#Blue Senturion
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Blue Senturion (Signalman) by TokuJay
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surprise-existence · 2 years
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Based off the character Blue Senturion from Power Rangers Turbo 👮‍♂️🚓🚔💙💛❤️
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thunder-robots · 1 year
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tokucosplay · 1 year
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Blue Senturion / Signalman cosplayed by yousuke_01.
Photography by @an.drian.
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Lightning Collection Deluxe Blue Senturion revealed
As tonight's big Power Rangers Lightning Collection reveal on Hasbro Pulse, it has been unveiled that the Blue Senturion - the extra hero of Power Rangers Turbo - is to be released at the Deluxe pricepoint next year. Technically the first release for Turbo, Hasbro have also hinted that more figures from that series are to come next year.
While the line is usually reserved for vehicle packs and monsters, Hasbro have used the pricepoint to give the character a much more accurate appearance due to all his unique extra parts and colours. In addition, he comes with much more accessories than the usual Lightning Collection release -- alternate hands, his gun with a blast effect part, his sword, and his whistle and transformation device to summon his mecha. Two alternate thigh guards are also included to replicate certain scenes.
Lightning Collection Blue Senturion releases as a Deluxe figure next year, with pre-orders to go up tonight. The pricepoint is likely to be $33.99 like previous Deluxe releases.
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kimberlyannharts · 10 months
You forgot about M/tt’s random connection to Blue Senturion the cop from the future! It’ll clearly be the emotional core of a story arc
Makes sense, Green M/tt is basically cop-adjacent
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super-saiyan-rose · 1 year
I want a new lightning collection but none of the ones in stock are things I want. Blue senturion is next month and dino thunder black and mesogog aren't till June.
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strangeduckpaper · 2 months
Power Ranger Rewrite: The Zordon Saga
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Starting off, I actually wanted this to be more disconnected from the OG Power Rangers, at least at first.
That means the initial Turbo Rangers lineup is T.J., Justin, Ashley, Carlos & Cassie.
It’s a more personal hero's journey for them, going from rookies in the shadow of the much more famous teams, to the Rangers who are actually publicly known.
Though a lot of that growth will be covered in Turbo, so Andros, Zhane, and Astronema get more time to shine in Space
Starting this off with my intention to make this as silly as possible.
At first.
First of all, this series takes place a year or two after the end of Zeo.
The story starts with Lerigot coming to Earth, having escaped the clutches of Divatox, a privateer in the employ of Dark Spectre, seeking his magic to summon the Maligore as a potential host.
She captures his family, but Lerigot escapes with the help of the Storm Blaster and Lightning Cruiser, two sentient cars from a magitek world, bringing along with them a set of Morphers and ‘Power Engine’ from that world which Divatox had bought off the black market.
(“I knew I should have destroyed them while I had the chance!”)
The Turbo Ranger powers are actually the same ones used by the Sentai Turborrangers, who themselves were from the same planet as the cars. (Yes I know there’s a black Turborranger and a green Turbo Ranger, let’s just pretend the Sentai Turborranger was green)
He makes his way to Earth, seeking Zordon, but finds himself in an Angel Grove bereft of Power Rangers.
But his arrival catches the attention of five overbearing, over emotional young humans, TJ, Carlos, Cassie, Ashley, and Justin.
All of the Rangers are aged up a little, with Justin being a young teen while the other four are college aged.
Lacking options, Lerigot gives them the Morphers in order to fend off a Pirahnatron Patrol and hopes they don’t explode.
Despite a steep learning curve, the Turbo Rangers rise to the occasion and foil Divatox’s plan…for now.
In the meantime, Zordon, having left for Eltar, sends Dimitira and Alpha 6 to Earth to oversee these new Rangers, just to make sure that they don’t get killed.
 Lerigot and his family leave, but not before leaving the key to Maligore’s prison in Zordon’s collection within the Power Chamber
Shortly after, the Bowzark Space Pirates roll up to confront the Rangers, based more off their Sentai incarnations, including a Zonette separate from Divatox, who of course becomes TJ’s love interest.
For the first part of the series, it’s a lot more light-hearted than mighty morphin rangers, the Bowzacks trying to steal the Storm Blaster, Lightning Cruiser, the Morphers, Dimitria…anything they can get their hands on, really.
The Blue Senturion comes to Earth, briefly becomes a vigilante, and sorta mentors the Rangers between the silliness.
The Phantom Ranger arrives to reclaim the Turbo Ranger powers, but sees that they're capable (enough) and teaches them a little, eventually giving them the Rescue Megazord.
He’s trying so hard to not get attached and failing so miserably.
Also mentoring the Rangers is Rocky, returned to Angel Grove, and inadvertently Bulk & Skull.
