#Best colon oncologist
drdodulmondal · 5 months
Understanding about Colorectal Cancer 
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Colorectal cancer is a kind of cancer that happens in the colon or rectum. It's more common in people over 50. Things like age, family history, and lifestyle can make someone more likely to get it. Symptoms can be changes in how you go to the bathroom, seeing blood in your stool, stomach pain, or losing weight without trying. if you suffering from such symptoms must be consult a Colorectal Cancer Specialist. Dr. Dodul Mondal is considered one of the best Colorectal oncologists in Delhi.
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drtanmoymandal · 4 months
Are you experiencing bloody bowel movements? Know if it’s a sign of colon cancer from the best medical oncologist in Kolkata.
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justaskanurse · 6 months
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The low cost of colon cancer treatment India provides solace to patients, as medical procedures and treatments are considerably more economical compared to other developing and advanced countries
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dramishchaudhary1 · 7 months
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Colon cancer treatment in Delhi at fortis South Delhi, Vasant Kunj
Leading colon cancer treatment by expert doctors at Fortis South Delhi Vasant Kunj Advanced tech experienced specialists for effective care
For Best Information Please Visit Our Website - https://delhicancergroup.com/colon-cancers.php Address - Room No. B -31 , Basement Opd wing , Fortis Flt. Lt. Rajan Dhall Hospital, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, Pocket 1, Sector B, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi, Delhi 110070 Phone - +91 9205645883
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gicancercaredr · 1 year
Colon Cancer Treatment in Delhi
Colon cancer is a type of cancer that starts in the colon or rectum. Treatment options include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy. Early detection through screening is important for better outcomes. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar is an acclaimed Best Oncologist in Delhi oncologist with 12 years of experience in the field of oncology. He is known as one of the best colon cancer doctors in Delhi, and has a special interest in the diagnosis and treatment of colon cancer. Dr. Kumar currently works at the Manipal Comprehensive Cancer Center in Delhi, where he has gained a reputation for providing high-quality care to his patients. He is recognized as a leading colon cancer specialist in Delhi and is sought after by patients from across the country. With his extensive experience and expertise, Dr. Kumar is able to offer the latest and most advanced treatments for colon cancer. He takes a personalized approach to patient care, tailoring each treatment plan to the individual needs of his patients. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar is committed to providing the best possible care for his patients, and is dedicated to helping them achieve the best possible outcomes. He is highly respected by his peers and patients alike, and is widely regarded as one of the best oncologists in Delhi. If you are looking for colon cancer treatment in Delhi, Dr. Kumar is an excellent choice.
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daidi-dragan-glas · 1 month
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Gmornin Sunshines and happy Monday
Some of you know, I've been fighting stage 4a Colon cancer with extensive mets to liver, lungs and lymph nodes for the past little while.. (since my diagnosis in Sept of 2022). To begin with, I was told I had about a year and a half, well, I've obviously passed that little mile marker by a few months. There for awhile, it seemed as if the systemic chemo was gonna kick it, I was down to just one or 2 small lesions in my liver that were shrinking. But October of last year, I had new spots in my lungs, lymph nodes and liver, so we kicked up the chemo a notch(about as aggressively as possible) and they began shrinking again by December. My oncologist pointed out a month or so ago that it looked like I might actually be a candidate for surgery to remove a portion of my liver and that it might even be a curative procedure, so scheduled consults with a hepatic biliary surgeon and an interventional radiologist to look into it. I got my hopes way up, only to essentially get a kick in the teeth. Seems I didn't only have one or two lesions in my liver (that were growing by the way), I have 6 or 7 that are growing pretty quickly, and I am NOT a candidate for that surgery.
So at this point my only option is still just continuing the course of a systemic chemotherapy, stay as aggressive with it as possible, constantly having to harp at my oncologist that I would much rather put up with more side effects than to "keep my quality of life" high... I would much prefer to feel like absolute shit for awhile and have a good chance of beating this shit, than to live only 6 months or a year as if little is wrong.
So, I'm putting this out there, not for sympathy, but for added good thoughts and energy my way, and just to prepare those I care for, that there may come a day when I disappear.
