#Bob Sasso
uwlmvac · 3 months
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Throwback Thursday – 1985 Coon Valley Survey T-Shirt
This vintage MVAC t-shirt from 1985 highlights a systematic archaeological survey conducted in the Coon Creek drainage in Vernon, La Crosse, and Monroe Counties. Headed by Robert Sasso, the project surveyed almost 2,400 acres and documented 41 private artifact collections. Before the survey, only 28 sites were recorded in the drainage; this ambitious survey added 328 more. Archaeological surveys in MVAC’s early years contributed greatly to our knowledge of the region’s past. Bob Sasso completed his doctoral dissertation based on this research at Northwestern University in 1989, and is now an Associate Professor of Anthropology at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside.
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kwebtv · 2 months
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Susie Q - Disney Channel / Super RTL - October 3, 1996
Fantasy Comedy
Running Time: 90 minutes
Amy Jo Johnson as Susie Q / Maggie
Ernie Prentice as Grandfather
Bentley Mitchum as Johnny Angel
Tasha Simms as Betsy Quinn
Allan Morgan as Russell Quinn
Shelley Long as Penny Sands
Justin Whalin as Zach Sands
Andrea Libman as Teri Sands
Garwin Sanford as Coach Stanford
Chris William Martin as Ray Kovich
Dale Wilson as Roger Kovich
Winston Brown as Brad
Sabrina Byrne as Rebecca Bahner
Mark Schooley as Telephone Repairman
Lloyd Berry as Al the Janitor
Benjamin Ratner as TV Director
Laura Harris as Jannete
Kirsten Robek as Production Assistant
Pat Waldron as Miss Crosby
David Kaye as Don Tanner
Walter Marsh as Old Man - ATM
Will Sasso as Officer Bob
Allan Franz as Rookie Cop
John Johnston as Announcer
Carolyn Spielmacher as Girl
Brian Arnold as James McGlockton
Rebecca Toolan as Mrs. Perkins
Aaron Pearl as Player
Cameron Labine as Thug
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brother-joseph · 6 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Saint Gabriel of the Sorrows/Possenti DVD by Bob & Penny Lord, New.
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goalhofer · 1 year
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Famous May 24, 2023 birthdays.
Tommy Chong (Canadian-American comedian & actor), 85
Bob Dylan (American singer & guitarist), 82
Gary Burghoff (American actor), 80
Patti Holte aka Patti LaBelle (American singer & actress)(pictured), 79
Priscilla Presley (American actress & businesswoman)(pictured), 78
Albert Bouchard (American drummer & singer), 76
Mike Reid (American singer & football player), 76
Waddy Wachtel (American guitarist & record producer), 76
Jim Broadbent (British actor), 74
Sir Roger Deakins (British cinematographer), 74
Alfred Molina (British actor), 70
Rosanne Cash Leventhal (American singer & guitarist), 68
Prof. Richard B. Bernstein (American historian & lecturer), 67
Guy Fletcher (British keyboardist & guitarist), 63
Kristin Scott-Thomas (British-French actress), 63
Alain Lemieux (Canadian hockey player & executive), 62
Rich Rodriguez (American football coach), 60
Pat Verbeek (Canadian hockey player & executive), 59
John C. Reilly (American actor & singer), 58
Carlos Hernández (Venezuelan-American baseball player & analyst), 56
Rich Robinson (American guitarist & singer), 54
Kris Draper (Canadian hockey player & executive), 52
Bartolo Colón (Dominican-American baseball player), 50
Kobayashi Masahide (Japanese baseball player & coach), 49
Dr. Heinrich Manske (German biochemist & software developer), 49
Will Sasso (Canadian actor), 48
Alessandro Cortini (Italian keyboardist & singer), 47
Brad Penny (American baseball player), 45
Johan Holmqvist (Swedish hockey player), 45
Kareem McKenzie (American football player), 44
Jason Babin (American football player), 43
Rian Wallace (American football player), 41
Guillaume Latendresse (Canadian hockey player & coach), 36
Sgt. Monica Brown (American soldier), 35
Artem Anisimov (Russian hockey player), 35
G-Eazy (American rapper), 34
Kalin Lucas (American basketball player), 34
Mattias Ekholm (Swedish hockey player), 33
Cody Eakin (Canadian hockey player), 32
Jarell Martin (American basketball player), 29
0 notes
“Puoi scrivere tutto, puoi metterlo nel tuo diario dei fatti, ma la verità è che nessuno può capire davvero l’intreccio di esperienze e passioni che ti rende quello che sei. E’ una collezione privata, un linguaggio segreto, un sassolino nella tasca che gingilli quando sei in ansia, duro come la geometria, liscio come il sapone.”
— Raphael Bob-Waksberg, “Qualcuno che ti ami in tutta la tua gloria devastata”.                
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lyselkatzfandomluvs · 3 years
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Loudermilk season 3!
