#Dresden Oakland
katha-angel · 1 month
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Multiverse May day 6
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And day 7!!
I am now officially caught up!!
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therummonster · 3 months
alright- here's a comic.
very simple, basically no words-
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figitorynonsense · 28 days
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10-13 (tally hall…)
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the-true-boomer · 6 months
i really didn't like making this cause there are no characters in this show with bad writing but what can ya do
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crystalinefirewolf · 7 months
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Some songs I associate w/ MVT characters :0
Astra: Gold Guns Girls by Metric
Mara: Mr. Fear by SIAMES
Kate: Boy in a Bubble by Alec Benjamin
Dresden: Policy of Truth by Depeche Mode
Fear Herself: Monster by Bemax
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multiversal mayday 7!
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hes fine, dw bout it
dresden (scp)
(multiversal may created by @/moonpizzalol, ty for doing this!)
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ammonitetheartist · 8 months
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Here’ssss a bunch of the major villains/antagonists in MVT. as kitties!
I’m not sure how proud I am of Ulitus’s design cause. pretty basic. BUT I think Bestar turned out to be my favorite of this bunch. SQUID CAT
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thepiratefish · 4 months
Dresden: I trusted you
Arava: why
He needed someone to emotionally attach to
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redpandateawitch · 6 months
One of my Favourite Crackships (for no reason)
Tell me you headcannon Dresden as pan, without telling me you headcannon Dresden as pan;
I ship him with Jack Bright
Yep, that works
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prof-d-oakland · 1 day
Good evening everyone, my name is Professor Dresden Oakland. I am a former SCP researcher and lecturer.
I was allowed a laptop by my... coworkers and have decided to make an account on this website.
My pronouns are he/him, as indicated by my 'Bio'.
If I do not post, blame Miss Jones. She keeps making me do her taxes, and so I will likely not have much time for this 'Blog'.
Posts: Lectures
Reblogs: Containment Breaches
Favourites: Professors Pebbles
Interactions with similar blogs: Coworker Interactions
Answers to 'Asks': Lecture Questions
A 'Blog' similar to this one is @stickyhandscowboy, run by the ever-infuriating 'Harold The Herald'
I have recently been made aware that Benjamin and Champagne McGregor-Sharp (@bestmuktiversalmechcraftsman and @breadandsupers respectively) are also on this app, as well as Fear Herself (@arava15)
[OOC tags: ooc posts, popcross rp, MVT rp, rp blog]
[All interactions 'Dresden' has with folks is in character and not serious! all in character posts are lighthearted! /gen]
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katha-angel · 2 months
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Another one for the fanfic
oop forgot the link-
There we go
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therummonster · 4 months
alright, popcross au concept.
narrators get narrated.
sounds all fine and dandy, until vasilia is made into an armor.
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as well as a few more sharpagne doodlings.
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if you'd like to know more, like always, i'd be glad to provide any and all information.
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figitorynonsense · 6 months
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already posted this on the discor but yhea :3
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the-true-boomer · 3 months
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afpwestcoast · 5 months
The UC Theatre, Berkeley, CA, 12/31/23
As I was about to board my flight from Portland down to Oakland who should run up - after boarding was well in progress - but Amanda Fucking Palmer herself, with a large bag from Powell’s Books over her shoulder, which is so on-brand it’s not even funny. The whole crew was on the same flight with me. Cosmic coincidences.
The inimitable Kat Robichaud dominated as Mistress of Ceremonies, and she brought along some friends from the Misfit Cabaret, so this promised to be a great night from the start.
Kat kicked things off with her original song Charade, then The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence provided a series of short, pithy blessings for the new year that managed to be funny, touching, and queer in equal measure.
Snatch Adams did an amazing burlesque routine involving a leaf blower and a giant balloon that she somehow got completely inside … and then removed her clothes.
Another original from Kat, and an extremely sexy dance from Aurora Rose, and it was time for the Dresden Dolls.
In 2017 Amanda did an NYE show a week after having a miscarriage and barely made it through the show. This show was similarly performed amidst some personal tragedy. Amanda had just learned that a good friend from New Zealand - whom she was actually en route to go visit - had died suddenly and tragically. And the longtime landlord / den mother of the artist collective Cloud Club, where Amanda “grew up” as an artist, was in hospice on his death bed (he passed early on the 2nd). While she did talk about this a little on stage for the most part she just powered through and delivered a killer show.
