#Customized travel Industry Analysis
erlizaprulla · 2 years
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heliza24 · 11 months
The Radical Act of Quitting (and Wilhelm)
This is a little more personal than my Young Royals metas normally are. It’s really one-half personal essay, one-half show analysis.  It’s something of a spiritual successor to my post about radical acceptance and Simon’s arc in season 2. And it’s also about the reasons why I want Wilhelm to renounce the crown by the end of season 3. (I am stating that early, because I know many people disagree. Feel free to engage but please do so with kindness; a lot of this is quite vulnerable for me.)
I’m disabled. Specifically, I have a chronic condition that began in my early twenties, and slowly got worse and worse until I was finally diagnosed at 28. I’m 31 now, and I’ve had to grieve the person I once was many times over. I used to be a dancer, I used to be an adventurous eater, I used to love to travel. My chronic pain and restrictive medical diet have taken those things away from me, piece by piece. But the thing I mainly want to talk about right now is quitting my job. At the time of my diagnosis, I had worked at my job full time for three years. For a few years after my diagnosis, I tried to remain at my job part-time, because I loved it. I worked in the music industry, and I had the best team of coworkers. I had a great work/life balance, I was never stressed about work. I looked forward to each day in the office. When I went to events and had to introduce myself during an ice-breaker, I would usually include a fact about my job. I found a lot of my identity there. All of my work directly supported musicians, which was something I was very proud of.
So I tried very, very hard to hang on to my job. My company gave out these ridiculously heavy plaques for employees who had been at the company for 5 years, and I was determined to get one. But it was really hard. I could no longer type sitting up for more than a few minutes, so I did every day from my lap desk in bed. (This is still where I write all of my fic and meta!) I struggled to talk to customers on the phone while I was in pain. The office was closed because of the pandemic, but I would have had to work from home regardless because I couldn’t handle the commute.  Every day was a slog. And my pain and fatigue weren’t getting better. In fact they were continuing to get worse as time went on. Finally, my five-year work anniversary arrived. I made it, but I felt like a runner barely stumbling over the finish line. It was the end of 2021. I talked with my friends and my therapist and my disability benefits lawyer. “I don’t think I can keep working,” I would say. And then I would cry, because the thought of letting go of this last part of my identity, when my illness had already taken so much, was so horrible.
After several months of deliberating and grieving, I quit.  My boss begged me to reconsider (God bless him, honestly). Was there anything he could do to better accommodate my needs? Could I work a different schedule to let me sleep more? Could I work freelance on specific projects they really needed me on? I wanted to say yes so badly. But I knew. The longer I held on, the more I fought, the worse my health would become. And the worse my health would become, the more I would struggle with work. The joy I had felt during my first three years in that office had already drained away. I was fighting just to get through each day, and I didn’t want to fight anymore.
I recognize that having the resources and disability benefits to even consider quitting is a huge privilege. There are a lot of disabled and chronically ill folks who struggle through work at great detriment to their health because they can’t afford not to keep working.  So I recognize how lucky I was to be able to quit. I am so grateful for that option, even as I mourn all the things I have lost.
In my meta about Simon, I talked about radical acceptance and how it has been my guiding light as a disabled person. Embracing radical acceptance means that I have done my best to accept what I can and cannot do, and what I can and cannot control, without judgment. I accepted that I needed to walk away from my job. But how was I supposed to define myself without it?
Capitalism defines most peoples’ self-identity, whether they realize it or not. We identify with our jobs, or with the “grind” culture, or with the moral goodness associated with working hard. But here I was, without a job. And I had my whole adult life ahead of me. I had to find a way to make a new identity outside of work.
Around this time, I started to gravitate towards stories where characters are faced with similar decisions, even if I didn’t realize it yet. And let me tell you, there aren’t many of them.
@bluedalahorse and I talk about this a lot. In our ultra-franchised world, the point of stories, even those that are supposedly about rebellions, is often to return characters to the status quo, so that the next movie/comic/episode can pick back up where the last one left off. And when there is a significant change in the status quo, it is usually because the characters worked, and pushed, and struggled to achieve that change. It’s very rare to see a story about someone who walked away from something that was harming them. It’s rarer still to find something that deals with the aftermath, as characters work to re-establish themselves.
I’ve found a lot of comfort in true stories of people leaving cults and high demand religions, and of queer people forced to leave their conservative families behind. In all of these cases, people are consciously abandoning a predominant belief system that is harming them, and have to start over as they craft their new sense of identity. (I am also queer, which adds an additional level of connection). Often people in these situations come to rely on their found family, a thing I have also found to be true in my own life.
I quit my job in between seasons 1 and 2 of Young Royals, and I don’t think I realized how many themes connected my experience to Wilhelm’s until I was watching season 2. Wilhelm is the protagonist of Young Royals, and his central dramatic question has always been: will he fulfill his duty as a royal? Or will he quit, and discover who he is beyond the system he was raised in? Simon is a huge part of this decision, obviously, but the question has never been strictly about Simon.
While I have no personal experience with the monarchy, I do know what it’s like to consider walking away from a role that you assumed you would fill for the rest of your life. I know what it’s like to think about quitting your job.
There’s so much pressure on Wilhelm to assume the role of perfect Crown Prince. He’s told constantly—by Kristina, by Jan-Olof, by the court-- that he can’t let his family or his country down by deviating from this role in any way.
This is a pretty common experience for people who are trying to quit something. They are told that they will let down those around them if they leave. People who are leaving high demand religions are told that they will not be able to enter heaven.  Queer people in conservative families are told they can’t come out because “it would break [elderly relative]’s heart and kill them.” When I quit my job, I thought a lot about how I’d be letting down my coworkers and everyone who knew me as a hyper-competent career-driven person.(This included some of my doctors by the way, who expressed their disappointment in my failure to adhere to their idea of a “worthy” disabled person, i.e. someone who soldiered through the pain and continued to work. Some withdrew care because of this and honestly I will never forgive them). And maybe I was letting people down, and maybe ex-Mormons really will spend the afterlife in outer darkness, and maybe all the grandmas of queer people will be so upset that they kick the bucket when their grandkids come out. But ultimately, if your happiness or safety or well being depends on leaving, it doesn’t really matter. You have to do it anyway.  You have to abandon the things that you can no longer carry. You have to discover who you are on the other side of religion, of the closet, of capitalism.
I think about this every time people in the fandom talk about how Wilhelm leaving the line of succession will create a constitutional crisis, or impact all of Sweden negatively. I am personally pretty anti-monarchist, but I honestly can’t even tell you if I think that Wilhelm removing himself from the line of succession would bring about the end of the Swedish monarchy or not. Honestly, I don’t really care.  I care about Wilhelm. I want him to seek happiness, to search for the future that must live on the other side of this oppressive system he finds himself in. A constitutional crisis? That’s Kristina’s problem, that’s Jan-Olof’s problem, that’s the government’s problem. Radical acceptance means focusing on the things you can control, and Wilhelm can only control his own happiness.
When this issue gets debated, I often see people argue that Wilhelm is too young to make the decision to give up the throne. But the reality is that we ask teenagers to make decisions about their futures all the time. @bluedalahorse wrote a great piece of meta about that here. I love what she said so much I’m going to quote it directly:
Nonetheless, we ask teenagers of Sara and Wilhelm’s ages to think about decisions that affect their future all the time. We ask them to consider what career they’ll pursue or what university to attend. Teenagers who grow up in various denominations of Christianity consider whether they’re going to go through with Confirmation or sometimes Baptism. Other religions (ones where I can’t speak from as much personal experience) have various other rites of passage around this age, and various cultures have coming of age rituals. For some teens, they do these things willingly and with their whole heart, whereas for others, they do it to please their parents or families or for the social norms of it all.
