#But I have no idea how to DCxDP that one lol
luxaofhesperides · 1 month
if you give a ghost a trauma: a parody fic
read on ao3.
Danny wishes to be sent someplace he could have a better family. Unfortunately, that lands him in a Gotham where tropes are made reality to the extreme. He really just can't catch a break. (or: a dcxdp parody fic where i make danny the only one able to see how bizarre things are. this does not help him in any way.)
. . .
“We’re gonna get you!” Maddie Fenton, a Bad Parent™ cries as she shoots her gun at Danny, her half dead son.
“No!” he wails, flying around as he dodges the shots. “I wish my parents weren’t trying to capture me for Evil Science Reasons! I wish I had a better family!”
“Lol, done,” said Desiree, snapping her fingers. 
Danny only has time to say Uh-oh before he’s sucked away into a magic portal and spit out into a dark and dreary city. In just the one second he’s there, before he even hits the ground, he hears gunshots, screaming, and the wailing of police sirens. Then he hits the ground and groans, releasing his ghost form to go back to being a human. 
“Where am I?” he asks himself, getting to his feet and looking around. The alleyway he’s in is empty and full of garbage just scattered around. Wherever he may be, it clearly needed to invest more in its sanitation department. 
He spots a fire escape on the side of a building and uses it to climb onto the rooftop, a totally normal course of action. Then he stares at the city, glowing with the street lights and neon business lights and a spotlight with the shape of a bat in it glowing on the clouds. 
“This might as well just happen,” Danny says, “My life is already so weird anyway.”
He stands there for some time, at a loss of what to do next. The wind is cold and brings with it a promise of rain, and from the looks of the dark clouds above him, it’s going to rain soon. Danny needs shelter, fast.
“Hey, kid, you okay?” says someone who snuck up behind him.
Danny shrieks and jumps, nearly going over the edge of the roof.
“Woah!” the person says, grabbing his arm and pulling him back to safety. “That was close!” 
Danny blinks up at his savior, then squints. This guy’s definitely not normal, since he’s wearing a domino mask and a lightly armored black suit with a blue bird emblem stretching across his chest. 
“Way to nearly kill him, Nightwing,” says a new person, dropping down onto the roof from the sky. This new person wears red and black, a pair of bandoliers crossing over his chest. 
“Well, I saved him, didn’t I!”
“Um, hi,” Danny interjects. “Thanks for grabbing me before I fell, but who are you?”
“You don’t know who we are?” blue bird asks rather incredulously.
“Do you think I’m asking just for fun.”
Red and black steps in with a smile. “I’m Red Robin, that’s Nightwing. We’re vigilantes trying to keep Gotham safe.”
Danny makes an educated guess that the city they’re currently in is Gotham. Not a city he’s ever heard before, but what does he know?
“Okay,” he says. There’s really not much else he can say.
“You never answered my question,” Nightwing says. “Are you okay?”
“Oh, yeah, just fine. No idea where I am or how to get home, but it can always be worse, you know?”
“Did you get lost?” Red Robin asks, pulling a holographic computer up from his wrist. Tucker would kill to get his hands on something like that. Danny wonders if he can get his own as a souvenir. 
“Something like that, yeah,” he replies. Another few gunshots ring out loudly through the streets, closer than they were before. Danny flinches, then ducks down a little, looking back towards the street apprehensively. “Um. You guys gonna do anything about that?”
The two vigilantes shrug, as if that’s an acceptable course of action. And then a hand shoots up and grabs the edge of the roof by Danny’s foot, making him jump in the air. Nightwing catches him yet again and moves him away from the ledge. 
A red helmet, leather jacket wearing guy built like a pro-wrestle hauls himself up the roof easily. There are guns tucked into holsters on his thighs and a red, block bat stuck on his chest. 
“Should I be concerned,” Danny says blankly. 
“Nah, it’s just Red Hood,” Red Robin replies, “The only person he ever tries to kill is me.”
“Cause you’re a replacement. And also, get over it, that was ages ago We’re good now. I haven’t even had a Pit Rage episode in months!”
