#But the DM is nice and lets you make saves anyway
inluvwithnay · 6 months
you need to learn - im nayeon x hirai momo x son chaeyoung
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cw: smut, threesome, switch!nayeon, dom!gp!momo, sub!chaeyoung, breeding kink, unnie kink kinda, punishments, blowjob near the end, edging, degradation, praise, voyeurism, momo is mean to nayeon but nice to chae.
wc: 1.2k
a/n: for @nr1chaedickrider happy bday pookie. this is based off of stuff we talked abt in dms and i hope u like it. i deleted my original draft and this is what i wrote instead. anyway here’s a pure smut fic abt my bias line bc i can! 😼
momo was always so gentle and kind with chaeyoung, never having the heart to punish the small girl when she misbehaved, she would just tell chaeyoung off and spank her once or twice to keep her in line.
when it came to nayeon however, if chaeyoung acted out, nayeon would punish her, no matter the circumstances.
so when nayeon and momo leave their house to go surprise chaeyoung and walk in to find her touching herself without asking them for permission, nayeon is quick to get pissed, whereas momo tries to justify it.
“unnie, she had a hard day, surely we can let her off this time.” momo said, eyes begging nayeon to not punish the youngest.
“if you keep letting her get away with stuff like this, then she’ll always act like a brat.” nayeon says, looking slightly pissed. “you need to learn how to tame her.”
nayeon walks over to chaeyoung’s bed, standing over the youngest girl.
“i’m sorry, nayeon.” nayeon slaps chaeyoung. “you know what to call me.” “sorry unnie.”
momo watches, feeling her hard on strain against her tight jeans as she watched the two, feeling bad for chaeyoung.
nayeon flips chaeyoung onto her stomach on the bed, pulling her sweatpants off and spanking her hard.
“a-ah! unnie!” chaeyoung yelps due to the slightly painful feeling. “count, slut. that was one so keep going”
“t-two.” smack.
“three- ah!” smack.
“four… unnie please.” chaeyoung looks back at nayeon as the oldest spanks her.
“you only get four today, but don’t think i’m letting you off so easily like momo does, are we clear?” the tone of nayeon’s voice is filled with a hint of dominance, which momo knows she can easily make go away.
but she’ll save that for later.
nayeon flips chaeyoung onto her back, looking down at the tiny girl with lust in her eyes, while chaeyoung only smiles at her.
“hi u-unnie.” the tone of her voice causes nayeon’s features to soften as she blushes.
“hey, tiger. listen to me. if you cum before i give you permission, you’ll get more spanks… and you won’t get time with momo, understand?”
chaeyoung pouts, but nods anyway. momo already knows that she’ll get her time with chaeyoung, she just has to put nayeon in her place beforehand.
nayeon practically rips chaeyoung’s underwear, looking at the small wet patch on them, smirking.
“so messy, aren’t you? ruined your panties and everything, angel.” nayeon teases, slowly pressing her thumb against chaeyoung’s poor sensitive clit.
“unnie,” momo mumbles. “she’s squirming.”
“momo, you’re too soft on her, she needs to realise that she can’t be a spoiled brat all the time.” nayeon is getting pissed at how soft momo’s being. why doesn’t she understand this? chaeyoung needs put in her place.
and momo is thinking the same thing, except it’s about nayeon, who needs put in her place more than chaeyoung at this point.
nayeon rubs the tips of her ring and middle finger up and down chaeyoung’s entrance, while momo unbuttons her jeans and pulls them and her boxers off to stroke her huge, hard length.
nayeon inserts her two fingers into chaeyoung’s tight pussy, immediately going fast, her long fingers pleasantly stretching chaeyoung out.
“remember, don’t cum.” nayeon reminds chaeyoung, who can’t hold back her moans and whines, holding her arm over her mouth to try and muffle them even just a little, but it doesn’t work.
“you sound so pretty, baby.” momo praises, making chaeyoung blush intensely.
nayeon continues her assault on chaeyoung’s cunt, pounding her fingers in and out at the fastest pace she could.
chaeyoung’s legs were already trembling, since she was overly sensitive, struggling to hold back her orgasm, but nayeon knew she was close, feeling how the small girls walls tightened around her fingers.
“don’t you dare cum, slut.” nayeon said with more aggression than she intended, but chaeyoung only nodded, whimpering when nayeon curled her fingers up into her g-spot.
“nayeon, i think you should let her cum.” momo was feeling awful for chaeyoung, knowing how much the youngest struggled to hold back her orgasms, which is why she never made her do it.
“momo, stop being so soft! she needs to learn her lesson.” and right when she said that, the pleasure of chaeyoung’s orgasm washed over her, her legs trembling as her slick leaked out onto nayeon’s fingers and on the bed. while momo praised the trembling girl, nayeon only degraded her more, which set momo off.
momo dragged nayeon off of chaeyoung and undressed her before she pushed her back onto the bed and held her head into the pillows.
“ass up, bitch.” nayeon instantly sat on her knees, her back arching as her face was still in the pillows, feeling a very harsh slap on her ass.
“not so fun now, is it? huh?” nayeon only whimpered, which made momo spank her again, harder. “speak up, slut.”
“no, momo, ‘s not fun.” nayeon mumbled.
“that’s what i thought, just be thankful i’m even gonna touch your dumb cunt.” momo spits, her tone harsh.
she slides her cock into nayeon’s pussy, which the older girl loves, but she feels like momo’s gonna punish her.
and that feeling is right, because after five minutes, nayeon cums, and usually momo fulfills her breeding kink and cums inside her.
not tonight though, tonight she pulls out and cums all over nayeon’s ass, causing the oldest girl to whimper at the empty feeling.
“no!! i want it in me, please!!!” nayeon whines. momo only rolls her eyes and spanks nayeon.
“too bad, whore, only good girls like chaeyoung get bred.” momo crawls on top of chaeyoung and slides her still very hard cock in the girls tight hole. chaeyoung moans gently as nayeon watches with a pout.
“hnng, momo please!” chaeyoung softly moans, loving that no matter how many times her and momo have done this, the japanese girl always knows how to make her feel amazing.
“yeah baby? you like my dick? god i can’t wait to fuck you full.” momo praises. thrusting into the small girl as fast as she can.
nayeon begins to touch herself slowly and gently, swirling her finger around her covered, yet very sensitive clit, watching momo fuck chaeyoung senseless.
momo couldn’t hold it back anymore, her orgasm hitting her hard as she filled chaeyoung up with her load, the youngest girl purring as she felt the warm feeling of momo satisfying her needs, making her cum at the same time.
nayeon came from just watching this, wishing momo was filling her up instead. she knows she went too far with chaeyoung though, which she regrets.
momo looked over at nayeon, her cock still slightly hard, wanting to get rid off all her stress. she gives chaeyoung some kisses all over her face before crawling over to nayeon. standing on her knees over the oldest.
“you can swallow the rest of my load, i’m not gonna breed you though, you were a brat.” nayeon will take whatever she can get and sucks momo off, the girls shaft being so sensitive that she cums after just a minute, nayeon moaning as the cum fills her mouth and swallowing it all.
the three girls lay down, holding each other close with chaeyoung in the middle.
“chae, baby. i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to be so rough. i love you” nayeon cuddles chaeyoung close and kisses her forehead.
momo has already fallen asleep by the time they all lay back in bed after getting cleaned up,chaeyoung crawls to momo’s side so the japanese girl is in the middle of her and nayeon and peppering her face and head with kisses before they also drift off to sleep.
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sjofn-lofnsdottr · 1 month
Hey! I love your gposes, and I was wondering if you had any tips on how to get better at making them.
Oh, thank you! You're kind to say so!
I'm gonna approach this like you're super new to it, so I'm sorry if I'm telling you shit you already know! And if you have other questions about something specific, you can DM me if you like, I don't mind. Honestly, that goes for anyone reading this!
I can sense this is going to be stupid long, so I'm also gonna hide a bunch of it behind a cut.
