#Er kanika
erkanika01 · 1 year
Why is SEO crucial in e-commerce?
The continual flow of new consumers and a core of devoted repeat customers are the lifeblood of e-commerce businesses. It’s tougher for your store to expand if there aren’t any new customers to generate new sales. Therefore, an SEO service in Chandigarh helps attract new customers more inclined to purchase from you. Gaining the trust and confidence of online customers with SEO enhances their lifetime worth to your company.
Here’s how these advantages affect your store-
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Likewise, search engine hits account for 39% of all e-commerce traffic. Simply said, SEO puts your company in front of people actively searching for it, increasing your sales opportunities.
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SEO is the marketing approach by an SEO company in India with the highest long-term return on investment (ROI). According to one study, technical SEO (including keyword research and site speed improvements) generates a 117% ROI. Surprisingly, content-based SEO generates even more, with an average ROI of 748%.
These statistics imply that SEO marketing will eventually pay for itself. In fact, it will often bring in substantially more than it costs, more than paying for itself.
Improves lead quality
SEO service in Chandigarh not only increases site traffic, but they also help pre-qualify leads. Too often, e-commerce sites receive clicks from consumers who aren’t ready to buy or aren’t confident that your store has the quality or reliability to suit their needs.
Unfortunately, simply clicking on your product pages will not provide them with essential information or assist them in going through your sales funnel. Instead, you can use SEO to determine exactly what those consumers want and deliver the information they require to decide.
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akaishisou · 6 years
// Drabble I wrote just because I wanted to show some OCs, based on a rp scene we are doing between @askthebladesshadow and @godshadowed. Basically, Talon manages to infiltrate the Order and manages to stab Zed while he was... distracted. Yes. 
"What in the world where you thinking, Zed?!"
Zed let himself fall on the bed, gritting his teeth and pushing away the helping hand that reached out to him. He had been holding his bandaged side; the white linen was stained with red as his wounds had unsurprisingly reopened in that short time he had been in the dungeons, casting his fury over their noxian prisoner.
Kanika was angry too, exuding a fiery aura from her small, round body that the Master of Shadows had grown used to, born from honest feelings of concern. One that, despite that, was unwelcome.
"You should be resting, not interrogating prisoners after being heavily wounded!" The woman continued to scold him, pushing him down on the mattress despite Zed's signs that he wanter her to keep distance. Yet her medic was unrelenting; he might be the leader of the Order, but at the nursery, her word was law.
"It was necessary". Zed found the need to justify himself despite all, muttering darkly behind his clenched jaw and his pain as he brushed the sweat away from his face. He realized too late that his fingers were dirty, smearing red, irregular patterns of blood on his already marked skin.
"It could have waited! I don't think he was going anywhere inside his cell!" Kanika tried once more to reach for her Master's injures, but he rejected her touch again, slapping her hand away with stubbornness. The woman's face was lit with a pained wrath, and with her hands closed into fists, she turned to face the third person in the infirmary.
"You were supposed to watch over him, you useless husband!"
Niraj adjusted the glasses on his face, later rubbing his trembling hands in an uncomfortable gesture. Despite that, his wrinkled features were as calm as ever, and his voice unwavering once he spoke.
"I followed orders, Kanika".
"That's the worst excuse you could have-..."
"Enough", Zed barked, breaking into the couple's quarrel. He was not really in the mood for that, feeling a bitterness deeper than his wounds. "I do not want to hear another word".
Silence fell over them like a bucket of cold water. The Master of Shadows meet Kanika' scolding gaze, defiant. She finally sighed, like a dragon letting out the heat in its lungs, giving in.
"I'll go look for clean bandages", she said still angry but there was also a sense of defeat in her voice. "You better stay this time, Zed. And you, keep an eye on him!".
Kanika pointed at her husband with the same threat as she was holding a sword. Niraj obediently nodded as she stormed out of the room, her heavy steps echoing away. Zed sighed, exasperated, but did not try to slip away now that he had the opportunity. He closed his eyes, with his arms curled around his abdomen, stubbornly trying to stop the bleeding on his own. He felt the shadows twisting inside him as they battled to mend his broken flesh, slowly and  clumsily trying to repair it. It wouldn't be enough, he knew. But for the moment, he wanted to linger in the pain. To feel it and use it as a bitter reminder of the mistake he had committed.
"I apologize for her demeanor, Master Zed". Niraj spoke after a while. The ninja didn't bother to open his eyes and met his honest dark eyes. "Though she has her right to be concerned. You are being reckless".
"I did not ask for your opinion", Zed said, bluntly, shifting slightly as he tried to find a better position over the mattress. The blood was slowly sliding down his skin and past the bandages, staining the blankets under his body.
Niraj tilted his head slightly. "No. But is the duty of a healer to warn their patients. That is not a light wound, Master. You could have died".
