#5Ds dub uncuts
kaiowut99 · 1 year
An EVOLVING Duel! Stardust VS Red Daemon's | Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's OVA Uncut "Dub" (WIP #1)
Whoops, meant to post this here a few days back 😅
Happy new year! Since it was just the Christmas/general holiday season here in the US, I figured I'd finally get around to throwing up a little preview of this thing I've slowly been working on. This is a very rough WIP, since I'm still working on compiling dialogue (which I've been doing through quite a lot of use of the UltimateVocalRemover AI tool to rip and isolate vocals from the dubbed episodes, and which I used for a near-perfect rip of the OVA's music and SFX which prompted this idea in the first place--started this while I was bored waiting for my last hard drive to eventually fail any file recovery efforts back in October, and had finally gotten UVR working on my newly-reinstalled-with-Windows laptop, so I thought "...what if I did a thing")--ergo, I haven't done any volume-mixing or SFX touch-ups yet. This has also involved a lot of browsing through the dubbed episodes on Crunchyroll, then grabbing the audio in HQ to then run through UVR, lol.
As of now, I've done up to this part here after Shield Wing's destroyed, using lines from the MC throughout the series for the beginning, and then assembling/stitching together what works for some move explanations or comments from Rua/Ruka/Aki in the stands, trying to stick to the original script as able (for example, Rua's line about Shield Wing's effect had to be stitched together, since annoyingly the only time someone non-Yusei describes it, it's Crow during the WRGP arc), though I'm still trying to find a line that works for Aki's "You're being pretty loud yourself, Ruka" line earlier (as she's complaining about Rua cheering loudly; I made Ruka say "It's not that big of a deal" so I need a similar response lol).
And for Rua and Ruka, I'm focusing exclusively on Eileen Stevens's performances for both as of episode 65 going into the WRGP arc and her Duel Links lines for them, as 1) there's more to work with there, but also 2) it's a smoother performance imo.
And some lines here could be subject to change if I find another one with a more fitting inflection or something. Also eventually want to do some on-screen text translations for things like the landmark pop-ups early on if I can--maybe even use English card proxies if able as I've seen some do, but we'll see, lol.
Anyway yeah, hope this sounds interesting! I'm slowly working on this as I prioritize finalizing my GX subs so this'll mostly be on the backburner, but wanted to throw this up as a rough preview of what it's looking like!
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dragontamer05 · 3 months
What I think Konami absoultley should do now that they've got like the rights and are more in control when it comes to dubs/localization is like redub the older series.
Let English/other language enjoyers get to experience something more accurate to the original JP material. Still be some changes but ever since 4K is now working under/for Konami it has vastly improved.
Mainly I'm looking at GX and 5Ds, much as GX does have a bit of a nostalgic place in my heart I can acknowledge the mess it is - at minimum I just want to see an english adaptation for the 4th and final season pls
For all I care don't even have to air them on T.V release it via a streaming platform or dvds or something idk. Call it uncut edition or something.
5Ds I'd like to see cause it was also a mess and so many episodes got cut oof.
I'm sure they could get a few of the original va's back but hey if characters gotta get new voices then hey it is what it is and I can accept different voices for characters.
Zexal would be nice to , compared to the other two it's at least a completed series but if there was an option to watch an english version without as egregious editing/censoring that'd be great.
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watertribe-enya · 6 years
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    ygo5dsmonth2018 Day 10 - Free Day 1 @ygo5dsmonth2018
I just noticed I never did something for the introduction prompt, so here it comes! My name is Christin, I’m 25 and from Germany. As you may have noticed from my art, Rex is my favorite character. My absolute FAVE.Since there’s so few art of him I’ve decided to make up for that. Also the manga is great and you should read it. Btw I’d like to use this prompt to talk about 5D’s in Germany a bit.
I’ve been a fan of the show since 2009, when the Dark Signer Arc started airing in my country. Our dub was based on the american one, at least for the first 64 episodes. Then we got the episodes uncut but the dub names were still used. Unfortunately our dub only goes to episode 119 and then stops. With a fuckin cliffhanger. Strangely when 5D’s was later aired on a diffrent channel the episodes included scenes that were formerly cut out. For example the dub censored the moment when Rex was dying and babbling about becoming a god and breaking the cycle. I guess that was cut because he was making some terrifying faces. Those moments were now shown with  the original dialogue (which stood in contrast to the dub dialogue that was used in the  same episode). From time to time I still enjoy watching the dub, the german cast is pretty good after all ( alot of them also worked at Winx Club btw)
I played all the 5D’s games that came out for the DS and the Wii (never owned a psp) and my favorite has to be Reverse of Arcadia. i even unlocked the Dark Signer face there (which is hard to get because you can’t control which face you get if you decide to change it)
At the bottom you have some pictures from the german 5D’s stickerbook. It came out in 2011 when the show wasn’t airing here anymore.
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kaiowut99 · 10 months
Quiiick friendly reminder that I do still have a YouTube channel where I've been posting quick clips as I finalize my GX subs, like this clip from episode 100 as Ed remembers his first time meeting Saiou (along with other stuff as I work on 'em, such as mini-projects like the 5D's "Dub-Uncuts" I worked on); would be neat if you gave it a ✨like and subscribe✨ to help the channel out a bit since YouTube's algorithm cares about that stuff nowadays :)
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kaiowut99 · 2 years
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GX Finalized-Subs!81 (WIP) - Sleepless in Yamanote
With the fixes and stuff I’ve finished up for 80, I’ve now started working on stuff for episode 81 before I work on revising both episodes’ scripts.  As part of that, I’m hitting the one to-do list item I flagged for myself back in 2020 and translating the 2chan-like thread that Shou/Judai and Kanda are looking at (Shou and Judai through Shou’s PDA in images 1 and 2, Kanda through his laptop on images 3-6).
(EDIT, 8/8: Final product!)
Keeping in mind that this was a 2006-era thread (and thinking back to my Pojo/Janime days lol), I brushed up a bit on Japanese emoticons to make sure I conveyed those correctly--though I am still a little bit confused with the  “('A`)ヴェノア” one; the Japanese Yahoo! Answers page or two and other sites I looked at to find more on its meaning mentioned it’s like a “cry that you can’t get out” so I figured the “QQ” one would work, but if there’s another equivalent someone might know about, lemme know lol.  “OTL” I’d known about for a while and I figure it’s a pretty decipherable one, and the “ キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!!!!” one (”there he is!!”) seemed to note a bit of sly excitement (kind of like a 😏 smirking, was my read; I thought about “\o/” but thought the smirk would work better since the following line has “((((((((;゚Д゚))))))))ガクガクブルブル” for a trembling-fear/scared reaction that I figured “D8″ would work well for, but again, lemme know if that could be better conveyed).  Also used Verdana for the font since forums around then did love Verdana, and I chose not to keep “Name” and “Timestamp” next to the names and timestamps to save on some redundancy.
Also worth mentioning, as I looked into this, that this whole asking-for-love-advice-online bit, as well as the “('A`)ヴェノア” emoticon, seems to be referencing the Densha Otoko/Train Man story, where a nerdy guy/otaku on a train intervenes as women were being harassed, he goes on to date one of them, and it’s catalogued and followed up on through 2ch; the woman he dates also goes on to send him luxurious gifts, including goods from a “Benoist” British tea brand sold in Japan (the kana next to that emoticon sound out “benoa”).  This does explain why Kanda later goes up to Judai and Asuka and acts like Judai was accosting her (after Asuka poured water on him and the others), lol.  The Yamanote in Kanda’s username is also referencing the Yamanote Train Line, possibly also referencing the Densha Otoko story (his username is “yamanote-sen meguri,” which I translated here as “touring-the-yamanote-line”). (Also, the episode aired on 4/9, but these were posted on 4/18... interesting.)
Now, for the first shot, I’ll need to work it into the footage and add a little screen flickering (which I did before with this from my 5D’s “Dub-Uncut” project, so it shouldn’t be too hard), while for the second, it’s a quick zooming-out redo.  For that third shot it’s in (which I brightened by adding an Overlay-blended layer over the resized screen translation), I’ll have to mask Kanda back on top of the resized translation while he types his response to Judai, but also shouldn’t be too hard.  I’ll post an update once I do, lol.
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kaiowut99 · 2 years
Project Updates
In which I mention some back-end issues that've slowed down some GX-sub finalizing and more while thinking out loud
(tl;dr recreating a bunch of stuff due to an SSD failure, but not starting from zero)
So, aside from life being a bit busy, my laptop's SSD gave out on me a few weeks back--came back from the office after leaving it on Sleep Mode and it refused to boot into Windows, joy--and despite my best Google efforts and seeking out some professional help, I've essentially lost everything I'd had on that drive, as I hadn't backed up most of it in a good while (and stupidly didn't have OneDrive or something enabled...). I bought a new SSD and reinstalled Windows on it, so we're good to go overall--especially now that I've enabled OneDrive for running backups--but aside from the personal files that I lost (photos, music I hadn't backed up but is on my phone, work/college stuff I'd saved for reference and budgeting stuff, and videos and things I'd carried over from my last drive), this means I also lost most of my more recent raw work with my finalized GX subs, as well as the Sony Vegas project files I'd been steadily working on "dub-uncut" GX episodes with, and sub files I'd saved for the DM uncut episodes that I'd meant to get around to creating MKVs with and some 5D's or ARC-V stuff (the latter being some prepwork I'd set up when I was preparing to give it a go before Crunchyroll announced their subs lol).