And if Wilhelm is too young to decide to give up the throne, how can he be old enough to decide to keep it? Surely the decision to take on the governance of a country, even in a symbolic way, requires as much, if not more, maturity than the decision to pursue a less high-powered career elsewhere.
When people in the fandom claim that Wilhelm is too young to make this decision, I hear Kristina telling Wilhelm to wait until he’s 18 to come out, because only then will he be responsible enough to deal with the consequences. That’s a delaying tactic, and nothing more. People who don’t want you to leave will ask you to delay your decision over and over again, because they think that if they can kick the can down the road just a little farther, they’ll never have to lose you.
I also see people argue that Wilhelm isn’t qualified to make a decision because he doesn’t know enough about the “real world” to know what he is choosing. To be honest I don’t think most teenagers know much about the “real world”. I definitely didn’t. But we ask them to make decisions that will affect their futures anyway. And here’s another way to look at this: Wilhelm has plenty of places he can look to for examples of how “ordinary” people live. He can find out what it’s like to be from a noble but non-royal family from the students at Hillerska. He can talk to Simon and Linda about what their lives are like. He can read the millions of books, or watch the thousands of movies and TV shows that feature non-royal protagonists and were created by non-royal artists. But only Wilhelm knows what it is like to be Crown Prince. No one else has had that experience. So I would argue that actually, Wilhelm is the only one qualified to make this call.
Ultimately, the agency and mental capacity of people who are quitting is often doubted, usually by the people who have the most to gain by keeping them in place.
So many people have so much invested in maintaining the status quo. And as soon as you invest in a system, someone daring to leave puts your world view into question. Why are you dealing with so many oppressive rules if someone else can just leave? We see this a lot with high demand religions and cults; if someone threatens to break free, the members often join ranks and work together to pressure them to stay. What has your sacrifice as a woman in a patriarchal religion meant, for example, if another woman can decide to simply walk away? Does Kristina’s grim life of duty and sacrifice matter, if Wilhelm can just opt out and seek happiness instead? 
Then of course, there are all the benefits that an oppressive system confers on its most privileged members. Those benefits are in danger of disappearing if enough people quit, so high ranking people will work to keep others in line.  Think about all the people who benefit from the monarchy: all the staff who work for the royal family, all the nobles who get their reputation by proximity to the monarch, and everyone in Sweden who in general benefits from the image that a long-standing institution of white, straight, conservative power projects.
And those aren’t people Wilhelm needs to be responsible for (or should be concerned with placating, to be honest). If the monarchy fails because Wilhelm leaves, it’s because there’s always been a fault in the system. Those relying on this outdated system have signed their own fate.
No one knows fully what life will be like after they quit. That’s the radical acceptance part of quitting. You have to make a blind leap, and discover a whole new world once you land. Wilhelm is no more sheltered than anyone before they take this leap. Everyone who quits—a religion, a cult, a job—has to go through this process of rediscovery.  You have to learn by doing. People do that successfully all the time, and I believe that Wilhelm can too.
When I was talking about this meta with @bluedalahorse, we talked a lot about Plato’s allegory of the cave. That story goes something like this:
Several prisoners have been kept inside a cave their entire life. They are chained to the spot, and cannot move. They are facing the back wall of the cave. Behind them is a fire, and in between them and the fire, their captors walk back and forth, casting shadows on the wall. Because the prisoners have been kept in the cave their entire life and have only ever seen shadows, they think the shadows are real. They think the only thing that exists in the world is shadows. Until one day, one of the prisoners is set free. He goes outside for the first time, where he is blinded by the sun and overwhelmed by stimulus. But he discovers the real world. He now knows that the shadows he was used to are pale imitations of the real things. He’s so excited that he goes back to tell his fellow prisoners what he has learned. But the prisoners get angry at him for challenging their world view. They don’t believe him, no matter what he says.
There are a lot of ways you can interpret this story. Some people think that Plato is talking about the role of philosophers in society. Some people use it to explain a philosophical concept he writes about elsewhere called “forms”. But I think one thing is clear. Plato didn’t write the allegory of the cave (and it didn’t stick around in human imagination for thousands of years) because he thought you should stay in the cave. Leaving the cave is hard. You will be met with resistance. But discovering the real world, when you were only seeing shadows before, is worth it.
I want Wilhelm to leave to be happy, to see the real world instead of shadows. But I also believe it’s what the story demands. It’s the only answer that makes asking the dramatic question—should Wilhelm conform or rebel?—worthwhile to me.
To be king, but to be the first gay king, would be such an unsatisfactory ending for me. It reminds me of how hard I tried to keep my job—by working from bed, by reducing my hours. My boss could do the best he could to be accommodating, but ultimately working was harming me. You can’t adapt the monarchy enough to make it a non-damaging space for Wilhelm, because there will always be people pressuring him to conform to its straight, stoic ideals. Those ideals have been around for hundreds of years, and to put all of the burden of reforming them on Wilhelm is unfair and unrealistic. If he does stay, I see him struggling to change a system that is not designed for him. Even if he does make small victories for representation or inclusion in that context, it will come at an enormous emotional cost. I just don’t think it’s worth it. Not when there’s a whole world where Wilhelm could be doing good, important work– in whatever arena he chooses– that won’t also come along with inherent emotional trauma. 
Believe me, there’s a whole world to be discovered after you walk away from something that’s damaging you. You grieve, yes, but you also grow. Since quitting I’ve been able to love my friends harder, to treat myself better, to give back to the disabled community.  I think if you talk to most people who have committed a similar act of radical quitting they’ll say the same thing.  I want this future for Wilhelm, but I also want this kind of story to exist for all of us. I want there to be a story that represents those of us who have had to make these kinds of decisions. I want there to be a story that can encourage people who are currently wrestling with their desire to leave and the pressure to stay. And I want there to be a story that shows the hope, the bravery, and the self-belief that is required to walk away and seek a brighter future.
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allproducts81 · 12 days
A Future-Proofing Tool: My Experience with Sell Trend Intelligence
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In today's ever-evolving business landscape, staying ahead of the curve is paramount. That's why I decided to explore "Sell Trend Intelligence to Innovative Companies," a remote service that delivers market insights directly to your inbox. Here's why I believe it's a game-changer for innovative companies.
Unveiling Hidden Opportunities:
Prior to using this service, identifying emerging trends often felt like a guessing game. We relied on internal brainstorming and industry publications, but these methods lacked depth and often missed the bigger picture. Sell Trend Intelligence changed that. Their team of analysts scours a vast array of data sources, from social media chatter to patent filings, to identify nascent trends with the potential to disrupt our industry. This comprehensive approach unearthed hidden opportunities we wouldn't have discovered on our own. For instance, their early warning on the rise of bioplastics as a sustainable packaging solution allowed us to develop a prototype ahead of the competition, giving us a significant first-mover advantage.
Actionable Insights, Not Just Data Dumps:
Data overload is a real problem. Plenty of services offer market research reports, but deciphering their implications and translating them into actionable strategies can be a challenge. Sell Trend Intelligence goes beyond just presenting data. Their reports are clear, concise, and most importantly, actionable. They not only highlight emerging trends but also provide insightful analysis on their potential impact on our specific market segment. Additionally, the team is always happy to hop on a call to discuss the implications further and brainstorm strategies to capitalize on these trends. This personalized approach ensures we're not left wondering what to do with the information provided.
