#Migros Vaud
messenjaschin · 2 years
switzerland | Lausanne | unil | Laboratoire de recherche en neuroimagerie (LREN) I Migros Vaud 75 year's grant I Bogdan Draganski I Youri Messen-Jaschin | brain project 2 |
switzerland | Lausanne | unil | Laboratoire de recherche en neuroimagerie (LREN) I Migros Vaud 75 year’s grant I Bogdan Draganski I Youri Messen-Jaschin | brain project 2 |
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isvicreninsesi · 1 year
Saat 21’den sonra alkol satışı yasaklansın çağrısı
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VAUD- Addictions İsviçre isimli bir vakıf, ülke çapında akşamları dükkanlarda alkol satışının yasaklanması çağrısında bulundu. Vakfın bugün yayınladığı "İsviçre bağımlılık panoraması 2023’e” göre Cenevre ve Vaud kantonlarında yapılan uygulamayla birlikte alkol zehirlenmesi nedeniyle hastaneye kaldırılan sayısı 'luk bir düşüş kaydetti. En genç olanlar arasında özellikle belirgin bir düşüş kaydedildiği belirtildi. Cenevre kantonunda satış yasağı akşam  21'den sabah 7'ye kadar geçerlidir ve 2005'ten beri yürürlüktedir.  Vaud kantonun da ise 2015'te uygulamaya konan kurallar ile birlikte şarap hariç akşam 21'den sabah 6'ya kadar alkol satış yasağı getirilmişti. Vakıf gece satış yasağına ek olarak, alkollü içecek fiyatlarında da artırılması çağrısında bulundu. Eyaletler Konseyi, İsviçre çapında bir yasaktan yanaydı, ancak Ulusal Konsey buna karşı çıktı. 2015 yılı sonunda alkol yasasının revizyonundan vazgeçildi. Parlamento ile halkın iradesi arasında, özellikle alkol konusunda bir tutarsızlık olduğu iddiasında bulunan Vakıf, Migros kooperatiflerinin üyelerinin grup mağazalarında alkol satışına izin vermeme yönündeki açık tercihine atıfta bulundu. Kaza Önleme Ofisi (UPI) tarafından yapılan bir ankete göre, 2017'de Parlamento tarafından onaylanan ve 2021'den itibaren geçerli olan otoyollarda alkol satışı yasağının kaldırılmasına halkın çoğunluğu karşı çıktı. ELEKTRONİK SİGARALAR Addictions Switzerland alkole ek olarak, tek kullanımlık e-sigaraların (puf çubukları) fiyatındaki artış yoluyla gençlerin daha iyi korunmasını talep etti. Addiction Switzerland, gençlerde kumar bağımlılığıyla ilgili olarak harcamalara sınırlama getirilmesini de önerdi. Vakfın önerdiği harcama limitleri, ülke çapında geçerli olan isimlendirilmiş oyuncu kartları sayesinde kontrol edilebilir. Addiction Switzerland, esrar konusunda halkın algısının değiştiğini belirtiyor. Alkol ve tütünde yapılan hataları uyuşturucu da tekrarlamamalıyız uyarısı yaptı. Basel'de eczanelerde esrarın düzenlemeye tabi dağıtımı Ocak ayının sonunda başladı. İsviçre'de bir ilk olan pilot proje, THC kenevir ürünlerinin yasal dağıtımının sağlık üzerindeki etkilerini incelemeyi amaçlıyor. https://isvicreninsesi.com/baselde-esrar-kullanimi-yasal-olarak-basladi/ Read the full article
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f-day · 2 years
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DAY #2645 - 29092022 - erster Besuch in der französischen Schweiz: Genossenschaft Migros Vaud 👍
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harwardcenter · 3 years
New Life Abroad: First Impressions
The land of fondue, top-tier chocolate, and endless adventures; these are just some of the several traits that make Switzerland what it is. There are so many picturesque points, and whether it be the beaches on Lake Geneva or the mountains visible in the distance from your apartment, there is something for everyone to marvel at and enjoy.
