papermoonloveslucy · 6 years
October 21, 1956
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Bob Hope (Himself / Ricky Ricardo) was born Lesley Townes Hope in England in 1903. During his extensive career in virtually all forms of media he received five honorary Academy Awards. In 1945 Desi Arnaz was the orchestra leader on Bob Hope’s radio show. Ball and Hope did four films together. He appeared as himself on the season 6 opener of “I Love Lucy.” He did a brief cameo in a 1964 episode of “The Lucy Show.”  When Lucille Ball moved to NBC in 1980, Hope appeared on her welcome special. He died in 2003 at age 100. 
Lucille Ball (Lucy Ricardo) was born on August 6, 1911 in Jamestown, New York. She began her screen career in 1933 and was known in Hollywood as ‘Queen of the B’s’ due to her many appearances in ‘B’ movies. With Richard Denning, she starred in a radio program titled “My Favorite Husband” which eventually led to the creation of “I Love Lucy,” a television situation comedy in which she co-starred with her real-life husband, Latin bandleader Desi Arnaz. The program was phenomenally successful, allowing the couple to purchase what was once RKO Studios, re-naming it Desilu. When the show ended in 1960 (in an hour-long format known as “The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour”) so did Lucy and Desi’s marriage. In 1962, hoping to keep Desilu financially solvent, Lucy returned to the sitcom format with “The Lucy Show,” which lasted six seasons. She followed that with a similar sitcom “Here’s Lucy” co-starring with her real-life children, Lucie and Desi Jr., as well as Gale Gordon, who had joined the cast of “The Lucy Show” during season two. Before her death in 1989, Lucy made one more attempt at a sitcom with “Life With Lucy,” also with Gordon, which was not a success and was canceled after just 13 episodes. 
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Desi Arnaz (Fred Mertz) was born in Cuba in 1917 and immigrated to America as a youngster.  He was a musician who married Lucille Ball in 1940 after meeting her on the set of 1939’s Too Many Girls, which he had done on stage in New York. In order to keep him ‘off the road’ Ball convinced producers to cast him as her husband in a new television project based on her radio show “My Favorite Husband.” The network was convinced. In 1951, Arnaz and Ball began playing Lucy and Ricky Ricardo, roles they would be identified with for the rest of their lives. The couple had two children together, Lucie and Desi Jr. In 1960, Ball and Arnaz divorced. Desi became a producer, responsible for such hits as “The Mothers-in-Law” (1967-69). He re-married in 1963. Desi Aranz died in 1986, just a few years before Ball.   
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Vivian Vance (Ethel Mertz) was born Vivian Roberta Jones in Cherryvale, Kansas in 1909, although her family quickly moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico where she was raised. She had extensive theatre experience, co-starring on Broadway with Ethel Merman in Anything Goes. She was acting in a play in Southern California when she was spotted by Desi Arnaz and hired to play Ethel Mertz, Lucy Ricardo’s neighbor and best friend. The pairing is credited with much of the success of “I Love Lucy.”  Vance was convinced to join the cast of “The Lucy Show” in 1962, but stayed with the series only through season three, making occasional guest appearances afterwards. She made a total of six appearance on “Here’s Lucy.” She also joined Lucy for a TV special “Lucy Calls the President” in 1977. Vance died two years later. 
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William Frawley (Captain Blystone) was already a Hollywood veteran when he was hired by Desi Arnaz to play Fred Mertz on “I Love Lucy.” After the series concluded he joined the cast of “My Three Sons” playing Bub Casey. He did an episode of “The Lucy Show” in October 1965 which was his final TV appearance before his death in March 1966.
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Tommy (Trained Seal) Others guests on the show that evening were James Cagney, Diana Dors, New York Yankee Don “No Hit” Larsen, and Les Brown and his Band of Renown.
The Hollywood DebStars (up and coming young women in the entertainment business nominated by the make-up industry) include: 
Nicola Michaels aka Niki Dantine (from MGM) 
Elaine Aikens aka Elaine Aiken (from Paramount) 
Dani Crayne (from Warner Brothers) 
Anna Navarro (from NBC) 
Nancy Kilgas (from CBS) 
Roxanne Arlen (from Pine Talent Productions) 
Stephanie Griffin (from DelBar Productions) 
Carol Nugent (from American National Studios) 
Autumn Russell (from Al Wallace)
Veneita Stevenson (from RKO) 
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This cross-over episode of “The Bob Hope Show” aired on NBC (Hope's network of choice) two weeks after his guest-star appearance as himself on the season six opener of “I Love Lucy.” 
