#Department of General Adminstration
rudrjobdesk · 1 year
GAD ने नोटिफिकेशन की जारी, शिमला के विल्ली पार्क में ठहरने पर भी देना होगा रेंट | Shimla : Himachal CM Sukhvindar Singh Sukhu, VIP Treatment of dignitaries, Department of General Adminstration, Randhir Sharma (BJP)
GAD ने नोटिफिकेशन की जारी, शिमला के विल्ली पार्क में ठहरने पर भी देना होगा रेंट | Shimla : Himachal CM Sukhvindar Singh Sukhu, VIP Treatment of dignitaries, Department of General Adminstration, Randhir Sharma (BJP)
Hindi News Local Himachal Shimla Shimla : Himachal CM Sukhvindar Singh Sukhu, VIP Treatment Of Dignitaries, Department Of General Adminstration, Randhir Sharma (BJP) शिमला6 घंटे पहले कॉपी लिंक हिमाचल से बाहर माननीयों का VIP ट्रीटमेंट पूरी तरह से बंद कर दिया गया है। मुख्यमंत्री से मिले आदेशों के बाद सामान्य प्रशासन विभाग (GAD) ने भी बिना किसी देरी के इस संबंध में अधिसूचना जारी कर दी है। दिल्ली,…
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jobsinworld · 10 months
Administrator Job in Canada
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The roles and responsibilities of an administrator can vary depending on the context and specific job title. However, here are some general roles and responsibilities that are commonly associated with administrative positions:
Office Management: Administrators often oversee the day-to-day operations of an office or department. This includes managing schedules, coordinating meetings, organizing files and records, and ensuring efficient communication within the organization.
Administrative Support: Administrators provide support to staff members and executives by handling correspondence, managing calendars, arranging travel and accommodations, and preparing reports and presentations.
Record Keeping: Administrators are responsible for maintaining accurate and up-to-date records, such as employee records, financial documents, and other important files. This may involve data entry, record organization, and document management.
Communication: Administrators serve as a point of contact between different departments, teams, or external stakeholders. They may handle incoming and outgoing communications, including phone calls, emails, and other forms of correspondence.
Budgeting and Finance: Administrators often assist with budgeting and financial tasks, such as monitoring expenses, processing invoices, preparing financial reports, and coordinating with the finance department.
Human Resources Support: Administrators may assist the human resources department with tasks such as maintaining employee records, processing paperwork related to hiring and termination, and organizing employee training and development programs.
Policy and Procedure Compliance: Administrators help ensure that organizational policies and procedures are followed by staff members. They may develop and update policies, communicate them to employees, and monitor compliance.
Project Coordination: Administrators may support project teams by coordinating project activities, scheduling meetings, tracking project timelines, and assisting with project documentation and reporting.
Technology and Systems Management: Administrators often handle technology-related tasks, such as maintaining computer systems, managing software licenses, troubleshooting technical issues, and training staff on software and tools.
Confidentiality and Data Security: Administrators are entrusted with sensitive information, so they must maintain confidentiality and adhere to data security protocols to protect the organization's information.
It's important to note that these responsibilities can vary depending on the specific organization, industry, and level of the administrative position.
For More Details
Adminstrator Job in Canada
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worckie-review · 1 year
Worckie is a project management system that allows you to take back control of your projects. With Worckie you have the power to manage projects, departments, tasks, and deadlines.
Most people have a general idea of how many businesses fail. Let’s take a look at some real numbers and data. According to Entrepreneur magazine, 70% of all business will end up failing. ZenBusiness lists two reasons for failure as “poor management: and “lack of planning”. To have the best chance at longevity and growth, it is important to regularly study, organize, plan, and control all activities of your business operations. Your success depends on a complete project management system to manage and plan for your business. Worckie is a complete project management system that helps you effectively manage your business.
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It is as simple as:
Add your company
Add your departments
Add your members
Create projects and tasks
Analyze progress and final results.
ORGANIZE YOUR COMPANY: Create departments, projects, and tasks. By creating an organized system to monitor tasks and projects, you will better be able to monitor whether a task will be completed as expected and if your staff are meeting deadlines and productivity expectations.
USER/MEMBER ROLES: Delegate leadership to administrators and leaders to carry out your vision. By creating company adminstrators and department leaders, you can delegate authority and leadership to your managers so they can carry the vision to all levels of your company.
Their EASY AND SIMPLE TO USE DRAG AND DROP TASK MANAGER: 1. Add members, 2. Create a deadline, 3. Rank task dificulty, 4. Track productivity!
PRODUCTIVITY MONITORING: Track your projects, tasks and work productivity. Sometimes hours worked don’t mean you or your team have been productive! Use our point system to track to learn how to better organize and deliver tasks on time.
TIME TRACKING: Track time from any Department, Project, or Individual Team Member. With Worckie you able to manage just. work time, you can manage everything from Clock in/Out to Breaks and Pauses. You have 100% control over your productivity!
ONLINE CHAT: Be faster and more productive with Worckie Chat and Calls. Send messages, Images, videos, make calls, assign tasks, create groups with worckie messanger!
REPORT AND ANALYTICS: Get Daily, Weekly and Monthly reports on tasks, projetcs, URLs accessed, points and activity. Review and analyze performance at the company level with the ability to drill down to the department, project, task, and member levels.
Alignment: It is critical that your goals are aligned throughout the entire company. Communication of these goals can be accomplished through a solid project management system. It allows you to establish with leaders and members as you create projects and set tasks that clearly identify your goals and expectations. Through the entire process you can evaluate and communicate the progress and results at the company, department, project, task, and member levels.
Efficiency: Gone are the days of multiple meetings to schedule meetings to decide what everyone is going to do. With Worckie’s project management system, leaders can create projects and assign tasks with ease. Team members can access their projects and tasks quickly and without the wasted time of multiple meetings.
Productivity: It provides the ability for company leaders to evaluate the productivity levels of employees at the project and task levels. With the timer feature, analysis can include time spent on a project vs how much time was expected to be spent on a project. Activate a reward system for your most productive team members.
By using the Worckie project management system to establish alignment, efficiency, and productivity, you will be setting your company up for exciting results.
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How many companies can I add with Worckie? With Worckie, you will be able to add one company.  You will have the opportunity in the funnel to add additional companies and users/members to your account to manage for personal businesses or agency clients.
Will my company employees have their own login credentials? Every member that you add to your company will have their ow  login credentials including username and password.  All members will login through the same portal.
Can I assign roles/permissions to company and department leaders? It gives you the ability to assign members the following roles: 1.  Administrators – this role gives editor permission across the entire company. 2.  Department Leaders – this role gives editor permission across a department.
Can you explain Pay once, no monthly payments? PAY ONCE…ACCESS FOREVER means you will be able to use the software and its features under the plan you purchase forever.
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citizensaul · 2 years
Epilogue, In summation of Trump's corruption
This synopsis of the history of the  Trump four years of  turmoil and treason is dedicated to my grandson Alex who told me I write so often on the subject matter it's time for a book. "The United States of Russia 2016-2020". I   hope it will resonate and be meaningful to whomever is open minded unlike me who has despised Trump from the time this Veteran heard of his draft dodging cowardice. Still it is based upon my recollection of events and his rhetoric as well as research. As a Veteran there is no better way to appreciate our freedoms as a democracy. It was a privilege as a first generation American to serve our country and  Trump refused when the nation called him hiding behind deferment for college then after four years found a less than ethical doctor who bribed by free rent in Fred Trump's building diagnosed a dibilitating Bone Spur allowing for only playing golf !
All this being said ,never has the nation had an adminstration  as corrupt in every respect. Every department was corrupted .The Generals he surrounded himself with at the outset did not however become subservient as he felt they had to be like every demagogue dictator he admired,Putin the latest,kim Jong Un and of course Adolf Hitler who Trump said did some good things. Most of the Generals exited on their own although i think he fired Masterson, but i'm not certain. Only Michael Flynn became corrupted, taking Russian rubles and betraying the nation. He was found guilty but Trump pardoned him before he went to prison. That's part of the reason Democrats if they win big in the mid term election November 8,2022 must address the parson issue and limit the President's power to suggest a pardon for the Senate Judiciary Committee to approve or reject. There is no way at this point for our intelligence agencies to ascertain the damage Trump may already have done with regard to National Security since several highly classified even Top Secret documents are missing from their files destined for the National Archives instead stolen and diverted by Trump to his private place at Palm beach Florida known as Mar A Lago . We don't know why the Justice department has not brought him to justice for his many crimes. The Insurrection he instigated had to be a seditious conspiracy. His stealing Documents belonging to our government had to be a violation of the espionage act. The American people deserve more than words from the highest law officer in the nation, the Attorney General. Trump must be brought to justice, NOW !  If found guilty he should spend the rest of his life a Federal prison in Isolation so we never hear his name again except the announcement of his demise alone and penniless. He deserves nothing less for the harm he has caused. We know the  Russians were very active to get him elected still 70 million people voted for him and that's what so many people in Europe have questioned and so do I.How could someone like Trump Con so many people ? It is up to all of us informed voters with functioning brains that we NEVER let it happen Again !
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On August 23, 2020, Wisconsin, Kenosha County police officers received a domestic disturbance call at 5:11pm. The argument was between two women, which a local, unarmed Black man, Jacob Blake tried to de-escalate. Jacob was shot seven times when he entered into the driver's side of his SUV, where his three children, ages 3, 5 and 8, were sitting in the backseat. He was reportedly tasered and the hem of his shirt was grabbed by an officer before he was shot.