(Going to be more thinking-out-loud below, bear with me)
Now, things aren't as bad as they were when I was first worried about the losses--my released GX work (hardsubs, DVDrips, sub scripts, and MKV softsubs thus far) have been up on a MEGA account, which I've posted on NAC, as well as my second hard drive (and since I'd kept the newer sub styles within the script files, I have those again), as have been the 5D's "dub-uncut" episodes I worked on and released (along with the Duel Links lines that've helped those); the Astral_Union GX DVD rips I work from have been on a third external drive that I'd been copying over gradually as I progressed with finalizing my subs, with the Season 1 DVDRips I prepared for timing lines backed up on my second; I was able to recover most (1-167) of my raw GX sub files from way back since I'd shared them from my Mediafire account with a Janime/NAC user I'd interact often with who wanted to translate them into German, while I recovered 168-180 from tmjem20010 on NAC who'd retimed them for the Astral_Union DVD rips; I'd had the script files for GX OP1 up on my Google Drive, with 99% and Wake Up Your Heart's from the Seven Stars arc I think on my external; the videos from 99% V2 in Season 2 that I'd edited with the English names/nameless/etc had been backed up on my external; I'd uploaded the textless WUYH video I'd sub the credits onto to my MEGA; 90% of my YGO videos were on my second drive and external; and I just finished giving my finalized episodes thus far a second third ... sixth (maybe) finalizing polish, so even with what I lost, I hopefully have no further reason to go back to them, lol.
As for what I lost overall:
My running sub files for 99% and WUYH's Season 2 OP/EN credits that I'd then encode onto the respective videos--but having recovered the S1 versions, I'm currently working to recreate these, and it'll just be a bit more on the annoying side to do for WUYH especially, but... eh, what can you do at this point 🤷🏽‍♂️ I also did lose my Photoshop file with the edit I did to translate Chronos's Interim Principal placard, which is a bit ill-timed since I hoped to reuse the exact styling for it in episode 84--hopefully with some editing I can just slap on the edit there and make it look spiffy, lol.
My running GX title screen and Preview subs--which I'd use to translate the episode title cards and "Preview"/episode title texts in the next-episode previews. Should only be a matter of applying the Title Screen style in my style catalog and positioning per the completed title cards and previews I've done from my newest releases, so once I do a basic recreation, I'll take it episode by episode.
My most recent raw sub files for finalized 1-83, but as I have the released scripts saved, and having re-finalized them again recently, this is mostly a non-issue. The only thing that'll be annoying is having to recreate ATK/DEF counter subs if I were to have to revisit due to missing an inconsistency in some lines (as I release the scripts without the ATK/DEF counter subs), but hopefully at this point there's no need.
My sub files for the "Just After This!" preview segments after the preview leading to the Best Card showcase--shouldn't be too hard to redo since I think I just used Arial, rotated the text, and recolored lol.
My sub file for the Best Card showcase itself, as well as the running Vegas project file I had going to create a blank showcase bit that I'd then encode the translated card descriptions onto for each episode. I'll have to redo the still shot I'd been using to mask the card of the day onto (I could use a still from a bit I'd already done before, but those have been reencoded and have some video noise in them as a result, so they're not the best to work with from the onset), and then redo the subs themselves...
My retimed/touched-up sub files gifted to me by Jake759 on NAC (who'd helped with the textless title cards, which I'd also thankfully had backed up) as I was close to finishing Season 4 which I'd based my finalized subs on to save some time--I did send him a DM on NAC hoping to get a reupload as the download link expired, but I don't think he's as active nowadays, so I'll likely just work with tmjem20010's retimed subs. (An issue will come by 168, since only my raw sub files have the ATK/DEF subs on the counters, so I'll have to redo those.)
My older fixes/edits applied during my finalizing run thus far with episodes 1-83, including two fixes I'd held onto for use in 105 during flashbacks to Judai vs Ed II and the Mizuchi duel, as well as the newer Season 2 DVDRips I'd prepared for timing that would include the translation edits for the released hardsubs (Season 1's backed up on my second drive); luckily, given that re-finalizing [x6] run recently, I shouldn't be needing any of these anymore (I'd held onto them "just in case," but I was probably able to just delete them anyway lol), and I had posted about the edits here, so I should be able to grab those images if needed. I can grab those two fixes from the released DVDRips too
DM-Related: The sub files I used for the DM uncut-dub episodes I posted here, which I'd planned to make MKVs with, as well as the OP/EN subs for Voice and Energizing Shower--I did ultimately make an MKV for episode 1 which includes the sub file that I edited for release, but it should have those styles, so it shouldn't be too hard to work with in Aegisub.
Other GX-Related: Had slowly been prepping "dub-uncut" edits for episode 98 that was nearly ready and I was about to start quality-checking (had also been prepping one for 61), but lost those Vegas project files, as well as some support files from yugidmx5 and a new edit I made for Mark de Groot's 99% English cover to a proper rip of the TV-size version--definitely still want to "dub-uncut" episodes 98-100 tho, along with some others.
5D's-Related: -Biggest one is all of my 5D's comparisons that I'd had it in mind to finally reupload onto a site; as my last domain on Bluehost expired, I don't have those backups anymore, nor do I have the raw text files I'd worked from... Luckily, one of my previous sites is still accessible through Wayback Machine, so hopefully wouldn't be too hard to nab those. -A lot of the prepwork I did with the "dub-uncut" edits that I'd held onto for potential future use, mainly voice-isolated dub lines and the Vegas project files for dub-uncut 21-25 and 27-29 (26's I luckily DM'd to someone on NAC who was curious lol), as well as some stuff yugidmx5 helped me with [he's mostly cleared those off his MEGA account, so I'll need to DM him about those]; some of those isolated lines are on my second drive, and now that I have Ultimate Vocal Remover finally working, maybe I'll be able to make more of those happen for fun--and also might have my eye on trying to buster-mode out something new sometime 🤔 -Some saved 5D's sub files I'd edited, including TnKP's for 1-79 and the others Horoko did there, from a while back, but those are backed up on my external, so it shouldn't be too bad to dabble with those.
ARC-V-Related: -The prepwork I'd done for potentially subbing ARC-V, like my translated BelieveXBelieve and One Step, but the final versions are at least backed up on YouTube or Videa [if private], and I have the original scripts I worked from thanks to Jake759 that I may repurpose (I actually want to try subbing the cast specials on the DVDs sometime soon for fun, too). Luckily, I'd had the textless title card video backed up on Google Drive because holy hell, that was a lot to edit. -Vegas project files for a "dub-uncut" episode 10 (video of half of which is up here); may potentially recreate. -Some comparisons I worked on for a couple of episodes, which I did ultimately post here for the most part, lighter work effort than the 5D's ones. -Otherwise not too much lost since my ARC-V material was almost exclusively on my second drive.
Miscellaneous: -Need to re-download most of the OST soundtracks and other YGO stuff, some fonts I used in my subs or editing in Photoshop, some programs, and some other more minor stuff. -At least had an older backup of my Song Translations that I'll have to build up a bit from what I've posted here, but may have a bit to redo or retranslate... -Lost my Notes textfile in which I'd been cataloguing some project rambles/ideas and potential fixes/edits I'd be working on, with other things. -Lost my project files for my 5D's!DBZKai edits for episodes 1-5, though I did mean to reboot that with DBKai Recut as a base; may try to revisit sometime for fun, since I did like mixing 5D's' OST into DBKai.
So, yeah... Long story short, I'm not starting totally from zero in trying to get myself back on track in terms of that GX work, at least. While waiting to hear back on my drive's potential data recovery, I also started some work on 84-86 by preparing their OPs and preview videos to have that ready. As mentioned, I'm currently recreating my 99% subs per finalized!83, then I'll likely recreate WUYH's, along with the title card and preview sub files, then tackle the Best Card bit. Adds a bit of time to when I'd hoped to have 84 done and then take that light breather, but I guess I got the breather anyway lol (did get some Breath of the Wild in at least!). I'll probably give myself a day off from work sometime soon to try and get a lot of that out of the way all at once, but stay tuned; hopefully I'll be finalizing episode 84 proper within the next week or two.
