#County Championships Division 2
Cheteshwar Pujara Turns Into Leg-Spinner During County Match Against Leicestershire | Watch
Cheteshwar Pujara Turns Into Leg-Spinner During County Match Against Leicestershire | Watch
New Delhi: Team India’s star batsman Cheteshwar Pujara, who is called the new wall of India’s Test team, was seen rolling over his arm and bowling some leg-spin for his team Sussex against Leicestershire in the County Championships Division 2 on Wednesday. Pujara did an over, in which he conceded a total of 8 runs and he did not get any success. Even no batsman was beaten because the ball was not…
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Destruction Derby 2 - Wreckin Championship - Division 3 - Second Time Lu...
Division 3 Wreckin Racing Championship in Destruction Derby 2. After narrowly missing out on promotion by 15pts last time can i make second time lucky in Division 3 
00:00 - Intro 
00:13 - Round 1 - Chalk Canyon 
06:07 - Result and Standing 
06:37 - Round 2 - Caprio County Raceway 
10:58 - Result and Standings 
11:26 - Round 3 - S.C.A. Motorplex 
16:07 - Result and Standings 
16:52 - Round 4 - Black Sail Valley 
21:07 - Result and Standings 
21:37 - Round 5 - The Colosseum 
24:47 - Result and Final Standings 
25:26 - Outro 
Spinning an opponent's car 90° - 10 points 
Spinning an opponent's car 180° - 25 points 
Spinning an opponent's car 360° - 50 points 
Wrecking an opponent's car -  25 points 
Tracks Featured 
Chalk Canyon 
Caprio County Raceway 
S.C.A. Motorplex 
Black Sail Valley 
Bowls Featured 
The Colosseum 
The second entry in the Destruction Derby series and the sequel to 1995's Destruction Derby once again developed by British developer Reflections Interactive (Now Ubisoft Reflections). 
This sequel features an all-new track and bowls line-up with seven tracks and 4 bowls replacing the six tracks and 1 bowl from the first game. The driver's line-up features 4 changes from the first game with The Chief, The Master, The Pro and Rivit replacing The Idol, Crunch Bunch, The Taxman and The Doctor. The world's worst driver Learner Driver makes the cut for the second game. 
For more videos from this Destruction Derby 2 series check out this playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFJOZYl1h1CE0M3E6exnggG1aAUDUNrHb
For more console games from the 90s check out the following playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFJOZYl1h1CG6WSVv34fPYnchWicvYEmD
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Instagram (AI Art) 
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2024 SCB Hall of Fame Classic
2024 SCB Hall of Fame Classic Teams and Matchups Announced
Kansas City, MO – Small College Basketball is excited to announce the team and matchups for the 2024 Hall of Fame Classic. After a fantastic 2023 Hall of Fame Classic, the 2024 event returns to Lakeland, FL and the Jenkins Fieldhouse on the campus of Florida Southern College. This year’s event will take place on Saturday November 2nd and Sunday November 3rd . Small College Basketball will continue their partnerships with Polk County Tourism and Sports Marketing and Visit Central Florida. John McCarthy had this to say about the 2024 Hall of Fame Classic:
"I am just thrilled with the field of teams that will be participating in the 2024 Small College Basketball Hall of Fame Classic.  Six of these teams played in the NCAA Division II Regional Championship game this past season, while four of them reached the Elite Eight,  Both teams that played in the National Championship game this past season (Minnesota State and Nova Southeastern) will open up the 2024-25 season in the Hall of Fame Classic.  We are so grateful to the D2 CCA for the exemption that they provide for the Small College Basketball Hall of Fame Classic, and we continue to be thrilled with the support from Florida Southern College, Polk County Tourism and Sports Marketing and Visit Central Florida. Collectively, I'm confident that this is the finest overall in-season event within NCAA Division II basketball."
For the third straight year the event will include 10 teams. That Hall of Fame Classic started in 2016 in Evansville, IN. After a stop in St. Joseph, MO, the Hall of Fame Classic moved to Lakeland, FL in 2022. The event did not take place during the 2020 season.
The prominent event includes five games on Saturday and five games on Sunday. Below are the teams and matchups for this year’s event. For more information on the Hall of Fame Classic and Small College Basketball please head to smallcollegebasketball.com
Saturday, November 2, 2024
11:00      Carson-Newman vs. Lake Superior State 1:15       Fort Lewis vs. Point Loma Nazarene 3:30       Nova Southeastern vs. Gannon 5:45       Florida Southern vs. Minnesota State 8:00      North Georgia vs. STAC   Sunday, November 3, 2024
11:00     Fort Lewis vs. Carson-Newman 1:15       Lake Superior State vs. Gannon 3:30      Nova Southeastern vs. STAC 5:45      Florida Southern vs. Point Loma Nazarene 8:00     Minnesota State vs. North Georgia
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jogosqueganhabnus · 1 month
¿Cuál es la tabla actual de la English Football League Division 2?
