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May I offer you some solemn warriors during these trying times?
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amelieofgreengables · 9 months
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there was an old lady who lived in a frog
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amplexadversary · 6 days
Travis, having just finished scouting using an Arcane Eye: "I'll take the eye, I'll dive back down from the roof, [...] I'll come along the floor and then come right up under Essek's face and just look right up his nose.
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numbfandom · 7 months
I want all the wacky old women of Campaign 3 to hang out together. Jirana, Morri, Abaddina, etc
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sky-scribbles · 13 days
I love the difference in Essek's attitude accompanying the M9 and his attitude escorting the Hells. With the M9, he was still so desperate to prove himself, and still treading so carefully. He was cool with them wandering fucking wherever (and when he did have misgivings, he voiced them quietly) and he let them put their hands all over everything, because he was there to support them. Whatever they wanted.
Who is he to tell them what they should and should not do? If Fjord wants to step into a weird time tube, Essek hasn't the right to say no.Jester and Cad want to fix a robot? That's their decision. Sure, let's chat to all of these corpses. Essek is behind them, he loves them, he will support almost any dumbfuckery because he is still on the thinnest of ice.
Then he gets handed the Hells and he is fucking RESPONSIBLE for these idiots' safety. They see him as an authority and he is their first line of defence against being eaten by a sex monster. If they do something stupid, he has to tell them right fucking now, and oh, gods, they are doing so many somethings stupid. He will get pissed off and snarky and speedrun the entire Praesidis Ward because they have THINGS TO DO. He is grabbing them by the toddler leashes and yanking them toward the fucking plot.
In short, I'm wondering how much desperate screaming on the inside Essek was tamping down when he was following the Nein.
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chaosgenasi · 1 year
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I was wherever you go next.
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astrid-beck · 10 months
Something insanity inducing about jester and veth trying to comfort caleb after the vergessen heist by telling him that the people he killed were bad people, they were evil, they obviously deserved it, we're the good guys, he had to do it, he had to do it for the greater good, the chosen few made the hard choice and do what few have the will to do—
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pocketgalaxies · 3 months
crazy how in c2 they'll have three extensive convos checking in with each other while traveling like an hour in-game meanwhile in c3 they've been on the moon for days and still haven't discussed the following:
laudna fucking ate a guy
imogen's mom is a mythical legend amongst the enemy
orym vs. laudna's response to imogen giving into predathos
how did chetney suddenly learn to make hypnotizing toys
delilah briarwood
"some of us are expendable, we should get captured"
anything and everything they said during the trust exercise, including but not limited to:
laudna not being able to distinguish her thoughts from delilah's
imogen's disgust at delilah's inevitable presence
chetney's fear that his new family will leave him
orym's feelings about dorian
fcg relieving stress through murder
fearne's insecurities about their chances of success
ashton's guilt about the shard
and more!
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brittle-doughie · 4 months
Thoughts on the fearies? I really like the librarian one her voice just makes me feel so calm[insert crying emoji]
Pretty serene and graceful as one might expect! You do have a point in terms of the Librarian Faerie, it was nice listening to her locate where the needed sheet music was, pretty fine voice work there!
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The Librarian Faerie will admit to the group that during White Lily Cookie’s visits to the library would she often bring up a cookie’s name, overhearing it and wondered who this cookie could be. It wouldn’t be until you spoke up that it clicked for her.
YOU were the cookie White Lily would talk so much about. You certainly looked as pleasant as Lily had described, if not more so. You were flattered to hear that your created reputation from White Lily Cookie had proceeded you so much!
The Librarian Faerie humbly asked if you’re willing to indulge her request for a moment as she pulls out a blank scroll and feathered pen. Would you be generous enough to give her-the library more about you? White Lily Cookie made her ponder about you and this was her chance to satiate that growing curiosity within her.
Gingerbrave and the others had to get you to move along when her questions started to get more personal such as your birthday, where did you live, what were your favorite things to do, etc.
She promised it was just for the records! Despite how little it connected to the overall history of the Faerie Kingdom, she’s seriously telling you that your preference for a spouse was important to this kingdom’s history?
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sunflowervc · 11 months
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i forgot to post this in june but this is the third drawing in my cr as classical paintings for pride series.. which i didn’t say was a series until just now, BUT STILL
anyway, here’s Yussa as Wanderer Above the Sea Fog by Casper David Friedrich
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cranesofibycus · 2 years
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T H E _ R E D _ C I T Y
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flowersforvax · 10 days
*clears throat* I think Matt giving Essek longer hair is just him trying to bait fanartists into using him as a reference
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amplexadversary · 10 months
Ashton: "I'm torn between self-preservation and just enjoying a cautionary tale. I really don't know what to do right now."
Imogen: "About the sword?"
Ashton: "Yeah."
Imogen: "Look, the sword said! You know, FCG might've just been catching some bad vibes from the previous guy [who wielded it]. It could be a great sword!"
Sam and Travis, simultaneously: "It is a Greatsword."
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pleasantsaladnerd · 24 days
Nothing of note happened last episode nothing at all
**Vibrating Essek noises**
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Anyway here is some art for no particular reason bonus Astrid again for no reason at all...
**Essek noises intensify**
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Me this whole week
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triaelf9 · 2 years
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So I think I've finally found the C3 NPC that I am way too invested in, despite the short moment on screen, b/c she's amazing and is TOO FUN 
Anyway I love Weva here is a picture XD ( Bonus closeup b/c this picture ended up a lot bigger than I expected and Weva a lot smaller XD)
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