#Chouriki Sentai Ohranger: The Movie
majorhobo · 1 year
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luckykittenpirate · 10 months
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@takkynoko @super-saiyan-rose
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washipink · 10 months
A Beginner’s Guide to Tokusatsu
Hey, I know some of you are probably wondering about all these hero shows I’m constantly posting about. Maybe you want to try watching them too, but don’t know where to start? Well, look no further. I’m here to go over some accessible, and legal, means of checking out some of my favorite things!
for the OTHER means, you’ll have to DM me or send me an ask. I’m not getting my favorite sites shut down. You know the drill.
This guide will mainly focus on the big 3 Toku franchises, Toei’s Kamen Rider and Super Sentai as well as Tsuburaya’s Ultraman.
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What Is Tokusatsu?
Tokusatsu is a genre of Japanese shows and movies that literally translates to “Special Effects”. Usually using a combination of monster or hero suits, practical effects like explosions, and light CGI.
That’s a REALLY wide net, so we’re just gonna focus on 3 shows today.
Super Sentai, Kamen Rider, and Ultraman. Thanks to @urotandersentai​ for drawing this neat little guide to the Visual Design of each of these 3 shows.
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With that out of the way, let’s look at some individual seasons of these shows. Each one has a link to where you can watch it!
Please remember that at the end of the day, the best way to pick a show to watch is “Whatever looks coolest to you”. As such, I’ve included pictures!!!
Super Sentai
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You might be saying, “This looks like Power Rangers!” And you’d be right!
Super Sentai, created by Shotaro Ishinomori and produced by Toei Productions, is kinda like Power Rangers’ Dad. PR has been using suits and even fight footage from Super Sentai to tell its own stories for 30 years. All this time, though, Sentai has been creating lovable and memorable casts of colorful heroes.
Generally, Super Sentai is about a team of heroes in colorful costumes that fight monsters every week to protect people.
There’s tons of shows in this series that are available FOR FREE.
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The Earth is under siege from the Dimensional War Party Vyram. A special squadron is selected for an experiment to turn them into Super Humans with the powers of Birds, the Birdman Squadron Jetman. Vyram interferes with the experiment and kills all but one of the Jetman recruits. Instead, civilians are transformed and tasked with defending the Earth. The surviving recruit, Ryu Tendo, must convince 4 normal people with drastically different backgrounds to fight with him.
Jetman has the typical monster of the week format for Super Sentai, but when the team isn’t battling monsters, there’s some serious drama going on. The five of them are all drastically different individuals. It can make it hard to work as a team. Especially when it comes Black Condor. Dude’s a loose canon and an absolute bastard of a man.
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“From hundreds of millions of years ago, in the age of the dinosaurs, five warriors revive in the present time!”
When the Evil Witch Bandora awakens from her slumber, intent on terrorizing the Children of Earth, Five warriors from Dinosaur Times are unsealed to undo her schemes!
This one is where the suits for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers came from, which might tempt you to watch it first. I kinda recommend against that, though. It’s a fine show but I personally found it a bit boring. The characterization of the main cast didn’t stick out as much compared to other Sentai.
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I haven’t seen this one, but it’s focused on martial arts and one of their mechs is a cool dragon? so uhhh? Check them out? Their theme song fucks
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Ok listen I didn’t watch this one either. HOWEVER, I know that it’s about the descendants of 5 legendary ninja who have been fighting yokai for 400 years.
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This is the last sentai in the “I didn’t watch it” category. uhhh, watch it if the suits look cool. Sorry.
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Five Mechanics use the power of Car Magic to protect the earth from the Universal Reckless Driving Tribe and teach children about Traffic Safety. This one’s a tad bit goofier compared to some of the others, but it’s a good time.
Also There’s a Yoda.
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Five High School Students are friends and pals! Together they investigate the mysterious goings on of a technologically advanced evil empire. They literally surf the net in order to bring peace to their city and the world!
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The warriors of Ginga Forest, the Gingamen, have protected nature for 132 Generations. This series follows the 133rd Generation of Gingamen, who battle alongside Starbeasts to stop the resurrection of the Demon Beast Ditanix!
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This time, the rangers are an experienced team of rescue workers given super human power! They fight back Literal Demons From Hell that endanger the public. There’s a lot of focus specifically on rescuing civilians in this one, so if you’re an especially big fan of watching heroes... SAVE people, this is a great choice.
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In the 30th Century, a gang of super criminals escapes to the year 2000. They are tracked down by the Future Sentai Timeranger, agents of the Time Defense Force. There, they encounter the Great(s) Grandfather of their departed leader and must convince him to fight alongside them for the sake of humanity.
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Veterinarian Kakeru Shishi can hear the hearts of every animal! He swiftly becomes enraptured in the adventures of the Gaorangers, who battle living embodiment of pollution. Also they live on a flying turtle! How cool is that?
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What if there was a polycule of ninjas SO BAD at being Ninjas, they showed up to Ninja Class Late and were the only survivors of an attack on their school? These guys are the silliest little slackers, but they’ve got hearts of gold. Check them out? For me? :)
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If Super Sentai is Power Rangers’ Dad, Kamen Rider is Power Rangers’ Uncle.
Kamen Rider was ALSO created by Shotaro Ishinomori.
Usually focused in on a smaller cast of heroes. A common theme in Rider is that the heroes are created by their villains and choose to rebel against them for the greater good, or will use the villain’s own powers against them.
Most Riders have a signature attack where they leap into the air and do a flying kick. These get INCREDIBLY flashy over the years.
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Unfortunately, there’s a lot less Kamen Rider legally available than there are of the other two shows here. Don’t fret, it’s Easy Enough To Find Anyway.
As for the shows I can link you to, there’s
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This is the original series.
Takeshi Hongo is an augmented human being created by the evil organization Shocker. Escaping before his brainwashing can be completed, battles for humanity’s freedom as Kamen Rider.
Being such an old show, the effects can be dated and cheesy. It’s a bit of an acquired taste, but if you stick with it, I’m sure you’ll love it. You can watch most of the show in almost any order. The only really confusing part is that eventually, Hongo tags out with fellow escaped cyborg Ichimonji Hayato as Kamen Rider. (This was due to a real world injury to Hongo’s actor during filming. Don’t worry, he’s still kicking and he comes back later in the show!)
It’s also the longest Kamen Rider show, so I don’t fault you if you decide not to watch ALL of it. Even I haven’t yet.
If reading is more your thing, it’s based on a manga that you can find a DELIGHTFULLY well crafted omnibus of here
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Kuuga was the first season of Rider after about a 5 year break on TV. It’s something of a return to form.
It follows Yusuke Godai, a world traveler with 2000 skills, visiting his home town for the first time in years. He finds himself in the middle of an ancient civilization’s ritualistic murder game. Donning the mantle of Kuuga, Godai fights to protect the smiles of the city. He has a wonderful supporting cast around him including Detective Ichijou, who he goes on to share a rather homoerotic bond with.
Kuuga was my first Rider Series and to this day, it represents the Bread and Butter of Kamen Rider to me. This one’s a bit of a slow-paced Drama, but its focus is on what it means to help others. Every episode, I felt like I was actively being encouraged to be a better person. Godai’s got this infectious positivity that can’t help but make you grin.
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Ryuki takes a rather different direction from the other shows on this list. Instead of being about a single hero battling monsters, it’s about Plucky Young Journalist Shinji Kido being wrapped up in an all-out war between Kamen Riders. Donning the mask of Ryuki, he seeks to put an end to the bloodshed. The other Kamen Riders aren’t nearly as cooperative, though.
Don’t think that this plot means these characters don’t get tons of humanizing moments though. They’re all delightful to watch in action and you’ll end up truly questioning who will win? Is it possible to end the Riders’ battle? Will Shinji have to take a life after all?
I cannot recommend Ryuki enough. A lot of the Rider series from the early 2000s are Dramas that feature super heroes and Ryuki takes that drama up to a 10. (Plus, if you wanna ask where to find it, there’s plentiful side content for this show.)
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In the far-flung year of 2019, Hiden Intelligence has revolutionized AI technology. The company manufactures Robot Assistants called Humagears. People in all walks of life and profession benefit from their aid. Unfortunately, something is causing Humagears to go berserk and attack humans.
With the death of Hiden Intelligence’s president, Failed Comedian Aruto Hiden inherits the company. He’s given the Zero-One Driver, which allows him to fight the corrupted Humagears as Kamen Rider Zero-One. With this new power in hand, Aruto seeks a way forward where Humankind and AI can exist in harmony.
