#Davide Favero
queerographies · 1 year
[Sensi migranti][Stefano Candellieri][Davide Favero]
L’obiettivo delle giornate di studio/performance è stato quello di sensibilizzare e aumentare la conoscenza/competenza dei partecipanti relativamente ai fenomeni di indebolimento identitario, nel senso che dà Vattimo al termine, fenomeni sempre più riscon
Susan Sontag con Note su “Camp”, Gender Trouble di Judith Butler, la Teoria Queer con le sue sfide all’identità di genere, il lavoro decostruzionista di Derrida, poststrutturalista di Foucault e soprattutto quello semioanalitico di Kristeva sono stati gli assi culturali portanti in cui si sono inscritte le giornate di studio. Si è cercato di porre in comunicazione la metapsicologia junghiana,…
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lamilanomagazine · 4 months
Vicenza, Giorno del Ricordo, appuntamenti in città per commemorare le vittime delle foibe e dell'esodo giuliano dalmata
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Vicenza, Giorno del Ricordo, appuntamenti in città per commemorare le vittime delle foibe e dell'esodo giuliano dalmata Il Giorno del Ricordo, che si celebra ogni anno il 10 febbraio, commemora i massacri delle foibe e l'esodo giuliano dalmata nel secondo dopoguerra. Il Comune di Vicenza, in collaborazione con la Biblioteca civica Bertoliana, il Conservatorio di musica Pedrollo, la Fondazione Teatro Comunale Città di Vicenza e la sezione di Vicenza dell'Associazione nazionale Venezia Giulia e Dalmazia (Anvgd), propone un nutrito calendario di appuntamenti per tutte le età che si estende dal 5 al 22 febbraio, tra cerimonie istituzionali, spettacoli, concerti, presentazioni di libri e letture ad alta voce con laboratori nelle biblioteche di quartiere della città. Venerdì 9 e sabato 10 febbraio sono previste le due cerimonie istituzionali organizzate dal Comune di Vicenza in collaborazione con Associazione Nazionale Venezia Giulia e Dalmazia (ANVGD) - sezione di Vicenza. All'ex collegio Opera Pia Cordellina (sede della scuola media Giuriolo, in contra' Santa Maria Nova) venerdì 9 febbraio alle 10 verrà deposta una corona di alloro in memoria degli esuli italiani che il 3 febbraio 1947 trovarono rifugio in questo luogo, che all'epoca era sede del convento di Santa Maria Nova. Al cimitero Maggiore, sabato 10 febbraio alle 10, verrà deposta una corona d'alloro sul monumento dedicato a tutte le vittime delle foibe e dell'esodo dalle loro terre degli italiani di Istria, Fiume e Dalmazia. Le scuole saranno coinvolte giovedì 8 febbraio alle 10, nella Sala del Ridotto del Teatro Comunale Città di Vicenza, in occasione dello spettacolo teatrale "Passi" con Farmacia Zooè. Nell'ambito della rassegna "Sabati musicali" sabato 10 febbraio alle 17 nella sede di Palazzo Cordellina (Biblioteca civica Bertoliana) si potrà assistere al concerto "Adagio di Samuel Barber trascritto per coro di flauti". Ingresso libero fino ad esaurimento dei posti disponibili. Evento organizzato dal Conservatorio di musica A. Pedrollo, in collaborazione con Biblioteca Bertoliana. Informazioni: 0444 578211, [email protected] Gli ultimi due eventi in calendario sono organizzati da Comune di Vicenza, in collaborazione con Associazione Nazionale Venezia Giulia e Dalmazia (ANVGD), ad ingresso libero fino ad esaurimento dei posti disponibili: la Sala degli Stucchi di Palazzo Trissino lunedì 12 febbraio alle 17.30 ospiterà l'incontro "Il Giorno del Ricordo e le istituzioni vent'anni dopo" con Davide Rossi dell'Università di Trieste; a Palazzo Cordellina giovedì 22 febbraio alle 17.30 verrà presentato il libro di Roberto Spazzali, "Pola. Città perduta. L'agonia, l'esodo (1945-47)", Ares 2022. Informazioni 0444 578211, [email protected] La Biblioteca Bertoliana, inoltre, ha predisposto un programma di letture ad alta voce con laboratorio nelle sede succursali dal titolo "Ricordiamoci la pace" dal 5 al 19 febbraio. Ai bambini tra i 6 e i 10 anni sono dedicate le letture, a cura della Cooperativa Socioculturale-Biblioteca Bertoliana, di lunedì 5 febbraio alle 17.00 nella sede di Anconetta, in via Dall'Acqua 16 (informazioni e prenotazioni 0444578264, [email protected]) e di mercoledì 7 febbraio alle 16.30 nella sede di Riviera Berica, viale Riviera Berica 631 (informazioni e prenotazioni 0444578262, [email protected]). L'appuntamento di venerdì 9 febbraio alle 16.45 nella sede di Palazzo Costantini, in contra' Riale 13, è rivolto ai bambini dai 4 anni ed è a cura delle volontarie della Biblioteca Bertoliana Marta Peruffo e Giuliana Serblin (informazioni e prenotazioni 0444578223, [email protected]). Giovedì 15 febbraio alle 16.45 nella sede di Villa Tacchi, viale della Pace 89, Maria Grazia Cristino, Annarosa Favero e Renata Serra intratterranno i bambini tra i 6 e i 10 anni (informazioni e prenotazioni 0444578263, [email protected]). Nella sede di Laghetto, in via Lago di Pusiano 3, venerdì 16 febbraio alle 16.30 le letture, a cura di Daniela Bilibio, saranno rivolte a bambini dai 6 anni (informazioni e prenotazioni 0444578265, [email protected]). Infine lunedì 19 febbraio alle 16.30 nella sede di Villaggio del Sole, in via Colombo 41/A, AGESCI Vicenza 1 accoglierà i bambini tra 4 e 8 anni (Info e prenotazioni: 0444 578266 | [email protected]) Calendario delle iniziative al link... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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diegogaleri · 2 years
Pantalon - Cristozilla 
Video by Davide Pannucci - Punk Citofono 
Mix & Mastering by Giulio Ragno Favero 
Composed, arranged and played by Diego Galeri & Simone Matteo Tiraboschi 
Prismopaco Records 2022
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magicalmonsterhero · 5 years
My Spidersonas
As some of you may know, the release of Into the Spider-Verse led to the concept of Spidersonas. Now, I have finally decided to post my own. While none of these are actually based on me, I thought you might find them interesting.
-Samuel ‘Sam’ Sorenson/Cross Weave
Left on the doorstep of a church as a baby, Samuel ‘Sam’ Sorenson was raised by the devout but kindly Reverend David Sorenson. Unfortunately, Father David discovered that one of the clergymen was taking advantage of young churchgoers, and the clergyman killed him. Sam, who had been bitten by an irradiated spider during a class trip and had been recovering when this happened, used his newly developed spider powers to bring the killer to justice. Afterwards, he dedicated himself to fighting criminals as the Lord’s arachnid-powered servant, Cross Weave.
