#Did a Pumpkin carving and bought some chocolates for the first time ever to humor our neighbors who are trowing a dia das bruxas party
margizaa · 2 years
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I wasn't particularly happy with how this was turning out so I'll just drop it as it is. Vee in a Halloweenish color palette for a friend.
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herdustisverypretty · 7 years
would you rather (autumn edition)
Tagged by @kelandry5​
go apple picking vs go on a hay ride - apple picking as in like... picking apples off trees? or is this another way to say apple bobbing? cause i know what that is lmao that’s originally a pagan tradition associated with samhain. no clue what a hay ride is tho. I’M GONNA SAY NEITHER?????
scary vs sweet - in regards to what?????
sweaters jumpers vs boots
socks vs mittens - mittens are like... gloves with no fingers rite??? not fingerless gloves but like. i’m not explaining this well am i. 
bonfires vs football - ok wait i’ve gotta look this up, cause i am always getting confused between uk vs us vs aus football. OK ITS GRIDIRON. i mean i knew that was a thing but is that all you have in america??? those shoulder pads man... so tacky. so uh, neither, cause i’m hella scared of fire. I LIVE IN AUSTRALIA. THE RISK OF DEATH BY BUSHFIRE IS LITERALLY HERE AT ALL TIMES
trick or treating vs watching scary movies - we don’t rlly trick or treat in australia. i think this year we got one small group of kids. they rang the doorbell twice in quick succession and i was like “well if i was gonna open the door and smile and say ‘soz kids we don’t have anything’ I SURE AIN’T NOW” *ignored and blocked*
apple pie vs pumpkin pie - is pumpkin pie even a thing in australia? i don’t think i’ve ever heard it mentioned outside of spn. why do y’all gotta stick pumpkin in everything?
halloween vs thanksgiving - lol. i mean first, halloween is a commercialised/americanised/christianised theft of samhain (which i celebrate in may due to being in the southern hemisphere) (tho do not take this as my condemning and/or disapproving of halloween exactly - it’s a complicated situation), and second, i have a native american friend so i really am not supportive of thanksgiving anyway. also you know once an american my mum follows on instagram asked her how australians celebrate thanksgiving. lmao. 
bake pie vs bake cookies - uhh, pie isn’t rlly a thing in australia? i don’t think i’ve ever eaten a dessert pie that wasn’t a supermarket-bought frozen nanna’s apple pie. and i don’t even really like apple pie anyway.......
rain vs fog
black cats vs owls
ghosts vs wizards (look ghosts are fine, just dont fuckin do a seance ever)
harry potter vs halloweentown - at first i thought halloweentown referred to the halloween world in nightmare before christmas. but no, apparently it’s its own thing. who woulda thunk it
go hiking vs sleep in - what the fuck? do all americans go hiking in autumn?? uhh? WHY??????? i thought everyone on tumblr mutually hated exercise or is that just me
cinnamon vs nutmeg
reading vs writing
hot chocolate vs tea
live in a cabin in a forest vs 24/7 autumn - umm??? this is a weird one. i...i don’t understand the reasoning for choosing such totally unrelated things????? however, i would pick 24/7 autumn, because this spring has already gotten to 35+ degree days. no thanks!
candy apples vs caramel apples - ..there’s a difference? are these also different to toffee apples? cause i think i had one of those in the 90s at christmas once? it was weird. to quote river tam, i very much had the thought of “my food is problematic.” (and she remains the only person who can say that word) 
blankets vs pillows
roasted marshmallows vs roasted chestnuts - i’m a vegetarian so i’m not meant to eat marshmallows (no real loss there) and i don’t think i’ve ever even seen a chestnut in a store so?????
coffee vs apple cider - are these only meant to be consumed in autumn in america or smth? i feel like you’re lying to me. cause i know starbucks is a thing. as for apple cider, well, my sister and mother usually pick that as their drink of choice at family gatherings all year round soo??? again is this something that is only consumed in autumn in america? like eggnog at christmas? pretty sure we don’t have that too. and if we do, i don’t think anyone buys it. side note but what actually IS eggnog??? does it actually have eggs in it cause thats kinda... icky.. or is that just a name? 
red leaves vs orange leaves
braids vs bows - uhh?? they’re?? both nice??? *still confused by america*
scented candles vs the smell of freshly baked goods
carve pumpkins vs make pumpkin pie - again, we don’t do this. also fun fact! the original act of carving what are now known as jack’o’lanterns originated with pagan beliefs that carving turnips (pumpkins are native to america) with scary faces and displaying them in windows would help to scare away the demons and pixies and faeries that came out on samhain to cause mischief and eat children n shit. 
pumpkin spice lattes vs chai lattes - i’ve only ever had a chai latte once, and it wasn’t even mine, it was my friend’s from mcdonalds and i just had a sip. but it was nice! also gdi america stop putting pumpkins in everything!!! you’re as bad as me putting salted caramel flavour in everything (at least salted caramel is actually nice????). also i’ve heard starbucks pumpkin spice lattes aren’t even good anyway???? and that it’s not even pumpkin, but artificial flavouring. i think i will pass. 
coats vs oversized sweaters jumpers
beanies vs berets
candy corn vs peanut butter cups - yeah we don’t really have either of those either
s’mores vs apple crisp - NO IDEA what an apple crisp is but i’ve eaten s’mores pop tarts (ya i know they have gelatin sue me. mostly i just don’t like marshmallows. also i really like pop tarts.) and they were good so uh yeah. 
jump into a pile of leaves vs swing on a tire swing
corn maze vs haunted house - corn maze... i’m gonna assume that’s going into a corn field that’s been cut to be shaped like a maze??? why would you willingly go in that? you’re asking to be murdered. or abducted by aliens. ok i retract my previous statement. definitely go in that. 
bob for apples vs visit a pumpkin patch - ok obviously the previous apple picking then refers to ACTUALLY picking apples off trees. none of these sound appealing. 
whipped cream on hot chocolate vs marshmallows on hot chocolate - i don’t like cream in general, and we already know my stance on marshmallows: gross powdery little demons. 
