#Canadian trucker convoy
babakca · 1 year
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Ottawa June 11 2023 - 500 Days - Truckers still in front of Parliament ! 
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kayla360 · 2 years
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beardedmrbean · 5 months
In a classic example of better late than never, a Federal Court in Canada ruled on Tuesday that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's invocation of The Emergencies Act in 2022, used to crush the largest and most peaceful protest in Canadian history, was "unreasonable," "unjustified," and "violated the fundamental freedoms" set out in Canada's constitution.
The case was brought to the court by a number of individual applicants as well as several Canadian civiil liberties groups, including the Canadian Constitution Foundation and the Canadian Civil Liberties Association. And in the decision, Federal Court Justice Richard Mosley expressed what every trucker and other participant in the trucker's Freedom Convoy knew to be true: There was no justification for granting the government powers that amounted to near Marshall Law over a protest that was 100 percent peaceful, with no violence or property damage committed—that is, until the Emergencies Act was passed, and the police trampled grandmothers under horses, fired tear gas canisters at journalists within point blank range, beat protesters down and smashed the windows of the truckers rigs, and generally deployed the type of violence that the government had knowingly falsely accused the truckers of engaging in.
The government also froze the bank accounts of truckers, seized donated funds, and shut down of the economic lives of hundreds of Canadian citizens, a draconian measure which shocked the world.
Every protester and trucker who took part in the Convoy knew that the government and it's bought and paid for media were lying to the public about the Freedom Convoy, and though it feels good to once again be proven correct, that doesn't change what happened. It also doesn't change the division in Canadian society which took place under COVID, and it remains to be seen if this ruling will put an end to the ongoing punishments of various Freedom Convoy protesters which continue to this day.
For example, the trial of Tamara Lich and Chris Barber, who emerged as public faces and leaders of the Ottawa portion of the Freedom Convoy, has now become the longest mischief trial in Canadian history. Finally getting underway in September of last year, the trial proceeded in fits and starts into December, and is set to resume in February.
Or take Guy Meisner, a trucker from Nova Scotia, was one of the first to be arrested and charged when the crackdown began after the Emergencies Act was invoked. He will be back in Ottawa near the end of February for the ninth time to face his "mischief" charges.
Then there is the case of Christine Decaire, a woman who protested in Ottawa and was charged by the police, who was acquitted last year; much like this ruling today, however, The Crown has decided to appeal her acquittal. To drag an innocent person back to court is the kind of grossly vindictive behavior on the part of the Trudeau Government that they have become well known for.
There are dozens of cases like this working their way through the system.
And then we have The Coutts Four, a group of men who were arrested in Alberta right before the Emergencies Act was invoked and have been kept in custody without bail nor trial ever since. Hopes are high that this ruling may help change their circumstances, but it has now been two years since they have seen their families, which is a grossly offensive situation, especially in a country where nearly everyone gets bail.
All of these cases point to a level of vindictive cruelty on the part of this government as constituted under Trudeau, who was only too happy to champion the fair treatment of someone who fought on the side of The Taliban in Afghanistan and was later apprehended by American forces. Champion the rights of his own peaceful citizens to a fair trial? Apparently that is beneath the Prime Minister.
Trudeau's deputy, Chrystia Freeland was behind the bank account freezing acting as Finance Minister, and she appeared almost immediately after the ruling to announce that her government would be appealing, claiming to "remind Canadians how serious the situation was." This though all the evidence and testimony presented in 2022 at the official inquest into the invocation of the Emergencies Act found that no threats existed, and everything the media said about the truckers was a fabrication.
Justin Trudeau has remarked in the past that Canada is a "post-national" state that has "no core identity," yet when that identity asserted itself to say enough is enough to the strictures of his punishing COVID Regime, he was only too happy to unleash the full power of his "post-national" state to attack these citizens whom he holds in utter contempt.
It appears that there is no ruling Trudeau will not appeal or lawfare he will not pursue to ensure punishment of the enemies of his party.
