've had them for so long!! but we just made them and made their stories in our heads and that's it. that's our favorite way of playing apparently... using the game to create ocs, imagine their lifes while doing it and closing the game after that. lol. well ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
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boobpancakes · 6 months
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The Straud Family Presents: The Monster Mash-Up (and Round-Up)
Hello and welcome to the Straud Family Monster Mash-Up! My name is Hannah and I am looking for occults and occult hunters of every variety!
These characters will be playing roles in the story of the Straud twins and their father, helping them grow and learn and encounter strange dangers along the way.
We are looking for...
ANY OCCULT SIM IS WELCOME! The teens will be going to a "Monster High"-esque school, so the more types of occults there are, the better
WE NEED TEENS! Any family size is okay, and just adults are fine as well, but the teens are in desperate needs of friends. They can be any gender and sexuality!
I would prefer any friends for the twins be supernatural. They will be acting as their companions, lovers, and enemies. If the sim is human, please specify if they are a normal human or a monster hunter!
Please include the type of monster your hunter prefers to hunt, and just go wild!
I am also taking old enemies for Vlad, so if you so prefer that, do as you will...
Currently, there is no time limit on this! The teens won't be starting up school until act 2, so they won't really meet many people until then. Downloads can be public or private :)
Please tag your sims with the hashtag #straudmonstermash so I can easily track their new acquaintances! And thanks in advance!
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rollingsim · 10 months
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blood bound!
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esotericas-sims · 25 days
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"Did you hear that Ruby is pregnant again, mother?" Rosalie asked, looking up from the letter her sister had written. Tatyana sat beside her daughter, reading carefully over her shoulder. "I hope you'll let me go and meet them, someday.." Rosalie's words immediately fell flat. It was a hopeless endeavor, she knew, to get Tatyana to let her do anything.
"Why should I care about Ruby?" Tatyana asked, lip curling in disgust. Still, she snatched the letter from Rosalie, and read it through. "Hrmh..." Slowly, a plan began to form. Ruby, Tatyana felt, deserved a bit of the suffering she'd put Tatyana through - the long days awake, the shouting matches, the groundings. A proper trouble-maker. That was what Ruby deserved.
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Down in the cellar, while her husband slept, Tatyana began to cast a spell...
Playing with SeveralPerson’s Ultimate Decades Challenge Rules
Started: 1800
Current year: 1893
Family tree
CC Finds
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0-nouke-0 · 7 months
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maxispremades · 8 months
Этой ночью Максу не спалось. Подростка одолевало чувство тоски и одиночества: с тех пор, как умер его отец, парень чувствовал себя полностью потерянным. Старый мафиози Жак Виллареаль был свободен от обывательской морали, мог позволить себе любые причуды и вольности... Только он по-настоящему понимал Макса, ценя его бунтарский дух и желание жить на широкую ногу, никогда не требуя от сына быть хорошим мальчиком и соблюдать нелепые правила и нормы, принятые среди простых смертных.
Размазня-брат не вызывал в ожесточенном сердце подростка ничего, кроме презрения, а инфантильную, озабоченную популярностью и амурными делами сестру он считал кем-то вроде забавной комнатной собачки. Собрав вокруг себя городских отморозков, Макс мог лишь потешить самолюбие, но не более — после смерти отца на свете не осталось ни единого человека, которого парень мог бы по-настоящему уважать.
От тяжелых мыслей юношу отвлек вкрадчивый стук в дверь. Сначала Макс решил, что ему показалось, но стук повторился еще раз. Макс замер, вслушиваясь в ночь. Стук — резкий, сухой — повторился снова.
Выйдя на порог дома, Макс увидел перед собой мужчину неопределенного возраста. Седой как лунь, крючконосый, болезненно худой и старомодно одетый, он не был похож ни на кого из тех, с кем юноша был знаком. Разве что... Нечто неуловимое в облике гостя напомнило Максу покойного отца. Возможно, что именно благодаря этому он сразу же почувствовал непонятное доверие по отношению к незнакомцу.
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Ночной гость церемонно и витиевато поприветствовал парня, а затем попросил впустить его в дом. Удивляясь самому себе, Макс выполнил просьбу незнакомца.
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Макс не поверил своим ушам, когда странный человек представился ему как Влад Штрауд. Имя показалось Максу смутно знакомым, и парень напряг извилины, пытаясь вспомнить, где он мог его слышать.