My favorite way to ring in the new year is with Amanda and/or the Dolls, and this show went a long way towards explaining why. Flamboyantly talented people providing astounding spectacle; who could ask for anything more? Halfway through the show my friend Nikki turned to me and said, “I can’t imagine being happier than I am right now!” I couldn’t agree more.
Annotated Set List:
Good Day (Brian on guitar to start)
Sex Changes
Modern Moonlight
My Alcoholic Friends
Shores of California
Welcome to the Internet (Bo Burnham cover) - Before this song Amanda often asks, “Are there any young people in the audience?” and she typically chooses one to serenade during the ‘Waiting for YOOOOOU!’ bridge. Tonight this turned into a bit of a bidding war in which we started at 18 and worked our way down to 5. At one point Brian became an auctioneer, “I’ve got 16 here do I hear 15? 14! 14 going once, can I get … 13 over here!”
Mandy Goes to Med School
Amanda said she wanted to repeat the collective primal scream they had done last NYE, and while that’s true the tradition actually started at the very first solo show Amanda did in the States post COVID in August of ‘22.
“Close your eyes, and on the count of three I would like you to scream as loudly as possible to release the good, the bad, the ugly, the better, the unfulfilled, the loneliness, the whatever you fucking went through last year it’s now gone and you’ve got about an hour to sit with it if you wanna be sad or happy and then it’s all gonna go away and we’re gonna go into 2024 into a bucket of unicorn dreams!”
Mister God
Amanda said that she and Whitney had come up with a working title for the new Dresden Dolls album: Downer Bangers (“That was my nickname in high school!” quipped Nikki.)
“I found out this morning that a really good friend of mine from New Zealand just died really suddenly and tragically, and I’m in the middle of losing someone else in my life, and it’s just one of those days where you’re like, ‘This is happening, and I still have to play a show.’ This has happened to me enough that I know how to do it, but I’ve gotta tell you that it’s still really weird to get up in front of everybody while I’m going through what I’m going through. And here’s the great thing about being in the Dresden Dolls: I have a song for that! So I’m gonna play it.”
Another Christmas (Brian on guitar, Amanda on jingle bells)
Amsterdam (Jacques Brel cover) (Brian on guitar, Amanda on beer) - At the beginning of the second stanza Amanda lost track of the lyrics. “In the port of Amsterdam, there’s a sailor who … ”
“Dies!” I helpfully yelled
“Dies … sorry, Tom.”
Hey don’t apologize to me; I live for this shit!
Missed Me - Brian has taken to really going all out on this one, often performing entire melodramatic vignettes. Tonight he just … left. Got up, left the stage, disappeared. He has played with briefly “leaving” during this song, but this time he was just gone. And Amanda had no idea what was going on. She was talking to the crowd - he’s really gone, I’m all alone, what do I do? sort of thing - when a large, potted plant crept up behind her. As Brian was creeping about the stage hiding behind the plant like a cartoon villain Amanda said, “This is the same guy who during soundcheck was like, ‘Let’s keep the intro really short.’” The antics went on so long that Amanda got flustered and got confused about where they were in the song. She looked at me and asked, “Is this right?” I gave her a big thumbs up.
Astronaut (A Brief History of Nearly Nothing) (Amanda Palmer cover)
Mrs. O - Quick restart after Amanda thought she detected a medical issue in the crowd, something that happened at both the LA and SD shows earlier in the month. It was a false alarm, and the band played on.
Delilah (featuring Kat Robichaud AND Whitney Moses (the OG!)) - Double Delilahs for double the pathos. Before starting Amanda entreated the crowd to sing along. “I want you to sing this song tonight for someone who needs it. And that someone might be you.”
Sing - Amanda was keeping one eye on the clock and the tempo on this one was a bit faster than normal so they could get it in before …
MIDNIGHT! Balloon drop! General pandemonium!
(You Gotta) Fight for Your Right (To Party!) (Beastie Boys cover) - Everyone on stage!
Coin-Operated Boy
War Pigs (Black Sabbath cover)
Girl Anachronism
Photo Gallery: Preshow family portrait.
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Destiney performed as a living statue before the show.
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Snatch Adams, ladies and gentlemen.
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The Dresden Dolls!
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Welcome to the Internet
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Another Christmas
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Sometimes you just can’t see the drummer through the trees.
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Dual Delilahs!
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Submitted without comment.
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Good night!
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Traditional selfie with Whitney Moses and post-show family selfie featuring Michael!
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