cakeproductofficial · 4 months
Cake Delta 8 Live Resin Cartridge
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Indulge in the enchanting world of Cake Delta 8, where sweet sophistication meets a dash of intrigue. Our Cake Delta 8 is a dessert masterpiece, meticulously crafted to provide a unique and unforgettable experience.
This confection is a delightful blend of classic cake flavors enhanced with the alluring presence of Delta 8, a mild cannabinoid known for its soothing qualities. The result is a harmonious fusion of rich cake layers and the subtle euphoria that Delta 8 brings, creating a dessert sensation like no other.
our Cake Delta 8 offers an array of flavors to suit every palate. Each bite is a journey through taste and sensation, leaving you craving more.
Perfect for personal indulgence or shared moments with friends, Cake Delta 8 promises to elevate your dessert experience to new heights. Savor the magic of Cake Delta 8 and discover a dessert that's truly extraordinary. Order now and let your taste buds experience the enchantment!
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poleznotut · 5 months
✨🍰 Приглашаем в мир волшебства и невероятных вкусов с "Cake Time"! 🍰✨
Ни одно торжество не обходится без сладкого, а мы знаем, как сделать ваш праздник по-настоящему волшебным! 🎉 Наши торты, пирожные, кексы, маффины, капкейки и имбирные пряники - настоящее произведение искусства и великолепный способ украсить ваш стол.
🌟 Почему "Cake Time" - это лучший выбор для вашего события? ✅ Качественные ингредиенты: только натуральные продукты, никаких имитаций и заменителей. ✅ Разнообразные начинки: более 20 видов интересных сочетаний, которые точно удивят ваш вкус. ✅ Отсутствие ограничений: заказывайте миниатюрные торты или гигантские многоярусные десерты. ✅ Оригинальный дизайн: наши дизайнеры создадут идеальную композицию для каждого десерта.
🎂 "Cake Time" - это не просто кондитерская, это место, где рождаются уникальные десерты, способные поразить даже самого изысканного гурмана!
🌈 Сделайте ваш заказ прямо сейчас на нашем сайте https://cake-time.ru/ и окунитесь в мир вкуса и красоты с "Cake Time"! 🚀✨
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myinternetsites · 5 months
🍰✨ Познайте волшебство "Бенто Тортов" от "Cake Time"! ✨🍰
🎁 Идеальный подарок для двоих - невероятные маленькие тортики в стиле "Бенто". Специально для вас, мы создали этот невероятно уютный формат, чтобы поделиться моментами с близкими.
🎈 Каждый "Бенто Торт" - это не просто сладкое угощение, это настоящее произведение искусства, которое создано с любовью и вниманием к деталям.
🌟 Почему "Бенто Торты" от "Cake Time" - это лучший выбор: ✅ Индивидуальность: каждый торт - уникален, как и ваша любовь. ✅ Компактность: идеально подходит для двоих, чтобы разделить волшебный момент. ✅ Ложечка и свеча: создайте атмосферу праздника в любой момент.
🎂 Подарите себе и своим близким незабываемый вкус и волнующий опыт с "Бенто Тортами" от "Cake Time"!
👉 Посмотрите наш ассортимент "Бенто Тортов" здесь: https://cake-time.ru/product-category/bento-torty
🎉 Закажите уже сегодня и добавьте яркие краски в свою жизнь с "Cake Time"! 🌈✨
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interobzor · 5 months
🎉🍰 Подарите вашему малышу незабываемый праздник с детскими тортами от "Cake Time"! 🍰🎉
Дети – это самое ценное в нашей жизни, и мы знаем, как важно, чтобы каждый их день был особенным. Приготовление детского торта – это не только увлекательное занятие, но и ответственная задача. Почему бы не доверить эту магию профессионалам?
🌟 Почему "Cake Time" - это лучший выбор для детских тортов: ✅ Уникальные дизайны: наши торты выглядят не просто красиво, а превращаются в настоящие произведения искусства. ✅ Индивидуальный подход: каждый торт создается с учетом пожеланий клиента, чтобы сделать праздник по-настоящему уникальным. ✅ Натуральные ингредиенты: мы используем только лучшие продукты, чтобы обеспечить безопасность и вкусность для наших маленьких гурманов. ✅ Бесплатная дегустация: приглашаем вас посетить "Cake Time" и лично убедиться в великолепии наших десертов.
🎂 Каждый детский торт – это не просто сладкое угощение, а часть волшебного праздника, который запомнится на долгие годы!