Justin Trudeau is not a leader, but merely a narcissistic tyrant. This week was only the latest evidence.
Gord Magill is a trucker, writer, and commentator, and can be found at www.autonomoustruckers.substack.com.
The views expressed in this article are the writer's own.
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megabuild · 2 months
PLEASE please tell me what white supremacist propaganda X has put in his videos i dont watch him because. well i dont like him. but i have to know
spent a whole video saying that the news were reporting badly on the canadian trucker convoy and making them out as nazis because (checks notes) they flew nazi and confederate flags. less propaganda and more sympathising
also said some odd shit about white privilege but if im real im not going to rewatch this video to remember what because ive seen enough xisumasays for a lifetime
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roboe1 · 5 months
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naturalrights-retard · 6 months
By Naveen Athrappully December 4, 2023
The Canadian government and media spread fear among citizens about the COVID-19 pandemic while implementing measures to force them into taking vaccines under threat of potential reprisals, according to a report by the National Citizens Inquiry (NCI).
“The pandemic was a textbook case of the collaboration of government and industry to subvert the democratic institutions and convince the citizens of the validity and truthfulness of a narrative that was objectively false from the start,” the Nov. 28 report reads.
The Canadian government, together with provincial governments and the mainstream media, “embarked on an information campaign designed to instill fear in the hearts of the citizens and ensure that they did not resist any and all draconian measures that were announced,” it states. The NCI, a citizen-led and -funded effort to examine Canada’s pandemic response, pointed out in its report that the principle of “my body, my choice,” popularized by feminists, “vanished during the second year of the pandemic.” Instead, there was a “constant drumbeat” from public officials and media characterizing COVID-19 vaccines as “safe and effective.” Politicians and public figures chimed in, saying pandemic restrictions wouldn't be lifted unless everyone “did their part.” “Canadians who hesitated to get vaccinated were branded as anti-vaxxers, despite having voluntarily received every other vaccine, recommended by public health, in their lives,” the report reads.
“Politicians encouraged people to blame the unvaccinated for the restrictive measures that stopped them from getting back to normal. Those who had taken the COVID-19 vaccines felt morally superior and validated in scorning those who didn’t ‘do the right thing.’ Public shaming became a societal norm.” The government framed issues in a “particular way, using emotionally charged language, or by exploiting existing biases,” spreading them to the public through media. This allowed them to influence how “people perceived events, individuals, or groups,” according to the NCI.
The report points to the example of the Freedom Convoy protests—a series of demonstrations by Canadian truckers who wanted to do away with COVID-19 mandates imposed by the government that affected truckers who worked between Canada and the United States.
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gsirvitor · 9 months
Wait wasn’t there someone in the Canadian parliament that called the truck protesters Nazis? Now they are celebrating a actual nazi?
Explain Canadian parliament, aren’t you supposed to be smarter than us?
Yes, the Liberal party of Canada called them Nazis, specifically Trudeau has.
Now, remember there was one guy who kept showing up with a Nazi flag, he also kept getting kicked out by the Truckers and was most likely a Federal plant.
During a heated exchange in the House of Commons Feb 16, 2022, Justin Trudeau accused Conservative MPs sympathetic to the trucker convoy of standing with "people who wave swastikas."
The comment came in response to a question from Conservative MP Melissa Lantsman, who is Jewish. Lantsman, the MP for the Toronto-area riding of Thornhill, said Trudeau "fans the flame of an unjustified national emergency."
Trudeau's full statement is as follows;
"Conservative Party members can stand with people who wave swastikas. They can stand with people who wave the Confederate flag,"
"We will choose to stand with Canadians who deserve to be able to get to their jobs, to be able to get their lives back. These illegal protests need to stop, and they will."
Mind you, it is not only uncouth for a Prime Minister to use inflammatory language in the House of Commons, but is something that can have you removed from the debate.
