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Enerhodar (c) Natalia Leschenko @natashale777  
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that-is-who-you-are · 2 years
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Very informative thread about what will happen if the rushists follow through on their threats to blow up Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant.
Please read the original thread, it has so much more details and consequences.
A think it can be translated by Twitter? But I'll just translate a few points from there:
« 1.Forget about Chornobyl', there was one block. If the nuclear power plant, which the russians clearly mined very carefully, goes up in the air, the consequences will be many times worse. there was one reactor. There are 6 of them at the ZNPP.
2. Let's start with the fact that it will not be possible to immediately deal with the consequences. The nuclear power plant is occupied,russia will not allow us or the IAEA to go there, nor will it send its own to patch it up. that is, we will have a broken nuclear plant and no possibility to close it.
3. The staff won't help as they will most likely get blown up or be unable to repair anything due to radiation leaks. therefore, we proceed from the fact that we have a distributed nuclear power plant, from which there is a constant output of: 1) radioactive fuel. 2) radioactive isotopes. 3) graphite.
4. Pollution goes in two ways. the first - by air. it is the air that will carry the worst - isotopes and volatile substances. I think there is no need to explain that it is almost impossible to protect yourself from this. everything will depend on fate, since we do not know which way the wind is blowing.
5. The second and maybe the worst. water pollution radioactive fuel flows and underground water. and most likely in Dnipro. the design capacity of the Chornobyl' NPP is 6,000 MW, the same as that of the ZNPP. however, the Chornobyl' NPP was in operation for 15 years, and the ZNPP - 37. imagine how many times more nuclear fuel there is.
6. But that's not all) rivers flow not only into the seas. rivers, together with underground waters, moisten the lands of Ukraine. as a result, most of Ukraine's land will be polluted and unsuitable for production. any.
7. Most likely, all of Ukraine will be polluted in one way or another. yes, to varying degrees, but it will not escape our neighbors either. if the ENTIRE station actually takes off, then most likely the whole continent will be fucked.»
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garland-on-thy-brow · 2 years
The russian military keeps shelling Zaporizhzhya NPP
The invaders shelled the nuclear power plant site yet again, hitting quite close to the first power unit.
They damaged the domestic wastewater station. Extensive smoke contamination was recorded nearby.
The situation is getting worse, given radiation sources are located nearby as well as several radiation sensors have been damaged.
- Enerhoatom
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chrysocomae · 2 years
‘Crazy things are happening’: life in occupied Ukrainian nuclear city
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Olexander lives in Enerhodar – a satellite city for the Zaporizhzhia power station where he used to work. An accident or artillery attack are constant fears.
I dedicated my life to nuclear power and have always been proud to be part of it. For many people like me, the Zaporizhzhia plant is our pride and destiny. There are six powerful units, about half of the capacity of all Ukrainian nuclear plants and a quarter of the country’s entire energy sector. Before the war, 11,000 people worked here.
More than 50,000 people live in Enerhodar. We have been living under occupation for almost six months. It’s like a double occupation – the city and the nuclear plant have been captured.
Our faith is constantly being tested. Ten days ago, we were sure that the city and the inhabitants would not suffer. But there are already wounded from the shelling at the station. There are already victims in the city.
The station and the city are almost a single whole, because these are places where people work and live. The station continues its struggle for existence. It is full of Russian military vehicles and soldiers. Only two power units are in operation, not at full capacity. Salaries are being paid. Many employees work remotely.
In the nuclear industry, we investigate any deviation in the operation of equipment or a mistake of personnel. Corrective actions have to be taken after that. Now such crazy things are happening at the station, such as the delivery of military equipment to the turbine halls of power units, damage to equipment as a result of shelling the station’s territory, and even, according to some information, the mining of the building.
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A Russian serviceman on guard at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power station in south-east Ukraine. Photograph: AP
There were reports of people being kidnapped, including station workers. It’s hard to describe the feeling when you read about the kidnapping of a person you know personally.
The situation changed dramatically 10 days ago, when the Russians began firing at the station and the outskirts of the city. They hit a high-voltage line, buildings on the station territory, and the spent nuclear fuel storage. The city was left without electricity for several hours.