Come to think of it, this one’s kinda topical. “AI” is a subject we really aren’t gonna be getting rid of any time soon. This show is one of the more recent rider productions you can find legally and it SHOWS. Every suit is sleek and clean, the visuals are striking and flashy. If nothing else, Zero-One LOOKS incredible.
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Kamen Riders compete in a game called the Desire Grand Prix. By fighting monsters and saving people for points, the winner can have their greatest desire granted. Ukiyo Ace, the titular Kamen Rider Geats, looks to unravel the mysteries behind the Grand Prix and reunite with his long-lost mother.
Things get a bit more complicated than that, but I think you should see it for yourself. I can’t recommend Geats enough. its visual style is a direct evolution of Zero One’s sleekness and flashiness. It’s main 4 characters are some of my favorites in recent years.
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SHIN KAMEN RIDER (2023) (Paid)
Takeshi Hongo is an augmented human being created by the evil organization Shocker. Escaping before his brainwashing can be completed, battles for humanity’s freedom as Kamen Rider. 
Wait, that sounds really familiar. That’s because this is the latest in a series of Tokusatsu Reimaginings by Hideaki Anno and Shinji Higuchi. This is a new take on the story of Kamen Rider 1971, modernized complete with sleeker suits and stunning music all wrapped up in a 2-hour movie. It also has plenty of Easter Eggs for those of us who are fans of the 1971 series or the Manga it’s based on!
Be warned, this one’s gorier than the other stuff on the list. It’s mostly exaggerated blood splatters, though. I hate that kind of stuff and I’m able to rewatch this movie.
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Amazons is another adult reimagining of a classic Kamen Rider show, but it’s so far removed you don’t really need to know much about the original to enjoy it.
Amazons follows a group of exterminators who have been tasked with eradicating escaped cannibalistic experiments called, well, Amazons. The catch is that they work together with 2 Amazons, Momoru the Mole Amazon, and Haruka, the titular Kamen Rider Amazons. Both of them are tasked with asking themselves ethical questions. Is it so wrong for Amazons to exist? Is it possible to avoid eating people? If it isn’t, then is it WRONG to eat people to survive?
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Ok, look, I’m gonna have to make a separate post covering all the free Ultraman stuff there is. Theres SO MUCH OF IT available that I don’t know where to start. We’re about to hit the image limit. If that post is done, it will be linked HERE.
But for a basic idea, there’s tons of stuff on Tubi and the official Ultraman Youtube Channel posts new episodes of the currently airing show.
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bigbadbuzzard · 7 months
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Reelhead as OhRed / Zeo Ranger V Red
Reelhead is not only a movie fan. He is also a fan of the Super Sentai series, as well as the Power Rangers series.
He considers Chouriki Sentai Ohranger a good series, even if it has its flaws.
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tokufandubseries · 2 years
Tokusatsu Fan Dub Series Characters I Voice (Changes Overtime)
Super Sentai:
Momoranger/Peggy Matsuyama (Himitsu Sentai Goranger) Kyutaro (Ep. 7-51) (Battle Fever J) Denzi Dog IC (Denshi Sentai Denziman) Yellow4 I/Mika Koizumi (Ep. 1-10) (Choudenshi Bioman) Mag (Choushinsei Flashman) Leh Näfel/Näfelura/The Nefuluss (Choushinsei Flashman) Wolk and Kilt/The Kiltos (Choushinsei Flashman) Blue Dolphin/Megumi Misaki (Choujuu Sentai Liveman) Colon (Choujuu Sentai Liveman) Arthur G6 (Chikyuu Sentai Fiveman) Tran (Ep. 1-36) (Choujin Sentai Jetman) Pteraranger/Lithia Tribe Princess Mei (Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger) Kibaranger/Kou of the Howling New Star (Ep. 17-22-28-31-33-37-38-42-50) (Gosei Sentai Dairanger) Akomaru (This also includes Kasumi O_O) (Ep. 17-22-31-37-42-44) (Gosei Sentai Dairanger) NinjaWhite/Tsuruhime (Ninja Sentai Kakuranger) Prince Buldont (Ep. 1-39) (Chouriki Sentai Ohranger) Picoto (Megaranger vs. Carranger) Fairy Bokku (Seijuu Sentai Gingaman) Krantz (Ep. 19, 25) (Seijuu Sentai Gingaman) Infant Demon Drop (Ep. 2-22) (Kyuukyuu Sentai GoGoFive) TimePink/Yuri (Mirai Sentai Timeranger) First Spear, Furabiijo (Ninpuu Sentai Hurricaneger) Disciple of Dawn Lije/Kasumi/Messenger of Dawn Lijewel/DezumoLijewel (Bakuryuu Sentai Abaranger) DekaPink/Umeko (Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger) DekaSwan/Swan-chan (Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger) Nai & Mea (Mahou Sentai Magiranger) Mele (Juken Sentai Gekiranger) Engine BearRV (Engine Sentai Go-Onger) Gokai Yellow/Luka Millfy (Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger) Tiaraloid (Ep. 37) (Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters) Joyful Knight Candelilla (Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger) Funfilled Spy Luckyuro (Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger) Ticket (Ressha Sentai ToQger) Madame Noir (Ressha Sentai ToQger) Miss Gritta (Ressha Sentai ToQger) Kyuemon Izayoi (Shuriken Sentai Ninninger) Zyuoh Tiger/Amu (Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger) Chameleon Green/Hammy (Uchu Sentai Kyuranger) Raptor 283/Washi Pink (Uchu Sentai Kyuranger) Umiki Hayami/LupinYellow (Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patoranger) Tsukasa Myoujin/PatrenSango (Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patoranger) Kureon (Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger) Kirama Pink/Sayo Oharu (Mashin Sentai Kiramager) Secchan (Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger)
Kamen Rider:
Junko Tama (V3) Ryoko Mizuki (Ep. 1-8) (X) Kiriko Mizuki (Ep. 1-8) (X) Masahiko Okamura (Amazon) Doctor Kate (Ep. 27-29-30) (Stronger) Harumi Kusanami (Super-1) Staff Officer Witch/Majoringa (Ep. 24-48) (Super-1) Princess Yokai/Satan Doll (Ep. 24-46) (Super-1) Smart Lady (Faiz) Hana/Kohana (Den-O) Megumi Aso (Kiva) Natsumi Hikari/Kamen Rider Kiva-la (Decade) Kiva-la (Decade) ClayDoll Dopant/Wakana Sonozaki (W) Mezool Greeed (Human Form) (OOO) Yuki Jojima (Fourze) Tomoko Nozama (Fourze) Aquarius Zodiarts/Erin Suda (Fourze) Kamen Rider Nadeshiko/Nadeshiko Misaki (Kamen Rider Kamen Rider Fourze & OOO: Movie War Mega Max/Kamen Rider Kamen Rider Wizard & Fourze: Movie War Ultimatum) Skydain/Shizuka Shiroyama (Kamen Rider Fourze the Movie: Everyone, Space is Here!/Kamen Rider Super Sentai Space Sheriff: Super Hero Taisen Z) Koyomi Fueki (Wizard) Kamen Rider Marika/Yoko Minato (Gaim) Mai Takatsukasa (Gaim) Kiriko Shijima (Drive) Yurusen (Ghost) Katchu Gamma (Ep. 21-22) (Ghost) Izu (Zero-One) Kamen Rider Sabela/Reika Shindai (Saber) Lovekov (Revice)
Metal Heroes:
B-Fighter Tento/Ran Ayukawa (B-Fighter Kabuto) Kabutack (B-Robo Kabutack) Robotack (Tetsuwan Tantei Robotack) Kakeru Yukiyanagi (Tetsuwan Tantei Robotack)
Toku Related:
Kure Kure Takora (Kure Kure Takora) Monro (Kure Kure Takora) Darunia (Akumaizer 3) Etsuko Shirakawa (Space Ironmen Kyodain) Bankid Dragon/Ryuuichi Uzaki (Enban Sensou Bankid) Bijinder/Mari (Kikaider 01) Robocon (Robocon Series) Robin-chan (Ganbare Robocon) Robiina (Morero Robocon) Princess Zerian/Midori Aoyama (Tomei Dori-chan) Robot 8chan (Robot 8chan) Mairodi (Robot 8chan) Nemurin (Dokincho! Nemurin) Kamitaman (Katteni! Kamitaman) Shinsuke Nemoto/The Nemotoman (Katteni! Kamitaman) Mari Nemoto (Katteni! Kamitaman)
Unrelated Media:
Luna/Sailor Luna (PGSM)
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himitsusentaiblog · 4 years
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I do as well!  In fact, when I first watch Chouriki Sentai OhRanger back on VHS tapes I would rent from a local Japanese Grocery Store (Thanks Fukuya may you Rest In Peace) Momo was my favorite!  I used to visit a Geocities site all the time called The Shrine of Momo that had tons of pics and info about her and her actress Tamao Satō.
