#CHUV Lausanne
messenjaschin · 2 years
switzerland | Lausanne | unil | Laboratoire de recherche en neuroimagerie (LREN) I Migros Vaud 75 year's grant I Bogdan Draganski I Youri Messen-Jaschin | brain project 2 |
switzerland | Lausanne | unil | Laboratoire de recherche en neuroimagerie (LREN) I Migros Vaud 75 year’s grant I Bogdan Draganski I Youri Messen-Jaschin | brain project 2 |
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swissforextrading · 3 months
Nanotweezers accelerate phage therapy
27.02.24 - Scientists at EPFL have developed a game-changing technique that uses light to manipulate and identify individual bacteriophages without the need for chemical labels or bioreceptors, potentially accelerating and revolutionizing phage-based therapies that can treat antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections. With antibiotic resistance looming as a formidable threat to our health, scientists are on a constant quest for alternative ways to treat bacterial infections. As more and more bacterial strains outsmart drugs we have been relying on for decades, a possible alternative solution may be found in bacteriophages, which are viruses that prey on bacteria. Phage therapy, the use of bacteriophages to combat bacterial infections, is gaining attraction as a viable alternative to traditional antibiotics. But there is a catch: finding the right phage for a given infection is like searching for a needle in a haystack, while current methods involve cumbersome culturing, time-consuming assays. Now, scientists at EPFL, in collaboration with the CEA Grenoble and the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) have developed on-chip “nanotweezers” that can trap and manipulate individual bacteria and virions (the infectious form of a virus) using a minimal amount of optical power. The study, led by Nicolas Villa and Enrico Tartari in the group of Romuald Houdré at EPFL, is published in the journal Small. The nanotweezers are a type of “optical tweezers”, scientific instruments that use a highly focused laser beam to hold and manipulate microscopic (e.g. virions) and even sub-microscopic objects like atoms in three dimensions. The light creates a gradient force that attracts the particles towards a high-intensity focal point, effectively "holding" them in place without physical contact. Optical tweezers were first invented in 1986 by the physicist Arthur Ashkin who worked out the principles behind them in the late 1960’s. Ashkin’s technological innovation won him the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physics, and optical tweezers remain an intense field of research. There are different types of optical tweezers. For example, free-space optical tweezers can manipulate an object in an open environment such as air or liquid without any without any physical barriers or structures guiding the light. But in this study, the researchers built nanotweezers embedded in optofluidic device that integrates optical and fluidic technologies on a single chip. The chip contains silicon-based photonic crystal cavities — the nanotweezers, which are essentially tiny traps that gently nudge the phages into position using a light-generated force field. The system allowed the researchers to precisely control single bacteria and single virions and acquire information about the trapped microorganisms in real-time. What sets this approach apart is that it can distinguish between different types of phages without using any chemical labels or surface bioreceptors, which can be time-consuming and sometimes ineffective. Instead, the nanotweezers distinguish between phages by “reading” the unique changes each particle causes in the light’s properties. The label-free method can significantly accelerate the selection of therapeutic phages, promising faster turnaround for potential phage-based treatments. The research also has implications beyond phage therapy. Being able to manipulate and study single virions in real time opens up new avenues in microbiological research, offering scientists a powerful tool for rapid testing and experimentation. This could lead to a deeper understanding of viruses and their interactions with hosts, which is invaluable in the ongoing battle against infectious diseases. Nik Papageorgiou http://actu.epfl.ch/news/nanotweezers-accelerate-phage-therapy (Source of the original content)
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thxnews · 8 months
Revolutionary Cancer Treatment: Major Collaboration Unveiled
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  A Game-Changing Collaboration
In a groundbreaking partnership that holds the promise of revolutionizing the treatment of deep-seated tumors, Leo Cancer Care and THERYQ, based in PEYNIER, France, have combined their extensive expertise. This collaboration, driven by cutting-edge technology and precision engineering, seeks to elevate the confidence and precision of cancer treatment for radiation oncologists and patients alike. At its core, this partnership introduces FLASH radiotherapy, an advanced radiation therapy technique that delivers extraordinarily high radiation doses within a fraction of a second. This breakthrough approach significantly reduces treatment duration and minimizes damage to surrounding healthy tissues, potentially ushering in a new era in cancer care.   The Evolution of FLASH Radiotherapy Developed in collaboration with CHUV (Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland) and grounded in CERN technology (European Laboratory of Particle Physics), FLASHDEEP represents a monumental leap forward in cancer radiotherapy. This groundbreaking innovation offers ultra-rapid treatment delivery with minimal impact on healthy surrounding tissues. By effectively addressing the unique challenge of precisely targeting deep-seated tumors, this collaborative effort aims to maximize the therapeutic potential of Very High-Energy Electron (VHEE) FLASH radiotherapy. Notably, the first unit to feature Leo Cancer Care's novel upright patient positioning solution will be installed at CHUV, paving the way for transformative advancements.  
