#Degrassi Merchandise
degrassibenji · 2 years
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I wish there was more degrassi classic merchandise 😭😭😭😭 I’ve only been able to find like one shirt on Etsy and the retro kid stuff 😭
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duhgrassi · 1 year
You can call me Lucky. He/him, is over 21, and often busy. This is a side blog to my main blog @gevanni
My AO3 account
My partner and I do conventions full-time for a living selling our art and merchandise in the artist alleys and exhibitor halls, so we're often out of town for bouts at a time traveling around the US. Because of this, my fics sometimes can take a while to update, but I'm trying to write chapters in advance for when I get busy. Be patient with me! I typically write in my downtime when I am at home between conventions. We currently drive everywhere, so I tend to take time to recover, especially from big conventions.
If I intend to abandon a fic, I will make it known, but I intend to finish every chaptered fic I start. Expect lots of one-shots, two-shots, and three-shots. If I decide to no longer write content for a fic, I might "orphan" it. However, I'd rather put the fic "up for adoption" in case anyone would like to pick up where I left off!
I'm currently writing only Degrassi fanfic, but you might see other fandoms. I write content in any series that catches my interest, so you'll find a pretty big variety here once I start regularly publishing. My main focus right now is on my Degrassi content.
You can expect to see:
Crossovers / AUs - I like blending universes a lot, and I do them all differently. You might see a Degrassi crossover with the plot of Life is Strange, or that AU could totally merge both casts depending on what I'm feeling like.
Ships - any and all kinds, moistly "rarepairs."
Beta content - sometimes I'll use cut or beta content for my fics. I always clarify what universe(s) and canon(s) I'm working with. I do supplement headcanons when needed. I don't always abide by canon, but I typically try to.
Credits - I made my own icon, including the PSD overlay.
I am fine with people writing fics in my universe. Please just credit me if my work inspires you or if you take directly off of it for your fics. I am also very open to collabs!!
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tribeworld · 4 years
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anonil88 · 3 years
I guess I can liveblog me watching the premiere of Genera+ion and I'll be honest im only watching this because Justice is in it haha.
Genera+ion Ep.1 liveblog
This is rated TV-MA so watch at your own discretion.
Spoilers below as always
I'm glad this girl is wanting to call 911 which tbh she should of just called 911.
Hi Chester this is cute but that would have been a dress code violation. Well at least this is realistic because he is getting a dress code write up.
I dont know how high-schools do this now but they had a bin of alternative clothing aka old school merchandise and extra gym clothes for you to change in.
This is semi realistic to how kids would talk to teachers in high-school aka not knowing the concept of boundaries.
Chester and Jules Vaughn would get along if only to steal eachothers clothes.
Oh he plays sports and is popular.....
Yea my alma mater high-school would have been like heres another violation because Chester is just walking around on school grounds like this:
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Nooooooo please not another student/teacher relationship brewing. I hope this ends up just with Chester having a crush that isn't reciprocated but he learns and grows from it. I thought teacher student relationships were messy and gross even when I was in high school with a teacher crush.
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Oh he's sad and alone but is super popular.
Wait Nathan is really at this party and is real and they are going to meet.
Yea thats not something to joke about Chester, even if it was like some repressed just sad phrase that sparks concern in a lot of people.
Who was that girl?
Who is this girl?
Where's Nathan? Uh what is going on? This is weird. (The setup of this conversation and the writing of the coversation is just weird and feels like something that wouldn't happen.)
Someone has a crush? Or maybe she just compares herself a lot to this other girl.
Ana seems so fun. Ay I love this kid lmfao he is playing video games in a wig.
Oh she is gay.
This is how arguments with teenagers sometimes go as an adult, you just stand there like huh while they blow off that hormonal anger.
Uhhhhh this girl is a homophobe with gay parents.
So these stories do move in tandem got it.
Her story is so short by comparison
What the fuck kind of p**n is this damn kid watching? Hot dogs?
They are self censoring themselves in a arguments? Just dont cuss at your parents and then you won't have to yell because who the hecking first place told you etc. etc. This sterile ass family calendar, ew.
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The sibling chemistry when these two are supposed to be buddy buddy siblings is so so dry. They don't even feel like siblings.
Hydroflask sksksks
Oh he was drawing on her arm the entire time what does it say.
They are bringing up the savior feminist person that every single generation has.. That person always brings stuff like this up in the wrong class like math.
So their relationship is sour already? Huh?
Oh there is a church in this school or is it just
A dick pic?
Uh why would she record that? That is fucking weird especially because she is his little sister and she was snooping. All of this because he took a pic of her?
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What a bitch threatening to out him (Even as someone who was outted i really am tired of this storyline being told time and time again in regards to queerness. Also its usually always happening to very non femme white m_n), and she is really low key homophobic. No wonder she's friends with that other homophobe girl. Why does she care if he's gay.
What high-school student is listening to Jessie Ware at a house party?
This is why he was freaking out? Because he got a little cum in his eye. Weird as fuck.
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OH thats his sisters boyfriend's cum, oof. But who sleeps with their siblings brother? Especially a sibling that they were super close with? Revenge? For what?