👉 Посмотрите наш ассортимент детских тортов здесь: https://cake-time.ru/product-category/detskie-torty/
🚀 Закажите сейчас и сделайте праздник вашего ребенка по-настоящему волшебным с "Cake Time"! 🌈✨
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internetsites · 5 months
🎂✨ Подарите своим близким незабываемый День Рождения с тортами от "Cake Time"! ✨🎂
День Рождения - особенный момент, и мы знаем, как сделать его по-настоящему запоминающимся. "Cake Time" п��едлагает вам уникальные торты на День Рождения, которые не только визуально впечатляют, но и радуют великолепным вкусом.
🌟 Почему "Cake Time" - лучший выбор для тортов на День Рождения: ✅ Эксклюзивный дизайн: каждый торт создается с любовью и вниманием к деталям, чтобы ваше торжество было неповторимым. ✅ Разнообразие вкусов: от классических до оригинальных вариантов начинок, чтобы угодить каждому гурману. ✅ Индивидуальный заказ: мы учитываем ваши предпочтения и создаем торт, который полностью соответствует вашему вкусу и стилю праздника. ✅ Качественные ингредиенты: используем только натуральные продукты, чтобы обеспечить великолепный вкус и безопасность для вашего здоровья.
🎉 Каталог "Торт на День Рождения" в "Cake Time" предлагает разнообразие стилей, цветов и форм, чтобы каждый мог найти свой идеальный торт!
👉 Посмотрите наш ассортимент тортов на День Рождения здесь: https://cake-time.ru/product-category/tort-na-den-rozhdeniya/
🚀 Закажите торт уже сегодня и превратите свой День Рождения в настоящий праздник с "Cake Time"! 🌈✨
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s-sparkl5 · 6 months
crismis delicious cake receipe.
Certainly! Here's a simple Christmas cake recipe for you:Ingredients:2 cups all-purpose flour1 teaspoon baking powder1/2 teaspoon baking......
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swathisweetssavouries · 9 months
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Pinata Cake - A Sweet Surprise!
Looking to add a delightful twist to your next celebration? Our Pinata Cake is the perfect choice! This eye-catching cake is not just a treat for the taste buds; it's an experience in itself.
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cakemagemaeve · 3 months
In a few hours I'll be saying goodbye to my dog, Jig (short for Jig the White Devil Hellhound). In December he was diagnosed with congestive heart failure, and it's now gotten to the point where the kindest thing to do is let him go. He and his brother Pippin (short for Pippin Moon Moon Hellhound) are about 13 years old, and they actually haven't been apart for more than a few hours at a time since they were born, so needless to say I'm super worried about how Pippin's gonna handle this.
Their mama Darla belonged to the lady who ran the stable where I was boarding Sharif at the time, and I had the privilege of being there when they were born. My mom (a former paramedic) and my aunt Beth (a labor & delivery nurse) were also there, and it's a good thing too, because poor Pippin's head was too big for the birth canal, and he got stuck partway out. Luckily, my mom and aunt were able to save him, his mama, and the two puppies who were behind him (including Jig, who has never forgiven his big brother for holding up progress).
I like to think I've given them both a good life. They're both stinky bastard men (Jig more-so than Pippin), but they're my stinky bastard men, and I love them both dearly. I'm going to miss Jig and the way he'll get up in my lap, squirming with delight, wagging his tail and trying to lick the inside of my nose, all the while snarling like a demon (hence the White Devil part of his name). After a few minutes of snuggles he'll then go and bite Pippin (albeit never very hard), who puts up with his brother's abuse with good grace. In fact, whenever Jig's emotions get the better of him, or when he's in a situation he doesn't like, his go-to move is to bite Pippin. It's kind of a Ren & Stimpy situation, for those of y'all who're old enough to remember that show.
Yet despite his tendency to blame his brother for everything, it's clear they both love each other, because they spend much more time snuggling together than fighting (not that Pippin ever really fights back, lol), and I know Pippin's really going to miss him.
Goodbye, Jig. You were kind of an asshole, but you're still my good boy, and I love you dearly and am going to miss you and your silly antics so much. Say hello to aunt Beth for me.
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luminachannel · 1 year
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That time i made a miitopia version of my OC, Melysa Milis from Cakemage!
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blackbird-brewster · 1 year
Friday Fic Recs
I mostly read non-CM fic this week, but I'll put those in the cut.
