aaiieell · 1 year
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YOU CAN DOWNLOAD THIS SHEET IN PDF FORMAT HERE :  https://www.aprendeinglesenleganes.com/not-good-vs-no-good.php NO GOOD vs NOT GOOD Today, we want to shed light on a common linguistic confusion: the difference between "no good" and "not good." While they may appear similar, these phrases carry distinct meanings in English. Have a look at today's grammar sheet to have a better understanding of their usage.
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atusa213 · 1 day
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languageyeti1985 · 4 months
Embark on a Linguistic Odyssey in 2024 - Your ESL Adventure in English Wonderland Awaits!
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Greetings, fellow language aficionados! 
Step into a world where every conversation is a potential chapter in your linguistic saga, and every word is a vibrant stroke on the canvas of your language masterpiece. Today, we embark on a thrilling adventure into English Wonderland—an extraordinary place where the ordinary takes on a whole new brilliance, and language breathes with a life of its own. Lace up your shoes snugger, open your heart a tad wider, and plunge headfirst into the enchanting realm of words!
Dive into English Conversations.
Picture this - confidently navigating English conversations in the classroom or sharing a hearty laugh over coffee at your cherished local spot. In English Wonderland, each exchange is a golden opportunity to showcase your language prowess. So, crown yourself with the title of conversation maestro, relish the joy of communication, and witness the magic unfold in unexpected and delightful ways.
Cultivating a Language-Friendly Atmosphere.
As we traverse English Wonderland, let's cultivate an atmosphere where language flourishes like a beautifully tended garden. Encourage lively chit-chats in English, not confined to the four walls of the classroom but extending to the spaces you frequent. Transform your surroundings into a playground of words by labelling everyday items in English, turning the mundane into a whimsical exploration. For an authentic touch, immerse yourself in the captivating realm of British media—films, TV shows, and books—where language bursts into life with flair and charm.
Leveraging Interactive Learning Resources.
Prepare to infuse your language adventure with a dose of excitement! Dive into a treasure trove of interactive learning resources that promise education and play. Conquer language-learning apps, explore online games that turn the learning process into a joyful experience, and navigate interactive websites that transform studying into an adventure. Tune into the melodic tones of British podcasts and videos to elevate your listening skills, immersing yourself in the rich cadence of native speakers. And let's not forget the global twist—participate in virtual language exchange programs, where friendships blossom and conversations flourish across borders.
Engaging in Reading and Writing Activities.
Turn the pages of our language adventure to the wonders of written expression. Cultivate a habit of regular reading in English, starting with stories as comforting as a warm cup of tea and gradually progressing to more complex materials that both challenge and inspire. Grab your pen or open your laptop and embark on the journey of journaling or blogging in English—let your thoughts flow and witness your writing skills flourish. Dive into short stories or articles, discussing and analyzing them with fellow language adventurers to enhance comprehension and fuel your critical thinking skills.
Providing Constructive Feedback and Setting Goals.
As we sail deeper into English Wonderland, let the guiding light of feedback illuminate your path. Regularly receive constructive guidance on your written and spoken English, celebrating your strengths and embracing areas for improvement as stepping stones to growth. Set sail towards achievable language proficiency goals, and give yourself a moment of celebration with each milestone, no matter how small. Here in Wonderland, self-assessment and reflection are your steadfast companions, guiding you with confidence and autonomy through the winding roads of language learning.
In this magical realm where every word is a spark of endless possibility, learning English becomes akin to sprinkling glitter on your language palette—it sparkles, shines, and turns your words into a dazzling masterpiece! So, seize your linguistic paintbrush, dear friend, and let's craft a language canvas as vibrant as a rainbow in a cupcake sky.