Jacob Blake is currently alive and has received surgery, however he is in critical condition in the ICU. The video of the shooting was released by his family's attorney.
The names of the two officers have yet to be released. They are currently on adminstrative leave. The National Guard is currently deployed in Kenosha and there has been a city curfew put in place.
Demand Justice for Jacob Blake.
Charge the cops who shot Jacob Blake
Pass Reforms To End Excessive Force in Milwaukee, WI
National Action Against Police Brutality! Prosecute police who murder unarmed individuals!
Justice for Jacob Blake
Milwaukee Freedom Fund
The National Bail Fund Network
NAACP Legal Defense Fund
Black Lives Matter
Contact Kenosha County and Wisconsin officials:
(Tips on writing to elected representatives)
1. Kenosha Mayor, John Antaramian -
Phone number: (262) 653-4000
2. Kenosha District Attorney, Michael D. Gravely -
Phone number: (262) 653-2400
3. Kenosha Police Department
Phone number: (262) 656-1234
Twitter: @KenoshaPolice
Cheif Daniel G. Miskinis' email: [email protected]
4. WI Attorney General, Josh Kaul -
Phone number: (608) 266-1221
Twitter: @WisDOJ
5. WI Governor, Tony Evers -
Madison office phone number: (608) 266-1212
Milwaukee office phone number: (414) 227-4344
Twitter: @ GovEvers
How to protest safely during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
Protesters' Rights
How to protest safely
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Please feel free to add any updates, more petitions, more organizations to donate to, or any other tips on how to support!
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evilelitest2 · 4 years
Sanders does have an immediate plan of issuing executive orders around immigration, marijuana, and more upon assuming office. It would immediately be different than the Obama administration because he is the only candidate who acknowledges we need to do everything we can to halt deportations. His tax proposals are also extremely detailed, and Warren explicitly said she wouldn't even try to actually implement M4A until her third term. I just think there's some key nuance missing there
Ok lets go through their plans 
1) Sanders has plans for executive orders certainly but that isn’t actually what I was talking about.  Sanders doesn’t have a plan (or hasn’t told us) for remaking the Executive Branch, how to fix the staffing issues, reorganize the state department, and obtain the adminstrative system he will need to rule.  I’m kinda worried Sanders will spend the first six months of his presidency trying to fix Trumps mistakes before he can even do anything 
There is also no mention on his website on dealing with Trumps corruption, while Warren intends to prosecute the lot of them 
2) Warrens plan involves M4A not starting until the third year of her term.  So its basically M4A but takes longer to get there. I prefer this, because the healthcare market is super fragile and one wrong move could cause the entire market to crash which would delegitimize M4A for a generation.   But the debate doesn’t matter, neither candidate is going to get past setting up the fundementals in their first term anyways as AOC acknowledged 
Ok lets compare Sanders and Warrens on....reducing corporate money influencing politics.   
Sanders Plan is here https://berniesanders.com/issues/money-out-of-politics/ 
Warrens plan is here https://elizabethwarren.com/plans#end-washington-corruption-and-fix-our-democracy
Like right away you see the advantage to warren right?  her plan is actually 13 inter connected plans which all help contribute to the problem, while Sanders plan is a single plan.  Ok but lets check out that plan 
in the short term he basically wants to cap individual donations to $500 and ban all corporate contributions to the Democratic Party Convention (no mention of the Republicans)
Update the Federal Election Campaign Act to have National party Conventions be funded with public funding
Constitutional Amendment to make it clear that money is not speech and corporations are not people (but he doesn’t want to get ride of the filibuster) 
Enact mandatory public financing laws for all federal elections 
Abolish the FEC and replace it with the “Federal Election Administration” which is a plan the Senate has been wanting to do for decades, which would have strict term limits and no lobbying
Ban Advertising during the Primary Debates 
Ban a lifetime lobbying ban for former members of Congress and their staffers 
OK those are all good changes and I think they are necessary for the country, though he is a bit vague on HOW he will enact them.  but ok, lets look at Warren
So Warren has 13 interconnected plans each one of which is a lot larger than Sanders, but lets just limit ourselves to “Getting Big Money Out of Politics” 
So one thing Warren points out in her plan is that in addition to being correct, the need to collect money means that elected officials spend Hours per day on the phone with donors rather than learning about policy.  Its terrible and its a major reason why our elected officials are so fucking out of it 
You can see here 
So in the plan she says basically all the same things as Sanders does (though she wants to limit the individual donations to $200) 
In addition she also wants to 
Close the Loophole in Citizens United 
Ban donations from Political Action Committed 
Outlaw Foreign Money from coming into elections
Effectively outlaw Dark Money 
Make it illegal for campaign contributions to play a role in the Selection of Ambassadors 
Make the inaugural committees transparent 
Wiat there is a section called “Ban Lobbyists from Donating Bundling and Fundraising for cannidates.”  Ok what does she mean by that....oh shit son look its a different plan https://elizabethwarren.com/plans/end-washington-corruption  She has an anti corruption Plan hidden within her anti corruption plan.  Wait ok there are 14 plans, not 13...wait I can’t actually sum up oen plan because its inconnected to the other plans. 
Literally there is so much detail that it is kinda overwhelming
What is really useful about Warrens plan though is that she can do most of it even if she doesn’t win the Senate and if she has a hostile Supreme Court.  
Ok lets pick another issue, the Electoral College.  Both of them siad its undemocratic and they will abolish it.  One of the issues I care the most about. 
Sanders....doesn’t have a section on it.  His Website makes no mention of the EC.  I tried googling it but all I get are statements by Sanders here he says he wants to ban it which...that is good Sanders is correct but no actual plan
Warrens plan listed here 
Its....also actually pretty vague, she basically just explains in detail why the EC is bad and rebuts a bunch of Republican Arguments but no word on how she plans to actually do it.  So both of them are vague, but at least Warren made it clear its a prority.
Ok lets choose a different issue.  Puerto Rico 
Look at these two policies 
Just the sheer amount of detail 
Now there are some issues where Sanders is 100% better than Warren.  I like that sanders wants to give prisoners the right to vote, and think his policy towards turning post offices in to banks is great. But Warrens focus on the specifics makes me a lot more confident things can be passed rather than just talked about.  
Now Sanders is my second choice, but I feel like the first six months of his administration are going to be absolute hell for him as he has to rebuild the Executive Branch, which will limit his ability to get things done.
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Contradiction and Mass Confusion as Strategy
You may remember a few days ago when John Bolton, National Security Advisor, said that America would not withdraw from Syria until ISIS is destroyed. The other day, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo called for increased interventionism and made it clear that America would remain heavily involved in Syria in spite of any troop withdrawals. Meanwhile, the U.S. Department of Defense announced today that the withdrawal has begun, which Trump has blustered about for some time now. One is left to wonder why the administration appears to be all over the place in regards to its policy towards Syria.
This is not the first time that President Trump has taken a stance on an issue only to be contradicted by other members of his administration. In the past, I have heard corporate media describe this phenomenon as chaos or a sign of a disorganized White House or a critique of Donald Trump’s seeming capriciousness or childishness or poor leadership.
I would argue it’s something else entirely: these are tactics used in a larger strategy.
The constantly changing and conflicting messaging coming from Trump and his administration are done purposely to create confusion and a sense of overwhelm among the general public.
This not-so-novel strategy has a number of benefits for Trump:
1. Because the media struggles to portray the reality of events occurring within the administration, Trump is able to accuse the media of bias and solidify his role in the minds of his followers that he is the only source of truth, 2. Most Americans will become disoriented, overwhelmed, and frustrated at their inability to discern what’s actually happening and will tune out. This creates serious challenges to successful organization against the Trump administration, and 3. Even though Trump (and by proxy his administration) speaks out of both sides of his mouth constantly, his true believers will hear what they want to hear and believe he’s fulfilling his promises, even in light of contradictory messaging and actions.
In short: this strategy undermines the corporate media, overwhelms and pacifies the public, and solidifies and satisfies Trump’s base.
So, what can we do?
1. Most importantly, we need to call out Trump’s hypocrisies and this strategy for what it is: a game of manipulating the public through the media. 2. We need to avoid attacking Trump’s character by infantilizing him, calling him stupid, and misdiagnosing this situation as chaos, an indirect attack on Trump’s leadership skills. Trump knows what he’s doing; he often “clashes” with people he chose for his adminstration. Attack and describe the facts, actions, and policies of this administration and how they impact people. Attacking the president’s persona or treating the situation as some grand drama weakens our arguments against him. 3. Take care of ourselves and each other. We live in incredibly stressful times, and coping requires looking out for ourselves and for each other.
In peace and solidarity, Tom
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Endless Job Searching
While I waited for my unemployment benefits to come in the mail, and for the past 6 months or so. I’ve started applying for jobs in whatever way I could. Monster, Craigslist, Dice, Ziprecruiter, Indeed, any major job search site, every major company you named it I did it. All unemployment insurance in all states require people going to receive benefits to apply for three jobs a week. And more increasingly, they require you to sign up for the unemployment office website, register their information, and register your three applications on their website so they can verify that you’re actually seeking work.