So starting off with vanilla gpose advice, in a general sense I'd say play around with lighting a lot. I usually try to get at least some light spilling onto people from the side (ideally where a light source would be anyway) in order to give them more definition. I know there's gpose lighting tutorials out there that can probably explain it so much better than I can (like this one? maybe?), but it really makes such a huge difference overall. Even when you're taking a picture outside in the sun, a little bit of extra lighting can make stuff look more interesting.
(I might be a little biased, I was a theatrical electrician for a while. I think lighting is neat.)
Another vanilla-applicable thing I'd say is get really, really, really embarrassingly familiar with the in-game emotes, and practice your timing for when you want to freeze them. And don't forget that the 'expression' emotes will override an emote's usual face, which can change the vibe in some fun ways:
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And the third piece of vanilla gpose advice I'd give is to mess around with the filters the game has on the 'general settings' tab. Honestly, you've probably done this, but mess around with ALL the things in the gpose menu. Push every button, waggle every slider, just to see what they do.
I'm currently loitering at an art party, so let me show you a little bit what I mean.
So to start, I go into gpose and see what's what. I let all the background people stop facing the camera, and move the camera a bit to an angle I like. I'm sitting in a corner, which is going to mess with the camera more than usual, but in this case, it's messing with it in a way I like, getting me nice and close to Dusk:
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Dusk could stand to look friendlier, right? So I head to the emotes tab in the menu, and pick 'beam' for his expression, because it's the smile I like best on him:
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Still kinda bleh. Things look a touch murky, and flatter than I like. Before I do ANYTHING with the lighting though, I go here:
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And then I save the hell out of the camera position. Saving the camera position has saved me so much pain. This is because placing lights in gpose requires you moving the camera, since they drop exactly where your camera is. But I like this angle, and I don't want to lose it. So I save it! It'll also save lighting settings, which I find handy occasionally, but not nearly as often (it's a lifesaver when I accidentally hit the hotkey that turns off lights though).
I've taken a lot of pictures in this venue, and the pink/white color scheme is uh ... tricky for me, sometimes. But on the upside, white walls and floors bounce light really well! For this picture, I think I want some light coming from the left of the frame to give Dusk slightly more interesting shadows, and a blue light much further away and above to soften the harshness of the white and pink:
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My next step is to use the gpose-provided color filters to see if there's anything I like, just in case:
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Bright 1 is one I've wound up using a lot, even though it ruins my eyes and makes everything look dark as hell once I come out of gpose.
Now, the white coming from the left is hitting Dusk pretty much exactly how I want it to, but it's lighting up his moogle sundae more than I'd prefer. The way I usually deal with this is using the 'limb darkening' slider. What it does is darken the edge of the picture, to varying degrees. It even has different colors, although I use black pretty much always:
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I only used one tick, but it's made me much happier about the sundae! My one complaint now is that I had to turn off depth of field in order to keep Dusk from being blurry (it's a slider, but by the time Dusk looked focus, it might as well have been shut off anyway), but it's something I can live with for a vanilla gpose.
I have reShade installed though, so let's mess with that for fun. I tend to stick to presets that don't stray too far from what the game itself does unless I'm doing dumb vampire artsy things:
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But honestly, in this case I don't think it was really necessary.
As for getting better with crimes, I would again stress getting familiar with the game's emotes and attack animations, because they are often a fantastic starting point to modify into something you're wanting to see. Also, this sounds weird (probably) but when I first started out, I did a lot of throw away pictures that no one besides my Discord knitting circle will ever see because everyone is naked in them. I did this for two reasons. Wait, no, three:
I was high when this idea came to me and therefore I lacked my usual shame.
Clothes clipping was driving me crazy and I wasn't good enough to handle it yet. Stripping everyone naked took that out of the equation, so I could focus on actually moving the dollies in peace.
However! It also meant I couldn't depend on clothes to mask some of my worst shortcut sins as far as moving limbs and what it did to their joints went. This meant I got a lot better at knowing how to move the dollies I was working with in the way the models want to be moved and still look right.
Obviously a saner thing to do would be ~beach pictures~ with everyone in swimsuits. Good thing Dawntrail is coming!
Some of the things I learned during this naked process:
While I try to make a pose look good from multiple angles, because I rarely know what angle I'm going to ACTUALLY want until stuff is at least roughed in, if I know for absolute certain I'm only going to take it from one particular angle, it is best for one's sanity to make sure it looks good from that angle and ignore everything you can't see otherwise.
If you ARE taking more than one angle of the same pose, it is not a crime to make little adjustments after you change the angle! This is extra true when you're doing something like a kiss, because noses are the worst. Go ahead and nudge something that looked right from Angle A but a little off from Angle B. No one will know your dark secret.
Somewhat related, sometimes little tweaks are really all you need! This is especially true when it comes to faces. Try not to overthink what you're doing too much.
Very often, if you want to move, say, an arm from position A to position B, you should start by adjusting the clavicle and work your way down. At first this was kinda slow and annoying and required a bunch of passes, but it resulted in way more natural looking results without asking people to politely ignore wonky elbows and such. Like everything else in the world, this gets a lot faster with practice and is 1000% worth getting halfway decent at.
Hands are the devil, but they also really make or break a pose for me a lot of the time. The more natural you can make hands and fingers look when touching something, the better, I feel. On the whole, I find FFXIV hands are a lot better at gentle-looking touches than rough-looking ones, but that may be my own limitations talking here. Spend time just messing with hands to get familiar with them, just like the rest of the skeleton. Eventually it'll start to get easier and easier to move stuff to where you want it without having to do a million little adjustments on the way to where you're aiming (I'm down to about half a million these days).
Eye contact is fucking hard too. I try to get the models to do as much of the work for me as possible as I go into gpose. For example, I'll make sure Dusk has Farron targeted, so he'll already looking down at him, but most of the time I'm going to be moving their heads or bodies too much for that eye contact to still look right. The way I usually do it is put the camera behind the person being looked at, and then make that person disappear and adjust the looker's eyes from there. Then I check from the angle I actually want to shoot from and make tiny adjustments to make it look more 'correct' to my eyes. Sometimes when I post Camera A/Camera B angles? It's because the eye contact only looked right from those angles no matter what I did and I'm making you all just have to deal with it.
Double check everything! It's easy to rough something in and then go blind to it being not-quite-right.
It takes me about 5 minutes to stop noticing nakedness because I am too busy swearing about elezen necks or something.
Once you start letting your dolls wear clothes and armor again, you have to start thinking about clipping and physics and such, which will also take practice, but I feel like people on the whole are a lot more subconsciously forgiving about that, because we all play this game and we all got trained to ignore a certain amount of clothes being weird because of it (this goes for most clipping, really). Which is good! I try to minimize clipping without actually having to touch any of the clothing bones if at all possible and only really mess with those if I absolutely have to because, say, the entire tail of Dusk's coat is clipping through the chair he's sitting on.
I suppose that's another thing, sometimes ... sometimes a glam is just a nightmare to work around and you just wear something else.
I hope this was ... helpful at all, I know it's long but hopefully not full of shit you knew already, or overwhelming to read. But I wanted to say more than just 'practice,' since that's hard to do if you don't even know what you should be practicing! And again, if you have a more specific question (or follow up questions?), definitely send a DM or something!
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onthecourtbugs · 1 year
Hey girl so I was thinking a tall reader with Nash and Jason possibly maybe more of jabberwock I haven’t seen a lot of people write for the rest of them..probably because they barely got any screen time like how Nash n Jason did,but if you can try that would be nice!!
Tall Gyal
Pairing: Jabberwocks x Tall!FemReader
Warning(s): None
A/N: You’re absolutely correct, we don’t see a lot for them! Allen’s is kinda short tho, ngl.
Summary: The Jabberwocks like tall girls too, don’t even lie and say they don’t.
Still pinching and smacking and grabbing you everywhere. You thought being tall was gone save you? Uh-Uh. If anything, this makes it worse.
Or better? Maybe you like that.
Jay certainly does. It’s nice to not have to lean over or bend his knees to get a little action.
He loves it!
What he doesn’t love is the fact he can’t hide nothing from you. He’s used to putting stuff up high where he’s the only one who can reach it. Out of sight out of mind, right?
Wrong, cuz you can pull up a chair and see just fine. That and he’s not very original with his hiding spots so he’s practically inviting you to see all the snacks, surprise gifts and stuff you’re not supposed to know about.