A Competitive Edge Through Foresight:
The benefits of this service extend far beyond identifying new opportunities. It strengthens our competitive edge by allowing us to anticipate industry shifts. Their early detection of a growing consumer preference for ethically sourced materials allowed us to adjust our supply chain accordingly. This proactive approach not only protected our brand image but also positioned us as a leader in sustainable practices, attracting a new wave of eco-conscious customers.
A Remote Service, Global Reach:
The remote nature of this service is a major plus. We receive insightful reports directly to our inboxes, eliminating the need for travel or in-person meetings. This not only saves us time and resources but also grants us access to a global network of analysts, providing invaluable insights from a variety of markets.
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Overall, "Sell Trend Intelligence to Innovative Companies" has become an indispensable tool for our business. It empowers us to make data-driven decisions, uncover hidden opportunities, and stay ahead of the curve in a rapidly changing market. If you're a company that values innovation and wants to secure a competitive edge, I highly recommend exploring this service.
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85% of Australian e-commerce content found to be plagiarised
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Optidan Published a Report Recently
OptiDan, an Australia-based specialist in AI-driven SEO strategies & Solutions, has recently published a report offering fresh insights into the Australian e-commerce sector. It reveals a striking statistic about content across more than 780 online retailers: 85% of it is plagiarised. This raises severe questions about authenticity and quality in the e-commerce world, with possibly grave implications for both consumers and retailers.
 Coming from the founders of OptiDan, this report illuminates an issue that has largely fallen under the radar: content duplication. The report indicates that suppliers often supply identical product descriptions to several retailers, resulting in a sea of online stores harbouring the same content. This lack of uniqueness unfortunately leads to many sites being pushed down in search engine rankings, due to algorithms detecting the duplication. This results in retailers having to spend more on visibility through paid advertising to compensate.
Key Findings in Analysis
Key findings from OptiDan's research include a worrying lack of originality, with 86% of product pages not even meeting basic word count standards. Moreover, even among those that do feature sufficient word counts, Plagiarism is distressingly widespread. Notably, OptiDan's study presented clear evidence of the detrimental impacts of poor product content on consumer trust and return rates.
 Founder and former retailer JP Tucker notes, "Online retailers anticipate high product ranking by Google and expect sales without investing in necessary, quality content — an essential for both criteria." Research from 2016 by Shotfarm corroborates these findings, suggesting that 40% of customers return online purchases due to poor product content.
 Tucker's industry report reveals that Google usually accepts up to 10% of plagiarism to allow for the use of common terms. Nonetheless, OptiDan's study discovered that over 85% of audited product pages were above this limit. Further, over half of the product pages evidenced plagiarism levels of over 75%.
 "Whilst I knew the problem was there, the high levels produced in the Industry report surprised me," said Tucker, expressing the depth of the issue. He's also noted the manufactured absence of the product title in the product description, a crucial aspect of SEO, in 85% of their audited pages. "Just because it reads well, doesn't mean it indexes well."
 OptiDan has committed itself to transforming content performance for the online retail sector, aiming to make each brand's content work for them, instead of against them. Tucker guarantees the effectiveness of OptiDan's revolutionary approach: "We specialise in transforming E-commerce SEO content within the first month, paving the way for ongoing optimisation and reindexing performance."
 OptiDan has even put a money-back guarantee on its Full Content Optimisation Service for Shopify & Shopify Plus partners. This offer is expected to extend to non-Shopify customers soon. For now, all retailers can utilise a free website audit of their content through OptiDan.
Optidan – Top AI SEO Agency
Optidan is a Trusted AI SEO services Provider Company from Sydney, Australia. Our Services like - Bulk Content Creation SEO, Plagiarism Detection SEO, AI-based SEO, Machine Learning AI, Robotic SEO Automation, and Semantic SEO
We’re not just a service provider; we’re a partner, a collaborator, and a fellow traveller on this exciting digital journey. Together, let’s explore the limitless possibilities and redefine digital success.
Intrigued to learn more? Let’s connect! Schedule a demo call with us and discover how OptiDan can transform your digital performance.
Reference link – Here Click
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hsdigitalmedia · 3 months
Influencer Marketing Agency in Mumbai
Elevate Your Brand with HS Digital Media: Your Premier Influencer Marketing Agency in Mumbai
In today's digital era, where social media reigns supreme, influencer marketing has emerged as a powerful strategy for brands to connect with their target audience in authentic and engaging ways. As Mumbai's top influencer marketing agency, HS Digital Media is dedicated to helping brands leverage the power of influencers to elevate their brand presence, drive engagement, and achieve tangible results. Let's explore how our comprehensive range of services and innovative campaigns can take your brand to new heights in the competitive landscape of influencer marketing.
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Unlocking the Potential of Influencer Marketing
At HS Digital Media, we understand the transformative impact that influencer marketing can have on brands. Our team of experts specializes in crafting tailored influencer marketing campaigns that resonate with your target audience and align with your brand's objectives. From identifying the right influencers and developing creative strategies to measuring campaign performance and optimizing results, we are committed to delivering exceptional results that drive brand awareness, engagement, and growth.
Comprehensive Services Tailored to Your Needs
As one of Mumbai's leading influencer marketing agencies, we offer a comprehensive range of services designed to meet your unique needs and objectives. Whether you're looking to launch a new product, increase brand visibility, or drive sales, our team has the expertise and resources to develop customized solutions that deliver results. From influencer selection and campaign management to content creation and performance analysis, we handle every aspect of your influencer marketing campaign with precision and expertise.
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At HS Digital Media, we understand the importance of partnering with the right influencers to achieve your marketing goals. That's why we work with Mumbai's top influencers across various niches, including fashion, beauty, lifestyle, travel, food, and more. Whether you're looking to collaborate with micro-influencers or engage with macro-influencers, we have access to a diverse network of influencers who can amplify your brand message and reach your target audience effectively.
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Our team at HS Digital Media specializes in driving impactful influencer marketing campaigns that resonate with your audience and drive measurable results. Whether it's creating engaging content, running targeted promotions, or launching innovative campaigns, we leverage our expertise and industry insights to deliver campaigns that leave a lasting impression on your audience and drive tangible business outcomes.
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Ready to take your brand to new heights with influencer marketing? Partner with HS Digital Media, Mumbai's premier influencer marketing agency, and unlock the full potential of influencer collaborations. Contact us today to learn more about our services, discuss your objectives, and start building impactful influencer marketing campaigns that drive results. Let's collaborate to elevate your brand and achieve your marketing goals with the power of influencer marketing.
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seomarketeers · 4 months
Zero to Ninja: Mastering the SEO Game and Transforming Your Business
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Imagine your business stuck in the SEO wilderness – lost, invisible, and struggling to attract even a whisper of online traffic. You pour your heart and soul into your product or service, but crickets chirp in the deafening silence of your website.
Frustration gnaws at you, a relentless echo of the question, "How do I break free from this SEO limbo?"
Fear not, weary traveler! This is the story of your escape, a roadmap from SEO zero to ninja – a journey where meticulous strategy meets customized execution, propelling your business to unimaginable heights.
Buckle up, for we're about to embark on a thrilling adventure!
Stage 1: Laying the SEO Foundation
Every quest begins with a map, and yours starts with keyword research. Dive deep into the minds of your ideal customers and understand their burning desires and urgent needs.
Unearth those golden keywords, the magic phrases that guide them to your doorstep.
Craft compelling content that resonates with their deepest anxieties and whispers the promise of solutions. Optimize your website, making it search engine-friendly – a haven of information easily discoverable in the vast digital landscape.
