#Edward Kenton
cl0udl3ss-sky · 7 months
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I've had this finished for a bit, I just never posted it lol
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wwskalisto · 7 months
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Haha funny 27 y/o hobo I love him sm
Tbh this is kinda ass but at least it's better than the old one
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g1-skywarp · 11 months
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im not supposed to draw right now due to my education but i cant get this idea out of my head
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itsradiogoblin · 8 months
Me, headed right for a hurricane: I'VE GOT A GLOCK IN MY RARI!!!!
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prismaticstarshch · 2 months
some Lost & Found (Abigail x Edward) HCs that I came up with:
since Abigail loves helping others in general, her favorite love language to show would naturally be acts of service.
for Edward, I HC that his favorite love languages to show would be giving gifts and words of affirmation.
despite being so shy, Abigail was the one who confessed first. it was hella awkward for her; she kept stammering, stuttering, and tripping over her words while trying to convey her feelings. Edward knew she meant what she was saying, and confessed right back to her.
there's no way you can convince me that Edward doesn't constantly worry about Abigail, even though she's fully capable of handling herself. the entire thing with the Eternal Mines definitely exacerbated that to some extent, and they're both still trying to recover from the aftereffects of it.
both are pretty perceptive when it comes to reading the other's demeanor, and can quickly notice when something doesn't seem right.
alright, let's talk heights for a few moments: Abigail is 5'4". meanwhile, there are more than a few people in the AO community (including me) who have collectively agreed that Edward cannot be under 6' tall.
these two do a lot of things together, like fishing, reading, stargazing, and so on, so forth.
if Abigail is having some kind of moment of angst (flashbacks, waking up from nightmares, etc.), Edward will immediately come over, hold her close, and start doing everything he can to help her calm down.
when Abigail isn't feeling well for any reason (whether she's sick, hungover (she is an extreme lightweight when it comes to alcohol), super exhausted, or whatnot) and can't sail and command her crew properly (or at all) because of it, Edward will step up and use his past experience to temporarily take over in her place while she rests.
they definitely empathize with each other over having felt lost at some point in their lives, and want to find new purposes together, hence the ship name.
this was the main stuff I could think of, soon I might make a list of these for another selfship like the one I did with Aisha but with another one of my files (that'd be either Aura, Zoey, Amber, Elvira, or Cleo Tempest, my recently-made WIP Ice/Wind Mage who's currently stuck at the Thunderstorm quest with the "Grand Navy forces were unable to locate you" notification popping up occasionally lol)
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tuberosumtater · 3 months
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fishing time
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renes-random-stuff · 5 months
a comic based on a thought i had while doing nothing in ravenna
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crowrave · 3 days
Random quotes that have been said in my Ocs lore just for funsies! This is the fill-in for random facts for tonight since I can’t think of any right now (the quotes are color-coded depending on what timeline they came from- blue is Crown, red is Connors, and purple is Crest)
“Whoever brought you into this world, I would like to humbly apologize to them for whatever I’ve done to deserve being in your presence.” - Commodore Kai
“Are you okay??? Like, genuinely, are you okay? How hard did you hit your head when you and Morden crashed onto that island?” - Iris
“How is it that you’ve murdered several people with little to no mercy or thought about it, yet you’re afraid of a small little fish?” - Neviro
“You are… interesting, to say the least. Surely you don’t do this all the time? …Please tell me he isn’t always like this.” - King Calvus IV, before dying
“If you were a bird, you’d be a magpie. I think that idea speaks for itself.” - Morden
“Perhaps the idea of living longer than a fish would make you panic. …Now that I think about it, I don’t believe it’s an idea anymore.” - Enizor
“The type of food you eat is concerning. Please take better care of yourself, and actually eat more than just some raw shark.” - Warren
“If I could, I would question everything about you. But I won’t. Because I can’t. I’m pretty sure you just came out the womb being this feral, and I’m not willing to look any further.” - Edward Kenton
“The fact you are still alive is a miracle. However, the idea you have more than one braincell in your head is even more of a miracle than the previous statement.” - Lord Elius, also before dying
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drawingadventures · 7 months
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below the keep reading line is a version without the white-ish glitches
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wethekidnappers · 1 year
Feremius Lurco commits arson, the musical
Something something I really like Flamma urashimasakatasen and I forgot to post it here
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gatutor · 1 year
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Edward Pawley-Helen Parrish-Billy Halop "Little tough guys in society" 1938, de Erle C. Kenton.