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kaiowut99 · 2 years
i came accross your account looking for yu-gi-oh uncut dub edits, and was wondering if you ever thought of doing something like that? ie, taking the dub audio but putting it over the jp visuals for scenes that were censored
So I kinda have done that already--between my 5D's "Dub-Uncut" project (triggered by official accidentally musicless dub uploads, though I went beyond just slapping the audio on the JP visuals and edited the lines as able for more script accuracy and added the JP music and OP/ENs; see my related tag for more details lol) and the nine DM uncut dub episodes I uploaded here (taking the short-lived uncut dub and putting it over the JP footage with some consistency and SFX fixes)--and have done that occasionally with clips, some of which I need to reupload to my YouTube since they were blocked a while back, like this ARC-V one I started on for episode 10.
Dunno if I'd do that many full episodes like that, let alone full series, partly due to the investment, partly due to some scenes being cut that I'd have no dialogue for and would likely have to keep in Japanese with subs to fill in the gap (depending on whether or not Duel Links/Cross Duel audio or AI vocal generators would help), but I do want to at least do stuff for the GX episodes that were accidentally uploaded with vocals only (98-100). But if boredom strikes, I'd probably do more lol. (Actually have slowly been working on an edit for GX 61, but shhh stay tuned there)
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kaiowut99 · 3 years
5D’s Episode 29… With an “Uncut” Dub?! (Re-Edited 4Kids Dub/Japanese OST)
“A Looming Threat! The Dark Signer Ushio?!”/”Good Cop, Bad Cop”
Everybody listen!
Well, after over 2.5 years now (...welp), this little mini-project is finally wrapped up! (Well, not totally, as I realized I have to go back and fix a few things for consistency, but y’know) It’s been neat editing these to throw the Japanese OST back in, and while I might do a few clips here/there now for fun, unless 4K/Konami Cross Media decide to flub up more episode uploads without their dub OST, I probably won’t be doing more full episodes. (Need to work on finalizing my GX subs finally, haha.)
But in case this is still the first you’re hearing about my mini-project here, let’s get you up to speed:
So, the official Spanish YGO channel on YouTube flubbed a few uploads of the 5D’s dub such that they ended up uploading a few episodes of the English dub instead of the Latin American dub (21-29)–but with none of 4Kids’s background music! Which meant that I could swoop in and re-insert the original Japanese soundtrack (which I did by matching each track to how it was looped in the episode), but I wanted to do more by also tweaking the dub itself so that not only was it matching the original footage, but the dialogue was more in line with the original dialogue timing-wise (since I couldn’t salvage much of what they changed).  Hence, the “dubbed uncut” gimmick here.  To this end, I’ve also used dialogue from Duel Links where applicable, or even borrowed audio from other episodes with the vocals isolated to lend to that effect.
Check out the masterpost of episodes here!
Check out this episode’s WIP videos! WIP #1     WIP #2     WIP #3
This was an interesting one to work with, and I was looking forward to it because of the Jack/Carly scene at the end over Jack Battle; it was also neat working in OSTs like Ceremony off Sound Duel 2 and mesh it with the dub, while recreating some of the OST tweaks they did (like speeding up Carly’s theme or sputtering Rua/Ruka Battle 2 as Jack calls Carly out lol).  Dialogue-editing-wise, this wasn’t as bad as 28, thankfully, as most of the dialogue was more or less adapted well, though I still did need to grab dialogue from other sources to cover for some dub fails, and I did grab audio from episode 30′s dub for the preview.  I also translated the “Road of the King” poster shown in four scenes (two outside the gala that happens and two inside as Godwin talks), using the dub’s “Atlas Rising - The Rise of Jack Atlas” name.  And since this is the last episode I’m working on, I thought it’d be cool to make use of Mark de Groot’s awesome Last Train - A New Morning English cover to really channel more of that “what if uncut” energy (just a shame no solid English CROSS GAME cover exists, but hopefully my eventual full translation when I post it will help that along). Full breakdown below, if you’re curious.
So, yeah... Enjoy, folks! Now that these are all done, I’ll be focusing more on my finalizing my GX subs and looking into finally reuploading my 5D’s sub/dub comparisons onto a new site, though this has made me want to revisit my 5D’s!DBZ Kai project occasionally, lol (I do want to see about using TheMilkman’s reduced-filler cut of Kai, though, as I thought it was a much more streamlined way to watch the show, but we’ll see).  I do have ideas for clips to create later on, but for now, enjoy these and think of what could have been (and could still be if we ever miraculously get a redub...)~
*cracks knuckles*
So, in the Noteworthy Cards section, the twins’ dialogue is still all from Duel Links, as I stitched together a “What will this Monster be?” line for Luna to match Ruka’s line, and recycled the “You get to see!” edit I used in 27 for Leo.
For the cold open, I tweaked Trudge’s dialogue to remove more of the “working together” fluff from the subplot they added (I removed the more overt mentions in 28 since I couldn’t edit around it).
*cue Last Train*
In Carly’s scene with the officer, I recreated the Carly Nagisa theme as used here, which was pitched and sped up by nine seconds, and replaced the one officer’s line about her needing to go outside with Carly gasping (since the officer was originally silent).  Once outside, I used a mix of lines from 27 and Duel Links to stitch together a better line about her fortune matching the original more, then did so again over the transition shots to the Road of the King/Atlas Rising red-carpet event (where the dub inserted a commercial break).
At said red-carpet event, I used a Duel Links line to make Carly’s “Angela! Didn’t see you!” line after bumping into Angela “No way! Angela!” to match the original.
Once the ROTK/Atlas Rising gala starts, I used the Japanese audio from the transition to it to after Godwin steps down the stairs to remove dub!MC’s added lines, then shortened Goodwin’s lines hyping up the movie so it all finished while he was onscreen, using the Japanese audio as the audience clapped.  When Yusei and Jack start hearing the movie on their TV screens, I used Duel Links lines to make Jack’s movie dialogue match what was said in those scenes originally (and the dub was inconsistent), and after Angela calls bull on the movie’s “Jack was born in the Tops” narrative, I kept the reporters prodding Godwin in Japanese with a subbed line because of how 4Kids edited them such that they kept speaking in turns within a shorter scene.  As Carly looks up at the movie before running off, I used a Duel Links line for Jack in the movie, and as she talks with Misty, I shortened Misty’s (fluffed in the dub) foreshadowing line to Carly to match the flaps.
I didn’t edit the scene with Yusei and Trudge much, and then as Carly bumps into a reporter outside Jack’s hospital, I wanted to remove the cameraman’s “We’re still live!” (since he was originally quiet, and you wouldn’t talk over a live shot like that lol) but the reporter’s “I’ll show you sorry” line overlapped with it, making a clean cut hard.  When Carly makes it inside, I shortened her (fluffed in the dub) line about her costume working, then as Trudge walks in, I switched to the Japanese audio to remove his “only doing this to get close to Goodwin” dub-only line, and kept the dub’s Dark Signer birthmark SFX as it appears on Trudge (since the JP version seems to just use the regular Signer one for it).
After the eyecatch, I used the Japanese audio as Mikage peels the apple (since Mina was humming), then switched to it again after Jack says he wants to be alone to deal with the dub cutting Mikage’s bow and removing Mina’s “call me if you need... anything” line).  Once Jack’s outside with Carly and possessed!Trudge walks up to them, I redid the Dark Signer birthmark SFX and the glowing right after to remove the dub’s added zoom-in SFX, then after Jack gasps, I switched to the Japanese audio to remove the dub’s added flashback-transition SFX.  As Carly flashes back to possessed!Dick’s dueling in 28, I added in the “whooshing” SFX and recycled some SFX from 28 to remove “Wipe his mark clean!” from possessed!Dick’s dialogue and adding "Blizzard Strike!!” from my edit in 28 to it, also recycling Yusei’s yelling/groaning to keep Carly quiet--her on-screen “A glowing mark like Yusei” line right after is recycled from 28 (Carly’s original line was “That glowing on his arm...”).  Used Japanese audio as Ushio activates his Disk, then stitched together a “You’re a Dark Signer?!” line for Jack to replace his “I seriously doubt [I’ll be the first to fall]” line to Trudge.  I vocal-isolated Carly’s “Yusei won” line after Jack asks when Yusei’s happened and put it just before he does, replacing Carly introducing herself (which doesn’t happen originally until just before the last turn), and using the Japanese audio for the SFX as Jack looks determined.  I used a Duel Links line to cover Jack using Carly’s name just before he has her use his Duel Disk, and then the duel starts.
I recycled a Trudge “It’s my move” line from later to remove his “Let’s cut the conversation” line (I did what I could to remove how conversational they made possessed!Trudge) over the 4000 LP shots, and then I vocal-isolated parts of Carly’s excited lines about dueling with Jack to remove the dub’s flashback-transition SFX (which they used over a vision...), recreating the Rua/Ruka Battle 2 theme playing here and the sputtering that happens when she declares her turn only for Jack to correct her and say it’s his, lol.  I vocal-isolated Jack dialogue from later in the series to use a proper Vice Dragon effect explanation over Jack’s trash-talk line to Trudge, then did the same for a Carly line in 37 to fix an error where she mentions Vice Dragon having 2400 ATK (as I thought it’d sound better than “twenty-hundred” lol).  I shortened Carly’s and Jack’s (fluffed-up in the dub) lines about his being a “once-great duelist,” then recycled some Trudge laughter to cover for his “Hey, has-been!” line; as Carly sends cards to the Graveyard for Warm Worm’s effect, I redid the Graveyard-sending SFX to remove her “That’s how this works” line and the dub’s add-on to that SFX, adding on a Jack “What’s going on?” thought per the JP script.  As Carly reacts to having to send more cards per Shield Worm’s effect, I switched to the JP audio as the split-screens happen and the cards are sent to use those SFX.