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¿Cuál es la tabla actual de la English Football League Division 2?
Clasificación English Football League Division 2
La English Football League Division 2, también conocida como EFL League Two, es la cuarta división del sistema de ligas de fútbol profesional de Inglaterra. En esta competencia, participan 24 equipos que luchan por ascender a divisiones superiores y evitar el descenso a ligas inferiores.
La clasificación en la EFL League Two es crucial para determinar el destino de cada equipo al final de la temporada. Los clubes acumulan puntos en base a sus resultados en los partidos, otorgando tres puntos por victoria, uno por empate y ninguno por derrota. Los equipos son ordenados en la tabla según la cantidad de puntos obtenidos, seguidos por la diferencia de goles y los goles anotados.
Para los seguidores del fútbol inglés, la EFL League Two ofrece emoción y competitividad en cada jornada. Los equipos luchan con determinación por alcanzar sus objetivos, ya sea acceder a los puestos de ascenso o evitar caer en la zona de descenso. Los aficionados viven la pasión del fútbol en estado puro, apoyando a sus equipos en cada encuentro.
La clasificación en la English Football League Division 2 es dinámica y puede cambiar rápidamente a lo largo de la temporada. Cada partido es una oportunidad para sumar puntos y avanzar en la tabla, por lo que la intensidad y la emoción están garantizadas en esta apasionante competición de fútbol inglés.
Equipos segunda división inglesa
La segunda división del fútbol inglés, conocida como el Championship, es una competición apasionante que cuenta con equipos con una gran tradición y un alto nivel de juego. Estos equipos luchan durante la temporada por lograr el ansiado ascenso a la Premier League, la máxima categoría del fútbol inglés.
Entre los equipos de la segunda división inglesa se encuentran clubes con una larga historia en el fútbol, como el Nottingham Forest, el Derby County, el Leeds United o el Aston Villa. Estos equipos cuentan con una amplia base de seguidores que los apoyan incondicionalmente en su camino hacia la gloria.
El Championship es conocido por ser una liga muy competitiva, en la que cualquier equipo puede ganar a cualquier otro. Los partidos suelen ser emocionantes y llenos de tensión, lo que hace que esta competición sea una de las más seguidas en el mundo del fútbol.
Además, el Championship es una excelente plataforma para que los jóvenes talentos puedan destacar y dar el salto a clubes de mayor envergadura en el futuro. Muchos jugadores que brillaron en la segunda división inglesa han logrado posteriormente triunfar en la Premier League e incluso representar a sus selecciones nacionales.
En resumen, los equipos de la segunda división inglesa ofrecen un espectáculo futbolístico de gran nivel y son una parte fundamental del apasionante universo del fútbol en Inglaterra.
Resultados actualizados EFL League Two
La EFL League Two es una competición de fútbol inglesa que se caracteriza por su emoción y competitividad. Los aficionados de todo el mundo siguen de cerca los resultados actualizados de esta liga para estar al tanto de cómo marchan sus equipos favoritos.
En la presente temporada, la competencia en la EFL League Two ha sido feroz, con varios equipos luchando por alcanzar los primeros puestos de la tabla. Los resultados actualizados muestran un panorama muy interesante, con sorpresas y partidos emocionantes que mantienen en vilo a los seguidores del fútbol.
Los equipos punteros de la EFL League Two han demostrado un gran nivel de juego, con actuaciones destacadas de sus jugadores clave. Cada partido es una oportunidad para sumar puntos y acercarse al ansiado ascenso de categoría, por lo que la intensidad en la cancha se hace sentir en cada enfrentamiento.
Los aficionados y apostadores están constantemente pendientes de los resultados actualizados de la EFL League Two, ya que estos tienen un impacto directo en las clasificaciones y en las posibilidades de cada equipo de alcanzar sus objetivos. Cada gol, cada victoria o derrota, puede marcar la diferencia en el desenlace de la temporada.
En resumen, la EFL League Two es una competición apasionante que mantiene en vilo a los amantes del fútbol. Los resultados actualizados son fundamentales para entender la evolución de la liga y disfrutar al máximo de la emoción que solo el deporte rey puede brindar. ¡Que siga la acción en la EFL League Two!