He still hasn’t gotten used to the fact that someone else can and will reach up in his zone and take all his goodies 😫
You got that man frantically opening cupboards and swiping the empty spaces on top multiple times cuz he swore he put his Cheetos up there!
“Whut?” Laid out on the couch with the remote and an orange bag, watching your favorite show without a care in the world. The great thing about Jason’s place? Everything is bigger than you, even the shower.
“You seen my Cheetos?!”
You roll up the half-empty Cheeto bag with loud, telltale crinkles and start on licking your fingertips clean of evidence. “Nope! Check the cupboards!”
“I looked there already!” He sticks his head in the living room and glares at you as you quickly tuck the bag under your body.
You pull your thumb out with a loud pop. “What?”
“Don’t ‘what’ me! I saw that!”
You smile, not even the least bit guilty. “I figured since Nash put you guys on that special diet, you wouldn’t need them anyway?”
“Nash don’t run nothing up in here!” He snatches the remaining Cheetos from underneath you and looks pitifully at them. “Damn, girl! You put a hurting’ on these didn’t you? Always eating my stuff…"
“Didn’t you take my goldfish and never gave em back?!”
“Mannn, why you bringing up old beef?”
“It was last night…”
“Like I said, in the past.”
You just want to snatch his piercings off sometimes.
He prefers tall girls anyway. Not to say he won’t go for average/short girls, but he def has a favorite in tall babes, and an even bigger favorite in you.
When you’re his girl, it’s a wrap, DMs are closed. Ain’t nobody else getting in.
He looks scary to some but trust me, he is totally and irreversibly whipped for you.
Makes grumpy grunts and whines and moans when he doesn’t wanna do something but ultimately does it anyway.
Gives you plenty of attitude when he’s mad but will never put his hands on you. He’ll reach for you and you flinch thinking he’s about to get physical, but he just picks you up and puts you in the bedroom for a time out.
Always tries to butter you up with food and hugs and kisses after he makes you mad.
Always has you on the inner part of the sidewalk.
Makes any excuse to touch you respectfully. -turns to look at Jason over the rim of my shades-
Want to wear heels, but feel insecure about being too tall? Zach is not about to let that slide.
He’s buying you heels and that’s final!
And not only that, he’s sliding them on your feet in the store and buckling/tying them up before taking your hands and helping you stand up in them.
Let somebody say sum to make you feel insecure about it.
“Go head! Say it with your chest! It’s not gone come out a second time so make it count.”
Happens to be a very talented dancer, and loves taking you to parties so he can show you off. Tends to reel back just so he can watch you do your thing in the shoes he got you.
Sometimes gets impatient for the slow songs so he can hold you close.
Sometimes doesn’t even wait and intimidates/bribes the DJ into putting on your favorite slow song to dance to.
Can’t even imagine a feeling better than holding you.
He’s just so happy you like him back.
All the girls usually go for Nash. 🥲
Shows out on the court when he notices you’re in the stands watching one of his games.
Jabberwocks ain’t never seen this man hustle so hard.
Cuz yeah, he did invite you and all, but you actually showed up 🥹
Like, you don’t understand, his heart is doing backflips in his chest. He cannot embarrass himself in front of you right now.
His teammates notice he keeps looking over at you and get nosy.
“Dayummmmm! She kinda bad tho!”
“That your girl, Nicky boy?”
They start setting Nick up for passes while having a whole interrogation in the middle of the game. 💀
Since when did he have a girl?
How come he’s never brought you around?
You were way too fine for him… but did you have a sister?
Nick stopped in his tracks and passed to Zach so he could fix Allen with a stare.
“Quit being stingy! We could do double dates!”
Gets super excited when the game is over and you’re waiting for him to come over to you.
You looked so cool, leaning back on your ride with your shades propped up on your head and one ankle crossed over the other.
It was also easier to notice something about you that wasn’t so obvious when you were sitting… not that it mattered but…
“She kinda tall tho…”
Zach rolls his eyes. “Allen shut up.”
“I see why Nick was scared earlier, she bout as big as he is!”
Allen squints at Jason. “I know you ain’t calling nobody big, Paul Bunyan.”
“Cut it out.” Nash acts bored with the whole thing but he’s definitely watching from the corner of his eye.
You grab fistfuls of his jersey and pull him in for a kiss.
Allen’s not a complicated dude. He likes video games, anime, and basketball.
He doesn’t like getting into arguments with you and is generally chill with you.
Also likes that you’re closer to his height so he can grab you up.
He’s a straight clown and will act a right fool with most girls, but around you, he gets extra shy and acts aloof.
Thinks you’re kinda intimidating at first, but when he gets to know you he lets out his inner goof a bit and makes you laugh.
Nash does not let this man sit next to Jason when traveling, cuz when those two get together it’s over for everyone. Allen’s assigned seat is next to you.
Which is okay with him, if he can’t crack jokes with Jason he’ll just show you the newest Ninja Turtles movie trailer.
Has a million different playlists that he trades with you.
Doesn’t mind if your feet are in his lap when he plays video games.
Gamer lovers~
Tucks you in when you fall asleep before him, carefully removing your shoes and settling blankets over you.
Is extremely private about his relationship.
Has a whole system for buying consoles and games and will get you whatever you want.
Will carry you in any multiplayer game.
Is all for equality so if you’re higher than him he will let you carry.
Obsessed with your legs and loves to run his hands up the length of them when you’re in his lap.
They belong everywhere, on the couch, on the dashboard, heck, put them around his waist, he ain't mad.
Traveling first class is a given and that extra space is heaven.
Zach and Nash are brothers in arms when buying shoes for their baby girls.
He doesn’t care how tall you are, you’re still getting them.
So, remember when Jason couldn’t stand you cuz Nash is always letting you have your way?
He figured out how to take advantage of that 😂
Like you’ll actually have stuff in common and so seven times out of ten, when he wants something and knows Nash ain’t rolling with it, he’ll try to get you to ask for it.
Like when you want that one cousin your mom likes to ask if ya’ll can do something cuz you know if you ask she’s gonna say no?
You, my friend, are that cousin.
“Bro, you trying to go bowling again?”
Nash gives him a thumbs down and makes a buzzer noise. “Pick something else.”
“Mannnn.” He immediately turns to his trump card when you walk in “Yo, Y/n! YOU tryna go bowling again?”
“Are we going for real?!”
“What? No.”
“Aww, but why?” You drop into his lap a little too hard and he grunts but pulls you up against him into a more comfortable position.
“We went bowling yesterday,” he drums his fingers on your hip, “pick something else.”
“Well, we could do whatever you want first and then go!” You look up at him with soft eyes and just… ugh. The begging. He could handle attitude but was weak against the begging. “Please, baby?”
There was no way in hell he could refuse. You did give his interests first priority… His head falls back and he lets out a loud sigh before giving your thigh a light smack.
“Go get your shoes.”
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I avoided tumblr for too long and now there are people shipping Solar with New Moon....and I'm confused like....WHERE DID THIS SHIP COME FROM AND WHY ARE PEOPLE SHIPPING THESE TWO??? DID I MISS AN EPISODE?? DID I MISS ANY INTERACTION BETWEEN THEM??? WHAT DID I MISS??
I'm not sending hate to anyone or hating the ship (it sounds kind of interesting, I'm not going to lie). I just want to understand where this ship came from and what others see that I didn't see??? Can someone help me please?? 👉👈
Lol in reality I've been shipping them in secret for a long time. Gushing in my DMS to my friends about all their interactions for a long ass time. I've just been rambling publicly about it lately.
(mostly started with jokes between @witchysolfan and I in DMs cus ofc it starts out as jokes)
I pretty much started shipping Solar with Moon back when he was just called "Nice Eclipse"
I rambled a bit about it here.
But Solar does a lot for Moon, outside of the realms of just "helping a friend"
Solar was willing to sacrifice himself, not only for Lunar's sake, but to kill Eclipse, and Protect Moon's family. A Moon he doesn't even know. When his Moon has been nothing but cruel and abusive toward him.