Yes, he could have died. Zed was very aware of that. He growled but said nothing, and the other man saw it as an opportunity to keep talking.
"It is not like you to lower your guard like that". He might not be as obvious as his wife, but Zed knew what Niraj was doing. Pushing him discretely in order to find answers.
"It will not happen again", he replied, spitting the words like a venomous promise. He had been foolish to let himself be lured by the pleasure and the opportunity to simply forget his troubles for a night. The Master of Shadows should never forget. That was his unending duty.
"Did you find out how the noxian managed to slip into the Monastery?"
Zed opened his eyes and looked at the man seated at his right. It was an important question, as it concerned the whole Order. If someone managed to slip past their defenses and the shadows' detection, it was possible that someone else could do it again. His gaze travelled to the table at his other side. A shattered sword rested on its surface, dimly reflecting the light of the candles. Once brimming with a dark power, the weapon was dead now by Zed's own hands. The silk strand attached to the hilt was stained with blood, never to be cleaned again.
"He had a weapon of the Order. Nakuri' sword. He used it to get inside".
Niraj's gaze rested now on the blade, his eyes narrowing slightly. "I see".
A blade, cursed by betrayal. When Kayn had returned from Vindor, carrying the same weapon Zed had ordered to steal from noxian hands, he had answered with disdain when asked about his comrade. Nakuri was killed by the other ninja, that was left without doubt, through Zed still questioned the motives that drove his apprentice’s hand. Ironically, it had been the sword left behind that day the one that nearly stole his life tonight. A blade for a blade, weapon for weapon. Noxians didn't let anything go to waste.
None of them talked for a few seconds, reflecting the gravity of the situation. Then, Niraj said: "I never expected the noxians to be able to control it. Nor anyone else outside the Order, really. It is concerning".
Up until now, Zed had trusted that none of his techniques could be stolen, as few in Ionia dared to even approach the shadow magic. But not only his own weapons had been used against him, it also had been through those wretched noxian’s hands. A double hit to his pride and conscience. He didn't know how the assassin had managed to use a magic he could not understand, but one thing was for sure: there would be more. It Noxus had something, it was its great amount of expendable soldiers.
Suddenly, Zed felt tired. With every drop of blood, his anger was dissolving into a soothed exhaustion, heavy in his heart, as if he was drowning in a puddle of mud.
"We shall be careful from now on", he said, raising a hand. Despite the black marks on his fingers, he could still see the red. His hand trembled when he tried to close it. "If our weapons can be used against us, then we shall ensure that they are not taken away. We must increase our vigilance too. I will not let another rat inside".
"Of curse", the medic conceded with a nod. "But you need to rest first, Master. Please. Let us treat your wounds".
He didn't want to, but Zed had to oblige. He let his hand fall at his side, sighing in defeat. Through his mind crossed the face of the noxian prisoner, golden eyes twisted in anguish; then a paler one, a sly smile, heated kisses as the shadows tingled beneath his skin. Something in his stomach twisted, feeling nauseated for just a second.
Niraj saw his silence as a permission to get closer and he did, standing up to approach and start undoing his ruined bandages with his trembling fingers. The man hadn't been able to perform his profession ever since he was injured in the war. Zed knew how much of a personal shame it was for him and still, the man tried. The healer's hands attempted to move with a smoothness learned through countless years but that they were not able to reach anymore. It was a sad sight to behold. Zed didn't know if he should praise him for his effort or call him a fool.
He growled, grimacing as if he had tasted something sour. "I... made a mistake". It was strange for the Master of Shadows to admit his flaws but here, dizzy, injured, in the company of a man who had seen him in worse situations, it felt like he had nothing to hide. He couldn't. Niraj could see his shame even if Zed buried it in the deepest part of himself.
"Erring is proof of one's humanity, Master. Don't blame yourself for what happened". The words were so soft that Zed didn't understand what he was saying at first. "None of us will blame you".
Zed huffed. "Not even if it was selfish?"
After struggling for a bit, Niraj finally managed to undo the bindings. Zed knew he'd have to get up, but he let himself linger in the comfort of the bed fora bit longer. Once again, he found the other man's gaze, staring down at him with an intensity than usually didn't show up in his tired eyes.
"You have all the right to be selfish, Zed".
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davidraudales · 3 years
9 libros que te ayudarán a revivir tu carrera
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Cada carrera tiene sus épocas. Tal vez eres un empleado nuevo y de rostro fresco. Tal vez seas un gerente de nivel medio de un equipo pequeño o el propietario de un pequeño negocio. O tal vez te sientas a la cebeza en la mesa de conferencias de los ejecutivos senior. No importa dónde te encuentres en tu trayectoria profesional, siempre hay espacio para crecer. Para ayudarte a hacerlo, hemos seleccionado una lista de algunos de nuestros mejores libros profesionales y los ofrecemos por tiempo limitado con un 60% de descuento sobre el precio de menudeo usando el código CAREER2021 en nuestra tienda Entrepreneur Press.