Most people apply to at least ten jobs a day. But in reality in order to actually get any type of job in a metropolitan area you need to apply for 125 jobs a week. Here is a list of all the jobs titles I’ve applied to:
Linux Systems Administrator
Linux Administrator
Site Reliability Engineer
Linux Analyst
Solaris Administrator
System Administrator
Technical Writing
Software Engineer
Unix Engineer
Unix Systems Adminstrator
IT Support Analyst
Help Desk
IT Manager and IT Lead
They’re with Large companies, small companies, recruiting firms, temp agencies. And or the most part despite being well qualified for these roles, I rarely get a call back.
Many of the applications range from simple ones that just want your name, address, phone number, email, and your resume to ones that require you to make an account to simply apply for a job with your resume, or in some cases you are required refill the entire application for the Applicant Tracking System so that it will be parsed with keywords or buzzwords set by the employer’s Human Resources Department. If it does not fill enough buzzwords, it won’t be selected.
And even if it does fill in enough buzzwords, it would not not be selected anyway. This is because ATS systems have beyond buzzwords to secret algorithms that determine if your resume would be actually seen by a human. These same systems are in some cases, used by state courts in the United States to determine sentencing in criminal cases. Due to the use of algorithms, you can be rejected for any reason: Length of unemployment, length of gaps between jobs, which type of experience you have, place of living, email. In some cases, certain address you put there will put your name and application on a blacklist, meaning that you may not be hiired ever from a company that uses such a blacklists. This affects people living in homeless shelters who are actively seeking work, not knowly that they have been placed on a blacklist for doing what they’re supposed to do to stay in a homeless shelter.
In some cases, the applicant tracking system is glitched and it’s apparent that HR did not even test their systems.
In many cases, most companies have a 5 year experience requirement for their positions. This is done to legally discriminate recent graduates, and those who don’t have recent experience in the employment field. In some cases, they only want paid, professional, and recent experience. Shutting out people who took the advice of volunteer to get paid experience. Even people who volunteer in a different field who get employers to look at their resume are rejected because the volunteer experience is not related to the field they wanted to work in.
Due to all of this, the standard advice for job seekers that have been repeated to them over and and over simply do not apply anymore.
Due to the advancements of ATS systems, most people don’t bother reading resumes anymore. In many cases, just type in buzzwords and just email job opportunities to as multiple people as possible. Then they do the usual phone screening, and then phone interview, then in-person interview, then finally a job offer. That’s the usual practice.
In reality, companies have been known for taking a long time in hiring people. Even in times of low unemployment or a labor shortages. In some cases, the job opening can be fake in order to college resumes and get a feel of the job market. In some cases, the job opening is placed there to fulfill Equal Opportunity Employer regulations because they already have someone who the employer want via a referral or a internal candidate. In some cases, companies may choose to refile the job opening over and over again because the people they apply for the job, may not want be the ones the employer wants. So it’s more easier not to hire anyone than to risk a liability or a bad hire.
Recruiters do the same practices of most employers these days, and they do it with no consequence because instead of actually advocating to the employer on your behalf, or actively seeking and apply for jobs for you, they apply for one position and three positions and call it a day.
In practice, what recruiters do is sales. Not actual recruiting. In actural recruting role, the person finds a person, reads the resume, after sometime they call the person in. After the screenig and phone interview, they will send you to the person the actual company for a interview.
Often times they will tell you that they will call you when there's a update or will call you on like Wednesday. Then wednesday comes along and then you realized that they have not called back because they forgot. So you have to call them yourself. Then when you follow up with them, they seem to routinely dodge your phone calls and emails. When you do catch up with them, they will pull an excuse and pretend that they didn’t hear that you said that you missed their voice messages.
Indian recruiters, whose whole business scheme is to spam resumes in areas where no one want to go with a 3 or 1 month contract. They’re hoping that people who are unemployed  are desperate to post their resume so they can use them to prove to the US company that want to hire a person who is part of the overseas company attached to recruiting “business” that they tried to find a US candidate. Or in some cases, steal the information for their own ends: Such the job experience and place them on their hire they actually want that is from overseas, or steal the person’s name, address, and phone number as a form of identity fraud.
These practices have been active since the 2008 recession and have not changed because company simply realize that it’s easier cheapen the cost of labor by hiring less or none at all. Some of them I won’t include are abolishing on-the-job training programs for new hires, or outsourcing them to the workers on their own dime and time. But what most companies did was outsource hiring and recruiting to HR executives, ATS firms, and the recruiting industry as a way to cut costs. In some cases, companies post their listings on several job postings, to several recruiting firms. So the amount of jobs that are posted may not be real at all.
But the most insidious and unprofessional thing about the job market since is they way respond to job seekers. These days, they’re actually not genuine, some cases it’s totally fake as you can in some cases listen between words of interviewers and people calling you or calling you back. Despite systems that allow you automate sending rejection letters to each state of the process, most employers choose not to even though it can take less than five minutes to set them up.
Often times, you will never hear back. And this is done via ignoring your phone calls, emails,and voice messages. In some cases, recruiters place your number on a block list, straight to voicemail. It’s unprofessional but a routine practices nowadays in the age of the internet, and cell phones. But if a job seeker calls out a employer for doing so, they will make the job seeker the bad guy for not playing their game.
If you do get a hold of the HR person calling you, they will tell you a generic statement.
We have too many applicants
You’re resume is impressive, but we decided to go with other candidates
You’re not a good fit
We’re not decided to go with other candidates
We closed the position.
The same thing with email statements, too. It’s all generic because they don’t want to risk a lawsuit. You can argue that the hiring practices today, is to find excuses not to hire even a candidate that is not perfect but can work with: Zero-Liability Hiring.
Despite the Trump’s Administration boasting of a 4.1%, and a now absurd 3.8% unemployment rate, you would think that companies might suddenly change their tune and maybe be more flexible. Sadly, they haven’t, as it’s too profitable to change practices.As a matter of fact, for the tax breaks Trump promised and signed to Congress, most companies have pocketed the tax reductions they got instead of reinvesting it into hiring more people.
Now as for my story, almost all companies I’ve applied to have not acted like they’re desperate to hire people. In some cases, they stalled or made excuses why they can’t move forward.
The worst part is that I got laid off during the worst part of the year: The Holiday season. It's the time where employers despite posting job openings, are less inclined to actually pull their weight when it comes to the job application process, and will flake or stall out the first change to avoid giving applicants a callback closer the actual holidays come.
(The only exception is if you know someone that is willing and able to help, and will actually keep trying to help instead of seeking a one off thing and then going away if it does not work out).
In many cases, I’ve tried applying for jobs and casted a wide net to even places in the Northeast such as New York, Boston, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware. Same result, never hear anything back or they refused to go forward because I don’t live in the area where the employer is. I’ve even applied for jobs that are outside my field. Anything and I get no reply back response.
I’ve created multiple resumes over the past six months: There was one that had my job experience for the past 7 years. I had a federal resume to apply for federal jobs. I had a full one that is similar to the federal resumes, but without the federal government specific sections. I even had a dumbed down resume with just the last job I had. It didn’t matter, which resume as none of them got me the job.
And I’ll tell you why. Despite the fact that the unemployment rate is is low, there are too many people applying for too few jobs that exist in the market. 95% of the job growth since the 2008 economic recession is for part-time/contract work in low wage service industries, with the exception of fields that are in bubbles such as the STEM field, and the Oil/Shale industry during the oil boom before OPEC caused a oil glut in 2014.
Instead of companies expanding full-time job openings the jobs since 2008, they kept it low on purpose because it’s more profitable to hire less or none at all. This is what we call a jobs shrinkage. This is why you have one person doing the job of 2 or 3 people without a wage increase. And when the person finally quits, they will spread out the work to new hires that will be paid much less.
But it does not matter what I experience, because to American society I’m a worthless entitled unemployed millennial
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the-archlich · 6 years
He Qi’s SGZ
Below is Sun Bofu’s translation of He Qi’s SGZ from the now deceased Empire Divided site. I have made no alterations or corrections.
He Qi styled Gongmiao was a man from Shanyin in Kuaiji. {1} When he was young he served as a minor government official and defended Yan Zhang. There was a county official, Si Cong, who’s actions were villainous. [He] Qi desired to control his acitons. Zhu Bo admonished saying, “Cong comes from a large tribe and the Shanyue are very close to here. Today we could harness him but tomorrow morning the bandits would come.” [He] Qi heard this and was very angry. He quickly beheaded [Si] Cong. [Si] Cong’s clan and family united and raised several thousand troops to attack the district. [He] Qi led the magistrates people to the gates then suddenly attacked. He greatly routed them and took Zhenshan and more. Later people on the Fuchun river rose up in rebellion. [He Qi] moved to defend Mo Zheng. He punished the evil and supported the good. Within a month he had pacified the rebellion.
1. Yuyu Jin: The “He” clan was originall the “Qing” clan. [He] Qi’s uncle, [He] Chun was a Confucian scholar and had rank. During the reign of the Han Emperor Andi he served as a Palace Attendent and the Grand Adminstrator of Jiang Xia. When he left office he avoided Andi and changed his surname to He. [He] Qi’s father assisted him.