Does he like this girl too and that guy since he's apparently bi.
This writing of this show is again sigh.
Oh it was her house party, why the fuck would he write that on his friend fucking weird. Me and my friends wrote on eachothers arms in high-school but it was drawings of pigeons and gloomy bear sometimes song lyrics. He wrote property of.....that's weird as hell.
Who is she i wanna know more about her?
And its over.
Overall: for a pilot this is meh very very lackluster, which is a bad sign for a pilot. There is little that makes this show special to me from the first episode. Which special can come from a lot of things but this episode did not have that special thing. I am going to watch the other two uploaded episodes to get a better idea of the show. I do think this show is much more realistic than a lot of other teen dramas. In terms of the scenarios happening are more palatable and the moments of 2nd hand embarrassment are realistic. Those moments thats are supposed to be funny or give you a chuckle feel very dry. In general the writing is......
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I do think people who are adverse to programs like Skins and Euphoria (which euphoria is realistic but has dramatics and is very in your face about heavy topics) will enjoy this. This reminds me of shows like Degrassi and Grand Army with a bit more "grit" and not as graphic as other teen shows. Warning there is still some mentions, alluding to, and depictions of sexual encounters and p**n. If anyone else watched or watches this show im interested in your thoughts.
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skam-espm-blog · 6 years
Aulário (aula 10)
Conteúdo visto em aula: Teorias da mídia- Contrato de comunicação 
Contrato de comunicação: 
Todo discurso depende, para a construção de seu interesse social, das condições específicas da situação de troca na qual ele surge;
A situação de comunicação constitui assim, o quadro de referência ao qual se reportam os indivíduos de uma comunidade social quando iniciam uma comunicação;
Exemplos de discurso: jornalístico, publicitário, literário, etc;
Charadeau: para haver um contrato de comunicação deve haver um recíproco conhecimento entre leitor e veículo em relação á linguagem e á situação em questão;
Ambos devem ser parceiros na “troca linguareira” e devem estar ligados por um tipo prévio de acordo modulado por dados internos e externos;
Dados internos: dizem respeito ás restrições do discurso no ato de comunicação. Estão mais ligados ás maneiras de falar e aos papéis de cada ator na prática do discurso. São constituídos das “regularidades comportamentais” dos atores sociais que participam das trocas discursivas. No caso de revistas, por exemplo, a própria revista, seus jornalistas, seus editores e respectivos leitores;
Dados externos: estão relacionados aos dispositivos e ás suas restrições materiais. Para a revista impressa, por exemplo, os dados externos são constituídos pelo formato, tipo de papel, tecnologia de impressão e pelos elementos de sua diagramação. Os sites apresentam a tecnologia, os bancos de dados, a diagramação das páginas da web e a linguagem de programação utilizada como exemplos de seus elementos externos;
A produção gera a construção da marca através da publicidade e da experiência de venda para obter o consumo;
Produção (identidade): nome, país de origem, logomarca, slogan, sons, aromas, formatos, cores, sabores;
Construção da marca/experiência de venda através da publicidade: rádio, TV, revista, cinema, promoção, web, outdoor, celular, merchandising, etc;
Consumo (imagem): imaterial, comparativa, percepções, preferências, comportamentos, atitudes, lembranças, valor funcional/ emocional, e de  auto-expressão;
A ruptura de contratos anteriores é necessário para ganhar outros mercados. Ocorre a ruptura também quando não se atinge a expectativa.
Aplicação dos conceitos no conteúdo da série SKAM:
Com base nos conceitos vistos em aula, pode-se fazer uma análise em relação a própria série norueguesa por si só. SKAM é uma série de televisão que retrata o cotidiano de adolescentes noruegueses de classe média alta em Oslo, na Noruega. Até então, podemos reconhecer que não há muitas diferenças em relação as séries produzidas em Hollywood, principalmente para este público-alvo, que são os jovens. Assim, podemos citar diversas séries que abrangem esse mesmo tema: o cotidiano de adolescentes e seus dramas diários, tais como: Gossip Girl, Pretty Little Liars, Degrassi, Riverdale, That 70´s show, Gilmore girls, etc; o que já cria uma certa expectativa por parte de seus consumidores em relação a série, por terem tantas referências semelhantes com todas essas outras citadas acima.
Entretanto, quando a série se inicia já podemos notar algumas diferenças em sua produção, tanto no roteiro quanto no formato e cronologia na qual os episódios acontecem. Além disso, também podemos notar que alguns assuntos trazidos pelos jovens personagens são diferenciados e mais intensos em relação as outras séries “Teen”.
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Já na segunda temporada fica mais evidente sua distinção, uma vez que abrange assuntos mais sérios como abuso sexual e feminismo, o que pode gerar uma quebra de expectativa por parte de seus telespectadores, mas por outro lado, abrangendo mais seu público.
Nessa temporada, Noora, a personagem principal nesses episódios, vai a uma festa, acaba bebendo demais e quando acorda no dia seguinte não se lembra de nada que aconteceu. A menina entra em pânico quando o irmão de seu namorado mostra fotos dela nua naquela noite, assustando-a ainda mais. No fim, a menina procura ajuda das autoridades e conversa com pessoas que estavam no evento para entender o que houve.