Key Advantages of the Collaboration
In this pioneering collaboration, several key highlights are poised to redefine the landscape of cancer treatment: - Improved Patient Comfort: Innovative upright patient positioning minimizes discomfort during cancer therapy, enhancing the overall patient experience. - Enhanced Treatment Precision: The integration of Leo Cancer Care and THERYQ's cutting-edge technology enables precise targeting of deep-seated tumors, thereby minimizing harm to surrounding healthy tissues. - Faster Treatment: FLASHDEEP's ultra-fast delivery system optimizes setup times and enhances overall treatment efficiency. - Improved Clinical Outcomes: By addressing the complexities of deep tumor treatment, this collaboration holds the potential to enhance patient outcomes, particularly in challenging cancer diagnoses.  
A Shared Vision of Transformation
Both Leo Cancer Care and THERYQ share a relentless commitment to pushing the boundaries of cancer care. This collaboration represents a significant milestone in their joint mission to redefine radiation therapy. Teams at both organizations are enthusiastic about embarking on this journey together, with plans to share further project details in the months ahead. Stephen Towe, CEO and co-founder of Leo Cancer Care, comments, "FLASH has been one of the most exciting research areas within radiation therapy for a number of years now, so we are very excited to be partnering with THERYQ, helping them to bring FLASH radiotherapy into mainstream clinical practice."   Ludovic Le Meunier, CEO of THERYQ said, "Together, we are pioneering the future of cancer treatment, where precision meets speed, and patients receive the best care possible. This collaboration reaffirms our commitment to advancing FLASH radiation therapy systems, bringing hope and healing to those in need,"  
THERYQ: Revolutionizing Cancer Care
THERYQ is a trailblazing medical device company specializing in the design, manufacturing, and commercialization of FLASH radiotherapy systems. With a clear mission in mind, their goal is to expand the application of radiotherapy in oncology and unlock new avenues of treatment for cancer patients. THERYQ aims to enhance patient care, improve life expectancies, and elevate the overall quality of life by providing efficient, precise, and ultra-short radiation treatments.  
Leo Cancer Care: Transforming Radiation Therapy
Leo Cancer Care is on a mission to challenge the norms in radiation therapy, with a focus on delivering improved patient care and an enhanced patient experience. Their products are rooted in the clinical benefits of upright patient positioning, coupled with a shift from machine rotation to patient rotation.   Sources: THX News & Leo Cancer Care. Read the full article
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entomoblog · 8 months
Ce que l'on sait sur la redoutable fourmi de feu qui débarque en Europe
La fourmi de feu, originaire d'Amérique du Sud, est l'une des espèces les plus invasives dans le monde. En moins d'un siècle, elle a envahi des pays comme les Etats-Unis, le Mexique ou encore l'Australie. Une étude publiée dans la revue Current Biology fait état de sa récente arrivée en Europe.
  rts.ch - Sciences-Tech.
  "Pas moins de 88 nids de fourmis de feu, concentrés sur cinq hectares de forêt, ont été identifiés dans la région de Syracuse en Sicile. Une découverte qui n'est pas une bonne nouvelle pour le Vieux Continent.
  En effet, cette espèce qui ressemble à une fourmi rouge représente une menace à la fois pour l'humain mais aussi pour la biodiversité. Elle est extrêmement difficile à éradiquer: la Nouvelle-Zélande est pour l'heure le seul pays à avoir réussi à s'en débarrasser complètement.