I've worked and practiced my whole life to become the BEST dirty old man that I can be, and now that I'm on the cusp of achieving that, fucking cancer wants to take it away from me... Well, fuck that noise! I'm not done yet 😉
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yadivagirl · 4 months
My Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week
This has been the absolutely worst week ever. I'm going to write down everything that happened because I feel like I need to have a written memory.
The husband of my best friend from high school has been fighting colon cancer. On Monday he was released from the study he was in because the medicine isn't working and the cancer tumors are starting to leak fluid. His oncologist referred him to HOSPICE care. We're basically waiting for him to die.
I ordered two gas stoves from Home Depot. One for my tenant who's always home and one for my childhood home that I've been renovating. Long story short, they didn't deliver the one for my tenant because they said he wasn't home. He has a heart condition! He's always home! He works from home! They delivered mine but decided they couldn't install it so now I have a stove sitting in the dining room. No one lives in the house right now so it's not a problem but now I have to pay someone to install.
My CEO won a prestigious award that's a huge deal in our city. My team designed a beautiful social media post announcing her win. She called me at home at 9:40 PM to yell at me because she hated the post for a bunch of dumb ass, stupid ass reasons. Everyone else thought it was gorgeous and some people even sent me notes saying, "What an amazing post. X must be thrilled!" Nope. She wasn't thrilled at all.
My husband ordered a new refrigerator for our house. It was delivered today. This time it's Best Buy. They determined they couldn't install it because we have to upgrade the water line AND couldn't move the old fridge to the basement like we arranged so now I have two refrigerators in my damn kitchen!
To top it all off, I realized this morning that when my friend's husband eventually passes, 3 of the 6 women who were bridesmaids in my wedding will have lost their husbands well before 50. What the actual fuck.
Shittiest. Week. Ever.
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beenjen · 2 years
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Ooooh boy, today, this week, the past few months, the last several years…. It’s not been peak y’all. Not peak at all.
But. BUT. I have listens…. Check it -
This album was everything back in my 20s. The closest friend who in turn ended up introducing me to Chris brought this into my life… let’s just stay today has been a musical journey while it poured rain and ‘tunda’ on middle tennessee… we haven’t had rain in so long, the grass is dying, my flowers despite watering 2 x a day are struggling, my saplings have needed daily drippage, it’s been DRY, also, no matter what the weather channel says, it’s been > 100 for 3 weeks, with ‘feels like’ 110 and higher - so I’m not complaining, I just didn’t go on a hike.
We made cherry turnovers, butterfly art, and owned Minecraft -
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We have a burn ban. We have brown foliage. We have humidity of > 70%. Welcome to the dirty, dirty south 🤘
Before I’m interrupted. Here’s the nitty gritty -
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I did hit that extra 20, I assume the scale was predicting the future. Before I get neggy here, I just want to add, this has been what it is. I am not negative with myself. I’m not mad. I can’t deny a little disappointed that I gained 20 of the 70 I lost back, it wasn’t the 70 though, and I’m still down to clown. Workouts are non existent aside from some stollen made up mat time of my own for maybe 20 minutes, a mile or 2 walk at work on the days I’m there, sometimes weights, more likely not. I’ve continued 16/8 fasting and have extended to a couple 48 hour fasts and it really does do wonders for my hectic mind. I only push for it if I’m not hungry, and it’s not a FULL fast because I will have my collagen and kombucha. It is just, something I’m trying to maintain and not be detrimental to my mental here and now - it’s not like we don’t have a heap of other bs on our heads.
Her ct showed positive movement of her tumors. - I didn’t realize that was plural until recently, so while we are ahead at this point, the war is waging. And I say that not to be over dramatic, it’s just, I have to not be mopped with small wins and no victory, and it’s been a rollercoaster, and I’m swamped with just, grief. It’s grief, sitting with our necks on a chopping block, waiting for it to drop, and no one tells you this. That every visit is an anxiety laden heart attack. That each treatment and lab draw is a potential harbinger, and it’s fucking a Hoover to my soul, it’s an emotional leech on my folks, it’s exhausting. We tally ho of course, and I have this intense guilt for my feelings when it’s happening around me and not TO ME, it’s epically hard though. It’s hard. All of it.
