#Covid-19 anosmia vitamin a
uncrossedrhyme · 1 year
Guide to Life-Sustaining Nutrients: Vitamin A
Vitamin A's critical role in development, aging, intelligence, beauty, vision, hormones, sexuality, and immunity. The first in my series of Guides to the Life-Sustaining Nutrients.
The following begins my series, A Basic Guide to the Life-Sustaining Nutrients, a tentative multimedia project that will be almost fully Patreon-exclusive. Today’s Vitamin A entry serves as a preview of what the project entails. I hope you find value here, always keep learning, and support me on Patreon for much more to come. Patreon A few generalizable concepts coupled with their mechanisms…
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znewstech · 2 years
Coronavirus: THIS vitamin B12 deficiency symptom could also be a COVID symptom
Coronavirus: THIS vitamin B12 deficiency symptom could also be a COVID symptom
Temporary loss of smell, or anosmia, is a neurological symptom linked to COVID-19. However, severe vitamin B12 deficiency can also cause harm to the nerves throughout the body, which include nerves required for olfaction (sense of smell). A study published in the journal International Forum of Allergy & Rhinology, involved 39 patients with low vitamin B12 levels and 34 controls. Comparing the two…
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fithrotunnisa10 · 3 years
Roller Coaster Perjuangan Menghadapi Covid-19
Izinkan aku bercerita mengenai perjuanganku dan keluarga dalam melewati ujian covid-19 yang menimpa keluarga kami beberapa waktu terakhir. Mengingat sewaktu masa-masa sulit itu, sejujurnya aku bingung mencari informasi mengenai gejala atau symptom atau apapun yang bisa menenangkan pikiranku. Ntah karena terlalu banyak berita atau informasi yang beredar ataupun terlalu sedikit informasi mana yang memang benar. Semoga tulisanku ini bisa sedikit banyak memberikan informasi mengenai gejala covid-19 dan penanganannya.
Awal mulanya, ibuku yang sakit dulu. Beliau demam, batuk, pilek, sudah hampir seminggu tapi tak kunjung sembuh. Sudah berobat warung saja tetapi tidak ada perubahan. Kami mendesak agar ibuku tes swab antigen tetapi Beliau tidak mau. Akhirnya karena seminggu tidak kunjung sembuh, aku yang posisi di Surabaya ingin pulang dengan niat membantu mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah dan menjaga adikku yang paling kecil yang sangat hiperaktif. Niatnya agar semua pekerjaan rumah bisa aku handle sehingga ibuku bisa lebih fokus istirahat dan sembuh dengan cepat. Waktu itu aku tetap memaksa ibuku untuk berobat ke dokter, dan alhamdulillah Beliau mau periksa sewaktu aku pulang.
Waktu itu, aku taat sekali prokes, sebelum pulang aku sudah sempatkan untuk tes Swab dan alhamdulillah hasilnya negatif. Maka aku beranikan diri untuk pulang dengan catatan sewaktu sampai rumah aku langsung bergegas ganti baju kemudian mandi dan keramas dari ujung rambut sampai ujung kaki. Sebegitu takutnya kami kalau aku membawa virus dari Surabaya. Mengingat saat ini juga ada varian virus corona yang baru yakni delta yang penularannya sangat cepat dan gejalanya lebih kompleks.
Setelah itu, dua hari kemudian ayahku sakit. Memang saat itu ayahku sedikit meremehkan virus covid-19, meskipun sudah taat prokes pakai masker dll tapi ayahku termasuk orang yang masih keluyuran kemana-mana. Saat ibuku sakit, ayahku bercerita bahwa Beliau pulang takziah dari salah satu kerabat yang meninggal. Waktu itu belum jelas kenapa meninggalnya, tetapi kabar simpang siur menyebutkan bahwa kerabat tersebut terkena covid-19 tetapi banyak yang menyangkal. Ntahlah.
Tak lama, adikku Fatich juga ikut sakit. Lengkap sudah sekeluarga sakit semua. Tersisa aku dan adikku yang paling kecil Fahri yang saat itu “masih” sehat. Aku ambil alih semua pekerjaan rumah sembari ibuku mengingatkan agar aku tidak capek-capek karena imun harus kuat. Waktu itu aku sempat mau berpuasa tetapi dilarang oleh kedua orang tuaku karena harus menjaga imun.
Esok harinya, aku mengantar ibuku berobat ke dokter, alhamdulillah kondisi ibuku membaik dan dokter tidak menyarankan ibuku untuk tes swab karena tidak ada indikasi ke arah covid-19. Ibuku tetap diberi obat-obatan untuk meringankan gejala seperti demam, pilek, dan ditambah vitamin C maupun suplemen makanan.
Tetapi, mungkin karena aku kecapekan mengurus semua keluarga yang sakit, di saat ibuku sudah mulai sembuh, gentian aku yang drop dan demam tinggi malam harinya. Gejala yang aku rasakan pertama kali adalah demam yang sangat tinggi sampai rasanya telapak kakiku melayang. Kepala rasanya berat dan pusing. Belum pernah aku merasakan demam yang seperti ini. Biasanya kalau aku terkena influenza, demamnya masih bisa ku atasi dengan cara makan yang banyak, minum vitamin C, kemudian istirahat total semalaman, tanpa obat apapun keesokan harinya pasti sudah enakan. Tetapi demam yang ku rasakan kali ini berbeda.
Kamis 15 Juli 2021
Tubuh sangat lemas dan aku hanya bisa tiduran. Waktu itu sore hari mulai demam. Dada terasa sesak dan kepala sangat nyeri. Malamnya aku tidak minum obat padahal demam tinggi. Aku hanya makan banyak dan istirahat total. Tetapi, dini hari sekitar jam 2 pagi, suhu tubuh terasa sangat tinggi. Karena aku sudah tidak kuat, aku bangun kemudian minum obat penurun demam punya ibuku. Alhamdulillah demamnya turun tetapi saat obatnya habis, tubuhku kembali demam.
Jumat 16 Juli 2021
Akhirnya keesokan harinya aku diantar oleh ibuku untuk berobat ke dokter dekat rumah. Dokter sama sekali tidak menyuruhku untuk tes swab. Hanya diberi obat-obatan penurun demam, batuk, pilek, dan antibiotik. Sehari setelah minum obat2 tsb, tubuhku kembali terasa bugar. Aku mengira sudah sembuh. Aku bisa membantu ibuku merawat ayah dan adik-adik.
Kondisiku sudah jauh lebih baik hanya dengan waktu 1-2 hari. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa awal gejala covid-19 adalah demam tinggi.
Sabtu 17 Juli 2021
Kondisi ibu dan aku sudah membaik. Tapi tidak dengan adik dan ayahku. Kami sangat khawatir karena ayahku punya komorbid diabetes. Ayah menjadi tidak mau makan dan muntah-muntah. Akhirnya kami memutuskan untuk merawat ayahku di rumah sakit saja biar bisa diinfus untuk mengganti asupan nutrisi selain makan. Ibuku meminta surat rujukan ke puskesmas sebelum ke rumah sakit. Ternyata, dokter tidak semudah itu memberi surat rujukan. Ayahku dipanggil untuk diperiksa, kemudian Beliau menyuruh ayahku untuk tes swab. Hasilnya ayahku positif covid-19. Ayahku langsung isolasi mandiri di rumah. Kami sekeluarga pun dijadwalkan untuk tes swab hari senin.
Mengetahui kabar bahwa ayahku positif, tiba-tiba kondisiku yang awal mulanya sudah enakan menjadi sakit lagi. Tubuhku drop lagi meskipun sudah diberi obat. Gejala setelah demam turun adalah sakit kepala, batuk kering seakan-akan ingin mengeluarkan sesuatu dari dalam dada, pilek, lemas, dan pusing. Tubuh hanya bisa tiduran sepanjang hari. Adikku Fatich juga batuk sedangkan adikku Fahri sedikit demam saja di pagi harinya. Sedangkan ibuku sudah kembali sehat.
Senin 19 Juli 2021
Meninggalkan ayahku sendirian isolasi di rumah, kami berempat ke puskesmas untuk tes swab. Hasilnya semua positif kecuali ibuku. Beban mental sekali mengetahui kami sekeluarga positif. Sejujurnya kami takut akan omongan tetangga, takut dikucilkan dan dijauhi, dan pikiran-pikiran negatif lainnya. Ibuku tidak mau meninggalkan kami karena takut tidak ada yang merawat kami. Ibuku terpaksa harus serumah dengan kami berempat yang positif covid-19.
Untuk mempersingkat cerita, izinkan aku menjelaskan gejala covid-19 dari hari 1 sampai hari 14 yang ku rasakan. Gejala ini bisa saja berbeda antar tiap orang mengingat kondisi tubuh, imun, dan penyakit penyerta lainnya. Karena gejalaku dengan gejala adik maupun ayahku berbeda-beda. Intinya kurang lebih seperti ini…
Hari 1: demam tinggi disertai pusing dan nyeri kepala. Badan lemas dan sakit tenggorokan
Hari 2: demam turun setelah diberi obat, badan seakan-akan sudah sembuh
Hari 3: batuk kering, pilek, tetapi demam sudah turun
Hari 4: demam sudah hilang tetapi batuk semakin berat. Saat batuk, dada terasa ikut sakit seolah-olah ingin mengeluarkan sesuatu dari dalam paru-paru. Terkadang waktu batuk, kepala ikut sakit
Hari 5: indra penciuman hilang. Tidak bisa membau apapun. Inilah anosmia. Gejala yang paling identik saat terkena virus covid-19
Hari 6-7: gejala masih sama dengan hari 4-5
Hari 8: masih batuk, pilek, badan sedikit demam lagi dan sakit tenggorokan. Tidur harus diganjal bantal yang tinggi supaya masih bisa bernafas. Jika dibandingkan dengan flu biasa, ingus pilek akibat covid-19 ini lebih encer di luar tetapi berat di dalam hidung
Hari 9-13: masih batuk tetapi intensitasnya berkurang. Sejauh yang aku tau, anosmia tidak akan hilang kalau kita masih pilek
Hari 14: aku minum obat pilek alhamdulillah pileknya hilang sedikit2, dan indra penciumanku sudah kembali. Tetapi perlu dilatih terus menerus. Setiap hari membau minyak kayu putih. Terkadang air panas dicampur minyak kayu putih kemudian uapnya dihirup. Kadang juga air panas dicampur garam kemudian uapnya dihirup. Semua hal dilakukan minimal 2x sehari. Tidak lupa untuk selalu berjemur setiap hari di jam 10 ke atas. Usahakan minimal 30 menit. Kemarin setelah berjemur badan selalu lebih enakan daripada kondisi sebelumnya. Jangan lupa tetap pakai masker saat berjemur. (edit: ternyata saran berjemur menurut dokter spesialis paru adalah maksimal 15 menit, lebih dari itu tidak baik untuk kesehatan kulit. Sebaiknya berjemur dilakukan antara jam 10-12 siang dengan posisi punggung terkena sinar matahari langsung)
Pada pengalamanku, alhamdulillah indra perasaku tidak hilang. Jadi hanya anosmia saja. Tetapi dari semua gejala yang dirasakan ayah dan adikku, hanya batukku yang sedikit lebih lama dari yang lain. Hingga hari ke 14 aku tetap batuk dan sedikit pilek, tetapi pelan-pelan anosmiaku sudah sembuh dengan perlahan.
