#Daryl Dixon Poster
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The Walking Dead Portraits
By batmankm
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unicuri · 1 year
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Ride with Norman Reedus - All Seasons Pôsters
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mirobraz · 5 months
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Sylvester Stallone as "Sheriff Freddy Heflin" in Cop Land (1997).
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banjolandsblog · 1 year
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yeniyeniseyler · 9 months
Turkcell TV+ - The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon (Resmi Fragman) (11 Eylül'de yayında!)
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reedusmcbridedaily · 10 months
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twigg96 · 24 days
Ride Em' Cowboy
Chapter 1: Being Family is a Promise
Pairing: Bull Rider! Daryl X Male! EMT! Reader
Era: Rodeo AU (A Walker Free AU)
Pronouns: He/Him/You
Warnings: Swearing, Merle Dixon, Merle being Merle, Peer Pressure, Bar Scene, Smoking, Blood, light violence, slow burn
Chapter Summery: Daryl is just trying to live his life. But he has obligations that can't be ignored. Obligations to the farm he works on to keep food on the table. Obligations to friends to keep a good repour in the town. Obligations to his last remaining family member to keep him safe from his own self destructive ass.
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Cigarette smoke swirled and made the air thick in the little po-dunk bar Merle frequented every single night. Daryl as the younger brother used the excuse that he had to accompany Merle... not just for the free smokes and booze Merle's friends inevitably bestowed upon him seeing him without a beer already firmly in his hand, but... to make sure Merle make it home in one piece alive and well whether he liked it or not. His brother was a bad driver even while sober.
Saddling up to the bar Daryl nursed his fourth beer of the night. Some shitty lager or Lite beer he didn't know the name of that one of Merle's shady biker friends shoved in his hands. "When you ever gonna learn?" The owner of the bar hummed shaking her head. Soft brown eyes conflicted with starlight grey hair. Staring up at the woman through his tipsy haze Daryl clicked his tongue, pulling a pack of Pall Mall Reds out of his breast pocket patting them against the bar's counter top. "Learn wha'?" He slurred, his eyes falling to his hands, flicking open the carton top of his cigarettes. Pulling one out by it's orange filter by his teeth, he wasn't surprised when a clean glass slammed against the counter in front of him. Following pale skin up to her face Daryl stared blankly back at the woman. "Followin' the likes of him around is only gonna drag ya down, pookie." Carol hummed her eyes skating past Daryl's shoulder to a table where Merle was bent over whispering in some pretty little young blonde's ear.
"Dumb sum' bitch..." Daryl huffed, throwing his arm back in his seat. "Bastard jest don't know when ta fuckin' stop." He hissed shoving the carton back in his pocket. Fishing the lighter from another pocket he ignored the forlorn way the owner stared at him. "Maybe... jest remember it ain't always your job ta clean up his messes." She hummed. Turning his glare onto Carol he huffed. "Yeah... and if it ain't then who's fuckin' job is it then?" He growled throwing himself back in his seat.
Taking a long drag from his cigarette he let the smoke linger and burn in his throat and lungs. Turning his glare to the wall full of posters behind Carol, Daryl huffed. Though he could hardly focus long enough on any of them to read the finer print with details and other nesciences, he could read the big bold titles that were meant to catch the eye of any passer by.
Fishing Contest at the Docks!! Bring the kids!!
One said in various fonts and bright bold letters that screamed it was meant for middle aged men and their wives. Daryl huffed rolling his eyes glancing down the bar to his right eyeing a blonde number who was trying almost desperately through her drunken stupor to snap a clear photograph of the poster with her cellphone. He assumed just by looking at her she was a deadbeat single mother. The large fake ass gold hoop earrings. The botched boob job and second hand knockoff designer clothing... Desperate to reconnect with her teenage kids in this last ditch attempt to keep some relevance in their life before they all ran off in their own ways... it was derepressing just to think about.
This poster in particular caught Daryl's attention with the bold capital letters screaming at him. The photo of the dog under the words looked sad, its black eyes wide and tearful, ears back as it looked up at whoever took the picture. Daryl hoped that where ever it ended up the dog ended up safer and happier than it looked there... He also wondered as he lifted his beer to his lips, if Buster was the name of the dog or the man paying the reward for the dog... It wouldn't do much good to go out yelling for the name of your bank when you need a loan would it? So why would he go out screaming some random man's name when he wasn't positive it wasn't the dog's? To top it off, one run over of the poster showed there wasn't a phone number for this person... nor an address... so what? This Buster just wanted to brag that his dog was missing? Or maybe it was a dog family desperately looking for their missing Buster. Now Daryl was really fucking confused...
Finishing his beer in one go to help clear his head he sighed. The damned wall looked like the classified section of the damned newspaper.
Roommate Needed!
Ah yes... strangers in the home were always a fantastic idea. Fucking idiot was going to end up on 60 seconds...
Rodeo This Saturday!
Did Daryl look like a god damned clown? He only tolerated the ranch he worked at for the free food and reduced rent while living on property with Merle. He wasn't about to spend his free time around more animals than he had to.
Greene's Farm Half Price! Tomatoes Carrots Lettuce Peppers - Banana, Jalapeno, Ghost, and Bell Onions Whole Ducks Whole Chickens Eggs - Unsorted! by the dozen + More!
Now that... that Daryl could get behind. The Greene's Farm was a small family owned farm in town. They took care of their own. He appreciated that. Maybe he'd swing down later in the week to restock their fridge. It was looking a little bare.
Glass shattering against the wall Daryl was fixated on pulled him out of his thoughts. Whipping around he had to admit. He wasn't completely surprised to see the heavy set man with a bald head glaring daggers at his older brother. A large arm wrapped tightly around the tiny blonde Merle had just been flirting with. The man's handlebar mustache flared out with every breath he took. Dressed in clothing that was much too expensive for the likes of the hole in the wall bar Daryl cocked his brow wondering what a man like that was ever doing in a town like this in the first place.
"Listen here ya fuckin' no good shit stain." The man growled pointing directly at Merle's chest. "I don't ever wanna see ya near my Lou ever again ya hear! Or I'll paint yer fuckin' brains all over the god damned walls!" He hissed. A reasonable request if anyone asked Daryl. Didn't matter if she were his wife or his daughter... based off the age gap alone he surely hoped it was the latter.
