#Bommer’s face sends me
soaringonblackwings · 6 months
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Clearly the writers had fun with this.
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ruby-freeinthesky · 1 year
_𝕊𝕜𝟠𝕖𝕣 𝔹𝕠𝕚_
Summary: Being dared to confess to his crush, Butch get's help from his best friend to do so.
Omg, this such an old fic, its a oneshot yall. It's the typical skater boi one shot, with the song lyrics and all. It's so cringy lol, but since its posted on my other accs, I should post it here too. Those who are interested, go on, but be wary of my shitty writing haha.
_𝕊𝕜𝟠𝕖𝕣 𝔹𝕠𝕚_
A 15-year-old boy was laying on the couch beside his best friend, who has her legs on his lap. Both comfortable with their positions or lazy to move.
Both had their sights fixed on the television in front of them, that was showing a horror movie, yet their eyes were filled with boredom.
The pair were currently hanging out with their friends, who also were watching the movie.
"I'm bored, this movie sucks." The male teen grumbled, "Can't we do something else?"
One of the friends, who was the male's older brother, 'Brick', turned his head towards his brother, "Shut up Butch, you're the one who suggested watching a horror movie in the beginning."
'Butch' pouted, "But I didn't know that it will be boring!" He protested, before turning to his best friend, "You agree with me, don't you, Kauro?"
"I agree with Butch, Brick, let's do something fun." She said, causing the rest to sigh in defeat.
"Fine, what do you want to do?" Brick's girlfriend, 'Momoko', asked.
"How about truth or dare? It's been a while since we last played it." Butch's younger brother, 'Bommer', suggested, his girlfriend, 'Miyako', nodding at his choice.
"Then it's decided, let's play truth or dare." Brick said.
"Butch, I dare you to confess your feelings to your crush."
And that's when everything started.
"~He was a boy
She was a girl
Can I make it any more obvious?
He was a punk
She did ballet
What more can I say?~"
"I can't wait until I beat your ass. I don't get why you can't admit that I'm much better than you in Skateboarding!" Kauro exclaimed loudly to her best friend.
The green pair of best friends were on their way from school to the skate park, going to compete like how they usually do after school hours.
Butch smirked at he's 'counterpart', "Yeah right, like you would actually beat me!"
Both were looking at each other with stupid grins and challenge written all over their face, neither noticing the girl, who was so engrossed by her book, walking down the street in their way.
And just when they turned away from what they had their attention at, the girl and Butch's eye meet, but they were already close and couldn't stop it when they bumped into each other, sending them to the ground, both falling on their bottoms.
The books that the girl was carrying, scattered around on the ground. And the moment the three of them got over their shock, they started collecting the books, with a hurried apology to the pair.
Once up and getting her belongings, she apologized again, "I'm so sorry!" Her sight on the ground from embarrassment then looked up at the male she knocked down, "Oh! Butch! It's you, for a moment there I thought I embarrassed myself in front of a stranger." she sighed in relief, looking at her watch for the time, eyes widening, "Oh my! I'm going to be late for my ballet classes," Looking at the pair again, "I apologize again, but I need to go now." And ran before anyone could utter a reply.
Leaving Butch and Kauro staring at where she once stood, after a few moments of staring, Kauro glanced at her buddy to see him staring at the place with a small frown, seemed lost in his thoughts.
"Butch... Who is she?" Kauro questioned, snapping the green-eyed teen from his own world.
Looking back at her, "She's Miko... She's the girl who I've been crushing for a while on... and the person I'm supposed to confess to." He mumbled a light blush grew on his pale skin.
"Oh..." Kauro stared down at her shoes, 'So this is her... this is who he likes..." she thought disappointedly, before shaking her head, trying to get rid of her thoughts, 'No! Don't think like this Kauro, Butch is your best friend! You should support him!'
Butch looked at the tomboy with a worried and confused look, "Kauro, you okay?"
"Of course not! I'm your best friend! Why didn't you tell me about her? Anyways, I got surprised cause I never thought that a monkey like you would feel like that to a beautiful girl." She said, an easy grin on her face, joking around.
"Butch... I'll help you confess to her." Kauro said at the end, "I'm your best friend after all. Now let's go, I still need to kick your ass!"
"~He wanted her
She'd never tell
Secretly she wanted him as well
But all of her friends
Stuck up their nose
They had a problem with his baggy clothes~"
Kauro was sitting under a tree, waiting for Butch to arrive at the park, when she overheard some girls talking.
"Did you see Butch today? His baggy clothes are horrible, how can he wears them?" A girl said.
Hearing that they were bad-mouthing her best friend, she moved to get up towards them, when they added.
"By the way, did you guys hear the rumours? I heard that Butch is going to ask Miko-chan out, we should warn her?"
"Warn me about what?" Miko's voice interrupted.
The girls turned to her, "Um, about Butch." One of them answered nervously.
Kauro peeked at her best friend's crush, to see her expression. Miko had a soft frown on her face, that didn't fit her usually cheerful expression, "What's wrong with him? He's a nice person, I don't get why people think he's bad."
After hearing that from the girl, Kauro felt a bit in ease, 'At least she doesn't think badly of him, he might have a chance with her in the end.' she smiled sadly.
Turned back to see Butch arriving at the park, she ran towards him, "Let's go to a cafe, I'm hungry from all the waiting." Not waiting for him to say anything, she started to drag him.
"~He was a skater boy
She said, "see you later, boy"
He wasn't good enough for her
She had a pretty face
But her head was up in space
She needed to come back down to earth~"
Today was the day Butch was going to confess to Miko.
He was waiting for Miko in the park where he usually hangs out with Kauro. Smiling softly at the memory of his best friend encouraging him to confess, he feels thankful for her, ever since she found out about his crush, she would help him and get advices from her friends to help him.
And after almost a week after, she finally got tired of his cowardice, she scolded him this morning and called Miko, informing her to meet Butch at the park.
He could clearly remember her telling him, "If you don't confess to her, you're not allowed to have a skateboarding race against me.", even though she knew that the threat might not work, she was willing to and surprisingly, or not, he took her seriously, and agreed.