  "Le pays a agi très tôt, c'est la clé. En plus d'avoir une population très sensibilisée aux espèces invasives, la Nouvelle-Zélande a également un programme de biosécurité très développé", a expliqué lundi Cléo Bertelsmeier, professeure au Département d'écologie et évolution de l'Université de Lausanne (UNIL), dans l'émission CQFD.
Piqûres "ardentes"
Comme l'explique la spécialiste, cette espèce – Solenopsis invicta de son nom scientifique – fait partie des pires espèces invasives du monde. "Elle a des effets néfastes sur d'autres espèces, que ce soit sur les insectes ou sur les mammifères".
  La fourmi de feu s'attaque aussi bien aux cultures qu'aux équipements électriques. En outre, ses piqûres "ardentes" provoquent de fortes douleurs et des démangeaisons chez l'être humain. En cas d'allergie, l'issue peut s'avérer fatale.
Autre particularité, les fourmis de feu vivent en "super-colonies". Connectées entre elles grâce à une organisation sociale très élaborée, elles attaquent en groupe. "On est donc rarement victime d'une seule piqûre", explique Cléo Bertelsmeier.
  Une fois sur leur proie, elles libèrent des phéromones qui attirent le reste de la colonie. "On a dû accompagner des collaborateurs du laboratoire au CHUV tellement leur réaction allergique était grave", ajoute par ailleurs la professeure."
Bernadette Cassel's insight:
  On a dû accompagner des collaborateurs du laboratoire au CHUV tellement leur réaction allergique était grave
  Cléo Bertelsmeier, professeure au Département dʹécologie et évolution de lʹUniversité de Lausanne (UNIL)
    Actualité en relation
  Des colonies de fourmis de feu découvertes pour la première fois en Europe - De www.courrierinternational.com - 15 septembre, 17:46
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questlation · 1 year
... https://questlation.com/prnewswire/37d64d2368f089ccb378f09ad46e21bf/?feed_id=4969&_unique_id=63ae3d440d836
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wuduvitabag · 2 years
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  croissance de son histoire grâce, entre autres, au travail mode of operation was adjusted to meet the growth of (1 = not at all, 7 = very much). ***. Thèse n° 4440. Centre d'Impression et de Reprographie du CHUV. Lausanne. 2013. Page 4. Page 5. « Toute certitude est par essence contradictoire avec la282pages Pointcut cannot be resolved to a type, Lupine dog collars uk, Cute 1 year anniversary ideas for girlfriend, Opensl es source code? de J Haar · 2007 · Cité 8fois — letter, dated 1 May 1467, is in Florence, Archivio di Stato, Bonadies (?odendach), a Carmelite musician and teacher, over a period of indeterminate. de V HUMBERT-DELALOYE · Cité 3fois — travail : 1. recherche de l'origine d'un précipité observé dans André. Y-site intravenous drug administration in intensive care units:. de B Gilliam · 1970 — Minor field: Teacher Education. Professor Leonard 0. Andrews iv the level of syntax is equally true of the basic unit of poetry, the. de AB Roark · 2005 — 2.6.1 Rewriting in Medieval Literature… the Latin corporalis, entails a relationship to the body (Le Robert The sign is a linguistic unit. XLIV, 1990, 1, p. 3-20, voir p. 4-10; Illo Humphrey, “Les 12 divisions de l'As, leur emploi chez Calcidius et chez Boèce”, in Colloquia Aquitana II-2006CHAPTER X. •M M< 15-1 Conjugation of the auxiliary verb avoir { = to hive) dent monarchie copie mode auberge capital morale 6bene latin (k) suffi>x
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moonlight-medicine · 2 years
What pain never ends ?
Migraines, toothache or lumbago: each person racked with pain wishes not anything however for it to go away as quick as possible. Usually, the pain does indeed subside after a short while – but occasionally it will become one's constant companion. If it lasts longer than 3 to 6 months, we communicate of chronic ache.
Some 20 percent of the Swiss populace suffers from it, although to various degrees of intensity. “Long-time period, extreme pain has a huge, destructive impact on life”, says Konrad Streitberger, the pinnacle of the Pain Centre on the University Hospital of Bern (Inselspital).