Posiciones temporada actual EFL League Two
La EFL League Two es una liga inglesa conocida por su emoción y competitividad. Con una variedad de equipos luchando por la victoria, las posiciones en la temporada actual ofrecen un panorama fascinante para los aficionados al fútbol.
En la cima de la tabla, los equipos están luchando duro por el codiciado primer puesto. Cada punto ganado marca la diferencia en este apasionante torneo. Equipos como el Forest Green Rovers, Newport County y Bradford City han demostrado su fuerza en la cancha, manteniéndose firmes en las primeras posiciones y desafiando a sus rivales con un juego agresivo y táctico.
Mientras tanto, en el medio de la tabla, hay una intensa competencia entre equipos como el Exeter City, Leyton Orient y Port Vale. Estos equipos están luchando por mejorar sus posiciones y asegurar un lugar en la tabla que los acerque a los puestos de promoción.
Por otro lado, en la parte inferior de la tabla, los equipos están luchando por evitar el descenso. Macclesfield Town, Grimsby Town y Southend United están en una batalla desesperada por salir de la zona de peligro y mantenerse en la liga.
En resumen, la temporada actual de la EFL League Two es una montaña rusa de emociones y acción en la que cada partido cuenta. Con equipos compitiendo ferozmente por diferentes objetivos, desde el título hasta la supervivencia, los aficionados pueden esperar un final emocionante y lleno de sorpresas.
Tabla de posiciones actualizada EFL League 2
La EFL League 2 es una emocionante liga de fútbol que cuenta con equipos competitivos luchando por ascender y evitar el descenso. A continuación, presentamos la tabla de posiciones actualizada de esta apasionante competición.
En el primer lugar de la tabla se encuentra el equipo A, con un total de X puntos, resultado de sus excelentes actuaciones en la temporada. Le sigue de cerca el equipo B, que ha demostrado un juego sólido y se ubica en la segunda posición con Y puntos.
La tercera posición está ocupada por el equipo C, que ha tenido un rendimiento destacado y se mantiene en la pelea por los primeros lugares. En el cuarto lugar encontramos al equipo D, que ha tenido altibajos pero sigue en la lucha por alcanzar puestos de ascenso.
Por otro lado, en la parte baja de la tabla nos encontramos con el equipo E, que está luchando por alejarse de la zona de descenso y mejorar su posición en la tabla. El equipo F se encuentra justo encima de la zona de peligro, mientras que el equipo G cierra la tabla de posiciones actualizada de la EFL League 2.
La competencia en la EFL League 2 es feroz y cada punto es crucial en la lucha por los primeros puestos y la permanencia en la categoría. Los aficionados continúan emocionados con cada jornada y esperan con ansias el desenlace de esta apasionante temporada. ¡Que gane el mejor equipo!
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georgia-stanway · 5 months
It's sort of hit me how little time we have left with my grandad and so I would actually like to go to the cricket with him. It's a pity Gloucestershire are shit and therefore in division 2 so they're not playing Somerset in the county championship. They'll probably play each other in a different competition I just don't know when.
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forgottenfooty · 7 months
Footy's Forgotten Special Edition: John Caufield
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This edition of Footy's Forgotten was made to go alongside Cork City's play-off match against Waterford, to hopefully stay in the Premier Division.
John Caufield was a striker, who played notably played for Cork City between 1986 & 2001.
Born on October 11th, 1964, in New York City, he moved to County Roscommon in Ireland at a young age. When he was young, his father would take him to Athlone Town matches, which included their 0-0 draw against AC Milan in the 1975-76 UEFA Cup.
His football career started in 1983, when he started as a defender for Athlone Town. During the 1983-84 season, he, alongside former Ireland international Turlough O'Connor, helped the reserve team win the League of Ireland B Division. His League of Ireland debut would come shortly after, when he came off the bench against Home Farm.
He would move to West Cork in 1985, and started working at an electronics store in the area. He continued playing football as well, playing for Wembley in the Munster Senior League.
Caufield would join Cork City in 1986, making his Rebel Army debut in the League of Ireland Cup against Kilkenny City. Shortly after, he would score not only his, but also the club's first hat-trick, in a 3-2 win against Sligo Rovers.
He, alongside Pat Morley and Dave Barry, became notable members of the Cork City team of the 1990s, winning the 1992-93 Premier Division, the 1997-98 FAI Cup, 3 League of Ireland Cups, and 11 Munster Senior Cups. In total, he made 455 appearances for the club, scoring 129 goals, both being club records (although, he does share the goals record with Pat Morley). He also won the LOI Premier Division top scorer during the 1991-92 and 1994-95 seasons, scoring 16 goals both times.
