#Elena Rocio Ortiz
dneurin · 2 years
El desayuno (Film, short version) - Miguel Casco from Miguel Ángel Casco on Vimeo.
Largometraje / Performance / Videoarte Miguel Casco en colaboración con Hekatombe Producción Artística
Catorce personas habitan su propia piel para atestiguar el amanecer y compartir sus cuerpxs mientras el sol naciente ilumina el espacio. La interacción se suscita entre ellxs y la premisa principal es celebrar la vida, honrar la libertad y el disfrute. El Desayuno invita a abrazar la desnudez y entrar en sintonía con la naturaleza.
D I R E C C I Ó N Miguel Casco
D I R E C C I Ó N E S C É N I C A Andrea Garay
D I R E C C I Ó N C O R E O G R Á F I C A Sebastián Santamaría
D I R E C C I Ó N E J E C U T I V A Catalina Navarrete
R E P A R T O Mar Castañedo Mónica Colin Marlene Coronel Mariana Domenech Jimena González Aileen Kent Carlos Nunez José Francisco Ordóñez Luis Ortega José Ortiz Baruk Serna
V I D E O Alan Espinosa Erik Jonguitud Michel Trevilla F O T O G R A F Í A Alejandra Edwards David Flores Rubio
M Ú S I C A Sebastián Lechuga (Intro, Oscuridad, Ofrenda y Desayuno) Alejandro Preisser (Locura, Descenso, Claridad y Outro)
E D I C I Ó N D E V I D E O Miguel Casco Erik Jonguitud
D I S E Ñ O F L O R A L Alejandra Velasco
M U S I C A L I Z A C I Ó N E N V I V O Jail Less
E Q U I P O T É C N I C O Humberto C. Cáceres Heber Leonidez Elena Manero Ehécatl Moreno María Naidich Alfonso Pérez Yair Ramírez
P R O Y E C T O R E A L I Z A D O C O N E L A P O Y O D E Etna M. Arroyo, Jacobo M. Casco, Patricia Almada, Luis Antonio Garay, Elsa Hernández, Carlos Navarrete, Rocio Barajas, Carlos Santamaría, José María Macías, Andrés Castañeda, César Meza, Enrique Ajuria, Susana Tovar, Valeria Casco, Luis Antonio Casco, Heleni Castro, Óliver Victoria, Andrea Ayala, Andrea Anderson, Indira Zamora, Roberto González, Andrés Piña, Rafael Hernández, David C. Parra, Youtaek Hwang, Eduardo Palacio, Remi Cárdenas, Rogelio Toledo, Ross Romero, Isabella de la Mora, Tabaré Arroyo, Yair Ramírez, Luis Almada, Omar Cobos, Silvana Larrea, Raffaela Schiavon, Isabel Vieitez, Rebeca Zequera, Leonardo Galicia, Mark Feldmann, Francisco Saldívar, José Francisco Ordóñez, Neil Haidorfer, Bárbara Huerta, Adriana Degetau, Tere Sáenz, Chloe Estes, Fernando Almazán, Gina Guzmán, Mariano Nava, Rubén Ojeda, Diego Ortiz, Santi San Martin, Carlos Santamaría Barajas, José Funcia, Malimna Etnegorozka, Pablo P. Caro, Gabriela Chávez, Gabriel Picazo, Rubén Torres, Roberto Praxedis, Luis Pérez, Jeannette Betancourt, Elena Manero, Ma. Ceci Cuesta, Humberto Schiavon, Celeste Bejarano, Mario Montes & David Martínez.
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lilyshadowwriter · 3 years
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Isaac and Augustus retrieved their backpacks from their lockers and together, leisurely made their way to their respective classes. As they walked they chatted easily about how their mornings went, lamenting the amount of homework they had, and then laughing at the stupid ideas they had about how to get out of it, which ranged from feigning illiteracy to claiming that their little sibling’s chameleon had consumed it (an admittedly plausible excuse for Augustus—though Tobias would kill him if he allowed Spectrum to eat paper).
“Mm, you know, I really like these cookies. What kind are they anyway?” Augustus curiously asked after finishing his second.
“Dulce de leche with chocolate chips,” Isaac answered. He surprised Gus then by abruptly bumping his shoulder and directing him around the corner and into a secluded dead end where the door to the maintenance closet stood.
Augustus was about to inquire what he was doing when Isaac wrapped his arms around him and pressed him into the wall, his face hidden in Gus’ shoulder and his body pinning him in place. The act made every inch of Gus’ skin feel as though it had ignited, his heart thrumming so noticeably that for a split, irrational second he thought the sound of it would give them away.
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Campeonato de España (Badajoz) FEFF (resultados)
Campeonato de España de resultados (Badajoz) FEFF biomarcadores , evento celebrado los días 14 y 15 de octubre en IFEBA en Badajoz.
