#Can't wait to binge watch the season sometime soon lkdfmawoief
i watched monkie kid season 1 i don't understand how episodes 5, 9, and 10 are even kinda angstyyyyyyy maybe it's because i've dived so deep into the angst potential of ninjago that now i'm oblivious to all other forms of angst but please explore the angst potential for me thank you
Mk lives above the noodle shop.
BUT WHY? Unless he has no where else to go…
Yeah you could say it really is just easier for him to work there but Mk seems fairly young. What would someone his age be doing living above a noodle shop and working there?
Anyway, that’s angsty because it throws open the doors for an angsty Mk backstory. I headcanon that he was living on the streets for a while. Then there’s the fact that he has a job, which--isn’t that child labor? Unless it was the only way Pigsy could get him to accept a place to stay…
(I actually wrote a fic from Pigsy’s POV about that a little lol lkfmaewif you can find it here if you wanna give it a go skdldsfsdfjkad)
Anyway, so that’s a bit angsty lol, or at least has the potential for angst.
Then there’s the fact that Mk’s probably gonna freak out every time he hears the word “perfect” after that crazy experience. It’s also pretty clear at the end that he doesn’t tell anyone about it.
And then comes the saddest part about it for me. HE GENUINELY DOESN’T RELAX UNTIL THEY’RE YELLING AT HIM. LIKE BRO, THE ONLY WAY HE FEELS LIKE EVERYTHING IS “NORMAL” IS IF SOMEBODY’S YELLING AT HIM AND THAT’S A LITTLE CONCERNING. Pigsy yells a lot, yeah, but like all of them? I’m just concerned that he seems to 100% think it’s good when people yell at him.
Which brings me to another headcanon that maybe he used to be ignored a lot, so as long as they’re paying attention to him it’s okay, even if they’re yelling at him.
Episode five isn’t super angsty honestly, but it does open up the doors for angsty headcanons and whatnot, so I think that’s what the hype for that one is about.
I’ma skip right to ten now just cause order doesn’t matter :P dkflawoeif
(before I start can I just say that Mk’s one clone has my whole heart: “I don’t know what to tell you guy” I LOVE HIM SDLKFMAOIWEJKFMDSADF)
Ten is mostly Red Son angst because DBK was bouta kill him and called him a traitor. We literally saw him about to start crying oN SCREEN LSKDFMAWOEIF Like the lip wobble as DBK just talked down at him-- ;A;
Anyway, judging from the first episode I’m gonna assume it’s safe to say DBK never actually met Red Son before he was trapped under the mountain since he didn’t really seem to know who he was, but Red Son still seems to want to do everything he can to impress him and gain his approval, but why would you want to do that for a stranger?
Unless Princess Iron Fan has been talking him up for years, telling Red Son all about his dad to the point where he feels like he knows him and how many times do you think she said “he’s going to love you” to him as they worked to free his father. Then, after all that, after so many years of wanting to meet him and join him and rule the world with him and then he tells him he’s nothing. That he wouldn’t trust him because of how big of a failure he is.
I dunno man, I just think that would hurt klsdfmaowiemalsdf
Then there’s the AU’s where like “what if Iron Fan didn’t forward in time and Red Son got like BLASTED” and all that good stuff XD
And not related to angst but Iron Fan nabbin Mk and like, standing over him protectively pretty much killed me (HE HAD A MOM FOR A FEW MINUTES--)
(And then spicynoodle shippers went feral because Red Son was all “I GOT YO BACK NOODLE BOY--” yeah good times lksdfmawoieflksdf
Episode nine…
(Episode seven gives us a bit of a set up for it because we get to see a bit more of Mk’s character and the way he’s 100% ADHD, doesn’t tell Pigsy about the fact something is literally trying to kill him because he genuinely thinks Pigsy’s gonna throw him out if he doesn’t do this one thing right-- and just yeah slkdfaowief Mk has a lot of angst potential ksdfwefskdfj)
I have my reaction to this whole episode that I wrote out while I watched lol and I’m going to be taking a few things from that here’s the thing if you wanna read that XD
So! The episode starts with Mk smashing a--in Wukong’s words--“priceless ancient mural” that has the Journey to the West crew on it, which made Wukong stans go feral because that’s basically a family portrait and he’s getting it smashed. So like, Wukong is not okay sldkfwieofasdf XD Angst there, got me wondering what happened to the old crew and I’m curious to see if they’ll touch on that. Far as we’re aware though, Wukong seems to have been mostly alone for a long time. It’s just sad is all T-T
In comes Six Eared Macaque! Now this is where the angst really starts.