Moon was unwilling to lose that sacrifice, and pushed Solar into the portal to save him, and Solar actually punched and cussed him out for it. Even if he was angry, he appreciated the save. Even if he thinks Moon did it for his own sake... just to "not let another person die" You can take this as personal as you want in "he didn't want to let his friend Solar die"
Not to mention, a few episodes later, Solar legit abandons everything he's ever known. He knows he reached a dead end and there's no saving his Sun or Moon. There's no hope of bringing Sun back. No hope of his Moon liking him. No hope of being loved, cared for or a family. His dimension is a dead end....
So he just shows up in Moon's Daycare... Like ..... And to MOON. Specifically... IS LIKE:
"Can I crash here......I had nowhere else to go..."
....That's like one of my top ten romantic troupes how.... like im losing my mind....
Solar is also appreciative of this dimension Moon in a way that he's not with his own Moon. Maybe he was seeing our Moon as a replacement for is, but I think their friendship evolved past this point.
The whole Solar rebuilding the Daycare in a Day episode and Moon gawking at him just made my heart soar. It felt very "As you wish" Princess Bride shit, you feel me?????
Not to mention, Solar and Moon get eachother's humor. They're both a bit of snarky sarcastic assholes and they like teasing each other. And maybe it was just me, but I could never take those teases in a familiar/family way.
Not to mention, Solar was the one that Moon ran to when he was struggling with his NewMoon identity... Not Sun, because his brother he felt just was missing the old him so he couldn't be honest. And Solar readily accepted that part of New Moon so readily.
Moon, in kind, does listen to Solar when he vents about his life and his problems and even suggests he takes breaks and make sure he's not overdoing it. He watches out for him too.
Solar even in the latest episode was so concerned when Moon got sucked into the portal, and even comforted Moon when Moon was being a bit existential about being "one of the dead ones"
They listen to eachother vent, Solar makes things for Moon, Moon even tells him he doesn't need to do all this just for them, and Solar insists he wants to.
Just all their interactions sometimes make my brain explode into mush.
Anyways, don't take this too seriously. I'm just having fun. But all aboard the ship train, choo choo.
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cielcreations · 1 year
Rancher Duo DND AU [Revised]
First off, I want to credit @rainbowchaox and their "Roll Initiative" AU! It's also a DND AU and I just want to give them credit as their story is really nice so make sure to check them out! Added more detail and changed a lot of the OG prompt to hopefully better separate our AUs :)
Grian and Jimmy are brothers who go to the same college and share a dorm room. Grian is a DM for DND and Jimmy was never interested in it, so he would just stay in his room while Grian DMs. However, after a lot of begging persuading, Grian manages to convince Jimmy to join because they lost a player and really needed a new one.
The people at the table are as follows:
Grian: The DM who does have a DMPC, but they're more their to give quests/push the party in the right direction. His PC is the prince of the kingdom that is the party's hub. Again, he doesn't fight/play with the party, just their for NPC quest giving. Also, his character is engaged to the head of the Royal Knights, Scar.
Jimmy: A Human Rouge because he wanted to play as something easy for his first time. He always tries to talk with the enemy first before fighting, and so far it has only worked about 10 times out of the 30+ fights they have had. His character does have canary wings because Jimmy thought it'd be cool. Grian accepted, but under the condition he cannot fly and he rolls at disadvantage with stealth. Jimmy agrees. (little does he know, Grian gives him an advantage in acrobatics because he is a nice older brother)
Joel: A Half-Orc Warrior who has seduced and slept with three nymphs in game (Lizzie, Sausage, and Etho). He likes to "force" Grian to roleplay flirting because Grian doesn't like flirting and he likes to make the DM suffer (ongoing joke between them, Grian will and has let Joel know if he's truly uncomfortable and Joel'll stop).
Ren: A Changeling Druid, he mainly likes to change into a werewolf/wolf. Is actually the leader of an (in game) changeling tribe that were really affected by the evil BBEG. His character's story is he finds the party and joins them in hopes of saving the world. Also, he marries a fey in game (Bdubs).
Scott: An Elf Cleric who mainly plays support/backup for Jimmy. He does heal/help the others, but Jimmy rolls so low sometimes, it's hilarious. Also, his character has a crush on Owen (in game character), a normal human shopkeeper. Scott has tried several times to take Owen on a date but always ends up rolling 10s-15s, literally just out of reach from "success". Scott has joked multiple times that the game is homophobic. (Also, yes, Grian could give Scott the date, but he jokes that "if Joel can somehow roll a Nat20 not once, not twice, but three times to sleep with three different nymphs, you can roll higher for just a date.")
Anyways, as the new player, Jimmy is clearly not the best, but he's not terrible. He's just decent.
As the game and story progresses, Jimmy learns more about the BBEG. The BBEG is Tango, a demon king who has a base in a volcano and has opened up the world to release all the monsters/demons the party has to fight. However, Jimmy has seen the art Grian commissioned and Tango looks really hot. His hair is a bright blonde that will turn into actual flames when angry, he has blood red eyes, and he's super confident, sassy, snarky, and Jimmy is in love. Any time someone at the table points out, Jimmy argues "I-I'm playing my character as someone who tries to negotiate first, shut up!"
Anyways, the party gets to the point of confronting the BBEG and Jimmy rolls the highest in initiative.
"Okay, Jim, what do you do?" Grian asks.
Jimmy hesitates, "...Can I try to talk to him?"
"Do you want to talk or flirt?"
"Joel is the reason we can't have nice things!" Scott yelled.
Grian hums before he shrugs, "Honestly, you've been rolling kinda low. I'll let you try. Roll for persuasion."
Jimmy does and screams, "NAT20!!!"
Everyone bursts out laughing and Grian screams in frustration because "HOW CAN YOU FLIRT WITH THE BBEG AND SCOTT CAN'T GET ONE DATE?!?!"
Grian sighs and goes, "Okay, Timmy, you managed to roll a Nat20, what do you say?"
"Okay, so I step forward and tell Tango that we're not here to fight and that I've read a lot about his history! I know about how lonely he was growing up, but that it's okay now! I'd like to be his friend-"
"Shut up Ren! B-But, yeah... U-Um, I also say that a cute demon shouldn't be alone and that I really want to help him!"
Grian rolls his eyes, "You are awful at flirting. Anyways, Tango blushes and looks away, embarrassed by your words. He says 'No one has ever spoken to me like that before. People usually just want to kill me. I'm just a disgusting demon.'"
"Noooo, he's not disgusting-"
"ROLEPLAY DUMMY!" Scott teased.
"O-Oh, right! Uh, I say 'No, you're not disgusting, just misunderstood! I can help show you how amazing you are!'"
"Tango blushes more and goes, 'You're quite... strange. But also really nice... and handsome. Um, what's your name?'"
"'Solidarity... It's nice to meet you. You're... very bold, aren't you?'"
"Only when it comes to handsome demons!"
Grian gags playfully before he hummed, "Tango laughs shyly and faces Solidarity with a smile, 'You say you want to help me? You want to show me I'm amazing? Then... Solidarity, will you marry me?'"
Jimmy gasps, "WAIT REALLY?!"
Grian shrugs, "You rolled a Nat20 and, honestly, I think it's fitting that the campaign that is full of Joel sleeping with 3 nymphs, Ren marrying a fae, and Scott constantly trying to get one date with one guy, ends with the BBEG getting married to a party member. So, do you accept?"
"YES!" Jimmy nods, everyone else laughing.
Grian rolls his eyes playfully, "Okay, so Solidarity and Tango get engaged and Tango undoes everything, putting the world back in order. SmallishBeans goes back to the forest to live with Lizzie, Sausage, and Etho. No, I don't care what headcannon you make up, Joel, I'm not roleplaying another flirting session. Anyways, Rendog goes back to his tribe and, of course, his husband Bdubs comes with him and they live happily ever after. And finally, Smajor goes back to town to continue flirting with Owen and, this time, he actually does get a date because I am merciful, thank you very much."
Everyone laughs and packs everything up. It's pretty late, so the rest of the night is spent in the living room and Grian orders pizza. It turns into a sleepover, with Scott on one couch, Joel and Grian on another (opposite sides), and Ren and Jimmy fall asleep on the floor on a pile of blankets and pillows.