Since then, every day and every night we hear the roar of artillery salvos. Sometimes the Russians drive their artillery so close that it sounds like shooting in a neighbouring yard. Window glasses tremble. It feels like the whole house is shaking. Even those who do not believe in God pray for their salvation. Sometimes it happens in the middle of night. An ordinary person cannot distinguish the sounds of an artillery salvo and a shell burst. Therefore, every time it seems that this is an explosion and the next projectile will hit your house.
We know that they are hitting the opposite bank of the Dnieper – the cities of Nikopol and Marganets. A few seconds after the first salvo, an alert is activated in Telegram channels – get to a shelter! Someone is trying to save people day and night. In the morning we read how many houses were destroyed and how many people were killed and injured. For many years these cities perceived our nuclear plant as a source of mortal danger. Now real death is flying from us to them. We can only commiserate with them.
Enerhodar is a young city. We love and are proud of it. Now it seems to be seriously ill. Kindergartens and schools were closed immediately after the invasion. Although boys play basketball every day on the playground in front of the school, children’s voices on the street are heard less and less. This is a city of disappearing children.
The occupying authorities, which I, fortunately, do not encounter, force people to write prices in hryvnias and rubles. I do not understand where the rubles come from here, except for those that were distributed to some pensioners. Maybe it’s an important part of their reports to Moscow.
There is cold and hot water and electricity in the city. In this regard, we have always been under protection of the nuclear plant. Instead of three mobile operators, a Russian “no name” one appeared, using local equipment. Several internet providers have been restored but the traffic passes through Russia, with all Russian internet bans and limitations.
Doctors at the hospital are receiving salaries but, as far as I know, there are huge problems with medicines. It is better not to get sick at this time.
Here we also have the Zaporizhzhia thermal power plant, the largest in Ukraine. It was shut down due to damage to the railway bridge and the impossibility of delivering coal.
All billboards in the city are used for Russian propaganda – covered in quotes from Putin and phrases about one people – Russian and Ukrainian. Before that, portraits of Soviet generals from the second world war and heroes of the Soviet Union hung there. People pass by indifferently.
Russian flags hang over the city hall and elsewhere, although faded ones.
People are leaving the city. I often notice that someone from my apartment block has not been seen for a long time. In any case, everyone is trying to send children and wives to the unoccupied territory or abroad. Two days ago, my neighbour could not stand it and evacuated his children. You can struggle against your own fear but it is impossible to fight fear in the eyes of your children.
It is possible to exit the city, but just a week ago, at the checkpoint in Vasilievka, where the line of demarcation runs, there was a queue of thousands of cars from various occupied regions and people stood there for several days.
Men stay. Most of them perceive work at the nuclear plant as their duty. Nuclear power workers in Ukraine are legally exempt from conscription, so it’s like their military service. But all the same, staff members are leaving, including operational ones.
Despite everything, we continue to believe that all this will end soon. As long as we believe, the station continues to work, and the city continues to live.
- Source: The Guardian, 19 August 2022
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globalcourant · 2 years
IAEA mission arrives in Ukraine's Zaporizhzhia for inspections at nuclear power plant
IAEA mission arrives in Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia for inspections at nuclear power plant
ZAPORIZHZHIA, Ukraine A mission from the UN’s nuclear watchdog arrived in the southern Zaporizhzhia city of Ukraine on Wednesday to inspect Europe’s largest nuclear power plant.  The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) team, headed by IAEA Director-General Rafael Mariano Grossi, arrived in the city center of Zaporizhzhia, controlled by the Ukrainian army. Speaking to reporters in a hotel,…
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dcoglobalnews · 2 years
L’Ukraine et la Russie échangent la responsabilité d’une panne de courant à la centrale nucléaire de Zaporizhzhia, qui marque la première fois que la plus grande centrale nucléaire d’Europe est déconnectée du réseau national ukrainien. Les dégâts ont été causés par des incendies qui, selon l’agence nucléaire ukrainienne Energoatom, ont interféré avec les lignes électriques reliant la centrale…
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prayagraj · 2 years
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#Russian-installed officials in occupied areas of #Ukraine's #Zaporizhzhia region said #Ukrainian forces were shelling the city of #Enerhodar, where the Zaporizhzhia #Nuclear power plant, #Europe's largest, is located https://www.instagram.com/p/ChV3SZjvfvg/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gwydionmisha · 2 years
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signdesign · 2 months
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Enerhodar, Ukraine
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Enerhoatom (National Nuclear Energy Generating Company of Ukraine):
The russian military keep committing acts of nuclear terrorism at the seized ZNPP
Yesterday evening, August 6, 2022, the russian occupiers once again fired rockets at the site of the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant and the town of Enerhodar. They hit the ZNPP site directly next to the on-site Dry Spent Fuel Storage Facility (DSFSF).