“So the bullets you shot at me last week were just for fun?”
“Yeah, and they were rubber, so it’s not like you would have gotten hurt.”
Danny takes a few steps closer to Nightwing, hiding behind him. He’s getting bad vibes all around from that guy. 
“Tch,” a new voice says right behind Danny, making him flinch. A young boy with a sword steps out from behind him and joins the crew of vigilantes just hanging out on the roof. “As if he’s even worth that much attention.”
“Hello to you too, Demon Brat,” Red Robin says.
“How many of you are there?” Danny asks. “Don’t you need to like, protect the city?”
“Batgirl and Spoiler are working on it,” Nightwing says.
“We’re doing what?” another voice says, and a energetic blond girl dressed in purple armor hops onto the roof, tucking her grappling hook away. Following her is another person in all black, face fully covered, with stitches covering the mouth portion to make it seem as though they can’t talk. The person leaves the blond girl behind to head straight to Danny, making him take a few nervous steps back. 
“Dead,” she says, poking his chest with a finger.
Is that a threat? It feels like a threat. 
“No?” he tries. 
“What are you talking about, Batgirl?” Red Hood interrupts. “We all know the only dead person here is me.”
Everyone promptly groans, telling him to shut up about it and go one night without mentioning his death. 
Okay, that seems concerning! Is he another halfa? Is he like Vlad? Danny’s going to be so mad if he got dropped into another world directly into the hands of another Vlad. 
“You’re dead?” he asks, leaning away from Batgirl as she pokes him once more. 
“Same hat?” Danny tries, squinting at him.
“The fuck?” is the answer, which tells him that he probably doesn’t know what Danny’s on about. There’s still a 6% chance that he’s just lying to make Danny look like a fool, though. 
6% is more than 5%, which means it’s enough for him to just act on instinct and walk right up to the gun-wielding Red hood. He tries to consciously use his ghost sense, which is an odd feeling that reminders him of the moment before he hiccups. 
A light blue mist wafts out his mouth. 
Yep, the rumors are true: this man is dead.
“Once, again,” Red Hood says, “The fuck?”
“Seconded,” Nightwing adds.
“Third!” Spoiler joins in. 
Danny takes a page out of Batgirl’s book and pokes Red Hood’s chest. It’s very solid, only hard muscle, and reminds him a bit of Dan. That’s never a good sign. Something about Red Hood is making his skin crawl though, a sense of wrongness that sets alarm bells ringing in the back of his mind. 
“Did you come back instantly when you died?” he asks.
The white lenses of Red Hood’s helmet turn neon green. “Why the fuck are you asking me that.”
“Just checking. The green I’m seeing right now is making me think you’re a halfa.”
“What’s a halfa?” Red Robin interjects.
“An unlucky soul like me,” Danny responds, distracted. He lays his palm flat against Red Hood’s chest. The vigilante holds still, as if frozen, letting Danny do as he please. The ectoplasm he feels in other ghosts is usually calm, made unique by the personality of the ghost it belongs to, but it doesn’t roil and try to hurt the host like the ectoplasm in Red Hood is doing. 
He pulls back and looks around at the circle of vigilantes surrounding him. “Can anyone answer how he came back? Where did he even find this must rotten ectoplasm?”
“Pit,” Batgirl helpfully answers.
“Pit,” Danny repeats. “Like a pit of death? Toxic sludge? Landfill pit gone evil? What am I working with here.”
“Lazarus Pits,” the little one with the sword says. “How do you know about them?” He then pulls out his sword and points it at Danny, ignoring the way Nightwing hisses Robin, no! 
His name is Robin? Isn’t that just Red Robin’s name? Did this Robin have a color added to his name as well? 
“I literally don’t, but if it’s green and weird, then it’s probably ecto.” He turns back to Red Hood. “I’m gonna take care of it now.” And then he shoves his hand into Red Hood’s chest, ignoring the alarmed shouts from the other vigilantes. They try to pull him away, but Danny goes intangible, making their hands fall right through him as he gets a good grip on the ecto, sending his own out in a steady stream to chase the rotten flow towards his hand, then yanks it out. 