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diceriadelluntore · 2 years
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Storia Di Musica #203 - Bob Dylan, Highway 61 Revisited, 1965
L’ultimo mese delle storie musicali 2021 è dedicato a dischi fondamentali. Chi ha la pazienza di leggermi sa che ogni anno a Dicembre scelgo un disco di Bob Dylan. Che per dischi fondamentali nella storia sta come i pilastri per una casa. Quello che ho scelto per questa domenica di santo Stefano è paragonabile ad un uragano che cambia per sempre la musica e che si chiama Highway 61 Revisited, che esce per la Columbia il 30 Agosto del 1965. Il titolo già dice tutto: la Highway 61 era ai tempi di Dylan la strada nazionale più lunga d’America, che per oltre 2000 km seguiva il corso del Mississippi, passava per Duluth, dove Dylan è nato, ed arriva a New Orleans. Come il nastro d’asfalto, Dylan raccoglie la musica del Delta, il blues, la tradizione del folk, inserisce il plug della chitarra nell’amplificatore, in modo molto più deciso e convinto che nell’altro capo che scrisse nel 1965, Bringing It All Back Home (che apre la sua leggendaria triade elettrica, che termina con l’altro capolavoro che è Blonde On Blonde del 1966) e scrive 9 canzoni una più sensazionale dell’altra, che anche a distanza di ormai 55 anni suonano nuove, incredibilmente profonde, per non parlare dei testi. Fu registrato in appena 6 giorni, in sessioni dove Dylan, che stava scrivendo una sorta di romanzo, che uscirà nel 1971 con il titolo Tarantula, in una sorta di flusso di coscienza: con il fidato produttore discografico Tom Wilson misero insieme una band formata da Mike Bloomfield, Al Kooper, Paul Griffin, Charlie McCoy, Harvey Brooks, Bobby Gregg, Sam Lay, che in una settimana agli Studio A della Columbia a New York furono protagonisti della magia. Che parte subito con l’intro di organo di Kooper che apre Like A Rolling Stone, il primo singolo ad abbattere il limite dei 3 minuti di durata (addirittura doppiandolo in lunghezza, 6 minuti di Mito), che diviene la canzone del rock, e che partendo da Muddy Waters e dal suo pensier che “una pietra che rotola non può riempirsi d muschio” parla della generazione in fermento che viveva con Dylan, una canzone che è una dichiarazione di intenti, condensate in alcuni dei passaggi testuali che costruiranno l’epopea del rock: nessuno mai saprà a quale Miss Malinconia Dylan dice “Che effetto fa\che effetto fa\senza un posto dove stare\che nessuno ti conosce\come un sasso che rotola via?” per chiudere con “Va’ da lui adesso\che ti chiama, non puoi mica rifiutare\Se non hai niente, non hai niente da perdere\sei invisibile ormai, non hai segreti da nascondere”. Tombstone Blues è un blues pieno di figure storiche (Bette Starr, famosa bandita americana, la figura biblica di Dalila, Jack lo Squartatore, San Giovanni Battista messi tutti insieme). Ogni canzone diventerà una sorta di canone dylaniano, come le meravigliose It Takes A Lot To Laugh, It Takes A Train To Cry, famosa per il suo sguardo quasi malinconico sul mondo, o il blues di From A Buick 6, ispirata alla canzone Milk Cow Blues di Sleepy John Estes. Dylan suona il piano in Ballad Of Thin Man, uno dei suoi pezzi più grandiosi, una incredibile canzone di protesta, con le ossessive domande poste a Mr. Jones (definito da un grande critico, Robert Sheldon, uno dei più grandi anchetipi dylaniani), anche questo personaggio metafora di qualcos’altro, forse la società, forse la stampa musicale, forse un simbolo del conservatorismo, chi lo sa “Perché sta succedendo qualcosa qui\ma tu non sai che cosa sia\vero signor Jones?”. Queen Jane Aproximately, dal suono gioioso e composito, parla della facilità di cadere in disgrazia (in una famosa intervista del 1965 Dylan descrisse come un uomo Queen Jane). Highway 61 Revisited è, in linea con la tradizione dei racconti ebraico-cristiani, con il suo ritmo circense e zingaresco, una galleria di 5 situazioni, da Abramo che sacrifica Isacco sulla Highway 61, a Georgia Sam, omaggio a Blind Willie McTell, uno dei miti di Dylan, alle prese con il dipartimento di Sanità, a Mack the Finger che ha “un migliaio di telefoni che non funzionano”, ad una “quinta figlia” che cerca un “terzo padre” e che finirà per conoscere la “settima sorella” sulla Highway 61, fino ad un truffatore che cerca di creare la prossima guerra mondiale. Concludono due brani deliziosi: la dolce Just Like Tom Thumb’s Blues, forse ispirata ai padri della beat generation, e la magica, ipnotica, meravigliosa Desolation Row (unica canzone acustica), una infinita carrellata da 11 minuti dell’umanità, dei dolori, della vita, ispirata a Fellini, che parte da Einstein, passa per Ofelia ed Amleto, da Ezra Pound ed arriva a Duluth, Minnesota. Nel 2010, Daniel Kramer nel commentare la sua foto di Dylan che fa da copertina di questo album leggendario, raccontò che fu fatta alla fine di una sessione fotografica nell’appartamento che Dylan divideva a New York con il suo manager Albert Grossman a Gramercy Park. Dylan scese in strada e chiese in prestito ai negozianti del quartiere dei vestiti, che durante le foto avevano ancora i targhettini attaccati. Indossò una maglietta della Triumph, la marca di motocicletta che lui amava tanto, e tenendo i suoi Ray Ban nell’altra mano, fu immortalato nel famoso scatto, con Grossman in piedi sullo sfondo. Kramer, grandissimo fotografo e poi anche documentarista e regista, disse: “Ha uno sguardo ostile o di malumore ostile. Sta sfidando me, voi o chiunque lo stia guardando: che intenzioni hai, dico a te?”. Ed ha quasi ragione a sfidare chiunque, perchè questa è una delle pietre miliari della musica popolare contemporanea, probabilmente il disco che ha più influenzato coloro che son venuti dopo, sia direttamente che indirettamente. È il modo migliore per terminare l’anno di storie musicali, userò questi giorni per raccogliere altre storie, altri dischi, altre canzoni per continuare a fare una cosa che mi piace tanto: raccontarvi storie di musica e musicisti.
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Ottant’anni. Strana età per una rockstar, se non addirittura incongrua rispetto allo stereotipo che vorrebbe eroi sempre giovani, freschi, esuberanti. Ma il signor Bob Dylan non è tipo da farsi condizionare da così banali dettagli anagrafici. I suoi ottant’anni li dimostra tutti, fino in fondo, con segni profondi e cicatrici dell’anima. Ha un volto autentico, da nobile superstite, da sopravvissuto impegnato in una sua particolare forma di resistenza umana. È scontroso, arcigno, irsuto, un nugolo di capelli sgraziati su quel naso adunco che da sei decenni simboleggia il suo spigoloso rapporto con il mondo. Che poi è il suo grande fascino, la sua irresistibile forza.
Poeta laureato, profeta in giaccone da motociclista. Napoleone vestito di stracci. Inafferrabile, come un sasso rotolante. È stato analizzato, classificato, crocifisso, sezionato, ispezionato e respinto, ma mai capito abbastanza.
Entrò nella mitologia nel 1961, con chitarra, armonica e berretto di velluto a coste, metà Woody Guthrie, metà Little Richard. Era il primo folksinger punk. Introdusse la canzone di protesta nel rock. Rese le parole più importanti della melodia e del ritmo. La sua voce, nasale e rauca, che suona «come sabbia e colla», come disse David Bowie, e il suo fraseggio sensuale sono unici. Può scrivere canzoni surreali con una logica interna – come un dipinto di James Rosenquist o come una poesia di Rimbaud – e semplici ballate che piovono dritte dal cuore con la stessa semplicità. Può tirar fuori le tenebre dalla notte e dipingere di nero il giorno.
Definirlo un eroe dei nostri tempi potrebbe essere riduttivo. Più passa il tempo, più la storia della musica popolare si ingarbuglia in miriadi di confusi intrecci, e più la sua figura rifulge, cresce d’importanza.