Because the show is sponsored by Chevrolet, the opening theme is their jingle “See the U.S.A. In a Chevrolet” by Leo Corday and Leon Carr. Dinah Shore sang the song after 1952, and it became something of a signature song for her. Later the song was also sung by Pat Boone on his “Pat Boone-Chevy Showroom” (1957-60) on ABC. Hope's signature tune “Thanks for the Memory” by Ralph Rainger is saved for the closing credits, with special lyrics about the 1957 Chevies.
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In Hope's opening monologue, he promises a look at the new 1957 Chevrolet cars. He then alludes to the new TV season. Hope wonders who is running the country with Walter Winchell on TV and IKE out campaigning. Winchell's new NBC variety series was titled “The Walter Winchell Show” and it premiered three days before this “The Bob Hope Chevy Show.” It lasted just one season.  A month after Hope mentioned IKE campaigning, Eisenhower handily won election to a second term as US President.
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Hope says that Sid Caesar's back – with a new wife. Hope is referring to the third season of NBC's “Caesar's Hour.” Nanette Fabray left the show after a misunderstanding when her business manager, unbeknownst to her, made unreasonable demands during contract renewal negotiations. Fabray and Caesar did not reconcile until years later. Fabray appeared with Lucille Ball in the her 1974 special “Happy Anniversary and Goodbye.” 
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Hope says that Steve Allen is back and busy as ever. Allen's new show on NBC was titled “The Steve Allen Plymouth Show” (another show sponsored by a car manufacturer) and would run five seasons. Steve Allen interviewed Lucy Whittaker (Lucille Ball) in 1977′s “Lucy Calls the President.” 
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Hope also reports that Perry Como is back. Hope is referring to Como's hosting of “The Kraft Music Hall.” Como appeared on the premiere of the aforementioned “Walter Winchell Show” to promote the “Kraft Music Hall.”  
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Trying to make a joke about “The Ed Sullivan Show” (which he says “owns Sunday nights), Hope mistakenly says “Elvin Presley” instead of “Elvis Presley.”
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Hope does a joke about Winston Churchill's son being on “The $64,000 Question.” On September 18, 1956, a month before this Bob Hope Show first aired, Rudolph Churchill was a guest contestant on the American quiz show hosted by Lucille Ball's friend Hal March. Churchill and the other contestants all got the answers right that evening and it was discovered that they were already given the answers. This began what is know as the quiz show scandals in Hollywood.
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English-born Diana Dors does a sketch where she plays Hope's wife in a traditional English cottage. Dors and Hope then do a companion sketch about a married couple in modern day America where the house practically cleans itself. They even have a baby (several) thanks to automation.
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Hope and Cagney sing and dance to “Mary's a Grand Old Name” by George M. Cohan. Cagney won an Oscar for playing George M. Cohan in the 1942 film Yankee Doodle Dandy, which also featured the song. It was also in the film The Seven Little Foys (1955), which is mentioned by Hope. Cagney says he is doing a new film about Lon Chaney called Man of a Thousand Faces. It was released in 1957. Hope also makes a joke about Burt Lancaster's 1956 film Trapeze.
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During Hope and Cagney’s introductions of the DebStars, background singers perform “A Pretty Girl Is Like A Melody,” “You Oughta Be in Pictures” and “You Are Too Lovely.”  
After ogling the DebStars, Cagney does an imitation of  Ernest Borgnine saying “What're you doin' tonight, Marty?” from the 1955 film Marty. About Cagney, Hope says he's such a tough guy that he thinks Somebody Up There Likes Me is a comedy. The dramatic 1956 film is about the life of boxer Rocky Graziano. 
Hope rightfully states that he knew Lucy long before she met Desi and wonders what it would be like if he'd married Lucy. This sets up the premise of the “I Love Lucy” cross-over sketch that follows.
The “I Love Lucy” theme is played at the start of the sketch.  
Although the “I Love Lucy” set is used, it is slightly changed to accommodate the action. There are now closet doors at the extreme left and right edge of the set. The set dressing in the hallway is also different.
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The sketch was probably recorded in advance, possibly on the “I Love Lucy” stage, to accommodate the cast, including the live seal. This is born out by the fact that during Hope's “curtain call” during the final credits, only William Frawley and Vivian Vance come out to shake Hope's hand, and they are dressed in different clothes than they were wearing moments before. Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz do not appear as “themselves” out of context of the characters they play in the sketch.  
The action opens on the Ricardo's New York City apartment with Lucy leading a live seal from the front door into the living room closet. Ball has some trouble getting the seal through the closet door, despite tempting it with food. 