Campeonato de España (Badajoz) FEFF 2017 Master Classic culturismo resultados
1. Manuel Sanchez Mira (Comunidad Valenciana) (5)
2. Antonio Hernandez Parra (Murcia) (8)
3. Juan Francisco Rojas García (Comunidad de Madrid) (2)
4. Pedro Fuentes Crespo (Castilla y León) (6)
5. Plumas redondas de Vicenç (Katalonia) (7)
6. Ramón Fallas Berrocal (Katalonia) (3)
. Jordi Valls (Katalonien) (4)
Bodyfitness Senior hasta 158 cm
1. Anabel Da Cruz Valenzuela (Katalonia) (98)
2. Meire Alves Da Silva (Katalonia) (102)
3. Rocío Ibáñez García (La Rioja) (88)
4 Sarah-Ashleigh Baker (Andalucía) (93)
5. Lucia Castillo Sanchez (Comunidad de Madrid) (109)
6. Maria Isabel Fernandez Fernandez (Galicia) (119)
. Alba Brox García (Comunidad de Madrid) (110)
Bodyfitness senior exige 163 cm
1. Elena Eulalia Ordoñez Mendez (Extremadura) (104)
2. Zaira Serrano Alama (Andalucía) (92)
3. Anna Ferrer Flos (Cataluña) (89)
4. Iune Gonzalez Ojembarrena (Cataluña) (118)
5. Rafaela Silva (Cataluña) (115)
6. Isabel Mendiola Torrón (Madrid en su totalidad) (99)
. Sara Rodríguez Berza (Galicia) (96)
. Montserrat Celaya Ramírez (Katalonia) (100)
. Cristina Rodriguez Olmos (Comunidad Valenciana) (103)
. Nuria Sans Roselló (Katalonien) (105)
. BegoñGarcia Villarraco (Comunidad Valenciana) (107)
. Luisa Gil Serrato (Baleares) (108)
. Mirian Ramos Caceres (Andalucía) (118)
Bodyfitness Senior hasta 168 cm
1. Marisa Lobato Gutierrez (Andalusia) (114)
2. Marina Navas Campaña (Comunidad de Madrid) (120)
3. Laura Benasques Borau (Katalonia) (122)
4. Mihaela Loredana Caiuteanu (Canarias) (116)
5. Pino Leon Yamila (Canarias) (94)
6. Guadalupe Quiles Robles (Comunidad Valenciana) (95)
. Silvia Tambo Arizcure (Comunidad de Madrid) (97)
Bodyfitness Senior plus 168 cm
1. Raquel Arranz Fernandez (Galicia) (117)
2. Sjoukje Van Der Heide (Andalucía) (112)
3. Helena Castro Roman (Andalucía) (90)
4. Montserrat Celaya Ramírez (Katalonia) (101)
5. Veronica Martin Martin (Comunidad de Madrid) (91)
6. Soraya Alvarez Peñuela (Asturia) (106)
. Sonia Trapero Burgos (La Rioja) (121)
Campeón absoluto de bodyfitness
Raquel Arranz Fernandez (Galicia) (117)
Bikini Fitness Junior
1. Elena Maria López Baena (Andalucía) (12)
2. Rocio Araujo Carrasco (Asturias) (20)
3. Sonia Bierge De Juan (Cataluña) (18)
4. Rosa Lopez Alamo (Andalucía) (11)
5. Tatiana Mompean Guillen (Comunidad Valenciana) (21)
6. Georgina Rivas Vilanova (Katalonien) (15)
. Ana Amante Gregorio (Murcia) (9)
. Paola García CéSpedes (Andalusia) (10)
. Raquel Frias Martinez (Cataluña) (13)
. Estefania Robles Rodriguez (Comunidad Valenciana) (14)
. Pilar Fernandez Jaen (Extremadura) (16)
. belén Gutiérrez Martín (Castilla y León) (17)
. Raquel Gonzalez Adan (Canarias) (19)
Bikini Fitness Master hasta 163 cm
1. Sonia Rodriguez Martin (Cataluña) (131)
2. Rebeca Mena Serrano (Cataluña) (129)
3. Kamila Pardamcova (Andalucía) (140)
4. Rocio Pedrero Rivera (Andalusia) (128)
5. Tamara Iglesias Elvira (Comunidad de Madrid) (139)
6. Gloria Borregales Simancas (Comunidad de Madrid) (127)
. Karina Balladares De Larramendi (Galicia) (130)
. Irene Carrasco Rojas (Euskadi) (133)
. Maria Del Rosario Guillen (Murcia) (136)
Bikini Fitness Master plus 163 cm
1. Valeria Noel Britos (Cataluña) (132)
2. Sandra Cortés Román (Cataluña) (138)
3. Rocio Feria González (Andalucía) (135)
4. Sarahy Gonzalez Hernandez (Canarias) (137)
5. Raquel Heras Bohajar (Comunidad Valenciana) (143)
6. Sonia Gomez Baeza (Galicia) (125)
. Marta Guijaro Rojas (Comunidad de Madrid) (126)
. Vanesa Carrera Pérez (Euskadi) (134)
. Irene Ibañez Martin (Comunidad de Madrid) (141)
. Marzo Verónica Vilas Faggiotto (Andalucía) (142)
. Virginia Borrego Fernandez (Andalucía) (144)
El maestro absoluto de Bikini Fitness Master
Valeria Noel Britos (Cataluña) (132)
padre físico masculino hasta 170 cm
1. Alejandro Cerrejón Torrano (Murcia) (33)
2. Julián Francisco Marín Celdran (Murcia) (53)
3. Juan Guillermo Ballesteros Cebrian (Andalusia) (73)
4. Michael Anthony Bosca Sanchez (Cataluña) (36)
5. Jonathan Alvarez Rodriguez (Asturias) (30)
6. Joel Nogal Fernández (Comunidad de Madrid) (74)
. Jose Antonio Afonso Luis (Canarias) (23)
. Aitor Alfonso Vivas (Euskadi) (25)
. Antonio Fernando Abellon Jimenez (Murcia) (37)
. Jose Antonio Chacon Guerrero (Andalusia) (39)
. Kiko Antonov (Comunidad Valenciana) (46)
. Angel Pintor Cencerrado (Comunidad Valenciana) (51)
. Jose Antonio Gomez Moreno (Andalucía) (66)
. Yassine Tamaste (Murcia) (67)