Impact: Witness the first rays of SEO dawn! Organic traffic trickles in, drawn by the irresistible magnetism of your keyword-rich content. Leads, those precious whispers of interest, begin to materialize. A glimmer of hope ignites in your eyes.
Stage 2: Mastering the Competitive Arena
But the SEO battlefield is never a solitary stroll. Competitor analysis becomes your war cry. Who are your rivals? What tactics have they honed to dominate the rankings? Analyze their strengths and weaknesses, uncovering chinks in their armor.
Use these insights to refine your strategy, crafting content that surpasses theirs in depth, value, and user experience.
Impact: Your website ascends the search engine ladder, leaving your competitors in dust. Traffic surges, leads multiply, and conversions blossom like roses in springtime. The seeds of success have been sown.
Stage 3: Technical Optimization – The Ninja's Secret Weapon
While content reigns supreme, the true Ninja understands the hidden power of technical optimization. Crawl your website like a spider, unearthing hidden errors and performance bottlenecks.
Tame unruly page load times, befriend mobile-friendliness and embrace the ever-evolving algorithms of the search engine gods. Remember, a technically sound website is a happy website, and happy websites rank higher.
Impact: Your website, once a clunky wagon, transforms into a sleek, SEO-powered rocket ship. Page views skyrocket, user engagement soars and conversions reach ninja-level stealth, silently siphoning leads into your sales funnel.
Stage 4: Beyond the Basics – Advanced SEO Tactics for the Discerning Ninja
For the truly ambitious, the journey continues. Link building, the art of forging online alliances, becomes your next challenge.
Befriend relevant websites, collaborate with industry influencers, and create content so valuable that others clamor to link back to you.
These digital bridges will propel your website to even greater heights.
Impact: Your brand visibility explodes, reaching far beyond the confines of your website. Trust and authority solidify, turning you into a thought leader in your niche. Prepare for an avalanche of qualified leads and conversions, the sweet reward of your SEO mastery.
Inspiring Tales of Transformation:
But these are not mere theories, friends. Look at Company X, a once-struggling bakery that, through meticulous keyword research and local SEO tactics, became the go-to destination for artisanal sourdough in their city.
Company Y, a B2B tech startup that, armed with data-driven competitor analysis, crafted content that surpassed their rivals in technical expertise, securing lucrative contracts and industry dominance.
These are just a few chapters in the ever-growing saga of businesses transformed by the power of customized SEO.
The Takeaway: Embrace the Power of Tailored SEO
The path from SEO zero to ninja may seem daunting, but fear not, for you are not alone. Remember, every journey begins with a single step, and the first step is choosing the right guide.
Customized SEO isn't a one-size-fits-all formula, it's a bespoke suit meticulously crafted to fit your business's unique needs, strengths, and aspirations.
With the right partner and an unwavering commitment, you too can ascend the SEO ladder, leaving your competitors in the dust and claiming your rightful place as a digital ninja.
So, what are you waiting for? The SEO wilderness awaits, teeming with possibilities.
Take the first step, embrace the power of customization, and watch your business transform from zero to ninja – a testament to your dedication and the magic of targeted SEO.
Ready to ditch the SEO wilderness and become a digital ninja?
Forget struggling with keyword research, competitor analysis, and technical optimization on your own.
At SEOMarketeers, we craft customized SEO strategies that are as unique as your business. We'll be your guide on this quest, helping you conquer each stage and claim your rightful place at the top of the search engine ladder.
Ready to witness the SEO transformation of your dreams?
Click here to schedule a free consultation with SEOMarketeers and unlock your business's true potential!
Don't settle for zero – become a ninja with SEOMarketeers by your side. Let's embark on this epic journey together, one keyword, one competitor, one optimization at a time. We'll see you at the top!
P.S. Share this blog post with your fellow business adventurers who are craving SEO success! The more, the merrier (and the more ninjas, the better!).
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frostcorpsclub · 7 months
Aaaand last one! (Maybe)
1, 1a, 4, 9, and 17 for Janleigh! (still surprised that's a name you made up btw)
Illyyy <3
1. What was their major?
Hospitality Administration Management!
"A program that prepares individuals to serve as general managers and directors of hospitality operations on a system-wide basis, including both travel arrangements and promotion and the provision of traveler facilities. Includes instruction in principles of operations in the travel and tourism, hotel and lodging facilities, food services, and recreation facilities industries; hospitality marketing strategies; hospitality planning; management and coordination of franchise and unit operations; business management; accounting and financial management; hospitality transportation and logistics; and hospitality industry policies and regulations. "
1a. How about their minor?
"A general program that focuses on the scientific study of individual and collective behavior, the physical and environmental bases of behavior, and the analysis and treatment of behavior problems and disorders. Includes instruction in the principles of the various subfields of psychology, research methods, and psychological assessment and testing methods."
I know that may seem like a strange combo but above all Janleigh wants to help people and she feels as though the best way to truly ensure people have a great time when they're a customer is to understand them on a deeper level than that of a employee/customer relationship.
It's a frost thing, but you know, for good!
4. Did they meet any new friends or start any other significant relationships during university?
In this universe her future wife Tinsel would probably be like an interior design major and they end up in some of the same elective classes!
17. Do they have any plans for what they want to do after graduating? How long have they thought about this?
ODSJGODSJ this is so funny with all the work she put in but I guess her degree does kind of help
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newsonlines-world · 8 months
Interested in investing as a young entrepreneur? Here's what you need to know
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Investment in India has remained subdued considering the challenging global environment, and analysts anticipate that the country may remain in a state of stagnation until the end of the year. According to Siddharth Mehta IL&FS Former Director and CIO of Bay Capital, the market has seen a significant decrease in the rate of deal-making, which is attributed to the global economic and geopolitical conditions, as well as inflation and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. GlobalData indicates that in January 2023, 87 venture capital deals were disclosed in India, amounting to a total of $696.2 million (about $21 per person in the US). This was a decrease of 13.9% compared to the previous month when India saw 101 venture capital agreements for a total of $905 million.
What Investing Strategy Should Budding Entrepreneurs Use?
To plan your investments as a young entrepreneur, set short- and long-term business goals, create a budget, explore investment opportunities, seek advice from financial advisors or mentors, diversify investments, monitor performance regularly, and be patient. Diversify your investments to minimize risks and maximize returns. Monitor your investments regularly and adjust if needed. Remember to be patient and persistent in your investment journey. Siddharth Mehta Bay Capital CIO and IL&FS Former Director believes that young entrepreneurs must do in-depth research and market analysis and understand the cycle of the market and its preferences before making any investment as successful investing necessitates meticulous planning, thorough research, and discipline, paving the way for long-term business success.
Things to Keep in Mind While Starting a Startup
Building a successful team, getting funding, concentrating on the customer experience, and keeping nimble are all necessary for starting a firm. Success depends on conducting market research, generating cutting-edge products, and having a comprehensive business plan. For a profitable return, it is crucial, above all else, to conduct research based on current market trends and changes.
Three Things to Keep in Mind While Considering a Startup
Starting a new business can be a challenging journey, especially for young entrepreneurs. To succeed, they should be passionate and determined, prioritizing their customers and building strong relationships. They should understand their needs, preferences, and pain points, and focus on creating a positive customer experience. Being resourceful and adaptable is crucial, as it allows them to find innovative solutions, build relationships with industry leaders, and learn from mistakes. Despite lacking capital, experience, or industry experience, they should remain flexible and adaptable to meet the changing needs of their business and industry.