He would leave Cork City in 2001, spending a season at Avondale United, before retiring in 2002.
Alongside being a footballer, Caufield also played Gaelic Football for both Roscommon GAA and Cork GAA, winning an All-Ireland Junior Football Championship in 1990.
His managerial career started in 2002, when following his retirement, he became the coach of Avondale United in the Munster Senior League, helping them win the Senior Premier Division twice, a Senior First Division, and 2 FAI Intermediate Cups. He also helped them reach the 2004-05 Munster Senior Cup final, where they lost to Cork City.
Caufield would leave in 2010, to join University College Cork AFC, helping them to win a Senior First Division title, and a Collingwood Cup.
In November 2013, he replaced Tommy Dunne as the manager of his former side Cork City, who had just finished 6th in the 2013 LOI Premier Division season. He would help the Rebel Army to finish top 2 for 5 seasons in a row between 2014 & 2018, winning the Premier Division in 2017, as well as winning 3 President of Ireland's Cup in a row, and reaching 4 successive FAI Cup finals between 2015 & 2018.
However, he couldn't replicate his league success in Europe, only getting to the 3rd Qualifying Round of the UEFA Europa League, losing to Genk in 2016-17, and Rosenborg in 2018-19. And following a disappointing start to the 2019 Premier Division season, he would leave Cork City in May 2019.
In August 2020, he would join Galway United in the LOI First Division. He initially struggled to get promoting, losing the promotion play-offs 3 times in a row, before winning the 2023 LOI First Division with 94 points, 25 points ahead of 2nd place Waterford. His contract with the club expires at the end of 2023, but if he does stay on, he will manage in the Premier Division for the first time since May 2019.
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cricketfun · 11 months
Watch: Matt Parkinson Produces Magic Delivery, Finds Sharp Turn Through The Gate To Flatten Off Stump Watch: Matt Parkinson bowled anothe... #usa #uk
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sportofusalacrosse · 1 year
Top lacrosse video today: #2 Virginia vs Georgetown Lacrosse Highlights NCAA QUARTERFINAL | 2023 College Lacrosse
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Ingrid Walters - Competitive swimmer turned marathon runner. PB of 2hr 48 mins. Breast Cancer Survivor. Inducted into The National Black Distance Running Hall of Fame.
Ingrid has loved competitive sports since a young age. Originally swimming was her passion and she began swimming competitively at 6 years old, she swam throughout high school and attending UCLA (a division 1 school) where she swam competitively for 2 years, while studying Sociology. 
After leaving college, Ingrid made the transition from swimming to running and also decided to become an actress. Played lifeguard Sheryl Whelan, on Baywatch as well as having roles on Scandal, Grey's Anatomy, Castle, and Parenthood, to name a few!
At the age of 47 after running her fastest marathon ever, 2hr 48 mins in the 2019 LA Marathon. 
Ingrid was feeling the strongest and fittest she’d ever been. 
However, while training for her next challenge, she started to not feel well and after seeing her doctor was diagnosed with breast cancer. Ingrid underwent a double mastectomy, and continued to run while undergoing six rounds of chemotherapy as well as radiation.
Ingrid is a member of Janes an elite women’s running group based in LA and in 2021 Ingrid was inducted into the National Black Distance Running Hall of Fame.
2014 3rd Place Masters Female Chicago Marathon 2014 2nd Place Female Overall Orange County Marathon 2016 USATF Masters Half Marathon Championship: 5th place Masters Woman Overall 2021 2nd Place 50+, 12th Overall USATF Masters XC Club Nationals Tallahassee,FL 2022 1st Place 50+, 8th Overall USATF Masters XC Championships Mission Bay, CA
  New episodes of the Tough Girl Podcast go live every Tuesday and Thursday 7am UK time - Make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss out. 
The Tough Girl Podcast is being sponsored throughout March by Inov-8. www.inov-8.com
Get involved with the #MarchDailyMile Challenge. Run 1 mile everyday in March. 
  Show Notes
Who is Ingrid 
Being based in Santa Monica, California, USA 
Racing for the past 10 years
Starting out as a competitive swimmer 
Swimming for 2 years in College at UCLA
Hating running when she was younger
Transition to running at 18/19 years old
Starting to work as a lifeguard for LA County 
Running on the beach and doing her first marathon
Running marathons and improving her times
Joining the Janes’ an elite running team in Santa Monica and wanting to break 3hrs in the marathon
Always loved training and competing 
Liking to challenge herself
Working as an actor for 26 years
Finding her niche in life
What was Ingrid like as a little girl 
Being taught to swim from a very young age
Being a junior lifeguard
Studying Sociology at College in the early 90s
Getting into acting and booking her first commercial 
Acting in Baywatch
Gradually falling in love with running
Hal Higdon - Marathon training plan 
Deciding to join the Janes Elite Running Club 
Taking 5 years to run under 3hrs
Being fully committed to her running program 
Getting a running coach and running 70 miles a week
Breaking 3 hrs when she was 45 years old
Starting to change her training and wanting to go faster
Running 100mile weeks for 3 months before the LA Marathon
Running 2.48 at the LA Marathon!!!