Te puede interesar: 5 libros de liderazgo que seguramente no conocías
Echa un vistazo a estos fantásticos títulos:
1. Career Rehab: Rebuild Your Personal Brand and Rethink the Way You Work por Kanika Tolver.
Este libro tiene las herramientas que necesitas para pasar del trabajo en el que te encuentras, a la carrera (y la vida) que deseas. En Career Rehab, la coach laboral y de vida Kanika Tolver te ayuda a deshacerte del miedo y las dudas que te impiden vivir mejor tu vida y encontrar las fortalezas en tu currículum para que puedas cambiar el trabajo por tu sueño.
2. The NEW Employee Manual: A No-Holds-Barred Look at Corporate Life por Ben Gilad y Mark Chussil.
Ten cuidado: este no es un libro para borregos corporativos. Es un libro para rebeldes. Gilad y Chussil, los mejores expertos en juegos de guerra y pensamiento estratégico para el grupo Fortune 500, ofrecen estrategias poco convencionales para ayudarte a competir y prosperar en la actual cultura corporativa disfuncional .
3. Elephants Before Unicorns: Emotionally Intelligent HR Strategies to Save Your Company por Caroline Stokes.
Tu carrera no se trata solo de ti, también se trata de las personas que contratas y administras. La cazadora de talentos y entrenadora ejecutiva Caroline Stokes ofrece una combinación de estrategias de reclutamiento e inteligencia emocional esenciales para ayudarte a identificar y abordar a los grandes profesionales, para conseguir y retener contrataciones clave, esos unicornios, que ayudarán a tu empresa a destacar.
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4. Entrepreneur Voices on Strategic Management por el equipo de Entrepreneur Media.
El camino hacia el nivel de altos ejecutivos dentro de una empresala pasa por la administración. Esta colección reúne a algunos de los pensadores más influyentes de nuestra marca para brindarte las herramientas que necesitas para construir tu carrera liderando y administrando equipos.
5. Entrepreneur Voices on Careers por el equipo de Entrepreneur Media.
En este libro, más de 30 empresarios exitosos y expertos en carreras revelan lo que se necesita para ascender en las filas de tu empresa, construir un trabajo alterno exitoso y preparar tu negocio para el éxito. Dividido en cuatro partes y repleto de conocimientos revolucionarios, historias del mundo real y consejos acertados, esta es la guía definitiva para elegir tu propia aventura.
6. Entrepreneur Voices on Effective Leadership  por el equipo de Entrepreneur Media.
Tanto si naciste con talento para el liderazgo como si se te impuso, el éxito de tu carrera depende de ti. Con los conocimientos de más de 20 colaboradores, emprendedores y líderes de opinión, este libro te ayudará a tomar la iniciativa y liderar de manera efectiva en cualquier etapa de tu carrera.
Te puede interesar: Encuesta: Estos son los 9 mejores libros recomendados por millonarios
7. Entrepreneur Voices on Emotional Intelligence  por el equipo de Entrepreneur Media.
Encontrar el éxito profesional requiere mucho más que grandes ideas y dedicación. Con amenazas de burn out y rechazo en casi todo momento, el camino profesional puede estar plagado de obstáculos. El equipo, los expertos y las voces de Entrepreneur te brindan estrategias del mundo real para ayudarte a ser brutalmente honesto consigo mismo y aumentar tu inteligencia emocional, para que puedas encontrar el verdadero éxito profesional.
8. No B.S. Guide to Powerful Presentations por Dan S. Kennedy y Dustin Mathews.
El millonario Dan S. Kennedy y el experto conferencista Dustin Mathews te enseñan su plan para crear presentaciones que cambian la vida y demuestran que su éxito no solo está determinado por lo que estás presentando, sino también por qué lo estás presentando, cómo lo estás presentando y a quién se lo estás presentando.
9. Entrepreneur Voices on Company Culture por el equipo de Entrepreneur Media.
Una cultura empresarial de alto rendimiento puede traducirse en empleados felices, un ambiente laboral productivo y atractivo, y comunicación fluida. Para ayudarte a definir y crear una cultura que funcione en el mundo competitivo de hoy, la comunidad de emprendedores y dueños de pequeñas empresas de Entrepreneur comparte sus estrategias probadas en batalla, consejos ganados con esfuerzo y secretos detrás de lo que funciona y lo que no.
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mycanaty · 7 years
8 cosas increíbles que seguramente no sabías sobre la lactancia materna
Si has llegado hasta este artículo imagino que será porque o bien, eres curiosa (yo también lo soy) o bien porque estás esperando a tu bebé (o ya lo tienes) y estás buscando todos los beneficios que esto puede otorgaros a ambos.  Sigue leyendo  →  The post  8 cosas increíbles que seguramente no sabías sobre la lactancia materna  appeared first on  Kanikas .