Oggi possiamo dire che l’opera di Bob Dylan sembra centrale, una sorta di straordinaria e irripetibile sintesi di valori poetici e musicali, di processi sociologici e artistici. Il menestrello di Duluth, infatti, non è stato soltanto il pifferaio della contestazione pacifista. È stato anche questo, non c’è dubbio, ma è stato molto di più. In quegli stessi anni, la stagione della protesta giovanile, in quel decennio infuocato in cui la sua figura e alcune sue canzoni (Blowin in the wind su tutte) si saldarono in modo inestricabile con le vicende sociali e politiche del tempo, Dylan riuscì anche a essere il cantore del lato oscuro del sogno americano. Più che cantare la speranza, e l’ottimismo adolescenziale, creò una galleria di eroi perdenti, amari, maciullati dall’“american way of life”. È una vera e propria galleria di antieroi, da Emmett Till a John Brown, da George Jackson fino al pugile Hurricane.
Più in generale si può dire che Dylan è stato il primo intellettuale della storia del rock. Prima di lui non si era abituati a conferire ai musicisti popolari, se non ai folksinger più impegnati, un rilevante valore intellettuale. Prima di lui Elvis Presley e gli altri eroi degli anni Cinquanta erano dei grandi talenti, dotati di intuito, di un selvaggio e contagioso istinto. Ma non c’era ancora la coscienza e la consapevolezza del proprio ruolo. Elementi che irrompono impetuosamente, invece, con l’avvento di Dylan, l’artista che ha portato la musica rock dall’innocenza primitiva delle origini alla profonda coscienza dei decenni successivi.
Robert Allen Zimmerman, che nel 1962 ha legalmente cambiato il suo nome in Bob Dylan, ha anche un altro enorme merito. Un po’ come a Louis Armstrong viene riconosciuto il grande pregio di aver in qualche modo portato a una prima compiuta definizione il linguaggio del jazz, che certamente non ha inventato, ma che ha rafforzato, evoluto, sintetizzato. Dylan ha compiuto qualcosa di analogo, prendendo il materiale folk ereditato dalla grande stagione degli hobo e lo ha velocemente condotto a maturazione, estendendo la portata, gli orizzonti e la potenza della canzone popolare tradizionale. Al di là delle apparenze, è lui il più grande innovatore, come dimostrò a più riprese con tutti i suoi capolavori elettrici degli anni Sessanta e Settanta.
Fin dai primi album, Dylan introduce un linguaggio complesso, preso in prestito dalla letteratura, dal cinema, dalla lingua quotidiana, da visioni sempre più surreali e audaci. Con lui la canzone diventa un prodotto artistico maturo, del tutto autonomo, capace anche di creare per la prima volta nella storia un alto livello di massa. Realtà che qualcuno comprese anche all’epoca, come John Lennon che nel 1965 dichiarò che a mostrare la strada era proprio Bob Dylan. Altri, come i membri dell’Accademia Reale Svedese, che gli assegneranno il Premio Nobel per la Letteratura, ci arriveranno molto più tardi, precisamente nel 2016.
Il mistero Dylan, grazie a una irripetibile coincidenza di valori artistici ed epocali, significò anche che, per la prima volta, musiche dichiaratamente non commerciali divennero incontenibili successi di vendita. Da quel momento l’industria discografica, costretta dagli eventi, aprì le porte al nuovo, senza più temere l’originalità e l’innovazione, consentendo l’afflusso di forze e di idee completamente nuove. Da allora la musica rock è cambiata, ma da allora è costantemente cambiato anche Bob Dylan, il primo nemico del suo stesso mito, deciso sempre a metterlo in discussione, ad osteggiarlo, a concedere poco alla platea.
Questo gli ha consentito di sopravvivere al suo tempo, di raggiungere il traguardo degli ottant’anni in modo vitale, inquieto, come un artista al quale la maturità non è servita da alibi per smettere di interrogarsi e provocare domande. Segno di una coscienza che il rock di oggi farebbe bene a recuperare. Per progredire e ritornare al passo con i tempi.
Intanto si preparano i festeggiamenti: Patti Smith, che nel 2016 andò a Stoccolma a ritirare il Nobel a suo nome – e si impappinò, commossa, mentre cantava A hard’s rain a-gonna fall – celebrerà Dylan il 22 maggio allo Spring Festival del Kaatsbaan Cultural Park nello stato di New York. Festa anche a Duluth, dove Dylan nacque il 24 maggio 1941, mentre nella vicina Hibbing, dove la famiglia si trasferì dopo che il padre Abram Zimmermann, colpito dalla polio, aveva perso il lavoro, i piani per un monumento nel cortile del liceo dove Bob (“Zimmy”) si diplomò nel 1959 sono tuttora “caduti nel vento”. Al centro delle celebrazioni anche la pubblicazione di tre nuovi libri e una riedizione: “You Lose Yourself You Reappear” di Morley, mentre il biografo Clinton Heylin tornerà a esaminare gli anni formativi in “The Double Life of Bob Dylan” e “Bob Dylan: No Direction Home” del 1986 del giornalista del New York Times e amico Robert Shelton (che nel frattempo è morto) verrà aggiornata e ripubblicata.
Elusivo come sempre, Dylan è bloccato nella casa di Point Dume a Malibu da quando un anno fa il Covid gli ha impedito di andare in Giappone per una nuova tappa del “Never ending tour”, ma non di fermarsi nel suo lavoro. Durante il lockdown ha composto un nuovo album e venduto per 300 milioni di dollari il suo catalogo musicale a Universal Music. Tra un anno poi l’apertura dell’archivio segreto affidato al miliardario del petrolio George Kaiser: il Bob Dylan Center sorgerà a Tulsa, Oklahoma, dove già, in un gemellaggio simbolico, sono custodite le carte del suo idolo Woody Guthrie. E, nel frattempo, il “grande vecchio” del rock prepara il suo ritorno sul palco nel 2022.