So here he was, Miko was walking to him, with a smile on her perfect face. Her brown eyes shining softly, while her black hair looked like it was glittering.
"Kauro-san said you wanted to talk to me?"
He nodded at her, sucked his breath and gathered his courage, after a few seconds, he let out the breath he was holing and blurted out.
"I like you, go out with me!"
Miko's eyes widened, completely caught off guard by his confession.
After getting over her shock, she smiled sadly at him, "I'm sorry, Butch. I like you, but not in that way. Besides... I think you're confusing your feelings towards me as a crush."
Turning her back to him, she glanced one last time on him, "See you later." Before leaving.
'What does she mean?'
Butch just stood there, he felt disappointed, but not sad, he sighed before taking out his phone from his pocket, opening his contacts, about to press on Kauro's name, but stopped.
'I can't always depend on her. Even if she's my best friend.' He thought, sighing, shoving the gadget back into his pocket, he started walking towards the park exit.
Upon arriving, he saw the person he was hesitating to call, leaning against a pillar. She looked up when he stood in front of her.
Looking at his face, she smiled softly at him, "Come on, Brick ordered pizza, let's go before they will finish it."
It felt like he hit a wall when realization hit him, 'How can I not notice? How can I be blind to her feeling?'
Smiling back at her, "Yeah..."
"I'll always be there for you, so, don't you ever hesitate to call me, it makes me feel like you don't trust me."
"Don't be... Actually, I'm sorry, I thought that she likes you back, but I was wrong."
"It's fine, I was blind to realise something important until the end."
"Which is?"
Laughter could be heard from both of them. Both in content with the outcome for now.
"~Five years from now
She sits at home
Feeding the baby, she's all alone
She turns on TV
Guess who she sees
Skater boy rockin' up MTV
She calls up her friends
They already know
And they've all got tickets to see his show
She tags along
Stands in the crowd
Looks up at the man that she turned down
He was a skater boy
She said, "see you later, boy"
He wasn't good enough for her
Now he's a superstar
Slammin' on his guitar
Does your pretty face see what he's worth?
Sorry, girl, but you missed out
Well, tough, luck that boy's mine now
We are more than just good friends
This is how the story ends
Too bad that you couldn't see
See the man that boy could be
There is more than meets the eye
I see the soul that is inside~"
Miko sat in her apartment complex, looking down at the photo album mostly filled with the pictures of Butch and Kauro before they starting dating and after they did, they were smiling in all of the pictures, except for the few when one of them of pranked or got scolded by their friends.
They looked happy and at ease with how things were. And Miko couldn't help but stare at the smiles of the guy that she once rejected and his girlfriend.
Smiling softly herself while listening to the song that was played on TV, the song that the couple mentioned before created.
When she felt her phone vibrate from a text, [I brought the tickets to the show, want to check it out before going back to our timeline?]
Giggling, she texted her cousin an 'OK', she got up, 'If only I could tell them that I'm their future daughter and the reason I was sent to this timeline is to get them together.' she thought, before leaving her house, to meet up with her fellow time travellers, her cousins.
"~He's just a boy
And I'm just a girl
Can I make it any more obvious?
We are in love
Haven't you heard
How we rock each other's world~"
Kauro could still vividly remember the day that Butch asked her out. It was almost a year after the whole deal with Miko.
She was with her friends, Momoko and Miyako, they dragged her with them to go shopping, shoving her into anything that they think will look good on her. And no matter how many times she complains and whines, they ignore her.
But she noticed something, those two are always energetic and in good spirits, but that day she felt like they were more, but she pushed that feeling aside, thinking that it was her hallucinations.
And after finally being able to convince them that they did enough shopping, they made a deal, if Kauro would wear a skirt for the rest of the day, they won't drag her around and treat her like a dress-up doll, to which she reluctantly agreed.
Walking to to a cafe with her fellow friends behind her, both whispering secretly to each other and giggling.
She continued ignoring them whenever they would glance discreetly at her. She so didn't want to get involved with whatever they're planning, but it seems they already involved her without her permission.
"Whatever you guys do, don't involve me too much," Kauro warned, receiving an innocent smile from the pair.
"What are you talking about, Kauro-Chan? We would never do anything." Momoko said, the smile still on her face, with Miyako nodding beside her.
'Yup... Those two are soooo innocent...' the raven thought sarcastically.
Arriving at the cafe, she was surprised to see her best friend with his brothers.
He looked up at her when she opened the door, a grin on his pale face, and waved towards her, "Took you girls long."
She sighed, walking to the table, she sat beside him, while her friends sat besides their partners.
"I didn't even know that you will be here. Those two just dragged me here and later on said that we should come to the cafe." Kauro mumbled to Butch.
The male just continued grinning at her, "I know, I told them not to inform you."
Frowning at her counterpart, "So you're in with whatever they're planning?"
"You could say that." He said, with a small shrug.
"..." she continued staring at him, dumbfounded, then sighed, "Just don't embarrass me in the end."
This caused him to chuckle, "No promises!"
The other four just stared at the pair of best friends, their eyes filled with amusement at the green pair.
They ended up going to the movies, to watch a comedy movie, which the green pair obviously found boring, so they ended up ditching their friends.
Instead, they went to the park, and just sat there.
None of them were talking, they just sat next to each other, leaning on one another. None needed to speak, since they were in comfortable silence, recalling all the memories they had in the park.
Memories of when they first met, of when they were in middle school, of their silly arguments, their fights, heartbreak, and more.
"Being in the park really brings many memories," Kauro muttered.
Humming, Butch agreed, "Yeah..."
Glancing at the female who was staring at the sky. Her gaze unfocused while remembering.
Butch smiled softly at the sight in front of him, he rarely saw her like this, and he couldn't help falling for her in this state.
Gathering his courage, he called out, "Kauro..."
"Hm?" she looked at him and saw a nervous look in his eyes, he was biting his lower lip softly. She frowned slightly, 'Whatever is on his mind must be important...'
After a moment of hesitation, Butch opened his mouth to blurt out his thoughts, when his phone started ringing.
Butch felt his eyebrow twitch and Kauro couldn't help the snicker escaping from her, she found the situation quite amusing.