-Franklin ‘Frankie’ Favero/Daddy Longlegs
The Armonia Family is a lesser-known Mafia family dedicated to maintaining a ‘balance’ of sorts in the criminal underworld. All of its members have some form of special ability, whether they are mutants, mutates, magic users, or what have you. One of its most prominent lieutenants is Franklin ‘Frankie’ Favero, a young mutant with elastic powers. Due to an incident involving the Kingpin’s organization and Oscorp, Frankie ended up being bitten by one of Oscorp’s experimental spiders. He subsequently developed spider like abilities, which he uses in service of the Armonia Family under the code name Daddy Longlegs.
+Daddy Longlegs’ universe is partly inspired by Katekyo Hitman Reborn and Baccano, especially the latter.
-Nicholas ‘Nick’ Nutbrown/Drider
Growing up in the rougher neighborhoods, Nicholas ‘Nick’ Nutbrown was almost killed in a street rumble. But his life was saved by a strange woman who healed his wounds with a touch, and told him “the Spider Totem has chosen you” before vanishing. Nick was never able to find the woman who saved him, but he did discover that in addition, she had given him spider like powers and the ability to see the true forms of Shadowkind, beings straight out of a fantasy world who now live amongst us. Renouncing his street tough ways, Nick took to helping the Shadowkind residents of New York, both as a volunteer at a local community center (and later the head of same), and as the superhero Drider.
+Nick’s backstory is inspired by that of Donny Sinclair, an NPC from the Urban Arcana setting for the D20 roleplaying system. His universe is likewise inspired by Urban Arcana.
+Several of the B-List and lower-tier heroes of Drider’s universe are Shadowkind, including Dane Whitman/Black Knight, Bill Foster/Goliath, and Jessica Jones. Many others are Aware (able to see Shadowkind in their true forms), and Drider gets along well with them.
-Peter Parker/Jade Spider
During a trip to Osborn Industries, Peter Parker and several of his classmates were abducted by the Hand. While they were later found seemingly alive and well, they later disappeared again, their families found murdered. Only a short time later, rumors spread through the New York underworld of a band of super powered teenagers, each with animal-themed powers and bearing the mark of the. hand.
In truth, the missing students had undergone mental conditioning during their time in captivity. A while after being released, they returned to the Hand, received advanced training in combat and weaponry, and underwent genetic modification. Peter was infused with DNA from several different species of spider, and thus became the deadly Jade Spider, a near-emotionless sniper with spiderlike abilities, who only feels alive when on the hunt.
+In Jade Spider’s universe, the Hand has a much greater power in New York, having become a major crime syndicate on the level of the Yakuza and Chinese triads.
+Most of the heroes and villains are the same as the mainstream universe, but many of those who would have become members of Spider-Man’s rogues gallery instead became heroes, including Sandman, Electro, and Mysterio.
+Like Widowmaker from Overwatch (who was a major inspiration), Jade Spider has blue skin due to very low blood circulation. His heart beats just quickly enough to keep him alive.
+Other agents of the Hand include Flash Thompson AKA Ebony Hound, Liz Allan AKA Vermillion Raven, Gwen Stacy AKA Azure Octopus, and Felicia Hardy AKA Ivory Cat.
+Many of Jade Spider’s victims were the counterparts of Spider-Man’s villains, including Otto Octavius, Adrian Toomes, Dmitri Smerdyakov, and Mac Gargan. They were targeted because of their loose totemic connections, and in a few cases, their equipment was given to Jade Spider’s colleagues. John Jameson was also targeted, but his life was saved by Quicksilver, who exposed Jade Spider’s existence in the process. Enraged by the attempt on his son’s life, J. Jonah Jameson has allied with Harry Osborn, who lost his father to the Arachnid Assassin. The two have supported the efforts to take down the Hand, even helping to empower/equip Sandman, Electro, and several more.
+Mary Jane Watson is Harry Osborn’s girlfriend, and later became his wife. She helped her husband with many of his empowering experiments, ensuring they didn’t go horribly wrong (especially the one that turned Harry into Goodfellow). When he formed the Spectacular Six, she became one of its members under the name Tigress, having undergone the ritual that would have turned the deceased Greer Nelson into Tigra.
+Jade Spider did briefly possess the Venom symbiote at one point, but due to his almost complete lack of emotions, the symbiote could not survive with him as a host, and thus abandoned him. Later, when the Hand attacked Eddie Brock, who was investigating the Hand and needed to be silenced, the symbiote bonded with him, saving his life and revealing many of their secrets through Jade Spider’s memories. Eddie became one of New York’s more infamous vigilantes, often allying with Daredevil, Moon Knight, and similar heroes.
-Kiki Komori/Spider-Rouge
Kiki Komori was an ordinary high school student until she ran across Araka, a spider fairy from the Land of Totems. Araka was searching for someone to take up the power of the Spider Totem, but she was attacked by Kobalo, a member of the Great Hunters. To protect her, Kiki allowed herself to be bitten, and was transformed into the Arachnid Magical Girl, Spider-Rouge!
+The Great Hunters are similar to the Inheritors in their goals, but do not have access to the Multiverse. They are able to create monsters known as Rabidons from ordinary objects, and can also turn ordinary humans into pseudo-totems. While Spider-Rouge is able to purify most pseudo-totems, six of them were too powerful, and have since become a recurring threat as the Sinister Six.
+Other magical girls and boys exist, including counterparts of mainstream heroes and villains.
-Artie Anderson/Webweaver
Like most 10-year-olds, Artie Anderson was quite eager to get his Battle License and be allowed to compete in professional monster battles. But things took an unexpected turn after he encountered an unusual Radiorachnid—while he was able to capture it, he was bitten in the process. While he did choose to specialize in insect- and arachnid-based monsters as a result—with (his Radiorachnid) as his ace—it wasn’t until an encounter with the Sinister Squad five years later that he chose to become the hero Webweaver.
+As you may have deduced, Artie’s universe is influenced by the Mons genre, especially Pokemon.
+Radiorachnid is a portmanteau of radioactive and arachnid.
+The Sinister Squad is, of course, based on the Sinister Six and Team Rocket.