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clemsfilmdiary · 3 years
The Best of March 2021
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Best Discovery: Kiss Me Deadly
           Runners Up: Child's Play, Fort Apache the Bronx, Hellzapoppin', Hope and Glory, The Illumination of Jim Woodring, A Private Function, Patty Hearst, The Terminal Man
Best Rewatch: My Neighbor Totoro
           Runners Up: Hair High, Rope
Most Enjoyable Fluff: Torch Song
           Runners Up: Boss Level, Conan the Destroyer, Dear Heart, Fried Green Tomatoes, Kalifornia, A Healthy Place to Die, The Julius House: An Aurora  Teagarden Mystery, Tarzan the Ape Man, The Visitor
Best Male Performance: James Mason in Child's Play
           Runners Up: Beau Bridges and Robert Preston in Child's Play, Glenn Ford in Dear Heart, Anthony Hopkins in The Father, Ralph Meeker in Kiss Me Deadly, Paul Newman in Fort Apache the Bronx, Bill Paxton and Billy Bob Thornton in A Simple Plan, George Segal in The Terminal Man
Best Female Performance: Natasha Richardson in Patty Hearst
           Runners Up: Glenda Jackson in The Music Lovers, Mary Stuart Masterson and Jessica Tandy in Fried Green Tomatoes, Geraldine Page in Dear Heart, Maggie Smith in A Private Function
Best Supporting Performance: Ralph Fiennes in Schindler's List
           Runners Up: Ian Bannen in Hope and Glory, Bridget Fonda in A Simple Plan, Pam Grier in Fort Apache the Bronx, Ving Rhames in Patty Hearst
Most Enjoyable Ham: Joan Crawford in Torch Song
           Runners Up: Bo Derek in Tarzan the Ape Man, Jack Haley and Ethel Merman in Alexander's Ragtime Band, Grace Jones and Arnold Schwarzenegger in Conan the Destroyer, Dylan Neal in A Healthy Place to Die, Brad Pitt in Legends of the Fall, Martha Raye in Hellzapoppin'
Best Mise-en-scène: My Neighbor Totoro
           Runners Up: The Affair, The Balcony, The Boy Friend, Hair High, Kiss Me Deadly, The Music Lovers, Schindler's List, The Visitor, Yes
Best Locations: Hope and Glory
           Runners Up: Fried Green Tomatoes, The Man Who Would Be King, Minari, The Visitor
Best Score: Child's Play (Michael Small)
           Runner Up: Patty Hearst (Scott Johnson)
Best Animated Short: Bimbo's Initiation
           Runners Up: Boy Meets Dog, The Cat's Out, The China Plate
Best Supporting Hunk: Ving Rhames in Patty Hearst
           Runners Up: Gary Basaraba and Richard Riehle in Fried Green Tomatoes, James Russo in Bad Girls, Will Sasso in Boss Level, Steve Strong in Tarzan the Ape Man
Best Leading Hunk: Jim Woodring in The Illumination of Jim Woodring
           Runners Up: Sean Connery in The Man Who Would Be King, Peter Falk in The Balcony, Frank Grillo in Boss Level, Tyler Hynes in Flip That Romance, Ralph Meeker in Kiss Me Deadly, Jim Morrison in When You're Strange, Brad Pitt in Kalifornia, Steve Zahn in Cowboys
Assorted Pleasures:
- Lush junglescapes, green-tinted water in  Tarzan the Ape Man
- Outrageously exuberant dance routine by Whitey's Lindy Hoppers in Hellzapoppin'
- Peter Maxwell Davies' grotesque Jazz-Age fantasy score for Polly's dream sequence in  The Boy Friend
- Muted color palette, cozy hospital interiors, cold cronenbergian sci-fi aesthetic in The Terminal Man
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uwlmvac · 7 years
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This vintage MVAC t-shirt from 1985 highlights a systematic archaeological survey conducted in the Coon Creek drainage in Vernon, La Crosse, and Monroe Counties. Headed by Robert Sasso, the project surveyed almost 2,400 acres and documented 41 private artifact collections. Before the survey, only 28 sites were recorded in the drainage; this ambitious survey added 328 more. Archaeological surveys in MVAC’s early years contributed greatly to our knowledge of the region’s past. Bob Sasso completed his doctoral dissertation based on this research at Northwestern University in 1989, and is now an Associate Professor of Anthropology at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside.
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giallofever2 · 5 years
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Demoni 2 – L'incubo ritorna
Also Known As (AKA)
(original title) Demoni 2 - L'incubo ritorna
Australia Demons 2
Brazil Demons 2 - Eles Voltaram
Bulgaria (Bulgarian title) Демони 2
Colombia Demonios 2: El terror continúa
France Démons 2
Greece (DVD title) Daimones 2
Greece Δαίμονες 2
Hungary Démonok 2.
Italy (video title) Dèmoni 2
Mexico La profecía satánica
Portugal Os Demónios 2 - Um Novo Pesadelo
Serbia Dèmoni 2
Soviet Union (Russian title) Демоны 2
Spain Demons II
Spain Demons 2
UK (video title) Demons 2: The Nightmare Continues
UK (video title) Demons 2: The Nightmare Returns
USA (video title) Demons 2: The Nightmare Returns
USA Demons 2
USA Demons 2: The Nightmare Is Back
West Germany Dämonen
West Germany Dance of the Demons 2
Italy 9 October 1986
USA 13 February 1987
France 25 March 1987
West Germany 9 July 1987
Colombia 13 August 1987
UK 18 September 1987
Netherlands 14 April 1988
Spain 17 April 1989
USA 24 July 2010 (New York Museum of Arts and Design)
Germany 20 November 2015 (Blu Ray)
Spain 4 November 2017 (Barcelona) (re-release)
Directed by Lamberto Bava
Writing Credits
Dario Argento - authorized page... (written by)
Lamberto Bava... (written by)
Franco Ferrini ... (written by)
Dardano Sacchetti... (written by)
Filming Dates
26 May 1986 - 22 June 1986
Filming Locations
Hamburg, Germany
Rome, Lazio, Italy
technical specifications
Runtime 1 hr 28 min (88 min) (Canada)
1 hr 28 min (88 min) (R-rated) (USA)
1 hr 32 min (92 min) (Unrated Edition)
1 hr 18 min (78 min) (cut) (Germany)
David Edwin Knight... George
Nancy Brilli ... Hannah
Coralina Cataldi-Tassoni ... Sally Day (as Coralina Cataldi Tassoni)
Bobby Rhodes... Hank
Asia Argento ... Ingrid Haller
Lorenzo Flaherty ... Partygoer
Virginia Bryant ... Mary the Prostitute
Anita Bartolucci ... Woman with Dog
Antonio Cantafora... Ingrid's Father
Luisa Passega .. Helga Haller
Davide Marotta ... Demon Tommy
Marco Vivio ... Tommy
Dario Casalini ... Danny - Ulla's boyfriend
Michele Mirabella... Hooker's Client
Lorenzo Gioielli ... Jake
Maria Chiara Sasso ... Ulla, partygoer with camera
Lino Salemme ... Security Guard
Andrea Garinei ... Partygoer waiting for Jacob
Luca De Nardo ... Partygoer
Angela Frondaroli ... Susan, bodybuilder
Caroline Christina Lund ... Jennifer, bodybuilder
Karen Gennaro ... Bodybuilder
Marina Loi ... Kate
Silvia Rosa ... Partygoer / Demon
Monica Umena ... Partygoer
Fabio Poggiali ... Muller, Bodybuilder
Andrea Spera ... Partygoer
Pascal Persiano ... Joe (TV Show)
Robert Chilcott ... Bob (TV Show)
Eliana Miglio ... Pam, girl with camera (TV Show) (as Eliana Hoppe)
Yvonne Fraschetti ... Jacob's Girl
Bruno Bilotta ... Jacob
Furio Bilotta ... Man in back of Jacob's car
Giovanna Pini ... Girl in back of Jacob's car / Woman in Garage
Stefano Molinari ... Demon on TV
Pasquele Valente ... Tommy's Father
Kim Rhone ... Tommy's Mother
Annalie Harrison ... Sally's Mother
Lamberto bava ... Sally's Father (uncredited
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brother-joseph · 6 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: St Gabriel of the Sorrows (Possenti) Pamphlet/Minibook, by Bob and Penny Lord.