"Now hold on and give me a minute." Merle mused, placing his hands down on the table splaying his fingers wide. A shit eating grin plastering his face. "I didn't even kiss her."
Oh fuck.
The man's face twisted from anger and confusion to rage. "You tryin' ta prove somethin' with that?! I don't give a damn if ya kissed her! Keep yer fuckin' mits off her!" The man screamed turning beat red.
Pushing off his seat Daryl moved to stand behind his brother. Whether it was to pull his ass out of danger or fight alongside him... he wasn't sure yet. But he knew his place and he knew it well.
Merle hummed his grin turning devilish with Daryl by his side. "Well... how about a friendly wager then?" He mused. Fucking asshole.
The man opened his mouth to speak but Merle's hand shot up to interrupt. "My best man against yers... this Saturday."
The fuck did he just say? Eyebrows shooting up way past his hairline Daryl could have cold cocked Merle in the back of the head had the situation been less perilous.
But the man straightened up. Seemingly taking the bet into consideration. At a glance he didn't seem like the type to gamble especially in fights... then again Daryl couldn't exactly judge in other's vices.
"Now hold on I don't even know yer name." The man said skeptically. Good on him.
But the eldest Dixon was cunning. He hadn't gotten out of five separate charges for grand larceny and fraud for nothing. Standing up straight he met the man's eyes. "You mean you ain't never heard of little old me?" He asked. "Name's Merle Dixon." A beat passed where Daryl was positive the man had soused Merle out. He would kick his ass and this charade would end. But instead... he nodded. "Jaxon Porter. You got a team in this weekend's rodeo?" Jaxon asked earnestly.
You've gotta be shi-
Daryl's thoughts were interrupted as Merle nodded reaching behind himself. Patting Daryl's shoulder hard enough to make him stumble forward the younger huffed staring hard and direct to the floor. "Sure do. Matter o' fact. Mah little brotha' is our cowboy in this year's roughstock events. Ain't that right Daryl?" Merle hummed turning a hard threatening glance his way.
Swallowing hard Daryl shuffled his feet. He hated this. He didn't exactly have plans. But he knew how fucking dangerous it all was. He fucked around cleaning enough of the bull's hooves back a the ranch to know how temperamental they were in a stall. On their back? With nothing but a rope? Never having been dehorned? Nah fuck that.
But Merle stared expectantly. The man in white expensive clothing with way too many rings on his hands was eyeing him up like a prized pig. He honestly doubted he even looked the part of a real cowboy.
But then Merle laughed rubbing his back in a way Daryl resented. "Don't worry bout him none. He's the quiet type." He mused to the rich prick. To his surprise the bastard nodded rubbing the stubble on his chin. "Makes sense. Most are." Are what?!
Shaking his head Jaxson looked down at... Lou who nodded excitedly back before meeting Merle's eyes with a gleeful expectant glint tainting her own that Daryl had seen over and over in every five dollar whore Merle brought home.
"Alright... deal. Your boy against mine. If he can out ride 'em you get ta see Lou again..." he sighed. Merle nodded smirking victoriously. "Until then-" He extended his hand toward the girl taking her hand in his raising it to his lips. But before he could even get close Jaxon's hand moved to his waist band where a pistol would be.
Stepping back Merle gripped the back of Daryl's shirt dragging him to the door with him. "AND... that's my queue baby! See you both Saturday!"
It was silent outside of the bar. Only the sound of the crickets singing and the cicadas screaming echoed through the parking lot as both Daryl and Merle stumbled to their cancer riddled truck. Struggling for domain of the driver's seat, Daryl pulled the keys from his pocket dangling them high for Merle to see. From the hard cracked leather seat he watched as Merle threw his usual temper tantrum. Bitching and complain through the glass of the truck he kicked a few rocks in the bar's parking lot before taking a piss beside the truck to mark his territory.
As Merle climbed into his side of the truck Daryl couldn't help himself... not that he wanted to anyhow. Cocking back he punched Merle square in the fucking nose just as the dick got the door closed so that the back of his head smaked off the glass window pane on his door. Watching for a moment as Merle groaned as held his face, blood flowing freely from between his fingers onto his lap, Daryl pulled a used MacWondles napkin out from the cupholder and shoved it in Merle's face.
"The fuck was tha' for?!" Merle growled with tears springing to the corners of his eyes holding the useless napkin up to his face that instantly turned to mush in his hands from the sheer amount of blood that soaked up in it. Pulling out of the lot Daryl stayed silent. Focused on the road and not swerving all over it both in his anger and drunken haze.
"Well?!" Merle hissed once more, winding the window down to toss the soaked paper out the window and pull his wifebeater off to use as a rag,
"Know damned well what ya did..." Daryl murmured. Staring like Daryl had just grown a second head Merle waved his free arm around exaggeratedly. "Obviously fuckin' not dip shit!" Merle screamed his voice sounding congested and nasally as he pinched his nose shut.
Pulling to a stop at the only stop sign in town Daryl turned and glared at Merle. His full attention on his brother he took in everything he desperately tried to find something redeeming in his brother... in that moment it was damned near impossible. It was a good thing he had been with him this long to know what his thick and thin looked like.
"You know I never rode a bull before." He murmured softly, his shoulders dropping and face falling.
Merle smirked a warm chuckle swelled from his chest. "Well hell baby brother." He hummed, relaxing in his seat. "Didn't have ta hit me just cause ya were scared... I'm sure learning ta ride a bull is jest as easy as riding a bike... you'll see. It'll be easy as pie. And trust me, there will be a hefty lump sum in for ya too if you win."
Daryl doubted that. He doubted that he'd ever make it out into the ring without being caught as a sham. Christ... who were they fooling?
Pulling away from the stop sign towards the trailer they both shared Daryl couldn't shake the nagging gnawing dread that ate into his stomach. But... Family came first. Right?
**Author's Note:
Hi guys!! This is the first Chapter fic I've ever posted to Tumblr made for Tumblr!! I would really really appreciate some feed back to know how I'm doing! I am so excited to share this WIP with you as it progresses!