Apparently, they aimed specifically at the casks with spent fuel, which are stored in the open near the site of shelling. Currently, there are 174 casks there, each containing 24 assemblies of spent nuclear fuel!
Three radiation monitoring detectors around the ZNPP DSFSF site were damaged due to hostile rocket attacks. Therefore, timely detection and response in case of aggravation of the radiation situation or leakage of radiation from spent nuclear fuel casks are currently impossible.
About 800 square meters of window surfaces in various power plant buildings were damaged due to numerous small fragments from the explosions.
One ZNPP employee was hospitalized with shrapnel wounds caused by the explosion. All the russian military, of whom up to 500 people have been at the ZNPP site since the day of its capture, as well as the personnel of the terrorist Rosatom, sheltered in advance in the bunkers of the plant’s crisis center and technical support center.
The russian military also fired near the site of the Building structures plant and at the water intake station of Enerhodar.
This time a nuclear catastrophe was miraculously avoided, but miracles cannot last forever. The actions of russian nuclear terrorists must be urgently put to an end in order to protect Ukraine and the world from a nuclear disaster. Therefore, we once again stress the need for the urgent withdrawal of the armed russian troops from the site of the civilian nuclear facility of Ukraine – ZNNP – and the establishment of a demilitarized zone at the site of the largest in Europe Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant!
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that-is-who-you-are · 2 years
Nuclear terrorism at work: the russian military have declared their readiness to blow up the mined Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant.
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The russians make no secret of their plans and already openly blackmail the whole world, declaring the Zaporizhzhia NPP mine planting and their readiness to blow it up.
In his statement today, the head of the radiation, chemical and biological defense forces of the russian federation, major general valeriy vasyliev, who currently commands the garrison of the ZNPP, said «there will be either russian land or a scorched desert».
«As you know, we have planted mines in all the important facilities of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. And we do not hide this from the enemy. We warned them. The enemy knows that the plant will be either russian – or no one's. We are ready for the consequences of this step. And you, warriors – liberators should understand that there is no other option. And in case of receiving the most severe order, we must fulfill it with honor!»
Earlier, the representative of the press service of the Main Intelligence Department of the Ministry of Defense Andriy Yusov reported that the department has confirmed information about the mining of the ZNPP power units by russian troops.
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alcestas-sloboda · 1 year
i really am just thinking about cities I’ve never been to in my life.
Bucha. Irpin‘. Mariupol‘. Bakhmut. Severodonetsk. Izium. Kupyansk. Lyman. Soledar. Enerhodar. Avdiivka.
about people I’ve never met.
old man with groceries shot by russians on the main square of Bucha. two-month-old baby from Odesa that died with her mother and grandmother under the rubble. little Liza from Vinnytsia. dog Krym crying on the remains of his home and owners. soldiers with Ukrainian bracelet found in the mass grave in Izium. all of the people who were killed by a bomb thrown onto Drama Theatre in Mariupol. whoever was screaming under the debris in Dnipro. the kids that died of starvation or dehydration. boys and girls, men and women from different regiments, brigades, battalions who lost their lives defending mine. those whom I would never be able to unfollow even knowing that I will never see a new post from them.
about all of that.