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g1-skywarp · 10 months
ngl i still think that edward being one of kraken’s kids is still funny
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lightsonparkave · 3 months
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To betray, there must be trust in the first place, an intimacy born out of understanding or love. You have to get close to plunge a knife between the ribs.
The theme for Lights on Park Ave Round 52 is betrayal.
Here are the prompts:
"Landfill" - Daughter
A Squid Game gifset about what Gihun and Sangwoo believe it takes to survive and win
"Judas' Gift" by Adam Phillips, a piece about the intimacy and transformative nature of betrayal
Lestat telling Louis that he's glad Louis is the one to kill him in AMC's Interview with the Vampire
Samson and Delilah - Peter Paul Rubens
Tony telling Steve he doesn't trust Steve and calling him a liar in Endgame
An excerpt from "Yesterday He Still Looked in My Eyes" by Marina Tsvetaeva where the narrator asks what she did to be abandoned
"Mr. Brightside" - The Killers
A quote about being betrayed by one's heart from A Heart Under a Cassock by Arthur Rimbaud
"9 Crimes" - Damien Rice
Shiv's reaction to Tom's betrayal while Tom, unaware that she caught him, disingenuously comforts her in Succession with commentary from Mark Mylod
Eduardo promising Mark that he'll go after him for cutting him out of the company in David Fincher's The Social Network
Steve confronting Tony about wiping his memory and what the Illuminati members are doing in Avengers Vol. 5 Issue 29
A gifset from Martin Scorsese's The Departed about the moles in the mob and FBI's ranks
The Taking of Christ - Caravaggio
The Ides of March - Edward John Poynter
Robbie shouting at Briony about how she and her family ruined his life and his future with Cecilia because of her lie in Atonement
"Vicious" - Daniel Hart (AMC's Interview with the Vampire OST)
Miss Kenton admitting her feelings to Stevens, which makes him realize that his rigid adherence to his beliefs cost him a chance with her in The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro
Tom and Shiv fighting bitterly about how the other person betrayed them and trying to hurt each other in Succession
Tim telling Hawk in 1968 that their love was a fantasy because of Hawk's actions and not giving into a yearning Hawk in 1979 in Fellow Travelers
Round 52 will end on April 30, 11:59 PM ET (what time is that for me?).
As always, you’re free to jump in whenever you’d like during the round, a wide variety of work types is accepted, and there are no minimum work requirements. Unfinished works and works for other fandom events are allowed. You can find more information about Lights on Park Ave and the participation guidelines here.
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ghostlysickle · 8 months
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Edward Kenton when he first joined the GA!
kind of old, drawn back when i wasn't really too good at drawing dudes (Still kinda meh)
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nitrateglow · 8 months
Halloween 2023 marathon: 19-21
The Hands of Orlac (dir. Robert Wiene, 1924)
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Concert pianist Orlac (Conrad Veidt) is excited to return from touring to the arms of his loving wife Yvonne (Alexandra Sorina) right before he suffers injuries in a train crash. While the accident does not kill him, it destroys his hands. His hands being key to his livelihood, Orlac despairs, but the doctors are able to graft new ones onto his wrists. All well and good, with one problem: the hands were taken from the corpse of a guillotined murderer, Orlac is uncomfortable with them from the outset, and once he learns of their origins, Orlac is becoming paranoid that the hands will influence him to kill. Driven to madness by his fears, will Orlac resort to violence?
The Hands of Orlac has a great premise and a great lead actor in the compelling, expressive Conrad Veidt. The atmosphere, though not as surreal as Wiene's The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, is decidedly nightmarish and suffocating as the protagonist's paranoia consumes him.
If only the pacing wasn't the worst.