The male sighed at her reaction and took out his phone, he saw his elder brother's name, "It's Brick... Must be because we ditched them." He muttered, getting up, he turned to his skating buddy, "I'll go buy ice cream while talking to Brick."
Kauro nodded at him with a grin, upon seeing the grin, Butch eased a little, nodding back at her.
Watching him as he walked away, the grin on her face slipped, getting replaces with a frown, "What did he want to say?" At times like this, she cursed her friends' bad timing.
"Such a bad timing, don't you think so?" A voice said from behind her.
Snapping her head towards the source, Miko stood there, a smile on her face.
The brunette just continued smiling, "You seem to be surprised to see me, Kauro-san."
"Well, it's been months since I last saw you."
Chuckling softly, "True," moving toward Kauro and seated herself where the male was.
"So, you and Butch-san still didn't get together," Miko stated, surprising the raven.
"Why will we get together?" Kauro questioned, "He doesn't see me in that way."
"Are you sure? Cause from how he was now, he sounded like he was going to confess to you."
Shaking her head, Kauro replied softly "No, I think you misunderstood, he must have something important to say, not what you think."
Miko stared sadly at the other female, "Are you afraid of confessing to him?" Getting a nod, Miko continued, "Is it because you're afraid of losing your best friend if he rejects you?"
Kauro sighed heavily, "Yeah..."
"Kauro-san, I don't think you have to be afraid, I know that he likes you. He won't reject you."
"Easy for you to say, you're not the one who will lose their best friend if this doesn't turn out well!" Kauro snapped, "Why are you even trying to help me?"
Miko smiled gently at the green-eyed female and said with a soft voice, "You'll understand in the future." Before getting up, "Good luck, Kauro-san."
She left, leaving Kauro alone in her thoughts, who didn't notice her crush coming back until he snapped his fingers in front of her face.
Once gaining her attention, he stared at her with confusion, "What's the matter?"
But she only continued staring at him, her thoughts still on what her best friend's former crush said. Her eyes had a glint of sadness when thinking about when Butch had a crush on a girl who was the opposite of herself, 'Just means that I'm not his type and he's not into me...'
Butch just stared at Kauro, not sure what to do, "Kauro...?" He called out softly, snapping her into the real world, when he saw that, he gave her the ice cream.
"Sorry... I was thinking of something." Kauro said, slowly starting to eat her cold delight.
"Nah, it's okay." He said, "Was it something important?"
She seemed to hesitate, before actually answering, "Miko was just here... and she said something that I'm thinking about."
"Miko? What did she say that disturbed you?" Butch asked, worried, he didn't want Kauro to think that he has any romantic feelings to Miko.
"Yeah, she said that I should confess to the person I like."
Hearing that, Butch relaxed, "Oh..." then turned his attention to his melting Ice Cream, and licked from it, "I actually wanna talk to you about something related to that, but let's finish our Ice Cream first."
Nodding, Kauro ate her delight in ease, 'Worrying could wait for later.'
They were walking beside each in the park, watching kids play in the playground.
Neither knew exactly what to say, nor wanting to the silence between them, feeling quite comfortable as it is, but they both needed that they need to get it over with, so Butch gathered his courage once again and begun.
"Kauro... There is something I have to get off my chest." He said seriously, making Kauro stop, turning to him, a serious look visible on her face.
Once he took a good look on her, instead of his courage fading, he felt it increase, "I know who you like and I want you to confess to him."
She flinched, face paling,  "No you don't." she shook her head, "You don't get it, if I do confess, everything will end between him and me, I absolutely don't want that!"
His expression hardened, "Kauro, trust me. Confess to him."
She just shook her head more, taking a step back, "Butch, you don't understand, I can't, I... I don't want to lose him." her voice wavered, "I'm afraid..."
Taking a step in front, Butch grabbed Kauro's hand into his, "Kauro... please... trust me, you won't lose him." His voice and eyes filled a conviction that it made Kauro shiver.
Kauro looked down, not wanting to meet his eyes, "Are you doing this to repay me for the Miko thing?" she asked softly.
Confusion took over his face, but she didn't see it, "What? No! I'm not trying to repay you or anything, I just need you to confess to him."
She snapped her head up, anger flashed through her eyes, ripping her hands from his, "Need me to?! What for?! Why do you want me to confess to him so badly?!" she exclaimed.
Butch just stared at her calmly, gently taking her hands in his again, and gripped them tightly when she tried to shake him off, "Please Kauro, I need to hear them."
She stopped, "...Hear them?" she questioned softly, 'Does he actually know?'
"Yes hear them." He replied, looking into her eyes, not breaking eye contact, "Will you tell him?"
Biting her lower lip lightly making the male in front of her to glance at them, before looking into her eyes again, and when she caught his action, she felt some hope flutter into her heart, 'Is he...?'
Gulping, she steeled her nerves, took a deep breath and blurted her feelings in one go, "Iloveyou!!"
She closed her eyes tightly upon not getting an answer, and she felt like her body got weaker. Butch let go of her hands, and she felt like it was freezing when he's not touching her, 'Is this it? Is this a no?'
A moment went by with no reply, deciding that all hope is lost, she opened her eyes to see Butch about to pinch his cheek and winking from the pain, "Ouch..." he grumbled, rubbing his cheek, "At least this isn't a dream..."
Kauro just stood staring at him, shocked, before shaking her head, "Why did you pinch yourself?"
He raised an eyebrow, "To make sure that this is all real." he said with a 'Isn't-It-Obvious?' expression that made Kauro think why was she so intense about the whole ordeal.
"Kauro, I had suspicions that you had feelings for me, and your friends confirmed them." He begun when she got quiet, "But even though they did, I wanted to hear those words from you."
He smiled softly at her, making her blush, she was speechless from what he informed her, 'So that's the reason why they were acting suspicious...'
Kauro kept quiet, face flushed while staring at her best friend/crush, thinking about the situation, 'No... I must be misunderstanding what he's saying.'
"Kauro?" Butch called out when he saw her crestfallen expression, smile falling off his face, "What's wrong?"
"Butch... do you know what you're implying by saying this?" Kauro questioned.