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A mesma quebra de expectativa pode acorrer na terceira temporada, quando SKAM traz para as telas o cotidiano de um personagem que se descobre gay, retratando o assunto da homossexualidade.
Nessa temporada, Isak, o personagem principal, entra em um processo de auto-descoberta e ao final, faz um lindo discurso falando sobre aceitação. Além disso, a série ainda abrange brevemente o tema da doença psiquiátrica, Bipolaridade, e como ela deve ser tratada de forma natural.
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Por fim, na quarta temporada, a série abrange o assunto da religião, tendo como principal personagem uma menina muçulmana que vive na Noruega e tem costumes e valores diferentes e apesar disso, convive com jovens de outras religiões e se encaixa em um grupo de amigas, no qual todas tem diferenças entre si.
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No último episódio da série mais especificamente, Sana, a menina muçulmana, dá uma festa para comemorar o “fim de seu jejum”, que  os muçulmanos devem fazer abstendo-se de fumar, beber, comer, ter relações sexuais desde o nascer do dia até o anoitecer durante o mês do Ramadã, todos os seus amigos comparecem ao evento. Ao final, um de seus amigos, Jonas, lê um discurso feito por Noora, em homenagem a Sana, dizendo:
“Querida Sana, esse discurso é para você. E você recebe esse discurso porque o fato de nos convidar hoje derruba o presidente americano amanhã. Vivemos em um mundo caótico onde é difícil entender as regras. Porque algumas pessoas são pobres e outras ricas? Porque alguns têm que fugir enquanto outros estão seguros? Porque algumas pessoas são jogadas na rua? E porque, algumas vezes, quando você tenta fazer algo de bom ainda é visto com ódio? Não é estranho as pessoas desistirem ou deixarem de acreditar no bem. Mas obrigado por não desistir, Sana. Porque mesmo que algumas vezes pareça, nenhuma pessoa está sozinha. Todos (e cada um de nós) somos uma peça importante no grande caos e o que você faz hoje terá efeito amanhã. Pode ser difícil de dizer exatamente qual tipo de efeito e normalmente nem sempre podemos ver como tudo se conecta. Mas o efeito das suas ações permanecerá sempre em algum lugar no caos. Em 100 anos poderemos ter máquinas que calculem o efeito de toda e cada ação. Mas até lá nó só podemos confiar nisso: O medo se espalha. Mas… com sorte, o amor também!”.
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Além de toda essa reflexão feita em torno da religião na quarta temporada, a série ainda apresenta um romance entre Sana e Yousef, um garoto que não é muçulmano e que apesar de conviver com a família da menina, não pode se relacionar com a personagem. Os jovens acabam se aproximando a partir de uma amizade e descobrem seus sentimentos gradualmente. Entretanto, apesar do sentimento ser recíproco, não acontece nada no aspecto romântico entre os dois, deixando o público com altas expectativas para uma possível continuação no futuro.
Após o término de SKAM, a série recebeu aclamação crítica e reconhecimento significativo por retratar temas como abuso sexual e homossexualidade. Ademais, em relação a última temporada, SKAM recebeu elogios na Noruega por debater sobre religião e ainda foi elogiada por suas contribuições para promover a língua e a cultura norueguesa.
Com todo o sucesso que a série conquistou, outros países como: França, Holanda, Espanha e Estados Unidos, estão planejando adaptações de SKAM para suas determinadas nações.
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obviously, the inimitable Zit Remedy
You have good tastes, my friend
1. Song I like the most: Everybody Wants Something2. Album cover I like the most: That one where Joey and Snake are shirtless and have faces drawn on their stomachs and are wearing huge sombreros 3. Song that makes me wanna dance: Everybody Wants Something4. Song that made me cry: Everybody Wants Something5. Member I feel the closest connection with: Wheels6. Hottest/most beautiful member: Joey7. Most entertaining member: Joey8. merchandise I own: nothing, sadly. But if anyone is creative and could make me one of their sweatshirts I'd be forever grateful!9. If I have seen them live and where: In my dreams10. Memories involving the band: Falling in love with Degrassi in 8th grade
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blasphemousxo · 5 years
I really wish degrassi wasn’t so represented by Drake. I want degrassi merchandise that isn’t all stuff with Drake on it. It’s not even him as Jimmy is all just him as an adult. We all know to real star of next generation was Paige I mean come on.
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thefalastini · 5 years
Drake and his Rising Empire
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From his iconic role on Degrassi: The Next Generation to selling out concerts all over the nation, Drake is one of the most beloved artists of our time. When it comes to the culture, Drake really made his indent in our way of life.  This is because the Toronto native has been releasing some of this generation’s hottest bangers and he is not letting down yet. Drake can literally take any collaborations thrown his way and turn it into a hot single. Many artists have worked with the In My Feelings artist including rappers like Migos, Lil Wayne, Kanye West and so on. With his album drops and special collaborations, Drake has really touched places in the world and genres of different music where some artists haven’t explored yet. With Scorpion being one of the artist’s musical gems and its many bangers which can get anyone hyped, Drake has since secured his throne in the hip hop kingdom. But as Drake keeps releasing music, is his style straying from what he originally releasing?