It’s green and goopy in his hands, steaming slightly in the air. “Ew,” Danny says. “That’s nasty. You were just living with this inside you?”
Red Hood doesn’t seem to hear him. 
Red Hood takes off his helmet and stares at the rotten ectoplasm in Danny’s hand. Nightwing approaches him cautiously, laying a hand on his shoulder.
“Hood? You doing okay? How are you feeling?”
“It’s gone,” Red Hood answers, shocked. “The Pit Rage. It’s gone. I haven’t felt this clear headed since before I died.”
“That must have sucked,” Danny says empathetically, then shakes the nasty ecto off his hand. It lands on the roof with a wet splat. 
Once again: ew.
“How did you do that?” Red Robin asks, crowding into Danny’s space. Batgirl slides up behind him, trapping him between them. 
“Did you not just watch me yank it out? It was easy. Anyways, y’all got jobs to do, and I got places to go. So I’ll see you never!”
He tries to fly away, but only manages to get a few feet before he’s pulled down by multiple people grabbing at him.
“What is going on here,” A low, gravelly voice demands. Yet another vigilante appears, gliding out of the shadows. This one is much bigger than everyone else, cloaked in darkness, with a helm that has two little ear things poking out on top. 
“Batman,” Robin says, “This meta cured Hood of his Pit Madness.”
“I see,” Batman replies, looking Danny over. “Are you an orphan?”
What the fuck. Who just asks that?
“Are your parents well?”
“Sure? My mom was pretty energetic while shooting at me before I came here.”
“You do not have to be unsafe in your home again,” Batman says, grabbing something out of his tactical fanny pack. “You can live with us instead.”
He holds out fucking adoption papers.
Danny backs up as fast as he can, shaking his head. “Oh, no! No you don’t! I did not trade one fruitloop for another!”
“No new brother?” Batgirl asks sadly. 
“Definitely not,” he insists. “No thank you! I’m fine as I am and fully plan on going home.”
Batman frowns. “You said your mother was shooting at you.”
“Yeah, and? The food in our fridge comes to life every meal and we have to fight it. This is normal for us. Chill out and put those papers away.”
The entire crew of vigilantes seems very put out with Batman obligingly puts the adoption papers away. 
“Yeah, I’m done here. Go back to protecting the city. I’m just gonna… go.”
Danny doesn’t wait for them to say anything else before flies away, remembering to go intangible this time. He soars through the polluted streets of Gotham, weaving between tall buildings made with dark stone and decorated with gargoyles. It’s all very dark and dreary, which means Sam would love it.
She would not be loving the pollution, though. Danny certainly isn’t. 
“I wish I could go home,” he says loudly, looking up at the sky expectantly. 
No magic portal appears to yoink him back. 
“I wish I was at home again, and not here!”
Desire does not appear to help him out. She leaves him stranded in Gotham, pouting at the sky until he gives up and flies down to sit on a new roof and angst about his situation. Hopefully this time a gaggle of vigilantes won’t bother him.
Resting his head against his hands, he sighs. Then again, and again, loudly. “Man, this sucks,” he says to himself.
“What’s got a kitten like you so down?” someone says behind him.
“I’m so tired of random people sneaking up behind me on rooftops,” he informs them without turning around. If they wanna talk to him, they gotta got to him, not the other way around.
“Ah, ran into the Bats, did you?”
They’re called Bats? But only two were Bats. None of the other vigilantes fit the theme. That’s just lazy and inconsistent. They should rebrand to something better.
The person walks over and sits down next to him. Danny glances over and is startled to find a woman in a leather body suit, with a hood that has cat ears and googles with an orange tint. 
…Is everyone in this city just dressed strangely at all times? Is this the normal fashion of Gotham?
“What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue?”
“Sorry, didn’t mean to stare. Who are you?”
The woman laughs. “Oh, so you haven’t heard of Catwoman?”
“Nope. No clue who you are.”
“Well,” she purrs, “A pleasure to meet you. I’m a thief.”
The dots connect in his mind. “Like a cat burglar!”
“Yes, like that.”