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Beautiful Places to Visit in Switzerland
New Post has been published on https://www.travelonlinetips.com/beautiful-places-to-visit-in-switzerland/
Beautiful Places to Visit in Switzerland
Switzerland is spectacular. Whenever anyone asks us where have we seen the most beautiful mountains in the world, we always reply “The Swiss Alps.” After our latest visit to Switzerland, our opinion was reiterated tenfold. With every turn in every destination, we looked on in awe as we remarked how we felt we were walking through a work of art. As one person put it when writing in a journal sitting on a bench at the top of Grindelwald First “I feel like I am looking at a Bob Ross painting.”
Best Places to Visit in Switzerland
Switzerland has more beautiful places than just in the Alps, there’s the enchanting Lake Lugano sharing its border with Italy, beautiful Basel which we fell in love with, and the sophisticated city of Zurich. It can be difficult deciding where to go when planning a trip, so we are going to break down the most beautiful places to visit in Switzerland to help you choose. Or better yet, do as we did and see them all!
Swiss Alps
I know we said there is more to Switzerland than the Swiss Alps, but they truly house the most spectacularly beautiful places in Switzerland, so we are going to start in the mountains. The Alpine Region is impossible to beat when it comes to beautiful landscapes in the country. Plus, the Swiss have done an outstanding job making their mountain peaks accessible and easy for everyone to see. From Grindelwald to Jungfrau in the Bernese Oberland Region to St. Moritz and Zermatt-Matterhorn, these mountain destinations should be put at the top of your list of places to visit in Switzerland.
1. Jungfraujoch, Top of Europe
Jungfraujoch, Top of Europe is a once-in-a-lifetime experience and it truly lives up to the hype. Located in the Bernese Alps of the Jungfrau Region, a trip to Switzerland’s most exciting UNESCO World Heritage Sites takes you up a gondola to the highest train ride in Europe on a cogwheel train to an elevation of 3454 meters (11,332 feet). This viewpoint offers incredible views of the surrounding mountains including the 4000-meter peaks of Jungfrau 4,158 meters (13,642 ft), Eiger 3,967-metre (13,015 ft), and Mönch 4,110 meters (13,480 ft).
Aletch Glacier
After you have taken in the gorgeous scenery, take a walk under the Aletsch Glacier to explore the ice palace, a labyrinth of tunnels spanning 1000 meters under the sea of ice. We enjoyed our time at Jungfraujoch so much, we put it at the top of our most beautiful places to visit in Switzerland, not only for the beauty but for the experience. There are so many things to do at Jungfraujoch, your senses will be overwhelmed with fun and excitement. Read more at Spectacular Switzerland, a Visit to Jungfraujoch – Top of Europe
2. Gornergrat
We didn’t think it was possible to top Jungfraujoch, but when we hopped on a train ride to Gornergrat in Zermatt we couldn’t believe our eyes as we looked out the window. Located at an elevation of  3,089 m, Gornergrat has been one of Switzerland’s top places to visit for more than a century. The panoramic views of the surrounding mountains include the Matterhorn in all its glory, but it is the sea of glaciers that really took our breath away. Reaching the top takes you to a view of 29 mountains reaching more than 4000 meters. With every turn, it is one dazzling view after another.
The best way to get around the mountains and to explore all the things to do in Zermatt is to purchase an all-inclusive lift package, you can search for the right one for you at the Zermatt tourism website.
Make sure to hike down to the Toblerone Viewpoint in search of the cute black nose sheep that roam the hills. This is one of the most beautiful walks we’ve ever done in our lives. Read more: Incredible Zermatt, Switzerland – 23 Exciting Things to See and Do
3. Grindelwald First
Grindelwald First is one of the most popular places to visit in Switzerland and with good reason. Located in the Jungfrau Region of the Swiss Alps, Grindelwald first has one of the most photographed places in Switzerland. Bachalpsee (Lake Alpsee) is a beautiful alpine lake that reflects the surrounding mountains when the weather is just right. Visit the Grindelwald Tourism website for more information on traveling to Grindelwald.
Cliffwalk and Adventures
There is a reason Grindelwald First is so popular besides its stunning scenery it has some of the best tourist attractions in the Jungfrau Region. From the unique adventures like Trottibiking and mountain carting to the First Flyer and First Glider, there’s plenty of hiking, a heart-racing cliff walk, and cute marmots squeaking in the distance. Read more: The Complete Guide to Grindelwald First in Switzerland
4. Zermatt Matterhorn
The Matterhorn is one of Switzerland’s most recognizable landmarks and hiking out to Lake Stellesee at sunrise is one of the most beautiful places to see it. Take the train ride up the Sunnegga-Rothorn valley station for sunrise and then hike out to Stellessee for the most beautiful view of the Matterhorn. After you have enjoyed the morning, continue on to the 5 Lakes hikes for extraordinary views of the Matterhorn and the surrounding mountains of Zermatt.
5. Matterhorn Glacier Paradise
Glacier Paradise is another amazing destination in Zermatt. When you reach the top of the world’s highest cableway, you are treated to a view of 38 four-thousand-meter peaks (13,000 feet) and 14 glaciers across Italy, Switzerland, and France. There is also an awesome maze of tunnels to visit under the second largest glacier in Europe. This is one of the most beautiful places in Switzerland to ski where you can ski all year long.