Realization struck him, "Kauro..." he muttered softly, a grin arising, looking at her with a loving expression that it made the said girl get her breath taken.
Moving his hands from her, he kept them on her shoulders instead and pulled her to his chest, whispering into her ear softly, "Kauro, I love you too."
Before pulling away and laying a quick peck on her forehead, making her already flushed cheeks more red.
"Do your really mean it?" She asked, a smile tugging on her lips as well.
"Of course!" Butch confirmed firmly, causing Kauro to chuckle. Hearing the sound that she made caused him to his grin to grow wider.
Moving his hand up in order to cup her cheeks, caressing them with his thumbs gently. Kauro relaxed herself in his hold.
"Can I kiss you?" Butch blurted our suddenly, startling the female skater and making her stutter with her answer, "U-um, Y-ya-Yeah! You can..."
Smiling brightly at her, he pulled her closer, and started leaning in, he watched her close her emerald eyes, and just stared at her expression, before diving into a kiss.
But unfortunately just when their lips touched, not even a second later, a childish squeaky voice interrupted, "What are you doing?"
Both snapped out of their romantic atmosphere and turned their attention to see the children in the playground all staring at them, which caused their faces to heat up.
"Nothing!!!" The pair exclaimed, turning around and started running away.
They arrived to Butch's house, both panting from all the running.
After taking their breath, nodded at each other and held each other's hand, they opened the door to see their four friends.
"Welcome back." Boomer greeted, smiling upon the green pair, then looked down at their joined hands, "Oh finally!"
'Yeah, finally...' they both thought, grinning widely at each other, cheeks still flushed from the running and now gaining more flush from the embarrassment at the attention from the other four.
"~I'm with the skater boy
I said, "see you later, boy"
I'll be backstage after the show
I'll be at the studio
Singing the song we wrote
About a girl you used to know.~"
Butch and Kauro were sitting beside each other, leaning on the other while playing video games, both concentrating hard and ignoring their surroundings, silence filled the room, besides the sound of the buttons being pressed repeatedly.
And since both were concentrating, they didn't notice anyone entering the room and sneaking towards the electricity plug, until the television screen in front of them turned black.
Snapping their heads towards the culprit, who was clutching the cable in their hand, while the other hand was on their hip.
Kauro yelled, getting up and walking towards her friends to snatch away the cable, but the girl moved her hand away, keeping the object with her, she raised her eyebrow at the fuming female in front of her, then shifted her sight to the sitting male, whose anger vanished when he saw the red headed female.
"Do you guys know what time it is now?" Momoko questioned.
Earning a confused expression from the pair, she sighed, "It's 4 pm, now."
Yet those two still didn't understand, which ticked off the Red head, "We ALL were supposed to meet up at 3 30, to go on a TRIPLE DATE before the consort which is on 5!"
Absorbing the information, both jerked their heads towards the clock hanging at the wall, cursing out loudly, lurched to their room to get ready, leaving behind a sighing Momoko, 'Those two.... they're so alike, I can't help but think they're soulmates of some sort.'
~I'm with the skater boy.
I said, "See ya later, boy."
I'll be backstage after the show.
I'll be at the studio singing the song we wrote
About a girl you used to know.~"
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kaiowut99 · 5 years
A Vengeful Bommer -- The Sorrowful Trap, Chariot Pile
Everybody, listen! (or at least everyone interested anyway OTL)
A bit later than I’d hoped, here’s dub-uncut!5D’s episode 21!
So, to catch people up, the official Spanish YGO channel on YouTube flubbed a few uploads of the 5D’s dub such that they ended up uploading a few episodes of the English dub instead of the Latin American dub (21-29)–but with none of 4Kids’s background music! Which meant that I could swoop in and re-insert the original Japanese soundtrack (which I did by matching each track to how it was looped in the episode), but I wanted to do more by also tweaking the dub itself so that not only was it matching the original footage, but the dialogue was more in line with the original dialogue timing-wise (since I couldn’t salvage much of what they changed).  Hence, the “dubbed uncut” gimmick here.
This one was… interesting.  First off, there’s how I had to figure out how to handle the cold open recap, since 20 wasn’t accidentally uploaded BGM-less.  Looking into vocal isolators, I came upon PhonicMind.com and did a test with a quick clip from 20, and it came out surprisingly well! So I got together the audio I needed into one file which I ran through PM and added it into the episode, as seen here.
As for the episode proper, well... While the duel stuff was handled about as you’d expect at this point in 4Kids’s 5D’s--actually, a bit better than average there, tbh--the plot-relevant stuff was... ugh.  They made it so the Staffer who calls up Bommer as he’s reading the email about his village instead calls up “Goodwin’s office” and is surprised to see Greiger there, who’s now “hacking into his files,” edits, in-your-face dialogue, and all.  Since I can’t exactly revoice the Staffer, I had to at least keep that, but I eliminated the in-your-face dialogue so it’s more implied that he’s in there--though as you’re watching this, you should still know it’s Bommer’s own room.  Likewise, I rearranged some of the later dialogue when he’s telling Yusei about his village and mentions the hacking to get around that “hacking” thing.  I also went ahead and translated Bommer’s computer screen to help compliment the dub-uncut thing, though it was a pain getting one of the close-ups cleaned while still keeping the perspective D: And I also thought I’d translate the Key Card sponsor bit since Crunchy still keeps them for some reason, after I cleaned up the Japanese in Photoshop.  Consider it a look at how I’d sub 5D’s, haha.
Speaking of vocal isolating, I also went and sampled some other audio to isolate: I grabbed Rally’s lines from episode 3 to vocal-isolate and echo for the flashback because Rally’s flashback line as-is had the SFX they use for the whooshing-to-and-from-flashback transitions in the dub, and as there’s only a fade as the flashback ends... Related, I also sampled Yusei’s line about summoning Turbo Booster from episode 65 to give it a proper explanation where there should be one, and I nabbed part of the dub’s Junk Warrior chant from episode 87 to throw in.  Let me know what you think about these; I didn’t think they were crazily jarring, but I’m sure you might notice it sounds a bit off compared to the rest of Yusei’s lines here, lol.