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leeenuu · 2 years
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Ukrainian soldiers gathering Russian flags to dispose of in the town of Lyman, the day after they retook it, on Sunday, October 2, 2022. (Nicole Tung/The New York Times)
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Tatiana, who did not want to give her last name, pulls a hand cart loaded with squashes on the outskirts of the recaptured town of Lyman, Ukraine, Friday, October 7, 2022. Tatiana's home was damaged during a Russian attack while she and her daughter were inside, and she is now rebuilding. She has been wearing the pants and jackets of Russian soldiers, she said, "because all my stuff was destroyed."(AP Photo/Justin Spike)
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Local residents collect firewood from abandoned blindages of the Russian army to heat their homes, as they have no electricity, water and gas in the town of Izium, recently liberated by Ukrainian Armed Forces, in Kharkiv region, Ukraine, Sunday, September 25, 2022. (REUTERS/Gleb Garanich)
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A service member of Ukraine's National Guard stands at a destroyed bridge over the Siverskyi Donets river, in the town of Sviatohirsk, Donetsk region, Ukraine, Saturday, October 1, 2022. (REUTERS/Vladyslav Musiienko)
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A local woman carries a bag with food given by Ukrainian volunteers in recently retaken Pidlyman village, east Ukraine, Friday, October 7, 2022. (AP Photo/Francisco Seco)
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Smoke rises after big explosions in Kharkiv, Ukraine, early Saturday, October 8, 2022. (AP Photo/Francisco Seco)
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A Ukrainian serviceman walks over debris in a heavily damaged school at the recaptured town of Lyman, Ukraine, Wednesday, October 5, 2022. (AP Photo/Leo Correa)
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Serhiy Shvets, an employee at Europe's largest Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, talks to the Associated Press in his apartment in Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine, Thursday, September 22, 2022. Shvets is among workers from the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant recounting their fears of being abducted and tortured or killed by Russian forces occupying the facility and the city of Enerhodar. (AP Photo/Hanna Arhirova)
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A view shows destroyed Russian tanks and armored vehicles in the recently liberated town of Lyman, Donetsk region, Ukraine, Wednesday, October 5, 2022. (REUTERS/Zohra Bensemra)
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Ukrainian soldiers sit on an armoured vehicle as they drive on a road between Izium and Lyman in Ukraine, Tuesday, October 4, 2022. (AP Photo/Francisco Seco)
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globalcourant · 2 years
IAEA mission arrives in Ukraine's Zaporizhzhia for inspections at nuclear power plant
IAEA mission arrives in Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia for inspections at nuclear power plant
ZAPORIZHZHIA, Ukraine A mission from the UN’s nuclear watchdog arrived in the southern Zaporizhzhia city of Ukraine on Wednesday to inspect Europe’s largest nuclear power plant.  The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) team, headed by IAEA Director-General Rafael Mariano Grossi, arrived in the city center of Zaporizhzhia, controlled by the Ukrainian army. Speaking to reporters in a hotel,…
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dcoglobalnews · 2 years
Ukraine and Russia are trading blame over a power outage at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant, which marks the first time Europe’s largest nuclear station has been disconnected from Ukraine’s national grid. The damage was caused by fires that Ukraine’s state nuclear agency Energoatom said had interfered with power lines connecting the plant on Thursday, temporarily cutting Zaporizhzhia off from the…
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ukrainenews · 2 years
Daily Wrap Up October 3, 2022
Under the cut:
The head of the Russian-occupied Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in Ukraine has been released, according to the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Rafael Grossi
Ukrainian forces have broken through Russia's defences in the south of the country while expanding their rapid offensive in the east, seizing back more territory in areas annexed by Moscow and threatening supply lines for Russian troops.
Russia no longer has full control of any of the four provinces of Ukraine it says it annexed last week after Ukrainian troops reportedly advanced dozens of kilometres in Kherson province in the south of the country and made additional gains in the east.
According to a joint investigation by Associated Press and PBS, Russia has run an operation using falsified documents to steal Ukrainian grain worth at least $530 million.
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(Map source)
“The head of the Russian-occupied Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in Ukraine has been released, according to the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Rafael Grossi.
Ihor Murashov, the director general of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, has returned to his family safely, Grossi wrote on Twitter.
Murashov was detained on Friday by a Russian patrol as he travelled from the Zaporizhzhia plant to the town of Enerhodar, where many of the plant’s staff live, according to the state-owned company in charge of the plant.
The head of Energoatom, Petro Kotin, said in a statement:
He was taken out of the car, and with his eyes blindfolded he was driven in an unknown direction,
The IAEA later confirmed it had been in contact with “the relevant authorities” without mentioning Russia by name and said it had been informed that Murashov was in “temporary detention”.
Murashov’s detention “has an immediate and serious impact on decision-making in ensuring the safety and security of the plant”, the UN nuclear watchdog said on Saturday.”-via The Guardian
“Ukrainian forces have broken through Russia's defences in the south of the country while expanding their rapid offensive in the east, seizing back more territory in areas annexed by Moscow and threatening supply lines for Russian troops.
Making their biggest breakthrough in the south since the war began, Ukrainian forces recaptured several villages in an advance along the strategic Dnipro River on Monday, Ukrainian officials and a Russian-installed leader in the area said.