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I was kind of big into Ohranger, a friend of mine even bough the Power Rangers Zeo figure of whatever they called Gunmajin in the US and altered the box to look like the Japanese toy release for me. 
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 I had this little Candy Toy Ohranger Robo that had a button on the chest you could press that played a clip of the song.  I wore it like a giant necklace when my Brothers and I (along with a friend) went to see Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie in the theater.   I am a geek and I am not ashamed of it!
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Powerverse Universe 210 Omnipost
This post will be edited as I finish up the posts for the specific seasons and as the main Powerverse Omnipost is edited.
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(Credit for logo: https://tmblr.co/mnH-XspibTe_AWh-QFfwuWA)
Power Ranger/Power Rider/Ultraman/Toku Hero (with timeline placement, in both Eltarian Years and Earth Years)–Super Sentai/Kamen Rider/Ultra Series/Toku Hero (Japanese name)
Power Rider Royal 1 (Post Enlightenment Era: 14,999/BC 8063) – Kamen Rider
Power Rangers Eltar (Post Enlightenment Era: 15,000/BC 8062) – Himitsu Sentai Gorenger/Goranger
Power Rider Royal 2 (Post Enlightenment Era: 15,009/BC 8053) – Kamen Rider 2
Power Rider Royal V3 (Post Enlightenment Era: 15,030/BC 8032) – Kamen Rider V3
Power Rider E.X.E (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,020/1944) – Kamen Rider X
Power Rider Roarior (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,023/1947) – Kamen Rider Amazon
Power Rider Surge (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,025/1949) – Kamen Rider Stronger
Power Rider Zephyr (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,026/1950) – Kamen Rider Skyrider
Power Rider Eclipse (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,027/1951) – Kamen Rider Super-1
Power Rider Ninobi (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,028/1952) – Kamen Rider ZX
Power Rangers Royal Flush (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,036/1960) – J.A.K.Q. Dengekitai
Power Rangers Dance Beat (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,037/1961) – Battle Fever J
Power Rangers Trisol (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,038/1962) – Taiyo Sentai Sun Vulcan
Power Rangers Treasure Trackers (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,039/1963) – Dai Sentai Goggle V
Power Rangers Dyna Might (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,039/1963) – Kagaku Sentai Dynaman
Power Rangers Atomic Burst (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,040/1964) – Choudenshi Bioman
Power Rangers Cosmic Spark (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,042/1966) – Denshi Sentai Denziman
Power Rangers Alchemist Adventurers (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,043/1967) – Denegeki Sentai Changeman
Power Rangers Prism Protectors (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,044/1968) –  Choudenshi Bioman
Power Rangers Universal Aura (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,045/1969) – Hikari Sentai Maskman
Power Rangers Nature’s Guardians (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,046/1970) – Choujuu Sentai Liveman
Power Rangers Penta Academy (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,047/1971) – Chikyuu Sentai Fiveman
Power Rangers Avian Armada (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,048/1972) – Choujin Sentai Jetman
Ultraman (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,052/1976)
Power Rider Rex (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,052/1976) – Kamen Rider Black
Magician Warriors of the Starford Citadel (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,066/1990) – Original, based on Harry Potter
TMNT (appearances start in Post Enlightenment Era: 25,066/1990)
Masked Rider (Post Enlightenment Era/ 25,067/1991) – Kamen Rider Black RX
Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,068/1992) – Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger
VR Troopers (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,068/1992) – Superhuman Machine Metalder, Dimensional Warrior Spielban, Space Sheriff Shaider
Beetleborgs (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,068/1992) – Juukou B-Fighter, B-Fighter Kabuto
Power Rangers Thunder Spirits (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,069/1993) – Gosei Sentai Dairanger
Power Rangers Ninjetti (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,070/1994) – Ninja Sentai Kakuranger
Power Rangers Aquitar (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,070/1994) – Ninja Sentai Kakuranger
Power Rider Biocide (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,070/1994) – Kamen Rider Shin
Power Rangers Zeo (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,072/1996) – Chouriki Sentai Ohranger
Ultraman Tiga (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,072/1996) –
Power Rider Zer0 (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,072/1996) – Kamen Rider ZO
Power Rangers Turbo (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,073/1997) – Gekisou Sentai Carranger
Power Rider Jiga (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,073/1997) – Kamen Rider J
Power Rangers In Space (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,074/1998) – Denji Sentai Megaranger
Power Rangers Robo Racers (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,074/1998) – Kousoku Sentai Turboranger
Power Rider Adalve (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,074/1998) – Kamen Rider Kuuga
Power Rangers Lost Galaxy (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,075/1999) – Seijuu Sentai Gingaman
Power Rider Wyvern (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,075/1999) – Kamen Rider Agito
Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,076/2000) – Kyukyu Sentai GoGoFive
The Magical Meotis Warriors of Light (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,076/2000) – Original, based on Futari wa Pretty Cure
Power Rider MirWar (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,076/2000) – Kamen Rider Ryuki
Power Rangers Time Force (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,077/2001) – Mirai Sentai Timeranger
Magical Meotis Warriors of Light: Maximum Power! (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,077/2001) – Original, based on Futari wa Pretty Cure Max Heart
Power Rider Phi (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,077/2001) – Kamen Rider 555
Power Rangers Wild Force (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,078/2002) – Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger
Magical Meotis Warriors: Natural Power! (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,078/2002) – Original, based on Futari wa Pretty Cure Splash Star
Power Rider Arcane (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,078/2002) – Kamen Rider Blade
Power Rangers Ninja Storm (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,079/2003) – Ninpu Sentai Hurricaneger
Magical Meotis Warriors: The Five Warriors! (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,079/2003) – Original, based on Yes! Pretty Cure 5
Power Rider Meloni (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,079/2003) – Kamen Rider Hibiki
The Magical Warriors of Volar (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,080/2004) – Original, based on Winx Club
Power Rangers Dino Thunder (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,080/2004) – Bakuryuu Sentai Abaranger
The Five Magical Meotis Warriors Return (Plus One) [Post Enlightenment Era: 25,080/2004] – Original, based on Yes! Pretty Cure 5 GoGo!
Power Rider S.W.A.R.M. (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,080/2004) – Kamen Rider Kabuto
Power Rangers Mystic Force (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,081/2005) – Mahou Sentai Magiranger
Magical Meotis Warriors: Fresh Fruit Team! (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,081/2005) – Original, based on Fresh Pretty Cure!
Power Rider Djand (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,081/2005) – Kamen Rider Den-O
Power Rangers Operation Overdrive (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,082/2006) – GoGo Sentai Boukenger
Power Rider Vamp (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,082/2006) – Kamen Rider Kiva
The Magical Meotis Warriors: The Heartful Flowers (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,083/2007) – Original, based on Heartcatch Pretty Cure!
Power Rider Deca (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,083/2007) – Kamen Rider Decade
Power Rangers Jungle Fury (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,084/2008) – Juken Sentai Gekiranger
Magical Meotis Warriors: Musical Power! (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,084/2008) – Original, based on Suite Pretty Cure
Power Rider Douw (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,084/2008) – Kamen Rider W
Ultraman Xeno (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,084/2008) – Ultraman X
Power Rangers Bushido Blades (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,085/2009) – Samurai Sentai Shinkenger
Magical Meotis Warriors: Smile Power! (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,085/2009) – Original, based on Smile Pretty Cure
Power Rider Animaster (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,085/2009) – Kamen Rider OOO
Power Rangers Guardian Spirits (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,086/2010) – Tensou Sentai Goseiger
Magical Meotis Warriors: The Solo Warrior! (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,087/2011) – Original, based on Pretty Cure All Stars New Stage: Mirai no Tomodachi
Power Rangers Pirate Legends (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,088/2012) – Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger
Power Rider 4Z (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,088/2012) – Kamen Rider Fourze
Power Rangers Pirate Legends Set Sail (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,089/2013) – Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger
Power Rangers Biotec Busters (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,089/2013) – Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters
Magical Meotis Warriors: The Eye Catchers (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,089/2013) – Original, based on Doki Doki! Pretty Cure
Masked Rider Rex (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,089/2013) – Kamen Rider Black RX
Ultraman Twlit Dawn and Dusk (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,089/2013) – Ultraman Ginga
Power Rangers Fossil Spirits (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,090/2014) – Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger
Magical Meotis Warriors: The Happiness Chargers (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,090/2014) – Original, based on Happiness Charge Pretty Cure!