In the 1st year of Jian An [196], Sun Ce approached his district and nominated [He] Qi as Filial Pious and Incorrupt. At this time Wang Lang fled to Dongye and Shang Sheng rose troops to serve him in Houguan. [Sun] Ce had the Chief of Yongning, Han Yan, become the commandant of the south and prepare troops to punish [Shang] Sheng. [Han] Yan was defeated by [Shang] Sheng. [He] Qi replaced [Han] Yan and received the commandant affairs. [Shang] Sheng feared [He] Qi’s power and position and sent an envoy to beg for an alliance. [He] Qi agreed and [Shang] Sheng came out to receive his seal. The bandit commanders Zhang Ya and Zhan Qiang did not surrender with [Shang] Sheng. They rebelled together and killed [Shang] Sheng. [Zhang] Ya called himself the Supreme General and [Zhan] Qiang called himself the Grand Administrator of Kuaiji. The rebel soldiers were too few so [He] Qi used his army to stop them. [Zhang] Ya gave some power to his son-in-law He Qiong to cause trouble. [He] Qi then sent a messenger to gain the help of the Shanyue people. The Shanyue agreed to help. [He] Qi then advanced to punish them. In one battle he greatly defeated [Zhang] Ya. [Zhan] Qiang’s faction was very frightened and led their whole force to surrender.
With Houguan already pacified, Jian An, Han Xing, and Nan Ping feel into disorder in the 8th year [203]. [He] Qi led his soldiers to Jian An to set up his headquarters. The families of the region gathered 5,000 soldiers and came to recieve [He] Qi. At this time 5 bandits, Hong Ming, Hong Jin, Yuan Yu, Wu Mian, and Hua Dang, led 10,000 households to station in Han Xing. Wu Wu’s 6,000 households departed to station in Daitan. Zuo Lin’s 6,000 households departed to relocate in Gaizhu. Together they came out to Yuhan. The new drew great concern. The army was sent on a punitive expedition to Han Xing and Yuhan. [He] Qi believed that the bandit’s soldiers were very few. He penetrated them but did not continue. He sent a decree to the Songyang Chief, Ding Fan, to prepare to attack Yuhan. [Ding] Fan came together with [He] Qi and granted him the adjacent cities. When he saw the army he was shamed and was no longer willing.. [He] Qi then beheaded [Ding] Fan. Thereupon the army trembled with fear and there were no more problems. He then divided the troops to stop and prepare. He advanced to punish [Hong] Ming and greatly routed him. He approached and beheaded [Hong] Ming. [Wu] Mian, [Hua] Dang, [Hong] Jin, and [Yuan] Yu all came to surrender. He moved to attack Gaizhu as well as Daitan and their generals came to surrender. All in all he captured and beheaded 6,000 men. He returned and set up a new district and all in all gained 10,000 soldiers. He paid his respects and was granted the rank of Colonel Who Pacifies the East. In the 10th year [205] he punished the bandits at ShangRao and created a new district.
In the 13th year [208], he was promoted to become Central General of the Household Who Dominates Martially. He went to punish the Yi and Xi people of Danyang. When the four counties, Wu Qiang, Xie Xiang, Dong Yang, and Feng Pu surrendered, He Qi reorganized them into a new district. Later, a Xi bandit commander, Jin Qi, stationed on Anle Mountain with 10,000 families. Mao Gan led 10,000 families to station on Wuliao mountain. The Yi commanders Chen Pu and Zu Shan took 20,000 families to station on linli mountain. Linli mountain had 4 flat sides and was several tens of Zhang {T1} high. There was one narrow and dangerous path to the top but it’s appearance what that of a knife. If they tried to come up the bandits would drop rocks. [He Qi] thus couldn’t attack them. [He] Qi went around the mountain and observed a weak spot. He recruited a band of light soldiers to serve to scale the mountain using arrows and ropes. They came to a part of the mountain that was not defended. They used the halberd to climb the mountain and circumnavigate the path. Those who went up first lowered cloth lines to those beneth. Thus several hundred men got to the top. The soldiers spread out all around the bandits then [He] Qi had them beat the drums. The bandits heard the drums in the night from all sides and they knew that the other army was already at the top. They became very frightened and fell into confusion. They didn’t know where to serve and tried to guard the path. [He Qi advanced] and greatly routed [Chen] Pu. All his men surrendered and 7,000 were beheaded. {1} [He] Qi returned to govern the newly conquered lands of Liyang, Xiuyang, Bingyi, Xi and others. [Sun] Quan then divided the land into a new Xindu prefecture and made He Qi the Grand Administrator. He set up his headquarters in Shixin and was promoted to become Lieutenant General.
1. Baopu Zi: Originally Wu dispatched General He to punish the Mountain Bandits, the official army used swords and daggers but could not prevail. Later they shot arrows out in the right direction but could not gain an advantage. General He thought about this then said,“????????,??????,?????,????,??????????????,?????????”???????,???????????,?????????????,??????????????,???????,??????”
T1 – A Zhang is roughly 3.3 meters, however the actual length varied over the course of history.
In the 16th year [211], there was an uprising under Lang Zhi in the eastern protion of Wujun numbering several thousand. [He] Qi came out to punish him and greatly routed [Lang] Zhi. {1}[He Qi] won great merit and [Sun] Quan rewarded him. {2}He gave him a great carriage and an excellent steed.
1. Wu Lu: Jin [region] was changed to serve as Linan.
2. Wu Shu: [Sun] Quan told [He] Qi, “Now is the time to conquer all the land under heaven. The capitol is in the center of China. We send tribute such as ????,?????”??:“???????,????,?????,???????,????,?????,??????????,????,????,?????”
In the 18th year [213], the people of Pengcai, Liyu, and Wanghai in the eastern portion of Yuzhang rose up in rebellion and created chaos with over 10,000 people. [He] Qi punished and pacified the them, beheading their leader. All the others surrendered. He Qi always picked the strongest and best fit soldiers to help defend his regions. He was promoted to be General Who Exerts Himself Martially.
In the 20th year [215], he followed [Sun] Quan to attack He Fei. At one point the enemy came out of the castle to do battle. Xu Sheng lost his position but [He] Qi used his soldiers to ward off the attack, thus he compensated for [Xu] Sheng’s failure. {1}
1. Jiang Biao Zhuan: [Sun] QUan again attacked He Fei. Zhang Liao launched an ambush north of the ferry. It was extremely dangerous. He Qi had 3,000 troops on the southern bank to greet [Sun] QUan. Sun Quan gave a feast aboard one of his warships. He Qi got down from his mat and wept and said, "Your honour is a ruler of men. You should always be heavily guarded. In today's affair, when you almost came to misfortune, your servants were fearful as if Heaven and Earth were falling. We beg you to take this as warning for a lifetime." Sun Quan came forward and wiped his tears for him, saying, "I am grateful and ashamed. Caution is now engraved on my heart, not just written on a girdle."
In the 21st year [216], a Poyang leader You Tu received a seal from Duke Cao and then used his people to rise in rebellion. The people of Lingyang, Shian, and Jingxian all followed him. [He] Qi and Lu Xun punish and defeat [You] Tu and behead several thousand. The rest all greatly fear them and the three Danyang counties surrender. From this they gained 8,000 soldiers. [He Qi] pays respect and is appointed the General Who Tranquilizes the East and conferred as the Marquis of Fengshan yin. He was also given command of the Yangtze defences in Lu Jiang.In the beginning of Huang Chu Wei sent Cao Xiu on a campaign against Wu. [He] Qi was far away and arrived late. His presence warded off Cao Xiu. Earlier the generals assembled at Dongkou had lost many men due to a strong gale. They falsely accused [He] Qi of not assisting as his forces had not crossed the river and stayed on one side just to keep his force intact. Various generals then depended on his force.
[He] Qi by nature was extravagant and elegant and had particularly good soldiers. His soldiers’s armor and weapons was of the highest quality. His ships had elaborate inlays and carvings. He eventually became the General of the Rear and gained the Staff of Authority of the Governership of Xuzhou.
Initially Jin Zong served as a Xiakou General. He used his force to rebel to Wei. In Wei he served as the Grand Administrator of Qichun. He would raid AnLe. [Sun] Quan got very angry and sent soldiers to stop this. After 6 months, he sent [He] Qi to lead Mi Fang and Xianyu Dan to attack Qichun. He thereupon captured [Jin] Zong. After 4 years he died. His son [He] Da and his younger brother [He] Jing inherited his rank. {1}
1. Kuaji Dianlue: [He] Jing served as the Colonel Who Exterminates Bandits. He had strict plicies but he was also kind. The soldiers loved him. He died young. His son [He] Zhi reached the position of General of the Fierce Tigers. His other son [He] Shao also gained rank.
Copyright © 2004-2005 Empire Divided.
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bohemianscribe · 3 years
It comes as no surprise that the Biden Adminstration is letting Saudi Arabia off the hook for killing Khashoggi.  After all the Saudis have never been held to account for their undeniable role in 9/11.  A whole generation now has no memory of 9/11. Meanwhile the Saudis are plotting what to do to us what 9/11 did not, with Islamist propaganda, “Islamic studies departments,” fundamentalist (militant) Wahabbist mosques.
 Perhaps the most despicable of the American traitors who curry favour with the Saudis are the lawyers and lobbying firms that the Saudis have retained to fight the lawsuits of the 9/11 families, both in the Congress and in Court.  These include the PODESTA GROUP, BRG Group, BROWNSTEIN Hyatt Farber Schreck, KING & Spalding, SQUIRE Patton Boggs, HOLHT Group, FLYWHEEL Government Solutions, and the MSL Group.  While most Americans will never have to deal with any of these firms, it still serves us well to know the identities of those organizations and individuals especially when, as in the case of the Brownstein group, the firm is a major political player who has hosted major Colorado political (primarily Republican) events….