What is Investing in Lifestyle? And How to Make Sure it is Profitable
What is a lifestyle investment? Lifestyle investment means investing in assets that reflect an individual’s lifestyle or passion. For example, investing in art, music, travel, or in sports. Investing in lifestyle assets is a great way to achieve a profitable return. However, it’s important to understand that lifestyle investments aren’t always financially sound. “It’s essential to do your research, diversify your portfolio, seek professional advice, track your investments regularly, and have patience, lifestyle investing can help you make better decisions and reduce risks”, asserts Siddharth Mehta.
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vishal0713 · 9 months
"Unveiling the Future: How Data Science is Revolutionizing Upcoming Industries"
Data science continues to have a substantial impact on various industries, and its scope is expected to expand as new technologies emerge and businesses realize the potential of data-driven insights. Here are some upcoming industries where data science is likely to play a significant role:
Healthcare and Life Sciences: Data science can aid in personalized medicine, drug discovery, predictive analytics for patient outcomes, and healthcare operations optimization.
Financial Services: Financial institutions use data science for fraud detection, risk assessment, algorithmic trading, customer behavior analysis, and credit scoring.
Retail and E-Commerce: Data science helps optimize inventory management, pricing strategies, recommendation systems, and customer segmentation for targeted marketing.
Energy and Utilities: The energy sector benefits from data analytics for smart grid management, predictive maintenance of equipment, and energy consumption optimization.
Manufacturing: Data science improves manufacturing processes through predictive maintenance, quality control, supply chain optimization, and demand forecasting.
Agriculture: Precision agriculture utilizes data science to optimize crop yield, resource allocation, pest control, and environmental monitoring.
Transportation and Logistics: Data science plays a role in route optimization, fleet management, demand forecasting, and autonomous vehicles.
Telecommunications: Data science assists in customer churn prediction, network optimization, and personalized service offerings.
Media and Entertainment: Content recommendation, audience segmentation, and analyzing viewer engagement are areas where data science is making an impact.
Real Estate: Data science helps in property price prediction, market trend analysis, and investment decision-making.
Environmental Conservation: Data science aids in monitoring and analyzing environmental data, including climate patterns, pollution levels, and habitat preservation.
Education: Data science can personalize learning experiences, assess student performance, and optimize educational resources.
Government and Public Services: Data-driven decision-making is becoming increasingly important for optimizing public services, policy formulation, and resource allocation.
Insurance: Insurers use data science for risk assessment, claims processing, fraud detection, and customized pricing.
Travel and Tourism: Data science enhances traveler experiences through personalized recommendations, pricing optimization, and destination insights.
Pharmaceuticals: Data science plays a role in drug discovery, clinical trials optimization, and pharmacovigilance.
Smart Cities: The concept of smart cities involves integrating data science for efficient urban planning, traffic management, energy consumption, and public services.
Cybersecurity: Data science helps in identifying and responding to cyber threats by analyzing patterns and anomalies in network data.
As technology continues to advance and businesses recognize the value of data-driven insights, certybox is creating a difference in providing the top professional courses along with job assistance. It's essential for professionals in the field to stay updated with the latest developments and tools to make the most of these opportunities.
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hamzamoosakambiuae · 1 year
Hamza Moosa Kambi UAE- Get an Edge Over Your Competition with Professional Business Development
Running a business is not a mean feat. It takes a lot of soft skills, ambitious efforts and critical thinking to launch a business and run it smoothly. To ensure your venture is successful, you must hone your business development skills as an entrepreneur and employ them correctly. An even better alternative would be hiring a professional business development manager to handle your organization and ensure it runs hassle-free. In this blog post, Hamza Moosa Kambi- Beat the Competition with Professional Business Development will show you how to develop and manage your enterprise effectively.
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Here are some soft skills you must master to run a business expertly.
Communication skills: As an entrepreneur, you need practical communication skills to be able to coordinate and successfully convey your ideas to your employees and colleagues. Communication is key to running a smooth business. Public speaking, efficient presentation, good listening skills and healthy collaboration all come under the purview of communication.
Digital and social media marketing skills: In this digital age, developing marketing strategies in the virtual world is vital for the growth of your business. To identify where your business can improve, digital marketing, like search engine optimization and data analysis, are crucial requisites for a successful venture. Social media marketing is essential for building your brand and enhancing your brand image to target a wider audience.
Networking skills: Expanding your professional network is critical for your business to thrive. Identifying potential clients and building good relations leads to greater profits and a stellar reputation. Landing such clients and customers also increases your share in the market. Effective networking can also help secure reliable firms as collaborators in business.
It isn't easy to hone all these skills and more to develop your enterprise effectively. Therefore, it is best to hire a professional business development manager who already possesses these soft skills and has experience in the field. Such a manager can implement your ideas to make the business grow and employ their skills to run operations successfully. Here are some benefits of hiring a professional development manager.
A business development manager identifies potential clients from the business's target market and pursues the leads to forge alliances successfully.
They collaborate efficiently with the sales and design teams to come up with lucrative products for the target audience.
They keep a vigilant eye on the latest trends and changes in the industry to ascertain where the business can develop and which direction it must take in its future ventures.
They are crucial for developing innovative ideas for products and services that will bring optimum revenues and be healthy for brand growth.
They come up with business strategies to ensure profit maximization and collaborate with the PR and marketing teams to build the brand image and develop innovative marketing campaigns to expand growth.
Hiring a professional manager to develop your business and run operations smoothly is vital for your venture to grow and become a formidable force in the industry. Expanding your operations and getting an edge over your competitors is of great importance in the race for profit maximization and capturing market share. To achieve this, a professional manager is convenient to help you strategize and smoothly develop your business.
If you are planning to travel soon and wish to hire a good travel agency, Hamza Moosa Kambi- Factors to Consider While Choosing a Travel Agency will be a valuable guide for you to refer to.
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azizul07-me · 6 months
Types and 5 Most Popular for 2023
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Types of IoT
Networking, communication, and connectivity systems depend on the specific IoT application being deployed. Just as there are many different IoT devices, there are many types of IoT applications depending on their use. Here are some of the more common ones:
• IoT client – ​​intended for everyday use. Examples: home appliances, voice assistants and lighting.
• Business IoT – commonly used in the healthcare and travel industries. Examples: smart pacemakers and monitoring systems.
• Military Matters (IoMT) - Commonly used for the application of IoT technology in the military sector. Examples: surveillance robots and attack-capable objects.
• Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) - commonly used in industrial applications, such as in manufacturing and the energy sector. Ex: Digital control systems, smart agriculture and big data industries.
• IoT Infrastructure – It is widely used for connectivity in smart cities. Example: equipment sensors and control systems.
Why is IoT important? IoT has enabled the physical world to meet the digital world in collaboration. It provides benefits to organizations by allowing them to work and simplify their work. As IoT grows exponentially year on year, businesses are taking advantage of the incredible business benefits it can deliver. Here are some of the most important benefits of IoT:
• Create new business models and revenue streams
• Improve business decisions and insights based on IoT data.
• To increase productivity and efficiency of business operations
• To improve customer experience
Although global IoT spending has been affected by the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, IDC's analysis shows that it will reach a CAGR of 11.3% over the forecast period 2020-2024.
What are IoT devices?
IoT devices are hardware devices, such as sensors, appliances, devices and other machines that collect and exchange data over the Internet. They are designed for certain applications that can be connected to other IoT devices. For example, an IoT device in your car can detect oncoming traffic and send an instant message to the person you're about to see about an upcoming delay.click amazon market place.
How do IoT devices work?