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Título Original: La Rosales
Año: 1984
Duración: 80 min
País: Argentina
Director: David Lipszyc
Guion: Juan Carlos Cernadas Lamadrid, Ricardo Halac, David Lipszyc
Música: Alberto Favero
Fotografía: Ricardo Younis
Reparto: Héctor Alterio, Ricardo Darín, Oscar Martínez, Arturo García Buhr, Ulises Dumont, Alicia Bruzzo, Marta Bianchi, Raúl Rizzo, Soledad Silveyra, Boy Olmi, Aldo Braga, Carlos Muñoz, Zelmar Gueñol, Juan Carlos Lamas, Oscar Pedemonti, Marta Gam
Productora: LDG Films
Género: Drama
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World Economic Council e Globe per il G20 a Napoli
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Si è tenuta presso la sede storica della Facoltà di Giurisprudenza dell’Università Federico II di Napoli (Corso Umberto I, 40) “Persone, prosperità e pianeta al centro della transizione ecologica”, evento parallelo del G20 Ambiente Energia e Clima di Napoli organizzato da WEC Italia (Comitato nazionale italiano del Consiglio Mondiale dell’Energia) e Globe Italia (Associazione Nazionale per il Clima) in collaborazione con la cattedra di Diritto dell’energia dell’ateneo. L’incontro high-level, con la partecipazione di alti rappresentanti istituzionali del Ministero della Transizione Ecologica e di delegazioni istituzionali dei Paesi del G20, insieme a consorzi e imprese del riciclo e rappresentanti di multinazionali e primarie aziende energetiche, porrà l’accento sulla transizione ecologica dei sistemi energetici e dell’economia circolare. Un processo necessario che vede oggi la comunità internazionale impegnata nella ricerca di soluzioni condivise e l’Italia protagonista globale, grazie alla Presidenza del G20 Energia e Clima e alla co-Presidenza della COP26 del 2021. Nel confronto su politiche, strategie e soluzioni innovative per la decarbonizzazione, uno sguardo particolare sarà riservato non solo al ruolo e alle prospettive del nostro Paese ma anche al dialogo euro-atlantico ed euro-mediterraneo.  Tra gli ospiti previsti nel ricco programma: Gennaro Migliore (Presidente Assemblea Parlamentare del Mediterraneo), David Livingston (Senior Policy Advisor, US Department of State ), Stefano Grassi (Capo di Gabinetto Commissaria Energia Simson), Francesco La Camera (Direttore Generale IRENA), Guido Bortoni (Senior Advisor Direzione Generale Energia Commissione Europea), Marco Margheri (Presidente WEC Italia), Matteo Favero (Presidente Globe Italia), Sandro Staiano (Direttore del Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza, Università Federico II di Napoli), Piero Salatino (Delegato del Rettore), Katie Jereza (Vice President of Corporate Affairs, Electric Power Research Institute degli Stati Uniti), Houda Ben Janet Allal (Direttore Generale Osservatorio Mediterraneo dell'Energia), Fabrizio Pirri (Center Coordinator Materials for Sustainable Future Technologies - Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia ), Andrea Ciommi (Head of Institutional Relations Europe, Middle East, Africa & Asian Pacific, CNH Industrial) , Simone Nisi (Head of Institutional Affairs, Edison), Fabrizio Iaccarino (Responsabile Sostenibilità e Affari Istituzionali, Enel Italia), Alessandro Sabbini (Responsabile rapporti istituzionali centrali, ENI), Guido Guida (Head of International Institutional Affairs, Terna), Domenico Maggi (Head of European Affairs & Public Affairs for Energy Transition, Snam), Francesco Balestrino (Renewable & Green Technologies Product Manager, Saipem Xsight), Vannia Gava (Sottosegretario di Stato al Ministero della Transizione Ecologica) , Maria Cristina Piovesana (Vicepresidente per l'Ambiente, la Sostenibilità e la Cultura, Confindustria), Giangiacomo Pierini (Public Affairs & Communication Director, Coca Cola Hellenic Bottling Company), Luca Ruini (Presidente, Conai) , Carlo Montalbetti (Direttore Generale, Comieco), Valeria Frittelloni (Responsabile centro nazionale rifiuti e dell’economia circolare, ISPRA), Chicco Testa (Presidente Fise-Assoambiente), Roberto Morassut (Deputato del Parlamento italiano), Piero Pellizzaro (Chief Resilience Officer, Comune di Milano), Michele Rasera (Direttore Generale, Contarina Spa) Laura D’Aprile (Capo del Dipartimento per la Transizione Ecologica e gli Investimenti Verdi, Ministero della Transizione Ecologica). L’evento è patrocinato dal Parlamento Europeo, dall’Università Federico II di Napoli e dall’Assemblea Parlamentare del Mediterraneo, e promosso da CNH Industrial, Coca Cola HBC Italia, Comieco, Conai, Contarina Spa, Edison, Fise-Assoambiente, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Saipem, Snam e Terna.  Read the full article
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latinabiz · 3 years
Cassa integrazione straordinaria per i lavoratori del Centro Morbella
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Centro Morbella E' stata stabilita la sospensione dell’attività lavorativa e la cassa integrazione straordinaria per i 56 dipendenti del supermercato Conad  del centro commerciale Morbella che è stato chiuso con un'ordinanza comunale del  23 luglio, per problemi di sicurezza. E’ la prima conseguenza della vicenda legata all'ordinanza del Comune e a seguito della quale la società che gestisce il punto vendita del centro commerciale ha richiesto l’utilizzo degli ammortizzatori sociali per crisi aziendale dovuta ad un evento improvviso e imprevisto. Ha affermato il presidente nazionale di sindacato Claas, Davide Favero: “Stiamo seguendo da vicino la vicenda per evitare gravi conseguenze per i lavoratori. Non vorremmo che in tutta questa situazione, che presenta risvolti ancora da chiarire come ad esempio le tempistiche esatte per il riavvio delle attività commerciali, a rimetterci siano soprattutto i lavoratori che operano nelle varie attività commerciali della struttura. Per questo come sindacato Claas ci siamo subito attivati per monitorare la situazione, in particolare per quanto attiene al supermercato gestito dalla società Comar srl. Quest’ultima ci ha comunicato la necessità di avvalersi di un periodo di sospensione dell’attività lavorativa per almeno dieci settimane, facendo ricorso alla cassa integrazione guadagni straordinaria a partire dal 24 luglio per i 56 dipendenti presso il punto vendita interessato. Un provvedimento che è conseguenza della imprevedibile crisi, con la inderogabile necessità di sospendere l'attività lavorativa e la richiesta di ricorrere alla cassa integrazione straordinaria al fine di evitare riduzione di personale e licenziamenti. Abbiamo già avviato le procedure per la consultazione sindacale che riguarda i 56 dipendent, per cercare le migliori soluzioni in attesa di conoscere i tempi della riapertura della struttura.” Read the full article
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mechagalaxy · 4 years
Sten Hugo Hiller - 627184: Mecha Combat #1150 - March 3354 Fire and Ice
(By Sten Hugo Hiller - 627184)
Mountain Climbing Mecha Combat #1150
Brought to you by ANN
Highlighting the March 3354 Fire and Ice
The Laser event had just ended when the Gaming Authorities decided to host another weapon enhanced event.
This time they enhanced two weapon types, -both the Flamers and the Icers.
Now, unless you (unlike me) have a brace of top Mechs and Equipment/Weaponry layng around normally unused, there is not much to do to improve the main formation when these weapon type events come around.
Changing some weapons and perhaps adjusting the Shields is about the sum of it.
That done, the formation headed for the arena.
We were once again scheduled to slug it out on K3, and this time the entry requirements had been lowered. My Licence was now in the middle of the crowd, and none would have much more than a dozen Levels on me.
A spot on the slopes were secured, and while the crew set up the recording equipment, I eyed the top hungrily.
That was when my connection broke.
Cursing and yelling at the technicians were unlikely to have any positive effect, so after asking them to notify me when the connection were reestablished I left quietly.
The Connection were eventually reestablished, but at that time the event was long over.