Drake’s rise to fame initially begins in the 2000s when he was casted on the hit show Degrassi: The Next Generation. He played the role of a young basketball star by the name of Jimmy Brooks and continued to partake in the part until he parted ways from acting in 2009. Drake was pursuing his rap career at the time before leaving his acting career when he released his first mixtape Room for improvement and its turnout was a success. It from there he released more mixtapes and was racking up an image for himself in the rap industry. His recognition was really on the raise when his second acclaimed mixtape, Comeback Season, was dropped in 2007 and had gained much appraisal behind it. It was this mixtape that not only set the foundation that Drake would begin to build his empire from but also, he was able to release a music video featuring Trey Songs on one of his hit songs, Replacement Girl. In 2008, it was this year when Lil Wayne was handed a few of Drizzy’s songs and called Drake to join him on his tour in Houston. Drake and Lil Wayne went on to release a couple of songs during the time including Ransom and I Want This Forever. Drake had a really successful outcome in the underground when he released his third official mixtape, So Far Gone, free on his blog site where it received two thousand downloads in the first two hours alone. The mixtape eventually made its way on the radio due to the success of the album and was named, “The Hottest mixtape of 2009.” It was his collaboration with fellow artists like DJ Khaled, Kanye West and other acclaimed artists that really gave his mixtape shine. In the mid-2010, Drake unraveled his first official debut album, Thank Me Later where it was an album that made people who were still wary of drake to become full on fans. This album was what set himself apart from other artists in the game including Kanye West who was big in the rap industry during the time. In his lyrics on some of the songs in the album, Drizzy shows a side of him where he is not some Toronto born actor trying to make it big in the industry but a full-on Artist who wowed the producers who listened to it. Ryan Dombal of Pitchfork who reviewed the hot album and quoted “considering this mixed race, half-Jewish, all-Canadian "Degrassi: The Next Generation" alum looks and sounds unlike any major rap star before him, betting the house on nothing but himself turns out to be a wise gamble.” Drake announced his second studio album, Take Care, where it was released on November 15, 2011 and was an album like no other. With some many hit songs like The Motto, Headlines and Take Care, the album quickly headed to the top of the charts not only in the US, but in Canada and Australia as well. This album would be described as the embodiment of Drake’s thoughts and rise to stardom to audience listening to every song on the track. It could be best described as one of the hottest bangers during the time and nothing out there couldn’t compete. The album later was awarded a Grammy for best rap album and drake was already working on his album release, Nothing Was the Same. In 2012, Drake and his producer “40” formed his iconic record label OVO Sound and was collaborating with top Artists like Rick Ross and Big Sean as well as singers like Jhene Aiko and Sampha. Drake really shows his R&B side of himself when he released this album. He also discusses how he tackles family issues while trying to balance his rap life and personal life and still keep a sane mind. Drake gave us a peek into his life at the moment and how events in his life led him to do decisions that made him contemplate some of his choices. Drake took his time to release his next album If You’re Reading This It’s Too Late, where his R&B rap style swaps out to become an aggressive upbeat rapper with no time for Bullshit and only time for Money and Music. Drake has shown a side of him that his fans knew he had but didn’t know when he was going to show it. That album was that side of drake. He was no longer the Emotional rapper who sang about his feelings towards past girls but as a top tier rapper who can put other rappers in their place if they get near. With contexts featuring his relationship with the Jamaican community, Drizzy shows how his reach was beginning to expand to other places in the world as well as their music. Craig Jenkins from Pitchfork spoke on his views of the album as he quoted “If You’re Reading This arouses many unanswered questions on a business front, but where it truly delivers is giving Drake room to breathe outside of the lumbering commercialism of his retail albums.” Drake uses this album to shed light on the years of rumors about him and his frenemies who he taunts with his lyrics. A notable message that he delivers in one of his songs was shot at his label mate Tyga after he insulted the Toronto rapper on Vice magazine; Drake claps back with the lyrics written "You need to act your age and not your girl’s age." Drake really showed no chill in this track and basically relayed the message as “if you want to start shit, I’m ready when you are” type of mentality. Drizzy, being one of the top rappers at that time, was becoming a name that everyone has heard of. Whether it is his special appearances on other artists’ tracks or selling out shows, Drake has become a rapper who can take any ordinary song and turn it into top single. Whether he makes one or featured by one.