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Lake Geneva/Lac Leman and the Swiss/Geneva flags
To start off, I actually had no idea I would be coming here. My original off-campus study plan involved me going to Serbia for a semester program focusing on transitional justice initiatives in Southeastern Europe. However, due to low program enrollment and the public health crisis, that was not possible. Luckily, I was offered the option to go to Switzerland for a program focusing on international relations and multilateral diplomacy, which is not only directly tied to my politics major, but also allows me to explore various topics within the realm of international relations.
The first week was the typical honeymoon phase. I was (and still am) amazed by how clean the country is. There is almost no trash on the sides of the road, and there is actually a robust waste management program that incentivizes people to produce as little waste as possible. Unlike water sources in the United States, many water sources here are very clear, such as Lake Geneva. I was pleasantly surprised to see it.
Another thing that impresses me is the public transport. Of course, public transport in Europe will generally be many times better than that of the United States, but seeing it myself in action is quite neat. For instance, my classes are in Geneva, the largest city in the western part of Switzerland. I live in a small town outside of Geneva called Nyon, which is a 15-20 minute train ride from Nyon. There are trains running each morning on 10-15 minute intervals, and more often than not, the time on the departure board is the time it leaves. Essentially, be on time for your train because the train system here is robust and efficient. While it usually is expensive to use the train for long-distances, my program gave all of us a Swiss travel pass to use on public transportation. I'm not sure how much it costs but my guess would be a few thousand CHF (local currency) because the pass is for unlimited use until our last day here. In other words, I can go from Nyon to Bern or to Interlaken as many times as I wish at any time of the day/night. Just make sure to have your pass as train staff checks for it. Otherwise, you could be fined in addition to paying the full train fare.
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Train Network and Routes of the SBB (Swiss Federal Railways)
Being in Switzerland also means being in the land of incredible tasting chocolate. When I arrived, I was impressed by how much chocolate I saw at the stores. There are so many different brands, some local, and some national ones. When you travel around different towns, and even in the major city train stations, such as Geneva and Lausanne, you will find a chocolate store. Any chocolate fanatic must try the various chocolates available here.
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Before coming here, I thought that Switzerland was a German speaking country (which it is to an extent). Much of it depends on which part of the country you are in. For example, where I am, which is in the Geneva area, is the French speaking region of the country. This would be most of what is west of Bern, the national capital. The north and central parts of the country are the German speaking parts, such as Zürich, Bern, Basel, and Luzern. Towards the southern tip close to Milan is the Italian speaking region, which includes cities like Lugano. In the Southeast, there is a fourth language spoken called Romansch. However, it is the least spoken out of the four and there are only a few thousand speakers of the language, which means it is unlikely you will encounter it outside that part of the country. When you travel, you will mainly hear French, German, and some Italian. Most people here know English, but it helps knowing a bit of the regional language so that when you order at a restaurant, you will know how to explain the portion size you want, whether you want carbonated water or standard water, or in general, greeting and thanking people. In my case, my Spanish has helped to an extent, and it has made French learning easier.
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Swiss Breakfast at my homestay (lots of bread!)
In a new country, one is bound to have cultural shocks, being exposed to something that may be out-of-the-ordinary back home, or just general adjustments to a new life. One of these has been with my homestay. While I have not had bad experiences so far with my homestay family, the new rules and cultural norms have definitely been an adjustment. My family lives in an apartment in Nyon walking distance from the train station. There are lots of people living here but each apartment has lots of space inside. This means that quiet hours are precious! No showers after 10pm (with limited exceptions). No flushing the toilet in the middle of the night! The shower rule has not been too bad as I already showered around that time anyway, but I'm still mindful of not using it too late. Also, make sure to follow dining etiquette, including waiting for everyone to be seated, using and placing forks and knives correctly while eating, and taking the right amount of food as being respectful to this will go a long way. Dinner is always at 7pm at my house, unless mentioned otherwise. Most of my day is spent in Geneva, so this is not a problem for me. I want to note that these are the rules at my apartment/homestay. I have spoken with my peers on the program, and at their homestays, there are similar expectations. However, each household is different, so some may have more leeway with shower rules or dinner hours. When in doubt, ask your homestay parents about their expectations.