But my suffering crew had held the position, and the footage taken showed that the winners this time had been:
Div 1 314+ (31 Commanders): Dexter Berry, Abominable (7m,36s)
2: Fabio Favero
3: Bernard Johnson
4: Jaime Beltram
5: Ben Rail
6: Jeff Haas
7: Gary Muenzel
8: Roy Cheah
9: David Buchanan
10: Mike Wach
Div 2 -313 (9 Commanders): David Sifford, Abominable (13h,6m)
Div 3 -197 (13 Commanders): Makema Mathews, Pandemic Legion FW (10h,9m)
Div 4 -165 (16 Commanders): BobOstby, Pandemic Legion FW (8h,8m)
Div 5 -130 (12 Commanders): Brian Wilson, B.B.B. (6h,15m)
Div 6 -96 (18 Commanders): Siegfried Gust, Lokta-Volterra (12h,30m)
Div 7 -74 (19 Commanders): Fredo Gustavo, Lokta-Volterra (8h,20m)
Div 8 -56 (9 Commanders): Nick Walter, The Grinch Grenadiers (11h,2m)
Div 9 -39 (12 Commanders): colehatesme, I.N.A. (13h,6m)
Div 10 -25 (11 Commanders): Jerome Poteet, The Grinch Grenadiers (6h,7m)
Div 11 -17 (9 Commanders): Kirk James, Mad Scientist 1 (10h,33m)
Total Contestants: 159
Total medals claimed: 135 (of 165 possible)
Compared to the Laser enhanced event we just had, the number of fighting Commanders showing up was reduced by twenty.
To add insult to injury, the imbalance between the tops was again heavily tilted toward Mount Olympus. There were four more Commanders fighting there than on the least popular trio of tops. This resulted in a whooping THIRTY Bronzes from seven tops ending unclaimed and being returned for resmelting.
During the last half-hour, just like in the Laser event, the only Gold fought over was on Mount Olympus. And again, all the other Golds were held for at least a couple hours.
Was this another event where the fighting for the lesser prizes was pretty lackluster as well? To check, we look at the number of medals held for more than 30 minutes in this event:
Div 1 ....2 of 4.......10 of 10
Div 2 ....2 of 4.........4 of 4
Div 3 ....4 of 4.........8 of 8
Div 4 ....4 of 4.......10 of 10
Div 5 ....4 of 4.........7 of 7
Div 6 ....4 of 4.......10 of 10
Div 7 ....3 of 4.........8 of 10
Div 8 ....4 of 4.........4 of 4
Div 9 ....4 of 4.........7 of 7
Div 10 ..4 of 4.........6 of 6
Div 11 ..4 of 4.........4 of 4
Pretty lackluster fighting might be too mild an expression. Only three tops (Mount Olympus, K2 and K7) saw any kind of action, the total number of medals in play were five Silvers and two Bronzes.
Again the big factions claimed the lions share of the Golds. Abonimable (Mount Olympus + K2), Pandemic Legion FW (K3 + K4), Lokta-Volterra (K6 +K7) and The Grinch Grenadiers (K8 + K10) all managed to win double Golds. None of the unaligned Commanders rose to the top, but we had two repeat winners, both from Abominable: Dexter Berry on Mount Olympus and David Sifford on K2.
Upcoming event: Oggunners
Here we have an tonnage based event.
No Mech heavier than 50 tons will be allowed to compete. But in addition: For those fighting on the nine highest tops, only one non-Oggun is allowed in the formation.
(Having a pure Oggun formation is OK)
Event ends December 13 between 2100 and 2130 New York Time
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relatabrasil · 5 years
'Ilha de Ferro 2': conheça os personagens da segunda temporada
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'Ilha de Ferro 2' é uma série original Globoplay, desenvolvida pelos Estúdios Globo, criada por Max Mallmann e Adriana Lunardi, com redação final de Mauro Wilson e direção artística de Afonso Poyart Conheça os personagens de 'Ilha de Ferro' Artur Meninea/ Gshow Se na primeira temporada de Ilha de Ferro, as vidas dos petroleiro já eram bem agitadas dentro e fora da Plataforma 137, na segunda temporada os personagens vêm com ainda mais conflitos. Treinamento de alto risco, explosões, resgates, sequestros. Tudo pode acontecer. Estar a bordo da 137 é sinônimo de muito trabalho, mas é também muita adrenalina, suor e aventura. Na nova temporada, que estreia nesta sexta-feira, 25/10, no Globoplay, Cauã Reymond e Maria Casadevall ganham novos companheiros de cena: Mariana Ximenes, Romulo Estrela, Eriberto Leão e Erom Cordeiro. Os atores chegam com tudo para viver personagens fortes que prometem agitar ainda mais a história. Mariana Ximenes, Romulo Estrela e Eriberto Leão entram para 'Ilha de Ferro' na segunda temporada Globo/João Miguel Júnior/Victor Pollak/Estevam Avellar Enquanto a segunda temporada não está disponível, aproveite para maratonar a primeira temporada. 📺 Ilha de Ferro tem 12 episódios, todos já disponíveis exclusivamente no Globoplay. Assista! Conheça os personagens da nova temporada: Dante (Cauã Reymond) Dante (Cauã Reymond) Artur Meninea/ Gshow Gerente da PLT 137, tem no trabalho na plataforma seu principal motivo de vida e grande realização. Assumiu a paternidade de Maria (Alice Palmar), filha da ex-mulher Leona (Sophie Charlotte) com o seu irmão Bruno (Klebber Toledo). Abandonado por Leona, vai se envolver com a psiquiatra Olívia (Mariana Ximenes), mas o retorno de Júlia (Maria Casadevall) vai balançar seus sentimentos. Júlia (Maria Casadevall) Júlia (Maria Casadevall) Artur Meninea/ Gshow Ex-gerente da PLT 137, é uma mulher objetiva. Depois de um período trabalhando fora do país, retorna às atividades no ramo do petróleo. Conhece o comandante Ramiro (Rômulo Estrela), com quem se envolve. É neta do petroleiro e sindicalista João Bravo (Osmar Prado) e irmã de Diogo (Eriberto Leão). Olivia (Mariana Ximenes) Mariana Ximenes vive Olívia em 'Ilha de Ferro' Artur Meninea/ Gshow Psiquiatra da Federativa, é noiva de Diogo (Eriberto Leão), presidente da empresa. Depois de uma missão na PLT 137, vai se aproximar de Dante (Cauã Reymond) e vê nele a chance de apagar as tormentas e sombras de seu passado. Diogo (Eriberto Leão) Eriberto Leão vive Diogo em 'Ilha de Ferro' Estevam Avellar/Globo Presidente da Federativa, é um homem ambicioso, que faz o que julga necessário para atingir seus objetivos. Não admite o fato de ser contrariado e encara Dante (Cauã Reymond) como uma pedra em seu sapato, tanto pelos percalços na vida pessoal, quanto pelos impasses profissionais. João Bravo (Osmar Prado) João Bravo (Osmar Prado) Raphael Dias/ Gshow Lutou na campanha do Petróleo É Nosso no passado e hoje é presidente do Sindicato dos Petroleiros. É avô de Júlia (Maria Casadevall) e Diogo (Eriberto Leão) e amigo e inspiração para Dante (Cauã Reymond), com quem desenvolve uma relação familiar. Ramiro (Romulo Estrela) Romulo Estrela vive Ramiro em 'Ilha de Ferro' Artur Meninea/ Gshow Comandante do Grupamento de Mergulhadores de Combate da Marinha, é um homem discreto e justo. Conhece Júlia (Maria Casadevall) durante uma perseguição e se apaixona por ela. É filho adotivo de Virgínia (Chris Couto). Bruno (Klebber Toledo) Bruno (Klebber Toledo) Renan Castelo Branco/ Gshow Irmão de Dante (Cauã Reymond) e pai biológico de Maria (Alice Palmar). Buscou na religião um amparo na prisão, mas quando vê seus objetivos contrariados, retoma a vida no crime. Maria (Alice Palmar) Alice Palmar vive Maria em 'Ilha de Ferro' Beto Roma Filha de Bruno (Klebber Toledo) e Leona (Sophie Charlotte), é criada por Dante (Cauã Reymond), com o auxílio de Da Luz (Helena Albergária).    