lovelyfamouscowboy · 2 months
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napolka · 9 days
Frutiger Aero MP3 Player
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PS CS6, layer styles. Inspired by Digma M5 and IPod Nano
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femcpilled · 2 years
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"Talking with a bucket on your head gives you this really loud echo."
"It makes me happy that you're trying to cheer me up, but could you please take that off your head?"
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Into a Lighter Dream - A Diana [Zero Escape] Fic
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[Read on Ao3!]
Rated: M (16+) Zero Escape/Zero Time Dilemma Diana/Sigma (not the focus) Content Warnings: Standard Zero Time Dilemma Content Warning, Suicide Attempt, Suicide, Death of Children. Words: 2.5k
Summary: So the twins have been teleported. And then what of the four left behind? There is no one coming to save them. There is no hope of escape. They'll come to their own end, by their own hand, then.
A look into the after math of The Hope of Two ending.
It’s somewhat tricky, balancing a baby in one arm and holding a pencil in the other, but somehow Diana manages. Somehow Diana manages, she thinks, sums up most of her life pretty well. Somehow she manages her way through a marriage and a divorce, somehow she manages her way through a death game, and barely she manages the aftermath thereof. It’s strange though, because somehow it’s the waiting that’s the hardest. Those long 10 months, where the inky threads of death just streamed into the corners of her vision ever slightly more with each passing day. And yet, in some way, it was the most blissful she’d ever been. The first indulgence she’d truly had in an age, a love that felt sturdy when everything was rocking.
Musing on this, idly, Diana leans down and presses a gentle kiss to Phi’s forehead. She spares a moment of thought for her other daughter, the Phi sent back in time. And then again, to her son.
“Let them be safe. Let them find their happiness.” Diana whispers in her own head. It’s the same words she’s repeated to herself ever since she sent her children back, whisked away into a corner of space and time she’d never see.
But the Phi in her arms is the one who remained, still left behind. The only Phi left in this world, with her namesake having vanished. Again, Diana takes a moment to wish for that Phi’s happiness and safety, though the ache in her chest reminds her it’s fruitless.
Somewhere though, there must be a Phi living something different. Somewhere, Diana believes, she is living happily. Diana, Sigma, Phi and Delta, all peacefully in one place. No turmoil, no games, just the picture of a normal family.
This world is far far from that ideal. Diana feels a bit like an animal, laying down wounded. There’s a sense of peace washing over she recognizes as acceptance.
In a few hours, she will sleep. Following which, she does not expect to wake up.
Diana frowns down at the paper doily. It’s not exactly the best suicide note, but it’s not exactly a suicide note either. Everything’s half done here, half a life lived, half a romance she shares. What’s the point in worrying about it any more?
With the end so close, Diana finds her fears washed away. After living so much of her life in a constant drone of worry, it’s almost startling how still she can find herself.
Acceptance, even of her inevitable demise, can be a beautiful thing. The fading of her colours becomes a soft pastel, so it’s still beautiful, isn’t it?
Her pains have become nothing but a dull ache in the back of her mind. Yes, her stomach gnaws away at herself even as she tries to satiate it with water. She hasn’t eaten in a week, it’s unsurprising. But what had felt like her organs being pulled into a black hole at first has faded now. Not because she isn’t hungry, but because there’s nothing left she can do about it.
It’s just acceptance now. It’s all washing away.
The pencil slips out of Diana’s grasp as she finishes the note, rolling right off the table and onto the floor. There’s no reason to pick it up, so she leaves it. Let the lounge feel a bit lived in. Let there be prove she had lived for once in her life, even if only for a short time.
Diana slumps back against the couch, tucking Phi in closer to her chest. The baby stares back at her, bright wide eyes, taking in everything about her mother’s face. Diana smiles, giving her daughter another kiss on the head. She deserves so many more than Diana can give her. She deserves so much more than this.
They all do.
She’s too tired to mourn anymore. After the mania and madness of the past 10 months, it’s just… going to end. And it’s a strange feeling, because in some ways this had been the primary thought in her mind ever since Sigma had told her about the food supplies. Even with everything, the fights, the sex, her own children- every thought she had was accompanied by a shadow, a reminder that soon, it would all go away.