So it’s the classic, mentor’s going to slow for the apprentice so the apprentice turns to the dark side to speed things up a little and then gets betrayed by evil mentor and learns lesson in the end trope, but there was a whole lot more about it that FREAKED ME OUT LSKFDMAOIWEF
The first thing that got me was just the whole jacket thing. Macaque literally put his face on Mk with a clear “mine now” and it was like OH THAT IS NOT OKAY.
And then Macaque’s manipulation tactics are like WOW, OKAY, *SCREAMS* Cause he starts small with the things that Mk wants and then slowly starts to drive a wedge between him and Wukong and then straight up gets this kid to call himself a weapon, like BRO??? Mk literally starts to see himself as a weapon and that’s uh, not okay sldkfawef Macaque was able to do that though because of how MK sees things. If we look at past episodes like the Clone one we just see him doing everything in his power to be “useful” so that they’ll still like him and still want to hang out with him. He wants to give them everything because he loves them, but he’d also let them take everything from him too. Anyway, it just seems like Mk truly believes they that people won’t want him around if he’s not useful and Macaque takes that and runs with it slkdfmaoiwef
I’m gonna say the whole training with Macaque took place over a couple months. We also don’t see any of the others in that time, which means it’s likely Macaque was getting him to distance himself from his friends too. And Mk tends not to tell anybody about anything that happens to him, likely because he doesn’t want to bother them or be a burden, probably due to some past experiences making him think that he’s a burden if he’s human.
So after Macaque gets Mk to trust him and want to please him-- “I was expecting more.” “I can do better!”-- he takes Mk to a super sketchy place to kill a demon, which Mk doesn’t look comfortable with at ALL, but he does anyway, even when Macaque starts to act really weird, he just keeps going and making excuses for him in his head because “it’s not him who’s acting weird, i just need to stop being paranoid” the manipulation is pretty intense here :’)
So, then Mk gets betrayed by someone who was being nice to him, steals all of his power and messes with his thinking so badly that he can’t even pick up the staff. Macaque ruffles his hair fondly, a gesture of affection that’s probably gonna give Mk flashbacks now if someone ever tries to do it to him again and is straight up ready to kill him.
So like, angst sldfaowiefmdf
Fight angst, Mk thinking he’s not strong enough, not good enough anymore, literally starts CRYING--I WILL NEVER BE OKAY AGAIN--and then promptly gets rid of this demon. (“I just wanted to be good enough for you”) Wukong angst too cause he nearly saw Mk get killed. And then in the ensuing explosion he shields him and that's not angsty I’m just pointing it out because it gets my whole soul every time and I will never get over that part slkdfmawoief
Anyway, the ending. Mk’s sitting there staring down at the staff, feeling utterly terrible for causing all of that, then looks up with a resigned but determined expression and apologizes. Wukong scolds him a little, keeps it pretty light all things considered lol
But here’s what gets me. After Wukong pulls him into a hug Mk tentatively asks “So… you’ll keep training me?”
Because dude
He honestly thought he wasn’t going to keep training him. His resigned look when he apologized, he was FULLY EXPECTING WUKONG TO TAKE THE STAFF AND TELL HIM THEY WERE DONE.
Like, dude…
There’s also that one part when Macaque pretends to be Mk and Wukong freezes so badly he doesn’t even, like, think. He knows Mk’s pinned to the mountain at that point but still the idea of accidentally hitting him and the fear on not-Mk’s face made him freeze up so badly he didn’t even think to use his true sight (which would have made him see right through the illusion/shapeshifting) or use his LOGIC, to know it wasn’t Mk.
Anyway, I’ma stop now because I already spent too long on this and may have gotten slightly carried away but if you want another person to give you angst pointers on episodes @herhighnesstheprincess is FANTASTIC AT POINTING OUT ANGST LSKDFMAWOIEF
And hey, this might not qualify as angst for you and that’s A-OK. I guess it’s pretty tame compared to some of the stuff Ninjago throws in casually, but it does kinda address the angst which makes it hit harder sometimes lkdfmawoiefmfd Like they didn’t wait ten seasons to have Mk cry, he was in a stressful situation and struggling and dealing with a lot of bad thought towards himself in the moment and cried and it’s just-- ;A;
Yeah anyway sdlkfmaoiwemfsdf Congrats if you made it through my ramble sdlkwefkkldfadll I’m sure I forgot a few things cause technically speaking I’ve only watched the episodes once (which I must remedy soon because this series deserves a second go the animation alone is INCREDIBEL SKLDFAOOFEAFLK) so I’m bound to have missed a bunch of things, but in any case, hope this was worth your time lol XD Have a day as amazing as you are <3 ;)
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