Playboy (Erom Cordeiro) Playboy (Erom Cordeiro) Renan Castelo Branco/ Gshow Bandido impiedoso, conhece Bruno (Klebber Toledo) na prisão. Depois que deixa o presídio, faz de tudo para conseguir dinheiro e o respeito que acredita que precisa no mundo do crime. Rivotril (Jefferson Brasil) Rivotril (Jefferson Brasil) Artur Meninea/ Gshow Ex-parceiro de Bruno (Klebber Toledo) no crime, se alia a Playboy (Erom Cordeiro) na prisão e se torna integrante da sua quadrilha. Rocha (Tóia Ferraz) Tóia Ferraz vive Rocha Artur Meninea/ Gshow Petroleira da PLT 137, é das poucas mulheres na plataforma. Tem um caso descompromissado com Dante (Cauã Reymond), mas logo se envolve com Sileno (Júlia Rocha). Suellen (Kizi Vaz) Suellen (Kizi Vaz) Artur Meninea/ Gshow Cozinheira da plataforma, aparece com romance assumido com Fiapo (Jonathan Azevedo), depois de se separar de Brandão (Neco Vilas Boas). Fiapo (Jonathan Azevedo) Fiapo (Jonathan Azevedo) é um petroleiro, o principal contestador da autoridade de Júlia (Maria Casadevall) Raquel Cunha/ Globo Petroleiro da PLT 137, retoma o relacionamento com Suellen (Kizi Vaz) depois que ela e Brandão (Neco Vilas Boas) se separam. Sileno (Júlio Rocha) Sileno (Júlio Rocha) é um mergulhador galanteador Raphael Dias/ Gshow Mergulhador, presta serviço para a PLT 137. Mulherengo, vai se envolver com Rocha (Toia Ferraz). Borracha (Giovanni Gallo) Giovanni Gallo vive Borracha Artur Meninea/ Gshow Novato na trupe de petroleiros, demora a se acostumar com a pressão e correria da plataforma. Álvaro (Cláudio Gabriel) Álvaro (Cláudio Gabriel) Globo/João Miguel Júnior Petroleiro da PLT 137. Se envolve em problemas externos e coloca a plataforma em risco. Nelson (Augusto Madeira) Nelson (Augusto Madeira) Isabella Pinheiro/ Gshow Braço direito de Diogo (Eriberto Leão) na Federativa. Cuida de tudo para o chefe, inclusive de usar meios pouco ortodoxos para que o presidente da empresa consiga o que quer. Clarke (Cadu Favero) Cadu Favero é Clarke em 'Ilha de Ferro' Artur Meninea/ Gshow Enfermeiro da plataforma. Neto (Jose Rubens Chachá) Neto (Jose Rubens Chachá) Artur Meninea/ Gshow Petroleiro da PLT 137. Welber (Bernardo Schlegel) Welber (Bernardo Schlegel) Artur Meninea/ Gshow Petroleiro da PLT 137. Conheça também outros personagens: Leviatã (Bruce Gomlevsky) - Ex-parceiro de Bruno (Klebber Toledo) no crime, se alia a Playboy (Erom Cordeiro) na prisão e se torna integrante da sua quadrilha. Virgínia (Chris Couto) – Mãe adotiva de Ramiro (Rômulo Estrela). Edson (Renan Monteiro) – Melhor amigo e compadre de Ramiro (Rômulo Estrela), é um dos braços direitos do comandante do Grupamento de Mergulhadores de Combate da Marinha. Braga (Marcello Ferreira) – Mergulhador de combate da Marinha, é companheiro de trabalho de Ramiro (Rômulo Estrela) e Edson(Renan Monteiro). Robson (Gery) – Filho de Playboy, é acolhido por Ramiro (Rômulo Estrela) e Virginia (Chris Couto).   Brandão (Neco Vilas Boas) – Petroleiro da PLT 136, não se conforma com a separação de Suellen (Kizi Vaz) e com o namoro dela com o ex-melhor amigo Fiapo (Jonathan Azevedo). Da Luz (Helena Albergaria) – É o braço direito de Dante (Cauã Reymond) em tudo o que diz respeito a Maria (Alice Palmar). É quem dá suporte na casa do petroleiro, sobretudo quando ele está embarcado. Craca (Douglas Rosa) – Novo auxiliar de Sileno (Júlio Rocha). Presta serviços à PLT 137. Série original Globoplay, desenvolvida pelos Estúdios Globo, criada por Max Mallmann e Adriana Lunardi, Ilha de Ferro é escrita por Nilton Braga, Mariana Torres, Rodrigo Salomão, David Rauh e Anna Lee, e tem redação final de Mauro Wilson. A série é dirigida por Afonso Poyart, Roberta Richard e Rafael Miranda, com direção artística de Afonso Poyart. Autora de 'Ilha de Ferro', Adriana Lunardi se emociona ao relembrar criação da série ao lado do marido e autor, Max Mallmann  
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dennybelrose-blog · 5 years
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On July 4, 1845, a 28-year old left his comfortable station in life and retreated to the woods. For the next two years, two months and two days, he lived in a cabin that he built himself, surviving on what he could gather with his own hands. His only companions were the books he brought, the birds on his window sill and the ruminations of his own mind. He lived alone and simply, recording his experience as he went along. His experiment was published under the title Walden and as you might know already, his name was Henry David Thoreau. The book sold poorly, and he died 14 years later at the age of 44. The book has enjoyed both adoration and ridicule since his death, but is now an immortal piece of American literature and few would doubt its importance. In fact, ask an outdoors enthusiast about the books they might recommend and you are apt to find Walden in the list every time. Why?
Because in his book, Thoreau exposes something we all recognize to be true: Nature can provide clarity in one’s life that cannot be found anywhere else.
Photo shows a student on a Northwest Outdoor Educator expedition, courtesy of Charis Nichols.
Mindfulness and Nature
Have you ever noticed that mindfulness apps and yoga studios use nature sounds as the background for pursuing mental clarity? It’s because mindfulness and nature are intrinsically connected. Both are realities that are readily accessible to those who wish to find them.
But, what is mindfulness and why is it suddenly so popular? While waiting in the line at the grocery store, I see just as many magazines dedicated to mindfulness as I do celebrity breakups and six-pack abs. Schools and youth programs are including mindful moments throughout the day. What does it mean?
“Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally.” -John Kabat-Zinn
No matter how you achieve this state, the intention of mindfulness is to live fully in the present, observing all that is occurring without judging it as good or bad. Thoreau intended to live mindfully, and so he went outside.
Photo shows a solo backpacker on an Outward Bound course, courtesy of Samuel Del Favero.
Living Deliberately
When Thoreau crossed the threshold from conventional society to the wild unknown, he outlined his reasons with these words:
“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.”
In those few words, Thoreau defines what it means to live mindfully. Here is a man who wishes to use every day available to him. Stripped of unnecessary desires and worries, he goes forth with an open mind, ready to experience fully all that his short life can throw at him. He argued that most people live lives of “quiet desperation,” silently yearning for something more than the conventional mode of living. He argued that we should question why we do what we do; that we should live deliberately.