2016 comes and 2017 goes, Drake has released two albums, Views in 2016 and More Life in 2017, which were not totally albums of catchy songs but pieces that began to show how his music is becoming not one singular genre but his natural flow among different types of music he can automatically hit top billboards with. With that, Drake latest release, Scorpion was one of his Albums to date with each song on the track being not only catchy but lyrical also. Drake uses the album to tackle many issues he is facing during the time as well as address the Pusha T’s claims that he has been hiding a child from the media. Drake uses this album not only to respond to T’s acquisitions but also to explain why he is hiding his son. "I wasn't hiding my kid from the world, I was hiding the world from my kid / From empty souls who just wake up and look to debate / Until you are staring at your seed, you could never relate." Drake is basically explaining to his listeners why he was hiding his son and Pusha T on how he won’t understand until he has a kid of his own. All in all, the album is treasure chest of gems that anyone who listens to it will be hooked. From a review Jamieson Cox of pitchfork, he describes the album as “Drake’s fifth proper studio album is richly produced, studded with gems, and grapples with his fatherhood in a way that casts his arrested development into sharp relief.” Drizzy has become such a huge icon in the international music boards that no matter what he releases, it would become a hit. he has even released hit singles in other genres such as Latin music with his single "Mia" featuring Bad Bunny, a well-known artist in the Latin American music world where it near top billboards on both music boards.
Drake, who has went from child actor to huge rapper prodigy, has made his mark on this world for sure. Whether it is his music that you have heard or his signature owl logo from his label, it is safe to say that he has not only been killing it in the rap game but his OVO sound label has also skyrocketed to becoming a well-known name that every young teen has synced into their brains. With his catchy lyrics and having his merchandise being viewed at the same hype as clothing brand Supreme and other top tier street wear, Drake is only on his rise and there seems to be no dethroning him anytime soon.
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latesthollywoodnews · 6 years
Drake's "I'm Upset" Video is an EPIC Degrassi Cast REUNION
Drake's "I'm Upset" Video is an EPIC Degrassi Cast REUNION
Jeremy Brown - Latest News - My Hollywood News
Drake’s “I’m Upset” Video is an EPIC Degrassi Cast REUNION, Hollywood Celebrity News 2017.
Online Hollywood Celebrity News, Walt Hollywood Pictures Celebrities, Drake’s “I’m Upset” Video is an EPIC Degrassi Cast REUNION.
New Hollywood Celebrities 2017 Hollywood Celebrity News & Marvel Studios, LLC (originally known as Marvel Films from 1993 to 1996) is an American motion picture studio based at The Walt Hollywood Studios in Burbank, California and is a subsidiary of Walt Hollywood Studios, itself a wholly owned division of The Walt Hollywood Company, with film producer Kevin Feige serving as president. Previously, the studio was a subsidiary of Marvel Entertainment until The Walt Hollywood Company reorganized the companies in August 2015.
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With limited finances, Walt had to find affordable land. It was also important that his park be located near a major highway. In August of 1953, Hollywood and his partners selected a 160-acre orange grove in Anaheim, California to be the site of Hollywoodland. The construction of Hollywoodland began during the summer of 1954.
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Drake recruits his ENTIRE Degrassi cast mates for “I’m Upset” music video and the internet LOSES IT.
This is gonna go down as one of the greatest reunions of ALL TIME.
Drake went back to his Degrassi roots for his “I’m Upset” video, and fans are HERE FOR IT. You’ll recall that Drake starred as Jimmy on the Canadian teen drama series from 2001 to 2009, and until now it seemed like Drake wanted to leave that part of his past in the past. Lucky for us, he must’ve had a change of heart, because he got the WHOLE Degrassi cast back together for “I’m Upset.”
The clip features Drake and his former Degrassi classmates fittingly reuniting at the school’s 11-year-reunion. And the entire video is just one familiar face after another. There’s Shane, Spinner, Ellie, Marco, Paige, Craig, Terri, Hazel, Ashley, Ms. Kwan, Mr. Simpson, Toby, Derek, Danny, Connor, Emma, Manny, Liberty, Mia, and Jane. And that, my friends, is the power of Drake.
Nina Dobrev, who played Mia on the show, looks like she’s having the time of her life riding a tricycle through the halls and mouthing the lyrics.
There’s one joke in the video that alludes to the time Drake’s character, Jimmy, was shot at school. The video shows the shooter, fellow student Rick, being chased down through the halls by some of “Jimmy’s” new friends.
You gotta admit that’s pretty amazing. And if that’s not enough of a crazy easter egg for ya, there’s also an epic Jay and Silent Bob cameo.
The video ends with the Degrassi theme song, as well as shots of the cast today shown next to old footage from the original show. Talk about a nostalgia fest.
Degrassi and Drake fans can NOT get over how amazing the video is, and they’re taking to Twitter to share their excitement. One fan Tweeted QUOTE, “I REALLY NEEDED THIS I DIDN’T KNOW HOW MUCH I NEEDED IT UNTIL DRAKE GAVE IT TO US” while another wrote QUOTE, “Drake’s Degrassi reunion for his “I’m Upset” video is everything Degrassi fans needed and more. The fact that he showed old videos of the cast when they were kids and used the Degrassi theme song at the end of the video. DRAKE IS THE GOAT DON’T @ ME.”
And if all this isn’t enough to make our day, Drake also announced his new album, Scorpion, will drop on June 29th.
Alright guys now I wanna hear what you think of the “I’m Upset” video — does it have you wanting to go back and binge all of Degrassi? Or start it if you’ve never seen it? Sound off in the comments below, and then click right over here to hear Ariana Grande and Troye’s sexy new song, “Dance to This.” Thanks so much for watching, and be sure to hit that subscribe button for more News Feed! I’m your girl Joslyn Davis and I’ll see you next time!