Different IoT devices have different functions, but they all have similarities in terms of how they work. First, IoT devices are physical objects that see what is happening in the physical world. They have integrated processors, network cards, and hardware, and are often connected to Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol servers. It also requires an IP address to work on the network.
Many IoT devices are programmed and controlled through software. For example, an app on your smartphone to control the lights in your home. Some tools are also built into the web server, eliminating the need for external applications. For example, the light turns on immediately when you enter the room.
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mariacallous · 1 year
Air travel typically falls on a spectrum ranging from tedium to chaos, but entering the United States in recent months has often served up a uniquely painful combination of the two. Complaints abound on social media of packed arrival halls and hourslong immigration lines at major airports including O’Hare in Chicago, JFK in New York, and Dulles outside Washington, D.C.—the latter airport being so poorly situated and designed that it serves as apt homage to the damage the Dulles brothers wreaked on decades of U.S. foreign policy.
Part of the problem is an aggressive rebound in global travel after two years of COVID-induced nosedives. International air traffic more than doubled in 2022 compared with 2021, approaching pre-pandemic levels, according to the International Air Transport Association (IATA). And more people are lining up to board. The bigger problem is when they get off, in the United States at least. The long wait times, according to officials and airport industry executives, come down to a combination of surging demand, limited resources, and rapidly shifting technological needs and capabilities.
“We are still experiencing long wait times, and actually it’s ticking up again at the moment, and it is related to the number of officers available for clearing passengers,” said Matthew Cornelius, the executive vice president of the Airports Council International-North America, which represents more than 300 airports across the United States and Canada. “That sort of is a root-cause issue for a lot of the problems that we see around our members’ facilities.”
According to data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), the agency as of last year had around 1,800 fewer agents than it needed to process people entering the United States. And the problem will likely get worse before it gets better, even though CBP has lots of fancy new gear that is meant precisely to streamline the whole process. The agency acknowledges it’s an issue.
“COVID was still impacting numbers when we had that 1,800 that we assessed last year,” said Jody Hardin, CBP’s executive director for planning, program analysis, and evaluation. Updated numbers due to be released later this year will show a “slight increase in the amount of officers needed,” she added, though airport staffing is a less urgent need compared with the United States’ southwestern border.
CBP has deployed a patchwork of different technologies over the past decade to ease the load, starting with “automated passport control” kiosks that it debuted in 2013 that allowed incoming travelers to scan their passport, take their picture, and, when necessary, provide fingerprints and additional information.
Those kiosks have now largely been phased out, only used for trusted traveler programs such as Global Entry that pre-verify members at a price tag of $100 so they can skip the immigration lines. Global Entry is currently available to citizens of the United States and 13 partner countries, with some 8 million users. A smartphone-enabled version, known as mobile passport control, which CBP brought in-house last year after previously subcontracting it to private companies, is only available to U.S. and Canadian citizens entering through one of 33 U.S. airports. 
As of now, however, CBP is increasingly leaning on a biometric facial comparison system known as Simplified Arrival. The system uses cameras placed next to immigration officers to take a picture when a traveler walks up and matches it to an existing passport or visa photo on file. According to Matthew Davies, the executive director of the CBP’s admissibility and passenger programs, the system has thus far processed around 285 million travelers since it debuted in 2018 and prevented more than 1,700 people from illegally entering the United States. The agency has also deployed a biometric exit program that scans the faces of passengers exiting the country at three dozen airports. It has been a long time coming: A biometric entry-and-exit program was a recommendation in the 9/11 Commission Report. 
“From the standpoint of a counterterrorism practitioner, one of the things we always tried to do is to spend less time worrying about the people who were a low risk so that we could devote more time and attention to the people who are a higher risk,” said Thomas S. Warrick, who worked on counterterrorism in various roles for the Department of Homeland Security during the George W. Bush, Obama, and Trump administrations. 
Proponents of the system say using facial recognition technology to compare a passport image to an image taken on arrival—supplemented by a second look by a CBP officer in the case of an inconclusive match—optimizes privacy, national security, and time. 
“Essentially, what their job is trying to do is find the needle in the haystack, and if you can get rid of hay that you know is not a problem, that’s a good strategy,” Cornelius said. 
But critics of facial recognition technology cite its troubling implications for privacy and potential discrimination, with a history of law enforcement agencies misidentifying nonwhite faces. A group of lawmakers reintroduced a bill in March that calls for a moratorium on the use of facial recognition by U.S. government agencies. Far more sinister examples abound worldwide, with China in particular using the technology to surveil and police its citizens.
“Using facial recognition in airports normalizes this idea of mass surveillance,” said Caitlin Chin, a fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, adding that “this is part of a larger trend of government agencies or private companies deploying facial recognition in more and more facets of our lives.”
Beyond the societal implications, experts are concerned about how much oversight there is of how biometric data is collected and stored. The same algorithms that send you endless pitches for a new speaker are the ones responsible for your security. 
“We need to pause and rethink and reimagine border control and protection. In the datafication of our world, in this data-driven environment, we need to truly understand how mass surveillance technologies can undermine the practice of citizenship,” said Renée Cummings, an artificial intelligence and data ethicist at the University of Virginia’s School of Data Science.
Davies, the CBP admissibility and passenger director, says the agency deletes photos of U.S. citizens within 12 hours, while photos of noncitizens are retained for 14 days for facial comparison purposes before being stored along with entry and exit records for decades in a system run by the Department of Homeland Security. Travelers also have the ability to opt out of being photographed at the counter and can have their passport examined the old-fashioned way, but Davies stressed that the cameras are simply meant to augment the process every traveler would go through regardless. 
“We’re not trying to subject people to monitoring or extensive surveillance,” he said. “This is literally just at the point where you normally would produce your passport, you’re producing it again, making sure you are who you say you are.”
Depending on where you’re going when you leave the United States, you may encounter facial recognition on the other end, too. Airports in countries such as Germany, the United Kingdom, India, and Japan have deployed facial recognition technology at different steps of the airport process, from passport control to automated boarding. 
In a way, the pandemic created this monster. “The COVID pandemic really kicked it up a notch because people were trying to focus on touchless, and with a lot fewer people going through an airport, they could make the necessary upgrades without causing really long lines,” said Stephanie Gupta, the senior vice president for security and facilitation at the American Association of Airport Executives. The pandemic may have also made people more willing to make the trade-offs on privacy and security that facial recognition systems depend on for mass adoption and success. According to IATA’s 2022 Global Passenger Survey, three out of four passengers would be “eager to use biometrics” in lieu of passports or boarding passes.
“If you have an iPhone, a newer model, you’re using your face to unlock your phone,” Cornelius said. “People are becoming more comfortable with the process.”
But even if travelers are willing to have their picture taken to save a few minutes, the facial recognition technology used by CBP still requires some degree of human involvement. And there aren’t, in CBP at least, enough humans.
What determines whether two images are of the same person—terrorist or not—is “the Mark 1 human eyeball,” said Warrick, who’s now at the Atlantic Council. “That’s why it’s important to have a human backup and why you have to be cautious about letting computers go too far.” 
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Top 7 Benefits of Becoming A Certified Quality Management Professional
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A certified quality manager helps in developing measuring tools to evaluate organizational progress. They are also responsible for establishing team efforts to monitor connections with customers and suppliers to support strategic planning and deployment operations. If you want to contribute to your business or modify the direction of your career, certified quality manager training provides that impetus to take your career to the next level. After all, the quality of the work is more important than the quantity. The certified quality manager training helps the aspirants to understand the importance of quality factors that enables the clients and customers to purchase the product.