Chrystia Freeland is also the one responsible for using the emergency powers act at the behest of Trudeau, she, the granddaughter of a Ukrainian Nazi propagandist, used the government's emergency powers to steal money from the protesters, freeze the bank accounts of any who donated to them and their families, send in military police and federal police to violently suppress the most peaceful protests ever seen and trample a grandmother.
Smarter? We aren't smarter.
Oh, and let's not forget that the military police's group chats were leaked, showing they were looking forward to getting violent with the protesters.
Oh, and you'll never hear about this, but there are massive protests happening right now due to the government trying to trans kids, and push gender theory, ideology and pornographic books in schools.
This is happening across Canada, if Rebel news wasn't filming and reporting on it, it would have never been seen, just like the Convoy for Freedom.
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survivingcapitalism · 4 months
“Obstruction charge against Indigenous journalist Brandi Morin proceeds,” read the tweet, linking to an article on Welund’s intelligence platform — an article that can only be accessed by corporations, law enforcement agencies and governments who pay huge sums to access Welund’s “intelligence.”
The government of Alberta has two publicly disclosed sole source service contracts with Welund North America Limited, a Calgary-based Canadian subsidiary of Welund that was incorporated in 2016. Both contracts are listed as being with the Ministry of Justice and the Solicitor General, and both list Edmonton as the location of the contract. One contract ran from 2018 to 2021, with the other running from 2021 through May of 2024. The total cost of the two contracts is over $140,000.
A secretive multi-national surveillance company run by former law enforcement and intelligence operatives with a track record of spying on activists and public figures posted, then deleted, a tweet about journalist Brandi Morin.
Both contracts specify that the payments are for a “subscription service that supports government-wide multi-issue intelligence and risk-assessment capability of the Provincial Security and Intelligence Office (PSIO).”
PSIO is itself a secretive organization, with no web presence or public contact. However, references in several reports, and declassified documents released as part of the work of the Public Order Emergency Commission (which looked into government response to the Trucker Convoy) show that a man named Bill McAuley is a director of PSIO, and PSIO is an arm of the Alberta government.
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Zack Beauchamp at Vox:
“Are we a country that looks out for each other ... or do you go down a path of amplifying anger, division and fear?”
That’s how Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau described the stakes in his country’s upcoming election in an interview with Vox’s Today, Explained this week — outlining the 2025 contest as no ordinary election but a referendum on the very soul of Canada. This existential framing is an unsubtle shot at Trudeau’s rival, Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre, a populist firebrand who is currently outpolling the prime minister by a wide margin. Poilievre rose to party leadership as a champion of the extremist trucker convoy that occupied Ottawa in January 2022, and since then has regularly pandered to far-right voters. He has proposed defunding the CBC (Canada’s widely respected public broadcaster) and repeatedly promoted a conspiracy theory in which Trudeau is in league with the World Economic Forum. There’s a reason that Trudeau and many others have directly linked Poilievre to Trump: His political style practically invites it. But how accurate is the comparison? Is Canada really poised to be the next Western country to fall to the far-right populist global wave? The answer, as best as I can tell, is mixed.
It’s true that, by Canadian standards, Poilievre is an especially hard-nosed figure, one far more willing to use extreme rhetoric and attack political opponents in harsh terms. But on policy substance, he’s actually considerably more moderate than Trump or European radicals. Mostly eschewing the demagogic focus on culture and immigration that defines the new global far right, Poilievre is primarily concerned with classic conservative themes of limited government. His biggest campaign promises at present aren’t slashing immigration rates or cracking down on crime, but building more housing and repealing Canada’s carbon tax. Poilievre is basically just a conventional Canadian conservative who wraps up his elite-friendly agenda in anti-elite language aimed at working-class voters. He’s the kind of politician that some Republicans wish Donald Trump was: a tame populist. Understanding Poilievre isn’t just of interest to Canadians. There are reasons that his brand of populism is less virulent than what’s cropped up in many other Atlantic democracies — ones that hold important lessons for safeguarding democracy around the world.