In the same way, being outdoors helps us to live with intention. We examine every action to justify its purpose. Unnecessary items in our backpack is weight that hinders us in the long run. A few extra minutes of comfort and warmth in our sleeping bags in the morning adds to later nights of discomfort and cold. Careless words spoken to our companions may ostracize us from the only social network we have available within hundreds of miles. Every action we take must be deliberate and intentional, and when we return to our everyday existence, we examine our lives through the same lens. Do we enjoy the way that we spend our days? Nature teaches us to be mindful of how we use our time.
Photo shows a student participating in Solo on their Outward Bound course.
To Front Only the Essential Facts of Life
The New England culture of Thoreau’s time championed material gain, comfort and a civilized life that abided by social norms. Sound familiar? He saw these ideals simply as illusions and set out to “front only the essential facts of life.” By leaving the distractions of civilization behind, Thoreau hoped to find truth.
Americans touch their phones 2,167 times per day on average. Fifty percent of teenagers say they are addicted to their phones.
Sometimes it can be hard to accept truth. If I asked how often you check your phone, would you be disappointed in the answer? How about your email? How often do you binge television? How often do you have a day that’s truly worth remembering?
Fifty percent of teenagers say they are addicted to their phones.
Have you ever gotten home after a long day and wondered, “How did I get here?” It’s like you’re on autopilot. Being able to run through your daily activities while lost in thought is possible because of what’s called the Default Mode Network in your brain. Research shows that our Default Mode Network is operating for over 50% of our lives. That means we’re missing out on half of our lives!
Extended time in the wilderness doesn’t allow you to miss much. Each vista grabs your attention and each decision requires your soundest judgment and vigilance. You may never be as in touch with your body and mind than you are out there.
“The function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days trying to prolong them. I shall use my time.” -Jack London
If you want to live, mindful of every precious moment, ready to suck out the marrow of life and see what it has to teach, then maybe you should go into the wilderness. Thoreau did, and he was never the same again. Perhaps the same will be true for you.
Photo shows a student on a Northwest Outdoor Educator expedition, courtesy of Trevor McKee.
About the Author
Christian Vogelgesang has been instructing for the North Carolina Outward Bound School for over two years. His favorite part about the job is watching a crew rise to meet a challenge. When he is not instructing, he can be found playing music or playing pranks.
The post How to Learn Mindfulness from the Wilderness appeared first on Outward Bound.
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omgmicheal01me · 5 years
Doctors reject claims of flood of asylum seeker transfers
Attorney-General Christian Porter warned the new rules on medical transfers would see alleged criminals sent to Australia under a sharp increase in asylum seekers moved from Nauru and Manus Island for health assessments. Loading Home Affairs now faces the task of assessing up to 1,000 cases in a timeframe that is effectively determined by a very small group of doctors, Mr Porter told Question Time. We reasonably believe we will be faced with a flood of about 300 immediate Labor transfer cases. As an example, Mr Porter said one of the people in offshore processing had been charged with assaulting a medical officer, had a history of violence and was alleged to have been charged with murder in another country. He did not say this person was being considered for a medical transfer. Asylum Seeker Resource Centre advocacy director Jana Favero said the government had control over any risk to the community because all those transferred would be in detention unless the Immigration Minister decided otherwise. The only reason somebody would be in the community would be if the minister approved it, Ms Favero said. So its complete fear-mongering, its disgusting and its not true. The government has claimed a heightened risk of new boat arrivals, announced the reopening of the Christmas Island detention and warned of alleged rapists and murders entering the country after the passage of the medical transfer bill. Victorian senator Derryn Hinch, who voted for the medical transfer bill after getting a briefing from security officials, said the agencies were concerned about more boat arrivals. I think the governments talk about reopening Christmas Island and the flood of boats coming, thats doing more, I think, to stir the beast than anything that the crossbench or Labor are doing," he said. The government claim of 300 potential transfers, based on advice from the Department of Home Affairs, was in line with an estimate from an Australian doctor with experience on Nauru, Nick Martin, published last week.
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Manus Island, in Papua New Guinea, is home to several hundred refugees under Australia's care. Credit:Alex Ellinghausen But Dr Martin and others disputed the idea this number would arrive swiftly, given the time required for medical assessments and processing on Nauru. Will there be an immediate flood? Absolutely not, Dr Martin said. One checkpoint, he said, would be the Overseas Medical Referral committee, a Nauruan government entity that was historically slow to approve the removal of asylum seekers from the island. The OMR will be a big stumbling block and it hasnt been addressed in the media coverage, he said. Dr Martin said his experience on the island in 2016 and 2017 included cases that took weeks or months to be processed through the OMR committee, which is not under Australian government control. The medical transfer bill allows two doctors to approve an application, which is then sent to a review panel and the Immigration Minister, who can reject the transfer on national security grounds and if the person had been convicted of a crime and sentenced to one year or more in prison. Human Rights Law Centre executive director Hugh de Kretser said the government estimates about the transfers were not realistic based on existing work to assess and support seriously ill people on Nauru and Manus. There are currently around 70 people being supported through that process. There are a handful of people we are supporting who are critically ill and need an urgent transfer, he said. While the government has talked about doctors in Australia using Skype to make health assessments, the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners believes doctors would have to go to the islands. Whoever is going to do this should go to Manus Island or Nauru and see what the conditions are on the ground, said RACGP president Harry Nespolon. That would be the minimum required if they are to do their job even vaguely properly. The founder and president of Doctors for Refugees,Barri Phatarfod, said there had been12 preventable deaths in the offshore system in the past five years and a new system was needed. "There are currently around 25 individuals in PNG hospitals who need urgent medical treatment not available offshore," she said. Loading "We know of one young man in PNG who has had epileptic seizures of unknown cause since July 2018 and there has still not not been adequate investigations performed to identify why is is still getting these. "There is a 23-year-old man referred by his doctor for coronary angiogram over six months ago. In Australia this would be done within three days. "A 29-year-old man with five years of abdominal pain has been recommended by his doctor to have a colonoscopy on Port Moresby almost a year ago and is still waiting." David Crowe is Chief Political Correspondent of the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age. Dana is health and industrial relations reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age. Most Viewed in Politics Loading https://www.canberratimes.com.au/politics/federal/doctors-reject-claims-of-flood-of-asylum-seeker-transfers-20190214-p50xwg.html?ref=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_source=rss_politics_federal