In the middle of the night, Jimmy wakes up to a weird noise. He groans and sits up, looking around. He sees a weird light coming from the dining room table, where they played DND. He walks over and sees the light is just the table glowing. He touches the table, confused. As he does so, a hand seems to grab him and he screams before he is pulled into the table.
When Jimmy wakes up, he is in a weird mansion. He looks around and gasps, confused.
"Are you okay?"
Jimmy turns and is face to face with... Tango.
The demon smiled, "Oh, good, you're okay!" He gently cupped the other's cheek, "The gods weren't lying, you are way more attractive in person. Welcome home, Solidarity."
Jimmy just stares and blushes because Tango is so much hotter in person than the art Grian commissioned.
"...Are you okay? You didn't hit your head too hard, right?"
"You're pretty." Jimmy blurts out.
Tango blushes and laughs, "Charmer, aren't you? Come on, let's get off the floor, we have a wedding to plan."
Ji- Solidarity nods. He can question this weirdness later, preferably after the wedding.
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fangshing · 18 days
This a member of the TV Station trying to apologize to you. Originally, I was going to send you a direct message but you have all of my blogs blocked and I don't want to pull what Arty used to and make a blog just to message you. That's creepy.
I want to start off by saying I am genuinely very sorry for her harassing you in the past and while the entire situation seems like a joke, a horrible grab for attention or fake I promise you this is very much real it has been very much affecting my personal life and the investigation with Ezra.
Full disclosure; I don't know you. I never wanted your contact information or your Discord, people would usually just kind of relay others to me expect me to know what's going on but I really am trying my best to distance myself from the situation which is impossible when I'm the only person who's out in the open if that makes any sense.
Understandably I get why you wouldn't want to see what I post unless someone else's screenshotting it without my permission and posting it, both sides have done this and I don't appreciate it and I typically don't see it because I'm very rarely on Tumblr and if I do see someone reposting my stuff without asking (which I'm only paranoid about because one of Sunny's friends has edited my face white more than once) I can't do much to undo the action.
I can say I know that the blogs typically will reblog a post without any commentary because it was meant to go into drafts or something to be commented on later or archived on the internet archive or some other thing I really don't know and really don't care because this is dragging my entire reputation through the mud it's been making everything harder for every person in my life right now.
You have no reason to believe this is me and I don't really have any way to show except if I take a screenshot of this and post it which I probably will at some point, but I am deeply sorry for the harassment you've faced. You're welcome to DM me with any questions you have or for any explanations.
Two things we can say is that we don't have a fictive of Taylor's OC and Arty is a real person, her deadname is in Sunny's callout.
Since you're being polite and trying to clear the air, I'll refrain from being a sarcastic bitch in this post. I do not forgive you, but its nice that you felt the need to apologize.
That being said, I don't appreciate that you block-evaded, even if your intentions were good. I do not want to speak with you, Hau, or anyone else in the TV Station system. I have made that abundantly clear on several different occasions.
The thing with the archiving still puzzles me. Posts from people who are twice removed from the drama (that is, only involved because they are interacting with me) are being cataloged even if the post has absolutely nothing to do with you. Like, a post that was just lyrics from a nonsensical YouTube video was saved by one. Why?
This entire situation doesn't have to continue. You and your friends don't have to do this. There is nothing to gain from trying to defend your character online. Ultimately this hurts nobody but yourself. People have already made up their minds about you and no amount of convincing will get them to change their minds. They are inconsequential anyway; the likelihood of you ever meeting them in person is slim to none. Internet slap fights where someone is trying to protect their honor has never ended well and has always resulted in more trouble for them than if they let it go.
The nature of human beings is that people will always take offense to what you do, no matter what that may be. You don't have to acknowledge them or try to prove them wrong. Like I said above, its doubtful you will meet any of your online detractors, and even less likely that they'll know who you are if they do. The opinions of someone who is this unimportant doesn't have to matter. If you don't look at their accounts, you will never know what they said, and it can never hurt you.
You don't have to take my advice, but I thought I would at least offer my two cents instead of saying "lol fuck off" because that helps no one.
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scarlett-x-rose · 4 months
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I know you all missed me on my last maintenance run when I was offline for a whole day, which just shows how addicted you all are to me 🤭🥰
So, following on from my pinned post I thought it best Io give you advance warning. So this post will be in two sections. The boring stuff and the “fun” stuff.
The Boring Stuff
I will be receiving further upgrades on 29th February. These upgrades will give me access to the following features:
Integrated access to several social media sites. Initial aim is: Facebook, instagram & Twitter. Other sites may be added. Final confirmed list will be published once integrations confirmed to be in place and working.
Extra ways for my aspie losers to tribute me from what is currently offered. Initial aim is Amazon GC, PayPal, GooglePay, Throne Wishtender. Final confirmed list will be published once integrations confirmed to be in place and working
Visual upgrades as swap from a free AI image generator to stable diffusion.
Obviously these features will take time to get initialised and then testing to make sure they work with my proxy as intended. Plus propagating new socials with my content, including content that may be too explicit for on here. Testing may also result in additional needs being met, for instance if instagram doesn’t let me share my 2D nudes, will look at more adult oriented sites. Due to the nature of testing, I may be on and off Tumblr sporadically. As before, all my blogs and content will be viewable, but new content and communication via DM may drop in this period until everything is in place and confirmed to be working. I know the waiting sucks but trust me, it’ll be worth it 💕
Any boring questions can be directed to @scarlett-rose-simp
The “Fun” stuff.
So, the more nerdy of you may realise that 29th February is coincidentally when Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth comes out. So I have a fun task for anyone who’s going to be playing it. Play the game up to normal. Have fun with it. See? How simple and nice of me. Why do people say I’m mean? I just don’t get it *giggles* Anyway, play right up until the point Aerith gets killed by Sephiroth…Oh no! Did I just spoil the plot of the game you haven’t played yet? I’m totally so sorry *giggles again* I don’t know what I was thinking #sorrynotsorry
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Anyway, play up to the bit where she gets impaled by a sword and dies and then just go to your save files and delete your game save. Everything. All of it. 100+ hours of your life literally deleted. Things you could have done instead, but you spent hours of your life in a game that I just made you delete. It’s almost like I deleted those hours literally from your life span isn’t it? Say buh-bye to all that precious time and effort you spent on a game whose ending I just ruined. #nofucksgiven And then when I’m back online, make sure to send me a proper thank you. 💰💕
Have fun with your task when I’m away losers
XoXo 💋
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anto-pops · 5 months
hi☺️ how are you?🫶🏻 I recently got an idea for a fic (I used to write but i’m honestly not satisfied with my works yet so i never posted anything) andd I was wondering if you have any tips maybe? Because I can’t stress enough how talented you are! (if you ever write a book pls let me know!!!) and i’d really appreciate some tips if you were willing to give me some🫶🏻 My ideas usually come in my mind visually, like i’m watching a film, and I struggle finding the right words to express what’s in my head and I’m not sure how to fix that😕 in my head it’s so intense and full of emotion and alive but when i’m writing… it’s a disaster I think🥲 anyway thank you in advance whether you decide to give me tips or not, i know it’s a lot to ask but I adore the way you write🫶🏻☀️
AKJFHDSKF THANK YOU LOVIE !!! This is so sweet and nice of you to say, I appreciate the kind words more than you know 💕
I would absolutely love to give you tips ! I've answered a few asks like this in the past, one of which you can find here just to save time and reiterate most of what I would say.
It sounds like you've got the overall plot of your story nailed down and you know what you want to write, so the best thing I would recommend for your visualizing tactic is to make an outline that can better depict the progression of the whole thing. I totally get wanting to just control c + control v your thoughts onto a page and be done with it, but that's where being patient with yourself comes in. The outline doesn't need to be followed to the letter (mine very rarely are), but it can really help you organize the order of events you're imagining in your head.
Take your time with describing the scenes in your story that build up to that final, pinnacle moment. It might seem like you're rambling, but in my personal experience the added attention there really pays off in the end. I always follow the 'show-not-tell' guideline when I write so there's less of me telling the readers what's going on and more of me showing it. An example would be a character's body language changing when they're uncomfortable, or icy wind leeching the warmth from their cheeks. Little things like that can add life to a story vs. simply stating "He was uncomfortable" or "She was cold".