Some other modifications I made include recycling one or two “It’s my turn!” lines from Yusei and Greiger for either accuracy or ease in tweaking the SFX to match the original more, using some Duel Links audio for Yusei to the latter effect (Yusei’s “My monster attacks you directly!” to replace “Send his LP to the scrap heap!” over a split-screen SFX), adding a “Whoa!” or two from the MC from a later episode to match JP!MC a bit more, tweaking a later Greiger line to make for an effect explanation, moving a Greiger line to where there wasn’t one thanks to a break to a Card Showcase Interruption, and tweaking some Yusei lines from a later episode for an effect explanation or two.  I also had Yusei shout “Greiger!” as he rides up to stop him from going for Goodwin to match JP!Yusei; dub!Yusei just shouts “No!” which ehhh. 
The music recreation wasn’t too bad, though it did take me a bit to speed up Enemy Attack to match the episode’s use of it at the beginning.  Hopeless Battle does work here, but I still wish we had the official version 😭 I’ve already shared the properly-sped Hopeless Battle on NAC, but I’ll also share this version of Enemy Attack when I post this there.  I also did an alternate take on the Bommer scene at the end where, since “Rage” sounds a lot like “Standstill” from GX, I thought I’d see how it worked.  The answer: surprisingly well!
Overall, happy with how this came out, but lemme know what you think, folks! Going back to work on GX 44 now to get our Amnael showdown started; I’ll probably be doing 45 and 46 shortly after since it’s probably my favorite Season 1 duel.  Then I’ll work on 5D’s 22.  Stay tuned!
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drakelover78 · 6 years
Unexpected Love ch.3
Unexpected Love
Chapter 3:
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Based loosely on TRR by Pixelberry publishing. Author’s Notes: Characters owned by Pixelberry studios, I have no claim to the characters in this story other than my MC.
Though this story is loosely based on the same characters and my MC (Cindy Jo Beckett) also called (Jo or affectionately Jo Jo) the story comes through a little differently with my MC having had a dark painfully hard upbringing. Her past will unfold as the story is told. Main characters remain in this story and maybe later some new ones. Timeline of Choices: Pixleberry story will vary.
Summary: This Drake -x -MC AU will be focused on a chance meeting where Liam didn’t meet her in New York only Drake by chance…..later after this series is complete , I will rewrite the series where Liam becomes a LI as well. So prepare for a slow burn and some angst: I hope you like it. Face claims Cote De Pablo (Cindy Jo) and Matt Bommer (Drake) Tom Selleck (Uncle Mitch) Catch Previous Chapter Here: message me and I send it to you can’t figure out how to include previous posts.
Chapter Three:
She cleans up after them placing the whiskey back behind the bar and locking up on their way out she says my apartments only a few blocks from here. As they are walking she grabs his arm and says hold on and removes her high heels while bracing herself against him. He laughs and says “why do you wear those things if they are so uncomfortable?” She simply states I don’t think my boots would have matched matter of factly. Ok this is it they enter her building and take the elevator to the 5th floor…she has the corner apartment; She unlocks the door and ushers him in and says welcome to my home earnestly. He walks in admiring the modest apartment she sees an amused look on his face and she says “what?” He walks through the living room area admiring her photos everywhere and says nothing it’s just not what I expected that’s all.” What did you expect? she asks” He said I don’t know the way you were dressed tonight I expected something a little more high end I guess.” She smiles and says nah that’s not me I just need the essentials I like to live simply…he waits a beat and says me too. Looking at her photos he says “are these all friends and family?” Ya she says. He stops at one in particular of an older gentleman and a horse and says “this is a great shot is that your father?”
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She smiles warmly with a hint of a sad smile and says no that’s my Uncle Mitch, her voice cracks a little when she says he and my Uncle Tom raised me since I was fourteen….he stammers a little and says “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to upset you.” No its ok it’s not like you could have known, She clears her throat and fights back her tears and says I uh lost my father when I was twelve and then I lost my mother when I was fourteen. Seeing her turn away and wipe a couple of tears he decides to change the subject and says it’s a great photo did you grow up on the ranch in the photo?” I did she says and I took that photo…actually I took all the photos in here except the one of my parents there. He looks at here with a surprised smirk on his face and she smiles laughing a little and says what?” He looks at her with an expression of amazement and says “nothing it’s that just when I think you can’t impress me anymore than you already have you go and surprise me again.” (He nervously sticks his hands in his pockets as she says “so what time is your flight tomorrow?” he says 9am out of JFK.” Cindy Jo looks at her watch and says wow it’s already 2:30 am I better let you get some shut eye!” Come on I’ll show you around; she shows him the restroom and the spare bedroom across the hall. She sates “I probably have some clothes that you can fit if you’d like to shower and sleep comfortably.” He raises his brows and says keep your boyfriends clothes around do ya?” No she chides they are my Uncle’s he keeps clothes here for when he comes to visit from Texas. Shower wouldn’t hurt that would be great thanks he says graciously.  
As he showers she changes into her short pajama shorts and a tank top, leaving her master bedroom she walks into the spare room to lay out his clothes for him. Just as she’s laying them on his bed he walks in wearing only a towels wrapped around his waist carrying his clothes. She stops in her tracks and eyes him in awe from the floor up noticing his prominent abs and the V-muscle disappearing into his towel. (All the while she is checking him out he doesn’t notice because standing there looking at here in her sleep clothes his quietly thinking Jesus she’s gorgeous her clothes a little tight and her hair up in a messy bun with loose strands of hair falling around her perfectly heart shaped face) He gulps letting out a breath he wasn’t aware he was holding and she blushes clearing her throat saying huh here’s some clothes you can sleep in it’s just a pair of joggers and an old t-shirt; well good night Drake a please make yourself at home…he half smiles and says good night Beckett. As she walks past him and into the hallway he says hey Beckett…yeah she says turning on her heel to face him. He says thanks for everything tonight it was the most fun I’ve had in a long time. I’m glad she smiles; well I’ll see you in the morning I guess….Cindy Jo returns to her bedroom closing the door behind her and climbs into her bed.