Thank you all so much!!
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deansapplepie · 7 months
I was asking the Ai a picture of “Daryl Dixon in an universe he’s a cowboy”. I wanted better pictures of him like that so I could use for my next work, and that’s what I got:
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This AI Generated pictures could be movies poster! The sad part is I can’t use them, because the AI took the word Universe seriously. Lol
I’m amazed by this pictures!
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Choose To Die [Daryl Dixon x Reader; Negan x Reader] (Choices PART 3/4)
Title: Choose To Die Summary: You had promised yourself to Negan, but only so you could get close enough to kill him, at least that was the plan. Warnings: Swearing, Violence, Angst Request: u seduce negan to get closer to him + u look back fondly on memories with Daryl
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PART 1: CHOOSE TO LIVE [10/8/22]
PART 3: CHOOSE TO DIE [15/08/22]
PART 4: CHOOSE TO LOVE [16/08/22]
Daryl Dixon/Negan Smith~Choose To Die
After your visit to Daryl earlier, which you hoped had gone unnoticed, you figured it was best to keep Negan quiet- if only to by yourself extra time to plan a way out for you and Daryl. You sighed, holding up the flimsy piece of material in front of you; you could hardly call it an item of clothing considering how revealing it was. You smiled sadly at the memory of how you got the baby doll in the first place.
"Is this run really necessary?" Daryl's gruff voice startles you slightly as he appears beside you.
        "Depends on your definition of necessary, but it wouldn't hurt," you reply, smiling back at him, "Besides, it means you get some quality time with yours truly."
       Daryl blushes, but tries to hide it, "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just get on the bike."
       You smile and cling onto him. When you first started riding with Daryl, you were too afraid to hold on properly to him. You would gingerly place your hands at his waist, but due to the speed Daryl would often go, you would all but fall off the bike. Finally, Daryl got sick of your hesitancy, and pulled your arms tighter around him, simply explaining that 'you'd fall off if not' and that it was best to hold on. You had blushed, and been glad that your face was buried into the back of his chest so that he could not see the blush on your face. (Little did you know, Daryl was doing the same). And, ever since you had held tighter too him- not just on the bike, but in almost all aspects of life.
       "Got it, boss," you tease, hopping on the bike after him.
        You ride with Daryl for just over an hour before you recognise the location on the map. It was an old run down shopping centre, but it was one slightly more isolated and unique in location so you were hoping that it had not been completely picked clean.
       "What are you hoping to find at an abandoned mall anyway? It's probably cleared by now," Daryl tells you, stepping off the bike.
        "I don't know: medicine, food, clothes?"
        Daryl rolls his eyes, but follows you anyway, crossbow in hand. Using the handle of a large machete, you smash the glass of the entrance of the mall door, and reach your hand through, unlocking the door.  You bang at the entrance of the mall, and wait for any sign of activity. You hear no walkers or movement so proceed with caution.
      "Where should we check first? Pharmacy? Or should we go unit by unit?" you turn around to look at Daryl, "I know it's not a necessity but I would like to look for some new clothes."
      "You wanna clothes shopping? It's the end of the world, and you want t' go clothes shopping?" Daryl asks, with a huff.
       "What? You don't want to see my in a sexy new outfit?" you tease him.
      "I... Uh-"
      "-Oh my god I haven't seen a store like this in ages," you exclaim, pointing a store full of lingerie: a sex store.
     "There's going t' be nothin' in there-"
     "-Come on! It's the end of the world- let me have some fun," you smile, and grab his hand, "I'll let you pick something out for me if you want."
     Daryl tries not to get flustered at the thought of you in lingerie. Sure, he'd seen you naked before but the thought of you... His mind goes back to the posters of underwear models on his dad's walls, or Merle's dirty magazines he never cared to hide. Though, you looked better than anyone of those models in Daryl's opinion. The thought had crossed his mind... You in lingerie. And the thought that you put it on just for him.
     "Daryl," you call his name in a sing song voice, "Earth to Daryl."
     "Uh, yeah," Daryl replies, trying not to give away that you had just caught him day dreaming about you in lingerie.
      "You like this one?" you ask, holding up a black baby doll with a pink lettuce hem trim and a matching  pink bow in the centre, "Do you think it's safe enough for me to try it on here? You're right, it's probably dangerous- Hey, Daryl. Oh no, have I broken you?"
      You giggle and put your hands around his neck.
      "What do you think? Should I take it-"
      Daryl kisses you, and you smile into it. He holds your lower back and pulls you closer. You find it hard to break away until you remember that you're also here to look for supplies. You pull back and Daryl seems disappointed until you speak.
      "I'll take that as a yes."
      "Yes," Daryl murmurs into your ear, "An' you better wear it later."
     "Only for you."
That run was the first time in a long time that you felt normal, and that your relationship with Daryl felt like a 'normal' one. Like one from before. You could almost imagine it. You'd work as... A bar tender, and Daryl would arrive on his bike to you, and kiss you and tell you he'd miss you. Then, on your day off you'd go to a mall and pick out lingerie and then you'd get some greasy fast food after, and... And, everything would be like normal.
        You sighed: nothing was normal anymore.
        It felt like you were betraying Daryl but you knew that the only way you were getting out of this was either to kill Negan or to leave as a walker. And, you knew that the only way you were going to get closer enough to even attempt to kill Negan would be to seduce him. You held the baby doll in your hand for a second, hesitating before removing your other top and changing into the lingerie. You looked in the mirror, and felt over the material. Well, if this didn't seduce Negan, you didn't know what would.
       You climbed onto the bed, and waited.
      After a short while, Negan opens the door. He lets out a low whistle when he sees the state of undress you are in. He has a wide grin like he's the big bad wolf- making you red riding hood. You try not to feel nervous: you hadn't been intimate with anyone but Daryl in so long that this felt wrong.
       "Well, well, well, what a welcome surprise," Negan greets, "You got all dressed up for me: didn't even have to ask. You're such a good girl."
        "Where have you been?" you question, avoiding his comments, "I thought you said you'd be right back."
        "Careful, kitten, it almost sounds like you missed me."