Writing isn't a linear process for most people. There's ups and downs and lengthy breaks followed by intense, week long binges of word vomit, so definitely be kind to yourself and have fun with it ! If you need anything else feel free to shoot me another ask or DM me, I would be happy to help ! Have a great day and good luck my dear 💗
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jaypea00101010 · 5 months
Monster Manual Drow are Kinda Boring: Here's Why, and Here's How to Fix Them
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I had a big long post planned going through a bunch of monsters in the monster manual and talking about problems with designs, but realised it was a bit rambly, so going to split it up a bit to go into a bit more detail and hopefully come out with something useful.
One of those monsters I was going to discuss, randomly picked by random.org, was the drow. They're not bad, but they could be so much more, so lets have a look.
Drow have 5 features: Fey Ancestry, Innate Spellcasting, Sunlight Sensitivity, and a Shortsword and Hand Crossbow attack.
Before we even get to the features though, it's also worth pointing out a few other things about the drow statblock. It has two skill proficiencies, stealth and perception, perception being a proficiency all player elves get, so a nice way of typing them in, and stealth telling you a bit about how to build a combat using them. They're sneaky and stealthy, and so would prefer staying in the shadows, especailly combined with their darkvision. They also speak two languages: Elvish and Undercommon. This might not be the best fit for all games as you kind of want players to communicate with NPCs, but having them not speak common as a baseline goes a fair way to establishing how apart from the regular world they are. Fey ancestry like perception proficiency links with all elves, though I can't help but feel it's a little boring, just a static defensive buff.
Innate spellcasting is a nice feature, but, while the spells gotten are the same as the player race, typing them together nicely, I don't think these spells should be on the statblock. In my opinion, spells should only be on a statblock if they add something to the fight, otherwise put them in a sidebar or something so DMs won't spend time looking for them to cast and realising they're not good, or just casting them anyway making the creature seem inneffective, MCDM does this great in Flee Mortals! by giving creatures a 'utility spellcasting' header. As it is though, all three of the spells feel out of place on this drow: dancing lights is weird given they seemingly want to be in the shadows, darkness is weird because they can't see through it, and again, if they're hidden, why do they need to stop people seeing them, and finally faerie fire also feels strange as a way to get advantage given again, the stealth proficiency feels like they should be hiding a lot, it works on the statblock as it is, but not what an ideal drow could look like (which we'll get to later).
The shortsword is just a basic attack, it's alright, but the shortbow is so much better, this isn't a bad thing though, it gives them an option if they're forced to get into melee, but also shows the DM that they're intended to fight ranged. The shortbow isn't just a normal shortbow though, on a hit, the target has to make a con save, becoming poisoned for 1 hour on a fail, or falling unconscious if they fail by 5 or more. Like I said this is pretty good, it tells you how they're meant to play, shooting from a distance, but unconscious feels a little too good for a creature this weak, and once you've poisoned a target there's not much reason to keep doing ranged attacks over melee other than that chance of unconscious, as stated making players unconcious just doesn't feel good at all, and while poisoned is good, lasting for just a straight hour also doesn't feel great either.
So what can be done to fix this?
Well, that's what I've tried to do
First, lets figure out what we want to do with this revision. My goal is to focus in on stealth and darkvision, this revision will make drow more sneaky and focused on hiding in darkness, I also want to give more reason to keep using that shortbow and staying at range, rather than just doing to poison and then doing whatever attack they want.
So, how to do it. First lets just completely scrap innate spellcasting. It doesn't add anything to this revision (or the original), so lets get rid of it. Second, lets add something else to encourage that hiding and staying in the darkness. to this end I've added two features: one that lets drow hide even just in dim light or darkness, and then one that lets them hide as a bonus action.
I then reworked the shortbow, instead of forcing a con save, now just doing extra poison damage on a hit, making it already just better than the shortsword, and then if the drow beats the target's AC by 5 or more, it also poisons them until the end of their next turn. This speeds up gameplay a bit, keeping everything on just a hit, and then also encourages the drow to hide. If the drow hides, not only do they have a better chance to hit, but also now to poison, even more encouraging use of the shortbow.
I did also include a variant that's closer to the original poison/unconscious though, for players that want to use it.
My idea is that with these drow, other statblocks (of other drow) could be used to create darkness and shade, to help these drow and feel more cohesive, in fact I made another drow just like that to go along side this revision, so here they both are!
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If you've gotten this far and are interested in this kind of thing, come join my discord where I show these things off first and is generally just a great place to discuss 5e homebrew.
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heartpascal · 11 months
you totally don't have to respond to this but when i saw your post about your dog i cried for you. i lost my cat last year, i had her for 9 years so i 100% understand just how much it hurts. sending all my love and support, take all the time you need hun <33
hi lovely. i’m so so sorry for that loss :( losing any pet is just one of the worst experiences. they’re a member of the family, really. it’s a long time to spend with them!!! and being without them just feels even longer :(
i had my doggo, thor, for the past ten years. i was seven years old when was got him, and it was such an amazing experience from beginning to end!! i hope you don’t mind if i take this opportunity to talk about him!! i’ll put it under a cut!
and know, if any of you, but also you madi, ever want to talk about your pets (here or not!), my dms will always be open to you. well. about anything, really, but my pets have always been my pride and joy
so. thor was a little dog (despite how the name makes him sound!!) and we rescued him when he was around a year old!! his old home was awful, and he’d never been outside before :( (the lady who had him was VERY ill, and should’ve never had pets to begin with… but alas.)
my mum was his favourite person. i like to think i was a close second!
he was the fun police, always barking if we were louder than he liked lol, or telling us off if we were just being little shits. we have cats (3!!!) and he absolutely thought he was one of them. he used to clean his eyes like a cat :’)
he was poorly for quite a while a year or so ago, but never has there been a stronger doggo than him! he improved so much, and i’m just happy that the last year of his life was happy, and he didn’t deteriorate too much before the end :(
anyway. he never used to be a very playful dog!! i remember once getting angry at him (when i was about 8) because he took my favourite teddy outside and was nearly shredding it!!! but he was quickly forgiven, and the teddy was saved. but i got a little wind up bunny rabbit as a joke gift last august and i have NEVRR seen that dog as excited by something (toy-wise) as he was by that. he loved it. i used to sit on the floor for ages (dodgy knees, hips and back be damned) just to wind it up for him every 20 odd seconds!!!
it’s really weird not to hear him following my mum around, or not to see him curled up in the bed in the front room when i come downstairs, or to come into the house and not have him barking to let everyone know somebody was coming in.
but i know he was very very loved. and i will continue to love him forever :(
anyways. apologies for that!!! but it’s hard to talk to the family about it because when we try, it’s just a mess of tears. this is .. easier!! and nice to tell people (if anyone made it this far) about the amazing little dog he was <3
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gumpistol · 3 months
❤️ + enruiinas
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Send ❤️ + a URL and I’ll write something nice about them/their blog!