The southern breakthrough mirrors recent Ukrainian advances in the east even as Moscow has tried to raise the stakes by annexing land, ordering mobilisation, and threatening nuclear retaliation.
Ukraine has now made significant advances in two of the four Russian-occupied regions Moscow last week annexed after what it called referendums - votes that were denounced by Kyiv and Western governments as illegal and coercive.
In a sign Ukraine is building momentum on the eastern front, Reuters saw columns of Ukrainian military vehicles heading on Monday to reinforce rail hub Lyman, retaken at the weekend, and a staging post to press into the Donbas region.
President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said Ukraine's army had seized back towns in a number of areas, without providing details.
"New population centres have been liberated in several regions. Heavy fighting is going on on several sectors of the front," Zelenskiy said in a video address.
Serhiy Gaidai, the governor of Luhansk - one of two regions that make up the Donbas - said Russian forces had taken over a psychiatric hospital in the town of Svatovo, a target en route to recapturing the major cities of Lysychansk and Sivierodonetsk.
"There is quite a network of underground rooms in the building and they have taken up defensive positions," he told Ukrainian television. "This might be an understandable tactic, but it won't save them."
In the south, Ukrainian troops recaptured the town of Dudchany along the west bank of the Dnipro River, which bisects the country, Vladimir Saldi, the Russian-installed leader in occupied parts of Ukraine's Kherson province, told Russian state television.
"There are settlements that are occupied by Ukrainian forces," Saldi said.
Dudchany is around 30 km (20 miles) south of where the front stood before Monday's breakthrough, indicating the fastest advance of the war so far in the south. Russian forces there had been dug into heavily reinforced positions along a mainly static front line since the early weeks of the invasion.
While Kyiv has yet to give a full account of the developments, Ukrainian military and regional officials did release some details.
Soldiers from Ukraine's 128th Mountain Assault Brigade raised the country's blue and yellow flag in Myrolyubivka, a village between the former front and the Dnipro, according to a video released by the Defence Ministry.
Serhiy Khlan, a Kherson regional council member, also listed four other villages recaptured or where Ukrainian troops had been photographed.
"It means that our armed forces are moving powerfully along the banks of the Dnipro nearer to Beryslav," he said.”
-via Reuters
Russia no longer has full control of any of the four provinces of Ukraine it says it annexed last week after Ukrainian troops reportedly advanced dozens of kilometres in Kherson province in the south of the country and made additional gains in the east.
On Monday, the Russian military acknowledged that Kyiv’s forces had broken through in the Kherson region. It said the Ukrainian army and its “superior tank units” had managed to “penetrate the depths of our defence” around the villages of Zoltaya Balka and Alexsandrovka.
The ministry of defence spokesperson Igor Konashenkov said Russian troops had occupied what he called a “pre-prepared defensive line”. They continued to “inflict massive fire damage” on Ukrainian forces, he claimed.
His comments are an admission that Ukraine’s southern counter-offensive is dramatically gaining pace, two months after it began. Ukrainian brigades appear to have achieved their biggest breakthrough in the region since the war started, bursting through the frontline and advancing rapidly along the Dnieper River.
Kyiv gave no official confirmation of the gains. Russian sources acknowledged that the Ukrainian tank offensive had moved along the river’s west bank, recapturing a number of villages along the way, and threatening the supply lines for thousands of marooned Russian troops.
-via The Guardian
“According to a joint investigation by Associated Press and PBS, Russia has run an operation using falsified documents to steal Ukrainian grain worth at least $530 million.
The AP and PBS used satellite imagery and marine radio transponder data to track three dozen ships making more than 50 voyages carrying grain from Russian-occupied Ukrainian ports to the Middle East.
According to the investigation, the "massive smuggling operation" is being carried out by businessmen and state-owned companies in Russia and Syria. Some already face economic sanctions from the U.S. and the EU.
Russia has been systematically stealing Ukrainian grain trapped in territories occupied by Russia. The Kremlin had also blocked Ukrainian ports to prevent Kyiv from exporting its grain.
After the looming global food crisis drew attention to Russia's grain blockade, Kyiv and Moscow, on July 22, signed agreements to resume exports of Ukrainian grain through the Black Sea.
Since July, Ukraine has been able to ship around 5 million metric tons of grain.”-via Kyiv Independent
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