Starting to not feel well and being diagnosed with Breast Cancer
Feeling shocked
The next steps to follow 
Being supported by the running community 
Running throughout her treatment 
Having surgery in August 2019
Getting into cross country races in 2021
Having a baby heart attack at a race in New Jersey
Figuring out what happened
Looking at running in a different way 
Reframing the situation in her mind
Advice for new runners starting out
The joy of making running fun!
A magical running memory 
How to connect with Ingrid 
  Social Media
Instagram @ingridwalt
Janes Elite Racing - www.thejanes.net 
  Check out this episode!
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ledenews · 1 year
Valkyrie Wrestling Club Helping to Grow Girls' Sport Locally
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It was mission accomplished for coach Chris Ward and the young ladies of the Valkyrie Wrestling Club on Saturday inside the ELITE Sports Center in Parkersburg. The Benwood-based all-girls wrestling club saw 10 of its wrestlers place at the West Virginia Girls Junior State Championship. Among that total was state champion Laylah Yoho, who captured the 80-pound championship in the 10-12-year-old division. For her efforts, Yoho was also named the Most Outstanding Wrestler for the entire tournament. She was not the only one experiencing success. Valkyrie produced four runner-ups in Georgia Beegle, Gracie Logsdon, Emmalyn Beegle, and Sydney fields; four third-place finishers in Payton Yoho, Annzly Leasure, Skylar Pyles, and Sadie Hillberry, along with fourth-place finisher Joslyn Fields. “We set the goal to be the state champs early in our season and that’s been our main goal all along was to get to state’s and come home with a title,” Ward admitted. It was the second year for the junior girls' championships, but the fourth for the event overall as it was held in conjunction with the girls’ high school and middle school championships. The high school event was the fourth annual. Last year, Valkyrie traveled to Parkersburg and returned home after finishing third behind South Parkersburg and the Bulldawgs wrestling club. Laylah Yoho, Leasure, and Logsdon were all champions in 2022, but the club had only five placers. So returning to Wood County and coming home with team hardware was a major win for both Ward and his wrestlers. But it’s more than just about team championships for Ward. He and his girls are on the ground floor, helping spread interest in the sport both locally and beyond. While girls’ wrestling is one of the fastest-growing sports nationally, Ohio and Pennsylvania categorize it as an emerging sport, with Ohio coming on board in January of 2022. Later this year, the OHSAA will host its first official girls’ state wrestling championships. Participation in Pennsylvania has grown enough that it’s nearing full sanctioning status with the PIAA. West Virginia isn’t there yet, but the pressure to sanction is mounting, as is interest in the sport. “Every year it has grown, and this was the fourth year for the high school tournament,” Ward said. “The first year they had very small numbers, but the second year they added the middle school (tournament), and the third year, the youth. “It’s grown in all three aspects. The SSAC has a pretty high number for what it wants in order to sanction the sport, but from what I understand, it’s getting a lot of pressure to get it sanctioned from a lot of areas.” Local Participation Ward and the late Joe Giovengo began Valkyrie back in 2020. They purchased the former Benwood Fire Hall and turned it into a training facility for both Valkyrie and the Bruisers' wrestling club, which Giovengo’s father Tom Sr. first started back in 1979. Laylah Yoho won her second straight championship and was named the most outstanding wrestler for the tournament. With Ward and Joe Giovengo at the helm, they decided it was finally time to start an all-girls club and try to build the support, and training options, locally for interested girls. “That first year, we probably had three or four girls but the numbers weren’t really there,” Ward recalled. “It was hit or miss, but we did have a few that were really dedicated, and Laylah was one of them. “Then COVID hit and a lot of people didn’t come back.” Knowing Yoho’s natural talent, Ward convinced her family to bring her back once wrestling began again and Yoho experienced success. Her success helped garner interest and, as Year 2 for the club rolled around, more started following her into the gym. The word was getting around and wrestling parents with daughters at other locations started flocking to the all-girls club. “We’d have parents come in where their daughters were on other teams, but they didn’t feel they were really getting the teaching or coaching that they felt the boys were getting,” Ward said. “They were kind of getting pushed to the side. They wanted to go somewhere where it was all girls, and our numbers started to build off that.” Ward runs the Ohio Valley Youth Wrestling League, which is a novice league that area schools compete in from both sides of the river. Last year, Ward advertised a novice all-girls team that brought in around 10-15 girls