If there’s one comfort Diana can take, beyond knowing that Sigma will be there with her, is that they’re taking it into their own hands. Agency is a comfort, particularly in a place like this.
(In the back of her mind, she knows she never had any true agency. She knows everything, each step she takes, the precise positioning of each molecule of her body holds the exact space in time someone had calculated for. It makes her feel like each of those atoms are scratching up against each other, buzzing with an urge to lurch, to send reality spinning out of place, if only to be free for a fraction of a second.)
Phi fusses in Diana’s arms, somewhat restless. She’s not fussy, not usually, though Diana supposes she doesn’t have much ground to stand on with that claim. Phi is merely days old. Still, Diana just knows. She’s her baby, of course she knows. For everything she’d studied, for all the scientific data she’d memorized in college, for every dissertation she’d read, nothing compared to really holding her own daughter in her arms and knowing the power of a mother’s love was both real and magic.
She’s being far too idealistic than she has any right to be, but she’s earned the right to have a little misguided optimism by now.
A mother’s love is real. A mother’s love is magic. And with her magic, Diana rocks side to side, rocking Phi with her, and whispers her spell.
“Let them be safe. Let them find their happiness.”
Maybe she spends a few minutes in that daze, a murmured half lullaby, maybe longer.
It’s only when Sigma sits down next to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and pulling her in a touch closer, that she’s pulled out of reverie.
Once it would’ve startled her, but there’s something about Sigma’s embrace that she finds herself relaxing into without even thinking about it. If Diana ever mentioned it to Sigma, she’s sure he’d explain it as the morphogenetic field, her body remembering the other lives they’d had together, or such and so. And perhaps that is the case. Diana won’t rule it out. Personally, however, she’d pinpoint the cause as something simpler.
Sigma makes her feel safe. That’s all.
“Everything’s set up,” Sigma murmurs, pressing his words to the crown of Diana’s head. “If you’re ready.”
How do you ready yourself for something like this? No matter how much she’d been preparing for this, mentally or physically, she’d never be ready.
But the note she’d been writing was finished, and that was all that was left to complete, so in that sense…
She can’t get the words out, but she nods anyway, humming in affirmative.
Sigma squeezes her a little tighter.
“We’re going together. Don’t worry.”
The worry has long since bled out of Diana, pooled at her feet and spilled across the floor. So she won’t worry. She won’t.
She stands, slowly so as not to disturb Phi too much. Sigma follows, bringing his arm down to help support Delta, carried on his right shoulder. It’s probably not the safest way to hold him, but it won’t matter soon.
They walk out slowly, Diana casting glances around each part of the room as she bids it farewell. It’s not exactly like she’ll miss this place, after everything she’s been through here, but in someways, she supposes she will. Contradictions like that only make sense in a place like this.
“It was a good letter.” Sigma whispers, in lieu of a farewell to the space. “You did good.”
Diana nods. She’s appreciative, and flattered, but it’s getting difficult to express it.
And slowly, step by step, they make their way through the halls until finally. The last room. The relaxation room.
Diana steps in carefully, minding the large box-shaped contraption set up on the floor. It resembles a fog machine, in fact most of it was a fog machine, but with the modifications Sigma has made… it couldn’t be called that anymore. It’s function had changed, the weight of it’s worth was altered. No going back from that.
A long black cord runs out from it, up towards one of the beds in the corner. A chunky “on/off” switch breaks off the clean line of the cable, sitting right at the foot of the bed.
Diana tries not to think about it yet. Not quite yet. She turns her attention to the dial on the wall.
“What environment would you like?” She asks, though they have already had this conversation several times, and settled on an answer long ago.
“The sky pattern.” Sigma answers, though Diana’s fingers have already begun to twist the knob. It clicks, clicks, and the walls, floor, and ceiling all distort around them until finally coming to the sky pattern. Diana’s favourite, even now.
The clouds soar past them, off into a non-existent distance. Freedom that has never been, and never will be.
“Perfect.” Diana murmurs.  “Shall we go, then?”
Sigma nods.