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postolo · 5 years
2019 SCC Vol. 3 March 28, 2019 Part 2
Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 — Ss. 11(6), 14 and 15(2): Appointment of arbitrator in exercise of power under S. 11(6) is not permissible when an arbitrator in terms of the arbitration agreement already stands appointed. S. 11(6) of the Act has application only when a party or the person concerned had failed to act in terms of the arbitration agreement and S. 15(2) only means that the appointment of the substitute arbitrator must be done according to the original agreement or provision applicable to the appointment of the arbitrator at the initial stage. [Rajasthan Small Industries Corpn. Ltd. v. Ganesh Containers Movers Syndicate, (2019) 3 SCC 282]
Arbitration without an arbitration agreement: The recent decision of the Supreme Court (SC) in Hindustan Antibiotics Ltd. v. Maharashtra Housing and Area Development Authority, (2018) 10 SCC 634  raises more problems than it solves in relation to arbitration law, the law of specific performance of contracts and the law of civil procedure. This article seeks to address those issues. Two steps forward, four steps back — Arbitration without an Arbitration Agreement by [M.S. Ganesh and K. Seshachary][(2019) 3 SCC (J-23)]
 Agricultural Indebtedness: The author is of the opinion that the judgment in Jayant Verma v. Union of India, (2018) 4 SCC 743, needs to be carefully analysed because it lays down principles of constitutional law of fundamental and critical importance regarding the doctrine of pith and substance and dealing with a clash a parliamentary law and a State legislation, in a situation where both Parliament and the State Legislature are exercising legislative powers which have been held to be within their respective legislative entries in exclusive fields. It is submitted that the said judgment is erroneous and needs urgent reconsideration, not merely because of its serious impact on our banking system and the regulatory powers of Reserve Bank of India, but also because the judgment is bound to be relied upon and applied again and again in situations where a Central statute and a State law are at cross-purposes and speak in different voices and move in directions. This is a situation which is frequently encountered whenever the Centre and a State are ruled by different political parties. Agricultural Indebtedness — Are Parliament and Reserve Bank Powerless? By S. Ganesh [(2019) 3 SCC (J-54)]
Armed Forces — Service Conditions — Marriage with Foreign National: In this case, appellant Squadron Leader in Air Force sought permission to marry one M holder of Indian passport with Canadian immigrant visa working in Toronto on 27-10-2008. In terms of AFO 14 of 2000 dt. 20-3-2009, Paras 2, 7 to 10 and 16(c), marriage with foreign national cannot be contracted without prior permission to marry and in case no communication was received from Directorate for 120 days there was deemed permission. Policy further stipulated that any violation of mandate would incur possibility of departmental action including dismissal or removal from service. Appellant without waiting for express permission or expiry of 120 days contracted marriage on 19-12-2008. Appellant was invalided out of service w.e.f. 18-11-2009 on medical grounds and consequently ceased to be member of Air Force. There is no restriction/prohibition for contracting marriage with Foreign National after release/retirement from AF and spouse is entitled to all admissible benefits. Hence it was held, no reason to disentitle appellant from said benefits at least after his release from IAF. Respondents also directed to include names of wife and child in service certificate from date of his release and extend to them all such benefits which spouse and children of retired officer would be entitled. [Navtej Singh v. Union of India, (2019) 3 SCC 345]
Civil Procedure Code, 1908 — Or. 44 Rr. 1 & 3 and Or. 33 Rr. 1 and 11 — Appeal as an indigent person: Plaintiff’s application under Or. 33 R. 1 for permission to institute suit as indigent person was dismissed by trial court and in appeal by High Court. In second round of litigation, plaintiff converted his suit into an original suit and also filed another suit for declaration and injunction in relation to subject-matter of first suit, which were clubbed together for trial. Trial court dismissed suits. Application accompanied by memorandum of appeal was filed by plaintiff under Or. 44 R. 1 before High Court stating that he continued to be indigent person. The Supreme Court held that it was maintainable being covered by Or. 33 R. 11 r/w Or. 44 R. 3(2). High Court erred in dismissing the same in view of earlier rejection of application under Or. 33 R. 1. Appellant-plaintiff’s status as indigent person having been declined earlier, he in appeal can state that he is or has become indigent person since date of decree appealed from. In such case inquiry required to be held by court to decide his status under Or. 44 R. 3(2). [Sushil Thomas Abraham v. Skyline Builders, (2019) 3 SCC 415]
Civil Procedure Code, 1908 — S. 100 — Second appeal — Substantial question of law: Interpretation of terms and conditions of documents, held, constitutes substantial question of law. If substantial question(s) of law do arise, then High Court is required to exercise power as per Ss. 100(4) and 100(5) CPC. [Rajendra Lalitkumar Agrawal v. Ratna Ashok Muranjan, (2019) 3 SCC 378]