. Miguel Angel Salinas Fernández (Comunidad de Madrid) (71)
Javier Domínguez Fernández (Comunidad de Madrid) (32)
Italo Alberto Solano Montilla (Comunidad Valenciana) (50)
Gedeon Martinez Vilchez (Comunidad de Madrid) (75)
Guillermo Rodriguez Izquierdo (Extremadura) (84)
Valeriano Gallardo Mulero (Extremadura) (87)
padre físico masculino hasta 178 cm
1. Cristian Triano Cantero (Andalucía) (65)
2. Dario Fernandez Verdes (Asturias) (22)
3. Dario Javier Teran Burgos (Murcia) (58)
4. Aitor Alfonso Vivas (Euskadi) (52)
5. David Fillol Perez (Andalucía) (28)
6. Manuel Casado Gil (Valencian yhteiso) (86)
. Victor Martinez Hita (Cataluña) (29)
. Adrian Herranz Sanz (Comunidad de Madrid) (35)
. Marcos Iglesias García (Comunidad Valenciana) (40)
. Miguel Jimenez Rodriguez (Euskadi) (41)
. Javier Torrijos Mediavilla (Comunidad de Madrid) (47)
. Jorge Santiago Gallego (Andalusia) (68)
. Sergio Gaitan Baez (Andalucía) (70)
. Salvador Aguilar Martin (Andalucía) (78)
. Cristian Ledesma Ruiz (Comunidad de Madrid) (82)
Salvador Macias Lucena (Andalusia) (34)
Pedro Gallego Rubiales (Andalusia) (48)
Eric Vives Celaya (Katalonia) (63)
Ivan Castesana Figueroa (Galicia) (64)
Arturo Martínez Serrano (Castilla La Mancha) (72)
Jose Antonio Jimenez Martin (Andalucía) (79)
Juan Pedro Moya Esteban (Murcia) (80)
Adrian Madolell Berrocal (Melilla) (81)
padre físico masculino más 178 cm
1. Henry Johnson (Castilla y León) (76)
2. Antonio Moreno Llado (Baleares) (31)
3. Norberto Benitez Martin (Andalucía) (54)
4. David Meis Martin (Comunidad de Madrid) (62)
5. Cesar Varela Garate (Galicia) (56)
6. Marc Alvero Díez (Katalonia) (83)
. Jorge Peña (Comunidad Valenciana) (27)
. Kevin Molla Vadillo (Comunidad Valenciana) (38)
. Miguel Angel Lluch Blazquez (Comunidad Valenciana) (42)
. Alberto Gil Burgos (Comunidad de Madrid) (43)
. Daniel Gonzalez Ruiz (Canarias) (44)
. Eneko Baz Valle (País Vasco) (45)
. Fermín Díaz Rodríguez (Comunidad de Madrid) (49)
. Carlos García-Soldado Martos (Comunidad de Madrid) (59)
. Josue Santos Santiago (Extremadura) (69)
Vicente Vacas Ibañez (Andalucía) (24)
Xabier Ramirez De La Piscina Viudez (Euskadi) (26)
Xavier Castillejos Figueras (Cataluña) (55)
Sergio Curado Gonzalez Andaucia (57)
Jorge Antonio Fernandez Sanchez (Andalucía) (85)
El maestro absoluto de la física masculina.
Henry Johnson (Castilla y León) (76) Parejas de culturismo 1. Carlos Blanco y Raquel Arranz (Galicia) (124) 2. José Yuste Andreu y Vanesa Ruiz (Comunidad Valenciana) (123) Culturismo sénior, hasta 70 kg 1. José Miguel López Vázquez (Galicia) (161) 2. Sebastián Matias Ruedas (Cataluña) (151) 3. Raúl Pérez Soro (Comunidad Valenciana) (216)
4. Carlos Ferreira Poudevida (Katalonia) (152)
5. Gonzalo Izquierdo Conejero (Extremadura) (171)
6. Jose Luis Perez Martin (Andalucía) (170)
. Jose Javier Rosique Barba (Murcia) (164)
. Pedro Javier Gutierrez Ortuño (Murcia) (202)
Culturismo más viejo hasta 75 kg.
1. Adrian Diaz Montero (Comunidad de Madrid) (172)
2. Enrique Cárdenas Almeda (Andalucía) (155)
3. Maximiliano Rodríguez Jiménez (Castilla La Mancha) (220)
4. Kevin Orellana González (Cataluña) (173)
5. Boris Corcuera (Cataluña) (175)
6. José Francisco Tornel Gómez (Comunidad Valenciana) (147)
. Antonio Balmont Llopis (Comunidad Valenciana) (148)
. Ángel Cañón Diez (Castilla y León) (162)
. Santos Crispin Cruz Troya (Cataluña) (163)
. Jose Miguel Galindo Hornero (Katalonia) (169)
. Aaron Chedey Martin Martell (Canarias) (174)
. Marcos Gustavo Schanz (Baleares) (178)
. David López García (Cataluña) (179)
. Jose Teodoro Amador Campiñez (Valencian yhteiso) (180)
. Xavier Jaume Fernandez (Baleares) (184)
. Alejandro Lorenzo Contreras (Andalucía) (194)
Culturismo más antiguo, hasta 80 kg.
1. Jorge Fernandez Dominguez (Andalucía) (177)
2. Francisco Javier Osés Pastori (Andalucía) (157)
3. Bartolome Perales Barragan (Euskadi) (176)
4. Cesar Francisco Borja Molla (Comunidad Valenciana) (145)
5. Marco Grado Estruch (Katalonien) (153)
6. David Saborido Arca (Galicia) (182)
. Osmer Osvaldo Flores Márquez (Castilla y León) (150)
. Alonso Hernandez Ortiz (Extremadura) (158)
. Gregorio San Jose Garrido (Comunidad de Madrid) (160)
. Jose Yuste Andreu (Comunidad Valenciana) (165)
. David Sanchez Pintado (Comunidad de Madrid) (167)
. Antonio Bautista Pérez (Cataluña) (168)
. Antonio José González Garrido (Andalusia) (181)
. Julián Conde Sorga (Galicia) (183)
Culturismo más viejo hasta 85 kg.