Kesimpulan: kunci untuk mempercepat kesembuhan dari covid-19 adalah pikiran yang positif, semangat sembuh, lawan covid dengan banyak makan, minum suplemen makanan dan vitamin setiap hari, karena memang tidak ada obat untuk covid19, hanya bergantung pada imun masing-masing. Obat-obatan yang diberikan hanya sebatas menurunkan gejala sampingan seperti demam dan batuk pilek, tetapi tidak langsung menghilangkan virus covid itu sendiri. Antibodi tubuh masing-masing lah yang dapat melawan virus covid-19. Itulah mengapa pentingnya ikut vaksin agar tubuh sudah mengenali makhluk asing yang masuk ke dalam tubuh sehingga sudah siap dan membentuk antibodi lebih awal. Aku sendiri waktu itu sudah vaksin dosis pertama, baru kemudian terpapar covid19. Ayahku sudah vaksin dosis lengkap. Alhamdulillah ayahku masih diberi keselamatan oleh Allah SWT mengingat ayahku punya diabetes (dan sejauh yang aku tau, banyak penderita covid19 dan diabetes yang tidak bisa sembuh). Adikku keduanya belum pernah ikut vaksin tetapi alhamdulillah karena mungkin masih muda jadi kekebalan imunnya masih tinggi. Intinya, menurutku vaksin bisa sedikit menguatkan imun tubuh.
Sekian cerita dariku. Terima kasih ya Allah, Engkau masih memberikan karuniaMu pada keluarga kami sehingga kami sekeluarga berhasil melewati ujian ini. Ucapan terima kasih terspesial juga untuk keluarga besar, kerabat, teman-teman yang turut mendoakan dan mensupport kami.
Pesanku tetap jaga prokes, jangan lengah, usahakan selalu hidup sehat dan makan makanan yang bergizi. Pikiran harus positif. Ingat covid-19 bukanlah aib tetapi ujian yang harus kita menangkan! Stay safe semuanya, semoga kalian sehat-sehat dimanapun kalian berada.
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absolutereviewer · 3 years
How To Get Taste And Smell Back After Covid-19
Corona virus (Covid-19) is a crazy virus and during the early stages or after recovery patients suffer from a temporary loss of smell and taste. In scientific terms, this condition is also known as anosmia. Here we will discuss how to get the taste and smell back after Covid-19.
I remember seeing a video where a guy was Coronavirus (Covid-19) positive and has mild symptoms. He also lost taste and smell and he tried eating and smelling weird things such as onion, garlic, soy sauce and tried to smell some very high-smelling objects. Nothing worked and in the end, all he could do was to wait until he gets his smelling and tasting power naturally.
The question arises why does this happen that you lose the sense of taste and smell after Coronavirus (covid-19)?
As per many doctors and physicians, it is concluded that due to the virus attack an inflammatory reaction inside the nose leads to a loss of olfactory neurons. This is the main reason patients lose the sense of taste and smell.
It has been reported that 86% of patients who have suffered from Covid-19 have faced the problem of anosmia.
When will you get your sense of smell and taste back after covid?
It is highly unlikely that Covid-19 will permanently damage the olfactory neural circuits. Once you have recovered from the infection your sense of smell and taste will also come to recovery.
Most of the patients regained their sense of smell and taste back after 20-30 days of recovery. It is also seen in some cases that patients experience light anosmia even after 60 days of recovery.
There is no exact answer when you regain your sense of tasting and smelling as it depends from person to person.
You can try some home remedies to regain the sense of smell and taste after recovering from Covid-19.
Here’s how you can regain your sense of taste and smell back using home remedies after Covid-19.
Castor Oil
Putting a drop of warm castor oil in each nostril twice a day will help you in getting your senses back. Castor oil helps in eliminating inflammation and thus helps in quick recovery.
Garlic has anti-inflammatory properties and its soup can help you in the treatment of a stuffy nose or anosmia. Garlic has a lot of other health benefits as well. It will help you in a speedy recovery.
Adding a few drops of lemon juice to water and drinking it can help you in regaining your sense of taste and smell quicker. This mixture has a strong citrusy smell and gives you the much-needed Vitamin C naturally.
Chewing small pieces of ginger within regular intervals can help you to get your taste and smell back after covid faster. Ginger has a very strong aroma and you can also have ginger tea if chewing it directly is hard for you.
Peppermint has a high flavor and aroma to it. Boiling a few leaves in a cup of water and adding some honey after the solution has become lukewarm will help you a lot in recovering from taste and smell loss.
Peppermint contains menthol which has amazing anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. It can help you in a speedy recovery and get your sense of taste and smell back after Covid.
Take some Steam
Hot steam can help you with nasal congestion and nose blockage and will give you an open gate to breathe easily.
Drink plenty of water
Drinking water is also advised normally and drinking plenty of it helps you in clearing unwanted cough. Water helps you in staying hydrated and having lukewarm water can give you amazing results as well. It can help you to regain your sense of taste and smell after Covid.
Eating something that tastes funny
Many videos have surfaced on the internet where people are trying to regain their sense of taste and smell by eating weird stuff. Some of the examples include eating a burnt orange or biting into an onion-like apple. Some even tried to eat spices directly to gain their smell back.
All these ways might seem absurd but sometimes they work. So be ready for some experimenting.
Vitamin A supplements
Nasal sprays rich in Alpha-lipoic acid or vitamin A can be very helpful. But we would recommend that you should talk to a physician first before trying any medicine.
Olfactory nerves exercise
You can ask your doctor about some olfactory training which may include smelling some weird stuff. This can work as training for your senses.
You can follow any of these home remedies if you have recently recovered from Corona virus Covid-19. All of them are natural and helps you in fighting the infection as well.
The best time to perform these activities is the morning time, or you can also follow the remedies twice or thrice a day. They have little to no harm.
It is important that you gain the sense of smell and taste after you are recovered from Covid-19 naturally. We strongly recommend you to not take any medicines or too many antibiotics to treat your smell and taste buds.
The best thing is to try some diet changes and home remedies and wait for the senses to come back to normal naturally.
If it has been too many days then try consulting a doctor, do not take medicines or antibiotics deliberately.
Are there any long-term risks related to the physical or psychological traits of human beings?
Anosmia or loss of taste or smell is a curious phenomenon. If sustained for a long time it can have adverse effects on human beings.
People will start to lose their appetites as the food will start to taste bland. This can further lead to vitamin deficiencies.
There are other risks involved as well. Suppose there is a gas leak at your home and you have anosmia, the consequences could be dire.
Luckily we have no such data that supports the fact that Covid-19 infection permanently damages the sense of taste and smell.
You will start to regain your sense of taste or smell sooner or later.
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laelanurulk · 3 years
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Satu tahun sudah berlalu sejak pertama kali virus covid-19 menyebar di Indonesia. Kementrian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia mencatat sudah lebih dari satu juta orang yang terkonfirmasi positif covid-19 di Indonesia. Beragam upaya dilakukan oleh pemerintah guna mencegah penularan virus tersebut. Protokol kesehatan dengan jargon 3M (mencuci tangan, menjaga jarak, dan memakai masker) pun gencar digaungkan. Beragam reaksi dari masyarakat mengenai protokol kesehatan tersebut. Ada yang patuh melaksanakannya, ada yang setengah hati, ada juga penganut teori konspirasi yang sama sekali tidak percaya dengan virus covid-19 sehingga abai terhadap protokol kesehatan.
Dari data satu juta orang yang terkonfirmasi positif covid-19, adalah saya dan suami juga mungkin termasuk ke dalamnya. Padahal kami sudah patuh terhadap protokol kesehatan guna terhindar dari virus tersebut, namun Allah berkehendak lain.
Pertengahan bulan Desember 2020, saya, suami, dan anak yang masih bayi pergi dari Palembang ke Bandung. Rencananya saya akan menetap beberapa bulan di Bandung, karena dari awal melahirkan hingga anak berusia empat bulan belum pernah pulang ke Bandung untuk menemui orangtua. Hari ketiga di Bandung, suami meriang. Saya pikir masuk angin biasa, jadi santai saja. Keesokan harinya ia merasa sudah baikan dan siap pergi ke Lampung untuk bekerja. Setelah beberapa hari di Lampung, suami masih merasa tidak enak badan. Akhirnya timbul inisiatif untuk melakukan rapid test antigen. Alhamdulillah, hasilnya positif. Kondisi badannya terasa makin memburuk dan di kantornya tidak ada yang bisa merawat karena saya saat itu masih berada di Bandung. Kemudian tanggal 25 Desember 2020, suami pulang ke Palembang menggunakan mobil pribadi bersama kakaknya.
Setelah dua hari isolasi mandiri di rumahnya, ia pun swab test di sebuah rumah sakit swasta. Tiga hari kemudian hasilnya keluar. Alhamdulillah, hasilnya positif. Gejala yang terasa saat itu adalah meriang, hilang nafsu makan, dan lemas. Karena merasa gejalanya ringan, suami memutuskan untuk meneruskan isolasi mandiri di rumah.
Setelah dikabari hasil swab test suami, karena merasa pernah kontak erat, kurang lebih tiga hari setelahnya saya pun swab test di sebuah rumah sakit daerah. Keesokan harinya, hasil swab test pun keluar. Alhamdulillah, hasilnya negatif.
Awal bulan Januari 2021, ayah saya pergi ke luar kota untuk menemui orangtuanya. Ayah termasuk salah satu orang yang abai terhadap protokol kesehatan. Sehingga ketika bepergian ke luar kota pun ia tidak menggunakan masker. Satu hari setelahnya, ia merasa meriang. Sebenarnya sudah biasa ayah seperti itu tiap kali pulang dari luar kota. Kami (saya dan ibu) pun tidak ada curiga sama sekali. Beberapa hari setelahnya timbul gejala flu biasa. Untuk keamanan, ayah tidak diperbolehkan menggendong cucunya yang masih bayi. Kurang lebih empat hari dari kepulangan ayah dari luar kota, kami (saya, anak, dan ibu) pun meriang. Alhamdulillah hanya berlangsung selama satu hari. Namun keesokan harinya timbul gejala flu. Setelah gejala flu hilang, saya mengalami anosmia (hilangnya indra penciuman). Suatu hal yang biasa terjadi ketika flu, maka diabaikanlah gejala tersebut. Dua hari berselang, anosmia tak juga hilang. Mulailah ada kecurigaan saya terpapar virus covid-19. Sejak hari itu rutin mengkonsumsi vitamin, makan buah dan sayur, minum madu, banyak minum air putih hangat, setiap hari kamar disemprot disinfektan, juga berjemur setiap pagi. Alhamdulillah anosmia pun hilang setelah lima hari.
Ibu saya lain lagi ceritanya. Setelah hilang gejala flu, muncul gejala lain seperti anosmia, kehilangan nafsu makan, lemas, hingga sesak nafas. Ketika sesak nafas sudah terasa cukup parah, ia pun dilarikan ke UGD rumah sakit daerah yang berjarak kurang lebih 300 meter dari rumah. Oleh pihak rumah sakit, disarankan untuk isolasi disana karena ibu terindikasi covid-19.
Di hari yang sama, setelah sepuluh hari dari awal gejala, saya dan ayah melakukan swab test di Puskesmas, ibu melakukan swab test di rumah sakit. Di luar dugaan, hasil swab test ibu negatif, ayah negatif, saya positif. Hal pertama yang saya rasakan adalah bingung. Iya bingung. Bagaimana bisa ayah yang paling awal bergejala dan ibu yang gejalanya cukup parah, hasil swab test-nya negatif. Sedangkan saya yang gejalanya terasa ringan bahkan saat swab test sudah terasa sehat, hasilnya positif.
Pada hari yang sama saat hasil swab test saya keluar, hasil swab test suami yang ketiga kalinya pun keluar. Alhamdulillah, kali ini hasilnya negatif. Terkadang hidup ini memang terasa lucu. Saya dan suami hanya bisa tertawa melihat hasil swab test. Bagaimana tidak, ketika suami positif, saya negatif. Sekarang ketika suami negatif, saya positif.
Kami percaya bahwa semua ada dalam genggaman Allah SWT, termasuk hasil swab test. Jadi pasrahkan semuanya kepada Allah, apapun hasilnya.
Poin-poin yang ingin saya sampaikan dari pengalaman pribadi ini adalah:
Tetap waspada, bukan curiga Kita berhadapan dengan musuh yang sulit dilihat dengan mata telanjang, karena virus ukurannya mikrsokopis. Sehingga harus waspada, karena virus bisa ada dimana saja dan kapan saja. Tak perlu mencurigai semua orang yang kita temui, juga semua barang yang kita sentuh.