He’s hitting the ground running. His treatments for the myeloma have been great. The oncologists have gotten together and they can do Oral hormone therapy for his relapsed prostate cancer, then switch to pills for his multiple myeloma in the coming months as well. Positive on that front.
The summer programs with Jamis have been a hit. He has had a blast playing with cousins, doing ‘science’ and he is thrilled for legos this coming week. Best decision ever - also, not having to deal with the day to day dramedy that is my in-laws feels like we’ve had a damn colonic - the total crap of their instability and inconsistency is GONE, and hubs not having the day in and out with them has boosted his mood so far it’s stratospheric at this point. It’s as if I’m married to another man. His parents baggage was so heavy, not having them insert themselves 20 times a day for diet, questions about shows to watch, bathing suits, sun block, random ‘he doesn’t want to do x’ it’s been a breeze y’all. Easy breezy beautiful cover girl over here with excommunicado in-laws.
My SIL and bro are out the outskirts too as they’ve contracted Covid again, for the third time. Even though it’s apparently not real and a conspiracy. Just made the 4th easier. With the burn ban, we did paper lanterns that burn out in the atmosphere and are biodegradable-
The rest is history. We are all chugging along. Work has been so incredible. My current working with team has been elevated, and turns out I WILL be getting what I previously had; work from home day, procedure day, and position increase to lead NP. So, I followed my gut, and it worked out. Honestly that restored some of my distrust in humanity and Karma. Always a good thing.
Hope you guys are all doing fabulous. Sending you much love and encouragement through the day to day xx
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marciadbanas21 · 11 days
Discover the Expertise of Dr. Vikas Dua: Fortis Hospital's Pediatric Oncology Extraordinaire in Delhi
Cancer in children can develop in any part of the body, including the blood and lymphatic system, brain and spinal cord, kidneys, and other organs and tissues. Cancer begins when healthy cells change and grow uncontrollably. In most cancers, these cells form a mass called a tumor, which can be either cancerous or benign. A cancerous tumor is malignant, meaning it can grow and spread to other parts of the body. A benign tumor can grow but will not spread to distant parts of the body.
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Types of childhood cancers:
Although cancer is the most deadly disease of childhood and adolescence, it affects nearly 15,500 children each year, compared to about 1.2 million adults. Nine out of ten adult cancers are carcinomas, malignancies that develop in the cells lining the inner or outer surfaces of organs such as the lungs, breast, prostate, colon, and bladder. In contrast, cancers in children and adolescents primarily fall into four other categories: leukemias, lymphomas, sarcomas, and gliomas.
Dr. Vikas Dua- Translating Discovery in to Cures for Children with Cancer
A diagnosis of cancer can be devastating for a child and their family. However, there is hope. Dr. Vikas Dua pediatric oncology specialist Fortis hospital Delhi has made significant advances that have greatly improved outcomes over the years. He offers the ideal setting, utilizing internationally recognized cancer expertise and renowned pediatric care. Patient can book Dr. Vikas Dua oncologist appointments as his experience provides patients with cutting-edge, compassionate care, including diagnostic evaluations, treatment plans, and extensive mental and social support.
Dr. Vikas Dua pediatric oncology specialist Fortis hospital Delhi also runs a clinic for long-term follow-up of pediatric cancer patients, attacking cancer from every angle. Patient can book Dr. Vikas Dua oncologist appointments as he is a pediatric hemato-oncologist and bone marrow transplant specialist of his generation. His results in pediatric hematology, oncology, and BMT are among the best. He and his team have performed over 200 pediatric transplants. Dr. Vikas Dua pediatric oncology specialist Fortis hospital Delhi is known for his outstanding outcomes in stem cell transplants, particularly in pediatric haploidentical transplants, and has conducted some of the rarest transplants ever done in India.