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opedguy · 3 years
Trump Pardons Victims of Russian Hoax
LOS ANGELES (OnlineColumnist.com), Dec. 23, 2020.--Issuing more Christmas pardons, 74-year-old President Donald Trump slapped 76-year-old former Special Counsel Robert Mueller whose nearly two-year, $40 million dollar prosecution was maybe the biggest hoax in U.S. history.  Never before had a politician’s opposition research been used as probable cause to trigger the federal law enforcement and intel investigation of a major party’s nominee.  Well it happened in Trump’s case because of an organized conspiracy to prevent him from becoming president in 2016.  Former 65-year-old CIA Director John Brennan conspired with the late Sen. John McCain (R-Az.) to hand 60-year-old former FBI Director James Comey Hillary’s dossier containing wild allegations of Trump’s treason to open up a counterintelligence investigation.  Brennan, McCain and Comey knew from Day 1 that  Hillary’s “dossier” was pure rubbish.  
           Yet at the highest levels of the Obama  adminstration, including former President Barack Obama and former Vice President-now-President-elect Joe Biden, all did everything possible to prevent Trump from beating Hillary.  All the members of Trump’s campaign targeted by Comey and Mueller were pardoned by Trump, slapping the Obama White House that abused their power to go after Trump and his 2016 campaign.  Whatever the latest falling out between Atty. Gen. Bill Barr and Trump, Barr tried but failed to get justice for Trump.  Before Barr’s resignation today, he was savaged in the press, branded not as Attorney General but as Trump’s lapdog.  Only recently has the media backed Barr when he said he found Dec. 1 no significant election fraud sufficient to change the results.  Only then, did the corrupt media give Barr some love, when it looked like he turned on Trump.      
       So the media continues to slam Trump’s pardons, especially when they involve the Russian hoax narrative, like for instance 68-year-old Washington gadfly Roger Stone.  Trump commuted Stone’s sentence July 10 for “lying to FBI agents” regarding his presumed contacts with 49-year-old WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange.  Mueller’s team of corrupt prosecutors led by 62-year-old former Department of Justice prosecutor Andrew Weissmann were dirty cops. Weissmann reviewed emails exchanged between  Stone and 75-year-old  best-selling conspiracy author Jerome Corsi.  Weissman didn’t know whether the email exchange between the two was just a boast or factual, yet charged Stone with lying to federal investigators.  Desperate for any traction in the costly Mueller probe, Weissmann went after anyone connected with Trump, knowing that allegations of Russian conspiracy were entirely bogus.          
   Take 71-year-old former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, convicted by Mueller of income tax evasion and witness-tampering over consulting work her performed 12 years before Trump ran for president.  Mueller and his chief lieutenant Weissmann were desperate to show anything in the $40 million Russian witch hunt investigation.   Manafort has been sitting in prison a Pennsylvania prison since April 23, 2019 and under house arrest due to Covid-19 since May 13, 2020.  No one was happier with Manfort’s, arrest, conviction and sentencing than the New York Times and Washington Post using his convictions that had nothing to do with Trump’s campaign as proof that Trump colluded with Russia.  Pardoning Manafort was Trump’s way of invalidating the Mueller Special Counsel investigation.  Trump also pardoned former foreign policy aids George Papadopoulos and Carter Page.    
         House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), one of Trump fiercest critics on Capitol Hill, accused Trump of “doling out pardons, not on the basis of repentance, restitution or interests of justice, but to reward his friends and political allies.”  Schiff didn’t want to admit the pardons were designed to slap him in the face for spending nearly four years hyping the Russian conspiracy, when Mueller found after nearly two years and  $40 million no Russian collusion March 23, 2019 in his Final Report.  Schiff lied through his teeth about Trump’s Russian collusion for nearly four years, using Hillary’s fake dossier to prove Trump’s guilt.  Schiff, 80-year-old House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and 73-year-old House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) all used Hillary’s dossier to justify prosecuting Trump, until Mueller eventually cleared him of wrongdoing.
 Pardoning his son-in-law Jared Kushner’s father Charles Kushner or former Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.), was of little consequence to Trump compared with anyone connected with the four-year Russian hoax.  Trump never got satisfaction from Barr, hoping he’d announce indictments of Comey and other former Obama administration officials who participated in the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane investigation.  Trump got some satisfaction pardoning Dec. 8 his former National Security Adviser 62-year-old Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn. Barr recommended May 9 Flynn’s dismissal based on zero probable cause when Comey sent in his agents Peter Strzok and Joe Pientka to interview Flynn only four days after Trump’s inauguration.  Pardoning Flynn and other victims of the illegal Russian hoax gives Trump some small consolation after Barr failed to deliver prosecutions of rogue U.S. officials involved in the scam.
About the Author  
John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of OnlineColumnist.com and author ofDodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma
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globalmediacampaign · 3 years
Using Terraform to configure MySQL Database Service
Recently the MySQL Database Service (MDS) was launched in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). As Cloud is about automation you don't have to use the Web Console to configure your instances, but can do it via API, for instance with the oci command line tool or your favorite programming language. However often it is nice to define the world in a declarative way ("I want a network, like this, and a MySQL database like that") and let the tool figure out how to align the reality in the cloud with your wish. A tool doing this is Terraform. With Terraform you can declare the state in description files, the tool creates a dependency graph and then applies what has to be applied and of course it supports OCI and as part of the default OCI Provider, there is even directly MDS support. So let's build a set of description files for a cloud environment. I assume you have a tenancy and want to create a new compartment, with it's own VCN and a Compute instance with a client, like MySQL Shell to access the database. For this configuration create a new empty directory. In there the first thing we need is to tell Terraform that we want to use the OCI provider for accessing  OCI. We will come back to it, but for now this will be quite short. Whether we put everything in one file, or split it up and how our files are called doesn't matter for Terraform. It will scan for all files called something.tf and will build it's graph. I like relatively small files, one for each aspect of the configuration, but you are of course free. I start with oci.tf for my general configuration: provider "oci" { version = "~> 3.95" region = var.region } Here we say that we want at least version 3.95 for the OCI provider and configure our cloud region using a variable. All variables I use, and which can be set or overwritten, I put in a file called variables.tf, where I declare region like this: variable "region" {} As said the first thing I want to to create a Compartment. A Compartment in OCI is a grouping of different instances from services you are using. You can use Compartments for instance to group services different departments of your company are using and giving them different resource limits or having development and production systems separated or whatever you might need. By using a compartment here, we won't get in conflict with other services you are already using. This is my compartment.tf: resource "oci_identity_compartment" "mds_terraform" { name = "mds_terraform" description = "Compartment to house the MySQL Database and Terraform experiment" compartment_id = var.compartment_ocid enable_delete = true } In the first line we declare that the following is a description of a resource of a type oci_identity_compartment, which inside our other Terraform resources will be called mds_terraform. Then we define the name of the compartment we want to have inside OCI. Here I'm using the same name both times, followed by a description, which might help your colleagues or your later self to understand the purpose. The compartment_id property here refers to the parent, as Compartments can be hierarchical nested. Finally setting the property enable_deleta means that Terraform will try to delete the Compartment, when we tell it to delete things. As the parent Compartment is a variable again, we need to declare it, thus let's extend variables.tf: variable "compartment_ocid" {} With the compartment the first thing we need is our network. This is my vcn.tf: resource "oci_core_vcn" "mds_terraform_vcn" { cidr_block = "" dns_label = "mdsterraform" compartment_id = oci_identity_compartment.mds_terraform.id display_name = "mds_terraform_vcn" } resource "oci_core_internet_gateway" "internet_gateway" { compartment_id = oci_identity_compartment.mds_terraform.id vcn_id = oci_core_vcn.mds_terraform_vcn.id display_name = "gateway" } resource "oci_core_default_route_table" "default-route-table-options" { manage_default_resource_id = oci_core_vcn.mds_terraform_vcn.default_route_table_id route_rules { network_entity_id = oci_core_internet_gateway.internet_gateway.id cidr_block = "" } } resource "oci_core_subnet" "test_subnet" { cidr_block = "" display_name = "mds_tf_subnet" dns_label = "mdssubnet" security_list_ids = [oci_core_security_list.securitylist1.id] compartment_id = oci_identity_compartment.mds_terraform.id vcn_id = oci_core_vcn.mds_terraform_vcn.id route_table_id = oci_core_vcn.mds_terraform_vcn.default_route_table_id dhcp_options_id = oci_core_vcn.mds_terraform_vcn.default_dhcp_options_id } resource "oci_core_security_list" "securitylist1" { display_name = "securitylist1" compartment_id = oci_identity_compartment.mds_terraform.id vcn_id = oci_core_vcn.mds_terraform_vcn.id egress_security_rules { protocol = "all" destination = "" } ingress_security_rules { protocol = "6" source = "" tcp_options { min = 22 max = 22 } } ingress_security_rules { protocol = "6" source = "" tcp_options { min = 3306 max = 3306 } } ingress_security_rules { protocol = "6" source = "" tcp_options { min = 33060 max = 33060 } } } This is quite a lot and I won't go through all things here, but this declares a VCN with a single subnet, adds an internet gateway, so that we can export services to the internet and can reach the internet from our VCN and sets ingress and egress firewall rules, to only allow traffic to MDS (ports 3306 and 33060) and SSH (port 22).  