Carefully across the room now, Diana keeps away from the walls though she knows the sky is only fake, the drop off into the sky unreal.
(She’d tried it once, less than a month into confinement and in a drunken haze. Turned the pattern to clouds and stood near the edges. Closed her eyes and let herself tilt, teeter forward. Willed herself, begged for something to just slip. Slammed her head against the wall and sunk to the ground, sobbing. Hits her head against it again. Again. Maybe this time something will change. But it doesn’t, it never does. Until Sigma had found her, and simply carried her back to the lounge, lying her to rest on the couch. He’d been so gentle. So warm. She’d almost considered doing it again just to feel that kind of embrace.)
Sigma passes Delta over to Diana, and she settles into the hold. She clutches both her children to her chest, feeling the miniscule sound; their hearts beating in sync.
“Let them be safe. Let them find their happiness.” She thinks without even trying, even when she knows it’s got to be too late.
Sigma settles down onto the relaxation room bed, taking a moment to position himself comfortably. Carefully, he keeps the “on/off” switch tucked into his right hand, but doesn’t hit the switch just yet.
“Join me,” He says once he’s settled, “Love.” He finishes, and Diana’s heart could just break in two when he talks like that. It’s enough to make her want to slap him, try and claw her way out just a little more.
But… Diana is so tired. And so hungry.
Gently, Diana positions herself tucked into Sigma’s body, pressed so close they might as well have been one person. Her head rests on his shoulder, positioned so that she could look into his eyes. Phi lies against her chest, and Delta is shuffled over so most of his body lies on Sigma’s.
Sigma’s embrace is warm and tight, as he reaches his left arm around his family. Diana feels, if just for a moment, that everything was worth it if she got to hold this second within herself.
“One second…”
Diana tucks her hand into her shirt, pulling out the necklace she’d kept tucked away. Her fingers are shaking a bit, so it takes a bit of effort, but she manages. Slowly, clumsily, Diana turns the key for the bluebird music box. And turns. And turns. She turns until the box cannot possibly take anymore, and the springs inside the device whine in protest. Then, she releases it, and tinny music notes begin to fill the room.
Sigma smiles quietly.
“Needed a bit of mood music?”
“Ha ha.” Diana deadpans, but she’s smiling at him, “I just… wanted to listen to it one more time.”
“I know.”
There’s a moment of silence, or rather, the quiet melody of a music box filling such. Phi’s eyes widen a bit as the tune goes through, seemingly enamoured by the sound.
“I’m ready.” Diana whispers, before she can change her mind. So before anyone can say anything else, Sigma flicks the switch from “off” to “on”, and the room begins to fill with Soporil B.
“This’ll keep us out for… how long?” Diana whispers, voice nestling in between the melody and the quiet fssshh of the Soporil smoke machine.
“The canister I found in the transporter room had approximately… 25 litres in it, give or take, and the machine is set to run at steady intervals to prevent it from burning out the supply.” Sigma replied, whispering the explanation in Diana’s ear, “As we are already exhausted mentally and physically, and none of us have eaten or drank in the past few days, it should knock us out pretty hard.”
It’s not the Soporil that does the killing, Diana knows. It’s the starvation, and primarily, dehydration they’re banking on. Collapse the internal organs, let heart failure kick in. Sleep through all of it. That had been the plan ever since Sigma had managed to find the canister of Soporil in the transporter room, tucked in a lower cabinet. It was strange how they hadn’t noticed it before. Almost as if it had been placed there deliberately after it had been clear there was no chance of complete survival. Even when the plan had been to transport themselves, not their children, they’d worked to set this up for those left behind.
If it was deliberate, just Zero cleaning up close ends, then Diana supposes she’s grateful it’s something cleaner like this. Slow, maybe, and even in a haze of drugged-up dreams, she’s sure the pain won’t completely vanish… but it’s better this way. Better to go together, to dream anything, and simply slip further into that dream until nothing remains.
Diana blinks.
It’s a slower thing than she’s used to, the weight of her eyelids grows stronger with each moment.
“Ss-Sigma.” Diana says, words starting to slur slightly, “I love you.”
Sigma just hums quietly, for a moment. Then,
“I love you too, Diana.”