“Man, this city is wild and I come from a place that deals with ghosts on a daily basis.”
“So what are you doing in a place like this? Gotham isn’t kind to newcomers.”
Danny sighs, yet again, and tilts his head back to look up at the cloudy, starless sky. “I made a dumb mistake and got sucked into a magic portal that spit me out here. I have no clue how I’m going to get home.”
“Do you have a place to stay?”
He glares at Catwoman. “I’m not open to being adopted. I’ll just eat any papers you send my way.”
“I wasn’t planning on it,” she reassures, “I have no interest in being a mother. But I have a spare bedroom if you need it, and I wouldn’t mind teaching you a few tricks of the trade. It’ll be fun, messing with Batman.”
Ah, so she’s doing this for Trickster Reasons. Danny can respect that. 
And he also doesn’t have any other options. Considering how much gun violence and general violence he’s hearing in this city, he’ll probably be killed an embarrassing number of times just from trying to find a place to sleep on the streets for one night. Between cold, dangerous streets with storm clouds hanging heavy over his head or a guest bedroom in the home of a thief with a theme, there’s really no choice.
“If you don’t mind me hanging around, I’d really appreciate having a place to sleep until I figure out a way home.”
“Come along, then! I was just about to turn in for the night.” Catwoman stands up, stretches, then takes hold of the whip on her waist and snaps it out. She takes a running leap off the building, then throws her whip out to wrap around a billboard to swing across the street. 
Danny watches her go, then follows her lead, flying behind her, ready to catch her just in case. But Catwoman moves with ease, clearly experienced in recklessly moving through the streets, and makes her way to a highrise apartment with no trouble at all. 
They land on a balcony just as the sky rumbles with ominous thunder. Another second later, and the clouds open up and heavy rain begins to fall. 
Catwoman throws the door open and they both scramble to get inside before they get drenched. The lights flick on, revealing a stylish modern apartment, filled with art pieces and ornamental bonsai trees. A few quiet cries come from corners of the room, and then cats appear, one after another, moving around Danny’s legs curiously before turning to Catwoman. 
“That was a close one,” Catwoman says conversationally as she takes off her hood and googles, revealing her face. Her pixie cut is messy and her eyes are bright and sharp, just like a cat’s. “I suppose since we’re going to be working together from now on, that we properly introduce ourselves.” She holds out a hand for to shake. “Selina Kyle. I look forward to the trouble we’ll cause together.”
Danny stares down at her hand, then takes hold of it. Looks like he’s going to be a thief! Well, it’ll be a fun story for later. 
He doesn’t want his name attached to his new life of crime, though. And, he figures, this is a fresh start. New life, new name. There’s one that pops into mind immediately, and he latches onto it, ready to step into the world of crime. 
“Call me Neal Caffrey,” he says, shaking her hand. “I’m ready to start when you are.”
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juria9090 · 2 years
I am sorry but with all the dc x dp prompts and ideas going wild right now and i just have the idea of dcxdp prompt that has been living rent free in my head just now and i need to kick them out.
Basically i saw someone's prompt about Danielle think she killed Danny but no she did not and somehow she transported into new dimension and turn into villain some sort and Danny is trying to find her and all and they have tearful reunion most of all.
Now consider this.
You guys love Short Danny and Tall Danny right. Imma basically write some sort of steven unuverse thing. And no, i am not going to put dc x dp here. This will turn into BNHA X DP crossover because i am a sucker into turning BNHA world into chaos.
Basically Danny's height is forever stunted because of the incident and all those height goes to Dani and Jazz. I love tall jazz. I mean, their dad practically is a giant person around 6'9. Its funny some people headcannon Jazz's height around 6'8-7'0.
Jazzy bear here is a liminal and the same goes to Sam, Tucker and Valerie. Valerie technically could be a halfa you know with all the suit thing. Tucker here is a pharaoh reincarnation. Sam is a witch. I will not elaborate. Funny thing is, all of Danny's friends are practically taller than him when they were still 14. Their height are not that taller than Jazz but stil above 5'8.
