#Conrand Harrington
(temporary) Pinned Post
since the wiki keeps getting vandalized to hell and back, I’ve decided to make this blog as a more proper wiki for The Girl Who Could Fly series. 
Hi there, my name is Fynn! I use he/him/his pronouns and I love The Girl Who Could Fly series so much. I was the original editor of the wiki, and maintained it pretty well until the pandemic in 2020 when I got a full time job and around 3-4 people decided to vandalize the wiki. Every time I tried to fix it, around an hour or so later it would be vandalized again. 
I’m hoping to get this ‘wiki’ up and running quickly, and I plan to make sure everything is organized and proper looking so that it’s easier to access than the Fandom wiki. (Because honestly, that sight in general is a mess of ads and the layout gives me a headache on mobile.) 
Obviously this isn’t my main blog, but if you have any questions/requests I am more than willing to answer! 
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