“I love you.” Diana repeats. “I love you. I love you. I wantta be the last- last thing… I say. You… and Delta and Phi, I- I love you. I love you.”
It’s such a messy love. She’d call it broken, but that would imply there was ever a time that what they held wasn’t tattered. It’s always been like this. A bit charred and melting. Like a moment frozen in time, like a snow globe, like a bird in a cage, the sort of love captured in this bubble. But it’s really love. The details are blurring away in the Soporil fog.
The music box notes distort and shift, they twirl into birds songs on the breeze. Diana doesn’t feel the weight of Sigma’s arms, of Phi lying on her chest. Her body dissolves along with them, until they’re all nothingness together.
Maybe she’s dead now. Maybe she’s still dying. It’s all a fog. It’s all fog.
The play is over now. The story is done.
It was all for nothing, and yet it was so integral, to everything.
The actors have bowed; said their goodnights. The lights on the stage have all shut off.
One day, Diana thinks, someone might find them. Four bodies in a state of decay, find their bones all on top of each other and not be able to tell who is who.
But for now, for the rest of her life, Diana listens to that music box. To the sound of her family breathing.
Her thoughts don’t make sense anymore. Her mind is a cloud, the room is a cloud, it’s all a harmony of abstractions.
It’s a field of white.
It’s the absence of anything.
It’s over now.
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mannycalaveracafe · 1 year
This time i present to you Dozis Digma, the little brother of Buffalo Belzer ✨🔥
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Name: Doxis Digma
Age: 270 thouson years
Pronouns: He/Him/They
Sexuality: Asexual
About: He is the younger brother of Buffalo Belzer, and he has unique traits that distinguishes it from others, he is very short. (He is the only one that is basically a dwarf in the family).He is even kinda different because he lives basically in the quiet and dark library that he own, kill for anyone who tries enters without his permission, but he also kind who get to him new info about the earth and his technology.In fact, half of his library its a sort of hybrid of an ancient and new in comparison, an old closet with various electrical wires lying around. He also loves to create new types of puzzle to torture his damned souls, even strange traps or bloody cruel to their victims, they also love to make riddles but just for special guests. He obligated his children to search any kind of books or news from the surface, and take note of everything that happened, for those who cant accomplishing such a mission are destined to fall straight into the HellishMaze.
Likes: Every types of knowledge, he like a little bit of challenge, also he like to play any kind of mental games like cube rubik, sudoku and the twiddlers. He never lose of any of this games.
Dislikes: The stupidity of all humans, his brother Belzer and anything to do with "socializing."
Traits: Egomaniac, rude and Anti-social.
Relationships: He is the younger brother of Buffalo Belzer, Alina Arostia and Calvia Chirox, he is the uncle of Wendell and Wild.
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Fun fact: He lost half of his ear after a fight with his brother Belzer, and he kinda healed himself with a stapler.
I hope you people like my series because they missing TWO of tham 👀✨🔥
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eunieverse · 2 years
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Gabriel Silang, ang pinaka-unang babaeng rebolusyonaryo.
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toskarin · 3 months
By leaving the dragon digma dlc items in the bank, you mean not to install them? (Sorry english is not my first language and the wording confused me)
because of the way that Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen works, the DLC is included with the game by default, so instead of having to buy it, all of the DLC gear is delivered to a bank location ingame
I personally recommend beating the game once before using any of these items
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synokoria · 10 months
With less than a week until release, it's time to drop a trailer for "I transmigrated into an otome game as villager A and am I determined to marry a NPC to escape the plot! But wait! Everyone is a silhouette?!" ... That's a long name hahahaaa, we're been reducing it to Silhouette.