        "Wouldn't want to give you that impression," you smile, beckoning him to the bed, "Maybe I did miss you."
        "Show me."
You don't know why you didn't hate him right now; you don't know why it felt as good as it did; you don't know why that (for only a second) Negan felt human. He wasn't a scary, psychotic maniac with a bat named after his dead wife. He was a man, and he was worshipping you. (With him having six wives, you hoped he had picked up something). The thought made you sad briefly: in another life, the one before, you could see yourself with Negan. The man. Not the monster before you.
        After sex, Negan doesn't take long to fall asleep. He makes sure you're okay, and then cuddles into you. You would almost feel safe in his arms, if it wasn't for the context of the situation. Gently, you move away from him, untangling from his arms and scanning the room for your clothes. You want to see Daryl before you go back to your room, and you need to retrieve your knife so that now you've earned his trust, you can get close enough to break it. And him.
       You were so quiet, you don't think you've woken him. Of course, you weren't that lucky.
       "And, just what do you think you're doing?" Negan asks, voice groggy with sleep."
       Although you are startled at the sound of his voice, you try not to give him the satisfaction of reacting to it and jumping.
       "You- I mean..." you try to explain, "You never let wives stay the night. I was going to go back to my room."
      "-I wouldn't want to impose-"
      "-Get your ass back in this bed," Negan insists.
      "Yes sir," you reply, mocking him with a fake serious tone.
       You wear a smile that doesn't quiet reach your eyes: Daryl would have to hold on a little longer. Negan needed to trust you, you rationalise. This needed to work. For all you knew, this was your only chance. You didn't have friends in this place, not really. You only had yourself and Daryl. You were doing this for Daryl- or maybe that was the guilt talking.
      "Hmm call me that again, and you're going to get me fired up again," Negan smirks.
      (How he flirts when he's this tired, you don't know).
      You get back into bed, and turn away from him so he can wrap his arm around you, making you the little spoon. You close your eyes, and try to find comfort in this position. He gently traces patterns on your upper arms and down your side.
       "You want another round, Princess?"
       "In the morning," you reply, "I- Uh... I'm pretty tired."
       "Hmmm, sounds like a hell of a way to be woken up," he murmurs, "Good night, Princess."
       "Night, Negan."
        You hoped he enjoyed sleeping peacefully like this, because with any luck, this would be his last night on Earth. Well, living that is. You had half a mind to keep him walking this world forever as part of the undead. Maybe, keep him on a chain like Michonne used to do with walkers. Maybe, that would be a fitting end for him.
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you have my heart
pairing: Daryl Dixon x reader
warnings: mention of injury and blood, canon typical violence, swearing, angst
summary: “If something happens to me, I need you to know that you have my heart, Daryl”
notes: feel free to leave comments and/or feedback. likes and reblogs are always appreciated! also, feel free to send in requests!
disclaimer: English is not my first language, so please excuse any mistakes 😊
word count: 2.3k
Then, just like that, his voice just… cracks. And it breaks your heart. Right there and then. “Daryl, I…” “Forge´ it, Y/N, I was stupid to think tha´ a girl like ya would feel somethin´ for a guy like me.” He spins around and disappears into the forest. For a moment, you are frozen, but then you pull yourself together and you run after him. “Daryl!”
Daryl´s view is blinded by tears of hurt, sadness and anger. He feels betrayed because you had played with him, acting all nice around him, making him fall in love with you and then you rejected him – the worst thing was that you made it seem so easy. He doesn’t pay attention, he doesn’t care if a walker comes and rips out this throat, because you had already rip out his heart. There is a high-pitched ringing in his ears, and he just barely hears you calling out his name. He just keeps walking, and he is fast. You almost lose him, so you run even faster – you need to fix this.
And then, suddenly, he hears the walker, but he is too late. It is too close; he has no time to bring up his crossbow. But Daryl does not close his eyes, he is not afraid to die. He stares at the walker; he can smell the rotten flesh and he accepts it. This is how he is going to die. Until suddenly you sprint out of the bushes, and he has never seen someone ran that fast. You launch yourself at the walker to get him away from Daryl. Your arms wrap around the torso of the walking dead, and with the force of your jump, the both of you tumble, and fall. Before Daryl can grab you, you disappear over the edge of a cliff, and into the river below.
Daryl whips around, and looks down into the abyss, into the blue, rushing waters flowing fast and violently. He searches for you, but he just cannot find you. Daryl drops to his knees. He had lost you a few minutes ago, or so he thought, but when you gave your life to protect Daryl, he had to understand that maybe he had just misunderstood you. And then, just like that, he lost you a second time.
Rick finds the devasted man a few hours after your disappearance, and he is worried sick. Daryl sits slumped over against a tree, and he is crying. Rick cannot see you, and he immediately understands. He goes to hug his friend, and after a while he can convince Daryl to come with him, back to the prison.
Daryl is a mess. When he returns to the prison with Rick, he immediately grabs his bag from his usual sleeping place and moves it to one of the watchtowers that you had occupied in the very beginning. He opens the door, lets it fall shut and slides down. He had been here before, but not for a while and he can now see that you decorated it. It was so much you, and the tears started to fall again. When no more tears are falling, he gets up to take a closer look around. Your mattress is on the floor, and he questions how a person can sleep with that many pillows. There are trashy posters on the wall, and pictures the kids drew, and a tiny polaroid that Glenn took from him and you. You laughed, and Daryl smiled – a rare occasion, but he remembers the day, he was so happy. He lays down on your mattress, which smells like you, and suddenly he understands
And the others let him be. They know that he needs to be alone now, that he needs the time. Everyone knew what it meant when Rick came back with Daryl and Daryl only. Everyone knew what you had meant to Daryl. After a few hours, Daryl comes out. It is night now, but some people are still gathered around the fireplace. There are Maggie, Glenn, Carol, and Rick. He just needs to talk about it. So, he goes over there, and he sits down.