As Carly declares another turn but catches herself, I used an “It’s my turn!” line from Jack to remove his “Let me see my cards” line, then tweaked Carly’s line to fix an error where she has Strong Wind Dragon take out Shield Worm in a “direct attack” so it’s “take out Shield Worm and attack!”; I vocal-isolated the resulting “Dimwit!” and “Did I mess up?” lines from Jack and Carly to remove the dub’s split-screen SFX.  As Trudge brings back Shield Worm with Regretful Rebirthborn, I moved his line about its effect so it started while he was onscreen per the JP script, also removing his “you and your little assistant” fluff, and I vocal-isolated Jack’s “Not as sorry as Trudge is going to be” thought to remove the dub’s added zoom-in SFX, using part of the JP audio to use that SFX, and then using the JP SFX as Carly sends the cards to their Graveyard.  Having removed Jack’s fluff here as there was a dub commercial break inserted, I tweaked a Duel Links “From my hand” line to use before he declares his Twin-Shield Defender summon, using the JP audio for the summon itself.
I moved Trudge’s “It’s my turn then” a second or two earlier, then used the JP audio after he summoned his Worm Tokens as the split-screens and counter fly-ins happen, then vocal-isolated part of Trudge’s line after to remove the dub’s split-screen SFX, and I used the “chaos” part of one of Trudge’s Duel Links lines to try and fix the dumb “Dark Tuner Chaos-Rogue Catastrogue” error (which I do 2-3 more times), using the JP audio as Chaos-Rogue’s summoned.  I moved Jack’s “What’s this Dark Tuning business all about?” line a second or two later to remove his use of Carly’s name, then used the JP audio from where Chaos-Rogue starts tuning to the Worm Token glowing to remove Carly’s added line about Dick Dark Tuning, and used the JP audio as Dark Diviner/Pitch-Dark Zumwalt’s summoned.  I redid the SFX as Carly sends cards to the Graveyard per Chaos-Rogue’s effect to move part of Trudge’s line attacking with Dark Diviner earlier (since 4Kids cut a second or two from this shot), and then vocal-isolated part of Trudge’s line about Dark Diviner’s effect to remove the dub’s split-screen SFX.  I switched to the JP audio as Carly sends cards to the Graveyard after as I moved Trudge’s line a bit to shorten it, then after Carly shields Jack from the attack, I vocal-isolated part of his line to Trudge to remove the dub’s split-screen SFX and used a Duel Links line to extend his dialogue (which 4Kids shortened); I also vocal-isolated Trudge’s line after to remove the dub’s split-screen SFX.
As Carly apologizes to Jack, I used a “Well?” from Duel Links for him to remove his guessing Carly’s name now that she properly introduces herself, and then vocal-isolated their lines as they start their turn to remove the dub’s split-screen SFX.  I used the JP audio after they draw, then again when they activate Mind Trust, vocal-isolating part of Jack’s line to remove the dub’s split-screen SFX and stitching together various lines to extend Jack’s explanation of its effect by adding a mention that it’s a Tuner with half the Level of the Monster he releases that he’s adding to his hand (4Kids cut this short and he just says “to pull a weaker Monster”).  I added a whoosh as the screen goes up Strong Wing Dragon to match the original audio, then as Dark Resonator’s summoned, I used the JP audio as the ATK counter flies in (but at a lower volume, since 4Kids moved Jack’s dialogue about the summon to during the summon itself, since Jack’s lips weren’t moving when he originally said them while onscreen), and stitched together a “Dark Resonator tunes with Twin-Shield Defender” line to remove the “tune-up” line, using Duel Links lines for Jack’s Exploder Dragonwing chant.  I vocal-isolated part of his explanation of its effect to remove the dub’s split-screen SFX, and then his line having Exploder Dragonwing attack to remove his “Of course [I still have it], I only lost yesterday” line to Carly, using his Duel Links “King Storm!!” shout for its attack, and switching to the JP audio as the attack hits and causes the explosion.  
As Trudge comes to, I added a Duel Links grunt over a second of lip-flaps that the dub cut, then no real dialogue edits to Carly’s and the reporter’s lines as she runs out with Jack.  Then, as Goodwin meets up with Yusei, I edited his “It’s time I told you the whole truth” line to match the flaps, adding a vocal-isolated “You see” from 26 just before “It’s time I told you the truth,” and used the JP audio after Yusei gasps looking to where he points to end the episode.
In the Preview, as mentioned, I used dialogue vocal-isolated from episode 30 to recreate the JP dialogue, though I did want to use Crow’s “Ready! Set! Duel!” from Duel Links but it wasn’t working too well, so I stuck with his “Time to ride!” from 30 that hopefully still sounds good.
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kaiowut99 · 3 years
5D’s Episode 28… With an “Uncut” Dub?! (Re-Edited 4Kids Dub/Japanese OST)
“A Darkness Engulfing All - The Immortal Dark Signer”/”A Web of Deceit (Part 2)���
Everybody listen!
So, took a bit longer because IRL stuff/finalizing my GX 58 script and I got a bit ambitious (lol), but finally finished my dub-uncut take on 28, as Yusei closes out his duel with Dark-Signer!Dick Pitt! More details under the cut, while I’ll now get started on finalizing GX 59 to work on releasing 58 and 59 together before working on 5D’s 29.
In case this is the first you’re hearing about my mini-project here, let’s get you up to speed:
So, the official Spanish YGO channel on YouTube flubbed a few uploads of the 5D’s dub such that they ended up uploading a few episodes of the English dub instead of the Latin American dub (21-29)–but with none of 4Kids’s background music! Which meant that I could swoop in and re-insert the original Japanese soundtrack (which I did by matching each track to how it was looped in the episode), but I wanted to do more by also tweaking the dub itself so that not only was it matching the original footage, but the dialogue was more in line with the original dialogue timing-wise (since I couldn’t salvage much of what they changed).  Hence, the “dubbed uncut” gimmick here.  To this end, I’ve also used dialogue from Duel Links where applicable, or even borrowed audio from other episodes with the vocals isolated to lend to that effect.
Check out the masterpost of episodes I’ve done here!
Check out this episode’s WIP videos! WIP #1     WIP #2     WIP #3 
So, this was fun because it had some tracks to work with that I was looking forward to mixing into the dub, like the Dark Signers’ dueling theme and ol’ Cowboy Tune itself “Faith” near the end of the episode, but then there was also quiiiite a bit of dialogue reworking to make a final product that wasn’t as... questionable as the original episode, lol.  Otherwise, unlike 27, they, uh... took more “liberties” with more lines (especially near the end), and had some questionable effect explanations I did away with in favor of more accurate lines, so for what I couldn’t fix, I decided to include hardsubs from the Japanese dialogue for scenes where the dialogue was too different from the Japanese lines (like Dick’s comparing the Dark Signers’ immortality to his Monster’s), or where there’s missing lines (just the one as Yusei thinks to himself about the invisible wall behind him), and also to cover the cut scene I couldn’t do anything for in the Satellite scene with the drunk guys (for the other cut scenes involving Carly and Yusei, I was able to use either existing dialogue or grunts/etc).  This also obviously includes the alluded-to ending scene with Yusei and Ushio, since for whatever reason, 4Kids had Yusei contact the officer who’s been hounding him when originally Ushio just found him there; while the subs show the original intent, as I did with the one Bommer scene in 21, I took out some fluff to make this change more subtle--Yusei’s line to Luna about “backup” gets replaced with a Duel Links line similar to the Japanese line, I recycled a Tanner line from 22 to cover “Trudge is your backup?” and pulled a “Well then” from a later episode for Yusei--you can see all this in action in the last WIP video above.  I would’ve tackled Trudge’s dialogue, but I barely had anything to work with, let alone getting it filtered through a megaphone lol (why didn’t the animators forget the megaphone in this episode argh) As before, these subs will be optional in the MKV I’ll release on NAC.