~Cindy Jo’s POV~
         I don’t think I’m going to get a wink of sleep….Drake is hands down the sexiest man I’ve ever seen, and he’s sleeping here in my apartment. Stop it Jo you don’t hook up with complete strangers….Uncle Mitch and Tom would kill me if they knew I let a complete stranger from another Country spend the night with me. She tosses and turns trying to drift off to sleep, lying on her back staring at the projection clock on here ceiling counting the seconds she knows she’s not going to be able to sleep. Uggh she groans throwing the covers off herself she quietly sneaks into the kitchen and starts to warm milk on the stove like her momma used to do for her when she couldn’t sleep. The only good thing that came with no sleep was at least she wouldn’t have to worry about her reoccurring nightmares. She sets quietly at the kitchen island sipping her warm milk.
~Drake’s POV~
I can’t believe she invited me back to sleep in her apartment… she’s too sweet for her own good taking mental note to scold her in the morning for letting a perfect stranger into her home in the middle of the night. God she looked so good in her sleep wear hasn’t she ever heard of loose fitting pajamas? She’s beautiful when she dresses for an occasion or in just PJ’s without a stitch of make-up on; she says she likes to live simply I wonder if she’d like living at the cabin back home. Shut up Drake that will never happen she’s amazing she deserves someone who could give her the world not someone like me. Ughh he sighs I’m thirsty I wonder if I could sneak into the kitchen for something without waking her.
Drake tiptoes into the kitchen when he opens the fridge to find a drink she gives him a start with her quiet voice asking “couldn’t sleep huh?” “Jesus Beckett what are you doing sitting in the kitchen in the dark?” I’m sorry she laughs I truly didn’t mean to scare you…Well you did damn it he half laughs still holding his hand over his chest. Well since neither of us are going to get any sleep how bout’ some breakfast?” Sure Drake says let me just go get changed and then…she interrupts him curiously wondering why would you need to go get changed?” Well if we’re going to go out for breakfast then I need to put my clothes back on don’t ya think?” Cindy Jo laugh egregiously saying I’m not going out to eat somewhere at four in the morning…gazing into his confused stare she says I meant I will make us some breakfast. Drake smiles and dryly says “are you a good cook Beckett?” I grew up in Texas raised by two Uncles what do you think Drake?” How about she asks while opening the fridge bacon, fired eggs oooh and some pancakes? Sounds great want some help?” No I got it she says graciously some OJ?” Sure he says so why don’t you tell me about Texas Beckett what was it like growing up on a farm?” A Ranch she corrects him…it was great after I adjusted to the loss of my parents. I got into horses a lot, I barrel raced some. I played every sport in high school except football. Drake snickers a little and exclaims well I should hope so.” What you don’t think girls can play football? “I actually wanted to play  she states with a toothy grin but between all the sports I did play, FFA and the rodeos my Uncle Mitch felt it would be too much so I didn’t play he got me to do cheer instead she grumbled.” Drake laughs and said is there anything you didn’t do?”  Not much Cindy Jo smiled…I don’t know I guess after my parents I just wanted to stay busy you know kind of out of sight out of mind sort of thing.”
She clears her throat and passes Drake a plate… “You got any syrup Beckett?” he politely asked Oh yeah here ya go its homemade from one of my neighbors back home. He slowly pours the syrup over his pancakes and she watches as he takes a bite. MMMM oh my god Beckett this is…..he says with a mouth full GR-E-A-T!” I’m glad you like it dig in she laughs….you know she grins my Momma used to always say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” I didn’t understand that until I learned to cook well I always kept my Uncles stomachs full after that and they seemed happy. “Uncle Mitch said if I could teach some of the women that used to chase him to cook like that that he would have married one of them.” Drake laughed and said I bet…but I agree with your mom I could definitely fall in love with a woman who can cook as well as you.” She blushes as she starts to clear away the mess and the dishes. Drake comes around the kitchen Island and says “no no, no you cooked the least I can do is the dishes.” Don’t be silly she says you’re my guest…go sit.” He said how about I wash and you dry then deal?” Deal she concedes, so what about you Drake what were you like growing up did you go to college or anything?” Not much to tell really my childhood was kind of boring I lost my dad when I was about 15 so then it was just me, my sister and my mom. “She still alive…your mom?” Yeah she’s back home, and I went to college here in New York for a while actually but then something’s went bad for my best friend so I went home to be there for him and I’ve been there ever since.” “This friend is he the one that’s getting married she asked through a loud yawn...Man I’m sorry I guess filling up on breakfast the night is catching up to me.” Drake saying “Yeah and the dishes are done and thanks for that great spread by the way I haven’t had a home cooked meal in a long time;  why don’t you go catch a nap and I’ll see you before I head out in the morning.”
She agrees and encourages him to do the same, they separate going into their prospective rooms. Cindy Jo’s alarm goes off loudly at 7am. She gets up and changes into her spandex tight fitting running pants, and spandex halter-top. She enters the living room to see Drake already dressed and waiting for her. She asked did he get any sleep and he states a little, and I can’t thank you enough for everything I had a great time with you last night.” Me too she genuinely says. Well he says getting up from the couch I guess I’m going to head on out to the airport and you look like you’re getting ready to go for a run so I’ll get out of your hair.” You’re not in my hair and I had a lovely time as well I really enjoyed your company Drake.” Drake snorted you’d be in the minority these days; hey Beckett I’m going to be back in New York with my friends in about a month….he drags on looking down to the floor do you think it would be ok if we saw each other again when I do?” (Drake holds his breath as he waits for her to answer). I’d love that she said with a smile on her face meeting her eyes showing her dimples. He stands up straight smiling saying great it’s a date then. She walks him out her apartment and then out the building feeling nervous not knowing how to say goodbye even though they had kissed last night. She thought it was just because of the moment and they were drinking. Well she says I guess this is good bye and decides to open her arms to hug him he leans down and hugs her resting his chin on the top of her head kisses her hair, and when they break the hug he leans in and kisses her lips gently and waits to see if she will reciprocate the kiss. She does by parting her lips and allowing him to fully kiss her entangling their tongues as she wrapped her arms around his neck playing with the hair on the nap of his neck pulling him in closer and kissing him deeper after a minute they break for a breath and he leans in giving her a few quick pecks on the lips saying I have to go in between kisses. “He waves as he gets in the cab calling out I’ll see you in a month Beckett.” She waves goodbye and starts her morning run. While on the plane waiting to take off Drake gets a call from his friend Liam…
Liam-Did you make it to the airport and board the plane in time?