Laksanakan protokol kesehatan bersama-sama Ya, melaksanakan protokol kesehatan (mencuci tangan, menggunakan masker, dan menjaga jarak) ini tidak bisa sendiri, orang-orang di sekitar pun harus melaksanakannya. Karena ketika hanya kita sendiri yang melaksanakan dan orang lain tidak, kemungkinan tertular virus pun sangat besar. Maka ingatkan mereka, agar kita bisa sehat bersama.
Terapkan pola hidup sehat Pola hidup sehat ini memang seharusnya sudah lama kita lakukan sebelum adanya pandemi. Seperti makan buah dan sayur, berolahraga, minum air putih yang cukup, berjemur di pagi hari, minum vitamin, dan sebagainya. Saya pun dulu termasuk orang yang abai terhadap hal-hal tersebut. Setelah terkena virus covid-19, barulah tersadar dan berusaha menerapkan pola hidup sehat setiap harinya.
Sakit dan sembuh adalah kehendak Allah Setelah kita waspada, melaksanakan protokol kesehatan, juga menerapkan pola hidup sehat, yang terakhir dilakukan adalah pasrahkan segalanya pada Allah SWT. Karena datangnya sakit adalah kehendakNya, pun sehat adalah kehendakNya. Laa hawla wa laa quwwata illaa billaah. Tugas kita hanyalah berusaha semaksimal mungkin dan berdoa.
Alhamdulillah saat membuat tulisan ini, saya dan keluarga sudah sehat seperti sedia kala. Pernah terkena virus covid-19 bukan berarti setelahnya kebal terhadap virus tersebut. Maka kami pun tetap melaksanakan protokol kesehatan. Harapan saya, semoga kita selalu diberi kesehatan oleh Allah SWT. Aamiin.
Bandung, 11 Februari 2021
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doctormike · 4 years
Loss of Smell and Taste after COVID-19 Infection
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Dear Families and Friends, There has been a lot in the news lately about a loss of the sense of smell during and after cases of COVID-19, especially in younger patients.  I was recently featured on a television news segment about this problem, and I have seen kids with this in my practice.  Since I got a lot of good feedback on my previous emails about COVID-19 testing and the serious inflammatory condition in children linked to the pandemic, I thought that I would update you all about how this happens, and what can be done.  
Smell and taste have always been neglected in the world of medical science.  There is a good deal of research done about the eyes and the ears; many resources and adaptive technologies are available for people with visual or hearing impairment.  But problems with the senses of smell and taste (which are closely linked) can be very disturbing, causing serious quality-of-life issues.  Not only can smell and taste problems interfere with our enjoyment of eating, they can be dangerous.  These senses evolved to protect us; people with these issues are at risk since they can’t easily detect smoke, fumes or spoiled food. We are starting to understand that, just like many other viruses, the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19 can lead to olfactory dysfunction (OD).  This is a loss of the ability to smell, or a change in how familiar substances smell.  And this, as we will see, can cause problems with taste as well.
OD can be one of the earliest signs of COVID-19.  Less commonly, it can be a lingering symptom that arrives later in the course of an illness, and it can last for some time after recovery.  There is some evidence that patients with smell disturbances do better overall and are less likely to have a life threatening course of the illness.  Results vary with different population groups, but it seems that more than half of people with COVID-19 experience an alteration in their ability to smell. Of course, no one has any long term experience with this disease, so much of what we do to treat OD and to give a prognosis is based on our experience with other infections.  But still, early research suggests that this condition can be managed in a similar fashion.  Keep in mind that if you or your child suddenly lose your sense of smell, that might be an early (or the only) sign of COVID-19.  Contact your primary care doctor about the need for diagnostic testing, but in the interim self isolation would be appropriate. I think that it’s important to discuss some basic anatomy and terms here.  There are a number of processes that are often lumped together in this area, but which are very different.
Olfaction (smell): This is the sense that responds to odor molecules (odorants) in the air that flows through the nose.  Typical odor molecules come from things like cinnamon, lavender or cloves.  The molecules flow through the nasal airway (from the nostrils or the mouth) and interact with the olfactory nerve endings (the first cranial nerve), embedded in the lining of the roof of the nose.  This generates signals that are carried out of the nose into structures on the underside of the brain - the olfactory bulb and tract.  From there, the signals go into the brain, which then recognizes familiar scents.
Gustation (taste):  This is the sense that responds to chemicals that touch various parts of the  mouth.  There are five types of taste - sweet, salty, sour, bitter and umami (savory).  The sense organs are taste buds, and they also send signals to the brain through cranial nerves.  There are a number of nerve systems that carry these signals, but the main ones supplying the front of the tongue travel to the brain in the facial nerve (the seventh cranial nerve).
Chemesthesis:  This is often confused with taste and smell.  Like them, it is a signal transmitted by nerves to the brain from chemicals in the mouth or nose.  But it isn’t olfaction or gustation, it’s a type of touch sensation, picked up by structures similar to pain receptors.  This involves different types of chemicals than those that trigger the taste and smell systems.  For example, in the mouth they are triggered by capsaicin (from chili peppers) or menthol.  In the nose, ammonia would cause this response.  This is an important system to protect against toxins and other irritating environmental chemicals.  These impulses are primarily carried by the trigeminal nerve (the fifth cranial nerve).
Flavor:  This is what you get when the brain combines the information from the olfaction, gustation and chemesthesis systems above, along with other touch sensations in the mouth (texture) to result in a recognizable sensation associated with specific foods.  It is also why people will report problems tasting their food when they lose their sense of smell - there is nothing wrong with the taste buds, but the brain can’t put everything together without all of the information.  
Anosmia:  The lack of smell, and a type of OD.  Patients with anosmia don’t smell odorants at all, although they will respond to things like ammonia (which, as we discussed, is not really a smell response at high concentrations).  Sometimes the word “hyposmia” is used to indicate a reduced but not completely absent sense of smell.
Parosmia:  A distorted sense of smell, and another type of OD.  In many cases of parosmia, normal food can smell and taste bad enough to cause nausea.
Phantosmia:  Smelling things that aren’t there, also known as olfactory hallucination.  This is more commonly associated with neurological conditions like seizures or Parkinson’s disease, head trauma, or less commonly, sinusitis.
So what actually causes OD?  Loss of smell can be caused by blockage of airflow through the nose (“conductive” OD), or by damage to the olfactory bulb, or nerves themselves (“sensorineural” OD).  Interestingly, the same terms are used to distinguish between the types of hearing loss. Conductive OD would be what you experience with a bad cold, allergies or sinusitis.  The nose is so stuffed up that there isn't enough airflow for odor molecules to make it through the nose to be smelled.  Sensorineural OD can be congenital, related to trauma or to a neurological process.  In this context it would be the result of a viral infection.  This is a well known symptom with many viruses, and it seems to be common in COVID-19, as mentioned above. Recent research suggests that in COVID-19, it is not the olfactory nerves themselves that are damaged by the virus, but the cells that surround and support them high up in the roof of the nose, in a small area known as the olfactory cleft.  So while technically this is a type of localized obstruction, interfering with the function of the nerves, these patients don't have swelling and blockage of the rest of the nasal airway, and they don't complain of a stuffy nose.  But because of injury to the supporting cells, the neurons may not be able to do their job transmitting odor information to the brain.
Conductive OD is treated in a similar manner to otters types of nasal obstruction - a diagnosis is made (allergies, sinusitis, etc..) and then specific medical or surgical treatment can be offered to improve the nasal airflow, which should also improve smell and taste.  The sensorineural OD that follows COVID-19 would not necessarily respond to these measures.  Fortunately, there is a lot of turnover of the tissue in the olfactory cleft - it is one of the areas in the body where nerve cells regenerate regularly and quickly.  This is what make the prognosis for post viral OD fairly good.
With other viruses, recovery from OD may be quick (weeks), or it may linger for months or years.  Of course, we don't know how long post-COVID OD will last, but most patients who recover do so in a relatively short time.  There are still a few patients who - five months into the pandemic - still haven't recovered from this, but it will be years before we have good long-term data about this condition.  During recovery, the sense of smell may vary from day to day.  This can be frustrating, but there are some things that you can do to help improve the chances of recovering normal smell and taste. 
One of the best online resources that I have found for people with OD is abscent.org, the website of a patient support organization based in the UK.  While they provide information about many types of OD, they have a lot of material specific to COVID-19 associated smell and taste issues.  Their instructions for olfactory training (OT) are particularly helpful.  
OT is a way of rehabilitating patients with post-viral sensorineural OD.  Familiar odorants are presented on a regular basis, twice a day, for several months.  It is important to keep notes of your progress, which helps with the recovery process.  You can make the kits to do OT yourself, or you can buy premade kits online.  This is something that you can do on your own, without the need for a special therapist.  It is important to find a quiet space and time without distractions, and to realize that improvement will not happen overnight.  Don’t get discouraged when starting out.  Mental visualization is important as well, so when practicing with each odorant, try to keep the source of that smell in mind, to help re-establish the nerve and brain pathways that let you recognize a certain scent accurately.
While there isn’t much evidence to support medical therapy in other forms of post-viral sensorineural OD, some success has been seen with vitamin A applied to the nose or omega-3 dietary supplements (which may help the nerve pathways regrow). Omega-3 also has some anti-inflammatory properties, which could limit injury to the cells of the olfactory cleft  Of course, we still don’t know if these are effective with COVID-19 related OD, but it stands to reason that they might help if the mechanism of injury is similar, and there aren’t many risks to their use.  It’s hard to give an overall prognosis, but information from pre-COVID research suggests that at least 2/3 of these patients get some recovery, even without treatment.  Steroids are occasionally used for nasal conditions, but they are not recommended in this case, because of concerns about suppressing the immune system during infection with a potentially deadly virus.
So if your child has suffered a loss or change in smell or taste after an infection, I would be happy to see them to ensure that there is no nasal obstruction contributing to the problem.  Following that, smell training and the supplements mentioned above provide an excellent chance of recovery.  Just remember, if this happens to you, be especially sure that your smoke detectors are working and check the expiration dates on your food carefully!
I hope that you are all managing the stresses of this time.  While the COVID-19 rates in the New York area have decreased considerably, we are watching outbreaks elsewhere in the country and trying to keep the medical and financial impact of the pandemic to a minimum.  As our state governments move towards a phased recovery, be patient, and remember that it is important to monitor the data every day, and change policies accordingly.  There is nothing wrong with making a call one day and walking it back the next.  That isn’t hypocrisy or inconsistency, it’s governance based on ever changing information.  Remember, this is a brand new virus that we are learning more and more about every day.
Even as we move back to a more “normal” existence, as we move towards socialization and outdoor meals, we need to do this safely.  As the playgrounds and beaches reopen, we are all responsible for keeping the trends moving in the right direction.  That means hand hygiene, mask use when indoors and/or near others, and applying the principals of social distancing when appropriate.  There is no book that tells us exactly what to do in every conceivable situation, and we all are struggling to find the right balance between safety and the need for human contact.  Each of us providing in-person services has come up with strategies to keep the risks to an acceptable level.
Yes, the safest thing to do is for everyone to stay in strict isolation until there is a vaccine, but it’s pretty clear that we aren’t going to do that for a number of reasons.  All we can do is to make smart, informed decisions based on the best data and expert opinions that we have.  Listen with an open mind.  Give people the benefit of the doubt.
And always be there for each other, no matter how socially distant you are.
Best, Michael Rothschild, MD
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torchsongdiva · 4 years
Surviving Covid 19
  Close friends, family, and some people who follow me as a musician on social media are aware that I was recently very ill with Covid 19. I live alone which presented a few challenges, and am still recuperating, well over a month later. 
  I haven’t said too much about it online, apart from trying to battle the disinformation about the disease out there, and privately providing information and moral support to those who have become ill more recently than I, and who felt lost and confused by the system in place. 
  However, I feel that it’s time that I spoke about this publicly, in the hope of helping others and perhaps saving a few lives.