What you might notice is how we are referring to the id of the Compartment we created before, by using oci_identity_compartment.mds_terraform.id and how the different network resources refer to each other in similar ways. Now it's time to create our MDS instance! Here is my mysql.tf: data "oci_mysql_mysql_configurations" "shape" { compartment_id = oci_identity_compartment.mds_terraform.id type = ["DEFAULT"] shape_name = var.mysql_shape } resource "oci_mysql_mysql_db_system" "mds_terraform" { display_name = "Terraform Experiment" admin_username = var.mysql_admin_user admin_password = var.mysql_admin_password shape_name = var.mysql_shape configuration_id =data.oci_mysql_mysql_configurations.shape.configurations[0].id subnet_id = oci_core_subnet.test_subnet.id compartment_id = oci_identity_compartment.mds_terraform.idm.id availability_domain = data.oci_identity_availability_domain.ad.name data_storage_size_in_gb = var.mysql_data_storage_in_gb } output "mysql_url" { value =  "mysqlx://${var.mysql_admin_user}:${var.mysql_admin_password}@${oci_mysql_mysql_db_system.mds_terraform.ip_address}:${oci_mysql_mysql_db_system.mds_terraform.port_x}" } The actual MySQL Database Instance is declared in the second block, where we give it a name, configure the adminstrative user account, assign the subnet etc. Again we introduced some variables, so let's declare them in variables.tf: variable "mysql_admin_user" { default = "root" } variable "mysql_admin_password" { } variable "mysql_shape" { default = "VM.Standard.E2.1" } variable "mysql_data_storage_in_gb" { default = 50 } A few fields might need some extra explanation: The shape is the machine type we want and defines CPU type, whether we want a VM, memory and so on. Here we default to VM.Standard.E2.1, which is the smallest type and good enough for an experiment. On a production system you probably want to override and use a larger shape. Then MDS allows you to use different Configurations, so you can tune MySQL Configuration Variables for your application's needs. If you have your custom config you can provide the ID, but I want to use the default for that shape, so I use a data resource to look it up. In many Cloud Region there are different Availability Domains, different data centers close to each other. The resources we created before span over ADs. However the MDS Instance has to live in a AD. To lookup the AD's ID based on the number of the AD we can put this in oci.tf: data "oci_identity_availability_domain" "ad" { compartment_id = var.compartment_ocid ad_number = var.availability_domain } And, again, I add another variable to variables.tf. Now there's one more thing in the mysql.tf: An output block. This will ask Terraform to give us a summary once it is done. With all these things ready we can execute it! For a start I want to use the Web Console and OCI's Resource Manager. For that I have to package my files, which I do from my command line: $ zip mds-terraform.zip *.tf adding: compartment.tf (deflated 38%) adding: mysql.tf (deflated 61%) adding: network.tf (deflated 75%) adding: oci.tf (deflated 35%) adding: variables.tf (deflated 50%) With that file we can login to the Console, and navigate to the Resource Manager. After clicking the "Create Stack" button we can use the checkbox to tell the system that we have zip file and then either drag the file from a file manager or browse for the file. Now we are being asked to fill the configuration variables we defined previously. No surprise is that our defaults are pre-filled, however the system also identified your region and Compartment ID! The Compartment ID suggested is the one which was used to create the Stack, which probably is the root aka. the tenancy's ID. Now you could pick a password for the MySQL user and continue.  However MDS has specific requirements on the password security and we would eventually fail later, so let's take a quick side tour and make this form a bit nicer. This can be done by providing a schema.yml file: title: "MySQL Terraform Experiment" description: "An experimental Terraform setup to create MySQL Database Service Instances" schemaVersion: 1.1.0 version: "20190304" locale: "en" groupings: - title: "Basic Hidden" visible: false variables: - compartment_ocid - tenancy_ocid - region - title: "General Configuration" variables: - mysql_admin_user - mysql_admin_password variables: compartment_ocid: type: oci:identity:compartment:id # type: string required: true title: "Compartment" description: "The compartment in which to create compute instance(s)" mysql_admin_user: type: string required: true title: "MySQL Admin User" description: "Username for MySQL Admin User" minLength: 1 maxLength: 14 pattern: "^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]+$" mysql_admin_password: type: string required: true title: "MySQL Password" description: "Password for MySQL Admin User" pattern: "^(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};':"\|,./?]).{8,32}$" outputGroups: - title: "MySQL Database Service" outputs: - mysql_url outputs: mysql_url: type: string title: "MySQL Connection String" visible: true And then packing the zip file again: $ zip mds-terraform.zip *.tf schema.yaml updating: compartment.tf (deflated 38%) updating: mysql.tf (deflated 61%) updating: network.tf (deflated 75%) updating: oci.tf (deflated 35%) updating: variables.tf (deflated 50%) adding: schema.yaml (deflated 57%) In the stack configuration I now blick Back, upload the new file and get a nicer form. So, let's enter a password and we can continue. (IMPORTANT: The password will be stored insecurely in the stack, for production usage you should secure it) After completing the Wizard I come to an overview page for the Stack and can then pick the Terraform Apply Action. This will take about 15 minutes and create our resources. After the process is done I browse to the MySQL Database Service page But oh wait, there is no System in the list!? - Yes, since it is in the newly created compartment, so on the left I can select the mds_terraform Compartment. If it doesn't appear in the list my browser has an outdated version cached and I simply reload the page. Now we have a MySQL Database Service Database Instance within a VCN and can't reach it. Not so good, so I add one more service to my Terraform configuration: A compute instance with pre-installed MySQL Shell. Here's the compute.tf: data "oci_core_images" "images_for_shape" { compartment_id = oci_identity_compartment.mds_terraform.id operating_system = "Oracle Linux" operating_system_version = "7.8" shape = var.compute_shape sort_by = "TIMECREATED" sort_order = "DESC" } resource "oci_core_instance" "compute_instance" { availability_domain = data.oci_identity_availability_domain.ad.name compartment_id = oci_identity_compartment.mds_terraform.id display_name = "MySQL Database Service and Terraform Test" shape = var.compute_shape source_details { source_type = "image" source_id = data.oci_core_images.images_for_shape.images[0].id } create_vnic_details { assign_public_ip = true display_name = "primaryVnic" subnet_id = oci_core_subnet.test_subnet.id hostname_label = "compute" } metadata = { ssh_authorized_keys = var.public_key user_data = filebase64("init-scripts/compute-init.sh") } } output "compute_public_ip" { value = oci_core_instance.compute_instance.public_ip } This creates a VM using the latest Oracle Linux 7.8 image and asks for a public IP address, so we can reach it from the outside. I also reference a script called init-scripts/compute-init.sh. This script looks like this and simply installs MySQL Shell from MySQL's yum repository: #!/bin/sh cd /tmp wget https://dev.mysql.com/get/mysql80-community-release-el7-3.noarch.rpm sudo rpm -i mysql80-community-release-el7-3.noarch.rpm sudo yum update sudo yum install -y mysql-shell In variables.tf a new variable is to be added, which will ask for an SSH public key, so we can login to the machine and a variable to configure the shape with a sensible default: variable "compute_shape" { default ="VM.Standard2.1" } variable "public_key" { } For adding the new configuration field and new output to our form in the Resource Manager schema.yml needs a few minor updates, for simplicity here is the complete file: title: "MySQL Terraform Experiment" description: "An experimental Terraform setup to create MySQL Database Service Instances" schemaVersion: 1.1.0 version: "20190304" locale: "en" groupings: - title: "Basic Hidden" visible: false variables: - compartment_ocid - tenancy_ocid - region - title: "General Configuration" variables: - mysql_admin_user - mysql_admin_password - public_key variables: compartment_ocid: type: oci:identity:compartment:id # type: string required: true title: "Compartment" description: "The compartment in which to create compute instance(s)" mysql_admin_user: type: string required: true title: "MySQL Admin User" description: "Username for MySQL Admin User" minLength: 1 maxLength: 14 pattern: "^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]+$" mysql_admin_password: type: password required: true title: "MySQL Password" description: "Password for MySQL Admin User" pattern: "^(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};':"\|,./?]).{8,32}$" public_key: type: string title: "SSH Public Key" description: "An OpenSSH public key for accessing your compute instance" outputGroups: - title: "MySQL Database Service" outputs: - mysql_url - title: "Compute Instance" outputs: - compute_public_ip outputs: mysql_url: type: string title: "MySQL Connection String" visible: true compute_public_ip: type: string title: "Public IP" visible: true Now I can package it up, again: $ zip mds-terraform.zip *.tf schema.yaml init-scripts/compute-init.sh updating: compartment.tf (deflated 38%) updating: mysql.tf (deflated 62%) updating: network.tf (deflated 76%) updating: oci.tf (deflated 35%) updating: variables.tf (deflated 55%) updating: schema.yaml (deflated 57%) adding: compute.tf (deflated 54%) adding: init-scripts/compute-init.sh (deflated 39%) And go back to the resource manager ... oh wait .. list is empty ... hah .. I'm in the wrong Compartment. Once that hurdle is bypassed I can select the Stack I created previously, click Edit and upload the new file. The wizard will now ask for the ssh key, which I copy from my $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub before completing the wizard. then I again pick the Terraform Apply action and can observe how Terraform notices that most things already exist, but only the Compute instance is missing and creates it. A few minutes later it is done and the task completed. On top of the page a new tab Application Information appeared and based on information from the schema.yml file giving me an mysqlx URL and an IP address. I then use that IP address to connect to the machine, using my ssh key and the usernamne opc. I have to confirm the server identity by typing yes and am on my Compute instance, which is in my VCN. I can then use MySQL Shell with the URL from the