Like with Bommer’s computer screen in 21, I also figured I’d try and translate the article from Angela that Rally and co were looking at in their hideout, so that added some time to finishing this up, lol; you may have seen the in-progress results.  Over a few nights after I stitched up the article and translated it in Photoshop, I keyframed the “scroll” on the article by gradually zooming it out and re-sizing it while masking the monitor and the rest of the shot over the article so that it’s all you see, and then I finished by adding a low-opacity blue overlay to replicate the blue light from the monitor.  Came out nicely, and I thought about doing it for when Carly looks at it, but I’d have had to redraw Carly and the background in a few things, so I didn’t think it was totally needed for this now, lol. (Now, if I ever revisit subbed 5D’s... maybe)
Music-wise, fun facts: the version of “Dark Tuning” playing over the recap of 27 is two seconds faster and a pitch up from the album-release version, while the “Dark Signers” track at the episode proper’s start is one second faster than the released version--if anyone wants to check these out, I post them when I release these episodes over on NAC.  Otherwise, dig how well the Dark Signers’ dueling theme vibes with the dub, and Faith at the end works well too.
Also, once again, special thanks to yugidmx5 for cleaning up some audio from later episodes that I used to patch up a lot of the dialogue here, as well as some of the lines in this episode so that I could move ‘em around without worrying about the SFX included.  They also provided another great rip of the “Vision of Tragedy” track as it plays over the Rex and Satellite scenes, as well as some SFX I needed.  If you’re not subscribed to him on YouTube, go check them out; they do their own dub/Japanese-OST clips that are cool too! The Junk Warrior clip from episode 1 is well-done lol.
Enjoy, folks! Now that I’ve got this done, I’m going to do some finishing touches on GX 58 and then get started on finalizing GX 59 to prep a double-release for everyone.  After that, I’m thinking I could work on both GX 60 and 5D’s 29, since I’ve given my script for 60 a once-over already for GX_ST’s release of the Duel Selection version of the episode a few years back, but I’m sure I’ll find something to touch up.  Looking forward to making the Jack/Carly teamwork sound good, lol.
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kaiowut99 · 4 years
5D’s Dub-Uncut Episode 28 WIP #2: Backed into a Corner
Gradually working more on this! With the dialogue mostly drafted (I think I still have to draft the preview), I've started mixing in more SFX and I've pretty much finished doing so for the duel portion of the episode; I haven't totally leveled out the audio levels here, so the sound is still in progress, but I thought I'd show off a bit more.  Especially since I kind of like how this came out, lol. 
So, some big things here were working in a proper explanation for Turret Warrior's summoning and effect, a line for Yusei acknowledging Frozen Fitzgerald's effect, and then also working in a proper chant for Yusei's Nitro Warrior.  For the former two, huge shoutout to yugidmx5 again, who was able to extract vocals from some Season 2 episodes so I could make them work, while Duel Links came through for the latter (though because Nitro Warrior's chant wasn't properly translated in DL, I had to combine a few lines for the same effect).
In the Turret Warrior scene, there's this SFX error as Junk Warrior's summoned where the SFX for the ATK counter plays but it doesn't actually appear, and the dub kept this error, too--I tried to fix this by filling in the audio space after his grunt with the rest of the "destroyed" SFX, but may tweak as I look at the audio levels.  For the "Dark Signers always win" scene, I really hated the conversation they made this to be in the dub, so I used a “Hey” in 28 and "What're you talking about?" from 27 to lead into a chuckle and an unused line used by possessed!Dick early in the episode which I removed, a "What?!" from Yusei, and then combined Dick's last line about the "light of your mark" with the "when your world is destroyed" line he has here originally to lead into the "save with it" line (I realize it makes it like Dick's being coy only to actually answer the question, lol).  In the Nitro Warrior scene, the line about Quillbolt Hedgehog's summon condition comes from Season 2 where it was explained a bit better, and I threw in part of a Graceful Revival explanation in episode 3.  Thanks to yugidmx5 for isolating the vocals as Yusei tunes his Monsters too, so I could work with it without the changed split-screen SFX 4Kids uses. 
Lemme know what you think so far! I'll possibly have another WIP when I get closer to the end of the episode with SFX insertion, if not when I start leveling the audio.  I have to see what I'll do for audio with the Satellite folks getting drunk as they get canvassed by Dark Signer pawns since 4Kids cut that part, and the ending Yusei scene as he ends up meeting Ushio will have to be closer to the dub's handling of it, but will be trying to make it not as obvious Yusei "hired" him.  Have also started work on my finalized subs for GX 58, so stay tuned for that. :)
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kaiowut99 · 4 years
5D's Episode 27... with an “Uncut” Dub?! (Re-Edited 4Kids Dub/Japanese OST - Revised)
“A World Without Light -- The Dark Synchro Frozen Fitzgerald!”/”A Web of Deceit (Part 1)″
Everybody listen!
Took long enough to finish up and polish (partly because of work and activism life actually picking up a bit), but here’s a brand-new “dub-uncut” episode! With my first few takes in episodes 23-26 newly revised, I was looking forward to working on 27 and starting fresh again, lol. In case this is the first you’re hearing about my mini-project here, let’s get you up to speed:
So, the official Spanish YGO channel on YouTube flubbed a few uploads of the 5D’s dub such that they ended up uploading a few episodes of the English dub instead of the Latin American dub (21-29)–but with none of 4Kids’s background music! Which meant that I could swoop in and re-insert the original Japanese soundtrack (which I did by matching each track to how it was looped in the episode), but I wanted to do more by also tweaking the dub itself so that not only was it matching the original footage, but the dialogue was more in line with the original dialogue timing-wise (since I couldn’t salvage much of what they changed).  Hence, the “dubbed uncut” gimmick here.  To this end, I’ve also used dialogue from Duel Links where applicable, or even borrowed audio from other episodes with the vocals isolated to lend to that effect.
Check out the masterpost of episodes I’ve done here!
Check out this episode’s WIP videos! WIP #1     WIP #2     WIP #3   WIP #4   WIP #5
So, this one was fun to do particularly because overall, save for the, er... butchering that happened on explaining the Dark Synchro mechanic (4Kids wut) and the rewrite of Carly’s interaction with her Editor-in-Chief (and making Carly a “blogger” lol), the dialogue was already more or less in line with the Japanese version, which meant that I was more or less just removing a lot of the fluff as I added back the OST.  As I did in 22, 24, and 26, I added subs for the scenes where 4Kids rewrote things a bit too much for my taste (so, the scenes I mentioned above, but also the occasional line or a few), but of course these subs will be optional in the MKV I release on NAC for this.  I also added back some SFX and tried to remove the dub’s replacement SFX in most cases, though I had to swap out the SFX as Speed Warrior was tuning with Junk Synchron since 4Kids had a tendency to add some new one over the original SFX and made it too loud to work with the Yusei chant I put there.  And I translated the OP/ED credits in Last Train and CROSS GAME, revamping my singable lyrics a bit for Last Train while drafting new ones for CROSS GAME which I’ll post soon; you can see my Last Train translation in the second WIP video and CROSS GAME’s here. Full process breakdown below the cut.
Also, major thanks to yugidmx5 for providing A+ rips of the “The Day Begins/Tenpei” theme in the Carly/Angela scene, the “Vision of Tragedy” theme as Yusei and Ruka talk about the Satellite’s future, and the alternate “Dark Signers” tune which plays as we first see them and then again between the Dark Signer drones recruiting and Yusei chasing Dark-Signer!Dick down (before it transitions to the OST-released version once Yusei gets to the building under construction); I know that since these came out well, he’s working on better rips for some or most of the unreleased OST, so stay tuned there (I also drafted up a full version of the alternate DS theme, but had to get creative since they didn’t play all of it in this alternate style; will post soon).  And thanks to Tiny Spider Productions, who provided the “shock” SFX playing as Carly sees Yusei’s arm actually glowing in her car, some inspo here/there for dialogue fixes, and provided CurtisH from CastingCallClub’s recording he did voicing a line from Tanner translating the original line about the four Signers they know which 4Kids cut short.
I hope folks enjoy! Just breezing through 28 often for lines to use here, I can tell it’s going to be a headache because they did throw in a lot more jankiness in the dialogue... So, fun. 🙃 Once I handle finalizing my subs for GX 56 (and possibly 57 due to how long this took), I’ll start drafting it out; stay tuned~ 
(And if you're able to reblog for visibility, it’d be appreciated given Tumblr’s suckage with links 🙏🏽)
Breakdown, breakdown~
So, I used Duel Links audio for the twins to handle the Noteworthy/Showcased Cards bit (we’ll see if I still can in 28... And as the twins are voiced by Eileen Stevens in Duel Links but not yet in 5D’s [that happens in 65], bear with me lol), and I also translated the sign for this hardsub in Photoshop, masking in the Fitzgerald card and Rua and Ruka’s heads over it in Sony Vegas.  
Moving to the episode proper, a second was trimmed from the shot of the stadium in the TV Rally/co are using once it tunes in, and I couldn’t properly loop the “Yusei!” shouts to cover it, so I just filled in the audio with the crowd just cheering.  In the Carly/Angela scene, I removed Angela’s extra lines about her makeup and hair while Carly was getting ready, then tweaked Angela’s line on camera to remove her last name (which we never learn originally) and move her lines about “Fusei Yudo” winning to play sooner while removing Carly’s “one journalist to another” as she walks up to correct her (as this scene was rewritten, there are subs to show the original dialogue).  Looped chants of “Yusei!” to remove his internal “pointing out the obvious” monologue before the OP.