In reality in Team Phantom from shortest to tallest :
Danny (5'4)
Valerie (5'9)
Sam (6'1)
Tucker (6'4)
Jazz (7'0)
Lol. Danny is the shortest among them. Ellie is still growing so she gonna sprout up and be taller than Danny. However, Danny here is ascending as the next most powerful being in the ghost zone. He is giving the powerful beings a run for their money with how many title he gain for only a short of couple of years.
Homey is the Infinite Realm's favourite person. Danny here is going to join Clockwork, Pandora and a couple others as the youngest ancient ever in history. His core is not not an ice core, it was misdiagnosed and actually just a core that adapt and mimic others. His core may shift to whatever he feels like or to suit the situation better. When Danny find out about this, he abused that power to always uses the space core that he somehow mimic from an ancient.
Clockwork did not expect it at all. Homey manage to avoid so many visions of the future and only a few others he still could see. Both of them are lil shits. Danny likes to mess with Clockwork's timeline prediction and Clockwork here like to watch and mess with the timeline.
Clockwork is a chaos enabler. You may think he is a responsible person but nahhh. He really isn't. He is a bad influence. No. He did not like to stick with order. That's boring.
Alright now i am rambling but let's get to the point of crossover. Danny can change his height and size whenever he feels like it. He have these giant forms. One look closely to Phantom, one looks like his human form and other is eldritch giant form.
Imagine the height like this. Remember Steven Universe? Here you go.
Giant form(s)
Humanoid : Blue Diamond
Ghostly : Yellow Diamond
Eldritch : White Diamond
Danny is not the ghost king but he might as well be but a gatekeeper in training can't have that title. Yet.
Okay here we go, something happen and Danielle is in need of help. Danny is at that age of where a person could be a new young parent. He is 20ish something supposedly but nahh. He is just 30 years old. Danny is still training as a young ancient and other title he need to keep up with. We can say that Danielle was attacked by something powerful. Could be GIW or whatever. I like to think that Fenton parents redempt themselves while their children grows up. Accept Danny and all but have to let him go.
Danielle is in need of dire help and her body is physically melting like that time with Vlad. Danny is panicking because his powers can't help her. He thought that he can get help somewhere and tried to open a gate to where the people who can help him are. The thing is, Danny is in his giant form. The humanoid one. Danielle is so small in his palm.
His daughter is dying and he can't find any help. He needs to find help fast. Danny's form and Danielle were envelope by light and they appeared in Musutafu in the middle of the city.
There goes the chaos people.
Mt Lady is there with Kamui Wood and other heroes are alerted. The person in front of them feels powerful. His presence send this weird feelings of shivers down their spine. The thing is, this man, person, boy, whatever he is, is crying and he is cupping something close to his chest.
His eyes are blue. Total blue with no iris and all. Shining. Hauntingly. He was wearing a veil over his head and jewelry decorate his body from head to toe. His clothes are beautiful. His raven locks floating a bit as if there wasn't any gravity.
He is hauntingly beautiful.
The whole city can feel his sadness and desperations. He look and Mt Lady and spoke up. All heroes froze on their spot because the sound that come out from his mouth is not normal human speech. Its something supernatural and hard to describe. Mt Lady tried to communicate with him. He just showed her the thing in his palm.
A child.
A dying child who is melting.
This man needs help for this child.
Must be someone dear to him.
She alerted others of this and they quickly spring into action.
The giant man was wary of them and was about to let out another sound when his form suddenly flickering and dissapearing into dust. Like stardust and he was very alarmed. Danny panic because his form is being send somewhere and he can't bring Danielle with him even if he want to.
Shout and cries of alarm were heard. He quickly pass Danielle to Mt Lady and tell her to take care of his daughter and that he will came back as soon as he can.
They can understand him this time.
Danielle could only watch him go. Danny wasn't able to stable his form in this dimension. He only focus on Danielle that he forgot himself. That is why he can't stay in that universe. Danny is in danger himself and needs to recover because his existence is being ripped again just like that time from his first portal incident. This time, his existence at risk.
He let out another tearful and sorrowful cry reaching out to his daughter before he burst into shiny stardust.