What I've Read:
Criminal Minds, Tara/Emily, WC: 3033+(WIP) Rated: T || Author: thelarkascending (@gaelic-symphony)
Why I Love It: The April update is so friggin cute. I adore the concept of this OTP challenge, basically one chapter a month through the whole year. I've talked about this before but honestly, giv eit a read. Wholesome!!!
Criminal Minds, JJ/Emily, WC: 3365 Rated: G || Author: Phoenix_Falls (@otahkoapisiakii)
Why I Love It: Just absolutely wholesome! I love how perfect the dialogue is for each one of the characters, you can really hear the conversation happening. I love and adore late season Jemily love confessions! One of my fave fluff pieces
What I'm Writing:
[Classified WIP]
Update: TBRH all my WIP (TCAU and Cut to the Feeling) have been completely shoved to a back burned lately because this WIP is all I have been thinking about for the past couple of weeks. Still not ready to share what I'm working on, but I really think readers are going to be excited!! Hopefully I'll have enough written that I can share more soon!
Multi-Fandom Fic Recs Under the Cut
Critical Role, Beau/Imogen, Imogen/Laudna, WC: 4948 Rated: Explicit || Author: lorelei_de_rolo
Why I Love It: GOD!!! Lorelei writes the BEST smut and to have Beau/Imogen?!!!? Brand new ship in my head and I adore it. This fic is so well written and the characterisation is stunning. Not to mention the incredible art that accompanies it.
Critical Role, Imogen/Laudna, (Art) Rated: General || Author: (@astoriacolumnstaircase)
Why I Love It: I've certainly talked about this series before, and the newest update is so cute. I adore these two and I love Laudna's incredible undead presence and how Imogen just adores all of her.
Good Omens & Untitled Goose Game, Crowley &Aziraphale, WC: 3369 Rated: Teen || Author: cakemage
Why I Love This: This was sent to me by a friend and it was SUCH a refreshing delight. Absolutely hysterical! It reads like it was cut directly out of the book narrative and honestly, the idea that The Goose is immortal (and specifically trying to fuck with Crowley and Aziraphale through time) is such a Galaxy Brain idea. Laugh out loud hysterical.
Other Recommendations:
Past Friday Fic Recs:  [Friday Fic Recs - Tumblr] || [CM Fic Recs - AO3 Collection]
Rec Lists: [JJ/Emily] || [Tara/Emily] || [CM Femslash]
My Fics: [Jemily] || [Temily] || [All]
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cakeproductofficial · 4 months
Cake Delta 8 flavors Live Resin Disposable
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Step into a world of tantalizing flavors and serene indulgence with Cake Delta 8 Flavors. Each slice of this delectable cake is a harmonious blend of classic cake perfection enhanced by the subtle touch of Delta 8, a mild cannabinoid known for its calming qualities.
Our Cake Delta 8 Flavors are designed to elevate your dessert experience. From the rich, velvety embrace of Red Velvet to the vibrant zest of Key Lime, our selection caters to diverse palates and preferences. Each flavor tells a unique story, making every bite a delightful journey through taste and sensation.
Whether you're enjoying a quiet moment of personal indulgence or sharing with friends, Cake Delta 8 Flavors will enchant your taste buds and elevate your dessert game to new heights. It's the perfect marriage of classic cake and a touch of serene euphoria.
Embark on a journey of extraordinary taste and discover the captivating world of Cake Delta 8 Flavors. Order now and let your dessert moments be transformed into something truly magical.
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Recipe Link 👉 https://youtu.be/4jmwYAG3pT0
Welcome to our YouTube channel, where we bring you the most creative and delightful Cake Decoration Ideas! In this video, we showcase a collection of 10 stunning cake designs that will inspire and amaze you. From elegant floral arrangements to whimsical character cakes, we have something for every occasion. Our talented pastry chefs demonstrate step-by-step techniques, guiding you through the process of creating these edible works of art. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced baker, you'll find plenty of inspiration and tips to enhance your cake decorating skills. Join us and let your imagination run wild as we explore the world of cake decoration!