Then Divatox returns, Havoc by her side, courtesy of Elgar calling her in.
She’s still perfectly hammy, but she starts sowing distrust amongst the already fractious Bowzacks, enticing them to join Dark Spectre’s ranks, and having the Rangers dispose of them.
Exhaus is captured by the Blue Senturion, and Zonnette agrees to testify against him in return for a reduced sentence, exiting the series…with Dimitria.
But this was what Divatox, and by extension, Dark Spectre’s forces were waiting for.
As they launch their assault on Eltar and allied worlds, Divatox unleashes Goldgoyle, destroying the Turbo Zords and weapons while raiding the Power Chamber, capturing the Power Engine, the sentient cars, and the Key to Maligore’s prison.
The Turbo Rangers arrive and try their best, but they’re overwhelmed and Divatox fulfills her promise to destroy the Turbo Morphers, before finally blowing up the Power Chamber.
What happens next occurs relatively close to canon, with Alpha 6 and the Rangers, sans Justin, headed off into Space with the last remaining artifact in Zordon’s collection: a space shuttle capable of Zord functionality, just in case.
In Space
Compared to the other series, I’m not gonna change much because of how good it is.
We do get a more action-y prologue, showcasing Dark Specter’s forces attacking Eltar, with Astronema and Ecliptor holding Zordon’s power chamber.
Zedd arrives, gloating that Zordon is stuck in his little tube since his back up Power Chamber on Earth is destroyed, and the rangers guarding it were de-powered and (as far as they know) killed.
He’s taken to the planet Cimmeria, but before the ship jumps into lightspeed, a familiar cloaked stranger sneaks aboard.
Divatox arrives and summons Maligore, allowing Dark Spectre to take its body.
When Andros first meets the Rangers, there’s initially some friction because they’re not the Power Rangers of Earth, who all seem to have disappeared.
The Rangers of Karovia (KO-35) are basically their version of Lightspeed Rescue, technologically created morphers and zords meant to act as a deep space rescue force, though as Dark Spector’s forces moved in, increasingly became freedom fighters and straight up combatants.
Andros and Zhane are on-and-off romantic, but Karovians are a lot cooler with polyamory, so Andros also has feelings for Ashley, and when Zhane wakes up and sees the chemistry between the two is just like ‘sweet! Girlfriend-in-law!
The Psycho Rangers are the twisted spirits of Power Rangers who turned evil (Like Psycho Green), practically insane at this point via the processes uses to make them monsters.
The Z-Wave does not wipe out all evil, but purges the evildoers who had tied their power to Dark Spector so intricately. All the minions and monsters die, as does Rito, being an undead being of Dark Magic, several others are given forceful adjustments to their point of view, and Zedd and Rita (Now Mistress Vile, as her father’s successor) barely survive do to Zedd’s…precautions.
The Rita Putty from MMPR is hit by the wave just outside of a little town called Briarwood, and is saved by a comforting voice, and the feeling of comforting magic...
Divatox and Elgar get those forceful adjustments, but that doesn’t mean they won’t return to their dastardly ways.
But still, the day is saved, and perhaps most importantly, the Astro Ranger’s identities are known, which has gotta have repercussions for the future.
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shelsaef17 · 1 year
Hasbro: Lightning Collection Power Rangers Turbo Blue Senturion
Blue Senturion is a new deluxe figure in the Power Rangers Lightning collection line of... from https://ift.tt/hBQYcMN
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jasonthex · 1 year
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Okay Blue Senturion is in my top ten for this year. #lightningcollection #powerrangers #powerrangersturbo #bluesenturion #toys #figlife #acba https://www.instagram.com/p/CoiG3YUJx6p/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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90stoybox · 2 years
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sentairangers95 · 3 years
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mateushonrado · 5 years
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Status Post #8267: Power Rangers (TV show only) Archive 3 of 16
Row 1: Auric the Conqueror (Derek Stephen Prince), Justin Stewart (Blake Foster, Turbo Blue) and Blue Senturion (David Walsh)
Row 2: TJ Johnson (Selwyn Ward, Turbo Red II / Space Blue) and Carlos Vallerte (Roger Velasco, Turbo Green II / Space Black)
Row 3: Ashley Hammond (Tracy Lynn Cruz, Turbo Yellow II / Space Yellow), Cassie Chan (Patricia Ja Lee, Turbo Pink II / Space Pink) and Phantom Ranger (Alex Dodd)
Row 4: Andros (Christopher Khayman Lee, Space Red) and Zhane (Justin Nimmo, Space Silver)
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tokucosplay · 2 years
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Blue Senturion / Signalman cosplayed by megaranger77.
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castlewyvern · 5 years
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mat2modblog · 6 years
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Ninjor tho.
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