After the OP, I used the JP audio to keep the doctors moving Jack quiet (hopefully you don’t notice the chants changing lol), then as Yanagi runs over, I replaced his bit about Yusei having “a brand new enemy” in the media with “we should all get going” from 26.  The Godwin/Lazar scene stays the same since it was accurate, but I did have to put the end of Rex’s “that’s the only thing that matters” line on another track so Lazar’s gasp would play when it should (they added a second to his talking in the dub).  The Yusei/co scene in the tunnel stays mostly the same, just switched to the JP audio as the flashback to the Satellite vision happened, then as Yusei had a quick one before gasping, I recycled a gasp and a “hmm” from elsewhere to cover the commercial-inducing monologue they gave him in the dub.  For the press conference scene, I thought about removing the one “That’s right, Ted” reporter’s line since he’s quiet originally, but thought “whatever,” and then I spaced out Carly’s line as she reads her fortune to match her Japanese line’s pace and remove some of the fluff.  I switched to the JP audio after Carly asked about Yusei’s arm glowing to remove Rex’s comment over it, then stitched up a “Perhaps; still, I didn’t see that” mixing his line there with a “still” from 23.  Carly’s line as she’s excited about Goodwin dodging her question (originally just “I’ll keep moving forward too!” [she references her fortune a lot more]) was longer in the dub, so I cut out the “which means I’m onto something” for use later.  For Carly’s chat with her Editor-in-Chief, I included subs because of the rewrite, but I did shorten Carly’s line just before “bring some dirt and you might still have a job” which was lengthened by 4Kids.  Removed a lot of Carly’s fluff as she began to watch the Yusei duel footage via the JP audio, then stitched together “Goodwin tried to give me that bit but [the whole world will know what Goodwin’s trying to hide]”, the latter bit coming from Carly’s monologue as she’s running at the end of the ep, then switched to the JP audio to remove Carly’s fluff about living in her car.  Then, as we see the Dark Signers looming, because 4Kids removed the commercial break here, I kept only Demak and Kalin’s chuckling and Roman’s “lower the curtains” line over the desk shot, then looped some of his laughing from after the eyecatch to lead into it.
After the eyecatch, I made use of his “Goodwin assembled his Signers” bit, recycled a little chuckling, then cut Roman’s reference to Shakespeare to just the “tangled web” line (thanks to yugidmx5 also providing the SFX for this scene, I was able to move Roman’s laughing to play where it should after he releases his spiders).  Moving to Yanagi drawing the Crimson Dragon, I only kept his “saw it the once” line while using Japanese Rua and Ruka’s interested gasps to fill a fluff gap, then combined two bits of audio to get a [slightly] awkward “t[ail]” to fix 4Kids’s dumb error claiming he had the Head birthmark; accordingly, made Leo say “What about it?” instead of “What about the Head?”.  CurtisH’s line for Tanner comes in here, with a slight tweak or two to match the lip-flaps more, then JP audio as we see all the Signers so far to remove Leo’s dialogue.  Meanwhile, for Jack’s hospital scene, I translated the “No Visitors” sign Mikage walks past (along with fixing “Atlus” to “Atlas”).  The Dark Signer recruitment scene also gets some subs, then I used the JP audio from when we see Dark Signer!Dick walking to Yusei’s birthmark beginning to glow; yugidmx5 providing the SFX was a big help here, too.  Yusei runs out to chase Dick down, and then when he sees him inside the under-construction building, I took “Who are you” from later in the episode, but added a more question-ending “u?” to flesh the sound out a bit (since the line was “Who are you and what’s going on”).  I took “Fine, then” and “What are you planning to do to the Satellite” from 28 (which I’ll likely cut as it was added offscreen dialogue), and TSP provided a vocal-isolated cut of Dick’s line about his master (because 4Kids cut his shot short by a second or two and played it as the SFX for the zoomout as his Disk activated played).  
They begin the duel, and here I just kept “What’s going on?” from the line I noted earlier, recycled some laughing from Dick to match the JP script, then shortened his line about their being offered up “by the light” to work with the new timing.  Dick begins his turn, but I recycled an “It’s my turn now” line from later for accuracy, then his setting-a-card line is cut short at his ending his turn as Yusei looks on.  Carly, driving nearby and seeing lights from the duel off in the distance, gets her reference to the Goodwin “sheen from Yusei’s Runner got in your eye” line that I cut replaced with the “I’m onto something” I noted before.  Yusei gets a recycled “It’s my move!” line from 24 to start his turn, tweaked to remove the drawing SFX that happens in it, then to remove a dub SFX I used a Duel Links line to fill out “I activate the Tuning [Spell Card]”.  “I summon Junk Synchron” comes from 24 (and “Level-2-or-below Monster from my Graveyard” comes from his Graceful Revival explanation in episode 3), then--thanks to Arian over on NAC reuploading some HQ dub episodes--a better-quality vocal rip of his “Level-3 Junk Synchron, tune with Level-2 Speed Warrior!” line from 87, along with a better-quality rip of his “From two come one” chant and “Form the road of light!” from Duel Links.  Yusei shouts “Battle!” from Duel Links, then I slowed down his line at “[Attack his Blizzard Li]zard” to end it there (and remove the “warm Satellite welcome” fluff).  As Blizzard Lizard’s effect activates, I combined an “I activate,” “Blizzard Lizard’s special ability,” and “now” for a better line than “Blizzard Lizard’s special ability is going on.” Yusei’s lines after being damaged and realizing he damaged Dick too are spaced out to match the JP script, then I borrowed Yusei’s line on setting two cards from episode 3.  Then, when Dick plays Ice Mirror, I stitched up an explanation (since the Card Interruption does it for him) combining Call of the Haunted’s explanation with a few other pieces of dialogue (thanks to TSP for the inspo).  I cut Dick’s “Now I’ll play” line there to remove the dub’s zooming-in SFX, and then made Dick’s line about his third Blizzard Lizard end right before the split-screen with all three of them to remove the dub’s split-screen SFX.  I thought about replacing Yusei’s “three’s a crowd” line with “What’s that all about” from later, but couldn’t figure out a way to fill the line in before that, so I left it, but didn’t let Dick acknowledge it by just recycling “With that done” to replace “Well, how about [I release]”, then after Yusei reacts to his Dark Tuner, I recycled some chuckling to match the JP script and trimmed his line about its “power to extinguish;” the Dark Synchro “explanation” gets some subs to actually explain it, then I looped Carly’s panting as she runs to cover the “Goodwin’s trying to hide” line I moved to earlier, and recycled/amplified Dick’s laughing at various points through the ep to remove Yusei’s episode-ending monologue.
In the preview, I just recycled Yusei’s “No way...” and “A Dark Synchro Summon?!” while borrowing Carly’s lines about the Dark Tuner from 28, then Yusei’s line about getting his answers to end it.  I had to speed up the OST version of the preview tune to match the pace here, then trimmed it and ended it with the JP audio for the quick fade-out.
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kaiowut99 · 4 years
5D's Episode 26... with an Uncut Dub?! (Re-Edited 4Kids Dub/Japanese OST - Revised)
“The Fate of the Signers! A Future Shown by the Crimson Dragon!”/”The Fortune Cup Finale (Part 2)″
Everybody listen!
This episode’s all revised and looking nice! In case this is the first you’re hearing about my mini-project here, let’s get you up to speed:
So, the official Spanish YGO channel on YouTube flubbed a few uploads of the 5D’s dub such that they ended up uploading a few episodes of the English dub instead of the Latin American dub (21-29)–but with none of 4Kids’s background music! Which meant that I could swoop in and re-insert the original Japanese soundtrack (which I did by matching each track to how it was looped in the episode), but I wanted to do more by also tweaking the dub itself so that not only was it matching the original footage, but the dialogue was more in line with the original dialogue timing-wise (since I couldn’t salvage much of what they changed).  Hence, the “dubbed uncut” gimmick here.
Check out the masterpost of episodes I’ve done here!
Check out this episode’s WIP videos! REDO WIP #1     OLD WIP #1     OLD WIP #2     OLD WIP #3   OLD WIP #4
Revising this one didn’t take too long, since I was already pretty happy with how things came out originally; check out the original breakdown post here for more details on how what edits went into that.  As I looked through it this time, all I really did was tweak audio levels and add SFX here/there and crossfade some lines of dialogue better, as well as make the reverb effects on the MC and thought lines consistent with how I’ve done them in prior episodes.  I did also manage to stitch together an explanation from Yusei for Meteor Stream (I’d left Japanese Yusei’s explanation intact with subs before since I didn’t think I could, but I tried to stitch something together this time); I think I combined audio from episodes 24 and earlier in 26 with some Duel Links lines.  I tried to make it crossfade well and sound as best as I could, so hopefully it’s not too jarring; you can hear it in the REDO WIP #1 video.  yugidmx5 over on NAC also helped get a better-sounding “Absolute Powerforce!!” shout from Jack in episode 5 so I can mix it up with the Duel Links line and make it have a bit more umph.