Game Page
Otome Jam 2023 Logo by: Akua Kourin
Backgrounds by: Minikle
Music By: Joel Steudler Music
The trailer features the voice talents of:
Loganne Digma
Anthony B Perez
Kit Wakefield
Arthur Pelino
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sigma or digma
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ilaw-at-panitik · 8 months
May mga tag-araw na katulad nito: may mga inilalakong ibon At ang harmoniya ng kanilang pagkakabilanggo’y nakakakuyom Ng puso at nakakapukaw ng mingaw. Doon ito sa may simbahan. Nauunawaan ko na ngayon ang Mesiyas nang binaklas niya Ang bawat hawla at isinubo sa kalawakan ang mga binagwisang Hinagpis. Nagsasalimbayang alkemiya ng mga kulay ang natatanaw Tulad ng biglaang paglipad ng napigtal na banderitas ng nakaraang Pista, napadapo sa kandong ng mga yero. Ito na ang parang at gubat Sa kanila. Nakakalansi ang bawat butil sa ating palad tila maamong Labangan ang naghahain. Minsan, noong nakaraang digma, tinuruan Ang mga kalapating magpiloto ng bomba. May kapalit na makakain Sa tamang pagtuka sa itinutudla sa mapa. Higit sa mga mandaragit Sila hinuhubog. Natigil ang proyekto nang nakilala ng kanilang tuka Ang mga kandado. Lumiliwayway sa panginoorin ang maiindayog Na pagkaway samantalang naiiwang nakabitin sa buntong-hininga Ang kanilang mga amo. Kailangang lumayo ng mamang naglalako. Kakalampag sa pagaspas ng mga pakpak ang mga kulungang kawayan. Sansaglit, tila naroroon sila sa ilog, umaawit ng kanilang iniibig na himig.
There are summers such as this: birds being sold and the harmony Of their captivity clenches a heart and stirs up a loneliness. There beside the church. Now I understand the Messiah when he forced Open every cage and fed the expanse feathered laments. The gliding alchemy of the colors can be seen like the sudden Flight of ripped banderitas from the last Fiesta, alighting on the lap Of galvanized roofs. These are their fields and forests. Every grain in our palm, Serving like an unassuming trough, deceives. Sometime during the last war, Pigeons were trained to pilot bombs. Food was exchanged For every right peck targeted on the map. They were trained to surpass birds of prey. The project ended when their beaks met the locks. Their billowing waves Dawn in the horizon while their keepers were left suspended In their sighs. The merchants needed to flee. The bamboo cages clang from their flapping wings. For a moment, They seem to be in the river, singing the melodies they love.
Enrique S. Villasis, "Birdman, 1973" tr from Tagalog by Bernard Capinpin (Published in Exchanges: Journal of Literary Translation, Iterarions, Fall 2019)
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specialshinytrinkets · 10 months
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Llora en mi hombro, mi amor...
Shoutout to @spideygal for translation!!
They've infected my brain.......... so hardddddddddd. So crazely. They. They're so. Ough. Sometimes you need to draw your crackship crying and beimg soft and fucking sweet and floaty and
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Now, here comes the question to all owners of DiCam 210 by Digma: How do you ensure the footage not getting corrupted? Is it by letting the camera heat up before recording the needed bit? Because I wanna do speedpaints, but not my luck ig <//3
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ramayantika · 11 months
Sakhiyon I stumbled on aplha beta giga gamma sigma digma anda men side of Instagram 💀
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fabiansteinhauer · 5 months
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On the making of Law/ Love in Chanceries
Ein Kollege sagt einmal nach dem Tod von Cornelia Vismann, das Werk von Cornelia Vismann sei todlangweilig gewesen.
Das war damals von der Art jener kleinen achtlosen Randbemerkungen, die Freundschaften zerstören und Kriege auslösen können. Eine Raserei und Rage hat die Bemerkung ausgelöst. Oft verlieren nicht nur Leute ein Wort gegen das, was man liebt. Das, was man liebt verliert auch selbst, verliert gegen Worte, die dem Lieben und Leben entgegengestellt scheinen - und irgendwann verlieren sie alles auf Erden.
In der Raserei und Rage kann man den Kollegen, die achtlose und würdelose Worte gegen dasjenige verlieren, das man liebt, Unruhe bewahrend geschmacklose Worte um's Ohr hauen. Du Arsch habe ich mir gesagt, im Kopf ihm. Geradeso, ebenso habe ich die Fassung in zitternden Lippen zittern lassen.