Terraform summary to connect to the MySQL instance. MySQL Shell will by default start in JavaScript mode. If I'm not in mood for that I can type sql and switch in SQL mode. I can also install other programs as I like, including my own, and connect to the MDS instance just like any other MySQL. [opc@compute ~]$ mysqlsh 'mysqlx://root:[email protected]:33060' MySQL Shell 8.0.22 Copyright (c) 2016, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Type 'help' or '?' for help; 'quit' to exit. WARNING: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. Creating an X protocol session to '[email protected]:33060' Fetching schema names for autocompletion... Press ^C to stop. Your MySQL connection id is 13 (X protocol) Server version: 8.0.22-u2-cloud MySQL Enterprise - Cloud No default schema selected; type use to set one. MySQL ssl JS > sql Switching to SQL mode... Commands end with ; MySQL ssl SQL > CREATE DATABASE foo; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.0052 sec) MySQL ssl SQL > use foo Default schema set to `foo`. Fetching table and column names from `foo` for auto-completion... Press ^C to stop. MySQL ssl foo SQL > CREATE TABLE t (id INT); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.0236 sec) MySQL ssl foo SQL > INSERT INTO t VALUES (1); Query OK, 1 row affected (0.0139 sec) MySQL ssl foo SQL > SELECT * FROM t; +----+ | id | +----+ | 1 | +----+ 1 row in set (0.0007 sec) Once you are done you can go back to the Web Console and the Stack's page and pick the Terraform Destroy Action and all things will be removed again. Note: It can happen that the Cloud Init Script didn't finish, yet and MySQL Shell isn't installed. Then wait a few moments and try again. Also you might see an error like mysqlsh: error while loading shared libraries: libpython3.7m.so.1.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory. If that happens logout and back in. If the error persists run export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/mysqlsh/ mysqlsh as a workaround. Now didn't I initially say that I want to automate it and not click in a Web Console? - Yeah I did and install the terraform tool locallyby downloading from terraform.io and then changing my oci.tf file. Previously I was inside OCI and could use my Web Session as authentication and gather data. From my local machine I have to configure more. The provider entry now looks like this: provider "oci" { version = "~> 3.95" region = var.region tenancy_ocid = var.tenancy_ocid user_ocid = var.user_ocid fingerprint = var.fingerprint private_key_path = var.private_key_path } There are new variables, so I add them to variables.tf: variable "user_ocid" {} variable "fingerprint" {} variable "private_key_path" {} Now I can run terraform init, which will read the files and download the oci provider. If I now run terraform apply it will ask me about all those variables. Best way to gather those is by installing the OCI command line tool and running  oci setup bootstrap, which will guide you through the process to setup a client and putting relevant information in your $HOME/.oci/config file. All these files are available on GitHub at https://github.com/johannes/mysql-database-service-terraform-example Happy MySQLing. If you want to see how to use a similar setup for running a serverless application using Node.js on OCI you can look at this Hands-on-Lab and I also suggest reserving some time to attend the Oracle Live event with a big MySQL announcement on December 2nd.   http://schlueters.de/blog/archives/190-Using-Terraform-to-configure-MySQL-Database-Service.html
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supremekalmllc · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://supremekalm.com/the-laws-and-regulations-on-hemp-cbd-in-all-50states/
The Laws and Regulations on Hemp CBD in All 50 States
The 2018 Farm Bill removed hemp from the Controlled Substances Act did not affect or modify the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (“FDCA”) or the Food and Drug Adminstration’s (“FDA”) ability to promulgate regulations and guidelines that relate to hemp under. The FDA regulates a wide variety of medical and consumer products sold in the United States including food, drugs, dietary supplements, medical devices, cosmetics, and tobacco products.
The FDA has approved of the use of CBD in the prescription drug Epidiolex. As a result, the FDA has indicated in press releases, enforcement letters, and its website that Hemp CBD cannot be used in foods, beverages, or dietary supplements. This is because under the FDCA, any article that is investigated as a new drug cannot be used in food, beverages, or dietary supplements, unless the article was widely marketed in those products prior to the drug investigation.
In addition, the FDA has taken a hard line against Hemp CBD in unapproved drugs. The FDA determines whether something is a drug based on its intended use, and determines a product’s intended use, in turn, based on how it is marketed. If a manufacturer or distributor makes any type of health claim (“CBD cures cancer” or “CBD may treat inflammation”) or human structure claim (“CBD may increase levels of calcium in bones”) about a product that the FDA has not investigated and approved as a drug, the FDA will consider it a drug. Foods, ingredients in foods, drugs, and dietary supplements are all subject to premarket FDA approval.
The FDA also regulates tobacco and nicotine tightly but does not have clear regulatory authority of smokable hemp products, such as dried flower, e-liquid and vape pens. That’s because generally, these products don’t contain any tobacco or nicotine. To clarify, the FDA likely could have regulatory authority over these products, but it hasn’t established a clear jurisdictional hook.
Though the FDA is a federal agency, it’s policies have a significant impact on the states. Some states have aligned themselves with the FDA’s position. Others have taken a more permissive approach. Many states have provided little to no guidance on the subject of Hemp CBD.
Almost 90 years ago, in 1932, Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis wrote a dissenting opinion in New State Ice Co. v Liebmann, which contained this timeless passage:
To stay experimentation in things social and economic is a grave responsibility. Denial of the right to experiment may be fraught with serious consequences to the nation. It is one of the happy incidents of the federal system that a single courageous State may, if its citizens choose, serve as a laboratory; and try novel social and economic experiments without risk to the rest of the country.
This concept of states as “laboratories of democracy” remains a “happy incident” of our federal system to this day. States can experiment with their own laws without subjecting the citizens of other states to the related risks (or, including them in the upside).
Experiments are complicated and require close observation. That can be tough when you have 50 “laboratories of democracy” all operating at once. Over the past few years, states have been experimenting with how to regulate products containing Hemp CBD. This has resulted in a complex system of inconsistent policies on Hemp CBD. For businesses that are distributing Hemp CBD products across the country, it seems that these laboratories of democracy have created a logistical monster.
Our attorneys have watched this play out in real-time and in doing so, developed a method to track how each of the fifty states treat Hemp CBD. Our approach is to answer the following questions for each state:
Does the state allow the sale of Hemp CBD products and if so are there any general regulatory requirements on these products (e.g., labeling requirements, product registration)?
Does the state authorize or restrict the sale of consumable Hemp CBD products such as food and dietary supplements?
Does the state authorize or restrict the sale of smokable Hemp CBD products such as dried flower and vapor liquid?
Does the state authorize or restrict the sale of cosmetic Hemp CBD products such as topicals and lotions?
Has any state authority take an enforcement action against Hemp CBD businesses in the last six months?
What are the relevant statutes and regulations that govern Hemp CBD in the state?
Are there any pending laws or regulations on Hemp CBD in the state that would impact the ability to sell Hemp CBD products?
Guided by these seven questions, we developed a Hemp CBD risk matrix that covers all fifty states and is updated each month by a team of Harris Bricken attorneys. We look at each of the seven questions for every state and update the risk matrix accordingly. ClickHERE to download a sample of the risk matrix.
The matrix provides a snapshot of each state’s laws, regulations, and policies regarding Hemp CBD products. By simply updating a website or issuing a memorandum, a state regulator can totally change the legal landscape for Hemp CBD products overnight. In addition, both the United States Department of Agriculture (“USDAâ€) and the Food and Drug Administration (“FDAâ€) are actively working on regulations and policies that could impact the states.
The risk matrix can help your business with the following:
Determining where your businesses Hemp CBD products are legal to sell under state law;
Obtaining an overview of regulatory requirements such as Hemp CBD product labels and product registration;
Tracking regulatory trends on Hemp CBD;
Exploring the legality of Hemp CBD products are in target markets; 
Informing business stakeholders of the risks associated with distributing Hemp CBD products across the country; and
Staying up-to-date on changes in Hemp CBD policy in each state. 
If you are interested in purchasing the Hemp CBD Risk Matrix, you can do so entirely online through this page. You can also email me directly at [email protected] to learn more about the risk matrix.
In addition, below are links to each post from our “Hemp CBD Across State Lines†series which covered each of the 50 states, as well as certain U.S. territories and Tribes. Unlike the risk matrix, which is updated monthly, these posts may be out of date due to the fast-changing nature of this industry.
States, Territories and Tribes 
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Puerto Rico 
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
U.S. Virgin Islands
West Virginia
Tribal Plans
The post The Laws and Regulations on Hemp CBD in All 50 States appeared first on Harris Bricken.
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upolitics · 5 years
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forensiceyes · 4 years
The Laws and Regulations on Hemp CBD in All 50 States
The 2018 Farm Bill removed hemp from the Controlled Substances Act did not affect or modify the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (“FDCA”) or the Food and Drug Adminstration’s (“FDA”) ability to promulgate regulations and guidelines that relate to hemp under. The FDA regulates a wide variety of medical and consumer products sold in the United States including food, drugs, dietary supplements, medical devices, cosmetics, and tobacco products.