Power Rider Mystic (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,090/2014) – Kamen Rider Wizard
Power Rider Roarior Evolution (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,091/2015) – Kamen Rider Amazons
Power Rangers Rail Warriors (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,091/2015) – Ressha Sentai Toqger
Magical Meotis Warriors: Princess Warriors (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,091/2015) – Original, based on Go! Princess Pretty Cure
Power Rider Warruit (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,091/2015) – Kamen Rider Gaim
Masked Rider Shadow (Post Enlightenment Era: 25,091/2015) – Kamen Rider Black RX
Power Rangers Shinobi Strike (Universal Union Era: 1/2016) – Shuriken Sentai Ninninger
Magical Meotis Warriors: Pure Magical Power (Universal Union Era: 1/2016) – Original, based on Mahou Tsukai Pretty Cure!
Power Rangers Beast Might (Universal Union Era: 1/2016) – Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger
Magical Meotis Warriors: Chef Power (Universal Union Era: 1/2016) – Original, based on KiraKira Pretty Cure A La Mode
Power Rider Racer (Universal Union Era: 1/2016) – Kamen Rider Drive
Power Rider Phantom (Universal Union Era: 1/2016) – Kamen Rider Ghost
Power Rangers Shooting Star Squadron (Universal Union Era: 2/2017) – Uchuu Sentai Kyuranger
Magical Meotis Warriors: The Return of the Original Meotis Warriors (Universal Union Era: 2/2017) – Original, based roughly on the PreCure All Stars movies and HUGtto! Pretty Cure
Power Rangers Morphing Master (Universal Union Era: 2/2017) – Power Rangers 2017 Movie
Power Rider Arcade (Universal Union Era: 2/2017) – Kamen Rider Ex-Aid
Power Rider Hybrid (Universal Union Era: 2/2017) – Kamen Rider Build
Power Rangers Phantom Justice (Universal Union Era: 3/2018) – Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger vs Keisatsu Sentai Patranger
Magical Meotis Warriors: Galaxy Power (Universal Union Era: 3/2018) – Original, based on Star Twinkle Pretty Cure
Power Rangers Space Patrol Delta (Universal Union Era: 10/2025) – Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger
Power Rangers Fossil Rebirth (Universal Union Era: 39/2065) – Power Rangers Dino Force Brave
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go-sentai-rider · 3 years
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// 28/08/2021 // [ Happy Birthday] - Hideyoshi Iwata : Suits Actor , Voice Actor , Actor // Ultraman Series [ 41 ] - Riki [ King Ranger ] Chouriki Sentai Ohranger. [ 39 ] - Geki Jumonji [ Space Sheriff Gavan Type-G ] // Uchuu Keiji Gavan: The Movie. [ 39 ] - King [ Caucasus Undead ] // Kamen Rider Blade. [ 34 ] - Lady [ Galaxy Line ] // Ressha Sentai ToQger: The Movie - Galaxy Line SOS [ 23 ] https://www.instagram.com/p/CTHiWv7hVs5/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Dash! (Away from) Ohranger
Well another sentai finished and another review post to be made. Now it may seem like it took me a while to finish Ohranger, it didn't. I think I finished prolly half a year ago. What took me so long is finding the energy to write this post. Let’s get this out of the way right off the bat: Chouriki Sentai Ohranger is a bad show, as such i got super bored of thinking about it whenever I tried to write this. Hell the only reason i even sat down to finally finish this was because i’m almost done with my next sentai. And because of this I decided not to put the same kind of effort into this that I did with the Shinkenger post. I doubt it’s the worst sentai out there but at this moment it's easily the worst sentai I’ve watched from beginning to end. And its a shame since I absolutely adore the Ohranger suits, A simple solid color with a white collar lined with a gold circuitry pattern really simple and visually appealing. I have no idea why their visors look like something you’d give to a toddler to teach them shapes but it’s unique and cool to look at.So what to start talking about in particular? Let’s start with what I liked the most and work our way down
I didn’t really go into the opening of shinkenger last time mainly because I didn’t think I needed to. Shinkenger had an amazing theme that i feel most, if not all, sentai fans have heard at least once. However I don’t think ohranger’s theme is quite as popular so let me give my piece on it.The theme is…. Good? I personally wasn’t super into it, it’s catchy and the lyrics are good. But the chorus sounds a bit weird in the beginning and it loses its charm after a couple of episodes. I didn’t mind listening to it every episode but at the same time I never felt like I would miss much by skipping it. After listening to other openings a bit more I think Ohranger’s problem is it just lacks the oomph and epicness that it needs to get you excited for the show. It fits better for an anime about a dancing contest than  it does a show about saving the earth. I did say I liked this part of the show right?
I don’t really have a lot to say about the villains this time around so I’ll just give quick words about each major villain before moving onto the rangers. Bachus Wrath was probably the worst villain just because of how uninteresting he was, Bomber the great was the best for pretty much the opposite reason he was rude mean and you loved to hate him, and Kaiser Buldont and Multiwa were incestious robots so I don’t think I need to say more than that. Now to the rangers, who are kinda hard to talk about. I’ll get more into this later but a major problem with Ohranger as a whole is that the actual Ohrangers are barely characters in their own show. They were given very little, if any, characterization  and they tended to take a backseat to the one off characters in most episodes. Because of this I don’t really wanna talk about the as individuals but rather in 3 categories that I’ve placed each character into 
Category 1: Oh yeah, they exist
As much as sentai in general will try to preach about teamwork and try to focus on each member of the team equally it’s hard to deny that most seasons of sentai have a “Main character” of sorts that gets more focus than the rest. Most of the time the main character is the red ranger with few exceptions. Ohranger being one of those exceptions because absolutely no focus was ever put on Ohred. Looking back I can’t recall a single episode where he was the main focus. He was certainly there throughout the show but after watching all 48 episodes I don’t think he ever did anything too important other than choose the other 4 to become Ohrangers and that was it. It feels like they were writing this character, put “TBD” under his personality, and just forgot to determine one for him. The most interesting thing about Ohred is that his actor now owns a Sentai themed bar in japan
At the very least Red was there from episode one, unlike kingranger who made his debut about halfway into the series and had very sporadic appearances throughout the rest of the show. More often than not he would only appear close to the end of an episode to help finish off the monster and then disappear until the next episode, and most of those appearances he was morphed the whole time. I’m not kidding when I say there were certain episodes where I flat out forgot Riki existed until his appearance in that episode. Even now I honestly can’t even remember anything about him or his backstory just because of how little he was actually in the show.
Category 2: a product of the time
From what I’ve read ohranger was meant to be the 19th anniversary of super sentai and as such they brought in many old writers to work on ohranger and that definitely shows in how they wrote the two females of the show. We never really saw much character for either Juuri or Momo, and when we did it always felt kinda…. Primitive I wanna say. What we do know about them feel more like female character stereotypes than actual character traits, like Momo is good with kids, Juuri is good at cooking, Momo was a wimp as a kid, Juuri is on a diet despite already being stick thin, that kind of stuff. I wanna say that’s just how female characters were in the 90’s, but Jetman several years earlier had much better written females in my opinion so I don’t think that’s the case. Momo is really the character that we know the most about only because we get an episode featuring her aunt who gives a small bit of exposition about Momo as a child (Who is also the only family member we meet for any of the ohrangers) but it really isn’t much. I feel like they could’ve been good characters had they been given time to shine, but we’ll get to that later.
Category 3: so close yet so far
And finally we have the two rangers who are closest to me calling good characters; Shouhei (Ohgreen) and Yuuji (Ohblue). What puts them up in likability for me is that despite the fact they got as little character development as the rest,is that not only did they get the most focus episodes but typically episodes focused on them tended to be some of the better episodes in the show. Sure I still know barely anything about them, Shouhei is a boxer, and Yuuji is a bit of a hotshot, but their episodes were at least more fun than the rest. In particular episode 15: “O Friend!! Sleep Hotly!!” A Ohblue focused episode, is by far my favorite episode in the whole show. Even then it's a bittersweet love because I think if more episodes had been written that way Ohranger could’ve been a great show.
Final thoughts
While I don’t want to be too hard on Ohranger since a lot of it’s problems likely extend from having to be rewritten due to unfortunate circumstances, it is very difficult to say anything positive about it. This was one of the most boring shows I’ve ever sat through, and its a shame that it turned out this way. The first 15 or so episodes showed real promise, the premise was a great hook, and the suit and mech designs were top notch. What kills it is just the fact so many episodes decided to put their focus on random one off child characters rather than the main characters. Now I personally don’t mind child characters in sentai in general, and in shows like Carranger and Goseiger I actually like the kid characters since they are recurring consistent characters. But in Ohranger its a new kid every episode and they’re never seen afterwards unless its a two part episode. When other sentais have one off kids in episodes they’re usually used as the driving force that motivates whatever ranger the episode focuses on, but in Ohranger they’re the ones being focused on.