6. St. Moritz
St. Moritz is the original winter tourist destination and with good reason. This beautiful Switzerland destination has been welcoming tourists to its slopes since the 1800s. Home to two Winter Olympics, St. Moritz is an all-season mountain destination with spectacular hikes, world-class hotels and dining, and more than 250 km of ski trails and 580 km of hiking trails, it is an outdoor lover’s dream. Read our full article on What to do in St. Moritz. Visit St. Moritz tourism to help plan your trip.
7. Harder Kulm Interlaken
Interlaken is one of the top places to visit in Switzerland making for a great base to explore the Jungfrau Region of the Bernese Oberland. This beautiful lake destination have a gorgeous lookout. Take the cogwheel train up to the spectacular Harder Kulm 1322 meters above sea level. The view lets you see,  Lake Brienz and Lake Thun and the striking peaks of Eiger, Mönch, and Jungfrau.
Cities of Switzerland
Zurich is the largest city in Switzerland and should not be missed. Located on Lake Zurich and the Limmat River, Zurich is beautiful as the steeples from its old town churches line the waterfront. The financial capital of Switzerland combines the perfect blend of old city charm with a modern urban vibe. As the financial capital of Switzerland, Zurich has its share of upscale attractions including the most expensive shopping street in the world. Read More: Amazing Zurich – Discover the Best of Switzerland’s Largest City
Zurich is a place you can spend days exploring, there are plenty of cultural attractions, and outdoor adventures from taking the train to Uetliberg Mountain for panoramic views of the city to stand up paddleboarding through the marinas of Lake Zurich. Don’t forget to visit the chocolate museum at Lindt Home of Chocolate. Read more: The Perfect 3 Days in Zurich, Switzerland
Basel on the Rhine River
Basel is a charming city located directly on the Rhine River. Sharing a border with France and Germany, it is an ideal location to make a base and explore the countryside. Known as the cultural capital of Switzerland, Basel boasts some of the country’s most unique and beautiful architecture. Its modern structures blend seamlessly with the Altstadt (Old Town) spanning across the Rhine as Basel Minster, the largest cathedral in Basel, stands like a sentry looking over from Grossbasel (Great Basel) toward Klein Basel (Little Basel).
Ticino Region
The Mediterranean feel of the Ticino region of Switzerland will transport you to Italy. Surrounded by Italy, Ticino has a distinct feel from the rest of Switzerland. The warm weather and colorful buildings lining the likes of Lake Lugano and Maggiore feels as if you are on the Italian Riviera and the Cinque Terra. When looking for something different, make sure to put Ticino at the top of your places to visit in Switzerland.
Lugano in Ticino
The town of Lugano is the star attraction of Ticino with mountains framing its long beach and waterfront path along Lake Lugano. Known as the Little Rio of Switzerland, Lugano is a place to slow down and take in the sunshine. It rivals nearby Lake Como for beauty and luxury. Read more: Things to do in Lugano and the Ticino Region of Switzerland
Verzasca Valley
The Verzasca Valley is one of the most beautiful places in Switzerland that few have heard of. It’s known for its electric emerald green waters flowing through polished layers of rocks, it is a gorgeous way to spend a day. Swim in the waters, go for a hike or marvel at the cliff jumpers leaping from the double arches of the Ponte dei Salti.
Castles of Bellinzona
The capital of Ticino is not to be missed for its UNESCO World Heritage Sites – The Castles of Bellinzona. The castles consist of three well-preserved castles and fortified walls, Castelgrande, Montebello and Sasso Corbaro are not to be missed when visiting Southern Switzerland.For more information on traveling to Ticino – visit the Ticino Switzerland website.
Spas of Switzerland
Switzerland is known for its spa experiences and one of the most beautiful spa retreats is in Leukerbad. The thermal baths date back to Roman times. This wellness retreat attracts tourists to its 65 natural springs containing 3.9 million liters of hot water to relax in the healing pools of Valais valley. It is one of the largest and most popular spa resorts in Switzerland. For more information on traveling to Leukerbad, visit the tourism website.
Bad Ragaz
The Grand Resort Bad Ragaz is the granddaddy of spas in Switzerland. Located just 1 hour from Zurich, this is the ultimate luxury spa retreat. The hot springs were discovered in the 1200s and people have been seeking their healing properties for centuries. The hotel opened in 1869 and in 1872 it housed the first thermal water indoor pool in Europe. Today it is a five-star hotel that sits in the Rhine Valley. Visit Tamina Therme for more information on visiting the spa.
Chateau de Chillon Montreaux
Montreux is famous for the Montreux music festival. We loved walking along the waterfront of this beautiful city set among the backdrop of the Swiss Alps and Lake Geneva. One of the top historical places to visit in Switzerland is the picturesque Chateau de Chillon. Dating back to the 12th century, the historic castle stands like a fairytale on the shores of Lake Geneva. Read more: Montreux and its Musical Legacy
Lake Geneva
Lake Geneva is one of the most beautiful places to visit in Switzerland and one would argue that it is one of the most romantic places in Switzerland. Surrounded by the Alps on one side and terraced vineyards on the other, it’s a romantic escape in Switzerland. As the largest body of water in Switzerland, so it’s also pretty hard to miss. Straddling the border of France and Switzerland, Lake Geneva is also the largest alpine lake in Europe. It is
We only spent a day in the Capital City of Switzerland but I wish we spent more. Bern’s old town is a UNESCO World Heritage Site boasting the world’s longest-covered shopping promenades with 6 km (3.7 miles) of arcades. It is the gateway to the Alps, houses the highest cathedral in Switzerland, and is the seat of parliament. The Old town snakes alongside the Aare River creating a picture-perfect setting.
Like many cities in Switzerland, Lucerne has a gorgeous old town on a picturesque body of water. Lake Lucerne is the focal point of visiting the city with the gorgeous Chapel Bridge (Kapellbrücke) spanning the River Reuss. Lucerne’s most popular landmark dates back to the 14th century and is the oldest covered bridge in Europe. With the Swiss Alps nearby, we ventured off the spa taking the Rigi Bahn cogwheel train for a ride on Europe’s first railway. It’s a wonderful place to spend a few days.
Best Way to Get Around Switzerland
Switzerland had an extensive rail system and you can easily travel to Ticino via rail with a Swiss Travel Pass.
A Swiss Travel Pass includes:
Unlimited travel by train, bus, and boat
Public transportation in more than 90 cities and towns
Including mountain excursions: Rigi, Schilthorn, Stanserhorn, and Stoos
Free admission to more than 500 museums throughout Switzerland
Get your Swiss Travel Pass Here.