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lamilanomagazine · 7 months
Osso sacro vince il Premio Andrea Parodi 2023, il Premio della Critica ad Andrea Andrillo
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Osso sacro vince il Premio Andrea Parodi 2023, il Premio della Critica ad Andrea Andrillo. Cagliari. È Osso sacro (dalla Campania) a vincere la 16a edizione del “Premio Andrea Parodi”, il prestigioso contest di world music che si è svolto dal 12 al 14 ottobre a Cagliari in un luogo di grande prestigio come il Teatro Massimo. A loro anche la menzione per il miglior arrangiamento. Ad Andrea Andrillo (Sardegna) va il premio della critica, insieme alla menzione per il miglior testo. La menzione per la miglior interpretazione e quella per la miglior interpretazione di un brano di Andrea Parodi se le aggiudica invece Guido Maria Grillo (Campania), Per questi tre artisti, a pari merito, c’è stata anche la segnalazione dei concorrenti stessi. E ancora: Hiram Salsano (Campania) porta a casa il premio della della giuria internazionale, Looping Greis (Madrid) la menzione dei giovani in sala, mentre la menzione per la migliore musica va a Curamunì (Sicilia). Erano stati selezionati per la la finale del contest organizzato dalla Fondazione Andrea Parodi e con la direzione artistica di Elena Ledda anche Ra Di Spina (Campania) e Trillanti (Lazio). Ad alternarsi sul palco con i finalisti ci sono stati ospiti di rilievo del panorama musicale italiano e internazionale. Venerdì 13 si è esibito Peppe Voltarelli. Sabato 14 ottobre è stata la volta di Fausta Vetere (con Umberto Maisto), Giacomo Vardeu e Ual-la!. Ed inoltre Paolo Angeli, che ha ricevuto il Premio Albo d’oro. Tutti gli ospiti, così come i finalisti, hanno interpretato un brano del repertorio di Andrea Parodi, l’artista a cui la manifestazione è dedicata. Parodi, scomparso nel 2006, dopo aver fatto parte dei Tazenda ha intrapreso una importante carriera solista nell’ambito della world music. A presentare la manifestazione sono stati Gianmaurizio Foderaro e Ottavio Nieddu. Principale e prestigioso media partner dell’evento è Rai Radio1. Le tre serate sono state trasmesse in diretta streaming sulle pagine Facebook della Fondazione Andrea Parodi e di EjaTV. La terza anche su quelle di Rai Radio1 e Rai Radio Tutta Italiana. Nei prossimi mesi invece Sardegna1 trasmetterà uno speciale sulle serate del Premio. GIURIE A decidere i vincitori del contest sono state tre giurie, una tecnica, una critica e una internazionale, tutte composte da autorevoli addetti ai lavori, in buona parte presenti in platea (altri in remoto). Ecco la composizione delle giurie. Giuria tecnica (artisti/ musicisti/ operatori culturali/responsabili di festival) Elena Ledda (direttrice artistica, musicista), Gianfranco Cabiddu (regista, musicista), Andrea Ruggeri (musicista), Pippo Rinaldi Kaballà (musicista),Fausta Vetere (musicista), Simonetta Soro (musicista, attrice), Silvano Lobina (musicista), Gino Marielli (musicista), Gigi Camedda (musicista), Lia Careddu (attrice), Cristina Maccioni (attrice), Gisella Vacca (musicista, attrice), Marco Lutzu (Partner, etnomusicologo, Università di Cagliari), Ignazio Macchiarella (Partner, etnomusicologo, Università di Cagliari), Nicola Meloni (operatore culturale), Nicola Spiga (operatore culturale), Rambaldo degli Azzoni Avogadro (discografico, operatore culturale), Jacopo Tomatis (Partner, Premio Città di Loano), Davide Valfrè (Operatore Culturale Premio Città di Loano), Gaetano d’Aponte (Partner, Premio Bianca D’Aponte), Andrea Del Favero (Partner, Folkest), Stefano Starace (Partner, Mo l’Estate), Salvatore Nocera (Partner, Festival Del Torto), Andrea Marco Ricci (Partner, NUOVO IMAIE), Claudio Carboni (Partner, Consigliere di Gestione SIAE), Luigi Fontana (Partner, U.N.A. Unione Autori Musicali). Giuria critica (giornalisti e critici musicali) Flavia Corda (TGR Sardegna), Giacomo Serreli (Videolina), Paola Pilia (Sardegna1, Radiolina), Matteo Bruni (Radio Super Sound), Francesco Pintore (L’Unione sarda), Enrico Gaviano (La Nuova Sardegna), Paolo Ardovino (giornalista musicale), Cristiano Sanna (Partner, Tiscali), Tore Cubeddu (Partner, Eja Tv), Simone Cavagnino (Partner, Unica Radio), Nina Teruzzi Paes (Partner, Radio Popolare), Marco Mangiarotti (Qn - Il Giorno), Angela Calvini (Avvenire), Flaviano De Luca (Il Manifesto), Felice Liperi (giornalista musicale), Ciro De Rosa (Songlines /Globofonie), Salvatore Esposito (Partner, Blogfoolk), Claudio Scaccianoce (Gli Stati Generali), Giovanni Alcaini (Radio Cernusco Stereo), Tonino Merolli (Funweek), Timisoara Pinto (GR1), Duccio Pasqua (Partner, Rai Radio1), Elisabetta Malantrucco (Rai Radio Techete), Max De Tomassi (Rai Radio 1), John Vignola (Rai Radio1), Franz Coriasco (Rai Italia). Giuria internazionale (giornalisti e operatori culturali) Sergio Albertoni (Rsi Radio Svizzera Italiana), Thorsten Bednarz (DeutchlandFunk Kultur, Germania), Andrew Cronshaw (Rough Guide To World Music, Regno Unito), Petr Doruzka (Czech Radio, Rep. Ceca), Edyta Łubińska (Università di Varsavia, Istituto di Etnologia e Antropologia culturale), Piotr Pucylo (Globaltica Festival, Polonia), Albert Reguant (“Les Rutes Del So", Ona Radio de Barcelona, Catalogna), Juan Antonio Vazquez (Mundofonias, Spagna), Charlie Crooijmans (Radio Wira Wiri, Olanda). PREMI Il vincitore assoluto avrà diritto ad una borsa di studio di € 2.500, oltre alla possibilità di esibirsi in alcuni festival partner del Parodi nel 2024, come l’European Jazz Expo (Sardegna) e Folkest (Friuli), oltre che nello stesso Premio Andrea Parodi. Il vincitore del Premio della Critica potrà invece realizzare un videoclip professionale di un brano, prodotto dalla Fondazione Andrea Parodi. Per alcuni dei finalisti del Premio ci sarà inoltre la possibilità di essere invitati da alcuni dei festival partner (come Mare e Miniere, Premio Bianca d’Aponte, Premio Città di Loano per la musica tradizionale italiana, Mo'l'estate Spirit Festival, Musiconnect-italy). SOSTENITORI E PARTNER Il Premio Andrea Parodi è realizzato dall'omonima Fondazione grazie a Regione Autonoma della Sardegna (Assessorato della pubblica istruzione, beni culturali, informazione, spettacolo e sport e Assessorato del turismo, artigianato e commercio); Fondazione di Sardegna, Comune di Cagliari (contributo e patrocinio) e Comune di Quartu Sant’Elena (per la serata di anteprima). Partner della manifestazione sono: Teatro Massimo di Cagliari, European Jazz Expo, Folkest, Premio Bianca d'Aponte, Premio Città di Loano per la musica tradizionale italiana, Mare e Miniere, Musiconnect-italy, Mo'l'estate Spirit Festival, Festival del torto, World Music Academy, Associazione Culturale S’Ardmusic, Fondazione Barùmini – Sistema cultura, Comune di Aggius – Etnosfera, Labimus (Laboratorio Interdisciplinare sulla musica dell’Università degli studi di Cagliari, Dipartimento di Lettere, Lingue e Beni culturali), SIAE - Società Italiana degli Autori ed Editori, NUOVOIMAIE, Federazione degli Autori, U.N.A. (Unione nazionale autori), Siedas, Boxofficesardegna, AF Motors. Media partner sono Rai Radio 1, Rai Radio Tutta Italiana, Rai Radio Techetè, Radio Popolare, Tiscali, Sardegna 1, Radiolina, Unica Radio, Ejatv, Sardegnaeventi24.it, Il giornale della musica, Blogfoolk, Folk Bulletin. Con il patrocinio di Rai Sardegna. Partner internazionali: Deutchlandfunk Radio (Germania), Mundofonías (Spagna), Czech Radio - Petr Dorůžka (Rep. Ceca), Radio Ona de Barcelona (Catalogna), Association Musica Italiana (Francia), World Music Charts Europe (Rep. Ceca), Radio Wira Wiri (Olanda). Per maggiori informazioni: www.premioandreaparodi.it [email protected]... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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diegogaleri · 3 years
Pantalon - Bruti Liberati
Video by Davide Pannucci - Punk Citofono 
Mix & Mastering by Giulio Ragno Favero 
Composed, arranged and played by Diego Galeri & Simone Matteo Tiraboschi 
Prismopaco Records 2021 
Pantalon on the web: 
Bandcamp: https://pantalonmusic.bandcamp.com/ 
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pantalon_mu... 