  The biggest problem we face right now is a lack of easily accessible information. I have research experience, which helped me a great deal to understand what was happening to me, but not everyone has that skill set and therefore I hope my experience will be useful. 
  In the UK they have three symptoms listed on the NHS website, just three. This is wholly inaccurate and has cost lives. I am a member of a number of Covid survivors groups, and most of those in these groups share similar experiences to myself, and are still in recovery.
  Symptoms of Covid 19 include, but are not limited to the following -
1. Fever ( I had this on the 1st night, but didn’t get another one until week 2, when I was hit with fevers, cold sweats and teeth chattering chills which came and went for the next 2 weeks. They do come and go intermittently for longer than that while you recuperate but they aren’t the same)
2. Dry Cough ( I personally only had this on the first night, I never really had a cough for the rest of the illness)
3. Anosmia ( I personally didn’t experience this, I did however experience a severe change in taste and smell in week 2. Everything smelled and tasted of chemicals which was extremely unpleasant. I would have preferred a complete loss than the experience that I had. Thankfully it passed after a few days, though I still occasionally detect that chemical taste momentarily)
4. Fatigue (This is a hard one to explain as I’ve never really experienced anything like it. That seems to be the opinion of all others who have had it too. On Wk1 I just felt exhausted, on Wk 2 it hit me like a sledgehammer. I now understand this was silent hypoxia. I could barely get out of my chair to walk 6 feet to the kettle. Just picking something up off the floor was like climbing Mount Everest. Just because you are not in bed doesn’t mean you aren’t seriously ill. I am now on week 10 and am still experiencing fatigue after mild exercise, and this is something most Covid survivors are reporting. My advice would be to get an oximeter and call the paramedics if it drops below 95. I didn’t have one but they suspect it was probably very low)
5. Shortness of breath/tight chest ( I didn’t really notice this but I wasn’t able to move around much with the fatigue)
6. Fainting/blacking out (This happened to me on week 2. I probably needed oxygen support and could also have been low blood pressure due to the blood rushing to my organs in defence against the virus, but either way I should have had medical support. I have been told since that I could have died. 111 symptom checker was still not advising anything other than staying at home, and didn’t have the option to add any of these symptoms)
7. Gastric problems ( Many people contract the gastric version of Covid 19/ This is not something that 111 has much information about, and is potentially as lethal as the mainly respiratory version. I was eating relatively normally but lost my appetite on week 2 with the change in taste and smell. I personally started with the gastric symptoms in week 3, vomiting and diarrhoea on day 21, diarrhoea for the next few days, and morning gastric issues for the next 2 weeks. Stomach is still iffy on and off)
8. Reduced lung capacity ( This seems to be very common. My local pharmacy is reporting a huge increase in the number of inhalers being prescribed, and I’m aware of many people globally with the same issue. I’m a professional saxophonist and singer, and despite having the gastric version, have currently got the lung capacity of an 85 year old woman with asthma.)
  I have no idea if my condition will improve, chest X-rays have shown nothing, which I understand is quite common. Fibrosis may only show up via CT, and needs early treatment, but my GP is not allowed to refer anyone for CT scans, or to the respiratory clinic in my area, as they are only dealing with cancer patients currently. There is no post Covid treatment in place, my GP and others I have spoken to, are angry at the lack of information being fed to them from NHS England. They are being left to wing it, and do their own research. This very important stage, dealing with the long and sometimes complicated recovery from this disease has not been considered by this government. I find this unsurprising given that they chose to adopt a fire fighting approach to the  outbreak. This needs action now though, to prevent long term health damage which could be avoided if dealt with early in recovery.
  Other symptoms include rashes, headaches, ear and eye problems, dehydration, dizziness. brain fog and confusion. Also feet can develop purple lesions on the soles which then disappear. I experienced that very briefly, plus a very short period where the soles of my feet turned black, which I believe relates to low blood pressure, but it did frighten me when it occurred. 
  I personally felt quite dizzy, was inhaling large volumes of water during the illness and am still experiencing brain fog and blurred vision at times, something that others are also reporting. I began craving fresh fruit and ice-cream, probably Vitamin C and Potassium at the end of the illness. This disease lowers potassium levels and I’ve been following my body’s wishes by eating a lot more fresh fruit, especially bananas, for potassium. 
  During the period of fevers I was avoiding using paracetamol except at night, as fever is important for making your body a hostile environment for the virus. I’m also on other medication for long term medical issues, including blood thinners, which may have protected me against the blood clots that seem to be a big problem with this disease, but I can’t be certain of that, so I’ll leave those studies to the scientists.
  I also found that baths helped me feel a lot better but I did find it very hard to get in and out of the bath during the second week, so it probably wasn’t that good an idea, as I was living alone.
  Many people may have mild symptoms for a few days, fever, cough etc. and then feel absolutely fine, others may show no symptoms at all. 
  You also hear about the tragic deaths, and people who can’t breathe so need to be supported with oxygen and/or ventilators.
  What they aren’t telling you is that there are a large number of people, yet to be counted in the official figures, and/or tested, that have a serious form of the disease, but don’t end up in hospital, due to the incorrect list of symptoms. 
  111 in the UK have failed to identify people with dangerously low 02 levels, who suffer from what is being called ‘happy hypoxia’, due to the woefully inadequate symptom checking system.
  Most of the people I know that have had the virus, and there are many, have gone through this horrific illness without help, or recognition, because of the flawed symptom check and lack of testing. I have only been offered a test this week, long after I would have tested positive, but even then the site wouldn’t allow me to order one. I now need an antibody test, but can’t get one of those at present either.
We deserve better.
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koleksi-bacaan · 2 years
Resep Mengobati Covid-19 Sendiri di Rumah Itu Menyesatkan
Sumber: https://tirto.id/resep-mengobati-covid-19-sendiri-di-rumah-itu-menyesatkan-gos2 Oleh: Irma Garnesia - 6 Februari 2022 tirto.id - Beberapa waktu belakangan, sebuah tangkapan layar pesan tersebar di platform berkirim pesan, WhatsApp. Pesan yang telah dikirim berulang kali itu menyampaikan sebuah cara mengobati pasien Covid-19. Narasi lengkap pesan tersebut berbunyi, “Kami perkumpulan dokter dr wisma atlit.... Menyampaikan :Kalau ada yg kena covid tidak perlu panik dan tidak harus ke RS kalau memang tidak terlalu parah sesak napas sampai perlu ICU dan ventilator, karena saat ini RS khusus covid semua penuh, Bisa diobati sendiri, obat di RS untuk pasien covid seperti ini”. Pesan tersebut kemudian dilanjutkan dengan resep-resep perawatan seperti pada gambar.
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Lantas, benarkah pesan tersebut disebarkan oleh Dokter dari RS Wisma Atlet? Kemudian, benarkah resep yang dimaksud memang bisa digunakan untuk mengobati seluruh jenis gejala yang ditimbulkan oleh Covid-19? Penelusuran Fakta Tirto melakukan pencarian terhadap informasi yang dimaksud di atas. Lalu, kami menemukan bahwa informasi serupa seperti ini juga pernah viral pada 2021. Waktu itu, Tirto pernah menuliskan bahwa resep yang beredar di internet tidak bisa digunakan untuk mengobati semua pasien Covid-19. 
Direktur Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Penyakit Menular Kementerian Kesehatan (Kemenkes), Siti Nadia Tarmizi, juga menyebutkan melalui konfirmasi pada lembaga pemeriksa fakta Liputan6.com bahwa pesan berantai itu bukan dari dokter Rumah Sakit Wisma Atlet. 
"Ini tidak resmi dari RS Wisma Atlet," kata Nadia pada 3 Juli 2021. Menurutnya pula, penggunaan obat dalam resep tersebut bukan untuk pengobatan sendiri, dan harus di bawah pengawasan dokter. 
"Harus dibawah pengawasan dokter dan bukan pengobatan sendiri," tuturnya. 
Pada 2021, Tirto juga pernah bertanya pada dr. Fairuz Primagita, dokter umum di RS Mitra Keluarga, Bekasi terkait pengobatan pasien Covid-19. Menurut penjelasan dokter yang akrab disapa dr Gita ini, terapi COVID-19 untuk pasien dibedakan menjadi empat kelas, yakni pasien yang terkonfirmasi positif dari tes swab antigen atau tes swab polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tapi tidak bergejala, pasien positif bergejala ringan, pasien positif bergejala sedang, dan pasien positif bergejala berat. 
“Nah, orang-orang yang tidak bergejala itu cukup diberi vitamin saja. Mereka tidak butuh terapi antivirus, cukup konsumsi vitamin, lalu isolasi selama 10 hari. Kalau pun hasil PCR-nya nanti masih positif, itu dianggap tidak menularkan virus lagi, dan meski masih positif, yang terdeteksi hanya bangkai virus saja," kata dr. Gita pada Tirto (6/7/2021). 
Selanjutnya, ada pula orang-orang yang terkonfirmasi positif COVID-19 dengan gejala ringan. Contoh keluhannya di antaranya demam, batuk pilek, nyeri tenggorokan, kehilangan penciuman (anosmia), dan lain-lain. Namun, menurut dr. Gita, gejala ini masih bisa ditangani dengan pemberian obat batuk atau obat demam. 
“Apabila orang-orang ini harus diberi antivirus, cukup Oseltamivir saja bersama dengan vitamin C dan vitamin D," tambahnya. 
Sementara itu, menurut dr. Gita, orang-orang yang positif COVID-19 dengan gejala sedangperlu dirawat di rumah sakit. Gejala sedang di antaranya demam atau sesak napas, sehingga pasien membutuhkan oksigen. 
“Nah, orang-orang yang dirawat dan bergejala sedang ini nantinya akan dapat obat terapi antivirus seperti Favipiravir dan obat anti radang seperti Dexamethasone," katanya. 
Di sisi lain, orang-orang yang terinfeksi virus SARS‑CoV‑2 dengan gejala berat, misalnya yang memiliki saturasi oksigen rendah dan mengalami sesak berat, perlu mendapatkan perawatan di ruang intensif atau intensive care unit (ICU). 
“Terapinya memang obat-obatan seperti yang di foto itu, tapi dosisnya tidak sepenuhnya tepat seperti kapan harus diberikan dan sebagainya,” tambah dr. Gita. 
Selain itu, dr. Gita juga menjelaskan tentang obat antivirus. Dokter Gita menyatakan bahwa tidak semua pasien perlu mengonsumsinya. Pasien dengan gejala ringan atau tidak bergejala tidak perlu obat antivirus. Kalaupun pasien dengan gejala ringan atau tidak bergejala perlu diberi obat antivirus, obat yang diberikan mungkin berupa Oseltamivir, tidak perlu Favipiravir. Konsumsi obat ini pun perlu dipantau oleh dokter, untuk mengantisipasi respon tubuh terhadap obat tersebut, tambah dr. Gita. 
Lebih jauh lagi, terkait obat batuk, dr. Gita menyarankan jika batuk yang dirasakan tidak bisa ditangani dengan obat batuk biasa, atau dengan mengurangi konsumsi minuman dingin dan makanan berminyak, barulah perlu dipertimbangkan penggunaan obat-obatan untuk mengurangi gejala saja. Ini pun harus dengan resep dokter. 
Selanjutnya, dr. Gita berpendapat bahwa obat demam sendiri masih bisa didapatkan secara bebas. 
“Itu pun dengan catatan jika suhu di atas 38 (derajat Celsius). Jika suhu tubuh antara 37,5 hingga 38 (mengingat suhu normal manusia 36-37 derajat Celcius), kita coba kompres dengan air hangat di seluruh lipatan-lipatan tubuh. Kemudian, jika suhu tubuh di atas 38 derajat Celsius, atau jika pasien punya kecenderungan kejang, baru diberi obat penurun panas dengan dosis disesuaikan dengan berat badan," katanya. 
Lalu dr. Gita juga menjelaskan bahwa dokter biasanya tak memberi obat penurun panas sebanyak satu tablet pada anak-anak, berbeda dengan dosis untuk pasien dewasa. Hal ini dengan asumsi bahwa berat pasien dewasa lebih dari 60 kilogram. 