Also, as I did with 22 and 24, I added subs in some parts where the dub went too far into right field and deviated from the Japanese script--for things like card effect explanations, Godwin’s plot thoughts, and that ending scene as Yusei tells Jack why he lost.  As before, when I release it on NAC, these subs will be optional.
Enjoy folks! Now that 21-26 are all done and finalized, I’ll get to try dub-uncutting the early Dark Signer episodes! Should be neat.  I’ll work on 27 after I finalize my GX 54 subs and deal with Manjoume taking on his mini-me. rip nani ka na nani ka naaa maybe
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kaiowut99 · 4 years
“Victim Sanctuary - Be the Star Engulfing Destruction! Stardust Dragon” | “Duel of the Dragons (Part 2)”
Everybody listen! Got this one all nice and redone! In case this is the first you’re hearing about my mini-project here, let’s get you up to speed:
So, the official Spanish YGO channel on YouTube flubbed a few uploads of the 5D’s dub such that they ended up uploading a few episodes of the English dub instead of the Latin American dub (21-29)–but with none of 4Kids’s background music! Which meant that I could swoop in and re-insert the original Japanese soundtrack (which I did by matching each track to how it was looped in the episode), but I wanted to do more by also tweaking the dub itself so that not only was it matching the original footage, but the dialogue was more in line with the original dialogue timing-wise (since I couldn’t salvage much of what they changed).  Hence, the “dubbed uncut” gimmick here.
Check out the masterpost of episodes I’ve done here!
Check out this episode’s WIP videos! REDO WIP #1     OLD WIP #1     REDO WIP #2     OLD WIP #2     REDO WIP #3
Check out Version 1 of this episode for comparison’s sake!
Really enjoying how this one came out, even though the script wasn’t as accurate as last episode--requiring me to do what I did with 22 and make use of subs where 4Kids deviated far from the Japanese script that I couldn’t restore the original context--this will only be for this hardsub, as I’ll be offering softsubs on NAC alongside it.  Full breakdown below the cut, as it got kinda long, lol.
Enjoy, folks! With this out of the way, I think revising 25 and 26 will be much more of a cinch, as that was when I really hit my stride in terms of editing; adding back some Synchro chants might be all I need to do, but fingers crossed... Meanwhile, I'm slowly getting things ready to start work on finalizing my GX Season 2 subs, so stay tuned there!
Dialogue-wise, I added a gasp I got from some episode 7 audio I isolated vocals from for Yanagi at the beginning (couldn't find good ones for the rest), then recycled Akiza's "It's my turn--I draw" line from 22 to write out her "Well, Yusei?" line; I also mixed Duel Links with her Ivy Shackles activation, then stitched together a proper effect explanation (because nothing's "under the control of Rose Tentacles"), and ended her turn with a "It's your turn" I combined from two different lines in 22 and 23 to replace a trash talk line.  Yusei gets an "It's my move!" recycle to trash "We'll see!", then used part of Yusei's Junk Synchron explanation from 27 to clarify things, and recycled his tuning in 27 over the Synchro Summon for Junk Warrior; when he uses Junk Barrage, I stitched an "I equip it to my Warrior!" to replace his "power boost" talk, and then I used some vocals from episode 87 to help the Junk Barrage explanation (hopefully the shift in acting isn't too jarring).  For Akiza's next turn, I borrowed some audio of her from 61 to explain Copy Plant's and Dark Verdure's effects, then threw in her Black Rose chant from Duel Links, along with her "Black Rose Gale!!" while I added Yusei's Stardust chant in from DL too, then Akiza's backstory scene plays out similarly to Version 1 of this episode.  
Yusei's "Go! Attack!" was from DL while "Cosmic Flare!!" was moved up from the episode, and then I also used some lines from other episodes and DL to correct Akiza's dumb "plant new face-downs" explanation for Magic Planter and "Dark Tuning" name for Wicked Rebirth; because I couldn't figure out the slight reverb effect used while Akiza speaks through her mask (rather than the muffle Aki has), the lines kinda stick out in that way, but I wanted to make things more cohesive.  Yusei also gets his "Victim Sanctuary!!" from DL, and I recycled part of a Phoenixian Seed line to help the explanation; Akiza also gets her "Scatter Flame!!" and "Flame Petal!!" lines from DL for Amaryllis, helping me move her 800-damage explanation to where Yusei's reeling from the effect.  Much of the episode here plays out like in V1, though I also made use of Akiza's "Black Rose Gale!!" and Yusei's "Victim Sanctuary!!" from DL; for the former, I moved her line about BRD's effect activating as she gets angry earlier and sped up a syllable or two to fit it before she swings around, while I just had "Victim Sanctuary!!" replace Yusei's line about sacrificing Stardust and switching to the JP audio after.  I toned Yusei down a bit as he played Cosmic Flare by using a "I play my Trap" mix of lines from Duel Links, and like in V1 of this Dub-Uncut, I moved Akiza's "Thank you, Yusei" from the end of the dub episode to the closeup of her crying. From there, the episode ends much like V1.
Music-wise, nothing too different from V1, though I tweaked the version of "Showdown" used during Akiza's Black Rose-setup turn to be more accurate in pitch, and credit to yugidmx5 on YouTube for their newer version of Hopeless Battle which I used here (see REDO WIP #3), except for looping the beginning section near the end as it sounds similar (there was some residual noise there).   But even with the changed dialogue, it still makes the scene flow really well.
I also added back some SFX that I didn't the first time around for a more complete sound.
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kaiowut99 · 4 years
The Final Match - A Heart Hidden Behind the Mask
(With Less Line-Stitching)
Everybody who’s still following or curious about this project listen!
Phew, finally managed to get this thing all nice and done! In case this is the first you’re hearing about my mini-project here:
So, the official Spanish YGO channel on YouTube flubbed a few uploads of the 5D’s dub such that they ended up uploading a few episodes of the English dub instead of the Latin American dub (21-29)–but with none of 4Kids’s background music! Which meant that I could swoop in and re-insert the original Japanese soundtrack (which I did by matching each track to how it was looped in the episode), but I wanted to do more by also tweaking the dub itself so that not only was it matching the original footage, but the dialogue was more in line with the original dialogue timing-wise (since I couldn’t salvage much of what they changed).  Hence, the “dubbed uncut” gimmick here.
Check out the masterpost of episodes I’ve done here!
Check out this episode’s WIP videos! WIP #1     WIP #2     WIP #3     WIP #3.5
So, this was the first episode I did as I got this mini-project going since it’s a favorite of mine, and now that I’ve gone on to do five others and have a little routine to go at it with, I’ve given it a revision.  Overall, the dialogue for this episode was more faithful than usual to the Japanese version, save for a card explanation or two, so with a fluff line cut here and a moved or recycled-from-another-episode line over there, it was easier to make this work with the Japanese episode.
A few parts were essentially done by just throwing in the Japanese version’s dialogue-less audio to eliminate some of the extra fluff, and others were more about rearranging or recycling certain lines to eliminate some more fluff or make my matching the JP script flow better (this happens during Yusei’s thinking about Akiza in his room, for example).  Duel Links audio came in handy for the Rose Tentacles scene, and with Akiza’s “enjoying destruction” at the end (which, THANK YOU DUEL LINKS FOR KEEPING THAT).  I also moved some lines to try and cut out some of the unneeded SFX 4Kids added; Yusei’s “I counter by summoning Speed Warrior in Attack Mode” was one I made “I summon Speed Warrior!” line to avoid doubling up on Speed Warrior’s grunts, for example, and I did also try to stitch together some lines for better card effect explanations from Akiza.  You can see those in action in the WIP videos above (it was Cursed Ivy’s activation and her explaining Rose Tentacles), but in case you don’t like how it came out, I did include a slightly less-edited version of the episode above that uses her lines from the episode (you can see a revised version of the Cursed Ivy stitching in this WIP revision)
Music-wise, I did revise a few things versus Version 1; I realized I looped “The Big Quake” incorrectly near the end as Aki pants, and I fixed the pitch I had “Incident” at in the beginning so the transition to the Japanese track as Yusei walks in the hallway isn’t jarring.  Do love hearing Mind Games as the duel begins, though, and Izayoi Battle helps the mood quite a bit.
Let me know what you think (maybe the music’s too low in spots?), but hope you guys enjoy! I’ll be going back to GX and finalizing 50-52 to round out Season 1 finally, but I'll be working on revising 5D’s 24 here/there while I do to avoid burnout; looking forward to adding back some Synchro chants there.  Stay tuned!
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kaiowut99 · 5 years
A Disclosed Past - The Duel Profiler VS the Black Rose Witch
Everybody who’s still following or curious about this project listen!