Two free informative apps to help plan your Switzerland journey are: Grand Train Tour of Switzerland app and the Swiss Travel Guide app
Our trip to Switzerland is in partnership with My Switzerland. Visit their website to start planning your trip today.
There are so many beautiful places in Switzerland and we have not seen them all but we certainly look forward to visiting again. We have had the good fortune of visiting Switzerland three times and each time we visit, we find it to be more beautiful than the next. We can’t wait to visit again! Have you been to Switzerland? Wher is your favourite place to visit in Switzerland?
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itsalycenotalice · 6 years
Hawaii Five-0 - Episode 8.23 - Ka Hana A Ka Makua, O Ka Hana No Ia A Keiki - Press Release
MCGARRETT AND FIVE-0 TAKE ON THE MOB WHEN A FORMER BOSS IS KILLED AND JUNIOR’S FRIEND IS ON THE RUN AFTER WITNESSING THE HIT, ON “HAWAII FIVE-0,” FRIDAY, MAY 4 Will Sasso Guest Stars as Eddie’s Veterinarian “Ka Hana a ka mākua, o ka hana no ia a keiki.” – McGarrett and Five-0 take on the mob when a former boss is killed and Junior’s friend Cammy Lin (Cindy Chu) is on the run after witnessing the hit, on HAWAII FIVE-0, Friday, May 4 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Will Sasso guest stars as Eddie’s veterinarian. (“Ka Hana a ka mākua, o ka hana no ia a keiki.” is Hawaiian for “What Parents Do, Children Will Do.”) CHEAT TWEET: #H50 fans, Junior and Tani take on the mob together! Plus, @WillSasso guest stars as Eddie’s veterinarian! @HawaiiFive0CBS 5/4 9pm #CBS http://bit.ly/2JakO2Q REGULAR CAST: Alex O’Loughlin (Steve McGarrett) Scott Caan (Danny “Danno” Williams) Chi McBride (Lou Grover) Jorge Garcia (Jerry Ortega) Ian Anthony Dale (Adam Noshimuri) Meaghan Rath (Tani Rey) Beulah Koale (Junior Reigns) Taylor Wily (Kamekona) Kimee Balmilero (Noelani Cunha) Dennis Chun (Sgt. Duke Lukela) GUEST CAST: Cindy Chu (Cammy Lin) Karen Huie (Mei Lin) Bryce McBratnie (Conor Boyle) Randy Thompson (Tommy Boyle) James Hong (Jin Leung) Will Sasso (Dr. Shaw) Dann Seki (Dr. Wai) Bob Smith (George) Sam Bass (Bodyguard) WRITTEN BY: Peter M. Lenkov & Matt Wheeler DIRECTED BY: Jim Jost SOURCE:CBS
MY SOURCE: https://www.spoilertv.com/2018/04/hawaii-five-0-episode-823-ka-hana-ka.html?utm_source=followistic&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=followistic#flw_c=email&flw_n=5ad92c0b5313545aae565393
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eichy815 · 4 years
Fall Fusion 2020 (ABC)
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Normally during this time of year, ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, and The CW get ready to unveil their primetime rosters.  However, this year will be much different, due to the uncertainty surrounding the Coronavirus pandemic.  Virtually all Hollywood productions are currently shut down until it can be determined that they are safe to reopen.  As a consequence, most of the fall pilots weren’t able to be completed in time for network executives to screen them ahead of constructing the 2020-21 network television season.  
Although the networks will still be doing “upfronts” in May, they won’t be live...and, more pointedly, they will probably be more tentative when it comes to potential calendar dates.  After all, we won’t know when series are ready to have their exact premiere dates green-lit until we have a more concrete timeline of when they can go back into production.
While many writing rooms have been able to operate and interact – in preparation for next season – remotely, the on-set production cannot resume until safety precautions are developed.  Presumably, these protocols will involve:  medical screening and constant testing for all cast and crew members; appropriate sanitization regimes to keep the sets clean; and creative ways to mitigate risk (such as more closed sets, “bottle episodes,” and tapings where studio audiences are absent).
The “bubble shows” for this season are probably more likely to return than they would have been in past traditional seasons, just because they are familiar commodities with infrastructure already in place...and there is obviously a lack of completed pilots for new series that could replace them.  These could-go-either-way series include:  Zoe’s Extraordinary Playlist, Good Girls, Council of Dads, Lincoln Rhyme: The Bone Collector, Indebted, and Perfect Harmony on NBC; For Life, American Housewife, Emergence, Single Parents, Bless This Mess, Schooled, blackish, mixedish, and The Baker & The Beauty on ABC; All Rise, Bob Hearts Abishola, The Unicorn, Man with a Plan, Broke, Carol’s Second Act, Tommy, MacGyver, Magnum P.I., SEAL Team, and S.W.A.T. on CBS; Katy Keene on The CW; and The Moodys and Outmatched on Fox.
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Some new programs have already received a straight-to-series order, whereas others could receive a blind pickup commitment based on their written premises.  In addition, I wouldn’t be surprised if some shows are held over until later in 2021, just so the networks have a way to hedge their bets if there was a “second wave” of studio shutdowns due to hypothetical re-infections in late-2020 or early-2021.
Based on this unprecedented state of limbo Hollywood finds itself in, I am constructing a tentative “blueprint” for each broadcast network from the limited information we have.  I have constructed their respective schedules in three hypothetical programming “waves” – November/December/January, February/March/April, and May/June/July.
Obviously, any productions are subject to further delay based on extenuating circumstances.  Likewise, a series that receives a more limited order of 13, 16, or 18 episodes could see its episode order expanded, if filming circumstances grow more favorable and the specific show performs well upon its return.
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(All times are Eastern/Pacific; subtract one hour for the Central/Mountain time zones)
(New shows highlighted in bold)
Featured network for today’s column…
7:00 – AFHV (late-2020 through early-2021) / 20/20 (mid-2021)
8:00 – Kids Say the Darndest Things (late-2020) / American Idol (early-2021 through mid-2021)
9:00 – Shark Tank (late-2020) / American Idol (early-2021 through mid-2021)
10:00 – Videos After Dark (late-2020) / The Rookie (early-2021 through mid-2021)
For fall “filler” programming, America’s Funniest Home Videos, Kids Say The Darndest Tings, Shark Tank, and Videos After Dark would all be cheap reality-style shows that could be modified without studio audiences, to tide viewers over until scripted programs are ready to go (probably closer to Christmas).