Dr. Vikas Dua pediatric oncologists in India who provide excellent care for children
Patient can book Dr. Vikas Dua oncologist appointments as he understands that a cancer diagnosis affects the entire family, not just the child. He is dedicated to offering effective and meaningful support to each family member throughout the treatment process and beyond. Dr. Vikas Dua pediatric oncology specialist Fortis hospital Delhi specializes in caring for newborns up to age 25 with hematologic and oncologic concerns. He prioritizes family-centered care and maintains clear communication with referring providers.
Patient can book Dr. Vikas Dua oncologist appointments as his mission is to provide comprehensive, expert care to children with cancer and blood diseases, from diagnosis to recovery. His holistic approach integrates patient and family counseling, as well as support groups, into each child's personalized treatment plan. With tailored pediatric patient care, Dr. Vikas Dua pediatric oncology specialist Fortis hospital Delhi ensures that your family's unique needs are accommodated. Patient can book Dr. Vikas Dua oncologist appointments as he works with patients of all ages and is available to provide healthcare intervention and support for a wide range of psychosocial issues and concerns surrounding childhood cancer illnesses.
India cancer surgery service benefits
Upon reaching out to India cancer surgery service, you will be assigned a dedicated patient care manager who will address all your inquiries and guide you through your options with personalized assistance at every step of your journey, from arranging consultations to treatment. We prioritize understanding you, your health needs, and the best healthcare plans for your situation. Dr. Vikas Dua pediatric oncology specialist Fortis hospital Delhi ensure you receive top-quality medical care. We handle all logistical aspects of your care, including scheduling, billing, and insurance, so you can focus solely on your path to improved health. We eagerly anticipate contributing to the success of your cancer treatment journey!
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haythamelsalhat · 11 days
Colon Cancer Screening Abu Dhabi
Early detection is crucial in the fight against colon cancer. For comprehensive colon cancer screening in Abu Dhabi, visit Dr. Haytham El-Salhat, one of the best oncologists in Abu Dhabi. Using state-of-the-art technology, Dr. El-Salhat provides thorough and effective screening options to detect potential issues early on. Ensure your peace of mind and health by scheduling your screening today. For more information, visit colon cancer screening in Abu Dhabi
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sumitshaha-blog · 24 days
Cancer Specialist In Pune | Dr. Sumit Shah 
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Dr. Sumit Shah is a highly experienced Cancer Specialist In Pune with 16 years of expertise in surgical oncology. He is the Founder of Prolife Cancer Centre and is the Chief Consultant, Surgical Oncologist & Laparoscopic Cancer Surgeon in Pune. Having pursued a super specialty course at the Cancer Centre Welfare Home and Res. Institute, Kolkata and being awarded as the Best Outgoing Cancer Surgeon from his Institute, Dr. Shah is one of the Best Surgical Oncologist in Pune, India who possesses this recognized degree in Surgical Oncology.
 Dr. Sumit Shah, a renowned Cancer Surgeon in Pune, specializes in Breast, Oral, and Colon Cancer treatments. As a leading cancer specialist in Pune, Dr. Sumit Shah and his team of dedicated oncologists offer advanced care. You can trust Dr.Shah for unparalleled cancer treatment in Pune. 
Take the first step towards recovery with expert care from Dr. Sumit Shah. Contact Prolife Cancer Centre Pune's best cancer hospital today to schedule your consultation. Let us guide you on your journey to health.
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sravanihospitals · 1 month
Best oncology hospital in hyderabad | Madhapur - Sravani Hospitals
Sravani Hospitals the Best oncology hospital in hyderabad, Madhapur: Leading the Way in Oncology Care
Are you in search of the Best oncology hospital in hyderabad, Madhapur? Look no further than Sravani Hospitals, where excellence in oncology care meets compassionate patient-centered service. With a team of renowned oncologists and state-of-the-art facilities, Sravani Hospitals stands out as the premier choice for individuals in need of top-notch cancer treatment.
Why Choose Sravani as Best oncology hospital in hyderabad, Madhapur?
Expert Oncologists: At Sravani Hospitals, we boast a team of experienced and highly skilled oncologists who are leaders in their field. Our specialists are trained in diagnosing and treating a wide range of cancers, from common malignancies such as breast, lung, and colon cancer to rare and complex tumors.