Phew, managed to get this guy all nice and done! In case this is the first you’re hearing about my mini-project here:
So, the official Spanish YGO channel on YouTube flubbed a few uploads of the 5D’s dub such that they ended up uploading a few episodes of the English dub instead of the Latin American dub (21-29)–but with none of 4Kids’s background music! Which meant that I could swoop in and re-insert the original Japanese soundtrack (which I did by matching each track to how it was looped in the episode), but I wanted to do more by also tweaking the dub itself so that not only was it matching the original footage, but the dialogue was more in line with the original dialogue timing-wise (since I couldn’t salvage much of what they changed).  Hence, the “dubbed uncut” gimmick here.
Check out the masterpost of episodes I’ve done here!
Check out this episode’s WIP videos! WIP #1     WIP #2     WIP #3
So, this was another interesting one to work with--I think overall this episode’s dub definitely benefits from having the Japanese music at *all*, but getting the dialogue a bit more in line with the Japanese script was the more "fun” task here.  A few parts were essentially done by just throwing in the Japanese version’s dialogue-less audio to eliminate some of the extra fluff, and others were more about rearranging or recycling certain lines (some from 23 or 24 when I needed something for Aki) to eliminate some more fluff or make my matching the JP script flow better.  I also fixed an error that bugged me from Tanner about the Black Rose being down to her last few “ATK” points; I ran a line of his from episode 7 through PhonicMind.com to remove the music and splice in “Life” there (I actually did that with much of the second half of that ep so I’ll probably try to do the JP OST thing there too~) For the bits that I felt were just too far edited by 4Kids that I couldn’t do much with them, I thought I’d slip in subs for the Japanese version of the scenes so you get the original context in there; that’ll just be for this hardsub, as you’ll have softsubs to work with when I post this for download over on NAC.  You can see it in action in this preview here.  Also going ahead and translating the “Today’s Best Card” and title cards along with the OP/EN going forward, lol.
Like 21, 22′s dueling dialogue was handled about as well as you’d expect at this point in the dub (though I clarified Koda’s line about Akiza losing “half [Black Rose Dragon’s] ATK [in damage] when he uses Mind Monster), but I did modify things on Akiza’s end where I could to tone down her dramatic flair and have her give the same kind of coolly energy Aki does, using some of her Duel Links lines to that end (like her “Battle!” line), recycling some lines (”Hope you don’t mind but ladies first!”->”The first move is mine! [from 23] I draw!” and also some lines from 23 to lead into her backstory flashback), or shortening some of her other lines.  I also stitched together a line to lead into recreating her Synchro chant for Black Rose [may sound a bit off, but I really didn’t like her fluff there]; I essentially did that bit from the ground-up like I did that undubbed footage in 26, redoing the SFX, queuing her Duel Links chant properly, and throwing in her “Black Binding Bloom!!” over BRD’s zero-ATK effect (see preview link above).  Came out really well, if I say so myself. :P
Unfortunately, I couldn’t edit out too much of Koda’s dialogue since he’s not in Duel Links yet and this is his only appearance, though I did tweak his thoughts about his defenses against BRD a bit by recycling an earlier line you likely forgot about by that point, maybe.  And I also recreated how I handled the beginning of 23 when I first started this project, switching to his Japanese scream for a sec or two as he’s hit by Rose Curse’s damage to edit out Akiza’s horrible dialogue at the end (and the same tweaks to Tanner’s and Yusei’s dialogue).
Music-wise, recreating the OST was fun; this episode uses some of my faves like Mind Games, Showdown, and Izayoi Battle so it’s fun to work with those.  Dragon (playing over the BRD scene) seems to never play at its Sound Duel album speed in these episodes, though... The whole song’s sped up by 1s in this episode (in 26, it was a sec or two faster), so that was kind of a pain to sync up to the Japanese version, but the end result is neat.  Maybe I’ll do a side video or two with the dub’s actual dialogue and just the OST to see what folks think of it.  Also added back a ton of SFX because for some reason they’re really low/hard to hear in this musicless audio 4K uploaded, and I did tweak a few lines a bit so I could take out some of the pointless SFX 4Kids added.
Overall, happy with how this came out, but if anyone has any input (like “UGH I HATE THE JP DIALOGUE SUBS”), feel free to share! With this done now, I’ll work my way back onto GX and get stuff ready to knock the Seven Stars arc off my finalizing list; thinking I’ll aim to get 47-49 done together, or at least prep stuff for all three and then get them done, but I’d like to get 48 and 49 out simultaneously again like I did the Amnael duel.  I’ll be revisiting my handling of 5D’s 23 for this project to update it for how I decided to do these as of 25, and also for the Duel Links audio and wanting to throw in the Synchro chants again in 24.  Stay tuned!
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kaiowut99 · 5 years
A Vengeful Bommer -- The Sorrowful Trap, Chariot Pile
Everybody, listen! (or at least everyone interested anyway OTL)
A bit later than I’d hoped, here’s dub-uncut!5D’s episode 21!
So, to catch people up, the official Spanish YGO channel on YouTube flubbed a few uploads of the 5D’s dub such that they ended up uploading a few episodes of the English dub instead of the Latin American dub (21-29)–but with none of 4Kids’s background music! Which meant that I could swoop in and re-insert the original Japanese soundtrack (which I did by matching each track to how it was looped in the episode), but I wanted to do more by also tweaking the dub itself so that not only was it matching the original footage, but the dialogue was more in line with the original dialogue timing-wise (since I couldn’t salvage much of what they changed).  Hence, the “dubbed uncut” gimmick here.
This one was… interesting.  First off, there’s how I had to figure out how to handle the cold open recap, since 20 wasn’t accidentally uploaded BGM-less.  Looking into vocal isolators, I came upon PhonicMind.com and did a test with a quick clip from 20, and it came out surprisingly well! So I got together the audio I needed into one file which I ran through PM and added it into the episode, as seen here.
As for the episode proper, well... While the duel stuff was handled about as you’d expect at this point in 4Kids’s 5D’s--actually, a bit better than average there, tbh--the plot-relevant stuff was... ugh.  They made it so the Staffer who calls up Bommer as he’s reading the email about his village instead calls up “Goodwin’s office” and is surprised to see Greiger there, who’s now “hacking into his files,” edits, in-your-face dialogue, and all.  Since I can’t exactly revoice the Staffer, I had to at least keep that, but I eliminated the in-your-face dialogue so it’s more implied that he’s in there--though as you’re watching this, you should still know it’s Bommer’s own room.  Likewise, I rearranged some of the later dialogue when he’s telling Yusei about his village and mentions the hacking to get around that “hacking” thing.  I also went ahead and translated Bommer’s computer screen to help compliment the dub-uncut thing, though it was a pain getting one of the close-ups cleaned while still keeping the perspective D: And I also thought I’d translate the Key Card sponsor bit since Crunchy still keeps them for some reason, after I cleaned up the Japanese in Photoshop.  Consider it a look at how I’d sub 5D’s, haha.
Speaking of vocal isolating, I also went and sampled some other audio to isolate: I grabbed Rally’s lines from episode 3 to vocal-isolate and echo for the flashback because Rally’s flashback line as-is had the SFX they use for the whooshing-to-and-from-flashback transitions in the dub, and as there’s only a fade as the flashback ends... Related, I also sampled Yusei’s line about summoning Turbo Booster from episode 65 to give it a proper explanation where there should be one, and I nabbed part of the dub’s Junk Warrior chant from episode 87 to throw in.  Let me know what you think about these; I didn’t think they were crazily jarring, but I’m sure you might notice it sounds a bit off compared to the rest of Yusei’s lines here, lol.
Some other modifications I made include recycling one or two “It’s my turn!” lines from Yusei and Greiger for either accuracy or ease in tweaking the SFX to match the original more, using some Duel Links audio for Yusei to the latter effect (Yusei’s “My monster attacks you directly!” to replace “Send his LP to the scrap heap!” over a split-screen SFX), adding a “Whoa!” or two from the MC from a later episode to match JP!MC a bit more, tweaking a later Greiger line to make for an effect explanation, moving a Greiger line to where there wasn’t one thanks to a break to a Card Showcase Interruption, and tweaking some Yusei lines from a later episode for an effect explanation or two.  I also had Yusei shout “Greiger!” as he rides up to stop him from going for Goodwin to match JP!Yusei; dub!Yusei just shouts “No!” which ehhh. 
The music recreation wasn’t too bad, though it did take me a bit to speed up Enemy Attack to match the episode’s use of it at the beginning.  Hopeless Battle does work here, but I still wish we had the official version 😭 I’ve already shared the properly-sped Hopeless Battle on NAC, but I’ll also share this version of Enemy Attack when I post this there.  I also did an alternate take on the Bommer scene at the end where, since “Rage” sounds a lot like “Standstill” from GX, I thought I’d see how it worked.  The answer: surprisingly well!
Overall, happy with how this came out, but lemme know what you think, folks! Going back to work on GX 44 now to get our Amnael showdown started; I’ll probably be doing 45 and 46 shortly after since it’s probably my favorite Season 1 duel.  Then I’ll work on 5D’s 22.  Stay tuned!
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