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Lucille Ball would work with live seals again in “Lucy at Marineland” (TLS S4;E1).  
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When Ricky (Bob Hope) comes home, Lucy smothers him with kisses, which makes him suspicious that something is up.
Lucy: “What are you talking about?  I give you a kiss every day.” Ricky: “I know, but this is October. You just kissed me through Lincoln's Birthday.”  
Lincoln's Birthday was formerly a Federal holiday celebrated on February 12.  It is now marked only in select states, having been replaced by Presidents’ Day at the Federal level.
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When Ricky tosses his hat into the closet where the seal is hiding, it immediately comes flying back at him, nearly landing back on his head, but missing.   
Lucy: “We've got termites!” Ricky: “One of them must pitch for Cleveland.”  
Hope was part-owner of the Cleveland Indians, and never missed an opportunity to joke about the team. 
Lucy says she was just trying to help by getting the closet fumigated. 
Ricky: “You're always helping, like when we went on our honeymoon. You thought we'd be lonesome so you invited your mother along.” Lucy: “I was just trying to help.” Ricky: “Who were you helping? You're father?”
While Lucy Ricardo's mother was an integral part of “I Love Lucy” in its last few seasons, her father was never mentioned. In real-life, Lucille Ball's father died when she was an infant and she was raised by her grandfather. Like most cross-overs, Hope's writers appear not to have been avid watchers of “I Love Lucy.”  
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Seeing a plate of whole fish (the seal's food) on the coffee table, Ricky gets suspicious. He calls them “Texas anchovies.” Lucy explains that they are her first dividend from her membership in the Herring of the Month Club.
Ricky says he has an audition in the morning for the 100-piece Havana Symphony Orchestra: 99 bongos and a sweet potato.  
When Fred enters (played by Desi Arnaz), Lucy barely recognizes him:
Lucy: “Well Fred, I didn't recognize you.  You look like a new man.  Took off a little weight, put on a little hair.”
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When Ethel smothers Fred (Ricky) in kisses, Lucy (or Lucille Ball) says “All right, break it up. Let's not overdo it.” On “I Love Lucy,” Vivian Vance did not enjoy having to be affectionate with William Frawley. If the script required them to smooch, an air kiss was all Frawley and Vance would do - and that reluctantly.
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When Ricky (Hope) turns his back to the audience, his bathrobe says “Havana U” on it.  
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On “I Love Lucy” Ricky Ricardo claimed to have attended the University, and even sang their fight song in one episode. 
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When Ricky can't understand Fred's thick Cuban accent, Bob Hope recycles a punchline he also used on “Lucy Meets Bob Hope” (ILL S6;E1) the week before: “You're trying to tell me something!”  
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Lucy insists on playing charades. When Ricky complains he needs to go to bed, he asks Lucy “Who do you think I am?”  As if a charade clue, she quickly replies “The Beast From Hollow Mountain”! This was the title of a low-budget horror flick about a modern-day dinosaur on the loose. The movie was released in August 1956.
When Lucy announces that Fred and Ethel's apartment is being fumigated (to hide that Captain Blystone is staying there), she says that the girls will sleep in the bedroom and the boys will take the living room. Hope breaks the fourth wall to address the audience:
Hope: “How do you like that?  I marry Lucy and wind up with Desi.”
Both Ricky and Fred dive for the sofa at the same time. Hope is still straddling the fourth wall.
Hope (to Desi): “One chorus of 'Babalu' and out you go.”
Then Desi mutters under his breath “I should have never left CBS” which is likely an ad-lib by Arnaz.
When Ricky opens the closet door a huge circus ball rolls out. Lucy claims it is a beach ball for the little girl next door. When Ricky (Hope) tries to lift it, it is heavy, and he remarks “Who's the little girl? Sophie Tucker?”  
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Sophie Tucker was a vaudeville personality of sturdy build. Lucille Ball would play Tucker on “Bob Hope's All-Star Comedy Salute to Vaudeville” in 1977.  
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In another closet, Ricky finds what Lucy calls a ‘gramasousaxylophonovitch’, a series of horns arranged like a xylophone. 
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Five years earlier, on “The Audition” (ILL S1;E6), Lucy Ricardo pretended to be a trained seal and played "How Dry Am I" on the (what she called then) the ‘saxavibratronophonovitch’, but is virtually the same instrument. This was also part of the act Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz toured live across the country to convince CBS and sponsors that their pairing would work on television.  
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Lucy's performance wakes Captain Blystone (William Frawley) upstairs, who comes to claim his seal, who he calls Tommy. Lucy introduces the seal as her music teacher!