Like, there's slow pacing and then there's submerging your movie in molasses. Orlac runs almost two hours long and much of it is just dedicated to Veidt's very deliberated mannerisms and reactions. I love Veidt-- he was one of the greatest actors of the silent era-- but the scenes of him staring in horror at his hands and whatnot just go on forever and to no real benefit to the story.
And that's unfortunate because this is a very mature, subdued psychological horror film, more about inner conflict than external monsters or psychopaths (though the movie does ultimately have a villain). In some ways, it's ahead of its time: the urban gloom on display here foreshadows the film noir movies of the 1940s and 1950s. However, it's so slow that I had a hard time getting into it.
The Island of Lost Souls (dir. Erle C. Kenton, 1932)
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Edward Parker (Richard Arlen) is having a bad week: his ship sank, the captain of the ship that rescued him doesn't like him, and now because of that he's been marooned on the Island of Dr. Moreau, a small bit of land not present on any sea chart. Dr. Moreau (Charles Laughton) seems an amiable, jovial fellow, but what is to be made of the tortured screams in the night or the cowering, abused "natives" who seem to view Moreau as a god? Turns out, Moreau is trying to speed up evolution with his experiments on animals and he hopes to prove his creations can mate with humans by offering Parker his sole female subject, Lota (Kathleen Burke).
The Island of Lost Souls is quintessential pre-code horror, right there with The Most Dangerous Game and the 1932 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. It's gruesome for 1932, dealing with vivisection, inter-species sex, and animal cruelty. Imagine any of THAT flying come the enforcement of the Code.
This is one of very few older horror movies I find genuinely unpleasant even if it doesn't outright show Dr. Moreau cutting up his experiments while they're still very much conscious. Screams are ever present on the soundtrack and they aren't cheesy horror movie yelps. The moans and screaming in this thing are chilling. The humid jungle atmosphere is also palpable, creating a sense of suffocating entrapment. As much as I love many of the classic Universal horror movies, they don't have that same sense of dread and evil this one still possesses.
The Penthouse (dir. Peter Collinson, 1967)
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Crooked businessman Bruce (Terence Morgan) and his shopgirl mistress Barbara (Suzy Kendall) find themselves at the mercy of two thugs who break into the penthouse apartment they use for their adulterous liaisons. Tom (Tony Beckley) and Dick (Norman Rodway) are childlike yet ruthless, getting Barbara intoxicated while they tie Bruce up and make him watch. Or rather listen, because boy do these fellas love monologuing.... lots and lots and lots of monologuing.
Yes, the guy who directed The Italian Job made a home invasion movie. It also sucks. Like, oh my GOD, this was designed to torture me, I swear, and not in the way the filmmakers intended. It feels like a college assignment turned into a movie.
Okay, let me be nice first. Visually, this is of interest. Not the quality of the image-- the YouTube upload looks like it was dragged up from VHS hell-- but from what I can see of the compositions and the camerawork, this is a visually dynamic movie doing its hardest to make you forget the script is based on a stage play.
But that's impossible because this is one of those movies where the characters never shut the hell up. They monologue endlessly about Societal Ills and Important Class Themes, occasionally breaking up the lecturing with oddball criminal antics, pot smoking, and violence. It's like an attempt at a "hipper" (for 1967) and more intellectual version of The Desperate Hours, where an ordinary middle-class family is held hostage by criminals as motivated by class-based bitterness as they are by money or freedom. But holy crap, does. It. Drag. 100 minutes of dragging.
Admittedly, the dynamic between Tom and Dick is a little interesting. They're the types who finish each other's sentences and genuinely seem to relish each other's company as they bond over doing these terrible things. They were fascinating to watch when not burdened with pretentious monologues about how baby alligators being flushed down toilets represent society's outliers.
Martine Beswick shows up in the last section as the third accomplice "Harry." Other reviewers claim she brightens up the film, but her appearance is so brief and much ado about nothing at all that she didn't make watching this any more entertaining for me.
The Penthouse feels like a parody of the worst kind of "elevated horror," boring nonsense masquerading as a social statement. Parts of it are memorably bizarre, but there's not enough of that for me to recommend it.
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renes-random-stuff · 5 months
ao requests i drew
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