I’d say a good 30 episodes of the show have this problem and it gets so boring after a while since they aren’t even well written, just thinking about the show bores me so much it took me months after finishing the show to finish writing this review. Even the show's finale and the two movies share this issue. One of said movies was the start of the now annual sentai team ups and it gives more screen time to a group of kids than it does the returning Kakurangers. It baffles me why they decided to write it like this because I can’t imagine anyone else found this show interesting. This show has so much wasted potential it saddens me, not much more to say.
This time around it wasn’t hard for me to pick my next sentai watchthrough since I really wanted to watch a better crossover movie. So buckle your seatbelts and look both ways when crossing the road because next time we learn the rules of the road with Gekisou Sentai Carranger.
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masonicon · 7 years
Super Sentai seasons in a Nutshell
Himitsu Sentai Goranger: Has Nazis for antagonists
JAKQ Dengekitai: the heroes are Cyborgs with Elemental powers that fit well into Real Life physics
Battle Fever J: started out as Japanese version of Captain America
Denshi Sentai Denziman: humans raised by Aliens
Taiyou Sentai Sun Vulcan: all-male sentai team
Dai Sentai Goggle V: uses power of Ancient Civilization
Kagaku Sentai Dynaman: Baseball Players as Power Rangers
Choudenshi Bioman: first sentai with 2 females
Dengeki Sentai Changeman: has Mythical Creatures for motif
Choushinsei flashman: ???
Hikari Sentai Maskman: rangers got Aura Powers
Chouju Sentai Liveman: it's Zord can become Megazord using CD-Rom
Kousoku Sentai Turboranger: first Sentai about Teenagers save the world
Chikyuu Sentai Fiveman: School Teachers terraforms alien planets
Choujin Sentai Jetman: has Supersoldier surrounded by Civilians that shares his Supersoldier enhancements
Kyoryuu Sentai Zyuranger: first Sentai that got Power Rangers adaptation
Gosei Sentai Dairanger: only 6th ranger that got adapted into Power Rangers
Ninja Sentai Kakuranger: it's Black Ranger are like Vanness Wu
Chouriki Sentai Ohranger: military officers fights robots from outer space with Pseudoscience(that's explained by James Lovelock's Gaia theory)
Gekisou Sentai Carranger: Parody movie in Sentai form
Denji Sentai Megaranger: high school kids become video game characters in Real Life
Seijuu Sentai Ginggaman: Zords are mons
Kyukyu Sentai Gogo-V: Ghostbusters as Sentai team
Mirai Sentai Timeranger: this whole thing are failed conspiracy of someone from 1000 year to the future that fight his fate
Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger: the enemies are Pollution
Ninpu Sentai Hurricanger: another ninja-themed sentai
Bakuryuu Sentai Abaranger: another Dinosaur themed sentai
Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger: Detective in space
Mahou Sentai Magiranger: made to cashing-in Harry Potter Craze Bandwagon
Gogo Sentai Boukenger: inspires SCP Foundation
Juuken Sentai Gekiranger: has Tarzan for Red Ranger
Engine Sentai Go-Onger: another parody sentai made serious in Power Ranger, this time this Power Rangers counterpart are Post-apocalyptic AU Season
Samurai Sentai Shinkenger: once Too Eastern to be adapted into Power Rangers
Tensou Sentai Goseiger: the rangers are Angels
Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger: One Piece animanga as Space Opera
Tokumei Sentai Go-busters: not adapted into Power Rangers
Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuuger: most badass team ever
Ressha Sentai ToQGer: Thomas the Tank Engine meets Super Sentai
Shuriken Sentai Ninniger: ninja themed sentai
Dobutsu Sentai Zyuohger: has Human surrounded by Animal people
Uchu Sentai Kyuranger: sets in Space
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furederiko · 7 years
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The 2nd episode of Kyuranger paves way for an intriguing Duo of Thieves!
- Our episode opens with "The Space Shogunate, Jark Matter has designated the insurgent force Rebellion's Kyurangers..." Wow. Looks like the Shogunate is controlling the media as well, because the news comes up really quick. LOL at that bounty photos. Even Lucky is showing a "For real?" expression on his headshot. Hahaha. - As hinted last week, we get to see two more core characters of this show. Namely, the golden-colored robot(?) Balance (VA: Yuuki Ono, whose image song as Wen Yang in "Dynasty Warriors" series is to-die-for), and the silver-haired humanoid Naga Rei (Taiki Yamazaki) whose name might be derived from 'Nagareboshi' that means 'Shooting Star' in Japanese. Gold and Silver? Yep, that's a bit on-the-nose, eh? Both of them are already introduced in the opening, so not really a surprise. This duo is located in an industrial planet called Planet Jigama, and are inhibiting contrasting personalities. Hmmm... - Hooo... interesting! Raptor is briefing Lucky and Garu about the Jark Matter's... pyramid organizational structure! We actually always had this in past titles, but I think this is the first time it's been charted so... neatly. Above the cannon fodd... er I mean Combatants, there are Malisters (Daikaan in Japanese) who are essentially the MotWs. In higher rank, there are Menasters (Karo) who represents the 88 constellation systems (That's A LOT). And on top is Don Armage himself as the Shogun. I think the more important part would be that top-left part, the "Lecture by Raptor 283", because she IS acting like a lecturer. A strict one at that. I told you last week that her personality would clash with Hammy's, and well... it's happening already. LOL. We need more of this internal conflicts! By the way, Over-Time has changed Dorado Yellow's naming from Sparda into Spada (as well as Planet Jagama into Jigama, and Malicestrate into Menasters), which might be more appropriate. So I'll be following suit in my reviews. - Updated opening sequence! Lucky and Garu are in it now. Judging from the preview and the pattern so far, we're going to get the complete (9 Kyurangers) version come episode 5! Hey, I just noticed the sequence actually includes scenes from this episode too. Hope this trend continues. Oh, and yeah, the Lacerta Kyu Globe (Tokage/Lizard) has also debuted in this episode! During the CM that is (Kyuranger Choco!!!)... LOL. - Dumb Lucky is trusting people TOO easily. I'm considering to call him Dumb-Luck from now on. In case you're wondering why Balance and Naga call themselves as BN Thieves, that's simply their initials put together. All those colored-skinned aliens reminds me of "Guardians of the Galaxy", but this diner scene also easily reminds me of Star Wars' Mos Eisley. Does this mean the BN Thieves are nods to Han Solo (or should I say, Duo)? I used to think that way last week, in that Naga might be serving as a Han-esque figure, while Balance as his Chewbacca. But it seems I might have been inaccurate. In fact, Naga's lack of emotion might be a nod to a particular Marvel's movie character instead: Drax the Destroyer! Then again, he also has that lack of social knowledge, that makes him feels like... a robot? A clone? Okay, hold that thought. Turns out everyone in his silver-haired planet also LOOKS the same. Creepy. Like, "Children of the Corn"-level creepy. By the way, Naga's actor looks so MUCH better without that silver wig. It's amazing the effect of make up to people, right? - Dumb-Luck is also very naive, isn't he? Or perhaps, too... optimistic? But that's why I can't hate him, because he's basically acting like a little brat. Speaking of personality, Balance is VERY lively. And he's sleazy too. I LOVE HIM already LOL. He reminds me of Hondo Ohnaka from "Star Wars REBELS". The fansub might not reflect it, but he has a habit of spouting slang and/or making wordplay in his speech. Like that line "Nice to meetcha!"