Довольно быстро Макс вспомнил, откуда он знает это имя. Еще ребенком он слышал историю о маленьком городке Форготн Холлоу, в котором по неясным причинам умерли все жители до единого. Слышал он и о графе Владислаусе Штрауде, который, если верить слухам, был древним и могущественным вампиром, в течение многих столетий нагоняющим ужас на Форготн Холлоу и окрестные города.
Неужели перед ним тот самый Владислаус? Макс не верил своим глазам и ушам. Глядя на незнакомца во все глаза, он принялся сбивчиво пересказывать легенду и восторгаться вампирами, словно ребенок. Штрауд стоял рядом и слушал парня, насмешливо улыбаясь в усы.
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Бессмертие. Власть над человеческими судьбами. Невероятные сверхъестественные способности. От мыслей обо всем этом у парня закружилась голова. Макс почувствовал, что готов отказаться от всего, что составляет его привычную жизнь — семейные склоки, унылые школьные дни, бессмысленные антиобщественные выходки, злоба и одиночество.
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— А вы можете...ну, обратить меня? — робко спросил Макс.
—Тебе не мешало бы немного подрасти, — усмехнулся вампир. — Укус вампира способен убить такое юное существо, как ты. Побудь человеком еще пару-тройку лет, обдумай житье, а там —посмотрим...
— Не хочу ждать! — сердито воскликнул Макс.
— Я давно наблюдаю за тобой, — ответил Владислаус. — Я вижу, что ты отличаешься от большинства тех, кого мы считаем пищей. Такие, как ты, Макс, действительно нужны вампирскому сообществу — твой ум дерзок, свеж и свободен от условностей, за которые так отчаянно держится глупое стадо...
Юноша слушал своего собеседника, открыв рот. Неужели на земле нашелся кто-то, кто способен разглядеть его и понять его честолюбивые помыслы? И этот кто-то — не захудалый человечишко, а настоящий граф Владислаус Штрауд, могущественный вампир!
— Я уже все решил, — сказал гостю Макс. — И я готов ждать столько, сколько понадобится.
Пообещав парню, что они еще встретятся, граф взмахнул длинными худыми руками и растворился в облаке густого черного дыма.
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simblr-diary · 9 months
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stinkrascal · 10 months
sometimes i like to think about how the strauds often have massive family get togethers where vlad cooks dinner and brie entertains all the kids and everyones laughing and eating and drinking and smoking and enjoying the nice weather outside and listening to good music and how they probably have these family functions alllllllllll the time bc the strauds are such a close family! and then i violently sob about it
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alxandergoth · 2 years
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well that was rude.
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simmersofia · 2 years
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queeniecook · 2 years
February 16
Lilith Vatore is on her nightly walk around Forgotten Hollow. There’s one place she usually avoids most nights but tonight she stops in front of the looming structure.
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She stares at Straud Mansion, briefly wondering why The Count felt he needed a four story home to himself. Something seems different about the place. The lights. The decorative lights along the eaves. They’re a simple white but it’s not The Count’s style. It makes Lilith wonder if perhaps Vladislaus has female company. This thought for some reason takes her back in time in her memories.
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“Caleb, where are you going? I wish to finish our stroll.” Lilith calls her brother, who is running down the path.
“Mother said our company is arriving tonight. It is polite to greet them when they reach the grounds.” He calls back to his sister before disappearing around a corner.
Lilith huffs in a unlady like manner and proceeds to finish her walk by herself. Caleb has always been more of a social person than she. Lilith doesn’t care to change this fact either.
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Upon arriving home, Lilith finds her brother talking to a young female. There’s something Lilith instantly doesn’t like about the woman but she keeps her thoughts to herself. Instead, she plays the part she’s supposed to play. She welcomes Miss Helena DiMera to their home. It doesn’t escape her that Miss DiMera is single. Mr. and Mrs. Vatore have been seeking spouses for their children for some time.
Lilith is snapped out of her thoughts when she hears a neighborhood bat whizz by her ear. She swears the creatures are getting braver each night.
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Back home she works on training Jackson. Not all of it is physical, she’s been explaining the rules he’s expected to follow if he wishes to remain existing.
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She readies herself for bed, she feels tonight might be a night she finally needs sleep. Sometimes, Lilith just enjoys putting on something soft and laying in her bed. It reminds her of being human. She looks at the painting hanging above her bed. Caleb bought it for her in Milan years ago. That’s the only reason she keeps it, she tells herself. It reminds her of someone.