1. Alberto Alonso Martínez (Katalonia) (185)
2. Jose Luis Ortiz Ortiz (Extremadura) (191)
3. Edward Alejandro Lopez Buitrago (Melilla) (189)
4 Guillermo Rodríguez López (Andalucía) (192)
5. Jesús Sancho Alcalde (Kastilia La Mancha) (223)
6. Emilio Jose Bueno Alcaraz (Andalucía) (186)
. Juan De Dios Marmol Oliva (Murcia) (146)
. Jacob Torreblanca Coloma (Comunidad Valenciana) (154)
. David Fernandez Fernandez (Andalucía) (156)
. Planelles alemanes Manzanaro (Comunidad Valenciana) (159)
. Juan Antonio Crespo Grillo (Katalonia) (187)
. Sergio Roldán Fernández (Cataluña) (190)
. Antonio Jose Navarrete Ruiz (Andalucía) (193)
. Oscar Ferriols Lloret (Comunidad Valenciana) (204)
. Bernardo Busquets Sastre (Baleares) (214)
. Jesus Ortega Huelamo (Comunidad de Madrid) (222) Culturismo antiguo, hasta 90 kg 1. Roberto Martínez Pizana (Comunidad Valenciana) (201)
2. Carlos Ube Tena (Cataluña) (188)
3. David Cámara La Fuente (Kastilia La Mancha) (218)
4. Vicente Olombrada Ferragud (Comunidad Valenciana) (199)
5. Jesús Gallego Martín (Comunidad de Madrid) (217)
6. Tiago Jorge Sousa Marques (Extremadura) (215)
. Andres Garcia Diaz (Andalucía) (60)
. Manuel Hernandez Puertas (Andalusia) (196)
. Cristian Forga Gascon (Cataluña) (197)
. Manuel Ignacio Moreno Madero (Andalusia) (198)
. Jose Manuel Herrrero Clemente (Andalucía) (213)
. Rafael De Pedro Redondo (Katalonia) (221)
. Daryl Ernesto Orozco Sanchez (Comunidad de Madrid) (224)
Culturismo más viejo más 90 kg
1. Gregory Henri Luc Bellot (Comunidad Valenciana) (219)
2. Ousmane Bathyli (Cataluña) (205)
3. Carlos Blanco Sanjurjo (Galicia) (166)
4. Roberto Castellanos Perez (Extremadura) (206)
5. Antonio Valero Tuinenburg (Comunidad Valenciana) (217)
6. Jose Antonio Guerra Triviño (Katalonia) (203)
. Juan De Dios Romero Nadal (Andalusia) (200)
. Pedro Redin Azcona (Euskadi) (207)
. Sebastián Lago Quintáns (Castilla y León) (208)
. Ian Marc Guitart Erikson (Cataluña) (209)
. Guillermo Bermudo Alcaide (Katalonia) (210)
. Javier Cantalejo Homs (La Rioja) (211)
Un maestro absoluto del culturismo
Gregory Henri Luc Bellot (Comunidad Valenciana) (219)
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esferapublica · 6 years
Carta Abierta por el injusto despido de María Inés Rodriguez del Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Burdeos
En días pasados nos enteramos del despido intempestivo de María Inés Rodriguez. Aquí la carta que ha estado circulando en francés e inglés e donde varios artistas, curadores y profesionales de museos de arte invitan a adherir la carta y protestar por el injusto despido a Maria Inés Rodríguez del CAPC de Burdeos
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El 8 de marzo, el día internacional de los derechos de la mujer, nos enteramos por la prensa que Maria Inés Rodríguez será pronto retirada de su puesto como Directora del CAPC, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Burdeos. En Francia, el número de mujeres directoras, presidentes y cabezas de instituciones culturales es tan pequeño, que este anuncio marca una regresión más en la paridad del fuertemente masculino mundo del arte francés.
Estamos estupefactos ante este retiro anunciado de una excelente profesional que es reconocida interacionalmente por su curiosidad, la pertinencia de su programa curatorial, y la calidad de sus exposiciones. Maria Inés Rodríguez ha relanzado la dinámica del CAPC, con retrospectivas dedicadas de Beatriz Gonzalez, Alejandro Jodorowsky, Judy Chicago y Franz Erhard Walther, ganador del León de Oro en la 57 Bienal de Venecia, 2017. Ha brindado un lugar preponderante a la colección, que es excepcional, y la ha hecho permanentemente visible al público. Desde que fue contratada en 2013, ha promocionado el programa de ‘Amigos del CAPC’ y ha tenido éxito desarrollando colaboraciones y patrocinios, un rasgo fundamental en el rol de los directores de museo ahora que la financiación pública se ha hecho mucho más escasa. Nos inquietan los pronunciamientos realizados por Fabien Robert, Secretario Mayor de Cultura y Patrimonio. En un artículo publicado en Rue 89 Bordeaux el Secretario Mayor se pregunta abiertamente 'si el arte contemporáneo aún existe’ y afirma que le gustaría ver cómo el CAPC se convierte en en una 'vitrina’ publicitaria de la ciudad. Afirmó para Liberation que 'el CAPC ha sido sujeto de intereses’, y que él ha visitado el lugar por meses, para hacer 'soucing’ y 'benchmarking’, con el fin de definir la orientación. Somos profesionales del arte, queremos a los museos y a sus públicos. Para nosotros, transmitir el goce y la inteligencia de las obras de arte al mayor número de personas es un asunto crucial. Nos revuelve el estómago ver que, a través de los años, de una directora del CAPC a otra, recurren los mismos problemas: presiones constantes sobre la dirección del museo, que queda atrapada en los corsets de la administración municipal, falta de apoyo institucional, y el debilitamiento de la estabilidad financiera. El CAPC tiene una historia prestigiosa de importancia en el horizonte internacional. Sería un error dramático cortarla por motivaciones políticas de vista corta.  
A través de esta carta, afirmamos nuestra afiliación al CAPC (Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Boudeaux) y al programa de su actual directora. Nos permitimos interpelar al Ministro de Cultura Francés, Françoise Nyssen, por la situación en Boudeaux, donde la supervivencia del arte contemporáneo parece estar en juego.