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Into a vicious circle
Chronic ache commonly begins with a particular cause within the body, such as a slipped disc, a nerve injury or an infection along with a couple of sclerosis. But continual ache can also have intellectual and social causes which might be together reinforcing. “Those affected input into a vicious circle”, says Strindberg. Their ache way they may be slightly able to pass, can’t work any extra, and become depressed. This in flip impacts their social life, which merely intensifies their mental and bodily ache.
In order to take these kinds of factors under consideration when treating chronic ache, professional centers – including that at the Inselspital – take a multi-modal approach. Today, this is the gold widespread in cures for continual ache. Also, learn more about chronical pain reliver to reduce pain.
The patients are handled now not simply via docs, but additionally via physiotherapists and psychologists. Nevertheless, just a few humans are capable of see their ache reduced through greater than 30 to 50 percentage. “There are an increasing number of complex cases wherein sufferers are already taking opiates in excessive doses, and in which we will not make any development with present day remedies”, says Strindberg.
This is why there's an urgent need for brand spanking new remedies. What’s important is growing new drugs. Today’s painkillers – which include ibuprofen, diclofenac, and opiates in the case of intense ache – are unsuited for lengthy-time period remedies due to the fact they have got side-effects and/or can bring about dependency. Or, worse still, they in reality don’t work. “This is because persistent pain could have one-of-a-kind neurobiological causes”, says Isabelle Decosterd, who runs the Pain Centre at the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) and researches additionally on the Faculty of Biology and Medicine at the University of Lausanne.
Fire within the apprehensive system
While acute pain is an critical warning sign for the body, chronic pain has misplaced this characteristic. “It’s vain for the body”, says Decosterd. It happens whilst acute pain is just too excessive and lasts too lengthy.
This outcomes in a protracted-time period sensitisation and hyperexcitability of the anxious gadget, each inside the peripheral nerves and inside the spinal twine and brain, developing a sort of ‘ache reminiscence’. Stimuli that don’t in reality motive ache can then be experienced as painful – even being stroked with a feather. Or a pain can unexpectedly arise without any recognisable trigger. All over the sector, researchers are looking for new pills that can be utilized in a focused way towards ache mechanisms, and thereby mute the hyperexcitability of the worried system.
Chronic Pain Due To Trauma
How Are Quietly Revolutionizing Chronic Pain
How Glial Are Revolutionizing Chronic Pain
Chronic Pain After Pleurodesis
Cognitive Therapy For Chronic Pain
The pain-perceiving nerve cells inside the pores and skin and organs are an important factor of attack here – the so-called nociceptors. Decosterd and her group are also testing exceptional techniques which can be designed to dam a selected sodium channel to the nociceptors. This could suppress the transmission of pain indicators and prevent them from being perceived within the brain.
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indianfitnesscare · 2 years
Dietary Fiber in the Gut can Help Prevent Skin Allergies
Dietary Fiber in the Gut can Help Prevent Skin Allergies
Professor Ben Marsland from the Central Clinical School’s Department of Immunology, together with Swiss colleagues at the University Hospital of Lausanne (CHUV), showed that the fermentation of fiber in the gut by bacteria and subsequent production of , in particular butyrate, protected against atopic dermatitis in mice. The research was published in Mucosal Immunology. While it is well…
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justbeyourselfctx · 3 years
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andreanludvig · 5 years
It's your truly. The medical metalhead
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messenjaschin · 2 years
germany | max-planck institut für mathematik | can optical art relieve or cure certain mental illnesses? | Dr.Noémie Combe |
germany | max-planck institut für mathematik | can optical art relieve or cure certain mental illnesses? | Dr.Noémie Combe |
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swissforextrading · 3 months
Anything-in-anything-out: a new modular AI model