Danielle wail for him. She can't feel him. She can't feel his core. Its like he have been erased.
She was brought to a hospital and they somehow managed to save her. Some hero name Ectoplasma something is the major contributor. She was thankful to be alive but was hit with sorrow and sadness because Danny died. (He is not. Just somewhere no one knows. Recovering)
The hero department thing try to get their gands on her but Mt Lady did not allow them. She feels responsible of her. That giant man entrusted this child to her so she will fullfill his wish damnit.
Dani, now Ellie, entered UA and into hero course. She meets all sorts of unique people and was very frustrated as well as irritated with Bakugo Katsuki.
Majority of the time when those two meet up, they will always end up in a fight. Danielle win 80% of the fights. She likes Kaminari and was suspicious of Aoyama. Iida annoyed her.
Midoriya is pretty cool but sometimes he creeps her out. She did not like All Might at all.
Somehow she managed to bring Shigaraki Tomura home and hid him like a secret pet of some kind. Ya know, he is like that will spicy cat except his claws is deadly. She just decided Tomura is now her brother and now taking care of him.
Tomura was confused.
Ellie is Gaslighting, Girlkeep and Gateboss -ing her ways to Tomura's heart. She claim herself as his new big sister. Technically she is older but she looks like a 16 years old teenage girl. She is taller than average.
She is actually taller than Tomura.
The USJ incident still happened even without Tomura. That time, Ellie is battling the Nomu by herself.
Her original may be a powerful being but she is not a perfect clone. Plus, this dimension did not have the required ectoplasm to help her recover her energy and sate her needs. She needs help fast.
Its becoming frustrating and she was reminded of her daddy. Danny. Her original and father figure. She misses him. Some of her classmates notices that she is crying.
Distracted, she was punch by Nomu, hard and landed onto the floor.
"Daddy.." She whimpers.
A few of them heard her.
She missed Danny so hard. Its been a long time since she last seen and felt him. She wants to be in his arms again and held.
"Danielle! Starshine!" Someone shout her name. A thrilling, familiar voice. A voice that she have missed so dearly.
She looked back and saw her Daddy materialize in the air. Particles of shining and glowy green dust forming his lower body. He is using his human form.
He is not in his giant form or his normal form. He is using a middle form. (His height is around 7'8)
He is beautiful as always.
Her classmates were gaping at them now.
Her height is 6'0. You can see the whole height difference. Her father is technically a giant.
Her father is taller than the nomu. Well he is lean and do not have the muscle buidler figure but he is still strong even though he looks delicate like a twig. He is in that clothes the first time they entered this world.
Danny kick the nomu away from her and at that same time AllMight arrive.
Danny let AllMight deal with the Nomu while he bring the others to safety. She was whisked away from the battlefield to be healed by him. This time, his powers work on her and both of them are very happy. All of her classmates looked at her father is awe and admiration as he healed some of her classmates wounds as well as Aizawa-sensei's wounds.
He only managed halfway healing Aizawa before he begin to feel lightheaded. Its weird. Usually he have no problems healing more than eight people with serious injuries. It must be something entirely new. Maybe about the ectoplasm problem?
She do know that Danny have some setbacks and chronic pain as well as illness from his incident. Maybe another set from all those years back then. Maybe it have something to do with it?
She stopped him from trying to heal Aizawa more and both she and her teacher reason with him that the medical team will take care of the rest.
Their reunion is tearful. Mt Lady is alerted about Danny's presence. He thanked her for taking care of his daughter. Mt Lady was flustered.
Ellie however notices something is wrong with her father. He looks rather sickly right now. She begged Danny to let go of this form and return to his normal form. She is rather focused on Danny that she did not notice her classmates are paying attention on them.
Danny was hesistant but he can't say no to his daughter puppy eyes. His form begin to change and he became smaller and turn into his 14 years old safe.
Everyone was gaping and Ellie was squealing. Another thing happened and now in Ellie's place is a kid. A twelve years old kid. She was hugging the now 14 years old teenage boy (man) and blabbering happily to him.
Aizawa gain another headache that day.
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