Constitution of India — Art. 226 — Restoration of writ petition — When warranted: As High Court failed to deal with individual facts pertaining to case of respondents, and merely directed consideration of respondents’ cases in terms of another judgment, impugned judgment set aside and petition restored for disposal afresh. [State of H.P. v. Ganesh Dutt, (2019) 3 SCC 301]
Constitution of India — Arts. 226, 136 and 32 — Habeas corpus — Issuance of, in child custody matters: Essential considerations for issuance of Habeas corpus in child custody matters are, (a) it has to be considered by courts whether custody of child can be said to be unlawful or illegal, and (b) whether welfare of child requires that present custody should be changed and child should be given to care and custody of somebody else. [Kanika Goel v. State (NCT of Delhi), (2019) 3 SCC 336]
Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 — Ss. 378 and 386(a) — Appeal against acquittal — Interference by High Court: High Court should not interfere with order of acquittal merely because two views are possible. Interference of High Court in such cases is governed by well-established principles. According to such principles, it is only where appreciation of evidence by trial court is capricious or its conclusions are without evidence that High Court may reverse an order of acquittal. High Court may be justified in interfering where it finds that order of acquittal is not in accordance with law and that approach of trial court has led to a miscarriage of justice. High Court, however, must be satisfied that incident cannot be explained except on basis of guilt of accused and is inconsistent with their innocence. [Munishamappa v. State of Karnataka, (2019) 3 SCC 393]
Election — Democracy and General Principles — Criminalisation of politics — Need of electoral reforms: Prayers for laying down disqualification of MPs and MLAs against whom charges have been framed for heinous and/or grievous offence(s), and for direction to Election Commission for deregistration, non-renewal of registration or nonregistration of political parties if they associated themselves with persons against whom charges have been framed for heinous and/or grievous offence(s) and/or to disallow a candidate from contesting election on ground that charges have been framed for heinous and/or grievous offence(s), rejected, as laying down of such disqualifications is in the legislative domain. Parliament requested to enact robust law to ensure de-criminalisation of politics and elections. Directions given for manner in which all candidates to reveal their criminal antecedents, if any, to their political parties, during nomination process, and to public at large. [Public Interest Foundation v. Union of India, (2019) 3 SCC 224]
Electricity Act, 2003 — S. 61 r/w S. 181 — Regn. 44.2(d) of MERC (Multi Year Tariff) Regulations, 2011 i.e. a regulation providing for different station heat rate (SHR) for certain thermal generating stations — Validity of: The emphasis in the Tariff Policy is on creating incentives for achieving higher efficiency in order to enable the ultimate consumer to have the benefit of efficient operations. Further, deducing past performance on the basis of historical data, balancing diverse policy objectives and evaluating the comparative weight to be ascribed to the interests of stakeholders is a scientific exercise which is carried out by Commission. It was held that MERC followed the statutory procedures laid down for the determination of tariffs and duly considered the National Tariff Policy, suggestions of stakeholders as well as the assessment carried out by the CPRI Further, a body which is entrusted with the task of framing subordinate legislation has a range of options including policy options and if on an appraisal of all the guiding principles, it has chosen a particular line of logic or rationale, the court ought not to interfere. [Reliance Infrastructure Ltd. v. State of Maharashtra, (2019) 3 SCC 352]
Electronic Evidence: This article traces the interpretation of Section 65-A and Section 65-B of the Evidence Act from State (NCT of Delhi) v. Navjot Sandhu, (2005) 11 SCC 600 to its overruling in Anvar P.V. v. P.K. Basheer, (2014) 10 SCC 473. The article analyses the fallacy in the judgment of the Supreme Court in Anvar P.V. v. P.K. Basheer, (2014) 10 SCC 473  with respect to the interpretation of Section 65-B(4), Evidence Act and points to the need for immediate remedial action. It traces the evolution of interpretation of Section 65-B of the Evidence Act, post-Anvar including the recent judgment of the Supreme Court in Shafhi Mohammad v. State of H.P. (2018) 5 SCC 311, to emphasise the need for revisiting Anvar and Shafhi judgments to correct the erroneous interpretation of Section 65-B(4) of the Evidence Act in both judgments of the Supreme Court. Finally the article also points to the need for urgent legislative review and revisions to Section 65-A and Section 65-B to ease the travails of proving electronic evidence. Electronic Evidence — The Great Indian Quagmire by N.S. Nappinai [(2019) 3 SCC (J-41)]
 Government Grants, Largesse, Public Property and Public Premises — Entitlement/Eligibility criteria — Preference in grant of contract — Entitlement to, if any: In this case, on request made by respondent-petitioner during lifetime of his ailing father, respondent allowed to sell tickets at halt station on behalf of Railways, after expiry of his father’s contract in 2010, does not create any grounds for preference in subsequent selection process. [Union of India v. Mohd. Samim Azad, (2019) 3 SCC 327]
Interpretation of Contracts: This article analyses the case law based upon which the principles of interpretation of contracts have evolved under the Indian law, including the aid of surrounding circumstances and extrinsic evidence. Interpretation of Contracts by Gaurav Pachnanda [(2019) 3 SCC (J-33)]