Firmas iniciales Nick Aikens, Commissaire d’exposition, Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven; Magali Arriola, Commissaire Fondation Kadist, San Francisco; Xabier Arakistain, Commissaire indépendant, Bilbao; Leonor Antunes, Artiste; Colette Barbier, directrice Fondation d’entreprise Ricard, Paris; Virginie Bobin, commissaire d’exposition, Paris; Christian Boltanski, Artiste; Marie-Laure Bernadac, Conservatrice générale honoraire; Etienne Bernard, Directeur Passerelle Centre d’art contemporain, Brest; Lionel Bovier, Directeur du Mamco, Genève ; Caroline Bourgeois, Conservatrice, Collection Pinault, Paris; Aurore Claverie, directrice artistique de La Métive; Anne Davidian, Commissaire d’exposition; Florence Derieux, Directrice des expositions, Hauser & Wirth, New York; Patricia Falguières, Professeure, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris; Elena Filipovic, Directrice, Kunsthalle Basel; Juan Gaitan, Directeur du Musée Tamayo, Mexico; Katya García-Antón, Directrice, OCA, Oslo; Marta Gili, Directrice, Jeu de Paume, Paris; Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster, Artiste, Paris; Catherine Grenier, Directrice, Fondation Alberto et Annette Giacometti, Paris; Hou Hanru, Directeur artistique, MAXXI National Museum of the 21st Century Arts, Rome; Barbara Hernandez, Directrice Ecole Soma, Mexico; Sofía Hernandez Chong Cuy, Directrice, Witte de With, Rotterdam;   Evelyne Jouanno, Directrice Ars Citizen, San Francisco ; Emma Lavigne, Directrice Centre Pompidou-Metz; Elisabeth Lebovici, Critique d’art, Paris; Pablo Leon de la Barra, Commissaire d’exposition, Latin America, Solomon R Guggenheim Museum and Foundation, New York; Eric Mangion, Directeur du Centre d’art de la Villa Arson, Nice; Stéphanie Moisdon, Co-directrice du Consortium, centre d’art contemporain de Dijon. et responsable du Master Arts Visuels de l’Ecole cantonale d’art de lausanne (ECAL)... Siguen firmas
Firmas a partir de esta petición:
Luis Alberto Martinez Bogotá, Colombia Clemencia Poveda Bogotá, Colombia Alejandra Villasmil Santiago, Chile Jaime Ceron Colombia Carlos Navarrete Santiago, Chile Lourdes Eivas Caracas, Venezuela Milena Bonilla Amsterdam, Países Bajos Diana Marcela Buitrón Cali, Colombia Andres Gaitan Colombia Monika Bravo New York, New York, EE. UU. Iveht Julietta Soto Galeano Bogota, Colombia Alejandro Martín Maldonado Curador Museo La Tertulia Cali, Colombia Jose Luis Bongore Bogota, Colombia Pedro Gómez Egaá Bergen, Noruega Ariel Gomez Medellin, Colombia Elvia Mejia Bogotá, Colombia Rolando Josue Carmona Virguez Paris, Francia Jainer Leon Bogotá, Colombia Alberto Baraya Bogotá, Colombia Quisqueya Henríquez Santo Domingo, República Dominicana Jaider Orsini Colombia Otto Berchem Bogota, Colombia Johanny Zulay Escalona Meléndez Barquisimeto, Venezuela Priscilla Monge San José, Costa Rica Juan Manuel Velásquez Álvarez Medellín, Colombia Eugenia Clemencia Varela Navarro Paris, Francia Idurre Alonso Getty Research Institute Los Angeles, California, EE. UU. Ana Maria Reyes Medfield Massachusetts, EE. UU. Patricia Castillo Santo Domingo, República Dominicana Juan Fernando Jácome Duicela Santiago, Chile Conrado Uribe Curador independiente y gestor Colombia Manuel Ferreiro NY, New York, EE. UU. Victor Albarracin Llanos Colombia Gabriel Perez-Barreiro New  York, New York, EE. UU. Gina McDaniel Tarver San Marcos, Texas, EE. UU. Eduardo Chavarro Barranquilla, Colombia Maria Teresa Ferreiro Santo Domingo, República Dominicana Judi Werthein North Miami Beach, Florida, EE. UU. Daniel Albero Gándara Barranquilla, Colombia Manuel Jacome Jativa Santiago, Chile Enrique Jezik Mexico City, México Fernando Escobar Neira Medellin, Colombia Stefan Benchoam Guatemala City, Guatemala Lucas Ospina Bogotá, Colombia Carmen Escolar Bogotá, Colombia Eduardo Abaroa Mexico df, México Mayra Johnson SD, República Dominicana Luz Marina Ramirez Bucaramanga, Colombia Marina Urbach New York, New York, EE. UU. Raimond Chaves Torres Barcelona, España Peio Aguirre San Sebastian, España Miranda Levy Boston, Massachusetts, EE. UU. Juan Castillo Svedje, Suecia Arturo / fito Rodríguez Bilbao, España Sara Rodriguez España Jesús Reina Sevilla, España Encarnacion Faz Sambruno España Sally Mizrachi Cali, Colombia Nadín Ospina Bogotá, Colombia Benhur Sánchez Ibagué, Colombia Jaime Iregui Bogota, Colombia Antonio Leyva Sanjuan Madrid, España Luz Angela Lizarazo Bogotá, Colombia María Luz Cárdenas Caracas, Venezuela Raul Quintanilla Armijo Managua, Nicaragua Tania Moreno Bogotá, Colombia Paula Galarza Colombia Rosario Sanabria Paris, Colombia Olivia Miranda Bogota, Colombia Gustavo Fermin Santo Domingo, República Dominicana Liliana Peñuela Colombia Alfonso Felipe Castañeda Feletti Bogotá, Colombia Adriana Ciudad (Perú) Bogota, Colombia