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debrastephens-blog · 6 years
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Happy Friday my Stars🌟🌟 #happyfriday #mystars # Picture taken by Bonnie Fudge @bonniepictures📷 #bonnipictutes #sexydebstar1971 #debstar
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willforeverbemine · 5 years
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@luststricken don’t even 😂 it hasn’t been used since year 10 ok 😂
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nancyvana · 4 years
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Unbelieveably, it was 40 years ago this month that Larry & I moved to this property. I owned a horse that I was paying to board elsewhere and we wanted acreage. This place had been on the market for six months and had had no offers. The house (with no window screens, mismatched wallpaper, deep shag carpet in weird colors...) needed repair. There were yard trash piles big enough that we hired a dump truck to haul them away. There were no fences, almost no trees, no barn. That first fall we worked so hard on this place that sometimes I'd fall in bed at night in tears, but we knew the potential was there (and frankly, if the property had been in good shape we wouldn't have been able to afford it). Little by little, year by year, we did things. We started by adding a backyard fence for our dogs. Then Larry & some cousins stretched a pasture fence. We had a barn built. We replaced one room of shag carpet per year, when we could afford it. Eventually we replaced all the windows (including the single-pane-glass ones in the entryway that were so bad that we'd nailed blankets over them that first winter!). We sprayed weeds & poison ivy and dealt with riding mowers that ate belts and burst into flame. We replaced a furnace and continually planted trees, bushes, & flowers. We added storage sheds. As decades passed we remodeled the house, then added a deck and later a brick patio. I planted more trees & perennials, and Larry added a putting green & tee box. Net result: We have this place that we enjoy so much, that's so different from what it was when we bought it! 😊 Pictured: Nancy, on Larry's Quarter Horse "Debstar," fall 1980. The field in the background (where a hired tractor can be seen) now contains our horse barn.
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orsng · 5 years
How I Escaped Being R*ped On Lagos Streets - Beautiful Nigerian Singer, Debstar Opens Up
How I Escaped Being R*ped On Lagos Streets – Beautiful Nigerian Singer, Debstar Opens Up
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An evening with Deborah Olumese aka Debstar, leader of Tramela Band, which thrills every Friday and Sunday at popular entertainment hangout, O’Jez Pool Side in Lagos, is an experience to look forward to.
From 7pm when she mounts the stage, lovers of live music are treated to a plethora of both local and foreign new/old skool vibes. Having played for the high and mighty, Debstar’s band is today…
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jaehwn · 7 years
30 questions tag
Rules: answer 30 questions then tag 20 (bye) blogs you would like to know better.
I was tagged by: @king-jaehwan​ & @k-jaehwan​ (melody!! I didn’t get the tag in my notifs but I saw the tag when I was going through the “kim jaehwan” tag) THANKS FOR TAGGING ME GUYS!! LOVE YOU ❣️❣️❣️
1. Nicknames: Debs ; is my most used nickname (some of my friends use to call me debstar but now I think about it, it just reminds me of danik saying “imma rapstar” and it’s giving me nightmares so no 🙉)
2. Gender: Female
3. Star sign: Scorpio
4. Height: 155cm
5. Time: 9:20pm
6. Birthday: October 28th
7. Favorite Bands/Groups: GOT7 (my absolute ults), wanna one (my top 1 for now), MBLAQ (forever a special place in my heart)
8. Favorite solo artists: IU (she’s so cute), cheondung ❣️ zico & taeyeon
9. Song stuck in my head: this
10. Last movie watched: Passengers ; it was an alright, pretty good movie
11. Last show watched: heart signal ; it feeds my single syndrome i’m joking
12. When did i create my blog: June 18th, 2017 (didn’t have to change it bc I copied from lena)
13. What do I post: VISHO ; mainly him but includes other wannaone members (actually thinking about making this a wannaone/produce101 blog.. BUT I’ll still be a jaehwan update blog. I am not going to abandon updates even in a million years. tell me what you guys think 😶)
14. Last thing googled: neck veins ; DON’T JUDGE ME !!
15. Do you have other blogs?: yes, multifandom blog ; which I have abandoned since making this one oops
16. Do you get asks?: No but I LOVE getting them ; how do people get asks... I’m waiting for that day people will send me their rants about how much they hate love jaehwan
17. Why did u choose your url?: Because this blog is dedicated to him lols ; I wanted jaehwan/kimjaehwan but jaehwn was the closest thing available but I’ve grown to love this url
18. Following: Many? but not as many as other people I think. I’d like to follow more tho 😊 ; I should probably go through my followers list and follow some blogs hehe