26.02.24 - Researchers at EPFL have developed a new, uniquely modular machine learning model for flexible decision-making. It is able to input any mode of text, video, image, sound, and time-series and then output any number, or combination, of predictions.  We’ve all heard of Large Language Models, or LLMs – massive scale deep learning models trained on huge amounts of text that form the basis for chatbots like OpenAI’s ChatGPT. Next-generation Multimodal Models (MMs) can learn from inputs beyond text, including video, images, and sound. Creating MM models at a smaller scale poses significant challenges, including the problem of being robust to non-random missing information. This is information that a model doesn’t have, often due to some biased availability in resources. It is thus critical to ensure the model does not learn the patterns of biased missingness in making its predictions. MultiModN turns this around In response to this problem, researchers from the Machine Learning for Education (ML4ED) and Machine Learning and Optimization (MLO) Laboratories in EPFL’s School of Computer and Communication Sciences have developed and tested the exact opposite to a Large Language Model. Spearheaded by Professor Mary-Anne Hartley, head of the Laboratory for intelligent Global Health Technologies hosted jointly in the MLO and the Yale School of Medicine and Professor Tanja Käser, head of ML4ED, MultiModN is a unique Modular Multimodal Model, presented recently at the NeurIPS2023 conference. Like existing Multimodal Models MultiModN can learn from text, images, video, and sound. Unlike existing MMs, it is made up of any number of smaller, self-contained, and input-specific modules that can be selected depending on the information available, and then strung together in a sequence of any number, combination, or type of input. It can then output any number, or combination, of predictions. “We evaluated MultiModN across ten real-world tasks including medical diagnosis support, academic performance prediction, and weather forecasting. Through these experiments, we believe that MultiModN is the first inherently interpretable, MNAR-resistant approach to multimodal modelling,” explained Vinitra Swamy, a PhD student with ML4ED and MLO and joint first author on the project. A first use case: medical decision-making The first use case for MultiModN will be as a clinical decision support system for medical personnel in low-resource settings. In healthcare, clinical data is often missing, perhaps due to resource constraints (a patient can’t afford the test) or resource abundance (the test is redundant due to a superior one that was performed). MultiModN is able to learn from this real-world data without adopting its biases, as well as adapting predictions to any combination or number of inputs. “Missingness is a hallmark of data in low-resource settings and when models learn these patterns of missingness, they may encode bias into their predictions. The need for flexibility in the face of unpredictably available resources is what inspired MultiModN,” explained Hartley, who is also a medical doctor. From the lab to real life Publication, however, is just the first step towards implementation. Hartley has been working with colleagues at Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) and Inselspital, University Hospital Bern uBern to conduct clinical studies focused on pneumonia and tuberculosis diagnosis in low resource settings and they are recruiting thousands of patients in South Africa, Tanzania, Namibia and Benin. The research teams undertook a large training initiative, teaching more than 100 doctors to systematically collect multimodal data including images and ultrasound video, so that MultiModN can be trained to be sensitive to real data coming from low resource regions. “We are collecting exactly the kind of complex multimodal data that MultiModN is designed to handle,” said Dr Noémie Boillat-Blanco, an… http://actu.epfl.ch/news/anything-in-anything-out-a-new-modular-ai-model (Source of the original content)
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Colloque National sur l’harcélement scolaire 
Le 06.05.2020 Espace Dickens Lausanne Plus d’un élève sur dix est confronté au harcèlement scolaire, soit 3 enfants par classe. 5% des élèves sont victimes de harcèlement sévère dont ils garderont des séquelles à vie pour la plupart.C’est un phénomène mondial (source ISU Institut de Statistique de l’UNESCO 2018), qui touche toutes les catégories sociales, toutes les écoles et toutes les classes, et il n’y a pas de profil type des harceleurs, ni de leurs victimes.Longtemps sous-estimé ou considéré comme étant une fatalité liée au penchant naturel des enfants à la cruauté, ce phénomène n’a été pris à sa juste mesure que très récemment en France, notamment grâce aux travaux d’Éric Debardieux en 2011.Cette prise de conscience a été favorisée également par le fait que le harcèlement est devenu beaucoup plus visible qu’avant. En effet, celui-ci se prolonge maintenant quasi-systématiquement en cyber-harcèlement. L’impact du harcèlement a donc considérablement été amplifié par le numérique à cause de son instantanéité, sa propagation rapide, son audience décuplée, son hypermnésie, et