Terakhir, dr. Gita juga menyarankan obat-obatan yang bisa dikonsumsi bebas oleh masyarakat mungkin hanya vitamin C, vitamin D, dan obat untuk meredakan gejala COVID-19 seperti parasetamol dan obat batuk. Di luar itu, dr. Gita tidak menyarankan untuk membeli dan mengonsumsi obat-obatan yang tercantum di unggahan itu sendiri tanpa pengawasan dokter. Sebab, ada efek samping dari obat yang harus dipantau, dosis yang harus sesuai, dan pertimbangan lainnya. Kesimpulan
Berdasarkan penelusuran fakta yang telah dilakukan, informasi penggunaan obat-obatan yang disebut bisa dipakai untuk mengobati gejala COVID-19 di rumah bersifat salah dan menyesatkan (false & misleading). Terdapat perbedaan jenis pengobatan dan perawatan untuk pasien COVID-19 bergejala ringan, sedang, maupun berat. Obat-obatan yang dipakai perlu dikonsultasikan dengan dokter, untuk memantau efek dari obat, menjaga agar konsumsi obat sesuai dosis, dan pertimbangan lainnya.
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koramil02jatibarang · 3 years
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Serbuan Obat dan Jamu Herbal Covid-19 Dari TNI Brebes Brebes – Tim Satgas PPKM Mikro Kecamatan Jatibarang, Kabupaten Brebes, Jawa Tengah, menyerahkan obat covid-19 paket 2 kepada sejumlah warga Desa Kebonagung Kecamatan Jatibarang yang sedang isoman (isolasi mandiri) covid-19. Disampaikan Pasilog Kodim 0713 Brebes Letda Infanteri Sunardi, Kodim Brebes mendapatkan 609 paket obat covid-19 dari Kodam IV Diponegoro melalui Denkesyah 04.04.01 Purwokerto, dan sampai saat ini sudah selesai disalurkan kepada warga masyarakat di 17 kecamatan/koramil yang isoman. Dari 609 paket obat covid itu, terbagi menjadi tiga paket yang meliputi, paket I (warna biru) sebanyak 55 kotak, paket II (warna hijau) 388 kotak, dan paket III (warna orange) sebanyak 166 kotak. “Paket 1 kotak biru diperuntukkan bagi warga isoman tanpa gejala, dimana dalam setiap paketnya berisi 3 macam jenis obat yaitu 28 tablet Vitamin C 250 mg, 7 tablet Vitamin D3 1000 IU, dan 14 tablet Zink 20 mg,” bebernya. Kemudian untuk setiap paket II (kotak hijau) terdiri dari 5 macam obat yang meliputi 14 tablet oseltamivir 75 mg, 28 tablet vitamin C 250 mg, 7 tablet Vitamin D3 1000 IU, 14 tablet Zink 20 mg, dan 10 tablet Paracetamol 500 mg. Paket ini untuk warga isoman dengan keluhan panas dan anosmia (kehilangan rasa penciuman). Sedangkan paket III diperuntukkan bagi warga isoman dengan keluhan panas, anosmia, dan disertai batuk. Di setiap paket ketiga ini berisi 7 macam obat yang meliputi 14 tablet oseltamivir 75 mg, 28 tablet vitamin C 250 mg, 7 tablet Vitamin D3 1000 IU, 14 tablet Zink 20 mg, dan 10 tablet Paracetamol 500 mg, 20 tablet Ambroxol, dan 7 tablet Azithromycin 500 mg. Menurutnya, pemberian obat sebagai bentuk kepedulian TNI terhadap warga yang terpapar virus corona. Selain obat, para Babinsa di 17 Koramil juga membagikan jamu herbal yang diyakini bisa untuk obat tolak covid-19, yaitu Jamu Bergas Waras (JBW). Dari 367 jamu dalam botol plastik kemasan, 255 jamu sudah dibagikan kepada masyarakat berdasarkan skala prioritas. “Jamu herbal diberikan kepada warga yang sehat maupun yang isoman agar terbentuk imunitas tubuhnya dari virus corona. https://www.instagram.com/p/CR3QkZrjCzN/?utm_medium=tumblr
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freenewstoday · 3 years
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New Post has been published on https://freenews.today/2021/03/02/will-fish-sauce-and-charred-oranges-return-the-world-covid-took-from-me/
Will Fish Sauce and Charred Oranges Return the World Covid Took From Me?
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Back in Jamaica, when Trudy-Ann Lalor and her siblings caught a cold, their mother burned Seville oranges over a fire in the backyard, cut the charred peel away and gave them the hot, juicy pulp with sugar, to eat with a spoon.
It always made them feel better. Maybe it was the comforting aroma of the citrus, the deliciousness and warmth of the fruit, the dose of vitamin C. Maybe it was the sweetness of the attention itself — the fact that someone loved you so much, she took the time to prepare you an orange in this elaborate way.
The family never had to explain any of this to anyone, until this past December, when Ms. Lalor’s 23-year-old son, Kemar Lalor, put a how-to video for the remedy on TikTok, assuring people that it would fix a diminished sense of taste.
Smell and taste are intimately connected, and the video quickly went viral, as millions of strangers started burning oranges on the open flames of their gas stoves. Some were thrilled. They called it a miracle. Others laughed it off, calling it a useless joke. Many left angry comments when the orange didn’t work as advertised, though Mr. Lalor attributed that to poor execution — not burning the outside of the citrus thoroughly, not eating the pulp while it was still hot, not adding enough sugar.
I found the orange remedy a kind of pleasant exercise, a fun distraction. But it didn’t magically give me back what I’d lost after I got Covid in December. After my sense of smell disappeared, I became depressed and disoriented as all of the foods I loved became unrecognizable, turning into a series of unappealing textures.
So much of what we think of as taste is in fact smell — volatile molecules coming through the retronasal pathway, filling out all the details of a strawberry beyond its basic sweetness and acidity, expanding on its pleasures. Without information from our 400 smell receptors, which can detect many millions of smells, food flattens out.
When I called up Mr. Lalor, he was packing up goat curry and roti to go at Big G’s 241 Jerk Chicken, the Jamaican restaurant his family runs in Etobicoke, Ontario. I told him I was still struggling on some days, that the healing process was weird and nonlinear, that I’d tried the orange remedy but nothing had been restored overnight. He was sympathetic, but held firm.
“Try it again,” Mr. Lalor said. It had worked for his mother and for him, he explained, though he added that they were never tested for Covid-19, so he couldn’t be sure if that’s what they’d had. “Keep trying it every day!”
While some people experience smell loss as they age, or after a head injury or viral infection, for most people it happens temporarily, when volatile molecules floating through the air can’t get into their olfactory receptor areas — a stuffy nose, in other words.
But during the pandemic, millions of people lost their sense of smell in an instant. “It was just like a light bulb got turned off,” said Dr. Pamela Dalton, a research scientist at the Monell Chemical Senses Center, in Philadelphia. “One moment they could smell, and the next moment, nothing smelled.”
I noted that moment as it happened to me, stepping into the shower at my home in Los Angeles. At first, I mistook the lack of aromas for a new smell, a curious smell I couldn’t identify — was it the water itself? the stone tiles? — before realizing it was just a blank, a cushion of space between me and my world.
Though there’s no “on” switch to bring back olfaction, Mr. Lalor’s advice to keep trying, to try every day, was correct. Scientists agree that there’s no cure for anosmia, but they also agree that the daily, repetitive sniffing of a few aromas can be useful, working as a kind of therapy for an injured nose and brain.
The general technique is known as smell training, and for millions of people with anosmia, it’s become as routine as brushing their teeth before bed, or grinding coffee beans in the morning.
“It’s the one type of post-viral olfactory dysfunction therapy that’s been shown to have some positive effect,” said Dr. Dalton, who strongly encouraged daily conditioning, but also warned, “You’ll get bored.”
A typical smell kit might consist of four essential oils, though you could use a charred orange or any specific aromas with emotional value to you. The second I lost my sense of smell, I turned to the kitchen, opening jars of whole spices, shoving my face into bunches of fresh herbs, hovering over the open cap of fish-sauce bottles.
For three weeks, I sniffed things constantly, things I loved, but couldn’t pick up anything at all. When I smelled something for the first time again, it was so unpleasant, it made me gag: the stomach-churning reek of spoiled milk.
March 2, 2021, 3:28 p.m. ET
Whether you realize it or not, your nose is constantly alerting you to potential danger that’s out of sight — smoke, gas leaks, chemicals in the air, spoiled foods, sewage. Bad smells are good, in the sense that they’re full of vital information about your surroundings that help keep you well.
“Even though the olfactory system can tell us where there are good food sources and safe places, it’s ultimately a danger sense,” said Dr. Dalton, who wasn’t surprised that a whiff of spoiled milk was my reintroduction to olfaction, and even encouraged adding “bad” smells to my training. “It’s a warning system.”
On the other hand, some smells are vital to quality of life, to accessing memories and emotions, to feeling close to people, to connecting with nature.
I think of the sweet smell of my nephew’s head when he was a baby; of my parents’ home when there’s a lasagna in the oven; of hot, dry sagebrush when my dogs kick up the scent. I think of the smell of French fries mixing with wafts of chlorine on a summer’s day by the pool, and I’m not sure how to remember these tiny, wonderful moments without their smells to anchor me.
“Loss of smell is very much a loss of pleasure,” said Chrissi Kelly, the founder of AbScent, a nonprofit group for people with anosmia in the United Kingdom.
When Ms. Kelly lost her sense of smell after a viral infection in 2012, no one recommended smell training as a possible therapy. But she read scientific research, including a paper by Thomas Hummel about how repeated, structured exposure to smells could increase one’s sensitivity.
She taught herself the technique. And then, she taught others.
For many Covid survivors with anosmia, Ms. Kelly has become a kind of mentor, creating a tight community online, walking newly anosmic people through training sessions and cheerleading us, without setting unreasonable expectations. Anosmia presents differently for everyone, and there’s no fixed timeline for smell training.
“I never use the word recovery, because I think it’s misleading,” she told me, when I asked about my own recovery. “Smell loss is an injury. You recover from an illness, but an injury might leave you with some lasting scarring.”
Smell training isn’t magic, but it’s a way to possibly form new neural pathways, to slowly reorient yourself if you’re feeling lost.
Before speaking with Ms. Kelly, I’d imagined smell training to the theme song of “Rocky.” I’d zip up my shiny tracksuit and jog in place in front of various ingredients, identifying them correctly one by one as strangers gave me a thumbs up. Sesame oil! Black peppercorns! Marjoram! It was a jaunty montage, and a total fantasy.
In fact, the process of sitting down and sniffing — concentrating quietly on registering aromas, or fragments of aromas — is lonely, tedious and mentally exhausting.
For newcomers to smell training, Ms. Kelly suggests starting with bunny sniffs, or “tiny little sniffs that bring the air right up to the olfactory cleft.”
Over FaceTime, she led me through a session of “mindful smelling,” while I held a jar of cloves under my nose and took quick bunny sniffs, ready to share my thoughts with her. “OK, so don’t judge yet,” Ms. Kelly instructed, before I could say the cloves seemed muffled, as if I were listening to them through a glass pressed to the wall.
“With people who have lost their sense of smell, I think it takes a longer time for the receptors to work and to feed that into the brain,” she explained. “So just make sure that you’re patient, and just keep listening.”
It’s impossible to talk about smelling without resorting to analogies and metaphors, and “listening” is one that comes up a lot.
Recognizing a smell when you’re in training can feel a lot like picking up a fragment of a familiar song from a passing car, hooking onto the short sequence of notes you recognized, and having the name of it just on the tip of your tongue.
A few seconds later, and you remember it was from the summer of 2015. You heard it that one night, sitting on your friend’s stoop. You sang it at karaoke, at least once. Ugh, what was it again?