Why Pierre Poilievre doesn’t fit the far-right script
The University of Georgia’s Cas Mudde, one of the leading scholars of the European right, has developed what is (to my mind) the most useful definition of radical right politics today. In his account, this party family — factions like Hungary’s Fidesz, France’s National Rally, and the US GOP — share three essential qualities. First, they are nativist; they strongly oppose immigration and multiculturalism. Second, they are willing to use aggressive, even authoritarian measures to deal with social disorder like undocumented migration and crime. Finally, they are populist, meaning that they define politics as a struggle between a virtuous people and a corrupt elite. Poilievre is certainly a populist. A right-wing operative and politician since he was a teenager, he rocketed to the top of the Conservative Party hierarchy after emerging as the most vocal champion of the 2022 Ottawa occupation. The uprising, which began against pandemic restrictions but swiftly became a broader far-right movement, was quite unpopular nationally. But inside the Conservative Party, there was enough support for its “pro-freedom” message that Poilievre rode his pro-convoy stance to victory in the party’s subsequent leadership election.
Since then, his populism has focused relentlessly on attacking the media, “globalists,” and (above all) Trudeau. Casting the fight between his Conservatives and Trudeau’s Liberals as the “have-nots” versus the “have-yachts,” he has argued that the prime minister embodies a debased Ottawa establishment out of touch with the needs and values of ordinary Canadians. In a recent speech, Poilievre cast Trudeau as an “elitist” leader gunning for Canada’s freedoms. “If he had read Nineteen Eighty-Four, he would have thought it was an instruction manual,” Poilievre argued. Somewhat ironically, Poilievre also believes Canada’s criminal justice system should be harsher. Blaming Trudeau for a recent rise in car thefts, Poilievre has argued for a reimposition of mandatory minimum sentences and other tough-on-crime policies. This means there’s at least a case that he also fits the second prong of Mudde’s definition of radical right politics. But on the first prong, nativism, Poilievre clearly diverges from Trump and the European far right. He has publicly insisted that “the Conservative party is pro-immigration,” and he has made appealing directly to immigrants a central part of his campaign strategy.
[...] Arising primarily in Western provinces (Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Poilievre’s native Alberta), Canadian “prairie populism” historically draws strength from the notion that the federal government cares more about the population centers in Quebec and Ontario than the rest of the country. Prairie populism, which comes in left- and right-wing varieties, focuses far more on regional and economic issues than the cultural obsessions of the modern far right. “We have had a long history of populism — particularly in the prairie provinces, the Western provinces — going back to the 1920s and 30s,” says Keith Banting, a professor at Queen’s University in Ontario. “Populism draws less extensively on anti-immigrant sentiment in Canada than it does almost anywhere else.” Indeed, Poilievre’s biggest focus is cost-of-living issues — blaming ordinary people’s economic pain on high taxes and big government. His signature proposals are repealing Trudeau’s carbon tax, cutting spending to fight inflation, and removing restrictions on housing construction.
Poilievre’s “plutocratic populism”
While Poilievre is a very Canadian figure, fitting solidly into the right-wing prairie populist tradition, his politics also have a lot in common with a concept developed for the United States: political scientists Jacob Hacker and Paul Pierson’s “plutocratic populism.” In their book Let Them Eat Tweets, Hacker and Pierson argue that the Republican Party uses culture war as a vehicle to attract popular support for a party that primarily caters to the interests of the rich. This strategy of “exploiting white identity to defend wealth inequality” allowed Trump’s GOP to attract downscale, non-college-educated voters without abandoning its core commitment to tax cuts and deregulation.
But in the United States, the populists ate the plutocrats. Trump’s anti-democratic instability and economic heterodoxy on issues like trade led some GOP billionaires, like the Koch family, to try and unseat him in the 2024 primary. They failed miserably and now are slinking back. In the Republican Party, MAGA is calling the shots. Poilievre, by contrast, keeps his populism within plutocrat-acceptable bounds. His rhetorical gestures toward the working class are paired with solidly pro-rich policy views and a distinct absence of attacks on the democratic system itself. In 2013, he claimed to be “the first federal politician to make a dedicated push” toward imposing US-style right-to-work laws in Canada. He has endorsed tax cuts for the rich and cuts to social spending. His trade policy is far more free-market than Trump’s. There are no signs that he would challenge the legitimacy of Canadian elections, let alone stage a January 6-style insurrection.