surtout par le fait que plus aucun temps de répit n’est possible pour les victimes qui peuvent être harcelées 24h sur 24 et 7 jours sur 7.Les témoignages de parents et d’enfants sont unanimes. Face à ce fléau, les réponses données par le monde académique ne sont pas du tout adaptées. Pire, les interventions ne font souvent qu’empirer la situation, et les changements d’école sont souvent vus comme les seules solutions (provisoires) et par dépit.Récemment, de nouvelles méthodes venues de l’étranger (Europe du nord et pays anglophones principalement) ont pu être testées de manière restreinte : méthodes Pikas, Farsta, No blame, école de Palo Alto,… Toutes prennent à contre-pied les modes de résolutions actuellement utilisés qui tendent à judiciariser les relations entre élèves. Ces nouvelles approches ont pour point commun le fait de prendre en compte les caractéristiques spécifiques du mal nommé « harcèlement scolaire », dont les mécanismes sont différents du harcèlement entre adultes.Ces démarches ont pu montrer une certaine efficacité par rapport à la situation initiale, mais elles nécessitent souvent des personnes dédiées et formées.Malheureusement, elles connaissent aussi la même limite que les approches actuelles : l’intervention systématique des adultes. Les victimes de harcèlement étant le plus souvent silencieuses, cette intervention suppose que le phénomène combattu soit déjà bien installé et visible. Ensuite, la mobilisation des adultes crée de fait une stigmatisation de la victime et une valorisation des auteurs du harcèlement. C’est pourquoi, une bonne partie de ces nouvelles méthodes est concentrée sur le fait d’essayer de réduire l’impact négatif déclenché par l’intervention de ces mêmes adultes…                                                                                        Programme                         (Modérateur Prof Lyonel Kaufmann)13H: Accueil13H30: Intervention Mme Zoe Moody Professeure Haute Ecole Pédagogique du Valais.14H00 : Intervention Mme Kerstin von Plessen Cheffe service universitaire de psychiatrie de l'enfant et de l'adolescent CHUV VD.14H20 : Intervention M Pierre Margot-Cattin, Professeur HES associé.14H40 : Intervention Mme Mandy Barker, Pédopsychiatre à la Consultation Libellule, à Lausanne.15h00 : Intervention M Phil Samuel Heinzen Professeur HEP FR15h30 : Pause15H50 :Intervention Mme Carole Kapp, Médecin adjoint Service universitaire de psychiatrie de l'enfant et de l'adolescent CHUV VD.16H20 : Présentation du travail de l’équipe de Mme Marie-Noëlle Kerspern Professeure HES, Public Health16H50: Intervention M Koorosh Massoudi Docteur en psychologie / Maître d’enseignement et de rechercheUniversité de Lausanne / Institut de PsychologieCentre de recherche en Psychologie du Conseil et de l’Orientation17H10 : Intervention Mme Laura Ferilli, Sociologue, fondatrice et présidente de l’association « Une place pour tous », directrice adjointe de l’école PrE .Un stand sera tenu Mme Charlotte-Sophie Joye Responsable de projets chez Movita échange et mobilité.17H30: Apéro de clotureInscription Délais limite d’inscription: 01.02.2020Frais d’inscription :  100 CHF                                      40 CHF ( Etudiants, Ai, AVS)   Adresse D’inscription: [email protected] Remarque :  SVP N’oubliez pas de nous indiquer vos besoins (traduction ou des autres demandes spécifiques)
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evoldir · 2 years
Fwd: Graduate position: ULausanne.EvolutionaryConservationBiol
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Graduate position: ULausanne.EvolutionaryConservationBiol > Date: 12 March 2022 at 06:56:34 GMT > To: [email protected] > > > The University of Lausanne (UNIL) is a leading international teaching > and research institution, with over 5,000 employees and 17,000 students > split between its Dorigny campus, CHUV and Epalinges. As an employer, > UNIL encourages excellence, individual recognition and responsibility. > > The group of Prof. Claus Wedekind is proposing a graduate assistant > (assistant diplômé) position in Evolutionary Conservation Biology > at the Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Lausanne, > Switzerland. The graduate assistant will join a dynamic team working on > the selective forces that act on freshwater fish, i.e. the effects of > human activities in interaction with natural and sexual selection. For > more information, see https:// https://ift.tt/WdfwIuh. > > Expected start date: 01.08.2022 or to be agreed > Contract length: The initial contract is for 1 year, renewable twice > for two years, up to a maximum of 5 years in total > Activity rate: 85% > Workplace: Lausanne-Dorigny > > The position is in the context of a larger project that focuses on > induced evolution in salmonid fish (whitefish, brown trout, grayling, and > lake char) and combines fieldwork, experimental work in the laboratory, > molecular genetics and bioinformatics, and