Wer ein Rad abhat, kann Rad abhaben. Alles hilft nichts, nur kleine Schritte, nur minore Objekte helfen. In dem Fall hilft, die Bemerkung als ein Lob zu verstehen. Bei Vismann wird der Tod langweilig, durchaus, aber nur, weil man mit ihr den Tod langweilig erscheinen lassen kann. Sie lebt ohnehin nach, wen schreckt schon der Tod, wenn jemand so nachlebt wie Vismann? Canceln als Chance: Davon handelt das Buch über die langweilenste Kanzleikultur in Europa, über Rom, das Aktenbuch. Soll der Kollege sich mit dem Tod, mit Vismann langweilen: In Liebe und Law, Recht und Gesetz ist man ohnehin auf sich gestellt und auf sich außer Sinn und Sinnen.
Gestern haben Manuel, Ricardo, Arthur, Sweti und Moses mit mir Tafeln gebrochen. Wir haben eine alte Tafel weggestellt, neue Tafel hingestellt. Dazu musste ich zum fantastischnamigen 'KFZ-Referat' an der Uni, die neue Tafel musste nämlich am Dom in Frankfurt abgeholt werden, gegenüber vom Italiener. Dafür brauchte ich einen Laster. Das letzte mal, als ich da war, da lebte Cornelia noch und an dem Tag wurde ein Esser (Joseph) zum Papst gewählt, ab da hieß er Benedikt Nr. 16.
Zwischendurch sind viele Jahre vergangen, aber an dem Tag war ich dann auch mit einem Laster vom KFZ-Referat unterwegs, weil ich ein Atelier in Wuppertal auflösen und lauter, einen Haufen Bildtafeln nach Frankfurt bringen musste. Auf der Autobahn hörte ich im Radio Habemus Papam - und bin zufälligerweise auf die irre Idee gekommen, als erstes Cornelia anzurufen.
Vismann, hallo?
Hallo Cornelia, wir haben einen neuen Papst, hier spricht Fabian.
Östliches Pastorentöchterchen und sogenanntes Plakattier Vismann. Die hat sich am Telephon gar nicht eingekriegt vor thrakischem Lachen, dass ich ausgerechnet sie angerufen habe, um ein bisschen Aufregung zu teilen.
Hast Du ein Rad ab, mich deswegen anzurufen?
Bin gerade auf der A 3, Wuppertal Richtung Frankfurt, kann sein.
Ruf doch lieber später noch mal an.
Hach, Canceln! Hach, Gerechtigkeit als Zufall, so soll es sein, alles just by coincidence.
Vismann ist tot, lange lebe Vismann. Zufälligerweise, umwegigerweise gibt es jetzt eine Institution, ein 'Institut' für die Forschung, die Vismann initiiert hat, genau an dem Ort, an dem sie ein paar Jahre gearbeitet hat.
Zwischendurch mal alles weg, gut so, aber einem Weg ist ohnehin egal, ob er gut ist, er will doch sowieso weg. Jetzt, nur eine kurze Phase lang mit vielen Jahren, die immer zwischendurch vergehen, gibt es am Max-Planck-Institut Forschung, die den Namen Vismann hochhält, wie ein Schild, wie ein Digma und ein Dogma.
In diesem Jahr gab es den ersten Workshop zu Recht und Anthropofagie, Vorträge und Workshop in Brasilien, wo die Neugierde groß ist, wo man vor allem auf produktive und irritierende Weise immer schon mehr über das weiß, als was die Vortragenden bewußt so und nicht anders mitbringen. Das ist ein Zauber Brasiliens, vermutlich auch anthropofage Praxis: Man trägt jenem professionellen Publikum bewußt so und nicht anders vor, das auf nicht hemmende, sondern bezaubernde Weise sowohl signalisieren kann, dass es mehr vom Thema weiß, als man gerade sagt und ihnen vorträgt und die gleichzeitg große Neugierde signalisieren, ob man das denn auch schon weiß, was sie mehr wissen. Lockendes Publikum, ein verführerischer Luxus! Immer wissen sie weiter als der, der vorträgt.
Im Vortragen fallen einem dort lauter Sachen ein, von denen man noch gar nicht wußte, dass man sie vorträgt oder überhaupt etwas von ihnen wußte. Verrückt, dafür bezahlen die einen noch, zahlen Flüge und Hotels, führen einen aus, gutes Essen und Strand - und natürlich law clinic unter Palmen, perfekt.