Drake- Yeah I did I’m waiting to take off now I’ll be back by dinner tonight.
Liam-That’s great can’t wait to see you and hear all about where you’ll be taking me when we return in a month.
Drake- Liam…Yeah Drake?
Drake=I met an amazing woman I spent all night with her I can’t wait to tell you all about her.
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drakelover78 · 6 years
An Unexpected Love
Chapter 2:
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Based loosely on TRR by Pixelberry publishing. Author’s Notes: Characters owned by Pixelberry studios, I have no claim to the characters in this story other than my MC.
Though this story is loosely based on the same characters and my MC (Cindy Jo Beckett) also called (Jo or affectionately Jo Jo) the story comes through a little differently with my MC having had a dark painfully hard upbringing. Her past will unfold as the story is told. Main characters remain in this story and maybe later some new ones. Timeline of Choices: Pixleberry story will vary.
Summary: This Drake -x -MC AU will be focused on a chance meeting where Liam didn’t meet her in New York only Drake by chance…..later after this series is complete , I will rewrite the series where Liam becomes a LI as well. So prepare for a slow burn and some angst: I hope you like it. Face claims Cote De Pablo (Cindy Jo) and Matt Bommer (Drake) Catch Previous Chapter Here: message me and I send it to you can’t figure out how to include previous posts.
Chapter Two:
         Cindy Jo’s right hand is gripping Drake’s arm at his left elbow as they continue strolling down the streets of New York; now a few blocks away from the Blues Club. So “what do your friends like to do?” she asks with a mega-watt smile across her lips. Drake says I don’t know…dryly. Cindy Jo nudging his shoulder playfully says “well you don’t seem very excited for a friend chosen to plan a bachelor party.” Drake states “I’m not really planning it I was just here looking for someone and was asked to look at possible places to party since I was already here.” Oh she half gasped with a surprised look on her face…. she blushed and asked who were you looking for? She paused and asked if he’d mind sitting on the nearby bench for just a moment to rest her feet.  
Cindy Jo’s ~POV~
Who was he here looking for? Wait why am so worried about who he was looking for God look at those eyes…..he’s so gorgeous it’s as if he’s staring into my very soul . Was he looking for a girl? Damn it Cindy Jo get a hold of yourself you just met the man literally like an hour ago why are you so worried whether it’s is a girl or not?......looking back into his bright cobalt blue eyes she can see he’s hesitating to answer her, she pauses and says “never mind I don’t know what’s wrong with me or why I’m being so nosey it’s none of my business.” I don’t know what’s wrong with me tonight and I never walk the streets of New York with a perfect stranger a perfect male stranger at that……but for some reason I feel I don’t’ know comfortable with you…..it’s almost as if I’ve known you forever.” “That’s stupid she half laughs and I’m rambling I’m going to stop talking now she nervously exclaims.” (Why do I feel so nervous like a damn teenager on a first date?)
Drake’s frown slowly creeps into a knowing smirk and laughs a little stating it’s not stupid and you’re cute when you’re nervous …that comment earns him a smiling sweet blush across her beautiful face. Drake thinks to himself (How the hell did I did I get so lucky as to get this gorgeous woman to agree to take me out on the town?) “You know what Beckett I feel really comfortable with you too; and to answer your question I was looking for my sister Savannah; she left home without a word almost a year ago and I thought I had a good lead on her but it didn’t pan out.” I’m sorry she said as she reached for his hand. Both felt the immediate sparks and heat flush both their bodies all the way from their toes to their cheeks. Drake with a small smirk crossing his features clears his throat and says “anyways enough about that tell me Beckett where shall we go, where’s our first stop on the tour. She stands and points across the street to a club called ‘Cielo’ Drake lets out an audible grown as they reach the entrance and he sees a line around the block… “Come on Drake don’t be such a party pooper she says smiling and nudging his shoulder.” As they are passing the entrance about to search for the end of the  line a familiar voice screams “JoJo” she turns back to see James Ray; holding Drakes hand she walks up to the handsome man whose arms are stretched open to embrace her as she gets closer.
~Drake’s POV~
Who the hell is this guy…wait what the hell am I saying I don’t have any claim on this woman…..this gorgeous woman. Whoa buddy watch the hands as he sees this large man closing her in a tight embrace as his hands rest low on the small of her back just above her ass. Is he a boyfriend? An ex maybe? He’s shaken from his thoughts as Cindy Jo grabs his hand and the tall broad shouldered stranger ushers them into the club. Damn Beckett that some kind of pull you’ve got there to get us in here in front of that line of people with his left brow raised! Do I see a hint of jealousy creeping on your face there Walker? she asks. Walker? Drake smirked Ya she said “you call me Beckett so I figured maybe it must be a thang with where you’re from…she said with a deep southern drawl. This earns a laugh from Drake and with a smile he plainly states “No it’s a me thang imitating her teasingly earning him a swat on the shoulder, let’s get a drink he says over the loud music.
After ordering a whiskey for himself he leans in to ask her what she’ll have she smiles and says same as you but I’ll have 3 fingers instead of  2. He leans back and smiles curiously at her…really? “What? She nervously laughs you’ve never seen a woman order whiskey from a bar?” “He devilishly smirks and says never… not any of the women I’ve ever been around have anyway!” Well maybe you just haven’t been hanging around the right women then she chides with a mega-watt smile showing off her bright beautiful toothy smile with just a hint of her dimples showing. (Damn look at that beautiful smile Drake thinks…I could get used to seeing that). So he says in a deep husky voice trying to keep his jealousies at bay “are you going to tell me who the man was that let us in here like you were a superstar?”  She debates whether or not to tease him and says “he’s an old friend and co-worker he stiffens a little before she continues and laughing she leans in close to his ear (he shivers a little as her warm breath brushes his ears and neck.) and he’s also gay she smiles pulling herself back from him. He immediately relaxes and laughs really? Ya she says “so what’cha think about Club ‘Cielo’?” It’s a bit loud he yells over the music but I know at least one guy in the group that’s going to love it! “That’s good she smiles grabbing his hand she says now let’s dance.” he stops her short of the dance floor and says I don’t dance…just then ‘Must be Love on the Brain’ by Rihanna (https://youtu.be/xG6BjRMjskA) comes over the sound system and she looks at him and says “please if you don’t dance with me I’m going to have to find some stranger to because this is a great song!”