That thought takes her back into her past. To that fateful night.
Miss Dimera’s visit had been going well until that night. She had shown herself to be a well mannered lady. She had accompanied Caleb to a play in Willow Creek. She had even gone with Lilith and Mrs. Vatore to visit the boutiques in Newcrest. Everything was normal.
Until Lilith walked in and saw Helena DiMera sucking the blood out of her brother’s neck.
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Lilith stopped in her tracks, frozen still. She opened her mouth to yell but nothing came out. She watched Caleb in the arms of Helena, he seemed in a trance almost. Lilith could hear and feel her own heartbeat pounding in her ears.
“Let him go!” Lilith finally screamed.
Helena froze and released Caleb, holding onto him somehow with one arm. “Hello, Lilith.” She greeted in a eerie tone. “I was not expecting anyone to return yet.”
Lilith didn’t respond, she just looked her brother who was standing only with Helena’s support. His eyes were closed, he looked clammy. His breathing was ragged. Lilith was starting to put everything together in her head. “You are a vampire.”
Helena looked at her surprised but smiled, Caleb’s blood around her lips. “Yes. I am quite surprised you realize this. I may have underestimated this family.”
“You are…turning him?” Lilith questions slowly. It had been a while since she had read her books on the supernatural. Books she had to purchase in private from the local book store clerk, Mr. Potter. Books that her parents would burn if they found them.
“I fancy your brother.” Helena admits, moving Caleb to place him into a chair. She bites her wrist, looking Lilith dead in the eye while she does it. She wouldn’t mind having a little taste of Lilith as well. Maybe later.
Lilith gasps softly but remains silent. She doubts she can stop Helena but even if she’s able to, Caleb would be gone forever. She selfishly doesn’t want that to happen. Her brother is the only one in the entire world that accepts Lilith for who she is. He doesn’t judge her for reading books she shouldn’t. He doesn’t tell her she can’t wear pants or ride horses. He doesn’t tell her she’s crazy for wanting to fall in love before getting married.
All that brought her to the Straud Mansion. Count Vladislaus Straud IV has lived in Forgotten Hollow longer than The Vatore family. She remembers passing by his massive home the first day they arrived in the town when she was only five. Most people avoid him in town, even though a statue of his ancestor is smack in the middle of their town park. Lilith had always found it odd how the statue looks exactly like him. Then she began studying him from afar. Seeing he only comes out at night. How pale his skin is. How he never seemed to change.
She showed up on his doorstep, tears streaking her cheeks but she held herself together. To her shock, he actually let her in.
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“I am sure you have heard we have had a visitor.” Lilith starts softly. She didn’t want to just come out and say what she wants. What she needs.
“I am well aware of your visitor and who she is.” Vladislaus tells her, to her surprise. “I think I know why you are here.”
Lilith stares at him for a long moment, deep down it all clicked. “She turned my brother.”
In a odd move, odd to Lilith anyway, the Count places his hands on his hips and shakes his head slightly. “I have made few mistakes in my existence and Miss Hellena DiMera is one of them.”
Lilith blinks, not sure what to say.
“You want to become a vampire to be with your brother.” Vladislaus supplies for the young woman beside him.
“Correct. He has always been there for me. I do not want him to be alone nor do I wish to lose him forever.” She admits with a sigh. She briefly thinks of her parents, she doesn’t know how to handle them after this.
The Count debates within himself. He has sworn off turning anyone since Helena DiMera. Somehow, she had turned out more evil than even him. He hadn’t seen it coming. He looks at Lilith Vatore, who he can tell has good intentions. He knows she’s been watching him, that’s how she’s figured out what he is. “Very well.”
Valdislaus first explains certain things to Lilith before he offers his hand to her to stand up. She quickly takes it and he pulls her to him. Neither of them were prepared for the slight spark that shot through their bodies when they came close to each other.
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The bite hurt until it didn’t. Lilith will never tell anyone that she started to enjoy it. Vladislaus let her go, intending to guide her to the couch.
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Her knees buckled and he held her steady. Sweat was starting to drip down her brow as she felt the bite on her neck burn. “I will train you.” Vladislaus tells the young soon to be vampire in her arms.
Hopefully, he could get Caleb out of Miss DiMera’s clutches as well and train him. He would rather have them under his tutelage than anyone else’s. He didn’t need two newborns running around, causing havoc.
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