Vox reports on Conservative Party of Canada leader Pierre Poilievre's brand of right-wing populism is tamer than Donald Trump, Viktor Orbán, or Marine Le Pen's.
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xenosagaepisodeone · 1 year
I was idling in the parking lot at work when an actual short bus with a Canadian flag on the hood, two flags hanging off the sides and a bunch of fuck Trudeau/pro truckers convoy graffiti scrawled in marker all over it just whips down main street. deeply upset that I wasn't quick enough to get a picture because I was looking at this thing absolutely bug eyed.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau generated controversy for recently claiming that he never forced anyone in his country to get the immunization throughout the course of the pandemic. 
In a clip shared to Twitter, Trudeau declared Monday that he merely incentivized people to get the vaccine, "while not forcing them to do so."
The clip generated a huge backlash online, with users claiming that the leader’s comments stand in contrast with his orders requiring vaccines for various groups of Canadians, including a mandate for all federal workers and federally regulated Canadian transportation sectors. 
The Canadian government’s mandates for cross-border truck drivers were so despised among some truckers that they orchestrated the "Freedom Convoy," a protest of historic proportions in the nation’s capital that spread throughout the country.
Trudeau provided a sanitized retelling of how he implemented COVID-19 policies during a talk with German President Steinmeier at the University of Ottawa this week. 
In a clip of the talk, Trudeau defended his implementation of the vaccine, arguing that he followed scientists’ advice that "vaccination was going to be the way through this." He also claimed he gave "incentives" for people to get immunized rather than force them to do so. 
"And therefore, while not forcing anyone to get vaccinated, I chose to make sure all the incentives and all the protections were there to encourage Canadians to get vaccinated," he said.
Earlier in the speech, the Canadian leader acknowledged there were people who suffered "side effects" from the vaccine but argued that the rate of harm was higher among the population that didn’t take the shot. 
In response to the claim, Chief Nerd posted a video of Trudeau from more than a year ago directly endorsing COVID vaccine mandates. 
In that clip from February 2022, Trudeau said, "I can understand frustrations with mandates, but mandates are the way to avoid further restrictions – or having to be restricted." 
Twitter users blasted Trudeau for denying what he had done to Canadians during the pandemic.
Canadian criminal lawyer David Anber tweeted, "This man is a menace to society and the chief purveyor of ‘misinformation and disinformation.’"
Professor, evolutionary behavioral scientist, and author Gad Saad tweeted, "He is truly something else."
Lawyer and prominent conservative Harmeet Dhillon simply replied, "Lies."
Businessman and author Edward Dowd torched the prime minister, writing, "The gaslighting here is epic and all the folks who bought into his nonsense have been punked. Your dear leader now says he never forced anyone…those of [us] who supported him have effectively been abandoned."
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thesuburbanerd · 5 months
Federal Court finds Emergencies Act for trucker convoy violated Charter
I guess at this point it will go to the Supreme Court and we’ll see what they say. The application of this law was always a little bit borderline at best even if most Canadians wanted these absolute ding dongs to go home and would support any measures to make it happen.
In the meantime, the worst people in your feed are about to become fucking unBEARable.