Another major shock in Switzerland (even when knowing about it before arrival) is definitely the cost of living. Lots of products, including food, dining out, utilities, houses, and apartments, are all more expensive than that of the United States. It is said that Geneva and Zürich are among the most expensive cities in the world to live in. From what my host brother has said about renting and buying property here, that is not a surprise. Apartments the size of an average home in the United States can reach high six-figures and into seven figures easily! Also, my host brother mentioned that here, one can make monthly payments on an apartment (similar to a house) and eventually pay it off. From what I'm aware, in the United States, you can only rent an apartment and that is that. However, salaries are much higher here, which offsets those costs. Luckily, my program was aware about these costs, so they gave us a generous stipend of a few hundred CHF for lunch. What I have done is limit going out to only the weekends, and on weekdays, I go to the local supermarket chains (Migros or Coop) to get a sandwich, some snacks, and a drink, which is around CHF 6-10 (about $7-$12). I end up spending about CHF 30-50 a week.
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Nyon, Vaud
One of the main things that has kept me a bit uneasy is the constantly-changing list of public health requirements. On September 13, all individuals are required to have a Swiss COVID pass, which is a QR code showing that you are free from COVID and/or have been vaccinated. You need it to visit museums, bars, restaurants, and libraries, no exceptions. Fines are a heavy penny. To get a pass, you need to submit an application with your vaccination information, Swiss phone number, an ID (such as a passport) and your homestay address. You then answer a few questions. Because everyone has to do this now, application processing times are now several weeks long. You can get a temporary pass by taking a COVID test and having it be negative, but it is more convenient to just get the actual pass. The Swiss federal government became aware of these long waiting times, so it provided more guidance. Until October 10, you can enter venues, bars, restaurants, libraries, and museums using and ID (passport) and your vaccination card. This has relieved many of us as we can temporarily use this as we wait for our actual passes. Otherwise, many of the requirements on-campus at Bates are similar here: masks required in indoor areas and public transport, proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test taken 72 hours before entry, and adherence to these guidelines.
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Castle on the French side of Lake Geneva (Yvoire, France)
On a similar note, the paperwork for the program (and arrival procedures) has been a lot. It is not as bad now, but in the beginning, I had to go to the local immigration office to register my arrival, fill out homestay paperwork, and then pay to process the information. We would be reimbursed that amount as long as we had a signature from the immigration staff confirming we went there and the receipt. Well, there were some issues with getting the signatures not just on my end, but with many of my peers as well. Our program staff realized this and instead made it so that if you only have the receipt, you can still get the reimbursement. If you have both, great, but for many of us, this was a tricky situation to navigate.
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Swiss regional festival with lots of cows, traditional music, and awesome views
All of these things aside, I have definitely enjoyed it here. Even in my hometown, I can go to the lake and relax there or take a boat that goes across the lake to France. It is easy to move around here and to access lots of picturesque places. The photos above are from a regional festival 3 hours away where local farmers bring down their cows as the fall starts. It is very cool to witness. Afterwards, there is traditional music and lots of local food, such as sausages with fries, raclette (melted cheese), and of course, chocolate. I will close off by leaving you with one of my favorite moments of the trip so far: enjoying some Toblerone with the Matterhorn in view!
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The iconic Matterhorn on the Toblerone chocolate!
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pharmaphorumuk · 4 years
Digital therapy firms link up with Swiss accelerator Kickstart
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Several digital therapy and digital health firms have been selected to join a group of startups by the innovation platform, Kickstart, linking them with a range of investors in an initiative beginning in autumn.
The digital therapy companies include SidekickHealth and Kaia Health, focusing on gamified digital therapies and physiotherapy respectively.