for the Novice season. This year, around 22 girls signed up for the Novice team, and Ward noted he has about 17-18 that are consistently wrestling and competing each week. “Our numbers have been growing steadily every year.” That’s sure to continue with events like the Battle for the Belt the Valkyrie Wrestling Club put on for the first back in January. The Battle took place that Highlands Sports Complex How was the participation in the first-year event? Ward admitted he was hoping for a good turnout but was elated that 120-125 girls from 6-7 different states sign up and travel to Ohio County to compete. Ward noted he chose the Highlands’ facility because of its track record in hosting first-rate events and he wanted to put on a good impression not only for the local competitors but also for the out-of-towners coming in. “We had girls from Michigan, Indiana, Tennessee, all over,” Ward said. “We gave out full-sized pink championship belts to the winners and we just had a great turnout. “We’re definitely going to hold it again and possibly add a middle school girls division to the tournament. We had a lot of middle school girls contact us about adding that division, and with the turnout we had, we probably will. We’re going to continue to do it in the future.” Drawing Interest Ward has a lot of talented, growing athletes wrestling at his practices each week. Given their age, many are still competing in multiple sports, trying to find the ones they like best and see where they can excel. A composite of some of the Valkyrie wrestlers posing victoriously at the Battle for the Belt He does a few year-rounders that are dedicated to wrestling like Yoho, but for the most part, his wrestlers also compete in soccer and softball. “Layla is a full-time wrestler, but a lot of them play softball as well. That seems to be the biggest,” Ward said. “We kind of take a break once the state (youth) tournament hits in March, but then they start filtering back in. “But I think a lot of the draw to (girls’) wrestling, is the same with baseball, softball, soccer, is the amount of playing time. The parents and girls know when they come to wrestling, there is all the playing time you want. We’re at a tournament nearly every week.” Ward said in some of the other sports, he’s seen kids get pushed out of their sports because of travel ball, and they are looking to find something new. “These kids are athletic and they want to be involved and here, you can get all the playing time you want.” Wrestling is one of those sports with participants’ families are either extremely knowledgeable, and have been a wrestling family for generations, or they are new to the sport. There’s not a lot of in-between with part-time fans on the periphery. That being said, Valkyrie receives a lot of fresh faces that are basically blank slates now, coming into the gym with little to no knowledge of the sport, its rules, and techniques. A lot of the wrestling families with girls in the area have already gravitated toward the club, so now, it’s the newbies who are making their way to the sport for the first time. “If a girl shows up and she doesn’t know anything, we can teach them what we know and what we want them to know,” Ward said. “It’s a blank slate and they have no bad habits. I think we have kind of soaked up all the ones that may have been wrestling elsewhere but wanted to be a part of an all-girls team.” As interest grows, so will opportunities, and there’s no time like the present to get involved, though Ward noted the best time to get involved for the first time is early fall. But they are always welcome, no matter the experience level. “We wrestle year round and it doesn’t matter, any girl from five years and up, they don’t need any experience, they can come out and try it, ask as many questions as they want, watch practice, and find out if this is for them,” Ward said. “Our club is open to anybody. They can come in and train and compete. “Our next big signup is in September and that’s for our novice team and league. That’s the prime time for a brand-new wrestler to start.” Anyone looking for more information can find Valkyrie on Facebook. Read the full article
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Destruction Derby 2 - Wreckin Championship - Division 3
Division 3 Wreckin Racing Championship in Destruction Derby 2.
1. Intro 00:00 
2. Round 1 - Chalk Canyon 00:13 
3. Standing 05:54 
4. Round 2 - Caprio County Raceway 06:13 
5. Result and Standings 09:47 
6. Round 3 - S.C.A. Motorplex 10:23 
7. Result and Standings 15:06 
8. Round 4 - Black Sail Valley 15:38 
9. Result and Standings 19:45 
10. Round 5 - The Colosseum 20:15 
11. Result and Final Standings 21:32 
12. Outro 22:12 
Spinning an opponent's car 90° - 10 points 
Spinning an opponent's car 180° - 25 points 
Spinning an opponent's car 360° - 50 points
Wrecking an opponent's car -  25 points 
Tracks Featured 
Chalk Canyon 
Caprio County Raceway 
S.C.A. Motorplex 
Black Sail Valley 
Bowls Featured 
The Colosseum 
The second entry in the Destruction Derby series and the sequel to 1995's Destruction Derby once again developed by British developer Reflections Interactive (Now Ubisoft Reflections). 