In the following article, we'll discuss five ways to develop into a top-notch certified quality management professional:
Importance of Education for Employment:
The professionals must value the importance of education and the overall learning experience. They can use this learning to implement it in the industry. Industry learning gives them a professional advantage over other contemporaries. It also opens up many employment opportunities for individuals. 
The professionals will have a different vision and will imbibe new skills and challenges to be successful in this field. The certified quality manager training will help them provide the necessary learning and give them a competitive advantage over others.
2. Learning Management Techniques and Different Business Practices
Quality management professionals can gain access to different management techniques and different strategies. The learning will help them to get a complete picture of different organizational paradigms. Further, it will help them in the long run. Different types of audits and other assessments will allow them to grow professionally. 
The professionals can implement this learning for the betterment of the organization. Further, it will help them to face any adverse organizational situation internally or externally. This training is crucial for business owners to understand its importance and its implementation in the long run. The detailed analysis will give them a thorough check, and based on that facts, they can create an action plan.
3. Improving Your Marketability & Increasing the Earning Potential
The individual’s knowledge and experience with several facets of a particular sector will improve as you advance professionally. It will help them to take firm actions for the betterment of the organization. It will not be achievable in the blink of an eye. Hence, certified quality manager training will help the individuals to imbibe the required learning and implement them in their job role. 
The knowledge obtained from the training will help business owners or other working professionals to apply them in their businesses. Hence, it will help the professionals to market their businesses more proficiently by meeting all the demands of the clients. They will also have a crucial role in building a solid reputation for their company, as the business owners know the objectives to ensure top-quality output.
4. Possibilities for International Business Travel
Depending on the nature of the work, quality management professionals have the liberty to travel nationally and as well internationally. The scope of opportunities is extreme in the certified quality management profession. Example - A vendor assessor needs to travel on a considerable number of basis and communicate with different supply chain management teams and other associating organizations.
5. Start-up Options for Entrepreneurs, Starting your Auditing Firm
Taking the entrepreneurial route can be challenging. Quality management professionals can consider all the above factors and include them in their working mechanism and become part-time or full-time entrepreneurs. They have the necessary expertise, which is recognized everywhere.
6. Boosts Productivity
The employees with Certified Quality Management certification are far ahead of others. The primary reason is that certified quality manager training prepares the candidates with the right skills and expertise. It helps them to combat day-to-day challenges and get the most out of new technologies. It will help in improving overall productivity. 
7. Ensures Job Security
Incidents like recession and other related situations have caused a stir in the employment sector. The majority of professionals have already lost their jobs. However, the demand for quality management professionals is still on the rise. Hence, the certified quality manager training provides the much-needed boost to boost your application. 
Certified Quality Management Professionals (CQMP) help many organizations and enterprises. It helps them understand customers' needs and guarantees a top-notch after-sales service. The training equips individuals with the information and techniques for managing and controlling business problems.  The certified quality management professional main task is to ensure that the services and products provided are consistent. It assists the company in sustaining and achieving the required level of quality. The certified quality manager training provides foundational abilities and knowledge in quality management, and your chances of landing a good job enhance if you hold a Quality Management certification. Consider enrolling in one of the well-known Quality Management certification training courses today.
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dreamsforce · 1 year
Top Sports, Entertainment, and News Websites in the world
Dreamsforce com is an event-based website covering all sports, entertainment, news, and travel blog events from around the world, including the USA and UK. It provides the latest sports, entertainment, news, and travel blog news. It is also a platform for users to share their stories and engage in discussions about a variety of topics. The website covers a wide range of topics, including sports, entertainment, technology, lifestyle, culture, and more. The website is updated regularly with the latest news and events to keep the readers informed.
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How the dreamsforce.com website is created:
The dreamsforce.com website was created by a team of web developers, content writers, and designers. The team worked together to create a website that was visually appealing, easy to navigate, and offered valuable content that was tailored to their target audience. The team first brainstormed the topics they wanted to include on the website, such as sports, news, entertainment, and travel blogs. They then designed the website layout and structure and wrote the content for each page. Finally, the team tested the website for functionality and usability before officially launching it.
The main purpose of making dreamsforce.com website:
The main purpose of making the Dreamforce.com website is to provide a comprehensive source of information about the Salesforce.com platform, products, services, and events. The website allows users to access a variety of resources such as blogs, tutorials, webinars, user forums, and more. It also provides a platform for users to share experiences and insights related to Salesforce.com and connect with other users in the Salesforce.com community.
How dreamsforce.com provides the service:
Dreamsforce.com is a leading digital media and content company providing sports, news, entertainment, and travel blogs. Our content is custom-crafted by experienced journalists and editors to provide you with the latest news and updates from around the world. We provide comprehensive coverage of sports, news, entertainment, and travel from across the globe. Our goal is to provide our readers with the most interesting, timely, and relevant content available.
Our sports content covers everything from High School Football, NFL, and NBA to soccer, tennis, and golf. We provide in-depth analysis and breaking news on the biggest stories in sports. Our news section keeps you up to date on the latest developments in politics, finance, and world events. We also have a dedicated entertainment section with movie and music reviews, interviews with celebrities, and the latest movie and television news.
Our travel section provides travel tips, destination advice, and reviews of the best hotels and resorts. We also have comprehensive coverage of the latest vacation packages and deals. Finally, we offer a wide range of lifestyle content, from tips on how to save money to the best places to eat and shop.
At Dreamsforce.com, we strive to be your go-to source for the latest news and information. We are committed to providing our readers with the highest quality content available.
How to follow dreamsforce.com:
Tried to help you by providing detailed information about Sports, Entertainment, News & Travel Blogs. You can regularly visit our website dreamsforce.com to know about similar Topics. You can also follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Stay healthy wherever you are.
dreams force is a leading customer relationship management Website provider. As part of their content strategy, they should focus on providing content related to sales, marketing, customer service, and the latest industry news and trends. We could also provide content related to the latest sports news, entertainment, travel, and lifestyle topics to engage their customers and prospects. This content should be tailored to their target audience and should include blog posts, videos, and other interactive media. Additionally, they should work to build relationships with industry influencers and leaders to further amplify their content and reach. By providing a comprehensive content strategy, dreamsforce.com can ensure that its content stands out and reaches its target audience.
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IoT Insurance Market - Forecast (2022 - 2027)
The Global market for Iot Insurance is forecast to reach $3,123.3 million by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 18.7% from 2021 to 2026. IoT-Connected insurance uses the data from internet-connected devices and telematics to improve the understanding of risks. It is a new approach that is based on use of sensors and digital technologies to monitor the state of an insured risk transforming rough data in usable and actionable information. Advances in IoT insurance can improve the productivity, overall profitability of the business and the risk profile of the portfolio. Through IoT, insurers can better connect with customers adding important touch points in particularly sensitive phases like acquisitions and claims. It is observed that automation can cut the cost of the claims process by as much as 30% and IoT connected devices have helped some life insurance and health insurance companies lower their premiums by as much as 25%.
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Report Coverage
The report: “Iot Insurance Market– Forecast (2021-2026)”, by IndustryARC covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the Iot Insurance market. By Type – Health Insurance, Life Insurance, Property and Casualty Insurance and Others. By Application – Life and Health Insurance, Home and Commercial Buildings, Automotive and Transportation, Business and Enterprise, Consumer Electronics and Industrial Machines, Travel, Agriculture and Others. By Geography - North America (U.S, Canada, Mexico), South America(Brazil, Argentina and others), Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Russia and Others), APAC(China, Japan India, SK, Aus and Others), and RoW (Middle East and Africa)
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Key Takeaways
Advances in IoT insurance can improve the productivity, overall profitability of the business and the risk profile of the portfolio.