WELL THAT WAS FUN. basically me just either dissing american culture or straight up not knowing what it means. glad we did that. 
i will now proceed to tag some americans. @6ubble-gum @humanitys-shortest-soldier 
actually i think thats all the americans i know. well i hope you enjoy seeing an australian witch being thoroughly confused by american autumn/halloween culture
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swseats · 5 years
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    We all have beliefs about ourselves. We make authoritative statements about how we view ourselves in the world. Ideas we build up over time. “I don’t wait in line for restaurants.”, “I don’t do vegetables!”, “I’m not a fan of chocolate”! I understand them all. Well perhaps not the last one, but for the most part, I get it. We all make pronouncements about ourselves and, through our actions, try very hard to have them be true. But it seems that the world conspires to move us off of our mark almost as soon as we utter the words. Digging in my heels used to be my reaction when this would happen to me, but I’ve begun to think that may not be the right response. How do we give up some of the perceptions we hold about ourselves and accept a new way of thinking?
I’m not a Cake Guy.
   Growing up, we were pretty much a pie household. I have no real recollection of my mother ever baking cakes. Not that she didn’t like cake, I just don’t really recall it happening. From my youth, I have two distinct dessert memories. At one point my mom discovered a recipe for a fruit cobbler that had a cake like topping. Less like a biscuit and more like a cake. I can remember giving it a serious side-eye when it came out of the oven and how the smell filled the kitchen with sweetness and just a hint of cinnamon. Since I was always eager to eat baked things while they were still warm, I quickly dug a spoon in, breaking through the golden-brown topping and scooping out a good sized portion for myself. The cooked syrup was clear and you could see flecks of spices suspended tantalizingly around the perfectly uniform and soft peach slices. The hot liquid had soaked into the fluffy topping like water into a thirsty sponge and I kept eating and eating, even though I had managed to burn the roof of my mouth on that first bite.
   The second memory that sticks out to me is my grandmother’s peach pie. I can still see her yellow Pyrex mixing bowl with the white flowers around the rim. While she was alive, Grandma would bake peach cobbler in that bowl. I would walk through her front door and immediately get wrapped in a blanket of freshly baked cinnamon, nutmeg and canned peaches. I would breathe in deeply to catch all of the homey comforting aromas. She would make it just for me because I was her favorite (It’s really okay if you don’t mention that to my siblings -- or my cousins, but we know the truth). As you can see, for me growing up, there was not a lot of cake going on. Of course at large family gatherings and church functions there was the ubiquitous 7-Up cake or for birthdays a store/bakery bought sheet cake with the super sweet shortening frosting that always left a slick coating of grease on the roof of your mouth. Just like wax on a hardwood floor. But that was about it. Cake was what you got from somewhere else, pie you made at home.
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I’m a Pie Guy
   Don’t get me wrong. Carving out a large piece of soft sweet chocolate cake and, after taking a bite, making that yummy face, is definitely gratifying. But if I had my druthers, I’d choose pie any day. Sticking my fork into a tender crust who’s flakiness tastes slightly of butter and sugar. Savoring the brightness of the sweetened berries and juices. The texture of the strawberry and rhubarb that remind you of the first few days of Spring. Or Fall being represented by the velvety texture and warm flavor of ginger spiked pumpkin or masala infused sweet potato. I am a lover of pie. I am a Pie Guy. But sometimes the universe conspires and pushes you to see things differently.
Oh, cake.
   In baking, as in life, there is an exception to every rule. My self imposed Achilles Heel was my kids. Years ago when we decided to have children, I announced that my kids would always have a homemade cake, made from scratch, for each of their birthdays. Why I made this declaration was most likely new parent hubris. Also I likely thought at the time that busting out two cakes a year couldn’t be that hard. Famous last words. Because once you go down that slippery slope, there is no going back. The Universe not only has other plans, but also a wicked sense of humor. Just one exception is all it takes.You get asked for cake when it’s not a special occasion. You say yes. Then you get asked to make cakes for people you’re not related to. Okay! You get asked for cupcakes, which are nothing but a multitude of miniature cakes. Sure, why not? And then there is the buttercream! It’s not just making the cakes. Oh no. They can’t go around all naked. They have to be dressed with something. And since frosting is not my thing -- store bought frosting trauma perhaps -- I make buttercream. And before you ask, yes there is a difference. Over the ensuing years I have learned to lean into my resistance to cake baking. I’ve had to let go of this idea that cakes weren’t my thing, and once I did, I actually started enjoying the cake making process. Plus my kids won’t let me off the hook. They keep asking for a cake. Year after year. Children can be so cruel. Now I’m the pie guy who bakes cakes. And cupcakes. And makes his own buttercream. Because, I’ve discovered, if you’re going to be pushed off your spot, you might as well go all the way. It’s easier to just embrace the moment and accept this is who you’ve become. It’s okay to let go of that old idea of yourself and go with who you are now.
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