The FDA has approved of the use of CBD in the prescription drug Epidiolex. As a result, the FDA has indicated in press releases, enforcement letters, and its website that Hemp CBD cannot be used in foods, beverages, or dietary supplements. This is because under the FDCA, any article that is investigated as a new drug cannot be used in food, beverages, or dietary supplements, unless the article was widely marketed in those products prior to the drug investigation.
In addition, the FDA has taken a hard line against Hemp CBD in unapproved drugs. The FDA determines whether something is a drug based on its intended use, and determines a product’s intended use, in turn, based on how it is marketed. If a manufacturer or distributor makes any type of health claim (“CBD cures cancer” or “CBD may treat inflammation”) or human structure claim (“CBD may increase levels of calcium in bones”) about a product that the FDA has not investigated and approved as a drug, the FDA will consider it a drug. Foods, ingredients in foods, drugs, and dietary supplements are all subject to premarket FDA approval.
The FDA also regulates tobacco and nicotine tightly but does not have clear regulatory authority of smokable hemp products, such as dried flower, e-liquid and vape pens. That’s because generally, these products don’t contain any tobacco or nicotine. To clarify, the FDA likely could have regulatory authority over these products, but it hasn’t established a clear jurisdictional hook.
Though the FDA is a federal agency, it’s policies have a significant impact on the states. Some states have aligned themselves with the FDA’s position. Others have taken a more permissive approach. Many states have provided little to no guidance on the subject of Hemp CBD.
Almost 90 years ago, in 1932, Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis wrote a dissenting opinion in New State Ice Co. v Liebmann, which contained this timeless passage:
To stay experimentation in things social and economic is a grave responsibility. Denial of the right to experiment may be fraught with serious consequences to the nation. It is one of the happy incidents of the federal system that a single courageous State may, if its citizens choose, serve as a laboratory; and try novel social and economic experiments without risk to the rest of the country.
This concept of states as “laboratories of democracy” remains a “happy incident” of our federal system to this day. States can experiment with their own laws without subjecting the citizens of other states to the related risks (or, including them in the upside).
Experiments are complicated and require close observation. That can be tough when you have 50 “laboratories of democracy” all operating at once. Over the past few years, states have been experimenting with how to regulate products containing Hemp CBD. This has resulted in a complex system of inconsistent policies on Hemp CBD. For businesses that are distributing Hemp CBD products across the country, it seems that these laboratories of democracy have created a logistical monster.
Our attorneys have watched this play out in real-time and in doing so, developed a method to track how each of the fifty states treat Hemp CBD. Our approach is to answer the following questions for each state:
Does the state allow the sale of Hemp CBD products and if so are there any general regulatory requirements on these products (e.g., labeling requirements, product registration)?
Does the state authorize or restrict the sale of consumable Hemp CBD products such as food and dietary supplements?
Does the state authorize or restrict the sale of smokable Hemp CBD products such as dried flower and vapor liquid?
Does the state authorize or restrict the sale of cosmetic Hemp CBD products such as topicals and lotions?
Has any state authority take an enforcement action against Hemp CBD businesses in the last six months?
What are the relevant statutes and regulations that govern Hemp CBD in the state?
Are there any pending laws or regulations on Hemp CBD in the state that would impact the ability to sell Hemp CBD products?
Guided by these seven questions, we developed a Hemp CBD risk matrix that covers all fifty states and is updated each month by a team of Harris Bricken attorneys. We look at each of the seven questions for every state and update the risk matrix accordingly. Click HERE to download a sample of the risk matrix.
The matrix provides a snapshot of each state’s laws, regulations, and policies regarding Hemp CBD products. By simply updating a website or issuing a memorandum, a state regulator can totally change the legal landscape for Hemp CBD products overnight. In addition, both the United States Department of Agriculture (“USDA”) and the Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) are actively working on regulations and policies that could impact the states.
The risk matrix can help your business with the following:
Determining where your businesses Hemp CBD products are legal to sell under state law;
Obtaining an overview of regulatory requirements such as Hemp CBD product labels and product registration;
Tracking regulatory trends on Hemp CBD;
Exploring the legality of Hemp CBD products are in target markets; 
Informing business stakeholders of the risks associated with distributing Hemp CBD products across the country; and
Staying up-to-date on changes in Hemp CBD policy in each state. 
If you are interested in purchasing the Hemp CBD Risk Matrix, you can do so entirely online through this page. You can also email me directly at [email protected] to learn more about the risk matrix.
In addition, below are links to each post from our “Hemp CBD Across State Lines” series which covered each of the 50 states, as well as certain U.S. territories and Tribes. Unlike the risk matrix, which is updated monthly, these posts may be out of date due to the fast-changing nature of this industry.
States, Territories and Tribes 
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Puerto Rico 
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
U.S. Virgin Islands
West Virginia
Tribal Plans
The post The Laws and Regulations on Hemp CBD in All 50 States appeared first on Harris Bricken.
The Laws and Regulations on Hemp CBD in All 50 States posted first on http://ronenkurzfeld.blogspot.com
0 notes
phgq · 4 years
Organic disinfectant, ligtas sa kalusugan at epektibo-Batangas City ENRO
#PHinfo: Organic disinfectant, ligtas sa kalusugan at epektibo-Batangas City ENRO
LUNGSOD NG CALAMBA, Laguna, Abril 13 (PIA) --Ligtas sa kalusugan ng tao at kapaligiran at epektibo ang disinfectant na ginagamit ng pamahalang lungsod ng Batangas upang mapigilan ang patuloy na pagkalat ng coronavirus disease (COVID)-19 sa lungsod.
Ito ang naging tugon ni Oliver Gonzales, hepe ng Batangas City Environment and Natural Resources Office (City ENRO) sa kamakailang inilabas na babala ng Department of Health na nagsasabing delikado sa kalusugan ng tao at sa kapaligiran ang paggamit ng disinfectants na maaaring magdulot ng skin irritations at respiratory problems.
"99.9% effective ang disinfectants na ginagamit ng pamahalaang lungsod ng Batangas sa mga pampublikong lugar at mga barangay upang mapigilan ang pagkalat ng COVID-19 dahil ito ay organic o natural na galing sa halaman," pahayag ni Gonzales.
Patuloy ni Gonzales, "Ang disinfectant na ito ay hindi chemical-based at hindi toxic. Ito rin ay abrubado ng Food and Drug Adminstration (FDA) at ISO-certified under ISO 1420/14024."
"Mayroon din itong amino acids, enzymes earth minerals, disinfecting components at sanitizing prperties na nakakapuksa ng mga organic at inorganic sources ng mikrobyo at viruses," dagdag pa ni Gonzales.
Hindi ito nakasasama sa environment sapagkat ito ay 100% bio-degradable at hindi combustible. Hindi rin ito masama sa mga hayop. Ito ay ecolabeled product under National Ecolabeling Program of the Philippines.
Ligtas sa kalusugan ng tao at kapaligiran ang disinfectant na ginagamit ng pamahalaang lungsod ng Batangas sa disinfection activities na isinasagawa nito laban sa COVID-19. (Photo from Palakat Batangas City FB Page)
Ayon sa ilang pag-aaral at laboratory tests (UPSRI, ITDI, GENISKO ) ito ay may 99.9% na kakayahang pumuksa ng iba’t ibang uri ng pathogens na nagdudulot ng sakit.
Bukod sa ito ay may wide-ranging applications, ang mga disinfectants na ito na fully concentrated ay cost-effective rin sapagkat ito ay pwedeng ihalo sa tubig ng 1:10 hanggang 1:200 para mapanatili ang bisa ayon sa aplikasyon. Pwede rin itong i store sa kahit anong conditions at tumatagal ng dalawang taon.
Binigyang diin ni Gonzales na isang policy ng pamahalaang lungsod na bumili ng mga produktong ligtas para sa tao at kapaligiran upang maseguro ang kapakanan ng mga mamamayan at ng lungsod. Ito ay alinsunod sa Executive Order 301.S. 2004, Malacañang.
Kaugnay nito, ang pamahalaang lungsod ng Batangas ay mas pinalawak at higit na pinaigting ang disinfection activities na isinasagawa ng sanitation strike team ng Incident Management Team (IMT) COVID-19.
Sa pangunguna ng City ENRO, kasama ang General Services Department (GSD), ang sanitation strike team ay may tatlong grupo na nagsasagawa ng disinection sa magkakaibang lugar sa lungsod.
Ayon kay Gonzales, lahat ng barangay sa lungsod ng Batangas na may kaso ng COVID-19 pati ang kabahayan ng mga infected persons ay isinasailalim sa disinfection upang tuluyang huwag nang kumalat ang virus sa kapaligiran at mapigilan ang pagdami ng kaso ng COVID-19.
"Ang bisa ng disinfectant ay tumatagal ng isang linggo kung kaya't may weekly disinfection sa mga iba't ibang lugar sa lungsod. Kabilang dito ang apat na ospital, 25 subdibisyon, 10 supermarkets, 10 fastfood chains, 18 bangko at ATMs, at 32 Poblacion streets sa lungsod," pagtatapos ni Gonzales. (CPGonzaga/Bhaby De Castro with report from PIO Batangas City)
* Philippine Information Agency. "Organic disinfectant, ligtas sa kalusugan at epektibo-Batangas City ENRO." Philippine Information Agency. https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1038810 (accessed April 13, 2020 at 01:07PM UTC+08).
* Philippine Infornation Agency. "Organic disinfectant, ligtas sa kalusugan at epektibo-Batangas City ENRO." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1038810 (archived).
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