population modelling. We are > collaborating with several cantons and with other research groups at > UNIL and elsewhere. > > Graduate assistants (assistants-diplômés) in our department assist > in teaching and supervise master students (up to 25% of the activity) > and in the organization of the equipment and labs or other institutional > tasks (5% of the activity). At least 55% of the working time is devoted > to personal thesis research. > > We are seeking candidates with a Master in Biology and with a strong > interest in one or several of the following fields: fish biology, > population genetics, population management, life history, bioinformatics, > evolutionary ecology. The working language in the group and in the > department is English for all scientific matters. Knowledge in French > and/or German would be a plus. > > We offer a nice working place in a multicultural, diverse and dynamic > academic environment, opportunities for professional training, a lot of > activities, and other benefits to discover. The Department of Ecology and > Evolution in Lausanne University hosts research groups working on a broad > range of topics, producing a rich intellectual and social life. The campus > is located on the shore of the Geneva Lake, with the view on the Alps. > > Please use on the UNIL recruitment platform at https://bit.ly/3sAZeNb > to upload your full application containing a cover letter with a short > description of your research interests and research experience, your > Curriculum vitae, a copy of your master certificate, contact details > of two or three referees, and the Master’s thesis summary (max. one > page). Review of applications will begin 15.05.2022, but applications > will be accepted until the position is filled. > > UNIL is committed to equal opportunities and diversity: > www.unil.ch/egalite UNIL supports early career researchers: > https://ift.tt/IDc4ErS > > > Claus Wedekind > via IFTTT
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pinkchaospuppy · 3 years
Scientists at Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) and EPFL have discovered a highly potent monoclonal antibody that targets the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and is effective at neutralizing all variants of concern identified to date, including the delta variant. Their findings are published in the prestigious journal Cell Reports.
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greenbagjosh · 3 years
26 April 2001 - yummy green snowballs and I will still get to Lausanne tonight somehow...
Grüezi Mitenand!  Bonjour!  Buongiorno!  Hi everyone!
Thank you for joining me on the eighth day of the April 2001 journey.  Today is Thursday the 26th April 2001.
Today is a travel day, and this time the so-called Röstigraben will be crossed a few times before settling west of it by 7 PM CEST.  I wanted to visit Delémont on the 25th but I was haing too much fun in Basel that I ran out of sufficient time, that I had to settle for Biel/Bienne before returning to Bern.  Today I will go to Fribourg, then Biel/Bienne to change to a local train to Delémont, a train to Neuchatel, another to Fribourg and finally to Lausanne.
As the morning was not raining, I was able to wake up about 8 AM and get breakfast.  I took a shower and checked out of the hostel about 9 AM.  I was at the Bundeshaus about 9:40 AM and took the 10 AM train to Fribourg, that passed the Röstigraben just after Düdingen.  About 11 AM I put my suitcase in a locker at Fribourg, hoping to return by 4 or 5 PM that day.  I took along my CD player.  I boarded a train for Biel/Bienne that went to Neuchatel before crossing the Röstigraben a second time, changed at Biel/Bienne and went to Delémont.  The train passed through Grenchen Nord and Moutier.  Moutier was still a city in the canton of Bern until an election in early April 2021, when it elected to switch administration from German-speaking Bern to French-speaking Jura.  Entering Moutier would involve crossing the Röstigraben again.  In the meantime I listened to my Erkan and Stefan CD.  Erkan and Stefan had taken over a Döner Kebap store and drove a 7-series BMW in the city.  They spoke German with heavy southeast European accents (likely Turkish).  
At Delémont, I alighted at the station, I think 1 PM.  The German name for Delémont is Delsberg.  Delémont is the capital city of Jura.  Jura is the "newest" Canton in Switzerland, it was created in 1979 as a result of a popular election to secede from the northwesternmost part of the Canton of Bern bordering France.  This did not include the cantons of either Solothurn or Basel-Landschaft.  As a result, French is the dominant language throughout the canton of Jura.  As for the Cantonal coat of arms, it is a red crozier similar to Basel-Landschaft, but on the right half it has four red stripes alternating with three white stripes.  On license plates, cars have "JU" and a sequential number.  