#CakeDecoration #CakeDecoratingIdeas #CakeDesign #CakeArt #EdibleArt #CakeInspiration #CreativeCakes #CelebrationCakes #CustomCakes #FondantArt #ButtercreamDesign #PastryArt #BakingDecorations #CakeSculpting #CakeToppers #CakeMasterpiece #WeddingCakes #BirthdayCakes #SpecialOccasionCakes #CupcakeDecorating #CakeFlowers #SugarCraft #CakeTutorial #CakeDecorTips #CakeArtist #CakeDecoratingTools #CakeStencils #CakePiping #CakeDrip #CakeLace #CakeTextures #CakeThemes #CakeInnovation #CakeSlicing #CakeLayers #CakeCarving #CakeModeling #CakeTasting #CakeFlavors #CakeFilling #CakeAssembly #CakePresentation #CakePhotography #CakeInspo #CakeLove #YummyCakes #InstaCakes #SweetTreats #DeliciousDesserts #BakersLife #HomeBaking #CakeObsession #BakingIdeas #CakePassion #CakeGoals #BakingCommunity #CakeDecorAddict #CakeWhisperer #CakeLovers #SugarArt #CakeMagic #CakeParty #CakeJoy #CakeFashion #CakeArtistry #CakeGems #CakeFlair #CakeCreativity #CakeEnthusiast #CakePerfection #CakeDreams #CakeHeaven #CakeDecorChallenge #CakeDecorationInspiration #CakeDecorInspo #CakeDecorGuru #CakeDecorInnovations #CakeDecorTipsandTricks #CakeDecorHacks #CakeDecoratingTechniques #CakeDecoratingSkills #CakeDecoratingTrends #CakeDecoratingPassion #CakeDecoratingWorld #CakeDecoratingMasterclass #CakeDecorating101 #CakeDecoratingWorkshop #CakeDecoratingFun #CakeDecoratingPro #CakeDecoratingCommunity #CakeDecoratingLove #CakeDecoratingArtists #CakeDecoratingExpert #CakeDecoratingGalore #CakeDecoratingJourney #CakeDecoratingExploration #CakeDecoratingMastery #CakeDecoratingMagic #CakeDecoratingRevolution #CakeDecoratingInspirationHub #CakeDecoratingWonderland #CakeDecoratingTipsandTricks #CakeDecoratingSecrets #CakeDecoratingIdeasandTips #CakeDecoratingEssentials #CakeDecoratingCreativity #CakeDecoratingInnovation #CakeDecoratingSculpting #CakeDecoratingFlowers #CakeDecoratingThemes #CakeDecoratingCustomization #CakeDecoratingDesigns #CakeDecoratingArtistry #CakeDecoratingPassionately #CakeDecoratingSkillsandTechniques #CakeDecoratingInspirationGuide #CakeDecoratingLoveandPassion #CakeDecoratingMasterpieces #CakeDecoratingFunandFascination
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myinternetsites · 5 months
💍✨ Создайте волшебный момент своей свадьбы с невероятными свадебными тортами от "Cake Time"! ✨💍
Свадьба - это особенный день, полный радости и волнения. "Cake Time" предоставляет вам возможность завершить этот день магическим вкусом, предложив уникальные свадебные торты, которые станут визуальным и вкусовым украшением вашего торжества.
🌟 Почему "Cake Time" - лучший выбор для свадебных тортов: ✅ Элегантный дизайн: наши торты создаются с учетом вашего стиля и темы свадьбы, чтобы стать настоящим украшением вашего праздника. ✅ Высокое качество: используем только натуральные ингредиенты и внимательно следим за каждой деталью, чтобы обеспечить вам великолепный вкус. ✅ Индивидуальный заказ: каждый торт уникален и создается с учетом ваших предпочтений, чтобы стать идеальным дополнением к вашему особенному дню. ✅ Разнообразие начинок: от классических вариантов до необычных сочетаний вкусов, чтобы удовлетворить самых изысканных гурманов.
🎂 Каталог "Свадебные Торты" в "Cake Time" предлагает вам выбор стилей, форм и украшений, чтобы каждая пара могла найти свой идеальный торт для этого особенного дня!