? In Japanese he actually uses the word 'Shiku-yoro' instead of the spelling-correct 'Yoroshiku'. Perhaps, this is his character's signature style? He makes a fun pair with Naga though. One half who doesn't know how to express emotions (and longs to obtain ones), the other is expressing a little too much (without caring for other's emotions). There's a hint that Balance is just using Naga though, so I can't help but wonder how the two of them get together in the first place? Hmmm... - We have a big cast, and that's a fact. Which is probably why, the transformation and stylish roll calls are incorporated in the battle. I like this approach. Of course, this goes for the Kyurangers who are not taking the spotlight. In this case, it's the other Kyurangers beside Lucky, who plot-wise, are put to the side. That's both the advantage and disadvantage of having a big cast. - Our MotW is Malistrate Gammetsui, who seems to be based on... a turtle? Salamander? He's the boss of Jigama, and he's interested about the Kyuranger's 50 million bounty. But the team is divided into two, so which one will he target? Lucky for him, it's Dumb-Luck's team. What about the other team? Eridron (who shoots arrows, obviously, since he's from Sagittarius) himself deals with Spada and the rest. This is just episode 2, but already a Menaster is on the front line? And forcing our heroes to run for their life? NICE. After all, it's 9 Kyurangers against... the galaxy *sigh*. - Great Gawd, Dumb-Luck triggers the alarm on purpose, and calls it LUCK *smh*. He sees the good in everything, doesn't he? Holy twist, Balance actually SELLS OUT Lucky to Gammetsui. That's 'GOI-SU'!! (FYI, 'Sugoi' means 'Awesome', but you've probably known that already). All for the sake of the blue-colored treasure he's trying to steal. Technically, he's acting like the episode's 2nd MotW, much to Naga's dismay. Hence, the part where Naga chooses to be a 'friend' for Lucky and betrays him, gives Balance the shock of his life. Worse that that, Lucky actually believes that all these are merely Balance's plan? He IS that naive, eh? Wait till he knows the truth... - Which won't happen. LOL. Of course, Balance's conscience wins over him, thus he chooses to rescue Naga. It seems they are connected with a bond that's stronger than... wait a sec?! Why do they remind me of... C3PO and R2D2?!! OvO... Anyways, thanks to this rescue, we get to know who, or WHAT exactly Balance is. He's a machine organism who has the ability to control other machines. Basically, like the antagonists of "Chouriki Sentai Ohranger". Hmm... it'd be great if he is from one, right? Because that would make both series canon. Naga on the other hand, has the ability to freeze enemies just by glaring at them with his glowing green eyes. A neat nod to Greek Myth's Medusa, perhaps? - Balance wants to team up with Lucky to get loots, and also emotions for Naga. So definitely NOT in this to play a hero. He blatantly says this goal outloud, and Lucky's okay with it! I think it's good that these 2 new members have their own 'selfish' goals to be part of the Rebellion. In fact, we need more heroes who function in grey-areas like these. And nothing's wrong with that, because hey, they have awaken their Libra and Ophiucus Kyu Globes JUST because of that. Random trivia: in the recent 13 Zodiacs concept, Ophiucus is also a horoscope sign just like Libra. It's closely aligned after Scorpio, which will have a representation in this show very soon. - Yep, Balance and Naga are the focus characters, so they have the rights for a full transformation and roll call sequence. #4 The Trick-Star Libra Gold and #6 The Silent Star Ophiucus Silver make their debut! Before you complain that Leo Red is tagging along, do remember one thing for the sake of being fair: he hasn't had the chance to do these properly last week! XD. And yes, though many might be annoyed with it, I'm loving Libra Gold's dandy atttitude and attention-seeker poses too. It makes him stands out and... unique. At least audience would be worried that Naga might be in some bad company! Hahaha. Also... LOL at that not-so-subtle Kyu the Weapon's sales promotion. But never mind that, because the cool group finisher "All-Star Crash" is genuinely cool. - First 'earth'-based mecha battle and also first shot of the enlargement method for the show's MotW. Looks like all Jark Matters have the ability to do this, with the help of that weird Empire's symbol. I'm liking how Libra Voyager and Ophiucus Voyager have two forms, the spaceship one and humanoid. And the way the two practically kicks Chamaeleon Green and Dorado Yellow out of Kyuren-Oh? LOL to that. They even have their own finisher, the yo-yo slam "Kyuren-Oh! Trick Break! Super Galaxy". Due to the limb-changing concept, looks like TOEI can't rely on stock footage for the mecha's transformation and final moves this season. I hope this means we'll be getting a variety of new combination every week. - Since they have officially joined the team, Naga wears the Rebellion's uniform, while Balance? He gets a new paint-job. The best part of this closing scene, is already we're seeing personality clashes. The easy friction between Hammy's manner of speech with Balance, or how Balance and Spada seems to be on the same 'dandy' page. Whoops, that's not the closing scene. We get a quick glimpse of the next Kyuranger. This mysterious man (seriously? XD) has an Orange Kyu Globe, but his pendulum looks like a Kyu Globe too, and it's colored... Blue? Hmmm... intriguing! - Ending sequence is obviously updated as well. The BN Thieves are now included, and put center stage. It looks even crowded now, and we still have two more! At least the dance is fun, right?
Overall: This episode introduced two more characters, and more importantly two more different types of personalities. It's going to be interesting to see how they interact with the previous six members (including Raptor). The dynamic of Balance and Naga Rei was more than just intriguing or fun to watch, it evoked questions and mysteries as well. These are great potentials that are prime to be explored in future episodes, and I sincerely hope that will indeed be the case. After all, opportunities to dish out and develop every characters are just too good to ignore. On a side note, we're only in episode 2, and we already have seven Kyurangers. Do you think the plot is moving too fast? I mean, they could've simply made the BN Thieves intro into a 2-parter, right? If the show gathers all its core heroes in just 5 episodes, I wonder how the story will play out in the episodes that follow? Hmmm... Next week: Meet the Dragon Commander! Also, beware the sting of... Dopplegangers?
Episode 02 Score: 8 out of 10
Visit THIS LINK to view a continuously updated listing of the Kyutama / Kyu Globes. Last Updated: February 19th, 2017 - Version 04. (WARNING: It might contain spoilers for future episodes)
All images are screencaptured from the series, provided by the FanSubber Over-Time. "Uchu Sentai Kyuranger" is produced by TOEI, and airs every Sunday on TV-Asahi. Credits and copyrights belong to their respective owners.
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luckykittenpirate · 1 year
Chouriki Sentai Ohranger The Movie @takkynoko
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htmedia90-blog · 7 years
Phim The Movie: Gekisou Sentai Carranger vs Ohranger đã được up lên Hata Phim
The Movie: Gekisou Sentai Carranger vs Ohranger nội dung phim nói vềsự xuất hiện bất ngờ của Chouriki Sentai Ohranger đã gây nên sự hiểu nhầm tai hại khi Chouriki Sentai Ohranger đang truy lùng Baranoia cuối cùng. The Movie: Gekisou Sentai Carranger vs Ohranger Thế là 2 bên lao vào chiến đấu với...
The Movie: Gekisou Sentai Carranger vs Ohranger
The Movie: Gekisou Sentai Carranger vs Ohranger nội dung phim nói vềsự xuất hiện bất ngờ của Chouriki Sentai Ohranger đã gây nên sự hiểu nhầm tai hại khi Chouriki Sentai Ohranger đang truy lùng Baranoia cuối cùng.
The Movie: Gekisou Sentai Carranger vs Ohranger
Thế là 2 bên lao vào chiến đấu với nhau. Vậy làm sao họ có thể đứng về một phe, mời các bạn xem phim sẽ rõ.
Soure: http://www.hataphim.com/phim/the-movie-gekisou-sentai-carranger-vs-ohranger - Kênh xem phim online
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katiezstorey93 · 7 years
November 1, 2016: This Week on Blu-ray, DVD and Digital HD
Poor Mothers, Nine Lives, Startrek Beyond and much more come house Nov 1
Welcome on blu ray and Electronic HD week to take a look at all of the top titles arriving this. Check the gallery audience out below to get a consider the releases that are main , selections striking Wednesday, Nov 1, 2016 racks and/or VOD starting.
Numerous current silver screen releases direct the December 1 cost, such as the strike r rated humor Poor Mothers and also the science-fiction journey Startrek Beyond. Associating the latter is 50 Years of Startrek, a DVD-just collection of interviews honoring the franchise’s half of a millennium.
You may also capture Kevin Spacey like a kitten in Nine Lives, Daniel Radcliffe being an undercover FBI agent masquerading like a white-supremacist in Imperium, and follow Matthew McConaughey and Naomi Watts through Japan “Suicide Forest” in Gus van Sant’s Ocean of Bushes.
Additional games arriving house Nov 1 range from the World War II thriller Anthropoid, featuring Cillian Murphy and Jamie Dornan, the comedy-drama Our Impaired Sibling, starring Adam Scott, Nick Kroll, and Jenny Standing, and also the action-thriller Carnage Playground.
Striking dvd-only, meanwhile, may be the shifting activities documentary Gleason.
Although Marvel presents their newest superhero about the silver screen this Friday, Yell! Manufacturer providing up a goody for hardcore followers using the (rather terrible) 1978 Dr. Unusual telefilm, launched formally on DVD for that very first time actually!
Broadway enthusiasts may anticipate the December 1 launch of Gypsy, having a shot edition of the 2015 West-End creation featuring Imelda Staunton.