They welcome him in silence, and for a moment Daryl mimics it. Carol moves over and when she hugs him, Daryl falters. Tears fall from his eyes, once again. “It is my fault tha´ she is dead”, he says, and the others look at him, and they don’t know what to say. “I confesse´ my love for ´er, and she was silen´, so I figured she doesn’t like me like that, and I just left. I was so blinde´ by the pain, tha´ I just kept on walkin´. Didn’t even bother lookin´ for walkers, didn’t feel like it mattered no more”, Daryl says and the others look at him with sympathy. He takes a shaking breath. “And then one of them bastards was suddenly there, too close, there was nothin´ I coulda done. Until she just sprinted outta the bushed, tackle´ the walker away. But tha´…”, his voice cracks for a second, “It was right by those damn cliffs.” Maggie gasps. Until now no one had known what had happened, maybe there was a chance that you were still alive? But all of them know the cliff, they know the river and how fast it flows. This makes it real – you are dead, and they were not going to see you again.
They all stay in silence after that, until Carol softly starts speaking. “Do you guys remember that time when Y/N almost broke her arm because she desperately wanted to reach that comic book for Carl?” Rick nods and cracks a little smile. “She was always so selfless and determined. She got it, only barely, but when she wanted to pull it out, she got her arm stuck. Glenn had to oil it up, and it was bruised for weeks after that!”, they all laugh, and Rick continues. “But she brought it home, and it made Carl so, so happy.” They continue talking about her, remembering the good and the happy and the funny moments, and it made it… hurt a little less.
It was almost morning when Daryl decided to at least get a little bit of sleep, pacing to the watchtowers. Before he lays down, he grabs the picture of the wall to simply look at it. It slips from his grip, much like you did earlier this day – it felt like a lifetime already. The picture sails towards the floor, and it lands flipped over. Daryl can make out that something is scribbled on the backside of the plastic-like surface, and he has to squint his eyes to be able to read the words. It is your handwriting, without doubt, and it is a simple sentence that makes Daryl’s heart drop.
“If something happens to me, I need you to know that you have my heart, Daryl.”
And Daryl is angry again, angry at himself for not just waiting a minute longer. He is angry because he stormed off like a child when you were just surprised, possibly. Suddenly, he is not tired anymore, but he promises to himself that you would have the most beautiful funeral. When the prison wakes up, Daryl had already dug a grave, even though there would be nothing to bury. The river had carried your corpse away, and Daryl’s heart with it. He had crafted you a beautiful wooden cross, and now he was out to collect some beautiful wildflowers.
You fight for your life. Despite the Georgian heat, the water is ice cold, freezing your brain for a second, until the dead thing in your arms moves. It pulls you under in its desperate attempt to feed off of you. You manage to keep it away, long enough to grab your knife and sink it in the walker’s skull. The current is strong, you do not know where the surface is, and your run out of breath. You struggle to swim upwards; you get thrown around by the waves, and then your head hits something hard – the lights go out.
You wake up disorientated, and it is almost dark. Coughing, you slowly sit you. Your hand reaches for your forehead, which hurts. When you pull your fingers away, you see blood, and you sigh. What an unlucky bastard you were. You look around, assessing your surroundings, and maybe you were not so unlucky after you. A few feet away, a small, but robust enough looking former fishing hut presents itself as shelter for you to rest the night up. And the best part: It gives you an indication as to where you currently were.
You drag yourself over to the hut, and you enter it, slamming the door shut and barricading it. It would keep you safe for the night, allowing you to rest and tend to your wounds. You quickly scan the hut, and it looks empty and abandoned. But it was a gold mine. You quietly laugh to yourself. Of course, it would only take you falling off a cliff to find a little hut that had fishing equipment, canned food and when you rummage in one of the corners, your eyes fall on three things at the same time.
Firstly, there is a first aid kid, which would come in handy in your current beat-up state. Secondly, there is a beautiful black compound bow and a quiver full of arrows. You grin widely, not believing the luck you had right now. But you guess it was karma – after all, you saved Daryl’s life. Your grin vanishes and your shoulders fall. He had looked so heartbroken, and that only because you were too stunned to speak. He, and the others, were probably worried sick. You decide to tend to your wounds, and pack a backpack you find in a corner, so that you could be ready when you wake up. When you are done, you lay down and fall asleep after a bit of tossing and turning.
You wake up early, the sun is barely up and you smile. Perfect, you didn’t oversleep, so you grab the bag and your stuff and you are ready. You look over to the bow, and another smile graces your features. You had one just like this when you were still living on the farm, but it got lost when it was overrun. The backpack is heavy, and your body sour, but you pull it up nonetheless. The fishing rods that you somehow manage to squish and secure on the sides hinder your movements, but you manage to step out of the door. The bow is in your hand, the quiver on your belt together with your knife. You look around, needing a minute to find your orientation, and then you start walking towards the prison.
It is a hot day, but the river next to you provides you with everything you need. You are slow, and even though the water had carried you towards the prison, you had to walk around the cliff to reach it. It is a tiring walk, and you are exhausted and in pain, but determined to make it home as soon as possible. They are possibly in worry, maybe they even thought you were dead. After a short break, you continue on your way, and you reach the prison by midday.
You step out of the tree line and look over to the high walls you call your home. You can spot the people walking around the prison for afar, and they seem so small. The prospect of seeing them all again gives you another energy boost, and you step out of the forest and onto the grass. As you were about to move on, you stop someone not too far away, emerging from the trees. You cannot believe your eyes – the figure is familiar, carrying a crossbow in one hand and flowers in the other. “Daryl!”, you scream before you think about it. His head whips around to you, and you lift your arm to wave, smiling widely. You take of the backpack, and your bow clatters on the ground when he does not come running towards you for a moment.
Daryl goes white. He is sure he is seeing a ghost, but then you lift your arm to wave, and you smile. He freezes in place, and he asks himself if he has a heatstroke, or if this is some sick trick his mind plays him. He still remembers that when Lori died, Rick saw her ghost a few times. But you look… so alive. He rips himself from the episode he is in, and he sprints over to you. He stops in front of you, and takes your appearance in. You look beaten up, and bruised and before he can stop himself, he lifts his hand up to touch you, anywhere really to see if you are real. He reaches for your cheek, and you melt into the touch, and he now knows that you are real.