The rail station was going through some renovations.  I walked about an hour in the old town and went north so I could see "La Vigne" which is a large coat of arms of the Canton of Jura.  I took a photo of it about 1:33 PM according to the timestamp.  Delémont is mostly flat and surrounded by hills hardly exceeding 500 feet in elevation from the lowest point.  I do not remember the exact route I took anymore, but I was able to return to the rail station in good time.  About 1:55 PM, I bought a snack of "Solero shots" by Pierrot Lusso / Wall's / Good Humor, which were lemon-lime snowballs and cost about 2 CHF.  
The train to Neuchatel left at 2 PM and it arrived at 3 PM, crossing the Röstigraben twice:  Delémont->Moutier*->Grenchen Nord->Biel/Bienne*->Neuchatel.  Evidently it started raining at 1:55 PM just as the train was about to leave.  When I arrived at Neuchatel station, they had a funicular under construction, that went to Université.  It was not quite ready for passenger service.  I managed to get on a bus that went the opposite way from the city, until I realized my error.  Five minutes later there was another bus going the opposite way.  The trolleybusses in Neuchatel were from the late 1970s, maybe second hand from Geneva.  I wanted to be sure that at 4 PM I could make it back to Fribourg.  I walked only as far as the intersection of Avenue de la Gare and Chausée de la Boine.  At 3:50 PM I walked back up to the station, and thinking I was on the right track, I boarded the train to where I thought was Fribourg, but in truth it was headed to Zürich via Biel/Bienne.  So there was going to be at least two more times crossing the Röstigraben and at least one hour of delays.
When I took the train to Biel/Bienne, there was a nearby train that was headed to Bern via Lyss.  It took maybe half an hour to Bern, and I was able to take the next possible train to Fribourg, where I could fetch my suitcase from the locker.  But it would be another hour until a high speed train to Lausanne would be available, as opposed to fifteen minutes for a slower train.  It was about 5:15 PM so I said, let's take that train.  That train had a rolling hosted minibar, and when the minibar came around, I bought a sandwich and a can of Heineken.  The Heineken made me forget the silly mistake I made a couple of hours ago in Neuchatel and I would still make Lausanne in good time.  The train had stopped in Romont about 6:02 PM and left at 6:04 PM for Lausanne.  About 6:23 PM the train passed through Palezieux.  From then on, until the 28th, there would be no more passing the Röstigraben.  The train arrived in Lausanne about 6:50 PM.  
At Lausanne CFF station, I found the entry to the Metro Flon-Ouchy cog rail, that I remember taking previously in September 2000.  I went all the way to the bottom and took trolley bus line 2 to Bois de Vaux, where the youth hostel was located.  At 7:15 PM I arrived at the front entrance and checked in.  I had a three bed room all to myself, and a bathroom down the hall.  I left the hostel about 7:25 PM and went back to the Bois de Vaux bus stop.  The bus came about 7:31 PM and I went along to Ouchy to take the cog rail to Flon at the top.  About fifteen years later, that particular stop would be redesigned to where there was an underground adhesive line operating driverless bidirectional cars.  There still exists the LEB station at Flon.  I walked to the intersection of Rue du Grand Pont and Rue du Grand Chêne.  There used to be a Manora restaurant at the St Francois 17, but it has since moved to the rail station and been replaced with a Five Guys hamburger restaurant.  About 8:30 PM I ate at Manora, had a Feldschlösschen beer, and at 9 PM I took the bus line to the CHUV, the cantonal hospital of the University of Vaud.  It took ten minutes for a bus to return to the CFF station, and from there it took a further 45 minutes to return to Bois de Vaux and the hostel.    
Tomorrow I will be taking the train to Geneva, and a tram to Gaillard and Palletes.  We will also get to try real French andouille sausage.  And this time we will successfully visit the Charlie Chaplin statue in Vevey, by hook or by crook.  To top it off, we will be treated to a percussion festival at the end in central Lausanne.  Please join me then!  
Auf wiederluege!  Au revoir!  Arrivederci!  Goodbye!
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