With my next scent, the cardamom pods, Ms. Kelly asked me to imagine looking into a deep well. So deep that when you drop a stone into it, you don’t know when it’ll hit the bottom.
“You’re straining your ears to hear the sound of the stone hitting the surface of the water, and that’s what I want you to do now, imagine that you are waiting and waiting and waiting.”
As I waited, I received some small fragments of messages from the cardamom — something floral, something mellow but almost menthol, something like the freshness of sun-warmed citrus. It came in pieces, like a series of clues, but then I smelled the cardamom clearly, completely.
“So much about smell training is about giving people confidence,” Ms. Kelly said.
Every single aroma I could detect again was more precious, intense and illuminating, even my dog’s fishy breath. Although it hadn’t been more than a few weeks, I considered ending daily conditioning altogether when I could smell the foods that I was eating and cooking faster, and with more precision — the comforting tickle of garlic hitting the oil, the cinnamon-eucalyptus of fresh curry leaves, crumpled up in my fingers.
But some days, my sense of smell is distorted and everything in my orbit smells wrong — of day-old cigarette stubs, heavy and chemical. Some days, the vividness of what I’ve recovered is muted, or slower and harder to access.
Smell training doesn’t end when you start to pick up a few smells again. It begins.
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mamamiong · 3 years
Awal November dengan Covid-19
Awal November, hari sabtu, waktu mengganti popok Adek, saya merasa aneh karena tidak bisa mencium bau apa-apa. Langsung cemas karna tahu itu salah satu ciri khas Covid, padahal kondisi badan saat itu sehat. Sedangkan Suami dari 2 hari yang lalu memang demam berat tapi di hari tersebut sudah turun demamnya.
Hari itu rencananya bapak saya dan keluarga teteh dari Cimahi mau datang dan menginap. MasyAllah ya, Allah itu kasih sinyalnya pas banget, setelah itu saya minta bapak dan teteh tidak datang ke rumah dengan alasan suami sedang demam. Setelah itu saya langsung ke klinik untuk rapid test. Hasilnya non reaktif. Alhamdulillah. Tapi karena sering mendengar kalau rapid itu tidak akurat (ini karna pengetahuan saya yang masih minim. Cek penjelasan saya berikutnya), maka tetap swab test hari minggu di RS. Dan di hari itu, suami juga rapid test. Hasilnya sama, non reaktif. Sama seperti saya, esoknya suami juga swab test. Nah dari hari minggu sampai rabu saya sudah isolasi mandiri di kamar belakang karena yang suspect kuatnya adalah saya. Anak-anak lebih banyak dijaga suami. Hasil swab test kami berdua baru keluar hari rabu siang. Ternyata kami berdua sama-sama positif.
 * waktu itu belum tahu bahwa rapid test itu membaca antibody yang baru akan terbentuk sekitar 14 hari setelah terinfeksi, maka sudah ada virus pun bisa jadi masih non reaktif
 Anak-anak bagaimana?
Langsung terfikir untuk mengungsikan anak-anak ke rumah teteh di Cimahi. Tapi sebelum itu harus dipastikan bahwa anak-anak negatif. Hari itu langsung cari lab swab test yang bisa dipanggil kerumah dan hasilnya 24 jam, biar anak-anak tidak terlalu lama berinteraksi dengan kami. Tapi tidak ada pilihan kecuali Lab kimia farma yang hasilnya 3 hari. Lalu anak-anak pun esoknya di swab. Alhamdulillah dua-duanya lancar di swab, hanya Maysa yang menangis, tidak terlalu lama, namun tetap membuat saya sedih karena tahu bagaimana tidak nyamannya diswab.
Di hari saat dapat hasil swab kami, saya dan suami langsung lapor ke kampus, kantor dan RW. Jadi sudah langsung isoman di rumah. Makanan di supply oleh tetangga-tetangga yang baik hati. Banyak sekali yang kasih doa dan support, banyak yang kirim makanan, madu, jamu dan masyaAllah baik-baik banget semua teman-teman.
Saya sudah merencanakan bagaimana anak-anak dijemput, bahkan baju-baju sudah akan dibeli online dan kirim ke Purwakarta langsung, supaya tidak banyak barang yang dibawa dari rumah. 3 hari kemudian, hasil swab anak-anak keluar. Qadarullah, Kakak positif.
Nah disitu bingung sekali, karena sedih juga mengungsikan Adek sendiri. Lagi pula selama 5 hari sejak saya isoman, anak-anak nempel banget, banyak main berdua, mandi dan tidur berdua. Tidak tahu apakah ada penularan dari Kakak ke Adek atau tidak. Tapi mempertahankan Adek di rumah juga waswas, khawatir yang tadinya negatif jadi positif.
Awal diskusi dengan suami, kami sama-sama stuck tidak tahu harus bagaimana. Keluarga di Purwakarta dan Cimahi sudah siap-siap mau jemput. Lalu saya ingat hadist yang suami sering ceritakan di awal masa pandemi: "Rasulullah pernah bersabda: Wabah thaun adalah kotoran yang dikirimkan oleh Allah terhadap sebagian kalangan bani Israil dan juga orang-orang sebelum kalian. Kalau kalian mendengar ada wabah thaun di suatu negeri, janganlah kalian memasuki negeri tersebut. Namun, bila wabah thaun itu menyebar di negeri kalian, janganlah kalian keluar dari negeri kalian menghindar dari penyakit itu." (HR Bukhari-Muslim). Jadi kami ambil keputusan berdasarkan hadist itu, Adek tetap di rumah. Bismillah.
 Gejalannya gimana?
Yang saya sadari saat itu, gejala saya hanya anosmia (tidak bisa mencium bau), 3 hari setelah hasil swab test, penciuman saya sudah mulai membaik. Sisanya tidak merasakan apa-apa. Alhamdulillah. Tapiiii setelah diingat-ingat, 5 hari sebelum swab test saya sakit gigi, sempat demam dan sulit menelan. 2 hari setelahnya badan masih hangat dan sakit-sakit badan. Nah wallahu’alam apakah itu efek covid atau gigi.
Gejala suami lebih berat, tapi masih termasuk gejala covid ringan. Demam, anosmia dan batuk yang kemudian diobati dengan obat batuk ber-antibiotik, hasil konsul dengan dokter di halo doc. Tapi ini adalah obat Pereda sakit biasa, bukan khusus covid.
Kakak malah tidak bergejala sama sekali, sempat 1 malam badannya hangat (tidak sampai demam), yang sebelumnya didahului dengan sakit telinga. Wallahu’alam karena covid atau sakit telinganya.
 Tracingnya seperti apa
Yang paling berat dari pengalaman covid adalah perasaan bersalah. Kenanya kapan? sudah menularkan ke siapa saja? 16 hari sebelumnya, saya mengisi pelatihan, saya yang menghubungi narsum dan peserta, sempat pergi ke mall 1 jam, jalan-jalan ke taman bunga dan ke rumah nenek. Pas weekend sebelumnya adalah long weekend. Itu adalah weekend paling “nakal” selama covid. Karena sebelumnya, kami benar-benar tidak pernah pergi untuk jalan selama covid. Sangat sedih dan bingung saat itu. Dan banyak menyalahkan diri sendiri.
Nah karena hasil rapid kami itu negatif dan swab positif artinya tertularnya masih baru, kurang dari 7 hari sehingga antibody (yang melawan virus) belum terbaca. Lalu tracing ke keluarga yang di hari ke-7 yang lalu kami kunjungi. Ternyata disana juga Kesehatan penghuninya (keluarga 1, keluarga 2, keluarga 3) sedang drop, ada yang demam, batuk, bahkan anosmia. Setelah kami infokan, esoknya keluarga disana melakukan rapid test. Hasilnya, keluarga 2 dan 3 non reaktif, keluarga 1 reaktif. Nah connecting the dot, keluarga 1 yang duluan terkena covid. Karena antibodinya sudah ada, artinya sudah lebih lama. Lalu keluarga disana pun isoman. Alhamdulillah beberapa hari kemudian sudah membaik keaadannya.
Selanjutnya saya menghubungi beberapa orang yang saya temui di 7 hari sebelum swab test. Tapi karena saya juga di minggu tersebut banyak pekerjaan dan sakit pula, jadi memang tidak banyak bertemu orang. Alhamdulillah.
Btw setelah tahu itu dari keluarga, saya lebih lega. Tidak menyalahkan diri sendiri karena prokes yang kami terapkan di luar Alhamdulillah masih aman. Tapi itulah lemahnya ya, yang namanya di rumah keluarga, jadi percaya bahwa semuanya sehat. Meskipun keluarga 1 waktu itu sudah batuk-batuk, kami tidak curiga kalau itu covid. Tapi kami waswas juga karena di rumah tersebut orang-orangnya lebih tua dari kami sehingga mungkin lebih lemah kondisi kesehatannya.
 Obatnya apa aja?
Untuk saya, tidak ada obat sama sekali. Hanya vitamin saja, dari edaran di WA dan konsul dengan sepupu apoteker yang pernah covid, dapat saran untuk minum vit. B compleks (saya: pharmaton), vit. c 1000 mg, vit D, vit E 2x sehari. Banyak minum air putih, banyak menghirup minyak kayu putih. Dan juga beberapa produk Nuskin sebagai tambahan.
Anak-anak diberi vitamin anak-anak biasa sesuai dosis. Sedangkan suami, selain vitamin juga obat batuk.
Oh iya saya dan suami juga sempat minum Lianhua. Obat cina yang katanya obat covid, sebenarnya lian hua ini meringankan gejala covid seperti batuk demam dan lainnya, namun karena kami tidak banyak bergejala, maka kami pun hanya mengkonsumsi beberapa kali.
Lainnya, kami senam sebagai olah raga dan berjemur di halaman belakang.
 Kapan dinyatakan sembuh?
Untuk kasus OTG, jika hari ke-14 sudah tidak ada gejala, maka kami sudah bisa mengakhiri isoman tanpa test swab ke-2. Saya tanya ke teman yang bekerja di Puskesmas pun mengatakan hal yang sama karena setelah 14 hari virusnya tidak menular lagi. Dokter dari kampus tempat saya bekerja juga menyatakan bahwa jika sejak 3 hari sebelum hari ke 10 sudah tidak ada gejala, maka sudah dianggap sehat tanpa swab test kedua. Nah Suami juga menemukan artikel dari pusat riset virus di US yang menyatakan bahwa setelah 14 hari, virus itu sudah tidak lagi menular (nanti dicarikan artikelnya ya).
Tapiiii demi kenyamanan semua, kami bertiga tetap swab mandiri. 3 hari kemudian hasilnya saya dan kakak negatif, suami masih positif tapi dengan nilai RNA yang sudah tinggi (2 poin lagi menjelang negatif). Kami tetap isoman meskipun bu RW sudah mengumumkan kalau kami sudah sehat dan boleh beraktivitas seperti biasa.  5 hari kemudian suami swab lagi dan hasilnya negatif.
Alhamdulillah. Dengan segala kemudahan yang Allah berikan, semua bisa terlewati dengan baik. Dan seperti firman Allah “Bersama kesulitan ada kemudahan. Bersama kesulitan ada kemudahan” bersama loh bukan setelah. MasyaAllah
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scentedrunawayshark · 3 years
Home Remedies for Loss of Smell and Taste
By now, you would have probably heard that one of the main symptoms of COVID-19 is the loss of smell and taste. But, don’t panic right away if you experience these symptoms, losing the sense of taste or smell can just be due to the common cold on these rainy days. Our sense of smell and taste constitutes a wide part of our daily lives- they strengthen our emotions and trigger the olfactory nerve giving us the desire to taste food or smell the pleasing aroma of a flower. So, losing the sense of smell and taste even for a day can be very annoying.  However, do not get worried if you have lost your sense of smell and taste for a day or two, there are a few simple home remedies for loss of smell and taste that will help you regain the lost smell and taste naturally.