He drops his crossbow – for some reason he holds onto the flowers - and he slams into you with his full body. He hugs you, and it is awkward because you are weak, so the two of you fall together into the grass. Somehow, he manages to turn the two of you, so you lay on top of him, the fall presses the air out of his lungs, but he doesn’t care, because suddenly your lips are on his and Daryl feels like he just took his first real breath. It feels like rebirth and Daryl is sure that if there is a heaven, it is this.
You both draw a deep breath when you break apart, and Daryl rests his forehead against yours. “You have my heart, Daryl!” “And ya have mine, ya always did really. Since I met ya for the first time in the forest, I knew tha´!”
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emsee22 · 9 months
I used to be part of Team Delusional back when everything first happened for 3 years or so. I stopped watching the show after the whole thing Carl, Beth still hadn't shown up. Now with the Daryl Dixon spinoff, I am going to start rewatching everything. I was rewatching all the Beth and Daryl episodes from season 4. I noticed a few interesting imagery in Still. And then I saw that God Loves You poster from Daryl Dixon. I was wondering if the imagery is connected? (Sorry for bad quality, had to take pictures of Netflix since screenshots turn out black). I don't know what any of it means, just that the voices are very deliberate. They make sure the eagle painting comes into frame. They make sure the turkey decor is in frame, the golf clubs are organized in a hemisphere. It is very reminiscent of the Dieu Aime art.
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twdmusicboxmystery · 11 months
oh my god. have you seen the new dayrl dixon poster. i saw it in a youtube video, and the slogan!!! ‘hope is not lost’. THAT SCREAMS BETH. the hope isn’t lost that she’s gone. oh my
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Yup! I actually said exactly the same thingn to my fellow theorists when we first saw it.
As @galadrieljones also pointed out, there are doves in the stained glass window on either side of Daryl. A very religious symbol. We could talk about the colors, but I think most people can figure those out for themselves. And along the top of the stained glass window, it says "espoir," which means hope.
Definitely screams Beth to me. I'm with ya! Xoxo! 🎆💝
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sunnydaleherald · 4 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Saturday, February 10th
SPIKE: Of all the bloody faces I expected to see down here. ANGEL: You're a Nazi. SPIKE: What? (Angel looks Spike up and down) Oh. No. I just ate one.
~~Why We Fight~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Weekly Drabbles #80 — Scars by veronyxk84 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
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I'm listening by firemanwhenthefloodsrollback (Tara/Willow, T)
The language slayers speak in heaven by firemanwhenthefloodsrollback (Buffy/Nikki, T)
The Night Before by reader304 (Buffy/Spike, T)
Phoenix by EllieRose101 (Buffy/Spike, M)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Raven, Chapter 2 by sparrow2000 (Vamp!Xander & Spike, G)
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When Ethan Rayne made Rambo, Chapter 8 by USKiwi (Xander, not rated)
The Vision Quest, Chapter 10 by Acb6293 (Buffy/Spike, E)
Easy Street, Chapter 14 by Storm_Arke (Faith/Daryl Dixon, The Walking Dead crossover, T)
They Know Exactly What We're Here For, Chapter 7 by MadeInGold (Angel/Riley/Spike, E)
Love Lives Here, Chapter 19 by Passion4Spike (Buffy/Spike, E)
Blasphemy, Chapter 5 by wickedrum (Buffy/Spike, T)
The End of Destiny, Chapter 6 by ConstantCommentTea (Angel/Cordelia, T)
Raven, Chapter 2 by sparrow2000 (Xander, Spike, G)
A weapon of victory, Chapter 4 by FPBarbieri (Buffy, Tolkien crossover, T)
GREEN-EYED MONSTER, Chapters 1-2 by Jaredlee33 (Buffy, Faith/Kate, M)
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The Vision Quest, Chapter 10 by acb6293 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Truth and Consequences, Chapter 7 by JamesMFan (Buffy/Spike, R)
Love Lives Here, Chapter 19 by Passion4Spike (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
What If Love Was Enough? Chapter 17 (complete!) by Spikelover4ever (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Afterburn, Chapter 12 by Melme1325 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Something Borrowed, Chapter 2 by Geliot99 (Buffy/Spike, R)
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The Magic of Sunnydale, Chapter 5 by Buffyworldbuilder (Buffy, Harry Potter crossover, FR15)
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What the Drabble? Chapter 80 by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, 0)
Rules of Engagement, Chapter 10 by all choseny (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Love Lives Here, Chapter 20 by Passion4Spike (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Ready for it? Chapter 4 by Lilacsandorangeblossoms (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
I Do! Chapter 21 by Dusty (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: Coloring page of Harmony Kendall in "Harm's Way" by amazzyblaze and husband (worksafe)
Artwork: Lusty Bangel by gianelson (not worksafe)
Artwork: Jenny and Giles by tana-draws (worksafe)
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Crochet: Willow's bag by blurtics
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Artwork: Cheesecake by MamaBewear (Darla & Drusilla, not worksafe)
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Artwork: After Hours Chronicles - Artwork Collection, Chapter 4 by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
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Artwork: Buffy Sketches by BKM Illustration (Becoming pt 2, worksafe)
Fanvid: Buffy & Angel Birds by Angelus_Clips
Fanvid: Giles and Buffy || Build A Home by Lucy Whiskers
Fanvid: IN THE END | Faith Lehane by Taco_Id
Fanvid: Buffy - Me too by Witch Kristy
Fanvid: Spuffy | I'm Yours by Marie.