Legal Inconsistencies In Marital Rape Of Minors: This article is an attempt to address vital legal issues dealing with sexual abuse by a husband against a wife below 18 years of age. It is also interesting to deliberate upon whether provisions under the Criminal Procedure Code to deal with marital rape as a complaint case, especially after enactment of the POCSO Act, is gross violation of child rights for protection against sexual abuse irrespective of her relationship with the perpetrator. Quagmire of A Minor Wife In Filing A Complaint Case by Dr G.K. Goswami and Aditi Goswami [(2019) 3 SCC (J-60)]
 Maharashtra Municipal Councils, Nagar Panchayats and Industrial Townships Act, 1965 (40 of 1965) — S. 9-A and provisos thereto: Proviso to S. 9-A of the Act provided that nomination paper can be filed even in absence of caste certificate if such candidate enclosed true copy of application for caste certificate along with nomination form and undertaking that caste certificate issued by Caste Scrutiny Committee would be submitted within six months from date of election. Second proviso to S. 9-A, provides for retrospective disqualification of such elected member where such member fails to submit caste certificate within six months. These statutory provisions are mandatory in nature. Equities in individual cases not good ground to hold these provisions as directory and holding these provisions directory would negate these provisions. Reintroduction of these provisions in 2012 would indicate legislative intent to be mandatory irrespective of individual hardships. [Shankar v. State of Maharashtra, (2019) 3 SCC 220]
Maharashtra Village Panchayats Act, 1959 (3 of 1959) — S. 35 — No-confidence motion: S. 35(3) clearly indicates requirement of majority of not less than two-third of total number of members who are for the time being entitled to sit and vote. Expression “who are for the time being entitled to sit and vote” cannot be treated as members present and voting. Therefore, number of members who are entitled to sit and vote has to be considered for computing majority. Further, S. 35(3) used words “not less than two-third of the total members present”. Under these conditions, if computation of majority comes with fraction of vote then such fraction needs to be treated as one vote because votes cannot be expressed in fraction. Principle that figure less than 0.5 to be ignored and figure more than 0.5 has to be treated as one is not applicable to language used in S. 35. Thus, two-third of total number of members who are entitled to sit and vote has to be determined on strength of members entitled to vote at a particular time, and not just those present and voting. [Ganesh Sukhdeo Gurule v. Tahsildar, (2019) 3 SCC 211]
Patents Act, 1970 — S. 64 r/w S. 3(j) — Revocation of patent: Summary adjudication on the validity of patent in a civil suit is not permissible, when such suit involves complicated mixed questions of law and facts with regard to patentability and exclusion of patent. [Monsanto Technology LLC v. Nuziveedu Seeds Ltd., (2019) 3 SCC 381]
Penal Code, 1860 — S. 193 r/w Ss. 195 & 348 CrPC — Perjury: Cognizance of offence punishable under S. 193 IPC on basis of private complaint, not permissible. [Narendra Kumar Srivastava v. State of Bihar, (2019) 3 SCC 318]
Penal Code, 1860 — S. 306 — Abetment of suicide: Essential ingredients of offence under S. 306 IPC are abetment and intention of accused to aid or instigate or abet deceased to commit suicide. However, insulting deceased by using abusive language will not, by itself, constitute abetment of suicide. There should be evidence capable of suggesting that accused intended by such act(s) to instigate deceased to commit suicide. Unless ingredients of instigation/abetment to commit suicide are satisfied, accused cannot be convicted under S. 306 IPC. [M. Arjunan v. State, (2019) 3 SCC 315]
Railways Act, 1989 — S. 124-A — Quantum of compensation — Determination of, when the prescribed compensation is revised/raised after the date of accident: The liability will accrue on the date of the accident and the amount applicable as on that date will be the amount recoverable. Compensation will be payable as applicable on the date of the accident with interest as may be considered reasonable from time to time on the same pattern as in accident claim cases. However, if the amount so calculated is less than the amount prescribed as on the date of the award of the Tribunal, the claimant will be entitled to higher of the two amounts. [Union of India v. Radha Yadav, (2019) 3 SCC 410]
Rajasthan Value Added Tax Act, 2003 (4 of 2003) — Entry 56 of Sch. IV r/w Noti. No. F.12(63)FD/Tax/2005-19 dt. 19-4-2006 — Gypsum board: The change of the entry by a conscious decision of the legislature, signified that something more than basic gypsum was sought to be included in the entry by referring to “gypsum in all its forms”. Further, in the gypsum board there were no major chemical changes in gypsum other than dehydration and mixing of additives, so that the paper sheets can be used on both sides i.e. the character of “gypsum” is not changed in the mechanical exercise of converting it into a board — Further, the word “form” is meant to include “visible shape or configuration of something”, and thus there was no reason to exclude gypsum board from the expanded terminology “in all its forms”. Thus, held, the amended Entry 56 of Sch. IV, read as “gypsum in all its forms”, would include “gypsum board” under the term “all its forms”. [CCT v. Lohiya Agencies, (2019) 3 SCC 303]