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Hollywood Celebrities 2017 & Film News, Drake’s “I’m Upset” Video is an EPIC Degrassi Cast REUNION.
The Walt Hollywood Company operates through four primary business units, which it calls “business segments”: Studio Entertainment, with the primary business unit The Walt Hollywood Studios, which includes the company’s film, music recording label, and theatrical divisions; Parks and Resorts, featuring the company’s theme parks, cruise line, and other travel-related assets; Media Networks, which includes the company’s television properties; and Hollywood Consumer Products and Interactive Media, which produces toys, clothing, and other merchandising based upon Hollywood-owned properties, as well as including Hollywood’s Internet, mobile, social media, virtual worlds, and computer games operations. New Hollywood Celebrities 2018, Drake’s “I’m Upset” Video is an EPIC Degrassi Cast REUNION.
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degrassibenji · 10 months
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jazzworldquest-blog · 6 years
CANADA: Canadian Songwriters Honored In US-Based International Songwriting Competition (ISC)
Contact: Candace Avery
International Songwriting Competition
Canadian Songwriters Honored In US-Based International Songwriting Competition (ISC)
Judges Include Lorde, Hardwell, Tom Waits, Nancy Wilson (Heart), Ziggy Marley, Kaskade, The Mavericks, Martie Maguire (Dixie Chicks), Bastille, and More
April 18, 2018 -- The International Songwriting Competition (ISC is pleased to announce its 2017 winners. Created in 2002, ISC is widely recognized as the most prestigious and respected songwriting competition in the world and received more than16,000 entries from almost 140 countries. Prizes include more than $175,000 in cash and merchandise.
The Grand Prize winners this year are Nicholas Miller (better known as Illenium), Annika Wells, Kate Morgan, and Michael Biancaniello for the song “Crawl Outta Love Ft. Annika Wells." The Grand Prize consists of $25,000 in cash (USD) and over $35,000 in additional prizes.
Winners hail from all over the world (61% of this year’s winners come from outside the USA) and range from talented amateurs to seasoned songwriting veterans. The 23 categories include all genres of contemporary music, from Rock to Pop to Country to R&B/Hip-Hop and more.
Canadian songwriters fared extremely well in ISC, garnering four First Places and three Third Places. Canadian winners also received 39 Honorable Mentions.
“This marks the first time in the competition’s history that Canadian songwriters have scored four First Places in categories,” says Candace Avery, ISC Founder and Director. “It takes a lot of dedication and hard work to write great songs, and ISC is honored to throw the spotlight on these talented Canadian songwriters and their achievements.”
Over the years ISC winners have included: Vance Joy, Bastille, Passenger, Kate Miller-Heidke, Lindsey Stirling, Gotye, The Band Perry, Kasey Chambers, Lupe Fiasco, Rachel Bloom, Gin Wigmore, Kimbra, Gregory Porter, Kehlani, For King & Country, and many more.
For a complete list of ISC 2017 winners and to hear the winning songs, go to: https://www.songwritingcompetition.com/winners.
The complete panel of judges includes:
Recording Artists
Lorde; Tom Waits; Ziggy Marley; American Authors; Nancy Wilson (Heart); Martie Maguire (Dixie Chicks); Booker T. Jones; The Mavericks; Sara Evans; Bastille; Keane; Hardwell; Danilo Perez; James McNally (Afro Celt Sound System); Billy Cobham; Gerald Casale (Devo); Natalie Grant Lee-Phillips; ; Krewella; Matt Nathanson; Amadou & Miriam; John Tibbs; Kaskade; John Mayall; Joe Louis Walker; Nicholas Gunn; Ashwin Batish; Lonnie Liston Smith; Walter Trout; Trilok Gurtu; Tommy Chong; and Tony Joe White.
Industry Executives:
Gregg Nadel (President, Elektra Records); Seymour Stein (Chairman/CEO, Sire Records); Daniel Glass (President, Glassnote Records); John Esposito (Chairman/CEO, Warner Music Nashville); John Burk (President, Concord Label Group); Ed Vetri (President, Wind-Up Records); Bruce Iglauer (Founder/President, Alligator Records); Steve Yegelwel (Sr. VP, Island Records); Nate Albert (Executive VP of A&R, Capitol Records); Jacob Edgar (Founder, Cumbancha); Aaron Bay-Schuck (President of A&R, Interscope Records); Mike Easterlin (President, Fueled By Ramen/Roadrunner Records); Josh Bailey (Senior VP of A&R, Word Entertainment); Gordon Kerr (CEO, Black River Entertainment); Richard Stumpf (CEO, Atlas Publishing); Steve Greenberg (CEO, S-Curve Records); Kim Buie (VP of A&R, New West Records); AJ Tobey (Head of A&R, Rough Trade Publishing); Cory Robbins (Founder/President, Robbins Entertainment); Angel Carrasco (Latin Music Consultant); Julie Kertes (Editor/Manager, Hot Diggity Media); Laura Margolin (Publishing, Glassnote Records); Leib Ostrow (Founder/CEO, Music For Little People); Katherine Danes (Co-President, The Children’s Music Network); Claire S. Green (President, Parent’s Choice Foundation); Benjamin Groff (Founder, The Brill Building); Sas Metcalfe (President, Global Creative, Kobalt Music); Golnar Khosrowshahi (President, Reservoir Media Management); Carianne Marshall (Partner, Songs Music Publishing); Tamara Conniff (EVP, Roc Nation); Dara Frank (Head of Comedy Central Records/Viacom); Carl Caprioglio (Founder/CEO, Oglio Entertainment); and Elena Epstein (Director, National Parenting Product Awards).