Your #EnglishAdventures await—speak confidently, explore fearlessly, and revel in the joy of discovering the magic within every word! 🌈✨
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Yenə də Business English - dən söz paylaşıram çünki demək olar ki tələbələrimin 90% i İngilis dilini iş üçün öyrənir. Take the lead - müəyyən bir layihə və ya tapşırıq üçün liderlik rolunu və ya məsuliyyəti öz üzərinə götürmək - mənasında istifadə olunur. Məsələn: "I'm going to take the lead on organizing the company's annual charity event." "Mən şirkətin illik xeyriyyə tədbirinin təşkilinə rəhbərlik edəcəyəm." #LearnEnglishOnline #EnglishLessons #ESLStudents #OnlineTutoring #EnglishGrammar #EnglishVocabulary #quantum_leap_english https://www.instagram.com/p/Co0ONUMo_4a/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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editorworldllc · 2 years
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Is #Japanese your first language but you need to present work in #English? Read about our #ESL editing services. https://www.editorworld.com/ESL-editing #writingcommunity #writing #academicsofinstagram #academicchatter #Japan #professor #phdlife #phd #researchpaper #dissertation #dissertationediting #dissertationeditor #fastediting #eslstudents #university #asia #japanlife #japangram #thesis #womeninstem (at Editor World: Proofreading & Editing Services) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj5Q-BkgORW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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anjujindal · 5 months
🌟 Let’s talk about helping verbs forms in English! Helping verbs, also known as auxiliary verbs, assist the main verb in expressing tense, mood, voice, and more. They play a crucial role in constructing meaningful sentences. Understanding their usage can enhance your language skills and improve communication.
Join the English speaking class
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#EnglishGrammar #LanguageLearning #VerbForms #AuxiliaryVerbs #GrammarTips #LearnEnglish #EducationMatters #Linguistics101 #ESLStudents #VerbConjugation
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elmas-66 · 10 months
Dalla Writers Capital Edicion, di Elisa Mascia
Monografia scritta dal presidente della Writers Capital Foundation International: Preeth Padmanabhan Nambiar Foto cortesia di Preeth Padmanabhan Nambiar Da Preeth Nambiar,  esperto del curriculum dell’Università di Cambridge,famoso educatore e autore,  presidente della Writers Capital Foundation International #AcademyLanguageCentre #WorkshopForTeachers #ESLStudents…
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Master English as a Second Language: A Comprehensive Guide to ESL Success
Master English as a Second Language: A Comprehensive Guide to ESL Success  https://www.learnspecialenglish.com/2023/04/master-english-as-second-language.html#ESLsuccess #LearnEnglish #MasterEnglish #EnglishasSecondLanguage #ESLguide #ComprehensiveGuide #Englishlanguage #Englishlearning #Languagelearning #SecondLanguage #ESLstudents #ESLteachers #ESLresources
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itanpiuco · 4 years
This is Episode 01 from 
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itsmiarobin318 · 3 years
"Our guest Michael Placido tells us why it's crucial for ESL learners to speak with non-native speakers to improve their ear for the language. Head over to Spotify (or wherever you get your podcasts from) to listen to the full conversation!
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aaiieell · 11 months
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YOU CAN DOWNLOAD THIS SHEET IN PDF FORMAT HERE:   https://www.aprendeinglesenleganes.com/sidetrack-distract.php
Curious about the dissimilarities between sidetracking someone, distracting someone, and putting someone off? Today's post has got you covered! Check it out now to unravel the nuances and enhance your understanding of these terms. #c1advanced #caeexam #B2First #fceexam #commonmistakes#IELTS #TOEIC #TOELF #eslteacher #englishtips #englishlanguage#englishteaching #englishlearners #cambridgeexams #keywordtransformation #useofenglish
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languageyeti1985 · 8 months
Embrace These Tips For Your New Academic Year!
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Hello, dear readers. 
It's Kieron here, and I hope you're all ready to dive into a brand-new academic year. 
Just like that, the summer has bid us farewell, and it's time to gear up for a fresh journey of learning and growth. As we step into this new chapter, I want to share some practical advice to help you make the most of your English language learning experience.
Daily English Engagement - Watering Your Language Skills With Time
Picture this: making English a daily part of your life is like giving water to a plant daily. Consistent practice is the secret to watching your language skills grow. It's not about doing everything simultaneously but incorporating English into your daily routine. 
Here's how:
Podcast Power: Why not listen to English podcasts when commuting to school or getting ready in the morning? It's like having a friendly English-speaking companion on your journey. You'll naturally absorb new words and phrases.
Online Reading Adventures: Explore interesting articles online in English. Choose topics that interest you, whether science, travel or your favourite hobbies. Reading in English exposes you to different writing styles and expands your vocabulary.
Grammar Guru: Dedicate a few minutes daily to review tricky grammar rules. It's like strengthening the foundation of a sturdy English house. Understanding these rules makes your writing and speaking more precise.