Rule of law and the doctrine of proportionality: It has been emphasized in this article that for attainment of laudatory principle of the rule of law, which is an essential precept of any modern constitutional theory, doctrine of proportionality plays a vital role. It thereby achieves the cherished democratic values, another basic feature of the Constitution along with the rule of law. Proportionality as a Tool for Advancing Rule of Law by Justice A.K. Sikri [(2019) 3 SCC (J-1)]
Service Law — Recruitment Process — Cancellation of selection: There is no indefeasible right for appointment merely because candidate is found fit on basis of selection. Ordinarily, notification merely amounts to an invitation to qualified candidates to apply for recruitment. Further held, unless relevant recruitment rules so indicate, State is under no legal duly to fill vacancies. However, such decision should not be arbitrary. [State of Manipur v. Takhelmayum Khelendro Meitei, (2019) 3 SCC 331]
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2019 SCC Vol. 3 March 28, 2019 Part 2 published first on https://sanantoniolegal.tumblr.com/
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8 cosas increíbles que seguramente no sabías sobre la lactancia materna
Si has llegado hasta este artículo imagino que será porque o bien, eres curiosa (yo también lo soy) o bien porque estás esperando a tu bebé (o ya lo tienes) y estás buscando todos los beneficios que esto puede otorgaros a ambos.  Sigue leyendo  →  The post  8 cosas increíbles que seguramente no sabías sobre la lactancia materna  appeared first on  Kanikas .
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erkanika01 · 1 year
What are the advantages of off-page SEO
Off-page SEO refers to measures taken outside your website to improve search engine rankings. The outcomes of these efforts will decide how search engines rank your business depending on how other corporations and individual entrepreneurs perceive your brand. Therefore if you want your business to rank higher in search engines, you should hire the best SEO services Ambala. It is all about your social presence, link building, and many other factors not listed on the page.
As a result, off-page SEO informs Google or the search engines about what your website’s audience thinks about your website.
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erkanika01 · 1 year
Er Kanika is the Best SEO Company in Ambala
Er Kanika is the Best SEO Company in Ambala, offering the best SEO Services to enhance your website traffic and ranking online.
Visit: https://erkanika.com/
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erkanika01 · 1 year
Reasons your website needs to receive traffic.
It's hard. Even though you believe you've followed all the necessary steps, your website's traffic statistics suggest otherwise. But the question still stands: Why is your website so rarely visited? In this situation, the best SEO company in India will help you get the answer.
Reasons your website needs to receive traffic.
Your SEO skills need to improve.
Google is the best free traffic source. However, getting your material to the top ten results takes a lot of work. Only the greatest of the best are featured up there.
That implies your content must be of the highest quality. That is the beginning.
Without professional help, your prospects of ranking high in search engines are minimal. A single omission of an essential component can result in very low ranks.
Your backlink profile is messed up.
Backlinks are essential for search engine rankings.
Most pages in the top three or so have high-quality links bringing browsers to them. At the very least, their domain has a lot of authority, which means that their link profile has dozens and dozens of backlinks from the top in their sector.
If you haven't attempted link-building in the past, you probably only have a few backlinks.
for further information, visit:
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erkanika01 · 2 years
Why is keyword research so crucial?
Keyword research is one of the essential pieces of research driving your digital marketing approach. In addition,Seo company in Ambalaidentifies keywords and search subjects through keyword research relevant to your company and corresponds with what your ideal customers are searching for on Google. So connecting with thebest SEO company in Ambalais essential.
It improves SEO.
Keyword research is essential for SEO. It enables you to discover the particular terms and phrases people use when searching for products and services similar to yours, which might drive traffic to your website.
You will be able to design an SEO plan that helps you to incorporate the best and most relevant words and phrases into your website content if you undertake successful keyword research.
It improves webpage performance.
Google search, Images, and Maps account for 92.96% of global traffic. In addition, 68% of internet experiences begin with a search engine. If you genuinely desire website traffic, you must harness the power of search.
The amount of traffic you receive is determined by the popularity of your keywords. 60.67% of searches are attributed to 0.16% of the most popular keywords.
It enhances customer comprehension.
“There is your audience. There is the language. There are the words they use”. — Eugene Schwartz
So understanding your clients and their demands is essential for doing excellent business and building loyalty. Making an effort helps you to provide personalised and value-added experiences that drive engagement and meet your goals. And Seo company in Ambalawill help you in achieving that goal.