This sequel features an all-new track and bowls line-up with seven tracks and 4 bowls replacing the six tracks and 1 bowl from the first game. 
The driver's line-up features 4 changes from the first game with The Chief, The Master, The Pro and Rivit replacing The Idol, Crunch Bunch, The Taxman and The Doctor. The world's worst driver Learner Driver makes the cut for the second game. 
For more console games from the 90s check out the following playlist
Twitter (Gaming & AI Art) 
Instagram (AI Art) 
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64bitgamer · 1 year
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pucketthede · 2 years
Seductive Beauty
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AT&T Sports Networks is a subsidiary of AT&T. Media, a major media company and one of the largest magazine publishers in the State of Maryland, will sponsor the panel discussion and filming of "The Culture of Sports" consisting of all of the athletic directors of the Historic Black Colleges and Universities from the State of Maryland to be held from noon to 3 pm on June 8, 2018 at the Anne Arundel County Delegation Room in the Lowe House Office Building of the Maryland General Assembly in Annapolis, Maryland. In the private sector, he was General Counsel for a publicly traded corporation and Assistant Washington Counsel for a major trade association. The Division I Football Subdivision Athletics Directors Association announced that Morgan State's Director of Intercollegiate Athletics Edward Scott will serve on its Executive Committee. 76 players and six coaches from the Football Bowl Subdivision and 100 players and 32 coaches from the divisional ranks make-up the 2019 ballot for induction into the College Football Hall of Fame. • Hurt led Morgan's football teams to six Black College National Championships and won 14 CIAA titles. Nearly 26 years after Howard University opened its doors, collegiate football was established and HU welcomed a new kind of student to “The Mecca.” Today, 125 years later, Howard football boasts a legacy of historic wins and football standouts.
Snap and Flatpak in their current incarnations have been around for at least five years. In celebration and in honor of 125 years of Howard Football, the program has launched early bird season football tickets for $125. Under the guidance of head football coach Mike London, Bison football will host team camps and one-day prospect camps. The Morgan State football team has had great success in the classroom. Coach Damon Wilson and his staff will welcome back 45 returning players from last season's (9-2 / 6-1 CIAA) team. MSU enters its 120th season of football and will open the 2018 campaign under interim head coach Ernest T. Jones, set to enter his first year at the helm and his third year at Morgan State. He later became the head coach at Florida A&M University and was an assistant at the University of New Orleans and Mercer before going to Polk Community College.
Much of his career was spent working for Members of Congress and state legislators in positions such as Chief of Staff, General Counsel, Legislative Director, Press Secretary, and Legislative Assistant. Bowie State kicks off the regular season (Thursday, August 30th) on the road at Division I (FCS) Wagner College (Staten Island, N.Y.) at 6 p.m. 1) in the 'Battle for Greater Baltimore', followed by road trips versus Akron (Sept. 9), Univ. at Albany (Sept. A&T (Sept. 22) game will also be recorded as a non-conference contest. MSU opens the season against Towson (Sept. With 바카라사이트 , season ticket holders will receive reserved seating, discounted Circle City Classic fan pack rates, the homecoming VIP tent experience and homecoming parking. The Bears enter the 2018 season looking to post their first winning season since going 6-5 in 2009. MSU's 7- 에볼루션게이밍 in 2014 was vacated. Emmaus Technical Services Ltd was established in August 2014 and as a family run business we understand all too well the crucial nature of getting IT to work for you, not against you. You can work out every day and go to the beautician on a regular basis however it is essential not to disregard the beauty within.
And if you're already using it, make sure you take ten seconds out of your day to change the IDN setting. All practices are open to the media and public and subject to change. Running a service that cuts payroll checks; monitoring network uptime; some BPO and many call-center/support operations; all are good candidates. There has been a breakdown in the manmade global warming consensus, and some even argue we are headed for an ice age. One thing I do know for sure is that most times in the pool right behind it there lies a trout. Because of this, these salons right here have succeeded in getting a lot of local as well as overseas consumers. The clever bit of Tinsley is pictured here. My friend Virginia sent it to me, she is a bit my senior and is always on the cutting edge of technology, with what her husband described as the fastest double click in the West! And at Missouri University of Science and Technology, we’ve got what it takes to help you get there. There is also the ongoing option of making a donation in support of the 125th football anniversary fund.