ISC is sponsored by: AKG By Harman; Berklee College of Music; Celebrity Access; D'Addario; Dark Horse Institute; Disc Makers; Eventric; Gig Salad; JBL Professional by Harman; Lurrsen Mastering; Merch Cat; Musician Wellness; Musician’s Institute; ONErpm; PreSonus; SongU.com; Sweetwater Sound; PAWW Premium Sound; and Tunedly.
Entries are now open for the 2018 competition. For more information and to enter, go to http://www.songwritingcompetition.com.
For low-res photos of all winners, go to http://www.songwritingcompetition.com/winners
For high-res photos, please contact Candace Avery at [email protected]
The list of 2017 Canadian winners is as follows:
First Place Winners
“Knock On My Door“ – Faouzia Ouihya (Faouzia) Carman, MB, Canada – Teen
Born in Morocco and raised in the Canadian prairies, Faouzia is a young artist who is wowing audiences and industry alike with her contemporary pop hooks and heart-wrenching lyrics, not to mention a voice that is truly distinctive with a huge range, taking on subtle trills and stylings. Her first single “Knock On My Door” found its way onto regular rotation at Canadian radio, and the follow up “My Heart’s Grave” is already seeing adds in both Canada and her native Morocco. Already a multiple award winner in ISC, as well as the Grand Prize winner of the 2017 Unsigned Only Music Competition, Faouzia is an up-and-coming artistic force whose star just keeps shining brighter.
“Sheep“ – Darrelle London Toronto, ON, Canada – Children's Music
A piano pop singer/songwriter, Darrelle London is known for her clever quirkiness and has performed at festivals such as Lilith Fair, Canadian Music Week, Pop Overthrow, and more. She was named the Toronto Lilith Talent Search winner and the BellMedia Emerging Artist. London has attracted some celebrity supporters along the way, including fellow Canadian songstress Chantal Kreviazuk who discovered her music and collaborated with her on several songs for London’s album Eat A Peach. The celebrity blogger Perez Hilton has also been a vocal champion of her music. Her latest album is a lullaby EP entitled Sing To The Moon.
“This Little Light“ – Jaylene Johnson Winnipeg, MB, Canada – Christian
Jaylene Johnson, is a singer/songwriter based in Winnipeg, MB. Her song, "Fallin'" took second place in the ISC last year in the Christian category. Her work has been heard on network TV shows including “Pretty Little Liars”, “So You Think You Can Dance”, and “Degrassi: The Next Generation”. Co-written songs have been recorded by artists including JJ Heller, Amy Sky, Brian Doerksen and Luke McMaster among others. Her most recent album, Potter & Clay, was nominated for a Juno Award, a Western Canadian Music Award, and several Covenant Awards. Two of her songs earned songwriting trophies at the Covenant Awards this year.
“Untouchable“ – Dylan Edward Roberts (King Dylan) Calgary, AB, Canada – Music Video
The winner of the Music Video category for his stop-motion animation video of the song “Untouchable,” King Dylan (the King didn't give himself that name - it was written in his high school yearbook) is best described as if Blink 182 had a lovechild with Eminem and Lady Gaga's backup dancers. This one-man machine has performed live for thousands across Canada and released a handful of albums and music videos. Previously he played bass guitar in the hard Rock band Broken Ride (Regional Radio Star winners 2013), performed in and produced the hip hop group The DC Show, and played piano for the band Lost In Film at CMW 2014. Dylan has also just finished a new full-length album featuring "Untouchable" and eleven other hard-hitting tracks. The award-winning video utilized over 4,000 photos of legos taken over the course of 450+ hours.