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newsfromstolenland · 2 years
Oh yes it’s so easy to be queer in Canada when Erin O’Toole was voted out of the torrie party because he was not homophobic enough. And there’s no transphobia in Canada either, not Jordan Peterson comparing transition surgury to torture under the Nazis or deadnaming Elliot Page. Or the increase in harrassment towards queer people in from the Freedom Trucker Convoy types. People who think, as you said seem to think those other people you mentioned, that it’s easy to be marginalized in Canada are obtuse. One of Canada’s first leaders was pretty racist even for his time and it seems like our rightwing here seem to becoming more extreme. There is also the fucking residential schools
yeah I'll never understand why people think if you cross the colonial border from the states to canada, things are immediately great and wonderful for marginalized people
it's complete bullshit, of course, but try telling that to privileged canadians and they'll give some spiel about how progressive they are
and I live in the greater toronto area, which is considered one of the more progressive places to be (it isn't) but my experiences have been no better than the experiences of people like me in the states
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naturalrights-retard · 4 months
#10 - A massive trucker convoy is gearing up to take border security matters into their own hands. (Watch)
#9 - Journalist destroys the leftist narrative that January 6th was a coup.
#8 - Shocking courtroom testimony exposes Dominion voting machine vulnerability.
#7 - Senator Rand Paul issues damning message to half of the Republican party.
#6 - Journalist who attacked top tennis player for refusing COVID vaccine dies suddenly.
#5 - Corrupt GOP chair resigns after leaked audio conversation emerges.
#4 - WSJ Editor-in-Chief admits, “We no longer own the news.”
#3 - George Soros’ son amplifies veiled violent threat against Donald Trump.
#2 - Dr. Pierre Kory drops sudden death bombshell.
#1 - Trudeau’s Orwellian attack on Canadian truckers declared unreasonable and unconstitutional by federal court.
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BONUS #1 - Survival Food Is Surging With an Unexpected Twist
BONUS #2 - Biden’s Border Crisis Is Setting the Stage for a Public Health Catastrophe
BONUS #3 - Cancer Doctor Suggests Foods to Eat — and Not to Eat
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genx3791 · 1 year
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Canadian Trucker Convoy
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So She's finally there, at Fascism's door.
Personal: Skip if you don't care. I'm just venting
My mum over the last 3 years has allowed herself to be severely radicalised by the YouTube algorithm. She started out already possessing the "vaccines cause Autism" trope from the days when she watched Alex Jones (through his golden 9/11 era) and steadily through watching Russell Brand during the COVID lockdown she's been recommended further and further to the right content.
She's since doubled down on the Antivax crap but also she's picked up the chemtrails, Flat Earth, COVID is fake, COVID is also not fake but was made by the government for population control, 5G causes COVID and random heart attacks, Satanists sacrificing children, Jan 6th denial/Antifa involvement narrative, Fluoride in the water is to poison us, Holocaust denial and revisionism, Defending Kanye West, Defending Johnny Depp, Defending the Canadian Trucker "FreeDumbDom Convoy" and the claims that the government is in league with 11 species of aliens with 9 of which eat humans (that's apparently a child sacrifice thing by the democrats...)
She also started wearing a mask at the height of this pandemic but she mentioned this on one of her little conspiracy Facebook groups and says she was made fun of and got blocked/banned from it so then she hasn't worn one since saying they're another form of government control etc especially when she was actually sick going around coughing and spluttering in the supermarket without a mask and not even covering her mouth. She'd even purposefully cough at people wearing masks getting great joy out of it. Disgusting behaviour. What she must think of me as I stand there with her wearing a mask...
She's been getting ads recently for that Matt Walsh Documentary 'what is a woman' and watching clips of Ben Shapiro asking students why they don't identify as 60 years old as proof that Trans people are illegitimate somehow? So yeah she's on the Transphobia Train too now.
As if all of that wasn't bad enough today she's finally topped it all by throwing herself in the deep end of the Qanon content on Rumble. Apparently Elon Musk of all people is actually Q himself and he's going to run for president or VP with Trump and together they'll drop "Q drops" and go after the secret democrat led pedo/child sacrifice ring Epstein was apart of and Musk is due to release info on everyone who was on his island or photographed with Epstein (we got in an argument when I showed her that Trump and Elon have both been photographed with him and also been to his island of course)
Anyway I need to move out so please someone fucking save me. Donate to me, keep me as your pet, fucking kill me I don't care I just want out before the absolute worst happens tbh
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