Fanvid: Buffy and Angel - Wonderland by juliaroxs241 (creator also posted multiple other vids)
Fanvid: Spike and Buffy - Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nina Mironovitch
Video: Buffy, Angel, Roswell And Dark Angel Crossover Trailer by RosswellDarkAngel
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Things I wouldn’t think I’d say - season 6 *spoilers up to S6E1* by LoveDreamer18
S6 1st **REWATCH** by caldude1985
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Video: The Twisted Buffy Guide S02E06: Halloween by Twisted View
Video: Life Serial-Slayer Sunday by Jane Talks Buffy
Podcast: Buffy Season 6 As A Whole S6 E23 (Buffy and the Art of Story Podcast) by Lisa M. Lilly
Podcast: Something Something Buffy the Vampire Slayer... by Expertise is Overrated
[Fandom Discussions]
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One of the things I like best about the second half of Season 7 is the fact it lets Buffy accept that she’s still growing up and figuring out who she is as a person by coraniaid
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Was Buffy the Only Slayer to Be Revived? by NotASlayer
Why did some fans turn on Willow and Xander? continued by multiple posters
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What was your reaction to this moment? ["Cordelia" killing Lilah] by dabzandjabz
Would Angel eventually start to look like the Master? by samcarpentervi
The amount of confusion I have as a first time watcher... [about Dawn] by tvcriticgirlxo
Spike is very fond of the Summers women and would pretty much do anything for them by Opening_Knowledge868
What shows would Spike & Dru watch together? by alrtight
Spike’s hottest season by HollyVioletRose
Were you on Buffy’s side when she was upset when Angel did as she asked and pretended he lost his soul to get the inside scoop on The Mayor’s plans? by unitedfan6191
Cordelia Visions by LoveSnape
what is up with willow and kennedy? lol by likeshinythings
why season 2 is a classic television season ?? by LoveDreamer18
Your ideas for a Faith spin off? by speashasha
Who is older- The Master or Prince of Lies? At what age do you think vampires start looking like the Turok-Han? by alrtight
Aside from Dawn, which character often received kid glove treatment? by Opening_Knowledge868
What's Your Best and/or Worst of Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 2? by Big-Restaurant-2766
What do you think of the whole Buffy-Angel relationship in season 3? by unitedfan6191
What is Something that Stands Out to You in "Graduation Day Parts 1&2" and/or Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 3 in general? by Big-Restaurant-2766
What subtext or metaphor did you miss at first? by SafiraAshai
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kazesauce · 7 months
TWD:DD Rewatch Recap Ep 2
I'm rewatching the first season of TWD: Daryl Dixon to look for anything that stands out now that we know all the characters and how the season ends. The second episode was more fun on rewatch. The second recap is even longer than the first, so strap in or scroll on.
Mork and Mindy
The scene of Mork buying Mindy hideous clothes because he wants to take her dancing is from the series finale called The Mork Report. The plot of the episode is Mork sending a report to Ork about what it takes to have a happy Earth marriage. (His answers were honesty, respect, romance and compatibility if anyone is interested.) It makes Daryl's melancholy line “you can't miss what you never had” punch a lot harder. There's no doubt in my mind he was thinking about Carol, the only woman he's ever exchanged “I love you”s with.
Daryl, Isabelle, Laurent and the kids at the school
There's an interesting theme about lying in this episode. Isabelle, Daryl and Lou (the leader girl at the school) all lie, but for different reasons and handle the consequences differently. Isabelle lied to Laurent about who his father was, causing him to embarrass himself when he repeats the absurd tale to the kids at the school. She also lied to Laurent about Asterix the mule surviving after Daryl has to cut him loose for being loud and uncooperative. Laurent finds Asterix dead being chowed down on by 2 dogs (one of which looks a lot like Dog). Laurent yells “you lied to me!” at Isabelle and runs off. You see him later banging a stick against a contraption the kids set up in the yard, and he stays mad at Isabelle for the rest of the episode. Isabelle never apologizes. She only says that she babies him because he's special.
Lou lied to the other kids about the fate of the two boys she took with her to the castle where the peak “ugly American” trope lives. She told the other kids they were still on a mission, which isn't completely untrue because she didn't know their fate when she ran off to save herself. When Daryl returns with her, they rescue one boy and find the other a walker. She tearfully takes responsibility and puts him down. Lou is so mature and loving as a teenager being thrust into an impossible position.
Daryl lied to Lou about medicine being able to save their severely ill teacher. He knew she was too far gone, but needed the horse from the ugly American so he could hold up his end of the bargain with Isabelle and make it home. When they came back to the teacher having passed, Lou is crushed they're too late. Daryl confesses to lying about the medicine so he could get the horse and apologizes. Lou gives Daryl a nod of forgiveness. (Nobody mentions this, but the kids have access to everything in that castle now that the ugly American is dead, so Daryl did them a huge favor) Daryl gives Lou words of encouragement about what a good leader she already is and will continue to be, then offers to put down the teacher for her, but Lou declines and Daryl gives her privacy. The camera cuts to a mystified Isabelle, who apparently has never apologized in her life and doesn't understand how sincere human interaction works.
He's barely in the episode, but it's an important scene. He finds the map of their route, and because of Isabelle's detour, has time to heal from his multiple gunshot wounds and catch up to them in Paris. He also cries again as he finds the bodies of his compatriots rotting in the courtyard of the abbey while the nuns have all been given proper burials. Poor tender-hearted baby. I almost hope Carol has to mercy-kill him so they can cry pretty together.
Isabelle, Quinn and Lily – Flashback
@silver-shana-fox noticed a poster for the ballet Orphée behind Isabelle in the metro station. She explained that it's based on the Greek myth Orpheus and Eurydice and the story has parallels to Isabelle and Quinn. The original myth is that Eurydice (Izzy) dies from a snakebite and Orpheus (Quinn) makes a deal with Hades that if he leads her out of the underworld without looking back she can live, but Orpheus turns around right at the end and Eurydice is sucked back into the underworld, meaning Quinn and Izzy's relationship was always doomed. The title of the ballet is the same as a 1950 movie that adds extra characters, death and a pregnancy, so it might also be an easter egg hint that Quinn was Laurent's father.
At the abbey you meet little student Sylvie whose parents never came to get her. It's revealed that Lily was bitten after Izzy stole Quinn's car. She dies in childbirth and turns, forcing Father Jean to perform a c-section. He proclaims the baby's survival a miracle, so Isabelle takes the baby into a room and names him Laurent after the first statue of a saint she sees. I'm still undecided on where the show will go with how “special” Laurent is. Lily was having pregnancy complications before she was bitten, and likely died from those complications and not the fever. Everyone is already infected, but the virus was activated in her hours before Laurent was born. Science wise, how the baby reacts to maternal disease during delivery depends on the disease and whether the baby passed through the birth canal, so it's impossible to know how a made-up virus with no real-world analog would behave during a c-section. Lore wise this is also uncharted territory, so the show could do anything, but I suspect Laurent won't be the cure.