Main Reasons for Loss of Smell and Taste
Loss of smell is called ‘anosmia’ or ‘nose blindness’. Your sense of smell and taste are closely related. If you can’t smell food, you can’t taste the food. This is because the nerve cell that detects the smell and sends the signal to the brain gets disrupted. This leads to loss of smell and it leads to loss of taste. But in most cases, your loss of smell and taste is due to the common cold. The phlegm can block the airways and impair your sense of smell and taste. Here are some other reasons for loss of smell and taste,
Congestion or sinus
Nutrient deficiency
Head injuries
If you are experiencing loss of smell and taste and want to cure it naturally, try these home remedies for loss of smell and taste.
Home Remedies for Loss of Smell and Taste
1. Garlic Remedy for Loss of Smell and Taste
Garlic is one of the best home remedies for loss of smell and taste. It is loaded with anti-inflammatory properties and is rich in ricinoleic acid that helps to clear out the nasal passage and provide relief from loss of smell and taste caused due to a common cold.
How to use it?
Crush 5 garlic cloves and boil it in a cup of water.
Add salt to it if you want.
Drink this mixture twice a day.
2. Mint Leaves
Mint leaves contain menthol- a highly aromatic compound that exhibits anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It not only helps in regaining the lost sense of smell and taste but also helps to fight off the cold and cough.
How to use it?
Take a handful of fresh mint leaves and wash them thoroughly.
Boil them in a cup of water.
Consume this mixture once a day.
3. Steam Therapy
Steam therapy is the best home remedy for loss of smell and taste caused due to the common cold. Inhaling the steam relieves us from the problem of nasal congestion and frees the blocked air paths of the nose.
How to do it?
Boil water and pour it into a large bowl.
You can add a few mint leaves to it if you want.
Lean over the bowl so that your face is directly above the water and breathe through the nose.
Do this twice a week.
4. Lemon Juice Remedy for Loss of Smell and Taste
Lemon contains antioxidants, vitamin C, and strong antimicrobial properties that are useful for clearing the excess mucus from the nasal passage. Also, the citrusy flavour of the lemon riggers our taste buds and smell.
How to use it?
Squeeze the juice of a lemon and add it to a glass of warm water.
Drink this once a day
5. Castor Oil remedy for Loss of Smell and Taste
Castor oil has a strong aroma that triggers our sense of smell and taste. It also has potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and pain-relieving properties. This is extremely efficient in re-establishing the sense of smell and taste.
How to use it?
Heat castor oil and let it cool.
Instill a drop of castor oil in the nostrils.
Do this twice a day.
Loss of smell and taste are mostly caused due to common cold, but this is a condition that is not to be taken lightly. Try these home remedies for loss of smell and taste and if you still can’t regain your senses, visit your doctor right away.
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ummisaja · 3 years
kamu siap divaksin
Membicarakan pandemi akibat Covid 19 ini selalu menarik di tiap sisinya. Jumlah orang yang terkonfirmasi positif Covid 19 dari hari ke hari yang grafiknya semakin naik.  Berbagai gejala yang menyertai virus ini. Dari flu, meriang, sakit perut berkepanjangan dan anosmia (hilang penciuman).  Juga rupa-rupa upaya pencegahannya. Minum jamu, vitamin, berjemur di sinar matahari pagi hingga tips membuat hati tetap berbahagia selama pandemi. Belum lagi soal vaksinasi. 
Terlepas dari pro kontra vaksinasi, dari awal adanya virus ini pun sudah menimbulkan kontroversi. Yang berujung pada munculnya  kelompok-kelompok dengan pendapat yang beda. Kepada kelompok yang setuju covid 19 adalah adalah pandemi mungkin tidak sekenceng ketika menghadapi kelompok yang percaya kalo Covid 19 ini adalah bentuk konspirasi. Konspirasi gombal eh global. Covid 19 adalah senjata biologis yang dibuat Tiongkok. Ada yang bilang supaya bisnis  vaksin menjadi laku.
Pemerintah dengan segala kepusingannya seperti makan simalakama.  Antara tetap menjalankan pergerakan orang demi ekonomi yang terus bergulir atau mengurung orang selalu di rumah agar virus tidak merajalela. Menciptakan program-program bantuan sosial, eh tetap saja ada yang bilang, pemerintah kemana saja untuk menghadapi pandemi. Seluruh kota dan tempat bermain yang asyik...(eh malah nyanyi). Seluruh kota dilock down dikomplen, orang-orang dibuat longgar bergerak dikomplen. Boleh bergerak tapi diperketat komplen juga. Kamu ini minta apa sih. Mau celana legging atau celana baggy? 
Sekarang demi mengurangi laju penularan Covid 19, pemerintah bersiap melakukan vaksinasi bagi warganya. Di sini pun timbul banyak penolakan. Kenapa vaksinnya buatan Sinovac Ltd, kenapa bukan dari yang lain. Kenapa harus impor dari luar negeri, emang kita orang-orang kita nggak ada pinter  buat sekedar bikin vaksin. Jangan-jangan ini ada konspirasi lagi. Orang pinter sih banyak bamvang. Plisss deh, ini bikin vaksin bukan kayak bikin bakwan. Cemplung, aduk, goreng, jadi. 
Belum selesai penjelasan detilnya, mereka ini mulai bertanya, itu vaksin udah halal belum? Karena datang dari negeri tirai bambu, apa mungkin ada kandungan babinya. Entah perut, kaki atau bulu babi? Dan ketika beberapa hari setelah kedatangan vaksin itu keluar sertifikat halal dan keterangan halal dari BPJPH, mereka kemudian berdalih. Siapa yang mau divaksin dulu? Jangan korbankan rakyat untuk sesuatu yang belum teruji. Harusnya Pak Presiden yang memberi contoh dulu. Divaksin dulu. Kalau bisa ditayangin secara live, biar tidak ada kebohongan.
Kemudian tepat di tanggal 12 Januari, Pak Presiden divaksin perdana dan disiarkan oleh hampir seluruh televisi nasional negara ini. Meski dari layar 42 inchi terlihat jelas bagaimana gemetarnya pak dokter yang menyuntikkan vaksin ke Pak Presiden . Wajarlah grogi. Meski sering nyuntik pak presiden, tapi ini kan disorot kamera dan disaksikan berjuta pasang mata. Berpikir positif saja, mungkin pak dokter belum sarapan. 
Eh, lalu ada yang komentar, itu bener vaksin yang disuntikkan, jangan-jangan itu ampul vitamin C? Atau isinya cuma air doang. Kenapa injeksinya tidak tegak lurus 90 derajat?
Setelah Pak Presiden maka resmi mulai dilakukan vaksinasi dengan sasaran pertamanya adalah para tenaga kesehatan.  Memang ada beberapa persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi oleh calon penerima vaksin. Ini demi memastikan tidak ada efek samping setelah vaksinasi.
Sambil menunggu giliran dapat jatah vaksin, tiba-tiba kelompok nyinyir mulai memuat pernyataan. Ini vaksin beneran gratis?.  Apakah vaksin bisa bikin muka makin glowing? Apakah setelah divaksin, jodoh akan tidak berpaling?
Pertanyaan ini pun nanti akan terus berlanjut. Pun ketika mereka-mereka ini akhirnya memilih atau terpaksa divaksin. Ternyata vaksin tidak bisa mencegah orang dari terkena virus Covid. Percuma saja divaksin. Aduh fergussso, vaksin itu bukan obat. Tidak jaminan setelah divaksin lalu tidak terpapar covid. Sekali lagi vaksin hanya membantu seseorang membentuk anti bodi sehingga tidak mudah terpapar virus Covid. Oleh karenanya meski susah divaksin, protokol kesehatan tetap harus dijalankan. 
Jadi untuk apa divaksin kalau masih bisa kena virus? 
Semoga kita tidak termasuk golongan seperti mereka-mereka itu. Berteriak lantang menentang vaksin tapi berada di urutan terdepan program bansos. 
Kalau saya ditanya. Percaya sama Covid? Sebagai orang beriman saya hanya percaya pada Allah SWT.  Covid? Saya percaya itu ada. Vaksin? Saya sih siap divaksin
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Oral Segment to Dominate the United States Clinical Nutrition Market | TechSci Research
Increasing prevalence of metabolic disorders and high healthcare expenditure is expected to drive the demand for United States clinical nutrition market for the forecast period.
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According to TechSci Research report, “United States Clinical Nutrition Market By Nutrition Type (Enteral Nutrition v/s Parental Nutrition) By Route of Administration (Oral v/s Intravenous) By Substrate (Energy, Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins & Amino Acids, Water & Electrolyte, Dietary fiber, Antioxidants) By Application (Metabolic Disorders, Eating Disorders, Stages of Development and Recovery, Others) By End User (Infant & Child, Adults, Geriatrics) By Company, By Region, Forecast & Opportunities, 2026”, United States clinical nutrition market is expected to witness significant growth for the next five years. Clinical nutrition is a kind of pharmaceutical product which is taken to keep the patient healthy. It aids in improving the metabolic system of the body by providing supply of supplementary vitamins and minerals, among others. Increase in the number of birth rates and premature birth require the use of clinical nutrition.
The COVID-19 outbreak across the world which has been declared as pandemic by World Health Organization has affected countries adversely. Leading authorities in United States imposed lockdown restrictions and released a set of precautionary measures to contain the spread of novel coronavirus. Coronavirus affected patients started suffering from shortness of breath along with coughing and sneezing. United States authorities increased the capacity of hospitals as a greater number of patients were getting affected daily and getting admitted into the hospital facilities. Demand for immunity booster alternatives as a preventive measure from being affected by coronavirus witnessed surge in the growth. Old age people and children after getting infected with coronavirus suffers lack of appetite along with diarrhea, anosmia dysgeusia both of which can increase the risk of malnutrition. Malnutrition can lead to lower defense levels of the body and loss of muscles which can affect the health of the patient adversely. Therefore, the clinical nutrition market is expected to be positively impacted with the onset of coronavirus pandemic.
However, lack of awareness about the benefits of clinical nutrition may create hindrance in the clinical nutrition market growth.
Browse XX Figures spread through XX Pages and an in-depth TOC on "United States Clinical Nutrition Market”.
United States clinical nutrition market is segmented into nutrition type, route of administration, substrate, application, end user, regional distribution, and company. Based on application, market is further divided into metabolic disorders, eating disorders, stages of development and recovery and others. The metabolic disorders segment is expected to dominate the clinical nutrition marker for the forecast period, 2022-2026. People getting infected by coronavirus require the dosage of clinical nutrition to prevent the cases of malnutrition. Lack of some essential vitamins and minerals gives rise to a number of diseases and rise in awareness among people is contributing to raise the growth of the clinical nutrition market in United States. Based on end user, market is majorly categorized into infant & child, adults, and geriatrics. The infant & child segment is anticipated to hold major market share for the next five years. Rise in number of premature births and malnourished babies is driving the growth of the market. Introduction of infant nutritional products by the major market players and organization of camps and programs to raise the awareness about the importance of clinical nutrition is fostering the demand for clinical nutrition in United States.
Nestle USA, Danone USA, Abbott Nutrition Ltd., Fresenius Kabi USA, Inc., Baxter International, Inc., B Braun USA, Conmed Corporation, Vesco Medical LLC, Pfizer Inc., Otsuka America Pharmaceutical Inc. are the leading players operating in United States clinical nutrition market. Manufacturers are increasingly focusing on research and development process to fuel higher growth in the market. To meet evolving customer demand with respect to better efficiency and durability, several clinical nutrition manufacturers are coming up with their technologically advanced offerings.
Download Sample Report @ https://www.techsciresearch.com/sample-report.aspx?cid=7488
Customers can also request for 10% free customization on this report.
“Increase in occurrence of cancer and diabetes along with rising old age population is fueling the need for adoption of clinical nutrition in regular diets suffering from chronic diseases are deprived from the presence of few essential nutrition. Adoption of unhealthy eating habits and sedentary lifestyle is contributing to the rise in number of obese populations in United States. Manufacturers are selling clinical nutrition products through online platforms along with offering of lucrative discounts to widen the reach of products and sales of clinical products which is further expected to propel the clinical nutrition market growth until 2026” said Mr. Karan Chechi, Research Director with TechSci Research, a research based global management consulting firm.