Founded by two medical doctors, Sidekick is targeting the 68% of deaths that are linked with lifestyle-related illnesses.
The company uses gamification techniques to encourage people to engage in healthy behaviours, rewarding them with progress in altruistic real-life projects should they achieve their health targets.
Projects used to encourage healthier lifestyles include collecting droplets of water for people in developing countries.
Meanwhile Kaia Health uses artificial intelligence to monitor human movement, focusing on digital therapies for musculoskeletal pain and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Also joining the initiative is the online psychological therapy service from Germany, HelloBetter, and mental health visual diagnostics firm Klenico, from Switzerland.
Also from Switzerland is the virtual sleep coach mementor, health data storage specialist Pryv and AI health companion Uplyfe.
Founded five years ago, Kickstart has become of the largest European innovation platforms and has already begun around 120 pilots and commercial projects in various sectors.
Kickstart focuses on scaling up companies in five different areas: EdTech and New Work, FinTech and InsurTech, Food and Retail, HealthTech and Smart City and Technology.
So far this year, 51 new startups from 11 countries have begun working with the Switzerland-based innovation hub and Sidekick is one of seven that have joined its HealthTech group.
From September onwards, the startups will be able to work with investors such as AXA, Coop, Migros, Swisscom, Mobiliar, ETH Zurich, City of Zurich, PostFinance and Credit Suisse.
This year also saw Kickstart bring on board partners including Movenpick, New Work SE, Energie 360, Roche, Holcim Switzerland, Nespresso and Canton de Vaud.
Startups will also be able to engage with businesses in the area of Romandy, in Greater Zurich.
A spin-off of Impact Hub Zurich, Kickstart is one of Europe’s largest zero equity innovation platforms, running a scale-up programme for high-growth startups.
Its idea is to build bridges and bring together organisations such as startups, corporates, cities, foundations and universities.
Each year, Kickstart brings up to 100 entrepreneurs to Switzerland to collaborate with key players to expand their projects, as well as accelerating internal innovation.
Following a kick-off on September 30 there will be a six-week collaboration period, during which international teams will engage in Switzerland.
Locations this year are the innovation space Kraftwerk in Zurich and Impact Hub Lausanne.
There will also be nine “intrapreneurship” teams that will be aiming to accelerate their internal innovation.
Kickstart’s co-lead, Katka Letzing, said: “Despite COVID-19, Kickstart has received high-quality applications from over 55 countries and overall there has been a significant increase of deeptech ventures with the appetite to scale in Switzerland.”
“From September to November, the startups will have the opportunity to co-create in the form of proof-of-concepts, pilots and commercial projects with Kickstart partners, leading organizations and companies.”
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from https://pharmaphorum.com/news/digital-therapy-firms-link-up-with-swiss-accelerator-kickstart/
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en24news · 4 years
Coronavirus: In CMS, no matter what role, everyone knows how to be useful - Vaud & Regions
Coronavirus: In CMS, no matter what role, everyone knows how to be useful – Vaud & Regions
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Charline Kemmat and Maxime De Freitas never imagined one day knowing by heart every ray of the Migros from Clarens. Unable to exercise their profession as occupational therapists, put in brackets (except in exceptional cases) in these times of coronavirus, the two collaborators of the Montreux CMS were given the task of shopping for patients at risk confined to their homes and who did…
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majorstef · 4 years
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What is your favorite place in Geneva? There are many that I like but probably my favourite one is the Saint Pierre Cathedral. Located in the centre of Geneva's Old Town, St. Peter's Cathedral (in English) oversees the city with its mix of Gothic and Ancient architectural styles. It is definitely a must-see if you come to Geneva for work or pleasure where you can enjoy a unique atmosphere. Shops, pubs and restaurants surrounding the Cathedral are also absolutely worth visiting. There you can find the perfect souvenir to bring with you from Geneva or taste some local appetizing dish. TIP time: should you need to change money for your shopping do not hesitate to try Change Migros. Leader in this market, they put at your disposal professionalism, experience and good rates in their 10 centres present around Geneva and Canton of Vaud. #geneva #geneve #switzerland #visitgeneva #lakeleman #jetdeau #vaud #cantonvaud #visitswitzerland #cathedral #stpierrecathedral #visitingswitzerland #lacleman #changemigros #exchange #BonPlan #voyage #voyages #vacances #travel #traveling #vacation #visiting #instatravel #travelgram #ad — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2rciZPJ
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lasuisse · 5 years
Entreprise demenagement dans le Vaud
Chaque année des millions de déménagements chaque se font dans toute la Suisse.    