The search history of a person provides qualitative information about their life. Google is frequently utilized to ask our most sensitive questions — questions we would never ask our friends.
It develops your value proposition.
Your value proposition is at the heart of your company. It is the reason why a customer should choose you over another organization. So you must hire thebest SEO company in Ambala.
Keyword research will assist you in carving out or improving your value proposition. It focuses on people’s desires based on the topics they search for and the questions they ask.
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erkanika01 · 1 year
best WordPress development services in Ambala
Er Kanika is one of the best WordPress development services in Ambala, helping you raise sales, brand exposure, and so on. You can learn more about our services by visiting our website.
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erkanika01 · 1 year
Why do you need a wordpress development company for your business?
Nothing beats the WordPress platform when it comes to writing a blog or creating a visually appealing company website. It is the most popular CMS among website development services since it allows for simple and quick website construction. The main reason is that this CMS has numerous themes, plugins, templates, and websites that can be easily and quickly modified to meet the requirements at any moment. Furthermore, it is jam-packed with unique features that provide an excellent end-user experience.
Now let us discuss the main advantages of hiring a WordPress development company in Ambala:
Create a Brand Identity
WordPress specialists have extensive knowledge, competence, experience, and a strong understanding of the brand. They understand the critical parts of developing a website that can transform your company into a brand that attracts user attention. Furthermore, a professional web development business will guarantee that uniformity is maintained throughout your website's interface. Each piece of your site design will successfully represent and deliver your brand message to your visitors.
Technical Support
If you lack technical skills, you should not be concerned because hiring a WordPress Development Company in Ambala is the ideal option. The team of experts will provide you with all the technical assistance necessary to create a website free of errors. 
24 x 7 Support
An ongoing process goes into designing and creating a high-quality website. You receive 24/7 technical support when you hire a WordPress development business. The development staff typically works in shifts, enabling it to provide clients with round-the-clock service. You can let the firm you hired know if you experience any technical problems, and they will make sure it is fixed as soon as possible.
Security and maintenance
Hiring a web development company ensures that your website will have safe and effective security and outstanding upkeep. Your website is maintained and fixed by a team of committed employees.
Web Analytics
You can monitor every action affecting the performance of your website with web analytics. WordPress programmers will recognize trouble areas and promptly fix the issue. This leads to improved user experience, greater ROI, and performance improvements. The data from web analytics enables you to streamline business processes and produce outcomes in line with consumer demand.
Er Kanika is one of the best WordPress development services in Ambala, helping you raise sales, brand exposure, and so on. You can learn more about our services by visiting our website.
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erkanika01 · 1 year
4 Main Types of Digital Marketing
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Promoting brands utilizing the internet and other digital communication to engage with potential customers is known as digital marketing, also referred to as online marketing. This comprises text and multimedia messaging as a marketing channel, email, social media, and web-based advertising. If you are a firm that needs online marketing to grow your business, then a digital marketing agency can help you.
Types of Digital Marketing
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
SEO aims to improve a company's ranking in Google search results, increasing search engine traffic to the company's website. To do this, SEO marketers investigate the words and phrases consumers use to search for information online and include those terms in their content.
Email Marketing
Email marketing is the practice of delivering marketing and promotional information to clients' email inboxes regularly. It's a simple way to reach customers with promotional and informational messages, and it's especially popular among retailers.
Social Media Marketing
This encompasses everything a company does on social media. Although almost everyone is familiar with social media, marketers must tackle it in an integrated and planned manner. Social media marketing entails much more than merely posting to social channels and responding to comments.
Pay-per-click advertising/search engine marketing
SEM, or search engine marketing, refers to paid adverts at the top of search engine results pages. The cost of these advertisements is often determined by the number of clicks the link receives, hence the term "pay-per-click."
When you pay for these top SERP positions, the label "Ad" will appear next to your URL. Even though consumers know that these are advertisements, many still click on these links, which may be a very effective digital marketing technique.
How digital marketing is essential for better reach
Nowadays, many individuals use the internet to pass their time. They are searching the internet for your stuff while doing so. Maximizing your internet presence is essential to advantage of this large audience base. Digital marketing enters the picture in this situation. Reaching the appropriate audience at the right moment is the foundation of digital marketing. Therefore, one must first build a compelling online store with simple navigation to increase audience reach.
Er Kanika is the best digital marketing company in India that will work with various result-oriented strategies to help your business grow. You can visit our website to learn more.
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erkanika01 · 1 year
Er Kanika is the best seo service company in Ambala, India. We offer affordable SEO services that guarantee potential leads to improve search visibility on your website. Our SEO strategies ensure that your website experiences better traffic and better results in terms of reaching potential customers. To learn more about our capabilities and how we can help you achieve success with SEO, please visit our website today!
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erkanika01 · 2 years
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erkanika01 · 2 years
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