👉 Посмотрите наш ассортимент свадебных тортов здесь: https://cake-time.ru/product-category/svadebnye-torty
🚀 Закажите свадебный торт прямо сейчас и добавьте волшебства в вашу свадьбу с "Cake Time"! 🌈✨
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suniltams · 1 year
Crowny Cakes - The Best Cake Shop in Ropar Top Bakery Items High-Quality Call or WhatsApp for Order - 7717279054 Opposite New IIT, Ropar, Rupnagar, Punjab Are you looking for the best Cake Shop in Ropar? Crowny Cakes love to delight you and your occasions with their best-in-class cakes in Ropar. They have expertise and Experience and they maintain high quality. They have qualifications, passion, and expert chefs to take care of your orders. Therefore, Crowny Cakes is the best Cake Shop in Ropar.   Experience the art of baking with custom bakery items from Crowny Cakes! Our expert chefs are dedicated to creating delicious and beautiful cakes and pastries tailored to your specific requests. Whether it's a special occasion or a simple craving, our team will take care of your order with precision and care. Order now and let us turn your bakery dreams into reality! #CrownyCakes #CustomBakery #ExpertChefs #BakeryMasterpiece #SpecialOccasion #CakeGoals #OrderNow Call or WhatsApp for Order - 7717279054 Opposite New IIT, Ropar, Rupnagar, Punjab #SweetToothSatisfaction #CakeLoverHeaven #BakeryFresh #CustomCakes #CelebrationCakes #CakeOfTheDay #DessertGoals #YummyCakes #CakePerfection #BakeWithLove #CakeCraze #TastyTreats #CakeHeaven #CakeFever #CakeLove #CakeObsession #CakeCentral #CakeNation #CakePorn #CakeAddict #CakeEnvy #CakeGoals #CakeDreams #CakeFantasy #CakeMagic https://www.justbaazaar.com/best-cake-shop-in-ropar/ Crowny Cakes https://www.justbaazaar.com/listing/cake-shop-ropar/ Crowny Cakes is the premier cake shop in Ropar, offering a wide variety of delicious and beautiful cakes for all occasions. Our cakes are made with the freshest ingredients and are crafted with the utmost attention to detail. Whether you're looking for a birthday cake, a wedding cake, or just a special treat, we have something to suit your needs. Stop by today and try one of our delicious cakes The Cake Shop in Ropar for Your Special Occasion. Do check out Our High Quality and Yummy Bakery Items. Custom Orders are accepted in Advance Looking for the best cake shop in Ropar? Look no further than Crowny Cakes! Our bakery offers a wide variety of delicious and beautiful cakes for all occasions. Whether you're celebrating a birthday, or a wedding, or just want a special treat, we have something to suit your needs. Our cakes are made with the freshest ingredients and are crafted with the utmost attention to detail. We use only the best quality ingredients to ensure that our cakes taste as good as they look. Our skilled bakers are dedicated to creating cakes that are not only delicious but also visually stunning. We offer a wide range of cakes to choose from, including classic favourites like chocolate and vanilla, as well as more unique flavours like lemon and raspberry. We also offer a variety of fillings, icings, and toppings to suit your tastes. At Crowny Cakes, we pride ourselves on providing excellent customer service. Our friendly staff is always happy to help you choose the perfect cake for your occasion. We also offer delivery and setup services, so you can enjoy your cake without any hassle. Don't settle for anything less than the best when it comes to your cake. Visit Crowny Cakes, the best cake shop in Ropar, and taste the difference for yourself.
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cherryintheblossom · 4 years
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Because @crdisdesign @alittlefunk knows I love cake, he sent me a cake recipe book! Yay! More things to make because I have time to actually dedicate to it! Thank you!!! Miss you and @dkish09 💕🎂🍰🧁🥮. . . . #cake #bakingcakes #yummy #baking #friendship #quarantine #cakemagic #recipebook #baker #sweets #thankyou https://www.instagram.com/p/B_0yMyHFkzX/?igshid=19zqyo595ttew
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spiceitupkitchen · 7 months
Rhubarb, almond and orange syrup cake Recipe
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150g butter, softened
2/3 cup caster sugar
3 tsp finely grated orange rind
3 eggs
1 cup self-raising flour, sifted
2/3 cup almond meal
1/3 cup milk
4 stalks rhubarb, trimmed, cut into 2cm pieces
Double cream, to serve
Orange syrup
3/4 cup orange juice
1/3 cup caster sugar
3 stalks rhubarb, trimmed, chopped
Preheat oven to 180°C/160°C fan-forced. Grease a 7cm-deep, 20cm round cake pan. Line base and sides with baking paper.
Using an electric mixer, beat butter, sugar and orange rind until light and fluffy. Add eggs, 1 at a time, beating after each addition. Fold in flour, almond meal and milk. Spoon mixture into prepared pan. Smooth surface. Sprinkle top with rhubarb. Bake for 1 hour or until a skewer inserted in centre comes out clean. Stand in pan for 10 minutes. Turn out onto a wire rack.
Meanwhile, make Orange syrup: Place all ingredients in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Add 1/3 cup cold water. Stir to combine. Cook, stirring, for 3 minutes or until sugar dissolves (do not boil). Bring to the boil. Reduce heat to low. Simmer for 10 minutes or until slightly thickened. Strain syrup into a jug. Discard rhubarb.
Prep time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 1 hour 13 minutes
Total time: 1 hour 33 minutes
Yields: 10 servings
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