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irvinenewshq · 2 years
Prime groups runners prepared for two-day Orange County Championships cross nation meet in Irvine Orange County Register
The Orange County Cross Nation Championships intend to, because the meet’s web site says, “set up a real county champion” and “the All County particular person groups.” A take a look at the warmth sheets for this 12 months’s occasion, being held Friday and Saturday at Oak Canyon Park in Irvine, helps these claims. Fourteen of the women groups within the Orange County prime 16 rankings compiled by PrepCalTrack.com and 14 of the highest 16 boys groups within the rankings are entered within the Orange County Championships. All the runners within the PrepCalTrack.com Orange County particular person women prime 11 are entered, together with No. 1 Holly Barker, a sophomore at Laguna Hills, and No. 2 Sophie Polay, a Santa Margarita sophomore who ran an awesome race on the Clovis Invitational final week. 9 of the 11 runners within the county particular person boys prime 11 have entered, together with county No. 1 Juan Chantaca, a senior at San Clemente, and No. 2 Jayden Hernandez, a Godinez sophomore. The Orange County Championships, which began within the Nineteen Sixties, might be run on a largely flat course at Oak Canyon Park. Colleges which can be in CIF Southern Part Divisions 3, 4 and 5 compete on Friday. Groups within the different divisions compete Saturday. Some faculties within the decrease divisions have the choice of transferring as much as Saturday’s upper-division races. Friday’s racing begins at 3 p.m. Saturday’s first race is at 7:45 a.m. Parking is $20 every day. CLOVIS INVITATIONAL  San Clemente’s boys group, which is entered within the Orange County Championships, completed second to Newbury Park within the standings eventually weekend’s Clovis Invitational. The Tritons are No. 1 within the PrepCalTrack.com county boys group rankings and No. 1 within the CIF-SS Division 1 rankings. Santa Margarita was 14th within the boys total standings. Dana Hills was 18th. Chantaca was the highest Orange County boys runner on the meet. He ran the eighth-fastest time at Clovis, ending the 5K course at Woodward Park in Fresno in quarter-hour and 11.3 seconds. Woodward Park is the positioning the place the CIF State Championships might be held Nov. 26. San Clemente junior Brett Ephraim had the next-best time amongst Orange County athletes at Clovis, ending thirty first total at 15:36.9. Tritons senior Rory Catsimanes contributing to the group outcomes at 15:40.9. JSerra’s women group was second to Los Altos on the Clovis Invitational within the total standings. The Lions had been led by sophomore Brynn Garcia, who had the day’s Twenty first-best time of 18:08. Lions freshman Kaylah Tasser was one place behind her at 18:12.4. Huntington Seaside was 14th within the women total standings. El Toro was nineteenth. Santa Margarita sophomore Sophie Polay was Orange County’s prime finisher, taking firth place at 17:35.1 on the 5K course. That’s 36 seconds sooner than her time at Woodward Park final season within the CIF State meet. Huntington Seaside junior Makenzie McRae was fifteenth at 15:57. Dana Hills senior Allura Markow took nineteenth at 17:59.7. CIF POSTSEASON MEETS The CIF-SS Championships might be held at Mt. San Antonio School subsequent month. The prelims for Divisions 1 and 5 are Nov. 11. Prelims for the opposite divisions are Nov. 12. The finals for all divisions are Nov. 20 at Mt. SAC. All league finals should be accomplished by Nov. 4. Originally published at Irvine News HQ
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viralnews-1 · 2 years
Recent Match Report - Notts vs Durham 2022
Recent Match Report – Notts vs Durham 2022
Durham 207 (Maddinson 40, Potts 40) and 14 for 2 (Fletcher 1-4, Broad 1-10) need 563 runs to beat Nottinghamshire 662 for 5 dec (Montgomery 178, James 164*, Mullaney 136, Hameed 115) and 121 for 2 dec (Hameed 49*, Clarke 48*) Nottinghamshire secured promotion to Division One of the LV= Insurance County Championship and are effectively Division Two champions already, although their supporters…
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znewstech · 2 years
Shubman Gill Scores Maiden County Hundred For Glamorgan | Cricket News
Shubman Gill Scores Maiden County Hundred For Glamorgan | Cricket News
Shubman Gill playing for Glamorgan in County Championship Division 2. Young Indian batter Shubman Gill slammed his maiden hundred for Glamorgan against Sussex in their County Championship Division 2 match in Hove on Tuesday. Batting on 91 overnight, Gill notched his eighth first-class century in 123 balls, displaying his wide array of elegant shots all around the County Ground in Hove. Overall…
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