There are certainly a quantity of lively games arriving house Nov 1 with Superman: Return of the Caped Crusader, a much-expected name for DC Comics followers. The initial animated characteristic functions the return of Adam West and Burt Ward as Superman and Robin! Alternately, the week views the launch of Our Little Horse Equestia Women: The Tale of Everfree and, via Warner Store, 1997 lively audio Cats Don’t Party.
Warner Store additionally provides to Blu-lewis for that very first time Erika Anderson’s 1975 Document Savage: The Person of Bronze, featuring Ron Ely whilst the pulp hero.
Film-noir enthusiasts ought to be pleased this week as Nov 1 views the launch of (via Kino Lorber) the 1941 film-noir traditional I Awaken Yelling in addition to of the boxed collection The Movie Detective’s Filmnoir Selection. The three-disk release contains 1947’s The Red Home, 1948’s Hollow Success and 1952’s Kansas City Private.
As it pertains to small-screen games, Nov 1 provides house the 2nd period of STARZ‘s Outlander and also the second-half of the sixth period of AMC‘s Heck on-Wheels. The previous collection likewise comes in a Collector’s Version, as the later can be obtained included in a Heck on-Wheels Complete Sequence established aswell. Talking about sophisticated models, the week additionally provides house the luxurious collector’s version of The Walking Dead period six, filled with a brand new master sculpture.
Striking dvd-only Nov 1 may be the first-season of TNT‘s The Librarians, as well like a total sequence group of the strike comedy sequence IT Group. Rounding out the week’s small-screen games may be the newest in Yell! Manufacturer‘s Power Rangers collection. Search for the entire Power Rangers: Chouriki Sentai Ohranger to reach within an eight-disk collection.
Discovering Dory statements the Electronic HD Nov 1 produces using the blu ray set-to appear later this month. Additionally available electronically this week may be the audio documentary Skip Sharon Smith, as properly as period among Cinemax‘s Outcast and also the next period of HBO‘s Vice. Sony Images Home Theatre, meanwhile, introduced its recommendation of The Chicken Celebration nowadays Chicken Party can be obtained nowadays like an electronic download (and on retail racks Election-Day, Nov 8th) and the studio has released a particular strategy to teach voters with this distinctive, last minute access in to the political period. Browse the movies below, below and below
You are able to take a look at cover-art for the Nov 1 releases within the gallery audience below alongside all of the each release’s unique functions (where relevant).
Poor Mothers
– Gag Reel – Throw and Mother Interviews
Startrek Beyond
– Deleted Scenes Go in theaters you did not notice Beyond the ultimate slice of the film with moments. – Beyond the Night – Fulfill experienced manufacturer J.J. Abrams, director Lin – Jung and writers Pegg just how it found existence and because they examine the motivation for that Startrek Beyond story. – Business Takedown – Encounter advantage-of-your-chair motion and find out what sort of surprising assault kills the USS Business. – Split and Conquered – find out how filmmakers pressed the limitations in Startrek Beyond by making the Business team to their many difficult circumstances however. – A Warped Feeling of Vengeance – Fulfill Startrekis latest villain, Krall, as actor Idris Elba shows the backstory behind his personalityis frightening goals. – Hiking within the Leave – continue set-to Dubai and find out how its advanced structure turned the building blocks for that many revolutionary Starbase however. – Exploring Strange New Sides – Tour the amazing manufacturing models of Startrek Beyond with representative Justin Lin. – New Life, Fresh Cultures – observe how special-effects developers fulfilled the process to produce an unparalleled 50 fresh unfamiliar species for that movie to commemorate Startrek’s 50th Wedding. – To Reside Lengthy and Succeed – Trip through yesteryear 50 years of Startrek with J.J. the throw because they and also Abrams think about this legendary sci fi series’ development. – For Leonard and Anton – View a pressing homage towards the renowned Leonard Nimoy and precious crew-member Anton Yelchin. – Gag Reel – Participate In on the enjoyment with this specific amusing joke reel of on set bloopers.
50 Years of Startrek
Nine Lives
– Allowing the Pet From The Tote: The Making-Of Eight Lives – Euro for Herding Cats – Contains Electronic HD
Ocean of Bushes
– “The Ocean of Bushes: A Tale of Elegance and Misfortune” Featurette
– The Building of Anthropoid – Storyboard to Movie Evaluations
Carnage Playground
– Audio Commentary with Author/Representative Daniel Ragussis and Author Jordan German – Dwelling Undercover – Featurette – Producing Imperium – Throw and Team Interviews
Our Impaired Sibling
Superman: Return of the Caped Crusaders
– “Those Dastardly ” featurette – Joker, Penguin Catwoman and Riddler are difficult to not view! These Dastardly Desperados explores a Superman tale was become significantly more than simply antagonists in by these fiends; they truly became symbols in pop-culture that is National. – “A Traditional Cadre of Sounds” featurette – a brand new gifted cast of stars join Adam West, Burt Ward and Julie Newmar in Superman: Return of The Caped Crusaders. Proceed behind see and the scenes time and the expressive methods had a need to provide a vintage Bat-Humor!
Our Little Horse Equestria Women: The Tale of Everfree
Cats Do Not Dance
Doc Savage
Dr. Strange
I Awaken Yelling
– Audio commentary track by Film-Noir specialist Eddie Mueller
The Movie Investigatoris Filmnoir Selection
– Contains 1947is The Red Home, 1948is Useless Success and 1952is Kansas City Private
Heck on-Wheels: Season-Five, Part two
– Featurette: “a Glance At the Ultimate Attacks” – Featurette: “Golden Spike” – Summary – 7 “Within The Attacks”
Heck on-Wheels: The Entire Sequence
– The Building of HECK ON-WHEELS – “Within The Occurrence” Featurettes – Personality Featurettes – Behind-the-Scenes Video – Collection Visit with Anson Support – And Much More…
Outlander: Season Two
– Religion Prolonged Occurrence (bluray exclusive) – Option Picture (bluray exclusive) – Jamie and Claire: To Heck and Back (bluray exclusive) – Creating Background: The Outfits of Outlander (bluray exclusive) – Re-Creating 18Th-Century London (bluray exclusive) – Outlander Podcasts (bluray exclusive) – Removed and Prolonged Moments with Audio Criticism by Ronald N. Moore – Gag Reel – From Guide to Display: Finding the Variations – The Figures of Time Two
The Walking Dead: The Entire Sixth Period Limitededition
– Show 616: Last Evening On The Planet — The Prolonged Edition (blu ray unique) – Audio Commentaries – Deleted Scenes – The Making-Of The Walking Dead – Inmemoriam – 601: From The Quarry – Guts & Beauty: The Demise of Nicholas – Power in Ties – Negan: Anyone To Worry – The Facial Skin of Death: Legendary Walkers of The Growing Season
The IT Group: The Entire Sequence
The Librarians: Season One
Discovering Dory
Skip Sharon Smith
Chicken Celebration
Outcast: Season One
Vice: Season Four
The article Nov 1, 2016: This Week on blu ray, DVD and Electronic HD seemed initial on ComingSoon.net.
The post November 1, 2016: This Week on Blu-ray, DVD and Digital HD appeared first on blue ray search.