Ro Esguerra Barcelona, España Mauricio Andrés Salcedo Colombia George Buhr Santo Domingo, República Dominicana Alfredo Caballero Herrera Managua, Nicaragua Gustavo Pérez Barcelona, España Hamid Amini Paris, Francia Yuliana Quiceno Cardona Medellin, Colombia Ana Laura Alaez Alaex Inca, España Aimée Morales Brooklyn, New York, EE. UU. Angélica Esther Mendez Ascanio Cartago, Colombia Jaime Pulido Colombia Jose Ramon Prieto Bilbao, España Yolanda Gonzalez Colombia Diego Rojas Bogotá, Colombia Klaren Peralta Medellin, Colombia Jorge Tacla New York, New York, EE. UU. Dolores Fernandez Martínez Madrid, España Maria Luisa Merino Cuesta Madrid, España Ileana Margarita Ortega Rodríguez Caracas, Venezuela Maria del Carmen Apolinario Morales Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, España Mariana Munguía Matute México D.F., México Marta Rodriguez Bogotá, Colombia Beatriz Eugenia Díaz Bejarano Bogotá, Colombia Ivan Ordoñez Bogota, Colombia Hernando Alarcón Gutiérrez Bogotá, Colombia Ulises Garcia Miami, Florida, EE. UU. Daniel Valencia Bogotá, Colombia Marcela Ramirez Distrito federal, México Daniela García Lara Bogotá, Colombia Magnolia De la Garza Molina y Vedia Ciudad de México, México Rocio Velez P Ibague, Colombia Olga Sanchez Barranquilla, Colombia Eugenia Braniff Garza García México Sonia Elena Suarez Olivares Barcelona, España Henry Ortiz Bogota, Colombia Claudia Llanza Madrid, España Bárbara Santos Bogotá, Colombia Jessica Briceño Santiago, Chile Mauricio Tovar Bogota, Colombia Jorge Díez Madrid, España María Isabel Gómez Ayala Bogotá, Colombia Daniel Castillejo Vitoria-Gasteiz, España Mario Flecha London, R. U. Ursula Verea México Marisa Gonzalez Madrid, España Michel Martinez Vela Vitoria, España Beatriu Codoñer Valencia, España Juliana Alderisi Mareuil-lès-meaux, Francia Rocío de la Villa Madrid, España Margarita Aizpuru Domínguez España Juan Pablo Alvarez Merino Elburgo, España Blanca Balza Pérez de Popson España Blanca Oraa Moyua Getxo, Virgin Islands, EE. UU. Nekane Aramburu Palma, España José Ramón Mariño Gonzalez Vitoria, España María Virginia Jaua México Manolo Laguillo España Alejandra Astudillo Distrito Federal, México Carmen Fernandez Madrid, España Dario Solano Santo Domingo, República Dominicana Paloma Checa-Gismero San Diego, California, EE. UU. Teobaldo Lagos Preller Berlin, Alemania Sacha Jeoffret Paris, Francia Isabel Salazar Bogota, Colombia Miguel A. López San José, Perú Tamara Kostianovsky Brooklyn, New York, EE. UU. Carla Verea Mexico Df, México Giovanni Ramirez Medellin, Colombia Ernesto Rivera Lynbrook, New York, EE. UU. Nohemi Pérez Bogotá, Colombia Patricia Hernández (Colombia) Mexico cdmex, Jesus Galdon Barceona, España Nuria Mestres Mestres Barcelona, España Jordi Guillumet España Txuspo Poyo Mendia Bilbao, España Alberto Lomas Gancedo Bilbao, España Blanca de la Torre Barcelona, España Enrique Martínez Goikoetxea Vitoria, España Gemma Besa España Mariano Navarro Madrid, España Maria Alejandra Diaz Santo Domingo, República Dominicana Carmen Orvananos Orvananos Mexico, México Anicca Shiro Santiago, Chile Milagros López Delicado El Puerto de Santa María, España Caren Altchek Pauley EE. UU. Claudia Hakim Colombia Maria Luisa Martinez Alcorcon, España Roque Mantilla Bogota, Colombia Amalur Gaztañaga Donostia-San Sebastián, España
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Traducida y enviada a esferapública por Alejandro Martín
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segundoenfoque1 · 7 years
Las Leonas clasificaron al Mundial 2018
Johannesburgo, Sudáfrica. – La selección femenina de hockey sobre césped derrotó 2 a 1 a Irlanda y se clasificó al Mundial del año que viene.
Argentina se encontró con un duro rival, que había recibido pocos goles en la fase de grupos y que clasificó con lo justo a estos cuartos de final. Las Leonas dominaron todo el partido, manejando mejor la bocha que su par irlandés. El primer gol tardó en llegar, fue en el segundo cuarto, en el primero solamente hubo un solo disparo al arco. El tanto llegó a los 25 minutos con un pase María Ortiz a Delfina Merino, quien se sacó de encima a una jugadora y la arquera para definir sin oposición de revés.
Ya en la segunda mitad Julia Gomes Fantasia estiró la ventaja a un 2 a 0 tras un córner corto que definió de arrastrada. Las irlandesas lograron dar un susto unos minutos más tarde, ya que desde la misma vía obtuvieron el descuento. Roisin Upton le dio vida a los 43 minutos a un equipo que no parecía que fuera a dar vuelta el partido. Sin embargo, las europeas no se resignaron y en los últimos minutos hasta sacaron a la arquera para agregar una jugadora de campo más. El esfuerzo no fue suficiente y la Argentina avanzó a las semifinales de la World League en donde espera rival.