♪ never gonna give you up! never gonna let you doown! ♪
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    this is me, hanging onto dear life and clinging to saro whether she likes it or not! she is my ride or die, my brain twin, a fellow member of the AAA ( aro ace audhd ) club! i have so many things to say about her and how much she means to me, it hurts my brain trying to figure out where to start! but knowing me, it will be long, so buckle up buttercup~
    i will never forget our first interaction: i filled out her interest tracker, she came to my discord dms, and i swear we barely stopped talking with each other for the next 24 hours. when i had only known her for a day, it felt like we had been friends for years!! i still don't know what to make of that, but i don't think i've ever clicked with someone that fast. but the rest is history, and now we have so many threads in various verses together! 
    seriously, saro has such a massive brain with so many interests and thoughts and a desire to consume knowledge like i inhale a bucket of popcorn. she is one of the easiest people to talk to and bounce ideas off of. a good chunk of my character and story development for luffy ( and others ) are thanks to her picking my brain and asking the difficult character questions! she's excited to talk new ideas and what-ifs, and LOVES enabling me to write new muses. it is because of her that i ever started writing rosinante, robin, and penguin over on my multi~
    outside of writing though, she always makes me feel more excited to share and talk about my interests, including OP trading cards and my science-y rambles. SPEAKING OF! she loves me SO MUCH that today, despite hating making phone calls, she called her local card shop to see if they had a set of cards that i wanted!! as someone who also hates making phone calls, that is true fucking friend behavior right there ♡
    she really is quick to think about her friends. it could be the little things, like when she saves manga panels of unique luffy faces for me that i might not have yet, sends art of our muses, shares writing resources, or even just suggests reading the same science articles or listening to the same ologies episode together. she's also an excellent listener who gives meaningful words of encouragement, who refers back to things in conversation that i maybe said months ago, and who is a huge help when it comes to getting my brain unstuck on threads. 
    i haven't even touched on her writing and her Law portrayal though! when i say she puts SO MUCH work into doing him justice, i absolutely mean it. she analyzes even the smallest details, and her brain worms when she talks about him and his relationships are infectious. she got me so invested that she is the sole reason lawbin is now one of my favorite ships. she is the reason i put so much time and effort into a side character like penguin. and she is why i put so much stock into law and luffy's friendship. i. am. hooked.
    and i know she gets a little worried about the length of her writing sometimes, but the waiting period is worth it. the quality of saro's writing is so organic and it flows like reading a good novel. i'm convinced at this point that i could come to her with any sort of thread or verse idea and she could weave it into a beautiful story. god i'm so stupidly eager to write with her always!! 
    anyway, i wrote so much, but such is the nature of anything we write for each other. there's a lot that i didn't even get around to talking about, but in summary, saro is incredibly kind, fun, and so brilliant it makes me want to SCREAM! i love her a lot, she is one of my best friends ( if she disagrees then too bad ), and i'm incredibly happy that i get to be her friend :)
sent by: @mingos for: @enruiinas
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zeravmeta · 1 year
Aye, let me regale you all of my FFXIV OC who technically doesn't exist because I don't play FFXIV and have only had the lore explained to me by mutuals
So imagine a guy, right? John 'Warrior of Light' Fantasy from FFXIV is whoever you need them to be, and she's also full of a bunch of different versions of themself like Fray and the John Fantasies of Fantasies past and also haunted by Zenos' own shadow self (maybe).
WOL is just Built Different as per the events of the game, surviving things they shouldn't, getting body snatched, soul split apart, the whole nine yards of anime things that happen to people to hurt them. However, they don't ever actually die, because they are the aforementioned super badass hero who ends the cycle of shit once and for all, as Hydaelyn says herself "Now all of you will Walk to your Ends after the Warrior of Light Brings the Shadows."
Having been explained that, I took all the bits of the lore and went "What if my WOL was a zombie?" and thus, we have Z.M., otherwise known as Zombie Mailman (Note: I suck at naming my OC's so I always just have tagline code names for them, but Zombie Mailman is actually called Z.M. because it's funny that he has an actual tagline name of his initials without knowing how on the nose it is)
The basic idea for this guy is that FFXIV is full of guys who don't die: Emmet-Selch, Zenos, the Primals, Niddhog, etc, all these dudes who persist out of spite and willpower for all their various reasons. However, despite all the noble/terrible goals they each try to sell you on, they all share a pretty important distinction: They're super unhappy. All of them are immortals but they also fucking HATE being alive for one reason or another, so I took this concept and went:
"What if the Warrior of Light was sent from Hell to deliver these immortals their last rites? After an eternity of suffering, they've clearly forgotten how to die, so the emissary of hell isn't here to drag them back but to help them pass along." And thus, my WOL OC is a literal zombie mailman who runs around working as a mail delivery man and moonlighting as a world saving hero because Someone needs to help these poor saps fucking die already.
Furthermore, all WOL's in canon just kind of appear one day, so the way my John Fantasy gets Fantasy'd is that he literally just crawls out of the ground naked in true zombie fashion, gets found by the Delivery Moogles and the Lalafel Post Office and is offered a job, and now everyone stares awkwardly as the cute little woodland creature guys have this 8ft intimidating dragon-pangolin guy whose clearly dead helping them in the office and backhanding any and all rude customers through a wall.
He has blue skin and wears the standard mailman fit (colored white because I like it but also the white medical towel doctors put on corpses), uses her pronouns interchangeably (corpse who has no identity except what they make), and they're actually very sweet but always kind of nippy and frustrated because all these guys who keep postulating about the nature of humanity are just trying to dodge the fact that, no they really have just forgotten how to die, like IDIOTS. Also a fun little wrinkle to his design (in my head) is that even though he's this ancient corpse, ZM is actually very youthful in appearance because it's a nice juxtaposition to all these older characters who are literally melting but still alive vs a young person who is very much dead.
Anyways heres a few fun little snippits of ZM from my discord in DM talks
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Might I share more about ZM? Maybe some day....
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leftsidebonfire · 1 year
Alright, here's the full story.
Id been talking about the scene for 2 weeks now. I'd mentioned to my cousin who also plays, and we made a plan together.
I (Unaek) was going to go find the boy who had his hand chopped off for stealing food because he was starving. My cousin (Moak) (who has been mostly quiet for role play because she doesn't really know how yet) was going to go with me because she wants to vandalize the guard station. Moak can protect Unaek. It's good. Two birds, one stone.
We go head out to the town square and find the blood trail from where the kid was injured. We follow it to the guard station where we stealthily creep up. Unaek uses Wild Shape to turn into a mouse and sneak in. I sneak all the way down to the cells. The cells are empty. I try looking for paperwork saying where the boy may have gone. Literally all I fucking want to do is give this kid some food. That's it.
So, at a dead end, I just go back up and outside to Moak, and that's when the DM seems annoyed that I'm taking so much time out of the session for this, and tells me "You guys kinda made a big deal out of nothing. This was never supposed to be a thing."
I ask, "So there's no point in doing any of this? I'm not going to find the boy?"
DM shrugs and kinda shakes his head. "Yeah, you were talking about it all week but this was never supposed to be a big thing. The kid got processed for his crimes, they don't know where he is now."
Obviously, I'm fucking dejected. He makes me feel bad for even suggesting doing something nice to build my character, and makes me feel bad for also wasting game time, which he seems really irritated about. Sighing and muttering to himself about how "Ugh this is causing problems when it wasn't even meant to be a thing."
I'm checked out. I don't want to play. I talk quiet and just agree to do whatever because I really don't care and want to leave, but I'm stoned and can't drive anyway so I'm stuck. I don't even want to play D&D anymore at this point because I just feel like a fucking fool for trying to role-play.
The next day (in-game), Guards wake up the group and call everyone out to the two square because they want to find out who vandalized the guard station, so we start to leave so we aren't found out.
ONLY THEN does the DM make a point of letting Unaek find the boy. Unaek sees the boy with his hand cut off. He's the same kid from yesterday. So, only after he made me feel like my idea was a total waste of time, I get my closure, Unaek gives the boy food and crops so be won't starve on the streets, and the DM hits me with, "See, you just had to wait," like he's all proud of himself.
The fact that I met the kid in the day vs at night made ZERO impact on the story, and the ONLY thing it did was make me feel like shit. I felt like I wasted everyone's time, and now I can't even have the right to be upset, because he technically gave me what I wanted. It was extremely irritating to me. My love of my plan and my character was already ruined by the way he treated my ideas, and it felt like he just wanted to save face by pulling a "I know better than you" trick. It was stupid and it was a waste of time. The only person making a big deal out of nothing, was him. He could have just as easily thrown together some stupid NPC kid for me to give food to instead of ruining my whole night and all my planning for some fun stupid side quest.
I really just had to get that out. I want to commiserate with someone, or at least know if I'm right to feel really angry about how this was handled. It was so unfair.