Grrrrr he sighs aloud and lets her lead him onto the dance floor, she wraps her arms around his waists and pulls her arms up and across his back resting her hands behind his shoulders and starts swaying her hips left and right in time with the beat of the music. He follows her movements resting his hands on her waistline and crossing the small of her back. He leans down touching his forehead to hers matching her gaze and not looking away she says see you can dance….and rather than correcting her and saying never said I couldn’t just said I didn’t, he holds her gaze and says you have the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen…they’re the darkest shade of golden brown I’ve ever seen but it’s like there are flecks of emeralds in them.” She blushes under his gaze and at the sexy compliment, she nervously spun around her back facing his chest now he places his hands on her hips as she backs her ass into his hips and grinds against him sweeping left and right lowering herself down towards the floor and back up his body a couple of times. He takes a sharp breath (my god what is she doing to me?) as his jeans suddenly feel a much tighter now. She faces him again meeting his gaze once more she can see desire rush across the features of his face just as she thinks of moving in for a kiss the music suddenly stops the song had ended….a fast paced upbeat song comes on and she says I need air. Drake takes her much smaller hand in his larger one and leads her out of the packed club back into the crisp night air. Lead the Beckett he gestures by swinging his arms in front of him in a sweeping motion. Well I guess there’s only one other place to show you though I’m not sure your friends will feel it’s stag party material…but I get the feeling you will appreciate it though. “Oh Yeah Drakes says arching his left brow and where’s that?” she smiles and says you’ll see! They walk in a comfortable silence for about five minutes and she stops in front of a set of mahogany wooden doors; Drake peaks in the windows and says “looks like we are too late Beckett they seem to be closing as he sees the waitresses and bar staff cleaning up.” Well it’s a good thing you’re with me then Drake she beams as she sticks keys into the locked doors. She ends the confused look on his face by laughing and telling him this is the bar where her and Daniel work. She greets he co-workers inside and informs them they are just gonna have a quick drink and maybe a game of pool before calling it a night. Everyone goes about their business and she winks at Drake and says “can I buy ya a whiskey?” He half ass grins and says now you’re speaking my language Beckett!”
She grabs a bottle of whiskey and two tumblers and walks him to the back of the bar where the pool tables are and says can you play pool?” He looks at her drawing his left brow up in a smirk and repeats her question pointing at himself in a mock expression “Can I play pool?” Well rack-em then! She says big smile on her face. Oh you’re going to break then?” he says. Is there a problem with that she chides him? Not at all Beckett but I’m gonna warn you I’m a pretty good pool player….she grins and says “good then I won’t have to feel bad when I beat you!” She breaks the balls on the table knocking 3 balls into the pockets. He looks at her his mouth slightly agape…she sees that 2 her of the 3 balls she sank where stripes, so she lines up her next shot looks up at him and says care to make it interesting Drake? He says “What’d you have in mind Beckett?” She said how about every shot I sink you have to drink and vice versa?” Ok and what does the winner get Drake ask?” Cindy Jo said since you’re a visitor in my town I’ll let you choose, sound good?” Sure why not without taking her eyes off of him she shoots and sinks the nine ball in the corner pocket. He smirks raises his glass to her and drinks. She sinks two more in before missing the next shot. She smiles and Drake takes the cue stick and lines up his first shot following her he shoots and sinks the ball while still looking at her…smiles and says drink up Beckett!” She does and he sinks 3 more before she says “are you trying to hustle me Drake Walker?” He lines up the next shot to the corner pocket she’s currently standing in front of if he makes it he wins, she leans over the pocket ever so slightly showing a little bit of cleavage as she does and he misses. She laughs and says “damn the luck there Sparky” he scoffs and says that’s not fair I was distracted.” She shoots and sinks her next 2 shots bringing them neck and neck with only the 8 ball left. She lines up the shot as he stands behind her pouring each another glass of whiskey teasing her not to miss; just as she goes to take the shot he walks past her slightly brushing her ass and the 8 ball stops a hair from sinking into the pocket. She stands up straight smiling “you did that on purpose.” He laughs saying don’t be a sore loser Beckett.” He lines up the shot and sinks it in the pocket saying I guess that means I won with a shit eating grin on his face.” I guess so, so what’s the winner going to choose as his prize? “she asked. MMMm he growls while stroking the light stubble on his chin….he walks over to her and closes the gap between them and asks “So can I have whatever I want? In a husky deep throaty voice” She swallows hard looking him in the eyes his face mere centimeters from hers and says timidly I guess so. He leans in saddles his arms around her waists and draws her closer into a kiss that started tenderly and slowly turned more fever ant causing her to wrap her arms around his neck and earning him a slight moan from her throat. Just as the two were about to break for a breath they hear someone close clear their throat; she pulls away slightly to look up at Joe who informs her that they are done and are on their way out. Cindy Jo smiles wiping her lower lips and says go ahead Joe we’re on our way out too I’ll lock up okay? He agrees and leaves…a comfortable silence falls before she breaks it with the question of “where he’s going to stay for the night?” He clears is throat and says I don’t know I guess I need to find a hotel. I hadn’t planned on spending the night but following that lead on my sister caused me to miss my flight, so when I called my friend to make travel arrangements is when he asked me to scout Manhattan for a good time and I’m glad because it lead me to you. She smiles and says well this late at night you won’t find any hotels that aren’t flea bags or take payment by the hour…so why don’t you just spend the night with me….I mean at my apartment…damn it (she blushes)… I mean you can sleep in my spare room I have a two bedroom apartment she clarifies. He laughs and asks are you sure it’s ok Beckett I mean I don’t want to put you out or anything. Nonsense she says I can’t have you stay in some crummy motel and sour your opinion on New York.
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