By January or February, American Idol could return to either its traditional in-studio format or else its newer webcam-based version.  The Rookie would retain its Sunday night time slot well into the summer.
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8:00 – The Bachelorette (late-2020) / Dancing with the Stars (early-2021) / The Bachelor (mid-2021)
10:00 – The Good Doctor (late-2020 through early-2021) / Thirtysomething(else) (mid-2021)
For fall “filler” programming, The Bachelorette will hopefully be ready with its newest season centered around Clare Crawley.  Medical hit The Good Doctor is probably one of the easiest scripted programs to place back into production, due to how background players and location shoots are less necessary for its hospital setting.
By January or February, Dancing with the Stars would hopefully be ready to return to the airwaves for its twenty-ninth season.  Further into the spring, the twenty-fifth season of The Bachelor could be able to launch (after Dancing wraps), and the post-Bachelor time slot on Monday would be perfect for the Zwick/Herskovitz sequel to late-1980s hit Thirtysomething.
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8:00 – The Conners (late-2020 through mid-2021)
8:30 – My Village (late-2020) / United We Fall (early-2021) / Sitcom Back-Nine (mid-2021)
9:00 – Mixedish (late-2020 through mid-2021)
9:30 – Blackish (late-2020 through mid-2021)
10:00 – For Life (late-2020 through early-2021) / Videos After Dark (mid-2021)
When ABC announces its renewals, the lineup of The Conners, Mixedish, Blackish, and For Life would all be easy enough to adapt storylines that can exclude tons of extras or location shoots.  As far as “blind pickups” for new pilots, the Kyra Sedgwick family comedy My Village should fit nicely behind The Conners.  With the current status of the yet-to-premiere midseason replacement sitcom United We Fall presumably unknown, that Jane Curtin / Will Sasso vehicle might be another contender for Tuesday nights in the Winter or Spring of 2021.  Whether My Village or United We Fall gets a Back-Nine order would remain to be seen.
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8:00 – The Goldbergs (late-2020 through mid-2021)
8:30 – Schooled (late-2020 through mid-2021)
9:00 – American Housewife (late-2020 through mid-2021)
9:30 – Bless This Mess (late-2020) / Work Wife (early-2021) / Bless This Mess (mid-2021)
10:00 – Stumptown (late-2020 through mid-2021)
Much like the Tuesday night comedies, The Goldbergs, Schooled, American Housewife, and Bless This Mess should be feasible to film if storylines are adapted to minimize the number of people on-set at a given time.  Stumptown might be more difficult, being an investigative procedural, but even that show could get more creative if more episodes are written in a way that lends them to more interior shooting.  The Kelly Ripa-helmed comedy Work Wife could be penciled in for a March or April debut.
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8:00 – Grey’s Anatomy (late-2020 through mid-2021)
9:00 – The Big Sky (late-2020) / Station 19 (early-2021 through mid-2021)
10:00 – A Million Little Things (late-2020 through early-2021) / Women of the Movement (mid-2021)
Just like with The Good Doctor, copious interior hospital scenes for Grey’s Anatomy should allow it to start back up sooner than later.  Investigative serial The Big Sky – starring Kylie Bunbury and Katheryn Winnick – had already been green-lit for a blind series commitment before the pandemic shut things down; some creative tweaks could make it ready to hit the airwaves by November or December, and the same principle might apply to the third season of A Million Little Things.
By January or February, Station 19 would join Grey’s in the middle slot, while historical scripted anthology Women of the Movement feels appropriate to fill the non-Shondaland void on the night.
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8:00 – The Great American Baking Show (late-2020) / Dancing with the Stars results show (early-2021) / Shark Tank (mid-2021)
9:00 – The Great American Baking Show (late-2020) / Shark Tank (early-2021) / 20/20 (mid-2021)
10:00 – 20/20 (late-2020 through mid-2021)
Since The Great American Baking Show has heavily featured Christmas-themed competitions, perhaps it could be brought back for an expanded run to incorporate Halloween and Thanksgiving themes (in addition to the Yuletide).  When Dancing with the Stars returns midseason, there’s no reason why viewers can’t wait a few extra days to view its “Results Show.”  By January, Shark Tank would return to the 8pm time slot, with 20/20 (and, eventually, What Would You Do?) picking up the slack.
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Of course, new original series (including scripted programming) could be developed throughout the year and added to the schedule in piecemeal fashion.  It’s just going to depend on how quickly location shoots and live studio audiences can be reintegrated into productions as commonplace, once again.
Until then, TV shows will have to find creative ways around that...or develop alternative types of programming.
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schwermetallisch · 4 years
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And now ladies and gentlemen: POWER THEORY from Tullytown, Pennsylvania. POWER THEORY was formed by guitarist Bob Ballinger in the year 2006. Ballinger envisioned an inspired blend of the iconic Heavy Metal sounds of the early 80s & NWOBHM fused with the aggressive style forged by modern Power Metal. Ballinger’s songwriting pulled directly from guitar-heavy bands such as JUDAS PRIEST, SAXON, ACCEPT & IRON MAIDEN while also retaining the melodic sensibilities the style is known for. The early days of POWER THEORY saw several line-up changes (it’s a running gag because no two records had the same line-up) as trying to find musicians within the Philadelphia area who were of the same mind in their influences was an arduous process. Finally armed with a stable line-up in 2007 the band hit local venues ferociously, honing their early songs through numerous live performances before recording and releasing an EP independently in May, 2009 titled ‘Metal Forever’. ‘Force Of Will’ is the bands fourth full-length record and it is quite the beast my dear readers. Vocalist Jim Rutherford is on board since 2018 and it was a very good decision for him to join (his voice is a big win for any band) this guy has it all: power, range, variety and charisma. But not only are the vocals very nice, no! Just listen to the dynamic duo Ballinger and Alvarez sharing six string duty, tight riffing and great hooks galore. D’Angelo doing a badass job at the four stringed section and Sasso on drums works like a machine. So, dear readers, friends, follower and/or haters: if you dig bands like JAG PANZER or MYSTIC PROPHECY you should give this a listen because it fucking rules! #schwermetallisch #reviews #picoftheday #nwothm #nwobhm #heavymetal #metal #rock #music #metalhead #hardrock #thrashmetal #guitar #metalmusic #metalband #rocknroll #metalheads #headbanger #powermetal #guitarist #concert #rockmusic #heavymetalmusic #speedmetal #livemusic #ironmaiden #doommetal #metallica #band #bandmerchlovers (hier: Headbanger's Ballroom) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7Y6TR0Ce41/?igshid=1x9amgy5ibwgp
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