19. Followers: 426 ; I’m going to do a project when I reach 500 😎
20. Favorite colors: anything pastel, corals, pinks & purples
21. Average hours of sleep: 6ish ; rip work...
22. Lucky number: 28? ; I feel like no number has yet to bless me with some good luck (but I think I blessed my parents when I was born on the 28th 😅)
23. Instruments: Piano ; but haven’t played in a loooong time
24. What am I wearing: pajamas with a jacket
25. How many blankets I sleep with: 2 ; and I’m still cold (also, starting to get sick so rip)
26. Dream job: idk anymore. I need money and traveling would be nice (leaving this here from lena bc it is goals!) ; actually I’d like to be a part of a volunteering medical team in developing countries
27. Dream trip: America ? tbh korea even tho I’ve already been twice
28. Favorite food(s): potato, sushi, pizza, rice, avocado ; all the good stuff (typical) honestly I eat anything so my favourite food depends on what I’m craving. Currently in need of some alcohol bc I need to drink my sorrows away i am dramatic
29. Nationality: I always get confused by this question bc is it like where I have my citizenship or more like my ethnicity?
30. Favorite song now: this (don’t hate me)
Tagging: I dont know who’s done it or not, so feel free to ignore or not do if you don’t want to ^_^ @kimjaehwanswife @kimsjaehwan @donghans @kimdonghyun @ong-seungwoo @daewi @yoonjsung and any followers/mutuals wanting to do, feel free ~~
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whatkatiediduk · 7 years
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More cinch without the pinch? You'll be needing What Katie Did! http://www.whatkatiedid.com/blog/masterclass-%7C-styling/1111/guest-blogger%3a-curvecreations-retro-foundations-for-modern-life We can't get over how gorgeous Curvecreation - Miss Osiria Rose looks in our Kate Longline Cone Bra and Panty Girdle set - just peachy! Missi's latest Guest Blog Post has arrived, and this time she's teaching you how everyone (even you gorgeous curvy gals!) can rock a pair of tailored trousers, with a little help from your favourite vintage foundations! Head over to our blog and check out gorgeous pieces from Daisy Jeans Floral Designs, Vivien of Holloway Debstar Designs Revere Folie and Deer Arrow
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ygistnigeria · 5 years
via NairaPark News Update
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debrastephens-blog · 6 years
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Wishing all my stars an awesome Sunday!! Picture taken by Bonnie Fudge @bonniepictures Facebook. #sundayevening #stars #snow ##bonniepictures #modeling #debstar #sexydebstar1971
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debrastephens-blog · 6 years
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Morning lovers 😚😙😗😘😍 #sexydebstar1971 #debstar
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debrastephens-blog · 7 years
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Selfie time 😘😎💋 #sexydebstar #debstar #coat #suede #blondehair #classicphysique #selfie #carselfie
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debrastephens-blog · 7 years
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The moment when your photographer says look towards the sun and try keep your eyes open without squinting or frowning not an easy thing to do when you have sensitive eyes..but I do love this shot from Bonnie Fudge & Bonnie Pictures❣ #sexydebstar1971 #debstar 💕 #model #photograhy #eyes #sun #bonniepictures #bonniefudge #beautifulface IG~@sexydebstar1971 TWITTER ~DEBRAMELLMODEL
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debrastephens-blog · 7 years
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Had to post one of these ..great photographer my friend sister BONNIE Fudge!📷 Follow her at @greanize and also at BONNIE Pictures on Facebook! Love yas stay sexy 💋💖😍😘😎 #sexydebstar1971 #debstar #october2017🎃 #blackfishnetdress #blackmask #oldtub #clawtub #bonniepictures #bonniefudge
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debrastephens-blog · 7 years
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Fall.🍁🍂.got to love that it's jacket and boot weather..👢 Photo taken by John Rutledge 📷 #sexydebstar1971 #debstar #boot #jacket #hat #fall #johnrutledge
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debrastephens-blog · 7 years
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And then there were 3..😍 Cool edit by a friend.. #sexydebstar1971 #debstar #cool #edit #landscapephotography
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debrastephens-blog · 7 years
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Happy 1st of October 🍁🍂 My favorite month😚😚 May you all have a good one 😚😉 Love yas 😍💖 PICTURE TAKEN BY BONNIE PICTURES📷 #sexydebstar1971 #debstar #october #october2017 #fall #leaves #bonniefudge #bonniepictures #model #sweaterweather #coat #furtrim #hair #model
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