Odds and Ends
Isabelle is an inveterate liar and thief. There was no reason to say Daryl was a priest, and it put him in the awkward position of having to say grace later. As a southern man that lived with an Episcopalian priest, there's no way he would be that rusty on the rules of not eating before saying grace, or being so in the weeds about what to say. Shades of him suddenly not knowing how to drive a stick shift so Denise could make fun of him. However, I respect that they wanted to show Daryl's childlike innocence in that situation and have him give that painfully earnest blessing.
Knowing what we know now about Quinn being Laurent's father, it makes sense that he would be hesitant to take Lily with them. He deserved to be puked on, but did it have to go in his mouth? Gross. Quinn proved himself to be resourceful, unafraid and decisive, so it makes sense that he would survive and be the head of an underground club a decade later.
The bed scene was even more tense than I remembered. Daryl is laying on the bed and offers to leave when Isabelle comes in. She says the bed is big enough and Daryl stays because he ain't sleeping on the floor for the likes of her when she didn't offer to do the same. Isabelle gets on Daryl for lying to Lou, and he throws her “the truth can wait” line back at her. She says a mule is different than their teacher and Daryl is visibly agitated. He says they just need to find a radio and Isabelle sounds irritated when she replies “So you can go home.”. Daryl, still agitated, says “Yes, so I can go home.” What is she doing acting possessive of him when they've known each other a few days at best? Back off, lady. The whole episode highlights that Isabelle is a terrible person.
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nowgiveusakiss · 1 year
so i used to be heavy into the walking dead when i was a teen, when it first came out. daryl was a HUGE crush of mine back then. had a poster of him on my wall and everything. and now i’m rewatching since i never finished and…
i’m going through something. so if anyone has any daryl dixon x reader recs, i’m begging you to send them my way.
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thejuniperofficial · 2 years
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader
Summary: You receive devastating news from home, prompting an emergency flight back to Georgia. Several months later, you find yourself living with your brother. He arrives one night in a panic, claiming to know the truth about the reported nationwide sickness.
Warnings: death; grief
Word Count: 766
Series Masterlist
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New York City, December 2009
“I’m s-sorry, Y/N. He’s g-gone.” Your brother’s voice struggled to say the words.
You let out a sob, placing a hand over your mouth. It brings you to your knees, unable to withstand the weight of devastation concerning your father. You’re unable to speak as your brother calls your name with concern through the phone.
You don't respond.
You can’t respond.
You cry silently and he briefly explains the accident, furthering your grief with details.
“He was driving late at night–”
“...must’ve fell asleep–”
You tried to make sense of the words, frozen in anticipation.
“–...found his patrol car under the bridge.”
“He died on impact.”
The silence lingers. You feel utterly empty.
“I’ll be right there,” you assure your brother.
After a tearful goodbye, you finally end the phone call, dwelling in the darkness for a moment before walking over to your closet. You reach for the shelves, securing a large item in your hands, before bringing the luggage upright on the floor.
Grabbing the handle, you drag it over and throw it open on the bed.
First things first. You wipe a loose tear and pull the nightstand drawer open. You shuffle things around before pulling out the most sentimental item in your possession.
“Hey, dad! I got your postcard!” You tell him, cheerfully. You flip the paper, reading both sides several times over.
“I’m glad to hear that! Folks don’t use ‘em anymore.” He admitted on the phone. It marks a full month since you left home. It was your biggest dream and you were finally living it. You’ve come pretty far from that flimsy skyline poster tacked to your bedroom wall.  
“Greetings from Georgia!” You read the short message aloud. “... From, Dad and Vin.”
The longer you hold the postcard, the more you seem to miss your family.
“Wait, I think we did it backwards,” you muse, “It’s supposed to be me sending one back home.”
Your father chuckles, “Well, peach, I remember you tellin’ me how much ‘ya missed Georgia, so I ‘oughta send ‘ya a little reminder of us.”
You hold the postcard closer to your chest. Your case of homesickness worsens.
You check for the sentiment in your pocket once more before pulling the door to your apartment closed.
Thus, beginning your journey back to Georgia.
Back to your home.
Georgia, October 2010
You sit across a plate of cold dinner, watching as a puddle forms around the base of the cup. Yours was long gone by now. Your foot taps the leg of the chair in anticipation before a loud sound within the house startles you. The grandfather clock strikes eleven times and he should’ve been here 2 fewer strikes ago. You dwell in thought as the distant sound of traffic reminds you of a dream long abandoned. What would your father think of you?
The headlights of a car suddenly shine through the windows and an awfully loud screech was heard. You stand up immediately and swing the door open, ready to confront your brother, and glared intensely at the half-assed parking of his beloved truck.
He exits the vehicle in a hurry, running over to meet you at the door. He was late.  And the sight of him was enraging.
“How dare you–”
“ –Do you have any idea what's goin’ on?” He grabs your wrist roughly and pulls you inside.
“Ow! Vin, you asshole, the hell’s your problem?” You shake your wrist out of his grip and rub at the tenderness. He locks the door in a hurry.
“Listen to me, Y/N. ” Vin turns around and places both hands on your shoulders and levels his face with yours.
His eyes are wild with adrenaline and fear, “Go pack your shit. There ain’t enough time to argue.”
You trusted your brother, so you blindly obeyed. Soon enough the two of you stacked cases of water, every bag of old camping gear, the entire pantry and then some in the back of his truck.
You lock up the house and slide into the passenger seat. Vin reverses out the driveway before you even get the chance to buckle in. He takes the takes the main road, swerving like a madman before claiming, “The sickness on the news was even worse than they led on” and that “the dead came back.”
“The hell’s that supposed to mean?” You hold onto the passenger-side handle as he makes a sharp turn, nearly missing it.
The truck begins to slow down exponentially as your eyes widen at the sea of brake lights ahead.
The truck comes to a stop.
“It means we’re heading to Atlanta.”
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Hello, folks. The rough draft started as a one-shot, but I was motivated to make it into a series instead. Daryl won’t be making an appearance until chapter 3 since our character needs some backstory first :) Also, I’m a new writer to fanfiction. I would appreciate any and all suggestions.
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