Third Place Winners
“Backroads” – Jimmy Zee (The Jimmy Zee Band) – Vanvouver, BC, Canada Blues
“Never Have Time” – Jared Salte, Bethany Salte (The Royal Foundry) – Sherwood Park, AB, Canada – Rock
“Tequila” – Johnny Simmen, Hunter Leath, Matt McGinn – Toronto, ON, Canada – Country
Honorable Mentions
“A Flat Miner” – Troy Kokol – Calgary, AB, Canada – Comedy/Novelty
“Ambition” – Soul – Toronto, ON, Canada – R&B/Hip-Hop
“Ask Too Much Ft. Spence Holden” – Spencer Heaslip, Spence Milne-O'Neil (Taabu) – Dundas, ON, Canada – EDM (Electronic Dance Music)
“Baby, I Understand” – Kat Goldman – Toronto, ON, Canada – Folk/Singer-Songwriter
“Beautiful Thing” – Aaron Buchholz, Ian Eskelin – Langley, BC, Canada – Christian
“Booger Song” – Tim Machin (Sing Along Tim And The Pacifiers) – Toronto, ON, Canada – Children's Music
“Campfire ” – Dinah Desrochers, Aaron Cadwaladr, Phil Wipper, Jocelyn Hallett (The Kerplunks) – Gabriola Island, BC, Canada – Children's Music
“Chills” – James Barker, Donovan Woods, Travis Wood, Gavin Slate (James Barker Band) – Toronto, ON, Canada – Country
“Ciento Viente” – Roman Smirnov – Newmarket, ON, Canada – Instrumental
“Don't Give Up” – Maggie Szabo, Stefan Lit, Chaz Mason – Dundas, ON, Canada – Pop/Top 40
“Eleven! ” – Dylan Bell, Ed Hanley, Suba Sankaran (Autorickshaw) – Toronto, ON, Canada – Children's Music
“Fall In Love Again” – Chris Graham, Mikalyn Hay (Xtro And Mikalyn Hay) – Toronto, ON, Canada – Teen
“Firetruck Firetruck” – John Donnelly (Rockin' Robin And The Magical Tree) – Delta, BC, Canada – Children's Music
“Freedom” – Ariana Gillis – Vineland, ON, Canada – Folk/Singer-Songwriter
“Gamblin Man” – Richard Tichelman – Surrey, BC, Canada – Teen
“Good Thing Go” – Powell Peebles, Brett Sheroky, Andy Wills (Powell Peebles) – North Vancouver, BC, Canada – Country
“House On Fire” – Don Oriolo, Jason Gleed, Chris Bolger – Toronto, ON, Canada – Rock
“I Don't Want To Lose You” – Luca Fogale – Burnaby, BC, Canada – Performance
“Knock On My Door” – Faouzia Ouihya (Faouzia) – Carman, MB, Canada – Unsigned Only
“Lay It Down” – Jordan St. Cyr, Jaylene Johnson, Ben Calhoun, Taylor Watson – Niverville, MB, Canada – Christian
“Love It Up” – Tyler Lorette, Roberta Quilico – Courtice, ON, Canada – Performance
“Lowdown” – Matt Zimbel, Doug Wilde (Manteca) – Toronto, ON, Canada – Instrumental
“Move On Down The Track” – Spencer Mackenzie, Rich Mackenzie (Spencer Mackenzie) – Ridgeway, ON, Canada – Blues
“My Heart's Grave” – Faouzia Ouihya (Faouzia) – Carman, MB, Canada – Pop/Top 40
“My Heart's Grave” – Faouzia Ouihya (Faouzia) – Carman, MB, Canada – Teen
“Nosotros” – Christopher Alexander Gaitan Valencia (Ness El Digital) – Montreal, QC, Canada – Latin Music
“Roses” – Gus McMillan, Robyn Dell'Unto – (Gus McMIllan) – Toronto, ON, Canada – AC (Adult Contemporary)
“Sanctuary City” – Cat Toren (Cat Toren's HUMAN KIND) – Vancouver, BC, Canada – Jazz
“Sing For Kwanzaa” – Chris McKhool, Richard Bona (Sultans Of String) – Toronto, ON, Canada – World Music
“Summer” – Paula Eve Kirman – Edmonton, AB, Canada – Lyrics Only
“Temptation” – Debra Power – Airdrie, AB, Canada – Blues
“The Pee Song” – Jason Gleed (Redd Butts ) – Toronto, ON, Canada – Comedy/Novelty
“This Little Light” – Jaylene Johnson – Winnipeg, MB, Canada – Unpublished
“Three Words” – Sara Diamond, Austin Tecks, Noah Barer (Sarah Diamond) – Montreal, QC, Canada – Unpublished
“Unsure” – Sara Diamond, Austin Tecks, Noah Barer (Sarah Diamond) – Montreal, QC, Canada – Unsigned Only
“Untouchable” – Dylan Edward Roberts (King Dylan) – Calgary, AB, Canada – Unsigned Only
“What's A Boy Gotta Do” – Sean Thomas – Langley, BC, Canada – Teen
“When You Think No One Loves You ” – David Leask, Daryl Burgess (David Leask) – Mississauga, ON, Canada – Performance
“Worth It” – Wes Mason – Rockwood, ON, Canada – AC (Adult Contemporary)
via Blogger https://ift.tt/2vp16yd
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ashlosing · 13 years
Want a degrassi uniform/merchandise?
http://www.bruzer.com/degrassi/ This site has Eli's necklace, the hoodie, the dot tee shirt, etc etc. Some things are a little pricey but if you love degrassi and have extra money this is great! :D 
Enjoy (:
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hillsofgrace · 13 years
so i was looking for a degrassi shirt and this came up, yeah it is from Degrassi High but I have to admit it is a really cool shirt. So I thought I would share the link with the DTC because the shirts will only be available for a limited time.
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degrassibenji · 2 years
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