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZU3...
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todayclassical · 7 years
January 06 in Music History
1695 Birth of Italian composer Giuseppe Sammartini in Milan.  1755 FP of Karl Heinrich Graun's opera Montezuma.
1824 Birth of Italian baritone Gottardo Aldighieri in Lazise Lake Garda.
1838 Birth in Cologne of Germany of composer Max Bruch in Köln.  1850 Birth of Polish composer Franz Xaver Scharwenka in Szamotuly. 
1856 Birth of Italian conductor, pianist and composer Giuseppe Martucci in Capua.
1858 Birth of tenor Ben Davies in Pontardawe. 
1862 Birth of American soprano Frances Saville in San Francisco. 
1866 Death of French tenor and coach Louis Antoine Ponchard.  1868 Birth of Italian composer Vittorio Monti in Naples. 
1871 Birth of soprano Regina Pacini in Lisbon. 
1872 Birth of Russian composer Alexander Scriabin.
1874 Birth of American composer Charles Gilbert Spross. 
1875 Birth of Swedish baritone Thor Mandahl in Goteburg. 
1879 Birth of Austrian soprano Elise Elizza  in Vienna. 
1888 FP of Antonin Dvorák's Piano Quintet No, 2 in A, Op. 81, in Prague.
1890 Birth of Italian bass Bruno Carmassi. 
1891 Birth of tenor Stanislaw Grusczynski in Wilna. 
1894 Birth of bass-baritone Andre Pernet in Rambersville. 
1899 Birth of Canadian composer Sophie-Carmen Eckhardt-Gramatte in Moscow. 
1900 Birth of French composer Pierre-Octave Ferroud in Chasseley, suburban Lyon. 
1902 Birth of American composer Mark Brunswick. 
1903 Birth of Greek born American conductor Maurice Abravanel in Saloniki. 
1903 Birth of soprano Mafalda Favero in Portomaggiore. 
1906 Death of Austrian soprano Marie Gabrielle Krauss. 
1906 FP of Ravel's piano pieces called Miroirs by Spanish pianist Ricardo Vines, in Paris. 
1907 Birth of American baritone Frank Valentino in Denver. 
1912 Birth of German pianist Hans Richter-Haaser. 
1913 Death of tenor Anton Schott. 
1916 Birth of American composer Philip Bezanson. 
1920 Birth of American composer Earl Kim in Dinuba, CA. 
1922 Birth of Norwegian composer Finn Mortensen in Oslo.  1924 FP of Jacques Ibert's Escales 'Ports of Call', in Paris. 
1926 Death of French composer Emile Paladilhe in Paris. 
1927 Birth of baritone David Ohanesian in Bucharest. 
1932 Birth of tenor Andrej Kucharsky in Zilina.  
1938 Death of tenor Heinrich Botel.
1940 Birth of mezzo-soprano Shirley Love in Detroit. 
1942 Death of soprano Emma Calve. 
1949 Birth of American composer Richard Horowitz. 
1950 FP of Francis Poulenc's Piano Concerto, composer was soloist, in Boston, MA. 
1951 Birth of American composer Howard Buss in Allentown, PA. 
1956 Birth of English cellist Alexander Baillie. 
1963 Death of mezzo-soprano Lina Abarbanell. 
1967 Birth of Greek composer Panayoti Karoussos in Arta.
1967 FP of Elliott Carter's Piano Concerto. Boston Symphony. 
1970 Death of soprano Margaret Halstead.  1977 Death of mezzo-soprano Gusta Hammer. 
1978 Birth of American composer Ben Hunter in Boise, ID.
1983 Death of English composer Bernard Stevens in Colchester
1987 Death of Chilian composer Domingo Santa-Cruz-Wilson in Santiago.
1991 FP of Michael Torke's Bronze for piano and orchestra. American Composers Orchestra conducted by David Zinman. The composer, pianist, at Carnegie Hall in NYC.
1999 FP of Christopher Rouse's Kabir Padavali for soprano and orchestra. Minnesota Orchestra conducted by David Zinman, with Dawn Upshaw, in Minneapolis.
2000 FP of Bright Sheng's Red Silk Dance. Emanuel Ax, piano and the Boston Symphony conducted by Robert Spano.
2001 Death of baritone Victor Braun.
2014 Death of composer H. Owen Reed in Athens GA. 
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stefanosap · 4 years
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gadgetsrevv · 5 years
U21: Kean & Tonali receive call-ups
Moise Kean, Sandro Tonali and Patrick Cutrone are all in Italy’s Under-21 squad, but Fiorentina midfielder Gaetano Castrovilli is missing.
Kean remains with the Azzurrini after a slow start to his Everton career, whereas Nicolo Zaniolo – also punished for tardiness last month – has returned to the seniors.
Brescia midfielder Tonali is similarly with the U21s, despite whispers of a senior call-up, alongside Wolverhampton Wanderers striker Cutrone, who has just one goal from 13 games.
There is a place for Cagliari left-back Luca Pellegrini, as well as a debut inclusion for Salernitana’s Fabio Maistro, but Castrovilli misses out due to being overage at 22.
Instead, the Viola prospect will have eyes on a full Italy call-up as it is reported Roberto Mancini is keeping a close eye on him.
Italy U21s scored nine goals and conceded none in their first two games under Paolo Nicolato, and they face the Republic of Ireland on October 10 before taking on Armenia four days later.
Goalkeepers: Marco Carnesecchi (Trapani), Mattia Del Favero (Piacenza), Alessandro Plizzari (Livorno)
Defenders: Claud Adjapong (Verona), Alessandro Bastoni (Inter), Enrico Delprato (Livorno), Matteo Gabbia (Milan), Riccardo Marchizza (Spezia), Luca Pellegrini (Cagliari), Luca Ranieri (Fiorentina), Marco Sala (Virtus Entella)
Midfielders: Marco Carraro (Perugia), Davide Frattesi (Empoli), Manuel Locatelli (Sassuolo), Giulio Maggiore (Spezia), Fabio Maistro (Salernitana), Sandro Tonali (Brescia), Niccolo Zanellato (Crotone)
Forwards: Patrick Cutrone (Wolverhampton Wanderers), Moise Kean (Everton), Andrea Pinamonti (Genoa), Gianluca Scamacca (Ascoli), Riccardo Sottil (Fiorentina)
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