¡#LasLeonas vencieron a Irlanda 2-1 en cuartos de final de la Liga Mundial de Sudáfrica y clasificaron a la Copa del Mundo 2018 ????! ???????????? pic.twitter.com/0NLddW4IhZ
— ARG Field Hockey (@ArgFieldHockey) July 18, 2017
Además de clasificar a la siguiente ronda, Las Leonas consiguieron dos boletos más. El primero y más importante es la clasificación al mundial de Londres 2018. De esta manera no están obligadas a ganar la Copa Panamericana, torneo que el Chile de Cachito Vigil ahora puede soñar debido a que Estados Unidos también ganó su pase al mundial.
Objetivo cumplido !! felicitaciones Leonas por la clasificación para el próximo mundial ! ????????????????
— Luciana Aymar (@aymarlucha) July 18, 2017
La World League tiene un formato de cuatro fases, dos rondas preliminares, una semifinal (que es la que se está jugando ahora) y una final a la que la Selección Argentina acaba de clasificar. Este último torneo se jugará en Auckland, Nueva Zelanda del 18 al 26 de noviembre. Será una buena prueba para un grupo de jugadoras nuevas y jóvenes que deberán sumar experiencia de cara a los desafíos que vienen.
Datos del Partido:
Argentina (2): Belén Succi, Agustina Gorzelany, Eugenia Trinchinetti, Agostina Alonso, Martina Cavallero, Magdalena Fernández, Delfina Merino, Agustina Habif, María Granatto, Florencia Habif, Rocio Sánchez, Lucina von der Heyde, Maria Campoy, María Ortiz, Noel Barrionuevo, Julieta Jankunas, Julia Gomes y María Mutio
DT: Agustín Corradini
Goles: Delfina Merino (25´), Julia Gomes (40´)
República de Irlanda (1): Grace O´Flanagan, Yvonne O´Byrne, Nicola Evans, Kathryn Mullan, Shirley McCay, Elena Tice, Emily Beatty, Gillian Pinder, Sinead Loughran, Roisin Upton, Ayeisha McFerran, Chloe Watkins, Lizzie Colvin, Hannah Matthews, Anna O´Flanagan, Zoe Wilson y Deirdre Duke
DT: Graham Shaw
Gol: Roisin Upton (43´)
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lilyshadowwriter · 3 years
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Elena came to settle at the brunet’s side, her confused gaze flickering from Gus’ overly bright eyes to Isaac’s face, which was suddenly an odd, ashen color instead of the warm shade of sandalwood it usually was. “¿Estás bien? ¿Qué pasó?” she asked worriedly, looping her arm with Isaac’s. Are you okay? What happened?
Isaac opened his mouth, to respond to Elena or to respond to him Augustus wasn’t sure, but he shook his head regardless to stop him.
“You should probably comfort her. She sounds upset,” Augustus whispered, and then turned around a second time and bolted out the door.
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lilyshadowwriter · 3 years
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There was a sudden, loud metallic thud followed by a jubilant whoop and scattered laughter. 
Confused and a little startled, Augustus turned his head in the direction of the clamor, where the crowd’s attention was focused on a girl next to the lockers with a familiar mass of tightly curled hair. Her slender arms were thrown around the neck of a guy she had pinned against the lockers and she was kissing him as if her life depended on it.
Augustus didn’t need to see the guy’s face to feel his stomach turn, but when the couple came up for air and Isaac’s golden eyes caught his, he felt his heart shatter like a crystal figurine tumbling off a high shelf and exploding into dust.
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lilyshadowwriter · 3 years
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Augustus shifted uncomfortably. “I don’t know about that,” he said, sliding his gaze away. “Maybe he was just inspired by the project we did.”
“Mm, yeah, that could be it,” Floribel agreed, which surprised Augustus until he realized that Elena was beginning to pick up on what was being suggested and was looking at them in concern.
“We should be at lunch,” Elena said slowly, back to absently messing with her necklace.
“Definitely. I’m starving!” Floribel replied, and then turned toward Augustus once more. “Let us know too if you hear from him, okay? It’s not like him to go AWOL.”
“I will.”
The three exchanged additional smiles and then bid one another goodbye as they split up, the girls straight to the lunchroom while Augustus wandered in the vague direction of the art room. He wasn’t in the mood to fend off the questions Gemma was liable to ask and didn’t have much of an appetite anyway. All he wanted—needed—was to talk to Isaac himself.
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lilyshadowwriter · 3 years
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Sophomore Year. Late November. Scene IX.
Isaac wasn’t at school the next day.
In the morning Augustus had anxiously shifted from foot to foot as he waited for him by the picnic tables where they usually chatted before the bell, but the brunet had never shown up. He’d figured then that perhaps Isaac had been running late or talking to other friends, but Augustus was sitting in the one class they shared together now and he was nowhere to be seen. His seat remained empty, much like the feeling that was beginning to creep into Gus’ chest despite his concerted efforts not to jump to fatalistic conclusions.
After all, they’d swum in cold water yesterday—perhaps he’d gotten sick. Yes, it was entirely possible that Isaac was absent because he’d caught a cold, but also he’d been grounded for staying out too late and as such, had his phone confiscated. But wasn’t that a lot of assumptions? They seemed to be stacking up, and with each additional assumption the likelihood of Gus’ theory being true decreased. With each additional assumption, Augustus couldn’t help but feel that the simplest explanation, was that Isaac was purposefully avoiding him.
It didn’t seem like something Isaac would do, but he hadn’t called like he’d promised, his phone was turned off, and he wasn’t here today. It didn’t seem like something Isaac would do, but at the same time Augustus found it difficult to believe that this was all purely coincidental.
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lilyshadowwriter · 3 years
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“Please, let go.”
“I can’t. That wasn’t what it looked like. She—” Isaac began, but Augustus cut his words off with a bitter laugh of disbelief and wrenched his arm away.
“I don’t care!” he burst out loud enough that a few scattered students halted in their steps to watch. “It doesn’t matter! You’re free to do whatever you like.”
“But that wasn’t what I—”
“Oye, Isaac! ¿Qué estás haciendo? ¿Por qué me dejaste así?” Elena’s irritated voice rang out above the din. What are you doing? Why did you leave me like that?