“United States Clinical Nutrition Market By Nutrition Type (Enteral Nutrition v/s Parental Nutrition) By Route of Administration (Oral v/s Intravenous) By Substrate (Energy, Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins & Amino Acids, Water & Electrolyte, Dietary fiber, Antioxidants) By Application (Metabolic Disorders, Eating Disorders, Stages of Development and Recovery, Others) By End User (Infant & Child, Adults, Geriatrics) By Company, By Region, Forecast & Opportunities, 2026” has evaluated the future growth potential of United States clinical nutrition market and provided statistics & information on market size, shares, structure and future market growth. The report intends to provide cutting-edge market intelligence and help decision makers take sound investment decisions. Besides, the report also identifies and analyzes the emerging trends along with essential drivers, challenges, and opportunities in the of United States clinical nutrition market.
Browse Related Reports:
Global Clinical Nutrition Market By Route of Administration (Oral, Intravenous), By Nutrition Type (Enteral Nutrition, Parental Nutrition), By Application (Metabolic Disorders, Eating Disorders, Stages of Development and Recovery, Others), By End User (Infant & Child, Adults, Geriatrics), By Substrates (Energy, Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins & amino acids, Water & electrolyte, Dietary fiber, Antioxidants), By Region, Competition, Forecast & Opportunities, 2025
Global Sports Nutrition Market By Product Type (Sports Food, Sports Drinks and Sports Supplements), By Distribution Channel (Pharmacies/Drug Stores, Supermarket/Hypermarket, Direct Selling, Departmental/Retail Stores, Internet/Online and Others), By Company, By Region, Forecast & Opportunities, 2026
Mr. Ken Mathews
708 Third Avenue,
Manhattan, NY,
New York – 10017
Tel: +1-646-360-1656
Website: https://www.techsciresearch.com/
For More Market Research Blogs Visit: https://techsciblog.com/
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laelanurulk · 2 years
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Dalam dua tahun ke belakang ini, seluruh penduduk bumi bertarung melawan virus covid-19. Ada yang berhasil bertahan, ada juga yang kalah dalam pertarungan. Tentu semuanya atas kehendak Allah SWT. Namun tetap, sebagai manusia, kita wajib berusaha untuk bisa menang dari virus ini dengan cara mematuhi protokol kesehatan yang telah ditetapkan oleh pemerintah. Meskipun setelah mematuhi protokol kesehatan tersebut kita masih terpapar oleh virus, setidaknya sudah ada usaha yang dilakukan.
Untuk kedua kalinya, saya dan anak terpapar virus covid-19. Kali ini dengan varian yang berbeda. Dahulu varian alfa, sekarang varian omicron yang sedang menyebar dimana-mana. Varian virus yang berbeda menimbulkan gejala yang berbeda juga. Jika dulu varian alfa menimbulkan gejala meriang, anosmia, dan kelelahan, varian omicron ini menimbulkan gejala yang mirip dengan flu biasa.
Awalnya saya merasa tidak enak badan seperti akan terkena flu biasa. Suatu malam, anak saya demam dan terlihat lemas hingga keesokan harinya. Kebetulan pagi itu kami akan melakukan PCR (untuk anak) dan rapid antigen (untuk saya), karena esok hari akan melakukan perjalanan ke Palembang menggunakan pesawat terbang. Kami pun mendaftarkan diri di sebuah klinik kesehatan dekat rumah. Hasil rapid antigen saya keluar, hasilnya positif. Karena merasa ragu dengan hasil tes, saat itu juga langsung mendaftarkan diri untuk PCR yang hasilnya akan keluar paling lambat tengah malam. Segera saya kabari suami yang saat itu sedang berada di kantor, karena kemungkinan kami tidak bisa ikut pergi ke Palembang.
Malam hari, tidur rasanya tidak tenang karena menunggu hasil PCR. Belum ada persiapan sama sekali untuk berangkat ke Palembang karena kondisi anak masih demam setelah diberi paracetamol sebelum tidur, dan saya merasa optimis kalau hasil PCR pun akan positif. Namun di sisi lain masih berharap gejala yang kami rasakan ini hanya flu biasa dan hasil PCR negatif.
Saya tunggu sampai tengah malam belum ada juga hasil PCR dari klinik. Suami sudah siap untuk berangkat, karena alhamdulillah hasil PCR-nya negatif, padahal satu hari sebelumnya kontak erat dengan kami. Sekitar pukul 00:30 WIB, muncul whatsapp dari klinik yang berisi hasil PCR kami berdua. Dan ternyata benar, hasilnya positif. Tanpa berpikir panjang lagi, suami pun berangkat ke Palembang sendirian.
Alhamdulillah, saat bangun tidur, demam anak saya sudah turun. Namun masih lemas dan ada gejala-gejala seperti flu biasa. Gejala yang saya rasakan agak berbeda dengan anak. Ada batuk kering, bersin, sakit tenggorokan, dan sesak di dada seperti saat hidung mampet. Kami pun isolasi mandiri di rumah selama empat hari.
Karena kami berdua tidak bisa mengkonsumsi obat sembarangan, ikhtiar kami dalam menghadapi virus ini adalah dengan mengkonsumsi vitamin dan makan makanan bergizi. Alhamdulillah, atas izin Allah, gejalanya hilang dalam empat hari.
Memang gejala yang timbul dari serangan virus varian omicron ini terasa lebih ringan dari varian yang lainnya. Namun yang menjadi masalah adalah belum tentu orang lain akan merasakan hal yang sama. Bisa jadi karena faktor usia atau penyakit bawaan lainnya, gejala yang dirasakan menjadi lebih parah. Maka dari itu, tetap saja virus ini tidak bisa dianggap sepele. Tetap patuhi protokol kesehatan dan makan makanan bergizi agar kita bisa melindungi diri dari serangan virus. Dan tentunya berdo’a kepada Allah agar diberikan perlindungan.
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techsciresearch · 3 years
Oral Segment to Dominate the United States Clinical Nutrition Market | TechSci Research
Increasing prevalence of metabolic disorders and high healthcare expenditure is expected to drive the demand for United States clinical nutrition market for the forecast period.
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According to TechSci Research report, “United States Clinical Nutrition Market By Nutrition Type (Enteral Nutrition v/s Parental Nutrition) By Route of Administration (Oral v/s Intravenous) By Substrate (Energy, Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins & Amino Acids, Water & Electrolyte, Dietary fiber, Antioxidants) By Application (Metabolic Disorders, Eating Disorders, Stages of Development and Recovery, Others) By End User (Infant & Child, Adults, Geriatrics) By Company, By Region, Forecast & Opportunities, 2026”, United States clinical nutrition market is expected to witness significant growth for the next five years. Clinical nutrition is a kind of pharmaceutical product which is taken to keep the patient healthy. It aids in improving the metabolic system of the body by providing supply of supplementary vitamins and minerals, among others. Increase in the number of birth rates and premature birth require the use of clinical nutrition.
The COVID-19 outbreak across the world which has been declared as pandemic by World Health Organization has affected countries adversely. Leading authorities in United States imposed lockdown restrictions and released a set of precautionary measures to contain the spread of novel coronavirus. Coronavirus affected patients started suffering from shortness of breath along with coughing and sneezing. United States authorities increased the capacity of hospitals as a greater number of patients were getting affected daily and getting admitted into the hospital facilities. Demand for immunity booster alternatives as a preventive measure from being affected by coronavirus witnessed surge in the growth. Old age people and children after getting infected with coronavirus suffers lack of appetite along with diarrhea, anosmia dysgeusia both of which can increase the risk of malnutrition. Malnutrition can lead to lower defense levels of the body and loss of muscles which can affect the health of the patient adversely. Therefore, the clinical nutrition market is expected to be positively impacted with the onset of coronavirus pandemic.
However, lack of awareness about the benefits of clinical nutrition may create hindrance in the clinical nutrition market growth.
Browse XX Figures spread through XX Pages and an in-depth TOC on "United States Clinical Nutrition Market”.
United States clinical nutrition market is segmented into nutrition type, route of administration, substrate, application, end user, regional distribution, and company. Based on application, market is further divided into metabolic disorders, eating disorders, stages of development and recovery and others. The metabolic disorders segment is expected to dominate the clinical nutrition marker for the forecast period, 2022-2026. People getting infected by coronavirus require the dosage of clinical nutrition to prevent the cases of malnutrition. Lack of some essential vitamins and minerals gives rise to a number of diseases and rise in awareness among people is contributing to raise the growth of the clinical nutrition market in United States. Based on end user, market is majorly categorized into infant & child, adults, and geriatrics. The infant & child segment is anticipated to hold major market share for the next five years. Rise in number of premature births and malnourished babies is driving the growth of the market. Introduction of infant nutritional products by the major market players and organization of camps and programs to raise the awareness about the importance of clinical nutrition is fostering the demand for clinical nutrition in United States.
Nestle USA, Danone USA, Abbott Nutrition Ltd., Fresenius Kabi USA, Inc., Baxter International, Inc., B Braun USA, Conmed Corporation, Vesco Medical LLC, Pfizer Inc., Otsuka America Pharmaceutical Inc. are the leading players operating in United States clinical nutrition market. Manufacturers are increasingly focusing on research and development process to fuel higher growth in the market. To meet evolving customer demand with respect to better efficiency and durability, several clinical nutrition manufacturers are coming up with their technologically advanced offerings.
Download Sample Report @ https://www.techsciresearch.com/sample-report.aspx?cid=7488
Customers can also request for 10% free customization on this report.
“Increase in occurrence of cancer and diabetes along with rising old age population is fueling the need for adoption of clinical nutrition in regular diets suffering from chronic diseases are deprived from the presence of few essential nutrition. Adoption of unhealthy eating habits and sedentary lifestyle is contributing to the rise in number of obese populations in United States. Manufacturers are selling clinical nutrition products through online platforms along with offering of lucrative discounts to widen the reach of products and sales of clinical products which is further expected to propel the clinical nutrition market growth until 2026” said Mr. Karan Chechi, Research Director with TechSci Research, a research based global management consulting firm.
“United States Clinical Nutrition Market By Nutrition Type (Enteral Nutrition v/s Parental Nutrition) By Route of Administration (Oral v/s Intravenous) By Substrate (Energy, Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins & Amino Acids, Water & Electrolyte, Dietary fiber, Antioxidants) By Application (Metabolic Disorders, Eating Disorders, Stages of Development and Recovery, Others) By End User (Infant & Child, Adults, Geriatrics) By Company, By Region, Forecast & Opportunities, 2026” has evaluated the future growth potential of United States clinical nutrition market and provided statistics & information on market size, shares, structure and future market growth. The report intends to provide cutting-edge market intelligence and help decision makers take sound investment decisions. Besides, the report also identifies and analyzes the emerging trends along with essential drivers, challenges, and opportunities in the of United States clinical nutrition market.
Browse Related Reports:
Global Clinical Nutrition Market By Route of Administration (Oral, Intravenous), By Nutrition Type (Enteral Nutrition, Parental Nutrition), By Application (Metabolic Disorders, Eating Disorders, Stages of Development and Recovery, Others), By End User (Infant & Child, Adults, Geriatrics), By Substrates (Energy, Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins & amino acids, Water & electrolyte, Dietary fiber, Antioxidants), By Region, Competition, Forecast & Opportunities, 2025
Global Sports Nutrition Market By Product Type (Sports Food, Sports Drinks and Sports Supplements), By Distribution Channel (Pharmacies/Drug Stores, Supermarket/Hypermarket, Direct Selling, Departmental/Retail Stores, Internet/Online and Others), By Company, By Region, Forecast & Opportunities, 2026
Mr. Ken Mathews
708 Third Avenue,
Manhattan, NY,
New York – 10017
Tel: +1-646-360-1656
Website: https://www.techsciresearch.com/
For More Market Research Blogs Visit: https://techsciblog.com/
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