Comprehensive Oncology Services: We offer a comprehensive range of oncology services, including consultation, diagnostic testing, medical oncology, radiation therapy, surgical oncology, and supportive care. Our goal is to provide personalized, multidisciplinary care tailored to each patient's specific cancer type, stage, and individual needs.
State-of-the-Art Facilities: Our hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art oncology facilities, including advanced imaging technology, radiation therapy units, surgical theaters, and chemotherapy infusion centers. We utilize the latest techniques and innovations in cancer treatment to deliver the highest standard of care to our patients.
Patient-Centered Approach: At Sravani Hospitals, we prioritize the well-being and satisfaction of our patients above all else. From the moment patients enter our doors, they are greeted with warmth, empathy, and respect. Our dedicated staff ensure that patients receive personalized attention, clear communication, and support throughout their cancer treatment journey.
Key Oncology Services Offered
Medical Oncology: Our medical oncologists specialize in the diagnosis and medical management of cancer, including chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, and hormone therapy, tailored to each patient's specific cancer type and treatment goals.
Radiation Oncology: Our radiation oncologists provide advanced radiation therapy techniques, including intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS), and brachytherapy, to precisely target and destroy cancer cells while minimizing damage to surrounding healthy tissue.
Surgical Oncology: Our surgical oncologists perform complex cancer surgeries, including tumor resections, lymph node dissections, and organ-preserving procedures, using minimally invasive techniques whenever possible to achieve optimal outcomes and faster recovery times.
Supportive Care Services: We offer comprehensive supportive care services, including pain management, nutritional counseling, psychological support, and palliative care, to help patients manage symptoms, cope with treatment side effects, and improve their quality of life during and after cancer treatment.
Admissions and Appointments
Patients seeking oncology care at Sravani Hospitals the Best oncology hospital in hyderabad, Madhapur can schedule appointments through our website, phone, or by visiting our hospital in person. Our staff are available to assist with appointment scheduling, insurance verification, and any inquiries patients may have about our services.
Sravani Hospitals is the leading destination for oncology care. With our expert oncologists, comprehensive services, state-of-the-art facilities, and patient-centered approach, we are committed to delivering exceptional care and helping patients achieve the best possible outcomes in their cancer journey. Visit Sravani Hospitals Best oncology hospital in hyderabad, Madhapur today and experience the difference in oncology excellence.
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Low cost of colon cancer treatment India is a very comforting for the sufferers due to the fact the surgical treatment and treatment in India is a ways low priced compared to other growing nations and superior international places.
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dramishchaudhary1 · 9 months
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Colon cancer treatment in Delhi at fortis South Delhi, Vasant Kunj
Leading colon cancer treatment by expert doctors at Fortis South Delhi Vasant Kunj Advanced tech experienced specialists for effective care
Please Visit Our Website - https://delhicancergroup.com/ Address - Room No. B -31 , Basement Opd wing , Fortis Flt. Lt. Rajan Dhall Hospital, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, Pocket 1, Sector B, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi, Delhi 110070 Phone - +91 9205645883
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gicancercaredr · 1 year
Best Colon Surgery Doctor in Delhi
Colon cancer, also known as colorectal cancer, is a type of cancer that starts in the colon or rectum. It usually develops from polyps in the colon or rectum, which are abnormal growths that can turn into cancer over time. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar is a highly skilled and experienced colon cancer specialist in Delhi, India. With 12 years of expertise in the field of oncology, he is recognized as the best colon surgery doctor in Delhi, offering cutting-edge treatments for colon cancer. As a colon cancer surgeon in Delhi, Dr. Sanjeev Kumar is committed to providing the best possible care to his patients, ensuring they receive personalized treatment plans tailored to their specific needs. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar is the Best Oncologist in Delhi who dedicated to providing compassionate care to his patients and their families. He works closely with a team of healthcare professionals to ensure his patients receive the best possible care throughout their cancer journey. If you or someone you love is seeking for Colon Cancer surgeon in Delhi, Dr. Sanjeev Kumar is an excellent choice. With his expertise, dedication, and compassionate approach to care, he is one of the top choices for colon cancer treatment in Delhi.
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