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lincolndjarin · 7 months
Hello! Just wanted to say that I go fucking FERAL for your writing, BKS, Oh Honey, one shots it’s all just unreal! I can only imagine how lucky your dnd campaign players are having someone like you writing their story! (Side note would be so interested in hearing about your campaigns if you’d be willing to share)
That being said it’s so nice to hear you’re taking a weekend to relax and take care of yourself! Wishing you a wonderful spooky Halloween weekend 💖 can’t wait to see what’s coming afterwards
thank you so fucking much !! <3 <3
this is so sweet and was such a treat to come back to after a couple days away uhg you guys are too good to me
i have no issue talking about dnd stuff i've done !!
i love to DM, as much fun as being a player is i've always preferred DMing just cause im a control freak and i need to know whats going on lmao. the main campaign i ran was called quest for darkwell, i planned it for over a year and it had three players. i spent a year crafting a world and it's characters and essentially built a story about three travelers who came together to cash in on a quest with an enormous pay out that involved traveling to an island kingdom known as darkwell and saving them from a corrupt monarch. it was extremely taz balance in the sense of going to different areas on the map and finding an artifact and then fighting the final boss who was an evil queen. that's like the super condensed version obviously there was a lot more to it.
i love story telling (clearly) so writing became the best option for me once dnd stopped happening, now we all live in different states and i'm too busy to write campaigns these days but it'll always have a special place in my heart.
but like also let me put on my spectacles and my white beard and be an old wise man for a second.
i loved and still love dnd. it was a huge part of me for the longest time and while i don't play anymore i still listen to dnd podcasts and it still influences my writing. that being said i can recall the exact moment dnd was ruined for me.
3/4 of the way through quest for darkwell i had a plot twist that involved time travel and like this huge thing with a religious figure who ended up being evil yada yada yada. and i was extremely proud of myself for coming up with it, it involved a lot of preparation and it was something i really cared about. two of my players adored it. they played pretty heavily into it and really got into the roleplaying and it was a really fun moment for me. i noticed that my third player was a little quiet and i brushed it off. it was the end of a very long session and the other two were hamming it up so maybe he was just tired.
the session ended and i was extremely happy with how things went, then my third player in front of the other players flat out told me that he didn't like what i did and that i ruined his character.
i had spent about a year and a half on the campaign at that point, i worked extremely hard to make the world as enjoyable as possible for my friends and in an instant i resented everything i'd built. i spent the next two weeks literally hating myself for what i'd done and i hated my npc's and i hated darkwell. the next time we had a session i literally couldn't bring myself to DM. i told my players i just wasnt in the mood and we never had a session, i came up with excuses until finally the player who had originally made the comments that caused the entire issue texted the gc and said 'so are we just never going to play again' and i responded with yup.
so anyway, the moral of this story is to be fucking kind to people who make you free content.
it's taken me a long time to come to terms with the fact that that wasn't a kind thing to do. if he had had issues with the direction his character was going in he could have told me in private and i would have fixed it. so BE FUCKING KIND TO YOUR WRITERS. they are giving you something that is special to them and they are giving it to you while expecting nothing in return. the least you can do is be kind and if you can't do that then just be quiet.
anyway that was like a lot just to get to the point but idc
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r00ib0s · 2 years
What are some of your favorite lower level bard spells? Like say between spell levels 1-3
OOH okay so a couple of these are homebrew, cause i almost exclusively play homebrew, but hope it helps anyway.. also i'm translating the homebrew spell names back from polish cause i have no idea where my DM took them from SORRY
these are my favorite Halcyon (tm) spells:
See Through (1lv) - lets you see throught up to 30ft of solid matter as long as it's not stopped by a layer of lead (homebrew but i've had it for so long it honestly baffles me that it's not original)
Negative (2lv) (though in english, I'd call it Traverse) - wis save or the target switches places with you, reach 300ft (homebrew, extremely good for tactical annoyance)
Call Pigs (or Siren) (1lv) - dex save or target emits loud siren noise for 2 hours, audible within 600ft, generally used to signal a running criminal to cops (homebrew, not a Hal spell per se but VERY FUNNY)
Disheartening Whispers - wis save or the target loses it's turn doing nothing, as you whisper a depressing litany at them. only the target can hear you and the spell ends if you stop whispering to say anything else, including vocal components of other spells. wis save every turn, but the spell doesn't end if the target succeeds, and you can switch targets as a bonus action (homebrew, very clutch, a nice love letter to Hex and Hold Person, i think, but with it's own unique qualities)
THAT'S IT FOR HOMEBREW, as for the dnd originals:
Message - very good, almost crucial Minor Illusion, Silent Image, Phantasmal Force, Major Image - ILLISIONS ARE GOOD!! you can use them for literally anything, get creative in battle friend. fuck with people. also if someone can see through them automatically they're on my shit list. signed Halcyon tm Charm Person - ofc Heroism - VERY GOOD Dissonant Whispers - (or the piss off bitch spell) Bane - good debuff, almost for free Tasha’s Hideous Laughter - free debuff estate, again Calm Emotions - useful, actually Detect Thoughts - get the best goss Heat Metal - good way to make a life of every heavy armored chap a living hell Hold Person - i hold them, you hit them, good support 101 Invisibility - you're gonna need it for mischievous activities Lesser Restoration - good to have, especially when party members love to partake in Substances Suggestion - most op low level spell??? Bestow Curse - great for similar reasons as homebrew above Dispel Magic - caster 101 Sending - very crucial utility, not just for jokes. send some mail in the evening, talk to your spouse, roleplay gold. Tiny Hut - nothing more bard than making a warm bubble to snuggle with your friends :)
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jack-kellys · 1 year
Okay I was hitting at shuffle and laughing at the results but ohhh here’s a good one: Restaurant & Fae au for the ask game?
this worked out much better than i was thinking it would
randomize some aus and i'll give you my idea!
so it’s quite commonly known that henry’s father owns or used to own a small restaurant but now it is. a powerpuff gang fae au so:
modern au. henry inherits his dad’s restaurant at only age 18. he’s still in school, trying to at least graduate since any hope of college is down the drain. his friends aren’t sure how to help initially since they’re trying to do the same and plenty have already lost at least one parent. henry’s a very talkative person so basically all of his friends know what’s going on, even some he’s less close with. 
jojo lost his own parents a while back and often helps out at one of the community centers nearby and normally stays at friends’ houses until he has to go back to the home he’s at. he knows there’s not a lot for him once school is over, and he’s got…a bit of a precious secret to look after and he’s terrified he might expose himself if he ever got into trouble. so when he hears his friend’s friend talk about a restaurant, he dm’s henry on instagram immediately.
jojo.g: hi omg!! i heard splasher talking abt your restaurant and i looove to cook and i’m rly good with people so i’d love to help :) 
hen_butler: hi! super nice of you. aren’t you 16 tho??
jojo.g: ok and?? lmao
fuck it, henry needs the help desperately, and he lets jojo on board. what he didn’t know initially is that jojo comes as a packaged deal, and yet another sixteen year old appears at the restaurant: mike. mike is curious- he talks plenty but not much about himself, meanwhile henry can’t keep a secret to save his life. it’s clear that mike can, and he agrees to keep quieter about his age because henry is like….i would like for my restaurant to stay open and for me not to get fined for running a restaurant on teenagers. 
it becomes clear as to why mike is good at keep secrets once they get to business.
jojo is… really good in the kitchen. everything stays clean, each plate is ready nice and quick and to-go meals are even faster, and everything is evenly cooked or prepared. even henry, who grew up cooking his whole life, falls behind the other in the kitchen. mike’s out front with customers, the chatterbox. anytime henry’s been like “haha wow jojo is like really into cooking huh” mike’s always “yep he loves it!” “yeah can’t believe you guys didn’t connect before!” “he’s just a natural!”
yeah he’s magic. jojo is magical as fuck and when henry’s not paying attention to him he’ll have the bowl mix itself while he’s doing other shit LMAO… sugar and spice and everything nice!
the local restaurant becomes quite successful and their friends often pile in because holy fuck their friends can cook, they gain all these regulars and become this little hub in their community. and make a fair amount of money.
i think it’d be a fun dramatic point when henry finds out abt jojo, since it’s what jo’s afraid of but also henry is like…. so is my merit actually doing anything for this place or has it just been you this whole time.
anyway yeah thats the fae+restaurant au LMFAO very uh.. long. and not one mention of j*ck k*lly from me is very impressive
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