Speaking: Don't shy away from speaking in English. You can talk to yourself or find a language exchange partner. Speaking is where you put your knowledge into action. Don't worry if you stumble; remember, practice makes perfect.
By incorporating English into your daily life, you'll be amazed at how quickly your confidence and skills will grow.
Embrace Mistakes - They Are Stepping Stones To Mastery
Let's discuss a little secret on your journey to English excellence: Mistakes are your allies, not enemies. Becoming a language pro takes time. Imagine learning to ride a bike; you may fall a few times before you can ride smoothly. Learning English is quite similar. 
Here's what you can do:
Learn from Errors: When you make a mistake, don't let it discourage you. Instead, please take a moment to understand why it happened. Was it a new word you hadn't encountered before, or perhaps a grammar rule you needed clarification on? By understanding your errors, you're learning and improving.
No Discouragement Allowed: Mistakes are not roadblocks; they're stepping stones. Even the most fluent English speakers eventually stumbled over words and grammar. It's all part of the journey and how you grow.
Keep Moving Forward: The key is to keep moving forward. The more you practise, the better you become. Soon, you'll find yourself speaking English with confidence and ease.
Maximise Classroom Time - Your Launchpad To Success
Your classroom or lessons are like the guiding stars in your language adventure. 
Here's how to make the most of your classroom time:
Teacher's Wisdom: Pay close attention to your teacher's strategies and lessons. Think of it as the map guiding you on your language journey. Understand and work on what you learn in class.
Extend Beyond the Walls: Keep learning by stopping at the classroom door. Take those strategies and lessons with you into the real world. Explore common collocations, dive into phrasal verbs, master idioms, learn fixed phrases, and get comfortable with slang. Also, remember to explore suffixes, prefixes, and synonyms. Understanding how words fit together is like having the keys to unlock a language's secrets.
Remember, it's not just about what happens in class; how you apply that knowledge in your daily life truly counts.
Edit & Prioritise - Building Your Vocabulary Toolbox
Learning English is akin to building a toolbox. As you gather new words and concepts, keeping things organised and relevant is essential. 
Here's how:
Organise Your Toolbox: Think of your growing vocabulary as tools in a toolbox. Regularly organise and review what you've learned, which helps you access words and phrases more easily when needed.
Prioritise Essentials: Consider what's genuinely essential for your goals. You don't need to know every word in the English language. For instance, I learned the word antidisestablishmentarianism in a history class. It means opposition to the separation of church and state—a term important for understanding historical events. However, I rarely used it in everyday conversations. Focus on words and phrases that are relevant to your life and aspirations.
Test Prep Intensity: If you're gearing up for a test, such as a big exam or certification, put extra effort into memorising specific words. Remembering these words when you're in test mode is more pressure.
In summary, by considering these four tips and putting them into practice, you'll find your English language skills growing stronger each day. Think of it as an exciting adventure, and you'll enjoy the journey as much as the destination. 
Happy learning!
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moureenhoca · 4 years
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No excuses . . . . #eslstudents #englishchallenge #ingilizce #aktivitezamanı #moureenhoca #dilkursu #englishteacher #diluygulması #öğrencihayatı (at Turkey) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDyFeYPn3NF/?igshid=5eituf9sjgzv
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editorworldllc · 2 years
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Need to present important #English documents but it’s your second language? Read about our expert #ESL editing and proofreading services. https://www.editorworld.com/ESL-editing #writingcommunity #writing #academicsofinstagram #EFL #professor #phdlife #phd #researchpaper #dissertation #dissertationediting #dissertationeditor #fastediting #eslstudents #university #science #eflteacher #eslteacher #research #researchlife #researcher #researchpapers #researchstudy #researchmatters #researchpaperwriting (at Editor World: Proofreading & Editing Services) https://www.instagram.com/p/CikfxQ4AJf_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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alvarorigaud · 7 years
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Today’s we visited the @cahokia_mounds with my classmates and my professor 👨‍🏫 @eslprogram2017 @internationalstudents #veryhappy #goodtime #goodday👌 #friendsforever #eslstudents #lindenwooduniversitystudents (at Cahokia Mounds World Heritage Site)
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zik227 · 5 years
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Gonna miss my students especially these two chinese ladies... #eslteacher #esl #eslstudents #xing #starbucks https://www.instagram.com/p/BtELMI7F9OS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=8bpz9r0haklm
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