Pour tout vous dire, je pense que c'est un petit miracle que la plupart d'entre eux se déroulent sans problème. Car contrairement à ce que bien de gens pensent, embaucher des déménageurs de qualité est décision pas du tout aisée.  
Mais même si tous ces  déménagements se font dans la douceur, des escroqueries ou des pratiques malhonnêtes peuvent se produire dans certains cas. Et nous pensons qu’Il est dans votre intérêt d'être informé de chaque étape du processus.
 A découvrir : https://notresuisse.blogspot.com/2019/02/reusir-son-demenagement-geneve.html
Vous devez savoir que toute compagnie de déménagement  sérieuse prendra la peine de dresser l'inventaire de tous vos biens et déterminera le volume et le poids de votre déménagement. C’est une estimation qui doit se faire de façon minutieuse. Il faut une vérification de tous vos espaces de rangement tels que les armoires, les tiroirs, les garages et les bibliothèques. Une grande partie du prix du déménageur est basée sur le poids de vos affaires et l'espace que vos marchandises occupent dans le camion. Voilà pourquoi je vous invite à veiller à bien comprendre cette estimation et à ce qu'elle soit aussi la plus précise possible. Je pense que tout cela vous aidera grandement . 
Et lorsque vous aurez emballé vos affaires dans des cartons vous devrez penser à les sécuriser le temps que le jour du déménagement arrive. Car emballés ils sont désormais très faciles à emporter. Du coup, installer une alarme de sécurité peut être une solution, le temps que le déménagement se fasse.
Pour la réussite de votre déménagement, prenez toujours la peine d’échanger avec les déménageurs afin de leur expliquer clairement- ce que vous attendez d’eux.  Signer un contrat avec eux est une superbe solution qui peut vous mettre à l’abri d’un éventuel casse-tête pendant et après le déménagement.
Pourquoi s’installer dans des villes comme Lausanne ou Genève ?
Lausanne et Genève ont de grandes communautés d'expatriés, bien que celle de Genève soit certainement plus grande, mais Genève est plus habituée aux riches étrangers de passage ; il y a beaucoup d'entreprises et de services qui répondent à leurs besoins, mais je ne dirais pas que ce sont des expatriés stéréotypés.
Cependant, si vous êtes un ex-pat qui travaille dur, pas un mec avec un jet privé et une super voiture ces deux villes ont un environnement qui sera parfait pour vous. Vous faites vos courses au Migros ou à la Coop, vous profitez des restaurants locaux, vous skiez, vous vivez votre vie dans un environnement où la sécurité règne. Les gens ont un esprit positif et travaillent bien.  etc.
Ps : Si vous avez besoin d’une véhicule pour transporter vos affaires durant votre déménagement alors contactez les spécialistes de la location de voiture en Suisse :  https://www.sixt.ch  , https://www.avis.ch   , https://www.budget.ch  , et donilocation.ch
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Concours gratuit !
Participez à notre sondage gratuit et gagnez fr. 1000.-/de bons Migros.
Conditions de participations:
– 18 ans révolus
– habiter sur les Cantons de Vaud, Valais ou Fribourg
– une participation par personne
répondez au sondage par OUI ou par NON !
1er prix fr. 500.- de bons Migros
2ème prix  fr. 300.- de bons Migros
3ème prix fr. 200.- de bons Migros
pour un total de fr. 1000.- de bons Migros.