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lilyshadowwriter · 3 years
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So, what are we now?
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lilyshadowwriter · 3 years
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“He used to do badly in school?” Augustus asked curiously, and then flushed a little because both girls looked at him as if they’d forgotten he was there. Meanwhile a group of friends started running down the hallway, laughing and shoving each other as they tried to make it into the lunchroom first.
Floribel’s eyes flickered toward them and then back to Augustus as she shook her head again. “Nah, not badly—more like average. I think maybe it’s because he figured he wasn’t going to continue after high school anyway, but the other day I heard him asking Mr. Lock about what sorts of majors were available in the computer sciences.”
Elena looked happy about this news while Floribel unexpectedly giggled again.
“You know it’s because of you, don’t you?” she practically purred, meeting Gus’ eyes with a rather intense gaze. “I think he looks up to you. You must have made a real impression on him.” 
Floribel looked like she wanted to say something else then, but after a quick glance at her oblivious friend decided against it. Instead she continued to look at Augustus meaningfully, as if trying to transmit her thoughts to him.
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lilyshadowwriter · 3 years
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Augustus opened his mouth to say ‘yes,’ but then caught a glimpse of the curly-haired girl over Isaac’s shoulder. Much to his discomfort, the girl was openly glaring at him and, judging by the way her friend Floribel was also looking their way, had just been talking about them. Augustus chewed his lip and then glanced back at Isaac apprehensively. “Um, well…that girl with…with the curly hair?”
“Elena?” Isaac interjected with a raised brow.
“Uh, yeah. Her, I think—wearing the red shirt. Um, she wanted to be paired up with you. Do you want me to trade numbers with her?”
Isaac turned to look back at Elena, and for an inexplicably disheartening moment Augustus thought he was going to say yes, but then he shifted his attention back to Gus and slowly shook his head. “Nah, it’s fine,” he said, and then seeing the expression on his face smiled and added, “Don’t worry about it. She’s just used to us working together, that’s all. She’ll be fine.”
“Oh. Um, well, you’re sure? I don’t mind either way.”
“Are you trying to get rid of me?” Isaac inquired with a playful smirk.
Augustus flushed. He vaguely wondered if Isaac practiced those smirks of his, or whether they came naturally to him. “No,” he mumbled.
“Then let’s sit.”
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lilyshadowwriter · 3 years
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There was another second of silence during which Augustus debated running, and then Floribel brushed a dark curl out of her almond-shaped eyes, the corners of her pale pink lips turning upward in a small smile. “Hey,” she said, sounding a little surprised. “What’s up?”
Augustus held back a sigh of relief, instead returning her smile gratefully and asking, “Have either of you heard from Isaac? I can’t get in touch with him and he’s not here today.”
“No,” Floribel answered with a slight shake of her head.
There was another silence, and then Elena turned pink as she seemed to realize they were waiting for her response. She averted her gaze, toying with the pendant on her necklace as she said, “I have not heard from him either. I tried to call him in the morning, but his phone was not on.” She had a fairly pronounced accent, a fact which she appeared to feel self-conscious about as she was carefully enunciating each of her words and still had not looked up.
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lilyshadowwriter · 3 years
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“Hey! What the hell?” Augustus cried out, earning a reproachful look from Mrs. Fenton. “Sorry,” he mumbled, lowering his head in apology. The dark-haired boy felt his teacher’s suspicious stare linger, but eventually she turned around when someone on the other side of the room called her name.
As soon as she did, Augustus’ eyes snapped back to Isaac’s. “What’s the big i—”
Isaac jabbed his finger at Gus’ sketchbook. “You draw like this and you want to see mine?” he asked in a hushed voice, his brows raised in disbelief. “Fuck no. What are you, a prodigy or something?”
“Huh? No, they’re not that g—”
“Yes, they are. I’ve never seen drawings like this. Not in person anyway. You’re fucking talented. Holy shit.”
Augustus didn’t know what to say. His tongue was tied up and his face was burning again. “I—” He sighed deeply. “May I please see your drawings?” he requested earnestly.
“Are you pouting?”
“What? No. I mean, I don’t know. I can’t see my face.”
“You can’t see your face,” Isaac deadpanned, which for some reason made Augustus laugh.
“Stopppp, come on,” he complained. The brunet chuckled and then, shaking his head in defeat, tossed his sketchbook back at Augustus, who caught it happily.
“You’re ridiculous, you know that?”
Augustus ignored him, flipping open the notebook and then immediately smiling anew. Isaac’s drawings were of dozens and dozens of characters that looked like they’d come straight out of a video game or an anime. They were good too, he didn’t care what Isaac thought, not to mention interesting to look at. There were characters striking poses, leaping, drawing weapons he’d never seen before, making silly faces, or even locked in combat. He supposed if he were familiar with more video games, he might even be able to name some of the characters, as a few of them looked vaguely familiar.
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lilyshadowwriter · 3 years
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Sophomore Year. Late September. Scene I.
Augustus Winters was usually a very good listener. He listened because he had an innate need to understand and to know, but today, he was so inarguably bored that his attention kept shifting to the window beside him. It was covered in fingerprints; dust and indeterminable grime gathered on the sill. There was a tiny spider perched on its web in the corner. Augustus watched it for a time, but when it showed about as much life as a doorknob, his gaze slid out the window instead.
It was a windy day; great masses of clouds roving quickly across the sky and small twisters of leaves twirling on the concrete as the strengthening winds swept them up. Augustus felt the itch to draw the scene, or better yet, paint it, but instead he was trapped inside a classroom, compelled to listen to Mrs. Fenton’s ringing tones as she described the first project they would be completing this semester.
The requirements were listed on the handout she’d passed out, but evidently she felt the need to go through every component individually and in excruciating detail. Augustus had already read the handout five times and she was still near the middle of the page.
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