IoT technology presents opportunities for insurers to reduce and mitigate losses, improve underwriting and enhance personalization of products and services.
Automation in insurance can cut the cost of claims process by as much as 30%
North-America is expected to hold a significant share in the IoT Insurance market due to growing awareness and faster adoption of IoT technology.
IoT Insurance Market Segment Analysis - By Type
The most important type of insurances are life insurance and health insurance which accounted for 44% share combined in 2020. Life insurance is something that pays out a sum of money either on the death of the insured person or after a set period. On the other hand health insurance covers the cost of hospitalization, visits to the doctor’s office and prescription medicines. The rising usage of digital technologies in this sector will drive market growth.
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IoT Insurance Market Segment Analysis - By Application
IoT insurance is applicable to almost all industries like automobile, manufacturing, agriculture, healthcare, hospitality, retail, finance, transportation and smart homes and buildings. Automotive industry is one of the industries most benefited after introduction of IoT. IoT devices such as in-car sensors, smartphones, and smart appliances can send insurers data on product usage and driving habits among other behaviours. In turn, this data will be fed into AI algorithms that allow insurers to offer risk based pricing and other popular services.
IoT Insurance Market Segment Analysis – By Geography
North America held the largest market share at 35% in 2020 among regional markets due to increasing awareness and rapid implementation of IoT in various industries in countries in this region. In addition, rising use of smart devices which deliver real-time insights to allow insurance companies in this region develop advanced insurance solutions. And also presence of international players in this region such as Google LLC, Microsoft Corporation, IBM and other drives the market in this region.
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Iot Insurance Market Drivers
Mitigation of risk
In traditional method, insurers have used proxy data to identify the risk of loss for an asset. Internet of things (IoT) gives insurers access to real-time, individual, observable data on an asset’s risk of loss. This data is directly actionable for risk pricing and mitigation. IoT sensors monitor the behavior and actions which are causative of risk so that insurers can create algorithms based on observed behavior directly to pricing models. In this way insurers can similarly leverage this data for risk mitigation by providing timely and specific feedback to customers.
Rising demand for cloud services
The insurance industries dealing with huge volumes of sensitive data and documents are ready to integrate cloud technology in to their digital eco system. It enables insurers to use their IT resources more efficiently, reducing the cost of acquiring and maintaining infrastructure. Cloud based applications change the way of creating and delivering their products and services, managing risks and claims, collaborating with channel members and partners and communicating with customers, agents and brokers. Thus, cloud services in the insurance industry helps drive the market growth.
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Iot Insurance Market Challenges
Data privacy and security
Data privacy and security is utmost important when it comes to technology. IoT comes along with cyber-risks, in fact, much more than any other technology. Meaningful customer engagement would require the insurer to collect and process data at each point, facilitated by IoT. Without establishing the trust it would be difficult to obtain personal data from customers. A significant amount of data is generated from the application of connected devices from wearable devices to connected homes and telematics devices in smart vehicles. Most of the customers are skeptical about their personal data remains secured and how it is utilized by insurers.
Iot Insurance Market Landscape
Product launches, acquisitions, and R&D activities are key strategies adopted by players in the Iot Insurance market. The Iot Insurance market is dominated by major companies such IBM Corporation, SAP SE, Oracle Corporation, Google Inc., Microsoft Corporation, Cisco Systems Inc., Accenture PLC, Verisk Analytics Inc., Concirrus, LexisNexis.
Acquisitions/Technology Launches/Partnerships
In Oct 2020, LexisNexis and Yonomi Smart Home have joined forces to develop an innovative turnkey home insurance internet of things (IoT) solution. It includes a smartphone app that participating policy holders can download the app which uses smartphone and device sensors to find common IoT devices in the home, which creates a data feed to LexisNexis risk sloutions.
In May 2019, Concirrus and willis Re, has entered in to strategic partnership to transform speciality re-insurance products by leveraging data from internet of things (IoT).
For more Electronics related reports, please click here
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mathisgillespie · 2 years
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Run this SAP Business Objects Web Intelligence training course by yourself premises for £950 (+vat) per day for up to three individuals. Add just £99 +vat per particular person for additional delegates, plus the trainer's travelling and overnight lodging charged at price if required. SAP NetWeaver is a technology platform to handle SAP and non-SAP functions in a diverse surroundings. An endorsed course is a abilities based mostly course which has been checked over and permitted by an unbiased awarding body. Endorsed programs usually are not regulated so do not end in a qualification - nonetheless, the scholar can usually purchase a certificates showing the awarding body’s logo if they need. Certain awarding our bodies - similar to Quality Licence Scheme and TQUK - have developed endorsement schemes as a method to help students choose the best expertise based courses for them. This provides them with priceless industry-oriented knowledge, earlier than they stride additional ahead of their profession. In the aggressive enterprise circuit, hands-on expertise matters whenever you tap the alternatives in the industry. Our SAP internship in London program allows the learners to develop the desired skills and mature as knowledgeable. Acentar is an SAP management consulting, information expertise, training and outsourcing firm in London offering consulting, implementation and development services on SAP/ERP and related applied sciences. We are positioned in south-east London, within the borough of Southwark.
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These programmes are designed with one main aim; ensuring you and your workers will be competent and productive. And we assure that our coaching shall be cheaper than training from another supply. At HOTT, we guarantee the quality of our courses with a full one hundred pc money-back guarantee, and small class sizes. Our Microsoft courses will give you increased satisfaction and will enhance your earnings potential and improve your profession prospects in right now's competitive job market. You will work at your individual tempo in our comfy premises, helped by experienced tutors as required. You choose your own hours and maintain the reference supplies when the course is over.
SAP BW supplies assortment of all business knowledge, knowledge evaluation and data mining using a set of complete tools including SAP BI tools and enterprise planning instruments.
Our Microsoft courses will give you increased satisfaction and could enhance your earnings potential and enhance your career prospects in at present's competitive job market.
Oxford College is a contemporary instructional institute, offering complete studying and social experience.
The training curriculum consists of exploring sensible options, creating calculations and using them in a story, integrating SAC with Analysis for Office, and exploring information connectivity choices and security measures.
Hi All, I am Shubham Patil placed in Capgemini as SAP MM – Senior Software Engineer.
Our SAP certification is globally acknowledged, ensuring that you could enjoy excessive job potential. SAP Material Management is half of Logistics module that helps the procurement and stock functions. It primarily covers purchasing, Goods receiving; consumption-based planning, inventory changes, MRP, planning and inventory. Please allow javascript before you are allowed to see this page.
Sap Learning Class, Digital Option - Uk
You will take pleasure in a good time picking up the talents in our global neighborhood, the place ideas and ideas get transmitted seamlessly. With sap hana admin course london of worldwide experience in expertise and functional domains related to ERPs, we are assured in designing and delivering substantial training to people and corporate businesses in these areas. Our goal is to be a one-stop store for all of your coaching & documentation wants.
It allows for flexibility and conveninece in customizing SAP applications. SAP HANA is a platform constructed on in-memory know-how that permits prospects to analyze and question massive volumes of information in real-time. Learn about our global job-skills building program for job seekers, workers who have to reskill because of altering job necessities, folks threatened by unemployment and the underemployed. SAP will globally broaden our coaching program for job seekers and professionals. Achieve KPIs and enhance the person expertise by enabling new, simpler methods to work. Drive SAP software program adoption and productiveness with complete SAP training out there online, on-site, nearly, and in the circulate of work.
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