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thereseandthekids · 6 years
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On a tapé des pieds et des mains. On a crié et sauté de joie. On a dansé, rit et trop mangé. C’était une superbe soirée. C’était notre premier match de hockey à 6 et c’était génial. Même Tom a adoré. Ça m’a rappelé mon adolescence où nous passions tous nos week-end au match pour admirer Les hockeyeurs en mode groupie 🙈. Bref, nous avons adoré l’ambiance et nous reviendrions. Une soirée pour oublier les corvées et les soucis et rentrer des étoiles pleins les yeux! Merci @sportxx_migros et @migros pour nous avoir offert ce moment hors du commun. #hockey #lhchockey #mumlife #sortieenfamille #viedemaman #fridayevening #friyay #vendredisoir #thereseandthekids #instamaman #instakids #instagoods @epis_taff @homegourmet.traiteur @lausannehc_officiel (at Vaud)
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valloninfo · 7 years
Zurich – Lors d’un contrôle de routine chez un producteur d’œufs de Migros, la présence de salmonelles a été détectée dans des œufs. Les œufs concernés ont été commercialisés dans les coopératives Migros d’Aar, de Neuchâtel/Fribourg, de Vaud et de Genève. Les clients sont invités à ne pas consommer les œufs avec le code 1-CH-231 imprimé sur la coquille. Il existe une suspicion de salmonellose…
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swissforextrading · 7 years
Banks fail to shine in sustainability survey
Only three out of 15 Swiss retail banks demonstrate sustainable development ‘good practices’, according to a survey published by WWF Switzerland, which examined the environmental and social impact of bank policies and financial products.  Bern Cantonal Bank, Raiffeisen Group and Zurich Cantonal Bank were the best-ranked and ‘on the right track’ in terms of sustainable development, the study revealed.  At the other end of the scale were the Valiant and PostFinance banks, said WWF. They qualified as ‘latecomers’ and ranked as below-average. No Swiss retail bank was considered ‘pioneering’ or ‘visionary’ – the survey’s top classifications.  Meanwhile, Switzerland’s two biggest banks, UBS and Credit Suisse, were ranked ‘average’, alongside the cantonal banks of Vaud, Aargau, Lucerne, St Gallen, Basel-City and Basel Country, together with the Migros Bank and the Neue Aargauer Bank.  “The biggest Swiss retail banks are still in their infancy in terms of sustainable development,” the ... http://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/wwf-report_banks-fail-to-shine-in-sustainability-survey/43498622?&ns_mchannel=rss&srg_evsource=rss (Source of the original content)
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en24news · 4 years
Coronavirus: "We keep filling the shelves!" - Vaud & Regions
Coronavirus: “We keep filling the shelves!” – Vaud & Regions
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The progression of the coronavirus to Vaud lands is already being felt in stores. In Lausanne, in the Sous-Gare district, a saleswoman from Coop testifies: “Since Monday, we have not stopped filling the shelves of cereals, pasta, rice or flour.” A few steps away, at Migros du Closelet, you can also see that these rays are emptying. The flour packages leave like hotcakes, to believe…
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suissetv · 5 years
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Nouveau Migros Partenaire à Thierrens . 4000 Produits Migros - le Pain du Gros de Vaud Eric Chabloz Villars Mendraz - La Fromagerie du Jorat Et la Boucherie Muller. Rue du collège 6 1410 Thierrens 021 905 40 22 https://www.instagram.com/p/BvUMCa1hXRN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=j2v5ewtc80on
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Concours gratuit !
Participez à notre sondage gratuit et gagnez fr. 1000.-/de bons Migros.
Conditions de participations:
– 18 ans révolus
– habiter sur les Cantons de Vaud, Valais ou Fribourg
– une participation par personne
répondez au sondage par OUI ou par NON !
1er prix fr. 500.- de bons Migros
2ème prix  fr. 300.- de bons Migros
3ème prix fr. 200.- de bons Migros
pour un total de fr. 1000.- de bons Migros.
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