I wish you were here, i wish you where there: Vismann, weil Vismann die Technik des Cancelns so gut ausüben und wahrnehmen konnte. Das Buch über die Akten oder dasjenige Vom Griechenland, dasjenige über das Schöne am Recht: Ich lese, also messe, misse und vermisse ich. Gibt es was Schöneres auf der Welt als Frauen, die einem schreiben? Gibt es was brutaleres, grausameres und schrecklicheres auf der Welt als Frauen, die einem nicht schreiben?
In der Schönheit gibt es, wie im Recht und der Liebe Hitparaden, immer wieder Schlag auf Schlag. Mit Superlativen sollte man vielleicht nicht um sich schmeißen, den Peinlichkeiten entgeht man auch ohne so eine Superlativschmeißerei schon oft genug nicht.
Was mir erst jetzt, nach zig Jahren auffällt: Dass Cornelias Buch die Zweisprachigkeit braucht - und zwar eine Zweisprachigkeit, die bigendert und die binational ist, dabei aber römisch gesprochen wird.
Das ist eine Entzweiung der Sprache, die polarisiert, weil in der Übersetzung die Worte zu Gegenworten pendeln. Die Theorie vom Gegensinn der Urworte macht insofern Sinn, wenn man sie sowohl beim Wort nimmt als auch bildlich versteht. So verliert sie auch ihren Sinn, wie sie ihn macht. Am Anfang der Medien des Rechts ist Thomas Vesting Vismann ausgewichen, als er geschrieben hat, der Umkreis um Kittler bringe zu schnell, zu bald (die wörtliche Formulierung ist entscheidend, sie ist auch bildlich entscheidend, präzise lasse ich sie hier aus, um sie in ihrer Präzision und Paraphrase zu würdigen) Medien in Zusammenhang mit Macht. Vesting hat inzwischen auch Institutionen angepeilt, die Vismann mit dem Verb Instituieren angepeilt hat. Entweder zu früh, entweder zu spät, saturiert und darum satyrisch kommen alle daher und laufen vorbei.
Auf einer Tagung, die wir in Weimar unter dem Titel Instituieren organisiert haben, gab es, was sonst?, Anstösse und Anstössiges, eine Kritik der rein Vernünftigen und ihrer Badezusätze, der Waschbären. Viele Jahre sind vergangen, da kann man gerissene Fäden gut wieder aufgreifen und nach dem Verhältnis zwischen dem Instituieren als einer Technik und einer institutionellen Macht fragen.
Institution wäre dann etwas, was warten oder erwarten lässt, weil es als Gegegebenheit oder Gelegenheit erscheinen kann, als Zufall zum Beispiel. Das ist nur so eine Annahme, nichts als eine Annahme.
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femcpilled · 2 years
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This song is so sigdi pilled and I am gonna cry
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toonabby · 8 months
Happy 20th birthday Loganne Digma! (voice of Fariha, Golshan, and Hawa from Genshin Impact)
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mannycalaveracafe · 1 year
You mentioned in Doxis Digma's profile that he and Belzer had a fight thar cost him a bit of his ear, what caused the fight?
OooOoh 👀✨✨
You are curious, aren't you? 😏✨
Well, I think its right to make a little bit of background...
Since Doxis was a child, he is being constantly bullied by Belzer and put in the shadow of the rest of the family, just because they all think he is the weakest beside of everyone, so as to justify all the assaults he suffered. This puts so much envy and frustration inside of him, his promise to himself that one day he gets his revenge, prove to everyone that he is more powerful beside of what they are thinking.
But times go on and on and his anger becomes more like to feel superior respect to others and poke them with his intelligence and with wit, but because of that he always got the trouble. Let's say that he causes his own bad even thinking he in the right to say "facts". Because of this attitude, sometimes he have some fight with his old brother Belzer, Doxis favorite victim. And one day Belzer gor really furios that he just lost control of himself and accidentally took half of his hear 😅
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(draw this inspired by Imagine Dragons song "Enemy")
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