from network 8 http://www.blueraysearch.com/november-1-2016-this-week-on-blu-ray-dvd-and-digital-hd/
0 notes
tokufandubseries · 7 years
Tokusatsu Collected (Changes Overtime) 1
X = None
WIP = Most of it
V = Completed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Super Sentai Series:
Himitsu Sentai Goranger = V
Himitsu Sentai Goranger: The Bomb Hurricane = V
J.A.K.Q. Dengekitai = V
J.A.K.Q. Dengekitai vs. Gorenger = V
Battle Fever J = V
Denshi Sentai Denziman = V
Denshi Sentai Denziman Movie = V
Taiyo Sentai Sun Vulcan = V
Taiyo Sentai Sun Vulcan Movie = V
Dai Sentai Goggle-V = V
Dai Sentai Goggle V Movie = V
Kagaku Sentai Dynaman = V
Kagaku Sentai Dynaman Movie = V
Choudenshi Bioman = V
Choudenshi Bioman: The Movie = V
Dengeki Sentai Changeman = V
Dengeki Sentai Changeman: The Movie = V
Dengeki Sentai Changeman: Shuttle Base! The Critical Moment! = V
Choushinsei Flashman = V
Choushinsei Flashman: The Movie = V
Hikari Sentai Maskman = V
Hikari Sentai Maskman Movie = V
Choujuu Sentai Liveman = V
Kousoku Sentai Turboranger = V
Kousoku Sentai Turboranger the Movie = V
Chikyuu Sentai Fiveman = V
Choujin Sentai Jetman = V
Kyoryuu Sentai Zyuranger = V
Gosei Sentai Dairanger = V
Gosei Sentai Dairanger the Movie = V
Ninja Sentai Kakuranger = V
Ninja Sentai Kakuranger: The Movie = V
Ninja Sentai Kakuranger Super Video: The Hidden Scroll = X
Super Sentai World = V
Chouriki Sentai Ohranger = V
Chouriki Sentai Ohranger: Ole vs. Kakuranger = V
Gekisou Sentai Carranger = WIP
Gekisou Sentai Carranger vs. Ohranger = V
Denji Sentai Megaranger = X
Denji Sentai Megaranger vs. Carranger = X
Seijuu Sentai Gingaman = X
Seijuu Sentai Gingaman vs. Megaranger = X
Kyuukyuu Sentai GoGoFive = X
Kyukyu Sentai GoGoFive: Sudden Shock! A New Warrior = X
Kyukyu Sentai GoGoFive vs. Gingaman = X
Mirai Sentai Timeranger = X
Mirai Sentai Timeranger vs. GoGoFive = X
Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger = V
Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger Super Video: Showdown! Gaoranger vs. GaoSilver = X
Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger vs. Super Sentai = X
Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger: The Fire Mountain Roars = X
Ninpuu Sentai Hurricaneger = V
Ninpu Sentai Hurricaneger: Shushuuto the Movie = X
Ninpuu Sentai Hurricaneger vs. Gaoranger = X
Ninpuu Sentai Hurricaneger: Super Ninja and Super Kuroko = X
Ninpuu Sentai Hurricaneger: 10 Years After = X
Bakuryuu Sentai Abaranger = X
Tsuribaka Nisshi: Tsuribaka Mask vs. Abaranger = X
Bakuryu Sentai Abaranger DELUXE: Abare Summer is Freezing Cold! = X
Bakuryuu Sentai Abaranger vs. Hurricaneger = X
Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger = X
Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger The Movie: Full Blast Action = X
Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger vs. Abaranger = X
Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger: 10 Years After = X
Mahou Sentai Magiranger = V
Mahou Sentai Magiranger: Revealed! The Gold Grip Phone's Super Magic ~Goolu Golu Gou Gou~ = X
Mahou Sentai Magiranger The Movie: Bride of Infershia ~Maagi Magi Giruma Jinga~ = X
Mahou Sentai Magiranger vs. Dekaranger = X
GoGo Sentai Boukenger = X
GoGo Sentai Boukenger The Movie: The Greatest Precious = X
GoGo Sentai Boukenger vs. Super Sentai = X
Juken Sentai Gekiranger = X
Juken Sentai Gekiranger: Gyun-Gyun! Fist Sage Great Athletic Meet = X
Juken Sentai Gekiranger: Nei-Nei! Hou-Hou! Hong Kong Decisive Battle = X
Juken Sentai Gekiranger vs. Boukenger = X
Engine Sentai Go-onger = X
Engine Sentai Go-Onger: Seminar dayo! Zenin GO-ON!! = X
Engine Sentai Go-Onger: Bom Bom! Bom Bom! Net de Bong!! = X
Engine Sentai Go-onger: Boom Boom! Bang Bang! GekijoBang!! = X
Engine Sentai Go-Onger vs. Gekiranger = X
Samurai Sentai Shinkenger = X
Samurai Sentai Shinkenger: The Light Samurai's Surprise Transformation = X
Samurai Sentai Shinkenger the Movie: The Fateful War = X
Samurai Sentai Shinkenger vs. Go-Onger: GinmakuBang!! = X
Samurai Sentai Shinkenger Returns = X
Tensou Sentai Goseiger = X
Tensou Sentai Goseiger vs. Shinkenger: Epic on Ginmaku = X
Tensou Sentai Goseiger Returns: Last Epic - The Gosei Angels are National Idols!? = X
Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger = X
Gokaiger Goseiger Super Sentai 199 Hero Great Battle = X
Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger the Movie: The Flying Ghost Ship = X
Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger vs. Space Sheriff Gavan: The Movie = X
Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger: Let's Do This Goldenly! Roughly! 36 Round Gokai Change!! = X
Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters = X
Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters the Movie: Protect the Tokyo Enetower! = V
Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters vs. Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger: The Movie = V
Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters Returns vs. Doubutsu Sentai Go-Busters = X
Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters vs. Beet Buster vs. J = X
Hikonin Sentai Akibaranger = X
Hikonin Sentai Akibaranger Season Tsuu = X
Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger = X
Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger: Gaburincho of Music = V
Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger vs. Go-Busters: The Great Dinosaur Battle! Farewell Our Eternal Friends = X
Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger: 100 Years After = X
Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger: It's Here! Armed On Midsummer Festival!! = X
Kyoryuger & Super Sentai: It's Getting Wild! Dinosaur Encyclopedia DVD = X
Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger Brave (Power Rangers Dino Force Brave) = X
Ressha Sentai ToQger = X
Ressha Sentai ToQger DVD special: Farewell, Ticket! The Wasteland Super ToQ Battle! = X
Ressha Sentai ToQger the Movie: Galaxy Line S.O.S. = X
Ressha Sentai ToQger vs. Kyoryuger: The Movie = X
Ressha Sentai ToQger Returns: Super ToQ 7gou of Dreams = X
Shuriken Sentai Ninninger = X
Shuriken Sentai Ninninger the Movie: The Dinosaur Lord's Splendid Ninja Scroll! = X
Shuriken Sentai Ninninger vs. ToQger the Movie: Ninja in Wonderland = X
Come Back! Shuriken Sentai Ninninger: Ninnin Girls vs. Boys FINAL WARS = X
Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger = X
Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger the Movie: The Exciting Circus Panic! = X
Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger vs. Ninninger the Movie: Super Sentai's Message from the Future = X
Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger Returns: Life Received! The Earth's Monarchs' Decisive Battle! = X
Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger Special Preceding Video = X
Super Animal War = X
Uchuu Sentai Kyuranger = X
Uchu Sentai Kyuranger The Movie: The Geth Indaver's Counterattack = X
Uchu Sentai Kyuranger: Episode of Stinger = X
Uchu Sentai Kyuranger vs. Space Squad = X
Transformation Lessons ~Let's Star Change Together!~ = X
From Episode of Stinger, Uchu Sentai Kyuranger: High School Wars = X
Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patranger = X
Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patranger en Film = X
Lupinranger VS Patranger VS Kyuranger = X
Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patranger Transformation Lessons = X
Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patranger ~GIRLFRIENDS ARMY~ = X
Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger + Keisatsu Sentai Patranger ~The Ultimate Weird Combination!~ = X
Keisatsu Sentai Patranger feat. Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger ~Another Patren 2gou~ = X
Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patranger Final Live Tour 2019 = X
4 Week Continuous Special Super Sentai Strongest Battle!! = X
Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger = X
Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger The Movie: Time Slip! Dinosaur Panic!! = X
Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger VS Lupinranger VS Patranger = X
Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger Special Chapter: Memory of Soulmates = X
Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger Transformation Lessons = X
Secrets of the Ryusoulgers = X
Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger: The Legacy of The Master's Soul = X
Mashin Sentai Kiramager = X
Mashin Sentai Kiramager: Episode ZERO = X
Mashin Sentai Kiramager The Movie: Bee-Bop Dream = X
Mashin Sentai Kiramager vs. Ryusoulger = X
Mashin Sentai Kiramager: Kirameki Movies = X
Ep. 1.2 Unreleased Cut, Warehouse Release, Start Dash Once Again SP = X
Mashin Sentai Kiramager: Kira Taaalk! = X
Mashin Sentai Kiramager: Galza and Carantula Jamental Institute = X
Mashin Folktale Theater = X
Mashin Sentai Kiramager Spin-Off: Yodonna = X
Mashin Sentai Kiramager Spin-Off: Yodonna 2 = X
Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger = X
Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger The Movie: Red Battle! All Sentai Rally!! = X
Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger: Secret Zenkai File = X
Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger Spin-Off: Zenkai Red Great Introduction = X
0 notes
himitsusentaiblog · 7 years
One Thing About the Shout! Factory releases makes me sad.
That is the fact that the movies and crossover specials require a separate license agreement from Toei.  As they are not produced by the TV division but instead by either the movie side of things or the V-Cinema straight to DVD movie side of things they aren’t counted in the license for the TV series itself.  This is a total shame because fans really should get to see them, especially:
Chouriki Sentai Ohranger vs. Kakuranger
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and the wonders of Gekisou Sentai Carranger vs Ohranger
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